1840 Federal Census Index, Baldwin County Georgia
Compiled and Indexed by Eileen Babb McAdams
NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is my  interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.

320 GMD, City of Milledgeville

Page 1

  1 Robert McComb
  2 James Crissy
  3 Richard Rochet
  4 Ailsy Boon
  5 Mary Hightower
  6 Zilpha Mahone
  7 James Eastwood
  8 Redding Musslewhite
  9 Jane Ferrell
  10 James Wood
  11 Henry Farnell
  12 William Wood
  13 Francis L. Owens
  14 William G. Hansell
  15 John Haas
  16 John Geno
  17 Thomas Haynes
  18 Nathan Hawkins
  19 Benjamin H. Reynolds
  20 Jane M. Eve
  21 George W. Jennings
  22 Albert H. Root
  23 Milburn Turner
  24 John H. Steele
  25 William Bivins
  26 Garner Edwards
  27 Sarah Hammond
  28 George W. Kellen
  29 Luke G. Weeks
  30 Samuel Buffington
  31 Augustus H.Kenan

320 GMD, City of Milledgeville
Page 3

  1 Eliza. Jarratt
  2 John Hodges
  3 Joshua Cooey
  4 George F. Case
  5 Mary Warner
  6 Elizabeth A. Crowder
  7 Elizabeth Ellington
  8 John Conn
  9 Mary Moore
  10 Nancy Jones
  11 Martha Cobb
  12 Eliza J. Carnes
  13 Rebecca Breedlove
  14 Alexander Rea
  15 Virginia M. H. Duborg
  16 Irwin Ewing
  17 Reddick Pierce
  18 William A. Tennille
  19 Ceila Craft
  20 Brinkley Babb
  21 Harriett Vickers
  22 Edward Edmondson
  23 Iverson L. Harris
  24 John A. Boutwell
  25 Elizabeth Washington
  26 Robert Micklejohn
  27 Pamela Ann Miller
  28 Sarah Rutherford
  29 Joseph Stovall
  30 William A. Mett
  31 George Leaves
  32 Eliza LaMaste

320 GMD, City of Milledeville
Page 5

  1 Alfred M. Horton
  2 Peter Fair
  3 James Gladden, sen.
  4 John A. Sean
  5 Bartholemew Burnie
  6 Jacob B. Choate
  7 James Herty
  8 Martin E. Edwards
  9 Cornelius McCarty
  10 Nancy J. Godwin
  11 James Duncan
  12 David Kramer
  13 Hardy B. Humphrey
  14 Ezekiel Trice
  15 John L. W. Daniel
  16 Michael O'Brien
  17 Benjamin A. White
  18 Thomas L. Ross
  19 Benjamin F. Dense
  20 Richard A. Blount
  21 Isaac Newell
  22 Samuel Tucker
  23 William I. Mitchell
  24 John L. Barringer
  25 John O. Meana
  26 Robert Wellburn
  27 James Grady
  28 Michael Wall
  29 Anthony Newsom
  30 John. W. A. Lanford
  31 Tomlinson Fort

320 GMD, City of Milledgeville Page 7
  1 Charles J. McDonald
  2 Frances Wood
  3 James O'Brien
  4 Rebecca Hudson
  5 Felding Lewis
  6 Uriah J. Horn
  7 Ambrose Day
  8 Thomas G. Chambers
  9 Alfred N. Nesbit
  10 Emma Bails
  11 Charles W. Choate
  12 Thomas F. Green
  13 James H.R. Washington
  14 Lewis A. Box
  15 Charles D. Hammond
  16 Charles J. Paine
  17 Charles B. Huson
  18 Stephen L. Bardy
  19 George R. Clayton sen.
  20 William C. Powell
  21 Elijah Freeney
  22 William G. Little
  23 Solomon B. Brookins
  24 Thomas F. Stevens
  25 Thomas A. Johnson
  26 Elam Johnson
  27 Thomas Musslewhite
  28 William McAll
  29 Chappell Boutwell
  30 Richard M. Orme
  31 William B. Tinsley
  32 Sarah Davies

