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1860 Mortality Schedule
Scottsborough District, Baldwin County, GA
Name Age Sex Color Free or Slave Married or Widow Born Month of Death Occupation Cause of Death No. of Days Ill
Abner Conner 36 M - - - GA Feb Carpenter Consumption 6 mos
Fanny 45 F B Slave - GA Apr Field Hand Consumption 10 yrs
Infant 1 mo F B Slave - GA Jan - Inflam of Bowell 14 days
Henry G Lamar 1 mo M - - - GA Oct - Unknown 3 days
William 3 M B Slave - GA Apr - Whooping Cough 6 mos
Wade 22 M M Slave - GA Mar House Servant Consumption 3 mos
John T. Allen 3 mos M - - - GA Feb - White Shingles 2 das
Infant 0 M B Slave - GA Apr - Still Born -
Infant - M B Slave - GA Jul - Still Born -
Gov Brown 6 M B Slave - GA Feb - Pnuemonia 5 days
Quint 35 M B Slave - GA Jan Field Hand Typhoid Fever  32 days
Infant 1 da M B Slave - GA Jun - Unknown 10 hrs
Catherine McDonald 54 F - - - GA Mar - Consumption 75 days
Thomas J. Willis 60 - - - - GA Nov Farmer Pneumonia 3 mos
Henry B. Jamison 18 - - - - GA Oct Student Accidental injury to spine 11 days
Infant - M - - - GA Jun - Still Born -
Infant 0 M B Slave - GA May - Still Born -
R. G. (At L Asy of Ga) 50 F - - Widow GA Jul - Consumption 2 yrs
L.A. O. 20 F - - - GA Jul - Dysentery 10 days
D.E. 28 M - - - SC Aug - Dysentery 9 days
T. W. H. 47 M - - Married NC Aug Farmer Dysentry 12 days
J. D.  40 M - - Married GA Aug Common Laborer Typhoid Fever 47 days
J. A. 68 F - - Widow NC Aug - Chronic Dyarrhoea Many Months
W.T. 61 M - - Widow SC - Teacher Chronic Dyarrhoea Many Months
E.L.A. 49 F - - - GA Sep Epilepsy for Years -
A.C. 20 M - - - GA Oct - Epilepsy for Years -
M.L. 62 M - - Married SC Nov Common Laborer Debility for Years -
H.L.T. 40 M - - - GA Nov Common Laborer Dysentery 15 days
E J B 36 M - - Widow GA Nov Common Laborer Epilepsy Years
J.H. 18 M - - - GA Nov - Epilepsy Years
J.W.K. 30 M - - - GA Feb Common Laborer Typhoid Fever -
W. T. B. 45 M - - - SC Apr Common Laborer Epilepsy for Years
T.J.W. 35 F - - Married GA Apr - Chronic Dyarrhoea Years
B. W. 36 F - - Married SC Apr - Dysentery 8 days
D.L. 59 F - - Widow GA Apr - Parylsis for Years
J.K. At L Asy of Ga - - - - - SC Apr - Paralysis for Years
W. E. C.  - - - - - AL May Farmer Dysentery 13 days
W.R. - - - - - GA May Common Laborer Epilepsy for Years
P.D. - - - - - Scotland May Common Laborer Epilepsy for  Years
N.C.C. - - - - - AL May Common Laborer Exhaustive Mania several months
Annie A. E. Greene 52 F - - Married GA May - Asthma 7 yrs
Remarks: No. 18 to 35 represent the initials of the names of persons who have died in the Lunatic Asylum, the Officers of that institution ref use to give more as it is contrary to it's rules. This District is remarkable for the excellense of its water and the salub? of it's climate. Withing the district runs a very plainly marked line dividing the Primary from the Secondary formatins in this State. The line is so plainly marked that for miles you can walk along and  pick up round pebbles, shells &c and discover Beach Sand indicating the exact position of the Sea previous to the Formation. So Geologist tell us. The understrata of the Primary is granite interseated by veins of quartz and slate. The veins having proper inclination or dip to indicated Gold.  Gold and Lead have been found but not in quantities to pay. The Secondary is not so broken ad the Primary and has a growth of yellow pine whilst the Primary is covred with a growth of  "oak and hickory." No disease has prevailed.
Tomlinson Fort

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1860 Mortality Schedule
Hill District, Baldwin County, GA
Name Age Sex Color Free or Slave Married or Widowed Born Month Died Occupation Cause of Death No. Of Days Ill
Joseph Roberts 18 M - - - GA Dec Common Laborer Liver Disease 16 yrs
Marry A Finney 25 F - - Married GA Jul - Typhoid Fever  14 days
Mary Torrance 62 F - - Widowed GA Jun - Typhoid Fever 21
Henry 35 M B Slave - GA Jun Farm Laborer Typhoid Fever 28 days
Quinton 25 M B Slave - GA Aug Farm Laborer Typhoid Fever 21 days
America 58 F B Slave - VA Dec Farm Laborer Typhoid Fever 80 days
Alfred 1 M B Slave - GA Mar - Unknown 2 days
Remarks" The Geology of this District is so similar to the Secondary formation of the preceeding (Scottsborough) district as to need no description. The growth is almost entirely of Yellow Pine exceptin swamps. The water is good. No 3, 4, 5, & 6 all belong to one family. No ostensible cause can be shown for the breaking out of typhoid fever. No other sickness has occurred.
Tomlinson Fort

Source: United States. Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880 (formerly in the custody of the Daughters of the American Revolution), and Related Indexes, 1850-1880. T655, 30 rolls. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington D.C.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2005