Milledgeville, Ga. Baldwin County GA
In the News 1860 - 1869

February 15, 1860
Macon Telegraph
An Unfortunate Family. Mr. Brundage and family, consisting of wife and seven children, started from near Milledgeville about a year ago, and went to Arkansas to purchase land where they were cheaper, intending to live there. The climate did not agree with him - he was taken sick and died. A short time afterwards his eldest daughter was prostrated and fell a victim; then followed the death of the three sons, grown young men, one after the other. The widow, borne down by grief at the loss of her husband, daughter and sons, her main stays in life, and rapidly declining by that insatiable disease consumption, determined if possible to return to Georgia, and if it was the will of heaven that she was doomed to die, let it be among the friends she formerly knew. She had come on the cars as far as this place, and was compelled to rest a night, and took lodging at the Brown House for herself and four children, the eldest a girl of fourteen, and was observed to be very feeble by the proprietors of the Hotel, who at her suggestion sent at once for a physician. He came, administered some medicine and left her quiet. About 12 o'clock on Sunday night she was taken worse, and another physician sent for. He could do but little for her, as he saw her hours were numbered, and at three o'clock she died, leaving the little orphans entirely among strangers, but who can scarcely be called such, for every attention was shown the sick lady by Mr. Brown's family. At her death, it was supposed she had no money with her, not even enough to buy a coffin. Hearing of this, Mr. Thomas Knight, who has charge of the depot, set to work, and in the course of an hour or two, collected over $30.00 from persons who happened to be at the depot, and gave it to the children to pay for their mother's coffin and their fares to Milledgeville. Where is the heart that does not feel kindly towards the man who from disinterested motives thus lent his services to assist orphans entirely bereaved, Upon opening a carpet bag among her baggage later in the day, $30.00 were found. Mrs. Brundage's remains and her children were sent to Milledgeville on the train last night.

February 28, 1860
Southern Recorder
DIED, In this city on the morning of the 22d inst. of croup, ADA LESTER, only daughter of Mr. L. and Mrs. Eliza Kenfield,
aged 2 yrs 6 m.

March  13, 1860
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Miss CATHARINE MCDONALD departed this life in Scottsboro', on the 8th inst., after a protracted illness...member of the Milledgeville Baptist Church......

March 16, 1860
Macon Daily Telegraph
DIED. On the 25th of February, at her residence near Linden, Ala., suddenly, Mary E., wife of Adlai O. Houston, and second daughter of Thomas F. and Mrs. A. E. A. Green, of Midway, near Milledgeville, Ga., in the 27th year of her age.

April 17, 1860
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Aigle, Canton de Vand, Switzerland, on the 15th ult. Mons E. TAUXE, formerly of Baldwin County, Ga., to Miss ELIZA DEFOUR.

May 1, 1860
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the 24th ult., by Rev. J. M. Curtis, T. HARTLEY HALL, M.D., and Miss MARTHA KENAN, all of this city.

May 1, 1860
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the morning of the 26th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rabbi Rosenfield, Mr. LEOPOLD WAITZFELDER  and MissHELENA, daughter of Mr. Michael and Mrs. Rebecca Waitzfelder, all of this city.
    This is the first marriage that has ever taken place in our city after the Israelitish custom. The ceremony was impressive and solemn; and the large number who partook of the hospitality  of Mr. W. and lady on the joyous occasion, one and all, expressed themselves edified with the nuptial ceremony and delighted with the good cheer so tastefully spread before them.
  May prosperity and a long life of happiness attend the young couple.

May 15, 1860
Southern Recorder
MARRIED,  In this city, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Curtis, Mr. WM. T. MAPP of Hancock, to Miss ELLA C., daughter of Wm. H. and Mrs. Martha E. W. Scott, of Milledgeville.

May 8, 1860
Federal Union
~excerpt~Died, in this city, on the 20th ult., THOMAS JEFFERSON HERTY, in the 20th year of his age........son, the brother, and the friend of many hopes.....

May 8, 1860
Federal Union
   ~excerpt~ Mrs. Frances Waters, wife of Col. H. H. Waters of this city, died on Saturday 14th ult, aged 41 years.
  The deceased was the daughter of the late Dr. John Brewster of Cherokee Co., Ga., a gentleman of hight professional and poliical position.

June 5, 1860
Southern Recorder
DIED. On the evening of the 24th ult., Mrs. A. E. A. GREEN, wife of Dr. Thomas F. Green, of Midway.
. In this city, Wednesday morning, 23 ult. Mr. MOSES CARAKER, in the 60th year of his age. Mr. C. was one of our oldest citizens.

  In this city on Thursday last, Mrs. HARRIET VICKERS, aged about 60, one of our oldest citizens.

June 12, 1860
Federal Union
DIED. In Baldwin county, May 20th JOHN T. GRIMES, son of Geo. Grimes, aged 2 years and 6 months.

July 3, 1860
Federal Union
MARRIED, On Sunday, 24th inst, by Rev. W. J. Scott, Mr. H. J. BUTTS,  to Miss KITTY E. ECHOLS,  all of Baldwin county.

July 10, 1860
Federal Union
DIED. In Atlanta, on Tuesday the 3d inst. THOMAS GREEN, infant son of Dr. Charles H. and Mrs. Mattie C. Bass, of Midway.

July 10, 1860
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, On Sunday morning, 8th inst., MARY KING, infant daughter of J. H. & E. D. Nisbet, aged 10 months.

July 17, 1860
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED. In this city, on the 12th inst., EDWARD WHITE, son of Howard and Annie E. Tinsley, aged 21 months..

July 31, 1860
Southern Recorder
   MARRIED, On Thursday, July 26th, by Rev. R. C. Smith, JAS. AGUSTINE HALL, to, ADIE E, daughter of Dr. Thos. F. Green, all of Midway.

September 4, 1860
Federal Union
 ~ecerpt~ Died on the 24th August, 1860, in Baldwin county, five miles from this city, Sarah Matilda Lingould, the wife of John W. Lingould, aged 48 years. The deceased was a member of the M. E. Church, she left one little son, and a kind husband, and a large circle of friends to mourne their loss..... 

September 20, 1860
Macon Daily Telegraph
For sale- 1156½ acres of Land, on the Railroad, at the fork of Camp Creek in Baldwin county, adjoining the beautiful valley land of Hon. Seaton Grantland, embracing about 180 acres of first quality low ground, and about 550 acres of woods, or low ground, just cleared; 500 acres of level oak and hickory red land, now in second growth, and finely adapted to cotton culture; one the East of Camp Creek, it rises up the famous Scottsborough Ridge, in long leaf pine, near where Col. Bucker has his Orchard of 10,000 apple trees, and where all kinds of fruits are always safe from late Spring frosts. No place in Georgia combines more happily all the qualities for a pleasant home-rich lands for corn and cotton in the valley, and elevated orchard land on the pine woods ridge, with springs, branches and creeks, and a Railroad to carry off crops, firewood, or fruit. The corn and cotton now growing on the place are good as any in the South. Price $13 per acres, cash or at interest on Mortgage.
W. McKinley. Milledgeville, Aug. 23, 1860.

November 6, 1860
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Thursday evening, November 1st, by the Rev. W. J. Scott, Mr. WILLIAM A. FAIR to Miss MATILDA ROBERTS, all of this city.

January 1, 1861  
Federal Union
~excerpt~OBITUARY,  MARY ANN,  wife of John W. W. Sneed, and  daughter of the late  Rev. John B. Davies, was born  in Chatham county , Ga., Nov. 10th, 1827 and died in the  city of  Milledgeville, December  19th, 1860....

January  15, 1861
Federal Union
   MARRIED. In this city, on the evening of the 9th inst., by Rev. Wm. Flinn, Mr. B. T. GRIFFIN, and Miss MARGARET E. FREENY, all of this city.

January  15, 1861
Federal Union

DIED at the residence of Mrs. A. Jarratt, on the 4th of January, 1861, Mrs. JOANNAH PATTERSON, in the 88th year of her age-a native of Virginia, but for the last twenty years, a resident of this county.

February 5, 1861
Southern Federal Union
Married, On the 31st ult., at the residence of James O'Grady by Rev. Mr. Flinn, Mr. E. G. Hogue, to Miss A. C. Woodard.
Died In this city, on the 2nd inst. Mrs. Rebecca wife, of P. H. Ferrell.

