Baldwin County Drawers and Counties they drew in


R.S. = Revolutionary Soldier

Elizabeth Babb, widow. R. S., Muscogee County
John R. Brown, R. S.,  Lee County
Bishop Clements,  Lee County
Henry L. Densler,  Muscogee County
Zachariah Doles, orphan,  Coweta County
Boswell Y. Evans,  Lee County
Hariet & Sar Goodwin, orphans,  Coweta County
Elizabeth Green, widow, Lee County
Frederick J. Green,  Coweta County
Myles Greene, jun., Muscogee County
Grief Hardaway, Muscogee County
James C. Humphries, Lee County
Jesse Humphries,  Lee County
Thomas Humphries,  Lee County
Josiah Mathews, Muscogee County
Henry Meacham, Sr. R. S.,  Muscogee County
Ann Melhado, widow, Troup County
John Myrick, R S.,  Muscogee County
Robert N. Parham,  Lee County
Children of R. Reaves, father absent,  Lee County
Levin J. Smith,  Coweta County
Francis Asbury B. Wheeler,  Carroll County
Henry H. Wheeler,  Muscogee County
Julius A. Wicker,  Carroll County

William Akridge, R. S.  Lee County
Solomon Dyre Belton,  Lee County
Drucilla Brown, widow,  Carroll County
William Brown,  Muscogee County
John Bryan,  Lee County
Sarah Davis, widow,  Coweta County
Armond Effry,  Carroll County
Adaline E. Grizall, widow,  Muscogee County
Iverson L. Harris,  Lee County
Thomas R. Huson,  Muscogee County
James A. Jeter, Lee County
Jacob Keister,  Muscogee County
William Mahonn's orphans,  Lee County
Daniel Murphy's orphans,  Lee County
John Murphy,  Muscogee County
Redding B. Musselwhite,  Lee County
Moses Night,  Lee County
James Obriant,  Lee County
Thomas Ragland,  Lee County
Ann Thornton, widow,  Lee County
Narcissa Tolbert, widow,  Muscogee County
Adam Wilkinson,Carroll County; Muscogee County

Wm. Allen's orphans,  Lee County
Jacob Cobb,  Lee County
Nancy Edmundson, widow,  Muscogee County
Elizabeth Evans, widow. R. S., Carroll County
Wilson Gordy,  Carroll County
Alexander Irving,  Lee County
Thomas Jones,  Muscogee County
S. A. Kinley,  Lee County
Charles Malone,  Lee County;  Carroll County
George L. McGehee,  Lee County
John Oler,  Carroll County; Lee County
Anderson Redding, R. S., Muscogee County
William Scurlock, jr. Lee County
William Spurlock, R. S.,  Lee County
William Searcy,  Troup County
Orphans of Benj. Trice,  Lee County
Orphans of Robert Wynn,  Coweta County

William D. Amburn,  Carroll County
Benanuel Bower, Lee County
David Cremer, Lee County
Thomas Glass' orphans, Coweta County
Hardy P. Humphrey,  Muscogee County
James Martin, Lee County
Robert Northcut's orphans,  Lee County
Robert Preswood, Carroll County
John R. Roberson,  Muscogee County
Michael Smith,  Muscogee County
Keziah Todd widow,  Troup County

Sarah Anderson, blind, Lee County
Horatio N. Barkesdale, Troup County
Basil Cone,  Lee County
Darkess Cone, widow, Coweta County
Ro. G. Crittenden, soldier, Lee County
John Gill, Lee County
Henry Green, soldier,  Lee County
William Harvey,  Carroll County
Josiah Mathews, soldier, Muscogee County
Henry McMullin,  Lee County
Benjamin J. Parham, Troup County
George Searcy, R. S.  Carroll County; Troup County

