1860 Baldwin County Manufacturers
Manufacturers  No of Mfg..  Hands employed 
Boots & Shoes  2 5 males
Brick 2 17 males, 1 female
Cotton Goods 1 45 males, 54 females
Flour and meal 3 9 males
Furniture, cabinet 1 2 males
Iron castings 1 3 males
Leather 2 3 males
Liquors-Wine 2 2 males, 4 females
Lumber, sawed 2 19 males, 4 females
Marble work 1 2 males
Medicines, extracts, etc. 1 1 male
Woollen goods 1 15 males, 16 females

Source: Author: United States. Census Office. 8th census, 1860. Title: Population of the United States in 1860; compiled from the original returns of the eighth census,  by Joseph C. G. Kennedy, Superintendent of Census. Publication date: 1864.
Making of America

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004