Feb 24, 1861
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Court House Burned at Milledgeville. Milledgeville, Feb. 24. The Court House burned down about 7 o'clock his morning.
  Books and papers to a great extent saved. Nothing left but the bare smoking walls which are threatening to fall every minute. It is the general opinion that the building was set on fire.

March 3, 1861
 Southern Federal Union
    Ever foremost in the works of patriotism, the Ladies in many parts of our State have presented beautiful Flags to companies who hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment’s warning, as duty may require.  On Friday we had the pleasure of witnessing a presentation ceremony in our town, which was attended by the Governor’s Guards, the Baldwin Blues, the University Guards, and theBlack Spring Rifles, all in uniform, with music and banners.

    Mrs. Mary Rogers of Savannah, Mrs. Carnes, Mrs. Tinsley, Mrs. Harris, Miss R. Harris, Mrs. Matilda Hall, Mrs. McComb, Mrs. DeGraffenreid, Mrs. Latimer,  Mrs. Carrie White, Miss Kate Fort, Miss Sallie Newell, Miss Henrietta Kenan and Mrs. H. Kenan, of Milledgeville, contributed to the purchase and manufacture of a large and splendid Flag of blue silk, on side of which was painted in gilt the Coat of Arms of Georgia, surrounded by a wreath, and on the reverse side, “Black Spring Rifles, January 16, 1861.”
            A large concourse of citizens assembled with the military at 3 o'clock P.M. fronting the residence of Mr. Kenan, on Liberty Street, where the presentation was to take place.  The adjutant General, Col. Wayne, in full uniform on horseback, gave command to the military, in forming the line, and introduced the Rev. William Flinn, who dedicated the Flag by an appropriate prayer.  Miss Henrietta Kenan had been selected by the Ladies to present the Flag, but at her request that duty was performed by her gallant brother, Captain Lewis H. Kenan who stood at the side of his sister.  Owing to the distance, we were unable to hear the address distinctly, and from the same cause we did not hear fully the reply of Captain Thomas White of the Rifles, who received the Flag in behalf of his company.  At a signal given, a discharge of artillery on the Capitol square announced the conclusion of the ceremonies, after which the military marched in handsome style, accompanied by the graceful new Flag which had been the occasion of such agreeable excitement.  Long may it wave a memorial of its fair donor, to cheer the times of peace, and, if need be, to stimulate the brave soldier to deeds of daring on the battlefield!
       The whole affair was handsomely managed, and reflected the highest praise on all who shared in the ceremonies.

March 6, 1861
Daily Columbus Enquirer
BALDWIN COURT HOUSE. We have been informed by Mr. Stubbs, Clerk of the Superior Court, that the room next to his office contained all the public records and papers of valued, placed there for safe keeping in what was intended to be a fireproof apartment. There was no fire place in this vault, nor was any person allowed to enter it with even a pipe or a cigar. The flame was first seen in the vault, to which the incendiary gained access through the window by wrenching off the hinges with an iron bar, which he found on the spot after the fire. The vault unfortunate was not proof against the flames which destroyed the building and a large portion of the public records. - Sou. Recorder.

April 2, 1861
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Wednesday evening the 27th ult. in this city at the M. E. Church by the Rev. Mr. Adams, Mr. C. J. WELLBORN, to Miss S. M.  CANDLER, both of this city.

DIED. In this City, the 28th ult. Capt. Anthony Newsom, about 85 years of age. He was perhaps the oldest citizen of this City,
  Capt. N. was a native of Virginia, but came to Georgia when a young man, and served in this State, in the defence of his Country in the late war with Britain; at the close of which he located at Milledgeville, where he has since resided.
  Capt. N. was noted for cander and forthright deportment and was for many years entrusted by Executive appointment, with the responsible office of Captain of the State House Guards, which he filled with fidelity to the State and honor to himself. He has left an only daughter and but few relations in this section of the Country.
  He died, trusting in the atonement of his Saviour. A FRIEND.

May 21, 1861
Southern Recorder
DIED, In this city on 15th inst. ANNIE THOMAS, wife of William Gesner, and daughter of James Herty, Esq.

Also, on 15th inst. Mr. JOHN HODGE, aged about 80 years. He was buried with Masonic honors.

 Also on 19th inst. Mrs. MARY MCGRIFF, aged about 75 years.

May 21, 1861
Southern Recorder
Also, after a short illness, MRS. SUSAN BIVINS, aged 81 years, widow of John Bivins, Senior. She was a native of South Carolina.

June 4, 1861
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Wednesday morning, 29th inst., at Midway, by the Rev. Dr. Pratt, Mr. J. H. King and Miss Ellen W., daughter of B. P. Stubbs, Esq.

June 21, 1861
Southern Federal Union
~excerpt~Camp Jackson, A. June 6th, 1861. ..Baldwin Blues....death of our brother in arms,  Private L. M. RESPESS who departed this life in the city of Portsmouth this morning... a  member of this company.....

July 2, 1861
Southern Recorder
  Died, at his residence in Scottsborough, near Milledgeville, on the 17th inst., Col. FARISH CARTER, in the 81st year of his age. It is a somewhat remarkable coincidence that he was ushered in and out of life amid the din of war and all its dread incidents. His father, an Aid of Gen. Elijah Clark, had fallen at the siege of Augusta, in September 1780, gallantly fighting for the liberties of his county, and he was born the 23d of November thereafter. Thus was he orphaned before his birth. While he was yet an infant, the Tories made a devastating visit to the plantation of his widowed mother appropriating to themselves its available proceeds and despoiling it of what could be of no benefit to them. They took off all the servants except two, whose advanced age rendered them incapable of valuable service. Being thus compelled to abandon her house in South Carolina, his mother fled, with other friends in the neighborhood, to Virginia. Unable in this exigency, to take all of her five children, the infant was confided to the care of the two aged servants who proved faithful to their trust. At the restoration of peach, she again took possession of her plantation in Abbeville district, and through intervention of her friends, her servants were returned to her. To the subject of this notice she gave the best advantages of education the country afforded. At the age of fifteen, however, preferring the active life of the merchant to the sedentary one of the student, he left the excellent school of the Rev. Hope Hull in Washington, for a situation with a mercantile friend.
  To his great penetration of character, powerful energy, untiring perseverance and indomitable will united with strict integrity, Col. C's great success in life was owing. One of his truest and most prized enjoyments, was his ability to assist young men, honestly and industriously struggling in the beginning of life; and he often referred to their success as a source of gratification to him. In his domestic relations he was much endeared to his family. The unexampled devotion of his wife, children and servants during a protracted illness showed their high estimate and proper appreciation of his kindness and care.
  About two years since he connected himself with the Baptist Church and from that time, no company was so agreeable to him and more desired that ministers of that and other denominations. The loss of sight rendering him unable to read, one of his chief enjoyments was to hear read by his pious and devoted wife the Bible and well written sermons. But enough. Having lived to an age which few reach, he has paid the debt of nature leaving his friends "not to sorrow as those without, hope."

July 10, 1861
Macon Daily Telegraph
The Patriotic Ladies of Baldwin County. A small company of ladies assembled at the Milledgeville Hotel, on the 4th instant, and celebrated that great holiday by making upwards of three thousand cartridges for the Confederate army. This is practical and useful patriotism.

September 21, 1861
Southern Federal Union
MARRIED, In Milledgeville on the 18th inst., by the Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. JOHN WOOD to Miss MARY A. E. JOHNSON.

October 15, 1861
Southern Federal Union
Lieut. Henry W. Trippe, son of John B. and L. F. Trippe of Milledgeville, died Sept., 25, 1861 at Stribling Springs, Va., after a painful, lingering illness, aged 24 years, 3 months, 19 days. He was a physician by profession, having practiced at Fort Valley, Ga., until last March when he was commissioned a Brevet 2d Lieut in the 1st, Regiment of Ga. Regulars, since when he has been stationed at the Augusta Arsenal, Tybee Island and near Manassas Va.
  He was promoted to a 2d Lieutenancy and his relatives suppose that during his fatal illness, he was promoted to a 1st. Lieutenancy. His last moments were cheered by the prescence of his loving Mother and his Brother, but human affection nor professional skill could withold him from the grasp of death and he is gone, another martyr to the cause of civl liberty.

October 15, 1861
Southern Federal Union
Death of an old Citizen. We are pained to chronicle the death of our fellow-townsman, JAMES HERTY, Esq., who died at his residence in this city, on Friday last, after a protracted illness. He was an old and highly respected citizen. His family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community in their severe affliction. He was buried on Saturday afternoon by the Masonic Fraternity.

