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1860 Mortality Schedule
Pittsburg District, Baldwin County, GA
Name Age Sex Color Slave or Free M
or W
Born Month
Occup. Cause  of Death No of Days  Ill.
Emily 28 F B Slave - GA Mar Farm Laborer Child Bed 3 days
Infant 1 mo M B Slave - GA Mar - Unknown 1/2
Infant 1 mo F B Slave - GA Feb - Unknown 4 days
Joanna 9 mos F B Slave - GA Apr - Pneumonia 21 days
Jim 40 M B Slave - VA Apr Farm Laborer Dropsy 6 mos
Milly 2 F B Slave - GA Oct - Whooping cough 33 days
Martha 21 F B Slave - MD Feb Farm Laborer Child Bed 3 days
Andrew 14 M M Slave - GA Oct - Putrid Sore Throat 4 days
Leonidas L. Smith 49 M - - - GA Jun Planter Typhoid
4 days
John L. (S) Smith 21 M - - - GA Jul Planter Typhoid
14 days
Eugene L. Smith 9 M - - - GA Jun - Typhoid
7 days
Celia H Smith 7 F - - - GA Jun - Typhoid
15 days
Perry 2 M B Slave - GA Jul - Typhoid
7 days
Mariah 9 mos F M Slave - GA Jul - Typhoid
7 days
Lize 1 F M Slave - GA Aug - Teething 14 days
Mannel 10 M B Slave - GA Jun - Inflam of Bowells 4 days
Pleasant 6 mos M B Slave - GA Apr - Unknown Sudden
Caroline Trapp 7 F - - - GA Mar - Putrid Sore Throat 3 days
Charlotte R Trapp 5 F - - - GA Mar - Putrid Sore Throat 3 days
Mary L Trapp 3 F - - - GA Mar - Putrid Sore Throat 6 days
Sarah 25 F B Slave - GA Jan Farm Laborer Dyarrhoea 13 days
David 15 M B Slave - GA Jul Farm Laborer Inflam of Bowells 10 days
Notes:No. 9, 10, 11 12, 13 & 14 belong to the same Family. This disease is the most dangerous known to this locality. The whole family were attacked the loss of  life is about 25 percent of cases.
No. 18, 19, & 20 are of the same Family and died within 3 days of  each other with the exceptions. The District has been very remarkably healthy. No. 16 died from the effects of an obstruction in the bowels caused by a seed of a water-melon. The Geology of this District is entirely too complicated for me to give a minute description in this place, suffice to say that it has attracted the (over) MISSING COPY
Tomlinson Fort

Page 6
1860 Mortality Schedule
Smith District, Baldwin County, GA
Name Age Sex Color Free or Slave M or W Place of Birth Month Died Occup. Cause
of Death
No. of Days Ill
Infant 1 mo F B Slave - GA Mar - Unknown 5 days
Infant 1 mo F B Slave - GA Jun - Spasms 1 day
Elivira 6 mos F B Slave - GA Mar - Convulsions (Fitts) 35 days
Infant 7 mos F B Slave - GA Jan - Teething 30 days
Infant 6 mos F B Slave - GA Jul - Lung Fever 7 days
Sampson 6 mos M B Slave - GA May - Thrash 21 days
Randall 6 mos M B Slave - GA Feb - Typhoid Fever 50 days
Sam 9 mos M B Slave - GA Apr - Typhoid Fever 21 days
Cadwallader Rainey 49 M B Free - GA Jul - Arterial Affection 6 yrs
Amelius 1 mo M M Free - GA Jun - Unknown 7 days
Anne 3 F B Free - GA Jun - Unknown 7 days
Infant 1 mo M B Free - GA Oct - Unknown 2 days 
(Unreadble) 36 M B Free - GA Mar Farm Laborer typhoid fever 9 mos
Charles 21 M B Free - GA Oct Farm Laborer Typhoid Fever 15 days
Infant 1 mo F B Free - GA Oct - Croup 1 day
Infant 1 F B Free - GA Jun - Miscarriage 3 days
Infant 6 mos M B Free - GA Mar - Inflam of Bowells 10 days
Sam 8 mos M B Free - GA Mar - Typhoid Fever  40 days
Remarks: Typhoid Fever prevailied to a very limited extent. The Geology of this District is similar to that of Pittsburg as to need no further description. The water is good and general health good. No disease among stock. Within this district are four or five mineral springs mostly sulphur and iodine  which are commencing to attrack some notice.
Tomlinson Fort

Source: United States. Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880 (formerly in the custody of the Daughters of the American Revolution), and Related Indexes, 1850-1880. T655, 30 rolls. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington D.C.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2005