320 GMD, City of Milledgeville
Page 9

  1 William V. Ellison
  2 Mary Ann Denton
  3 John Mitchell
  4 John R. Anderson
  5 John Hodge
  6 Josiah Doles
  7 Sidney Sintner
  8 Francis V. Delaunay
  9 Susan Park
  10 Michael J. Kenan
  11 Peter J. Williams
  12 Garett Garetson
  13 Mary Nelson
  14 Thomas Foard
  15 John Bayne
  16 Ann Marlor
  17 Archibald McNeil
  18 Charles H. Nelson
  19 Harriet Rogers
  20 Nathaniel B. Juhan
  21 Thomas B. Stubbs
  22 Jeremiah Beall
  23 Penelope McCannon
  24 Patrick L. Robinson
  25 Abednego Wright
  26 Augustus W. Randolph
  27 Miller Grieve
  28 Samuel F. Beecher

318 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 11

  1 Claiborne Buckner
  2 Stith P. Myrick
  3 James B. Waggoneer
  4 William D. Scoggins
  5 Robert D. Meacham
  6 Marry Moore
  7 William Anderson
  8 Anderson Clements
  9 Peyton Ward
  10 Cadwallader Raines
  11 James Talbort
  12 Catherine McGehee
  13 Jacob Woodall
  14 Thomas M. Hughes
  15 Samuel H. Hughes
  16 John B. Dyer
  17 Richard Rowell
  18 William R. Butts
  19 Benjamin Britt
  20 Thomas M. Green
  21 Joseph I. Green
  22 Elizabeth Green
  23 Thomas Gregory
  24 Noble Ladd
  25 Ambrose Ingram
  26 Martha Myrick
  27 Henry D. Stewart
  28 John McMullen
  29 Levin J. Smith
  30 William Sanford
  31 William T. Scott

318 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 13

  1 Alexander Jarratt
  2 John J. Miller
  3 Thomas Youngblood
  4 Daniel Clifton
  5 William M. Searcy
  6 Horatio A. Barksdale
  7 William H. Dismukes
  8 Thomas Humphreys
  9 John Wilson sen.
  10 William D. Owens
  11 James C. Hagood
  12 James Marchman
  13 Thomas M. Isral
  14 ____ Parker
  15 Henry Brown
  16 Spencer Roberts
  17 Littleberry G. Scoggins
  18 Allen Little
  19 David G. Gibson
  20 John R. Coker
  21 William McDonald
  22 William D. Jarratt
  23 Benjamin L. Jordan
  24 William J. Smith
  25 Jane E. Smith
  26 James Huff

GMD 319, Baldwin County
Page 15

  1 Alfred Ladd
  2 Robert B. Moore
  3 Priscilla Huson
  4 Leroy W. Moore
  5 Abraham Foard
  6 Aaron Collins
  7 James Jolly
  8 David P. Brown
  9 Robert Pickett
  10 Lewis Bagly
  11 James B. Stephens
  12 Theodosius F. Turk
  13 William Page
  14 James Bonner
  15 Virgil R. DuPont
  16 Edmund Brantly
  17 Harris Brantly
  18 William Horn
  19 Levi Horn
  20 Thomas Young
  21 Thomas Turk
  22 William H. Ogilvy
  23 Dudley H. Tatum
  24 Martha Gee
  25 Jonathan Moore
  26 Joseph Denson
  27 Benjamin Talbort
  28 Jacob Collins
  29 John Turk
  30 Mary Harris

319 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 17

  1 David Collins
  2 William C. Humphrey
  3 Mansell J. Smith
  4 Eli Justice
  5 Mornington Raines
  6 Oliver H. P. Bonner
  7 William Jolly
  8 William D. Ray