October 22, 1861
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED,  At her residence in this county, on the 11th inst., of paralysis, MRS. JANE BANKS, aged 74 years. Mrs. Banks was born in Maryland, A. D. 1787, and removed with her parents whilst a child to Rowan county, North Carolina; from thence she removed to Georgia, A. D. 1817. She connected herself with the primitive Baptist Church in the year 1826...

October 22, 1861
Southern Federal Union
~excerpt~. CAMP JACKSON, VA., October 9, 1861...loss of one of its members in the demise of private Walter B. Cushing, who died at the Naval Hospital, near Portsmouth, Va., on Friday morning, the 4th inst., of typhoid fever, aged 17 years; ....

October 29, 1861
Southern Recorder
  The heart is softened and improved by communion with the dead, and in no form is it more effective than by visits to private burying grounds, where the sleepers repose among kindred, from the grandsire to the tender infant. Our reflections purse this channel at present, from a walk within the last few days, in company with an esteemed friend, who kindly assisted in removing the leaves which had covered some of the inscriptions, and who enable us to note such as appear below.
   Within the grounds attached to the mansion of Col. Miller Grieve in this city, we examined the last resting place of FLEMING GRANTLAND, Esq.,, to whose tomb is the following inscription:
  Erected to the Memory of Fleming Grantland, a native of Virginia, who died on the 28th of January 1819, aged 29 years, leaving a disconsolate widow and three infant children.
  Distinguished as the editor of a popular journal, and as a Senator in the State Legislature, exemplary in public and private life, possessing genius and enterprise, patriotism and virtue, he terminated a short, brilliant career, admired, beloved and regretted.
  On an adjoining marble slab was the following memorial, which spoke the language of the heart:
  Erected to the memory of Mrs. Anne Grantland, the affectionate wife of Seaton Grantland, and daughter of Col. Thomas Tinsley of Virginia. She died the 10th of December 1823, in the 30th year of her age, leaving a bereaved husband and three infant children. A devoted wife, a fond mother and kind mistress, she had few equals, and no superior.
    Within a few feet are the remains of a sister of Col. Seaborn Jones, and also the sister of Mrs. Fleming Grantland, the epitaph of whose husband has been copied. On the marble is recorded the same ofMrs. Sarah P. Williamson, wife of Dr. Charles Williamson, who died September 2, 1816.
   Passing to another small enclosure, surrounded by a brick wall, about two hundred yards South of the State Magazine, is the grave of George R. Clayton, Esq., the faithful Treasurer of the State for about thirty  years. A small but very neat marble obelisk tells that Mr. Clayton died on the 28th of October 1840, aged 60 years 10 months and 6 days.  Near his side, a marble slab tells that Elizabeth Mildred, wife of George Rootes Clayton died the 7th September 1829, in the 46th year of her age calmly resigned to the will of God. Within the enclosure is the grave of Mrs. Lucinda Carey, who died September 12, 1823, aged 30 years,  and also the grave of Eliza Mildred, daughter of Grimes and Mildred Ann Holcombe, who died August 20, 1829, aged 3 years and 3 months.   A group of little graves, over which there is a small obelisk, recording a sad story of bereavement: Charles Augustin, born January 20, 1831, died Sept. 7, 1833;Leonora Veleria, born Aug. 3, 1829, died Sept 10, 1833; Eliza Mildred, born Aug. 22, 1832, died Oct. 6, 1833 - children of Philip Augustin and Ann Clayton.
     About three hundred yards further South, is a brick enclosure, devoted to the Howard family. - There is a stone vault, on the door of which is recorded, "In remembrance of the interesting John Howard Rutherford, born January 31, 1811, died Sept. 16, 1814."
  A large slab also bears this inscription:
  Sacred to the memory of Major John Howard, born the 4th of October 1761, and died on the 12th April 1822, in the 61st year of his age. He was a plain man, of inflexible integrity, who did equal justice to all people. He was revered by his friends, and adored by his numerous family.
    Within a short space, his little grand daughter is thus commemorated:
    Sacred to the memory of Anna H. Williamson, daughter of Charles and Anna V. Williamson-born Thursday 19th April 1821, an died Thursday 1st August 1822, after a short illness of croup, aged 1 year 3 months and 13 days.
Like the dew of the mountain,
Like the foam on the river,
Like the bubble on the fountain,
Thou art gone, and forever!
   The father of the child rests close by her side, under a very beautiful slab, supported by six finely carved pillars, with an epitaph of some length, showing his character, and also that Dr. Charles Williamson died on the 16th of October 1828, aged 41 years. He was Surgeon in the Creek war, and signed the Hospital report of the killed and wounded at the battle of Calibbee in 1814.

November 5,  1861
Southern Federal Union
  ~excerpt~ Died at Manassas on the 17th of September 1861, WILLIAM B. L. MORAN, second son of Mr. James Moran and Jane Moran, his wife, in the 25th year of his age. Also, on the 9th of Oct., 1861, Mr. JESSE MORAN, third son of the above named parents, in the 24th year of his age.
  The first of the above young men, was a member of the Hancock Volunteers, of Col. Thomas's (15th) Regiment, Georgia Volunteers in service of the Confederacy
  Jesse Moran, the other brother above named, was a member of the Baldwin Blues of Baldwin County, and of Col. Dole's (4th) Regiment, Georgia Volunteers.
   Thus, within a short interval of twenty-two days, have both these young men, in the morning of their life, and young manhood's vigour, rendered up their lives, on the altar of their country's independence. Born and reared in the quiet walks and retirement of a farmer's life, and a country's home - trained by the precepts, and example of their parents, to habits of industry, frugality, sobriety and virtue, they passed through, uninjured, all the peculiar temptations, common to youth, and became highly respected by all who knew them, for their many excellent moral qualities, and manly deportment. Long will their death be lamented by their kindred and acquaintances, and by all who love virtue, or admire and applaud true patriotism..........

November 26, 1861
Southern Recorder
DIED, In this city, on 25th inst., after along illness Mrs. MARIA BEALL, wife of Jeremiah Beall Esq., and daughter of the late Col. Thomas Moughen. She was a lady of great piety and intelligence.

November 28, 1861
Macon Daily Telegraph
DIED, In Baldwin county, on the 22d inst.  of apoplexy, Thomas Morris, aged thirty four years, a member of the M. E. Church, a good citizen and a worthy man.

December 24, 1861
Southern Recorder
DIED, Near this city on the 10th inst., PAULINE MILES, daughter of Lafeyette and Pauline V. Carrington. aged 4 years and 9 months.

December 24, 1861
Southern Recorder
DIED. In this city, on Sunday morning, the 23d inst., of Camp Fever, contracted while in the service in Western Virginia, George Gilmer DeLaunay, aged 22 years, 5 months and 18 days.

December 24, 1861
Southern Recorder
DIED, at Camp of 10th Georgia Regiment, near Young's Mills, Va., on the 17th of December, CHARLES C. CUSHING, eldest son of I. T. Cushing, Esq., of Milledgeville, Ga., He died of Typhoid fever after two weeks illness. he was aged 19 years, 9 months and 9 days. he held the position of Drum Major, and belonged to the Pulaski Guards of Savannah, Ga. The letter from Lieut J M Millen communicating the sad intelligence to his father, paid a compliment to Charles as a soldier, and spoke of him in terms of warm personal esteem. Friend Cushing has lost two worthy sons, since the war began, and the community sympathize deeply with him in his bereavement. Two such sons, is a sacrifice on his country's altar, worth any patriot's heart. J. H. N.

December 24, 1861
Southern Recorder
~except~ Departed this life on the 29th of November in the 39th year of her age, Mrs. ADALINE C. VAUGHN wife of B. R. Vaughn...As a wife and mother here life was eminently lovely....


January 7, 1862
Southern Recorder
Another Volunteer gone. DIED-At the residence of his father, Capt. Jno. S. Stephens, his son, Isaac B. Stephens, in the 19th year of his age. He volunteered his services in the Baldwin Blues in July last, and joined his company at or near Norfolk, Va., where he soon fell a  victim to the prevailing disease of camp life. He went to the Hospital, where he remained for 13 weeks. When he got able he set out for home, but he was so feeble from a long journey he relapsed and never left his room from the day he reached home.