Benjamin Askew,  Muscogee County
Appleton Bivins,  Troup County
Orphans of Jonathan Bivins,  Lee County
David Blakey, soldier,  Troup County
Rabun Collins,  Muscogee County
Eliza Curry, illegitimate,  Muscogee County
John H. Curry,  Lee County
Henry Garey,  Lee County
Henry Gray,  Coweta County
John Skinner,  Lee County
Wm. Quinn, soldier,  Lee County
Fanny Lewis, widow,  Lee County
Fielding Lewis,  Muscogee County
James K. Lewis,  Carroll County
William Lindsey,  Muscogee County
Henry Lord, Lee County
William McGinty, soldier,  Muscogee County
John Moore,  Muscogee County
Whittington Moore, soldier,  Lee County
Orphans of John Pitts,  Troup County
Mary Pryor, widow,  Coweta County
Martin Russel, soldier,  Lee County
Orphans of Henry Skinner, Lee County
William Speights,  Lee County
James Thomas, R. S.,  Muscogee County
William Twilley, soldier,  Coweta County

Mary Bailey, widow,  Carroll County
William B. Ball, Carroll County
Jacob Barrow, Carroll County;  Coweta County
Thomas Batson,  Carroll County
William Bird, Troup County
Lavinia C. Brown, illegitimate, Carroll County
Tomlinson F. Buchanan,  Muscogee County
John Bulger, Lee County
James S. Calhoun, Lee County
John M. Carter,  Muscogee County
S. B. Clark, widow, R. S.  Troup County
Mariah Cook, widow,  Troup County
John Covy,  Coweta County
S. M. Crenshaw, widow,  Lee County
W. H. Crenshaw's orphans,  Coweta County
Arthur B. Davis,  Carroll County
William J. Davis,  Troup County
Francis V. Delaunay, Muscogee County
Jos. D. Dingly,  Lee County
Josiah Doles,  Coweta County
G. T. Dortic,  Troup County
Andrew Du Bourg,  Lee County
Henry Eberly,  Lee County
Wyat Foard,  Muscogee County
Tomlinson Fort, Coweta County
Fleming Grantland's orphans, Troup County
Martin Hill,  Carroll County
Thos. Hill, orphan.  Lee County
R. K. Hines,  Lee County
Edith Howard, widow R. S.,  Lee County
William C. Huson,  Carroll County
Ezra B. Jones, Muscogee County; Troup County
Sarah H. Jones orphan.  Coweta County
Rispy Jowell widow  Carroll County
Hugh Knox,  Lee County
Mirabeau B. Lamar,  Muscogee County
M.& M. Leget, illegimates,  Lee County
David Lovett,  Carroll County; Lee
Henry W. Malone,  Troup County
Nancy F. Mitchell, husband absent, Carroll County
Thomas Mounger, orphan, Muscogee County
Caroline Pryor, widow  Muscogee County
Patience Raiford, widow, R. S.,  Coweta County
Spencer Roberts,  Muscogee County
James Rousseau's orphans, Muscogee County
Fred'k. Sanford's orphans, Lee County
Archibald Shaw,  Muscogee County
James F. Slater,  Coweta ounty
Sarah Smith, widow R. S.,  Muscogee County
Esther Torrance, widow  Troup County
William Triplett,  Muscogee County
Leroy M. Wiley, Troup County
Ann Wiley, widow,  Coweta County
Elisha Wood's orphans.  Lee County
Pryor Wright, Lee County
Gabriel Wynn,  Troup County
John D. Young,  Lee County

David Batson,  Lee County
Richard A. Batson,  Lee County
Edward Brown, R. S.,  Lee County
Jehu Callaway,  Muscogee County
John Coley,  Muscogee County
Nathaniel Ennis' orphans.  Carroll County
Wm. D. Evans, R. S.  Troup County
Benjamin Hall,  Lee County
Bolling Hall,  Carroll County
Jane Kirkpatrick, widow.,  Muscogee County
James Leonard, Troup County
Thomas Miles, R. S.,  Lee County
James Montgomery,  Lee County
Mary Ann Parsons, husband absent Carroll County
Joseph L. D. Phelps,  Muscogee County
James Porter,  Muscogee County
John Simpson,  Muscogee County
Ledsey Smith,  Muscogee County
Sarah Turner, orphan,  Troup County

