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1860 Mortality Schedule
Milledgeville District, Baldwin County, GA
Name Age Sex Color Free or Slave M or W Place of Birth Month Died Occup. Cause of Death No. Days Ill
1.Ada L. Kenfield 2 F - - - GA Feb - Croup 2 days
2. Monroe 1 M M S - GA May - Dysentery 7 days
3. Emmie J. Nesbit 1 F - - - GA Jun - Tetanus 4 days
4. Thomas J Herty 19 M - - - GA Apr Clerk Consumption 1 yr
5. John H Brown 47 M - - - GA Jan Attorney at Law Consumption 3 yrs
6. Billy 103 M B S - VA Feb Farm Laborer Old Age 3 yrs
7. Flander 5 M B S - GA Jun - Dyarrhoea 6 days
8. David 80 M B S - NC Nov Farm Laborer Appoplexy Suden
9. Ann 13 F B S - GA Jan House Servant Accidental Burning 1 day
10. Infant 1 mo F B S - GA May - Unknown Sudden
11.Francis B. Waters 41 F B - Married GA Apr - Typhoid pneumonia 3 mos
12. Milly 60 F B S - MD May Farm Laborer Pneumonia 1 mo
13. Alice P. Shaw 1 F - - - GA Nov - Brain fever 8 days
14.William E Wedon 2 mos M - - - GA Aug - Dyarrhoea 3 days
15. Infant Waitzfelder  2 days M - - - GA Dec - Spasms Sudden
16. Walter H. Candler 5 mos M - - - GA Nov - Lung Fever 3 days
17. Lucy Grist 8 F - - - SC Jun - Typhoid Pneumonia 23 days
18. Polly 64 F - - - VA Apr Cook Dropsy 5 mos
19. Anna Garhart 1 F - - - KT Aug - Teething 30 days
20.Mary Mosky 32 F - - - SC Mar Common Laborer Pneumonia 7 days
21.Jason Wages 29 M - - - SC May Common Laborer "Rifle Whiskey" 28 days
22.Eleck 8 M - - - GA Aug - Croup and Quinzy Sudden
23.Mary L Briscoe 1 F - - - GA Aug - Teething 4 mos
24. Wisey  69 F - - - VA Dec Cook Pneumonia 4 days
25. Walker D Newell 27 M - - - GA Jul Attorney at Law Inflam. of Bowells 3 days
26. Joseph Duncan 45 M - - - GA Aug Planter Dyarrhoea 2 days 
27. Michael J. Horne 21 M - - - GA Sep Student Consumption 2 yrs
28. Scipio 70 M - - - GA Jul Gardiner Dropsy of the Heart 5 yrs
29.  Nancy Stanley 40 F - - - NC Dec - Inflam. of Womb 30 days
30. Toney 49 M - - - GA Feb Carriage Driver Inflam. of Kidney 16 days
31. Betsey 60 F - - - VA Feb Baker Inflam. of LIver 1 Yr
32. Robert E. Martin 50 M - - - GA Dec. Clerk of Supreme Ct. Concussion of the brain by accidental fall Sudden
33.John Hatcher 3 M - - - GA Sep - Inflam of Brain 6 days
34. Moses Caraker 62 M - - - NC may Whellright Dropsy of the Chest 6 Yrs
35. Thomas Sorrell 23 M - - - GA Mar Common Laborer Suicide Sudden
Remarks: No. 32 Died from the accidental fall down a flight of steps. This District being within "City Limits". I have none of the facts called for in instruction 12 under the head of remarks.
Tomlinson Fort

Source: United States. Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880 (formerly in the custody of the Daughters of the American Revolution), and Related Indexes, 1850-1880. T655, 30 rolls. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington D.C.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2005