February 4, 1862
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Tuesday night, January 21st, at the house of Mr. Daniel R. Tucker, near Milledgeville, by the Rev. Dr. Talmage, Mr. GEORGE SIBLEY, of Augusta, Ga., to Miss EMMA TUCKER, of the former place.

February 4, 1862
Southern Recorder
MARRIED,  On the 8th inst., by the Rev. T. J. Adams of Linton, Hancock county, ROBT. R. GUNN, to Miss EMILY E. DICKSON, daughter of Judge James Dickson of Baldwin County.

February 6, 1862
Daily Chronicle & Sentinel
DEATH OF AN EDITOR -   On the 24th of November Cosaim Julian Barlett, Esq., died of consumption at San Bernadino, Cal., aged 34 years and 6 months. He was a native of Milledgeville, Georgia, but grew to manhood in Florida. He was a member of the New Orleans bar prior to removing to California, where he was connected with influential journals as editor. In 1859-'60 he was again in New Orleans for some months, during which time he was an editor of the Cresent.-Marrying in that city he returned to California with his bridge, and at the time of his death was editor and proprietor of the San Francisco Daily Bulletin. He was a high toped and honorable gentleman of great ability, and of amiable and engaging deportment.

February 18, 1862
Southern Recorder
DIED, In this city, on the 11th inst. HENRY TRACY, about 65 years, a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin. He taught a classical school in Milledgeville several years, and was profoundly skilled in the Latin and Greek languages. It is not known that he has any relatives in America.

March 4, 1862
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, By Rev. H. J. Adams, at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Milledgeville, on Sunday March 2d, Dr. THOMAS F. GREEN and Miss MARTHA H. CROWDER.

March 11, 1862
Southern Recorder
  MARRIED, In Baldwin county, on the 2d inst., by Wm. A. Batson, Esq., Mr. WM. G. WOOD, of Jones county, and Miss ELIZABETH PETTIGREW.

March 11, 1862
Southern Recorder
DIED, In this city on the 5th inst., of consumption, ROBERT MAPP, Esq., aged about 50 years, formerly of Hancock county-an upright citizen, and a christian gentleman. 

March 18, 1862
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, on the 2d inst., at the home of Benjamin Brooking, Esq., by Rev. S. C. Leonard, JOSEPH J. SIMPSON and Mrs, SARAH YOUNG, all of said county.

May 6, 1862
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Milledgeville, on Thursday morning, May 1st., by Rev. Dr. Talmage, Mr. JOHN E. CULLINS of Washington co., Geo. to Miss HORTENSIA A. PAINE.

March 18, 1862
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, In Baldwin county, on the 27th of February, 1862, of Typhoid Fever, Miss LUCY R. BUTLER, aged 25 years.

April 7, 1862
Macon Telegraph
We regret to learn of the sudden death on Friday night last of Col. D. C. Campbell, Secretary of the Executive Department, at Milledgeville. Peace to his ashes!

April 22, 1862
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~Died in this city, April 12, of consumption, JAMES W. DENTON, aged 35 years and 3 months.

May 13, 1862
Southern Recorder

TWO MEN KILLED. In a rencounter at Treanor's Mill, on Town creek, in the county, on Saturday last between Jesse Balcom, W. J. Evans, and John Lahee, the latter and Balcom were killed.
   The Coroner's report was, we learn, that Lahee came to his death by accident, and that Evans  killed Balcom.

     May 20, 1862
Southern Recorder
DIED, In this city, on the 7th inst., Mr. CALVIN C. CARR, aged about 38 years, a worthy citizen.
  ~excerpt~ At her residence in Baldwin county, on the 13th inst., Mrs. MARTHA MYRICK, aged 71 years 4 months and 25 days. She bore a painful and protracted illness of nearly nine months duration...

May 20, 1862
Southern Federal Union
   ~excerpt~ Died, at home, near Milledgeville, Ga., on Friday evening, 18th of April, 1862, MRS. TEMPERANCE MORAN, wife of Mr. William Moran, in the 63d year of her age, from cancer of the breast. For more than three years was she afflicted by that painful malady. ....sister-in-law, Mrs. Jane Moran...consistence member..of the Baptist church, at Mount Olive, in Baldwin county, having received Baptism at that church by the ministration of the Rev. James Barnes, upwards of thirty years ago..A Friend.

June 3, 1862
Southern Recorder
MARRIED,   On the 19th instant, in this city, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. S. E. Brooks, Mr. JOHN C. JUDSON, of Macon, Ga., and MissEMMA S. HAYGOOD, of this city.

June 3, 1862
Southern Recorder
Died, suddenly in this place, on 12th instant, Mrs. FRANCES C. CROMWELL, wife of Mr. N. Cromwell, in the 43d year of her age.
  She was a faithful wife and devoted mother. Though her last, short painful illness prevented her from giving evidence on this point,   her life finished a surer ground for hope that she is now where "all tears are wiped away from all eyes," than any dying expressions merely, could.
   ~Excerpt~ It becomes my painful duty to record the death of Mr. C. C. CARR of this city, who departed this life after a short, but violent illness, on the 7th day of May, 1862.

June 17, 1862
Southern Recorder
  Died, in this city, on Saturday evening last, after a few days illness, Capt. ELISHA CAIN, in the 34th year of his age. Capt. C. was taken sick here while on his way to join his company in Macon, the Turner Volunteers, (Hancock co.) where the regiment was yesterday to be organized. He was Captain of the first company that was raised in the commencement of the war in that county, but from infirm health was compelled to resign his command. Under a patriotic desire to serve his country, he lately raised another fine company, suffering, unfortunately, his patriotism to overcome his physical ability to undergo the hardships of camp life-having only been in camp a few weeks, he has fallen a victim to his noble impulses.
  A lawyer by profession, Capt. C. has for years past occupied a prominent position at the bar, and his numerous friends will mourn his untimely death.

July 1, 1862
Southern Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED, In this city, on 26th inst, MissEMMA CRAWFORD, aged 16 years, daughter of Col. N. C. Barnett, Secretary of State.

July 15, 1862
Southern Recorder
  MARRIED, In this city, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. S. E. Brooks, Mr. PLEASANT HEMPHILL to MissNARCISSA DEAN.
  In this city, on the morning of the 6th inst., by Rev. H. J. Adams, Dr. H. A. BARNWELL to Miss GEORGIA H. CANDLER.

July 29, 1862
Southern Recorder
  ~excerpt~ Died, near Richmond, Va., on the 6th inst., of a wound received in the battle of June 20th, WM. A. FAIR, son
of Peter Fair, Esq., of this city, in the 22d year of his age.
  The deceased was a Sergeant in Capt. Conn's company, which left Milledgeville in March. His career as a soldier was short but honorable, and it was ended abruptly, but gloriously, by giving his life for his country. He leaves parents, a wife, sister, three brothers in the service, and other relatives. to deplore his early death.

August 5, 1862
Southern Federal Union
 Another Patriot Gone. Capt. Chas. A Conn in a letter to Mr. Joseph Etheredge of this county, thus speaks of the death of young Etheredge, who fell in the fight before Richmond:
  "Your son Oliver rendered his country good service; ready at any time to perform the duties required of him, of a genial disposition, he won the esteem of his officers and the company. He was not inclined to be wicked. I never knew him to use a profane word since I've known him. He died bravely defending the capital of his county. His name will live through ages."

August 5, 1862
Southern Recorder
EDWIN FRANCIS JEMISON, a member of the 2d Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, fell in the battle of Malvern Hill, on the 1st July, 1862, aged seventeen years and seven months.
   He was brave and honorable. In the first call for volunteers to defend our rights his noble and enthusiastic spirit was one of the first to respond; and nobly did he, although but a child in years, sustain himself in the front rank of the soldier and gentleman until the moment of his death. Bounding forward at the order “Charge!” he was stricken down in the front rank, and without a struggle yielded up his young life.
  He was early dedicated by a loving, Christian mother, in baptism to God. May he who maketh wars to cease, comfort the sorrowing parents whose boy lies, buried by loving hands, on the battlefield near Richmond.

  DIED, in this city, on 27th inst., Mr.BENJAMIN B. OVERMAN, aged 40 years, from diseases produced in the army in Virginia. He was a member of the "Baldwin Volunteers."

August 19, 1862
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. On the 10th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by H. W. Jones, Esq., Mr. GEO. W. BLEDSOE, of Milledgeville, Georgia, and Miss LIZZIE SEALS, daughter of W. F. and Elizabeth Seals, of Burke county, Georgia.