115 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 19

  1 Ann R. Williams
  2 Daniel Buckner
  3 Ezekiel Howell
  4 William Moran
  5 James Smith
  6 James Moran
  7 Mary Doyle
  8 Frederick Butts
  9 William O. Thompson
  10 William Jones
  11 John Calloway
  12 Benjamin Johnson
  13 Williamson Thweatt
  14 John Calloway
  15 William Babb
  16 John Brown
  17 George W. Butts
  18 Thomas C. Butts
  19 Charles Ennis
  20 Jefferson Allen
  21 Jeremiah Worsham
  22 Benjamin Hall
  23 James Jones
  24 James H. Pully
  25 Joseph Leonard
  26 Michael Leonard
  27 Catherine G. Bonner
  28 James M. Hall
  29 Samuel Johnson
  30 John O. Prosser

115 District, Baldwin County
Page 21

  1 William H. H. Tucker
  2 Stith W. Bonner
  3 Irvin Dalton
  4 Mahala King
  5 Colin Wood
  6 Thomas Prosser
  7 Thomas Hardy
  8 Kenneth Daniel
  9 Calvin Giles
  10 Daniel G. McCrary
  11 Wiley B. Rogers
  12 Elizabeth Rogers
  13 Hezekial Rogers
  14 John Coley
  15 John Lawrence
  16 William Prosser
  17 Brinkley Blizzard
  18 William Robinson
  19 John Butler
  20 Luke Robinson
  21 John Howard
  22 Daniel Hicks
  23 Peter Gordy
  24 John Simpson
  25 James Russell jun
  26 John H. Hicks
  27 John Kirkpatrick
  28 James Sowell
  29 George Barnes
  30 James Clark

115 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 23

  1 George Murph
  2 William Stembridge
  3 Tilman Snead
  4 Benjamin J. Leonard
  5 William Thompson
  6 John R. Smith
  7 Wiley J. Thompkins
  8 Joseph Simpson
  9 William H. Beall
  10 Benjamin Pulley
  11 Joseph Freeman
  12 Elizabeth Tucker
  13 Basil Miller
  14 Rose Scott
  15 Bolling Hall
  16 James Montgomery
  17 Frederick Hodges
  18 Elijah King
  19 William Wright
  20 James C. Whitaker
  21 Dyer Davis
  22 William B. Snipes
  23 John Davis
  24 Benjamin Russell
  25 Thomas Miles

321 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 25

  1 Margaret Bozeman
  2 Susannah Guerineau
  3 Elizabeth Underwood
  4 Charleton B. Cole
  5 Lewis Day
  6 Seaton Grantland
  7 Catherine Fitzgerald
  8 Moses Fort
  9 Mary Ann Bird
  10 Abner Cragin
  11 Joseph Lane sen.
  12 Joseph Lane jun.
  13 Luther M. Lane
  14 Carlisle P. Beman
  15 David Williams
  16 James Vaughn
  17 Benjamin Dodd
  18 George R. Clayton jun.
  19 Nancy Lewis
  20 Jonas Dancer
  21 Thomas J. Carter
  22 Daniel McMillian
  23 William D. Lingold
  24 Bartley McCrary
  25 Joel T. Tucker
  26 Shaler G. Hillyer
  27 Harriet A. Polhill
  28 Young Bowers
  29 James Akridge
  30 Abel Akridge

321 GMD, Baldwin
Page 27

  1 Matilida Bowers
  2 Nancy Murray
  3 Richard A. Batson
  4 Joseph Slade
  5 Jane Poindexter
  6 Robert K. Henderson
  7 John W. Baker
  8 Miles D. Cullens
  9 Zachariah Robinson
  10 Richard Twilly
  11 Ann Harris
  12 Maurice Martin
  13 Isaac Woodall
  14 John E. Chambers
  15 Benjamin Woolsey
  16 Rachel Trappe
  17 Martha Trappe
  18 Greenbury Etheridge
  19 Thomas H. Hall
  20 Thomas Ragland
  21 Baradel P. Stubbs
  22 John L. Thomas
  23 John H. Wright
  24 Green H. Jordan
  25 Wiley W. Cullens
  26 William J. Davis
  27 Thomas Wright
  28 Ezekial Miller
  29 Farish Carter
  30 James A. Wiggins