Richard A. Batson,  Coweta County
Samuel Beckham, R. S.,  Muscogee County
James Bivins,  Carroll County
Shadrack Bivins,  Lee County
Durham Bowen,  Lee County
William P. Brown, R. S.  Lee County
Uriah Brown, R. S.,  Carroll County
Isaac W. Burton, : Muscogee County
John W. H. Dawson, illegit.  Coweta County
Toliver Davis, R. S.,  Carroll County
Horace R. Dinkins,  Lee County
Henry Gee,  Lee County; Muscogee County
Abner Hammond, R. S.,  Lee County; Muscogee County
John Hodge,  Coweta County
Jane Howard, widow, R. S.,  Muscogee County
Milton N. Howard's orps.  Carroll County
Elizabeth Hoy, widow,  Lee County
Theddeus Hubbard,  Lee County
Wilson & Mary Hubbard, ills.,  Coweta County
Mathew Jourdan,  Coweta County
Gideons Mims,  Lee County
James Murry's orphans, Lee County
James Murry's orphans, father died in late war, : Carroll County
S., W., A. & C. Pendexter, ills.  Lee County
James Pettigrew's orphans,  Lee County
Susannah Petigree, widow,  Lee County
Robert Rutherford's orphs. : Troup County
Williams Rutherford,  Lee County
Solomon Sacicus, orphan,  Coweta County
Ezekiel Sewell,  Lee County
Ezekiel Sowell,  Muscogee County
Adam Tapley, R. S.  Lee County
Rachel Trapp, widow,  Troup County
Robert Willis, Muscogee County
Thomas Willis, : Muscogee County
John Wilson,  Coweta County

Willis Beckwith, soldier,  Muscogee County
John Casey,  Lee County
Nathan L. Harriss,  Muscogee County
Thomas Kemp, soldier,  Troup County
Daniel McDonald,  Lee County
William Searcy, soldier,  Carroll County
Charles R. Wynn,  Muscogee County

Allen Box, illegitimate,  Muscogee County
Betsey Etheridge's illegitimates, Muscogee County
Samuel Flint,  Lee County
David Hill,  Lee County

Orphans of Henry Brown, : Lee County
Elijah M. Callaway, Carroll County
Orphan of John Crowder, Troup County
Catherine Cavenah, widow,  Lee County
William Daniel, soldier,  Muscogee County
Elizabeth Dismukes, widow, : Muscogee County
Polly Ellis, widow, Muscogee County
Gideon Flewellen, Lee County; Muscogee County
Samuel Gammon, Carroll County
Samuel R. Gibson,  Coweta County
Orphans of Joseph H. Grant,  Carroll County
Winnifred King, widow,  Troup County
Jane Miles, widow,  Carroll County
John Miles, sen., R. S.,  Carroll County
John P. Miles,  Lee County
George S. Perdue, Troup County
Nicholas Pool's orphans,  Lee County; Troup County
William W. Pool,  Troup County
Basil Prichard,  Troup County
William B. Pryor, Carroll County
Orphans of Theodosius Turk,  Lee County
Robert E. Wicker,  Muscogee County
Bartlett Wicks, Esq. Lee County
James Williams, Lee County
Moses Wright,  Muscogee County

Micajah Beasly, orphan,  Carroll County
Orps. of Jeremiah Bridges, Lee County
John Cone, sen.,  Carroll County; Muscogee County
John Cone, sen., R. S.  Troup County
Grief H. Ferguson,  Carroll County
John Goodwin,  Troup County
Louisa H. Greene, illegit.,  Muscogee County
Nancy Hogens, widow R. S.,  Muscogee County
Orphans of Drury Jackson,  Lee County; Carroll County
Christian Jenkins, widow,  Lee County
Lott Loyd, Carroll County
William Martin,  Coweta County
Elijah Moore's orphans,  Coweta County
Martha Moore, widow, Lee County
John Morris, R. S.,  Troup County
George S. Perdue,  Lee County
James A. Perdue, soldier,  Lee County
Thomas Peters,  Coweta County
Betsy Pickett, widow,  Troup County
Jonathan Thomas's orphans,  Lee County
Robert Reynolds, Esq.  Coweta County
James Scoggin, Coweta County
Orphans of Jonathan Thomas,  Carroll County
Martin Thomas,  Muscogee County
Thomas Whitwork,  Troup County

State of Georgia. Recorder Office. Official Register of the Land Lottery of 1827. Milledgeville, GA: Grantland & Orme, 1827.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2005