August 19, 1862
Southern Recorder
    ~excerpt~ Died, James P. Rose, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Rose, of Milledgeville, aged 36 years. The deceased was on a visit to his relatives in Texas and Louisiana, at the commencement of the war, when he promptly volunteered and joined Capt. Wise's company of the First Louisiana Regiment, a regiment made glorious by its gallantry and desperate fighting.
  On the eve of battle their war was, "That demon, Butler, and Louisiana." The deceased was first attacked with dysentery, and afterwards with camp or typhoid fever. He was sick in Richmond, Va., three weeks, where he was carefully nursed by an affectionate brother and nephew at a private house. As soon as he thought he was able to make the trip home, he procured a furlough, which relects honor upon him as a soldier, and left for Georgia, the place of his birth, but soon discovered the fatigue of the trip was too much for his feeble frame. He pressed forward. however. and reached home greatly exhausted, where he lingered for then days, surrounded by his mother and other relatives and friends, who administered to his every want, and who procured the best medical skill; but it was decreed by Him who controls the destinies of nations and of men, that he must die-and his spirit took its flight, I trust, to a better and a happier world, on Friday August 8th, at 11 o'clock, A.M.

August 19, 1862
Southern Recorder
   ~excerpt~ MRS. SARAH C. PATTERSON, consort of Archibald J. Patterson, daughter of Claibron and Sarah Buckner, was born in Baldwin county, Ga., October 20th, 1839, an died of typhoid fever, at her father's residence, near Tallassee, Ala., June 29th, 1862. Sister P. joined the M. E. Church, South, in 1860, of which she remained a faithful member until her death. She was a obedient daughter, and affectionate wife, a fond mother, a loving siser, and a kind mistress; and the language of her neighbors is, "She was one of the best women I ever saw." "A good name is rather to be chosen that many riches." She (having two sisters gone before) leaves a father and mother in their old age; a companon, now in the Confederate arm, a sweet little daughter (of one summer) in the care of her parents, two sisters, and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss...B. F. Blow.

September 9, 1862
Southern Federal Union
MARRIED, In this city on Sunday 7th inst., at the Presbyterian Church, by Rev. C. W. Lane, Maj. STEPHEN F. MILLER, Associate Editor of the Southern Recorder, and Miss JANE WINDSOR, of Charleston.

September 9, 1862
Southern Recorder
  Died, near Richmond, Va., on the 1st of July, of pneumonia, HENRY SANFORD, son of Joseph K. Sanford, of Baldwin county, in the 18th year of his age - a member of the Putnam Volunteers.
  Died, at Richmond, Va., on the 26th of July, from a wound received in the battle of 1st July, WILLIAM BRADFORD PROSSER, son of William Prosser, deceased, and Eliza L. Prosser of Baldwin county-aged 25 years, 3 months and 13 days. He belonged to the 2d Louisiana Regiment.

September 16, 1862
Southern Recorder
Died, at Midway, September 9th, EUGENE L. NICHOLS, son of James H. and Kate L. Nichols, aged one year.

September 16, 1862
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, on 11th, ult. by the Rev. J. H. Cauley, JOHN CHAMPION, Esq., of Greene county, to Miss EMMA S., daughter of John Respass Esq.

September 30, 1862
Southern Recorder
   ~excerpt~ Little ANNA, daughter of Rev. George and Elizabeth Macaulay, died in this city after a brief illness, on 12th inst., 5½ years of age.

October 20, 1862
Macon Telegraph
REPORTED DEATH OF A GEORGIA. We make the following extract from a letter received by us yesterday from a correspondent at Winchester:
   "A member of the Fourth Georgia told one of my company that private Meminger Campbell, son of the late Col. D. C. Campbell, of Milledgeville, and brother of my Captain, was killed at Sharpsburg. He was the youngest son of his bereaved widowed mother. This sad. intelligence will cast a deep gloom over that affectionate family, with whom Mem. was a favorite.
   "thus has fallen another noble youth-a holocaust of liberty-a sacrifice to the mad passions of a heartless invader, a fanatical people!" Sav. Republican.

October 21, 1862
Southern Recorder
  Died in this city on 14th, inst. of Typhoid Fever Mrs. Catharine, wife of Mr. Enoch Renfroe.
  ~excerpt~ Died on Wednesday morning 15th inst., MARION GRIEVE daughter of Dr. S. G. & Carrie B. White, aged 3 years & 10 months.

October 28, 1862
Southrn Recorder
MARRIED, on 3th ult., by Rev. H. J. Adams, JOHN H. GILMORE, Esq., of Washington county, and Miss LAURA C., daughter of the late Harper Tucker.

November 4, 1862
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, At the residence of Jacob Gans, in this city, on Wednesday, 29th ult., by Rev. J. Rosenfelt of Savannah, Mr. ASHER LEVY of Madison, Ga., to Miss ADA B. DEYOUNG of this city.

November 11, 1862
Confederate Union
JAMES F. ELLINGTON, died in this city on the 27th of October, of pulmonary disease. He was a member of the Baldwin Blues, and had been in service more than a year, when he was so enfeebled by disease as to be compelled to ask for a discharge, which he obtained. His fellow soldiers say that he was a true soldier, ever at his post, and ever willing to do his duty, so long as he was physically able to discharge it. He was a soldier of three wars. He served in the Mexican war, and saw much hard service, though engaged in no battle. He was with General Walker in his Nicaraguan Revolution, and while there, no doubt from hardship and exposure, prepared his constitution for the inroads of that subtle disease which terminated his life. He was a printer by profession and one of the thousands of that class who leave the case to shoulder a musket, when ever the country calls. Like all other men he had some faults; but withal he was an honest and peaceable man. "After life's'  fitful fever he sleeps well."

November 12, 1862
Daily Chronicle & Sentinel
   There was a most delightful concert given here last night at Newell's Hall, by the little misses and young ladies of Milledgeville, assisted by Col. Lowe and the renowned Barnes of Atlanta. It was a most complete success, given in aid of our soldiers, and the house was jammed-the net proceeds near $200-eleven young ladies, representing the eleven Confederate States, appropriately dressed and bearing in their hands the staples of the States - cotton, rice, sugar cane, tobacco, grains and a tar bucket-sang with great effect The Southern Wagons and produced altogether the most pleasing effect I ever witnessed. Barnes and his favorite "Root Hog or Die" in first-rate style, and a more pleasant entertainment was seldom or ever enjoyed in this metropolis. A young lady-quite young, not more that twelve or fourteen years of age I should think - a daughter of Major H. J. G. Williams Secretary of the  Executive Department, gave evidence of a power, compass and tone, which with cultivation might make her a most charming Prima Donna some day.

December 9, 1862
Southern Recorder
  Died, in Virginia, October 31st, 1862, SAREPTA BALDWIN PROSSER, aged 20 years, son of William Prosser, deceased, and Eliza L. Prosser. He was a member of the "Baldwin Volunteers," 9th Georgia Regiment.

December 23, 1862
Confederate Union
MARRIED, On the 18th inst., at the Milledgeville Hotel, by Rev. A. Van Hoose, Mr. J. C. KING and Miss SALLIE JONES, all of Griffin, Ga.
OBITUARY. ~excerpt~  Died suddenly on the 12th inst., at his residence near this place, Mr. WILLIAM SANFORD, in the 86th year of his age.

February 3, 1863
Southern Recorder
DIED. In Baldwin County, Ga.,  on the 16th of January 1863, and in the 56th year of his age, Mr.JOHN E. CHAMBERS, after an illness of eleven days. He died as he lived, firm, honest and beloved. He leaves a wife and eight children besides many other friends and relatives who mourn his loss. E.C.

February 17, 1863
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Miss SALLIE HACKETT NEWELL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Newell of this city, died of typhoid fever after a protracted illness of eleven weeks, on the 22d year of he age.....

March 10, 1863
Southern Recorder
    MARRIED, On the 2d March, 1863, in Milledgeville, by Rev. S. E. Brooks, Mr. BENJAMIN F. DENTON, and Miss SARAH E HAWKINS, both of this city.
    In Hancock county, on 1st inst., by Rev. F. L. Brantly, M. A. BARNES, Esq., of Baldwin county, to Miss M. L. BUTTS.
    ~excerpt~Died, at the residence of his mother in Scottsboro', February 1st, BENJAMIN F. PALMER, aged nearly 20 years.
    He left his home in April, '61, at the call of patriotism, and went forth a volunteer in the Baldwin Blues to the defence of his country. After a long absence of 21 months, during which time he showed himself to be a faithful and gallant soldier, and bore himself bravely in all the battles in which his regiment, the 4th Georgia, was engaged; he returned to his home on a brief furlough, apparently in perfect health. Within a day or two, a violent attack of pneumonia prostrated him, and in a few days more, he died......