321 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 29

  1 John Bynum
  2 Thomas Willis
  3 Kesiah Willis
  4 Benjamin Stone
  5 Edward W. Butler
  6 Jams Cox
  7 Jetson Perry
  8 Jordan B. Neal
  9 Robert H. Bagly
  10 John Cox
  11 Harper Tucker
  12 Abby Ann Egerton
  13 Mary Whitaker
  14 Samuel Rockwell
  15 Richard J. Nichols
  16 Samuel J. Talmadge
  17 Robert Willis
  18 Thomas Butler
  19 Sarah Brooks
  20 Martha Bowers
  21 Eli Hubbard
  22 Randolph H. Ramsay
  23 Daniel Tucker
  24 James McCrary jun.
  25 Francis La Cruse
  26 Walter G. Jenkins

322 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 31

  1 Richard Ready
  2 William Stinson
  3 William Knight
  4 William Woolsey
  5 Samuel Hall
  6 Samuel Poindexter
  7 Felix Murphy
  8 James A. Hill
  9 Marmaduke Etheridge
  10 James Woodall
  11 Robert D. Ivey
  12 Absalom Cobb
  13 Charles Ivey
  14 Moses R. West
  15 Robert Ivey
  16 James McMullen
  17 Elisabeth Welch
  18 Silas Everitt
  19 William L. Curry
  20 William McKiney
  21 John Fuller
  22 Gatsy Conly
  23 Mitchell Etheridge
  24 Margaret Perry
  25 Isaac Fuller
  26 Joseph Cone
  27 Milton Cone
  28 Marmaduke N. Young
  29 Daniel McCarty
  30 Furnie Ivey

322 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 33

  1 John Hubbard
  2 William Ivey
  3 Jesse Seaborn
  4 Shadrack Bivins
  5 Sukey Rice
  6 John Stephens
  7 William Rice
  8 Jehu Edge
  9 Jane Sullivan
  10 Amilius Torrance
  11 Sarah West
  12 David Parker
  13 Leonidas L. Smith
  14 Willis Beckwith
  15 John Callahan
  16 Marcus D. Huson
  17 Thomas Lee
  18 Benjamin L. Lester
  19 Lucinda Worsham
  20 William Lewis
  21 John Minter
  22 James McCrary
  23 Samuel Perry
  24 Mark Brown
  25 Wiley J. Bowers
  26 William Welch
  27 Jefferson Cumbess
  28 James J. Woolsey
  29 John G. Stephens
  30 John J. Macklin

322 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 35

  1 John B. Gay
  2 Issac Moore
  3 Wiley Wicker
  4 David B. Hill

105 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 37

  1 Edward Johnson
  2 William Borland
  3 Anna M. Clark
  4 James M. Palmer
  5 Pleasant H. Gumm
  6 Robert Lewis
  7 Jacob Gumm
  8 Henry Lord
  9 Margaret King
  10 James Dickson
  11 Hannah Kilgore
  12 Rebecca Quinn
  13 William B. Moore
  14 Benjamin Askew
  15 John Grimes
  16 Benjamin Grimes
  17 Thomas Palmer
  18 John Dunn
  19 John B. Thomas
  20 Perry R. Scott
  21 Martin Russell
  22 James G. Russell sen.
  23 John Quinn
  24 James Youngblood
  25 Richard Brown
  26 Sarah Blakey
  27 John R. Scott
  28 Francis Pemberton
  29 Judith Graybill
  30 Appleton Bivins

105 GMD, Baldwin County
Page 39

  1 Frances Reynolds
  2 Arthur Youngblood
  3 Benjamin Sanford

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2002