1832  Georgia Land Lottery
Baldwin County Drawers


105th District
John Dunn
Jacob Gumm, soldier
James King
Elisha King, soldier
James K. Lewis
John E. Lewis
John K. Lewis
Joseph N. Miller
Mary Moore, widow
Whittington Moore
William M. Parsons, minor father absent
William W. Russell
Thomas Speights

Salem (115th District)
John Allen, soldier
John Ayres
Leacy Hardy, widow
Martin H. Harris, orphan
Augustus G. W. Hodges
Samuel Jackson, soldier
Joseph Leonard
George Perdee
Pleasant Perdee
William C. Pitts
David Robertson
James Smith, soldier
Joseph Stephens's orphans
William S. Thompson
William O. Thompson
Wilson Turner
Elijah Twilley, soldier
Collin Wood
:Leonard Worsham

Lazarus B. Anderson
Marjam B. Baisden, orphan
Knotley W. Cone
John Evans
Mary Cone, widow
Thomas L. Densler
Elizabeth Doles, widow
Joseph H. C. Gindrat
William F. Greene
Ebenezer C. Hatcher
Bettey Humphries, widow
Alexander Jarratt
Benjamin P. Mercier
Martha Myrick
William D. Scoggin
Rachel Smith, widow
Isaac Woodall

Henry Brown
William Ellis
John Gill, soldier
Caswell Haddock
Seaborn Jones
Richard T. Lingo
Peleg R. M'Crary
William D. Ray, soldier
Washington Speir
Benjamin Talbert/Tolbert
John Turk
Miles Robinson
Charles M. Vinson
John Weeks

Hill's (322nd District)
Shadrach Bivins, soldier
Augustus H. Black
Ezekial Bogg's orphans
Sally Boggs, widow
Joseph Cone
James Harrison
John Fuller, Jr
Wiley Gilmore
Samuel Hall
Thomas Lee
Fielding Lewis, soldier
Ezekial Miller
Nancy Miller, orphan
James C. Pemberton
William Savage
Jesse Seaborn
John Sharpe, soldier
Samuel Stewart
Young W. White
William Wilson
Benjamin Woolsey, soldier

Perry's District (321st Disrict)
Robert W. Alston
James N. Bethune
John Bivins's orphans
Benjamin Bowers, soldier
Hiram Carter
Joseph Cook's orphans
Stephen Daniel's orphans
Sarah Davis, widow
Ambrose Day
William Dee
James C. Hoy
George M. Lewis
James Lewis's orphans
Nancy D. Lewis, widow
William Oliver
Samuel M. Perry
Thomas Macklin
Nathaniel Miller, Rev. Soldier
Zealous Miller
John Rutherford, soldier of Indian war
John Rutherford, Jr.
John Rutherford, Rev. Soldier

320th District (Milledgeville)
Elizabeth Allen, widow
James Armstrong
Daniel Barringer
Solomom Birdwell
Mary E. Blome, widow
Ashly Boon, widow
John A. Boutwell
L..D. Buckner
Henry K. Burroughs
Jane Chasten orphans
Joshua Covey
Susannah Craft, widow
Henry Darnell, soldier of Indian war
Robert M. Darnell
Walker Duncan
Riley Durden
Edwin J. L. Easter
Jane Ferrel, widow
James Fleming's orphans
Jacob Fogle
Philip C. Gieu
James Godwin's orphans
William L. Greene
Miller Grieve
Abner Hammond
Abner Hammond's orphans
John Hass
Burton Hepburn
Margaret Jarell, widow
George W. Jennings
Walter Jones, soldier by substitute
John Manning
John Marlow
William Mahoughn's orphans
Benjamin Moore
William B. Murphey
James M'Murphy
George W. Murray
Ezekial E. Park
John E. Petigrue
William T. Pike
William S. Rockwell
John W. A. Sanford
James G. Smith
Westly Stone
Joseph W. Quill
Patience Raiford
James Rosseau's orphans
Jacob Rowe
George Runnels
William F. Scott, soldier
James G. Smith
Matthew Smith
William B. Snead
Elijah Sullivan
Thomas H. D. Vanlandingham
Harriett S. Vickers, widow
Vinson E. Vickers's orphans
William H. Williams, orphan
John R. Wooten

Source: Smith, James F. The Cherokee Land Lottery, Containing a Numerical List of the Names of the Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery. New York: - , 1838.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2005