April 10, 1863
Chronicle & Sentinel
  Milledgeville, April 8
     The weather is delightful and vegetation is coming forward rapidly.
     The gay belle and beaux of the metropolis had another cotillion party at the Milledgeville Hotel last night, which was quiet numerously attended.
    Col. Huson continues to make his house attractive and his guests comfortable. It is rumored that he designs giving up the house, and returning to his plantation on the Etowah. It is to be hoped that something may turn up to reverse this decision.

April 28, 1863
Southern Recorder
   On Monday morning Coroner Johnson held an inquest over the body of Nicholas Treanor, a lad about eight years of age, who was accidentally drowned at his father's mill near this city, on Sabbath afternoon. The verdict of the jury was that the youth came to his death by accident.

May 26, 1863
Southern Recorder
  Died, at his father's residence in Baldwin county, on the 16th inst., GEORGE W. BROOKINS, in the 17th year of his age. He was a member of the 57th Reg't Georgia Volunteers. He left his regment at Vicksburg, Miss., on a furlough, in feeble health, to returned to his family and friends. He lived but a few days after reaching home. He was a dutiful son, an affectionate brother, a good soldier and a true patriot. His early departure was an afflictive dispensation to his family and friends, but it was a consolation to them to see him in his last hours calm, peaceful and happy.,

June 16, 1863
Southern Recorder
Died, at Midway, on Sunday morning last,REBECCA, wife of Dr. Thomas B. Lamar.

July 14, 1863
Confederate Union
Married, In this city, on the 5th inst., by Rev. S. E. Brooks, Mr. AUGUSTUS H. THOMPSON and Miss MARY BAUCAM.

August 4, 1863
Confederate Union
~excerpt~ DIED. In Baldwin county Georgia July 9, 1863, MISS EMMA S. BROWN, in the fourteenth year of her age. She died from the subsequent effects of scarlet fever - the disease falling upon the brain (during her convalescense) and producing delium and sudden death...E. P. Birch

August 6, 1863
Chronicle & Sentinel
Henry Stevens mill, on the Milledgeville and Gordon railroad was destroyed by fire on Saturday. A large amount of wheat and corn were destroyed. The fire was the result of accident __. We do not know what the loss is to __, but it must be very heavy.

September 15, 1863
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on Sunday evening, by the Rev. F. L. Brantly, Mr. GEORGE W. HAAS, and Miss KITTIE J. WHIDDON.

September 22, 1863
Confederate Unionn
MARRIED, At Midway, on the 15th inst., by Rev. Dr. Talmadge, Lieut. E. P. Cater, 1st S.C. Reg't Sharp Shooters, to Miss
SALLIE E. WRIGHT, of Midway.
  At Midway, on the 16th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. R. L. Smythe to Miss MARY E. SCUDDER.

September 22, 1863
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~A Tribute to the Memory ofWm. E. Hanna.
  I have received the sad intelligence of the death of this noble young man, my brother and companion in arms, and feel it to be my duty to inscribe a few lines to his memory.
  He died in the 20th year of his age, on the 18th day of July, in the city of New York, from a wound received in a skirmish at the battle of Gettysburg, Penn., on the 2d of July. He was left in the hands of the enemy when the army retired, and was carried to New York where he found a grave. The sad news was brought to his mother and sister by a letter from a member of the 45th Ga. Regt., who was also taken prisoner at the time he was, and who waited upon him in his dying moments. His dying request was, "write to my mother and sister, tell them I die the death of a christian, and death I do not fear, but feel perfectly resigned to the will of God." What consoling words these must have been to their bereaved hearts! Though he died far away from home and friends he died the death of a christian and was  decently buried. Eddie was a dear friend of mine, and the news of his death overwhelmed me with grief almost as though he had been my own brother. For more that two years before the war he was my daily companion, and our love for each other became almost unsurpassable. He was a devoted christian, having joined the M. E. Church in the 13th year of his age, and from his orderly walk and christian character gained the love and admiration of all who knew him.
  He enter the service in the early part of the war as a Sergeant in Capt. W. D. Wood's company from Hawkinsville, Ga. He was a brave and faithful soldier participating in all the battles with which the Regiment was engaged previous to the time he was transferred to the 45th Ga. He received a wound in the foot in the first battle of Fredericksburg, and was sent to a hospital where he soon recovered sufficiently to return to his Regiment. After the Chancellorville fight he was transferred to the 45th Ga. Regt., Capt C. A. Conn's company from Milledgeville, Ga., the home of his childhood, and where his mother and sister now reside.
   Though he was with us but a short time before he received his death wound, he won for himself the love of all his companions, and when the sad news that Eddie was dead, was announced to his comrades, each heart was filled with sadness, and tears were seen to glisten in the eyes of the harvest. His father died when he was quite young, but he was raised by a pious mother, and was all that her heart could wish him to be. The love and pride of his mother, the idol of his sister, it was a severe blow to them to learn that he was dead. May God sanctify the affliction to the good of their bereaved hearts.......

September 29, 1863
Southern Recorder
  The ladies have gone to work with their usual energy and success, and have made arrangements to accomodate a large number of wounded soldiers, from the late battle fields in Georgia, and on the Tennessee line. They have dispatched an Agent to confer with the chief Surgeon, and to state their preparations. We understand that Newell's Hall, the large Armory Room, belonging to the estate of Dr. Fort, the rooms above Wright & Brown's Store, and also the Male and Female Academies, have been secured as Hospitals. The use of other buildings will be obtained, if necessary. Committees have gone forth on their errands of love, and have received, and will, as necessity may require, continue to receive, from families and the citizens generally, whatever may be required for the comfort of the wounded defenders of our State. In addition to what may be contributed privately, Messrs. Waitzfelder & Co. have agreed to manufacture cloth ofr matresses at less than the usual price, Messrs. Wright & Brown, will furnish cotton at cost, and Col. Green, Keeper of the Penitentiary will have the matresses made with all possible expedition. All this savors of the right spirit. May Heaven bless the Ladies for their patriotic enterprise.
  We take great pleasure in stating, that the Grand Jury last week, when the subject was proposed to them, subscribed more that $2,000 to assist the Hospitals, and to encourage the fair patrons who devote themselves to the good work in this city. Their example we trust, will have a salutary influence in stimulatng other communities in the same direction. We are gratified to learn that most of the towns on the Rail Roads, are inviting their share of the wounded.

October 6, 1863
Southern Recorder
DIED In this city, on the 2d inst. MARTHA, aged one year, infant daughter of Dr. T. Hartley Hall.

October 20, 1863
Confederate Union
  Died suddenly, and almost alone in the night, in hospital at Rome, Ga. on 11th ist. Sergeant NEWTON J. ROGERS, of Town Creek, Baldwin County, of Capt. Dole's Co., State Guard, aged 36 years leaving a wife and five chidren, in whose sorrows a large circle of friends join to sympathize. Though not yet a church-member Mr. Rogers' life and confidential conversation furnish every requisite proof that he was a christian; and he has, doubtless, gone to enjoy in a happier world the realty of a christian's hopes. In life he had no enemies, but lived and died in peace, beloved of all who knew him leaving his county to mourn the loss of a good citizen. A FRIEND. October 17, 1863.

Milledgeville, Dec. 11, 1863
Chronicle & Sentinel
Captain T. G. Raven died at the Milledgeville Hotel, of pneumonia, on Wednesday. He was an Englishman by birth, a man of military education, and he rendered the State valuable service as an Engineer. He married an accomplished Charleston lady, who was with him at the time of his death, and whose inconsolable grief has elicited the liveliest sympathy. The General Assembly adopted the following to the memory of this gallant young officer:
      Information has been received that Captain T.G. Raven departed this life on the 10th instant, whilst on a visit at Milledgeville, connected with his duties. The facts, full authenticated, connected with the brief and honorable career of the deceased, merit from the State an earnest tribute to his memory.
     Capt. Raven was born in England, and was a graduate of the Military College at Addescows. Emigrating to America, he was married to a lady in Charleston, where he embarked and was engaged in commercial pursuits at the beginning of the war. Without a formal transfer of allegiance, he generously espoused the cause of the South, and has with unremitting industry and devotion given to her the benefit of his labors and scientific training. He did creditable service in South Carolina, but learning the great need of Engineers in Georgia, tendered his services to the authorities of this State as one of the Volunteer Staff of the Adjutant General.
      In the capacity of Engineer, he has by his skill, energy and fidelity, secured honorable mention in the last report of that officer. He has been suddenly stricken down by disease contracted in the service of the State, in the very flush of his early manhood. It is for his family and friends  to cherish the remembrance of his private virtues, whilst the State reverently pause to make record of his disinterested zeal and active labors in her behalf in view of the foregoing.
     Resolved, by the General Assembly of Georgia, That we have learned with unfeigned regret, of the death of Capt. T. G. Raven, and gratefully recognize his active and intelligent labors so unselfishly bestowed for the defense of the State,
     Resolved, That, we tender our sincere condolence to the friends and family of the deceased; and request that a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions accompanying be sent by the Governor to his bereaved widow.
     Resolved, That in further evidence of our respect for the memory of the deceased, the General Assembly will adjourn this day at 12 o'clock, to attend his funeral from the Episcopal Church.

May 10, 1864
Confederate Union
  MARRIED, In this city on the 7th inst, by Rev. C. A. Fulwood, Lieut. J. P. BELVIN of Houston county, toMiss MARY E. WALTON of this city.

May 10, 1864
Confederate Union
MARRIED, in this city, on the 3d inst., by Rev. Cameron F. McRae, Mr. AUGUSTUS MERRITT of Griffin, and Miss SARAH A.. daughter of Wm. B. Tinsley, Esq., of Savannah, Ga.

May 31, 1864
Confederate Union
~excerpt~..etracts from several private letters from his bother who is a member of the Baldwin Blues, 4th Ga. Regt. Wilderness May 6th, 1864........Eugene Hawkins was killed, shot through the heart....We are all very much distressed at the death of Eugene Hawkins. He was on Gen. Doles staff.- During the fight yesterday a Virginia Brigade on Doles' right gave way, and out Brigade was immediately flanked, by a large force of the enemy, and exposed to an enfilading fire. They were ordered to fall back, which they did in good order, about four or five hundred yards. A new line was formed and Capt. Hawkins had just given the order to charge, when he fell dead-never spoke...Capt. H. is buried in a Church yard near our camp-grave appropriately marked.....

June 4, 1864
Southern Recorder.
MARRIED, In this city, on 1st inst., by Rev. Wm. Flinn..  Lieut. WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS, of the first Georgia Regulars, and Miss BESSIE, daughter of
Col. Miller Grieve.

July 19, 1864
Confederate Union
Married, In this city on the 10th inst., by P. Fair, J. I. C., THOMAS TURK, Esq'r. to Miss SARAH PSALMONDS.

August 9, 1864
Southern Recorder
  Several weeks ago we noticed the removal, from Atlanta to Milledgeville, of the Hospital for the Militia called into service by Gov. Brown. - The following gentlemen constitute its organization:
Dr. Robert J. Massey, Surgeon in charge.
Dr. Wm. C. Musgrove, Consulting Surgeon
Ward No. 1. Dr. C. W. Stegall, Surgeon in charge, Dr. J. T. Sego, Assistant Surgeon.
Ward No. 2, Dr. W J. Green, Surgeon in charge; Dr. C. W. Duggan, Assistant Surgeon.
Ward No. 3. Dr. A. A. Jernigan, Surgeon in charge; Dr. W. L. Alfriend, Assistant Surgeon.
Ward No. 4. Dr. O. Pinkerton, Surgeon in charge; Dr. G. M. Clements, Assistant Surgeon.
Ward No. 5. Dr. M. Bishop, Surgeon in charge.
  The buildings at present occupied for Hospital purposes are the Male and Female Academies. A large number of new and substantial Tents have been erected under the trees in the yard, and also on the old court House square, which have the appearance of comfort to the inmates.
  Those in charge of Hospital's estimate them in a good condition when not more than four per cent of the patients is lost; but this Hospital has not lost more than one per cent. The capacity of the Hospital is five hundred, and the following are the deaths for the last month:
  J. R. Ellis, Co. B., 2d Batt. - Rubeola.
  J. M. Winn, Co. F. 2d Regt. - Typhoid fever.
  We have observed, with great pleasure, that the Ladies are assiduous in their daily attentions to the sick and wounded soldiers, and have greatly aided the Surgeon in charge in providing every necessary and available comfort. Such kindness and sympathy not only relieve the sufferings of the soldier who has become and invalid by exposure for his country, but his spirit is refreshed, and his patriotism burns more brightly when he sees gentle fair ones ministering to his wants. The ladies of Milledgeville are entitled to grateful remembrance for their successful exertions in the noble work to which they have devoted their energies from the commencement of the war to the present time, - the welfare and happiness of our brave soldiers.

August 23, 1864
Southern Recorder
Local Activity.  The removal of the Brown Hospital, with its several hundred inmates, and the presence of Col. Lee's military command for the protection of the Capital, give an air of activity and bustle to which our city is not accustomed in the recess of the Legislature.
. The Hospital has been enlarged by the occupancy of Newell's Hall, Armory Hall, and buildings once known as the Huson Hotel. Most of the officers have taken rooms for business and lodging at McComb's Hotel. The Quartermaster and Commissary have their departments to suit their convenience, and do a good deal of drayage in their line, which adds to the business features of the city. Thus do we experience war at a distance.

September 6, 1864
Confederate Union
List of persons who have died at "Brown Hospital" since its establishment, to 1st of Sept., inclusive.
Marion Atkerson, August 23
N. B. Bates, July 6
Jas T. Buckner, August 31
E. M. Clark, Sept. 1
Elisha B. Cape, August 29
Ringold Commander, August 5
Wm Fussell, August 29
Wm Gaff, June 19
Wm Grogan, June 22
J. M. Green, August 30
J. M. Hutcherson, August 24
Jno M. Jones, June 22
T. Judge, August 24
A. A. Lanford, July7
J. N. Meadows, July 28
Jno. McLeod, August 27
Jno W. Robinson, June 28
Owen Ramsey, August 16
Aaron Rogers, August 22
Green B. Turner, August 18
Reddick Thornton, August 27
J. A. Vaughn, June 26
J. M. Winn, August 2
S. R. Walker, August 6
Mordecai W. Wood,August 23
  Deaths occurred since July 9th, took place since the removal of the Hospital from Atlanta to this city.
  The whole number of patients admitted into Brown Hospital since June 13th, when it was opened, is 1,433.

September 13, 1864
Southern Recorder
~excerpt (addition to list above) died to 10th of September
Wm. Tapley, September 3
Huh Capnell, September 6
Wm. E. Joyner, September 7
Willis Harrell, September 7
James J. Wren, September 8
Roland Mercer, September 10
  The whole number of patients admitted into Brown Hospital since June 13th, when it was opened, is 1,619.

October 24, 1864
Chronicle and Sentinel
A MAGISTRATE SHOT- William Boston (Batson), a Magistrate in the Scottsboro' district, Baldwin co. who having refused to go into the military service, says the Milledgeville Recorder, was shot last week by the arresting officer and died on Sunday last.
Bisdon (Risdon) Collins was also shot by the arresting officer we learn, on Sunday last, and has died. He was, we are informed, a deserter.

December 6, 1864
Confederate Union
Captured. Capt. Sam McComb, Lieut. Joe Beall, Adolphus McComb, Gus Cone, and Theodore Sanford were captured near this place, by some of Sherman's forces. Messrs Beall andA. McComb escaped at No. 14, C. R. R. on Tuesday last, and arrived here safe on Friday last. Capt. Sam McComb was still a prisoner when they left. They also state that Hon. Thos. F. Wells, our immediate State Senator, was a prisoner, in the enemy's hands. We sincerely trust that they may be soon released from durany vile.

December 6, 1864
Chronicle and Sentinel
Letter from Milledgeville, Milledgeville, Nov. 27, 1864, Editor Macon Telegraph:
Sir:- for public information we drop you a line or two from this point that it may be known what the Federal army has done in passing through this place. The first appearance of Sherman's cavalry in our city was on the 20th; but not more than twenty men first making their appearance. They lingered on the outskirts of the town, cut the telegraph wires, and after inquiring if any of Wheeler's men were here, and being answered in the negative, advanced through the streets with cocked pistols and carbines, seizing horses and exciting no little consternation and alarm. By Monday afternoon Slocum's corps began to come in by way of Social Circle, Madison and Eatonton, and the other division under him by way of Monticello. Sherman's forces came in by the way of Clinton, on Tuesday and Wednesday. The columns visiting Milledgeville composed the 14th and 20th corps, and it is thought numbered some twenty thousand muskets, with corresponding artillery and several thousand wagons. These wagons were mostly loaded with provisions, the army subsisting on what they found on their way in the country.
    The spread desolation broadcast-taking everything in their way. In the breadth of about twenty miles. Corn, fodder, meal, flour, horses. mules, hogs, cattle, sheep, poultry of every description, servants that could be enticed and forced off, and these in great numbers. The last of  the army left on Friday forenoon, destroying in its rear the bridge over the Oconee, at this place, having previously burnt the Arsenal with three thousand stand of arms in it, blew up the Magazine, and burnt the Railroad Depot. The Penitentiary was burnt by some of the convicts, said to the women. The Railroad has been destroyed for about two and a half miles from this towards Gordon and for about four miles from Gordon in that direction.
  We are informed that the road between this and Eatonton was undisturbed, except the bridge across Little river, which was burned with the depot at Eatonton. The State House, the Executive Mansion, the Factory and the Asylum are left standing, though all bu the latter dismantled. The Churches were entered and materially damaged. The only private residences burnt were those of John Jones's State Treasurer, and Mr. Gibbs, formerly Colonel Campbell's. This was done, it is said by a mob of the soldiers, because he was a South Carolina. All his household furniture was burnt, and his silver were taken to the amount of about twenty thousand dollars.  The city being one vast camp, fences became their fuel, gardens and private yards became highways for horses and men; hence, our city now presents a forlorn appearance.
  The materials of the Southern Recorder and Confederate Union were successfully concealed in the country, but some time must elapse before the offices can be again put in operation. We have now no mail facilities except by courtiers to your city.
   As your city has been spared, we hope some method may be adopted by which the distressed with us may be supplied with provisions, as the community are left without food or means of transportation.
  We need not undertake to describe the scenes of the past week. God grant they never be repeated.
R. M. ORME, Sen.
N.B. We hear of a great many private dwellings, gin houses, and much cotton being burnt by the enemy on their different routes; some within sight. Also, that several private citizens were shot. It is, however due to the Federals to say that they respected families in our city, within doors, but at the same time robbed the of all without. In the country, families were frequently ill-treated, and their houses also sacked.
    I omitted to state, in the proper place that the State House and Executive mansion were after consultation on the part of Sherman and other Generals, left standing on the ground that Georgia, within six months, would be again a part of the United States through that action. A staff officer repeatedly asserted that they knew the State would go back. We believe they are mistaken, for judging of the effect of their vandalism on Milledgeville, we believe the State will be a unit, as we are, in increased hatred of them. Loss of property has only united us more closely in determined resistance, even to death. 

March 21, 1865
Chronicle and Sentinel
ANOTHER HABEUS CORPUS DECISION- The annexed decision, on a very important matter, we find in the Milledgeville Recorder:
Wm. Babb, Petitioner, vs Royalis, Enrolling Officer
Habeaus Corpus, Before Judge Harris, in Baldwin Superior Court, March 7, 1865
  The facts of this case appeared on full investigation to be these:
That Babb was a private in the Confederate Reserves; that he came home on furlough; that having overstayed his time, by orders from headquarters at Augusta, the enrolling officer arrested said Babb upon the charge of being absent from his command without leave. When about to be returned to headquarters-by his petition, which was sworn to-he alleged that being over fifty years of age, he was illegally arrested for military service, and prayed a habeas corpus. Upon the hearing of the habeaus corpus petitioner was permitted to prove his age, which appeared to be a little over fifty years.
  The Judge, after argument, said that in the view he entertained of the matter from the facts before him, it would be improper now to make a decision whether Babb was entitled to discharge in consequence of his being over fifty years of age. That it was evident that the arrest of applicant was a legal one; was for a military crime - "absent without leave," that military crimes are generally triable before the military court organized by the Confederate Government, over many of which those Courts have exclusive jurisdiction. That this case is one of that description, and that until the applicant was discharged or free from arrest therefor he would not consider and decide the question of liability to further military service.
  The applicant Babb was remanded to the custody of the military officer arresting him.
CENTRAL GEORGIA- We have until within a few days, continued freshets throughout the  winter. Streams have been out of their banks and the roads have in many instances, been impassable. Planters are unusually backward in preparing for crops, both in fencing for and l the preparation of the ground for planting. Wheat is promising.
SHOT- A negro named Tom, belonging, to Messrs. Cook & Cheek of Bibb, has been captured since his escape from Jail - in that county and shot. He acknowledged being one of the party who murdered Mr. Bloodworth and Mr. Leonard. The latter formerly of this county.
RELAYED- The pontoon over the Oconee at this place has been relayed since the freshet.
Milledgeville Recorder, March 14

May 2, 1865
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, By the Rev. S. E. Brooks, at the residence of the bride's father in Milledgeville, on hte 19th day of April, 1865,
Capt. J. M. SMITH of Laurens county, Ga., to Miss HENRIETTA J., daughter of Maj. H. J. G. Williams.

May 16, 1865
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the night of the 10th inst., at the residence of Mrs. Griffin, in this city by the Hon. B. B, DeGraffenried, Mr. HENRY T. BROOKINS and

May 30, 1865
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 22d inst., at the house of the bride's father, near Milledgeville, by Rev. Wm. Flinn, Capt. HOWELL COBB of Athens, Ga., to Miss MARY, daughter of William McKinley, Esq.

DIED, In this city, on the 25th inst., Mrs. JULIA ROBINSON, wife of Wm. G. Robinson, in the 41st year of her age, leaving an interesting family of children and many friends to emulate her christian example and cherish her memory.

July 12, 1865
The Macon Daily Telegraph
  We learn from the Federal Union that Robert Micklejohn, one of the oldest, if not the oldest, of the residents of Milledgeville, died in that city on the 2d inst.

September 5, 1865
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Death of Rev. Samuel K. Talmage, D.D.
   Truly a great man has fallen in Israel. Dr. Samuel K. Talmage died at Midway, on Saturday morning Sept. 2nd 1865, aged about 70 years. He had been in feeble health, for some time, but his death was sudden and unexpected.

September 26, 1865
Southern Recorder
DIED, At Scottsboro' on the morning of the 5th inst. MRS. ELIZABETH UNDERWOOD, aged 83 years, 2 months and 24 days. "Sweet is the memory of the just."

October 25, 1865
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the 18th inst. by Rev. George W. Yarbrough, Mr. GEORGE W. CARAKER to Miss SUSIE A. FERREL, both of this city.

October 31, 1865
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Died, in this county, on the 23d instant, in the 25th year of her age, of a violent yet short illness of a congestive nature, which lasted only eight days, Mrs. MARY E., wife of Mr. John R. Strother, and daughter of Sylvanus and Elizabeth Prince.

November 4, 1865
Macon Weekly Telegraph
DEATH OF COL. HINES HOLT. We are pained to chronicle the decease of this distinguished gentleman, who breathed his last yesterday afternoon, at Milledgeville about three o'clock  He was one of the delegates to the State convention from Muscogee county, and was suddenly taken with an attack of paralysis while sitting in his chair in the capitol, on the 1st inst., from the effects of which he died. Col. Holt was a lawyer of eminence and had filled positions of trust and responsibility with honor to himself and his section. His loss will be severely felt, not only by numerous friends who appreciated his social qualities, but by the legal fraternity, who will miss from among them, a bright ornament of the profession.

December 5, 1865
Southern Recorder
MARRIED,  In this city, on the night of the 28th inst. at the residence of the brides father, by the Rev. G. W. Yarborough, Mr. PETER H. FERRELL, to Miss VICTORIA Q. BYNUM, both of this city.

December 26, 1865
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 19th inst. by Rev. W. Rogers, R. T. GIBSON of Baldwin to Miss MATTIE R. CHOATE, of Jones county.

December 26, 1865
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. In Columbus, Ga., on the morning of the 18th, by the Rev. Mr. Devotie,  Mr. JOSEPH W. JONES of Milledgeville, to Miss MARY E. RUTHERFORD of the former city.

December 26, 1865
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city on the 20th inst. by the Rev. George W. Yarbrough, Mr. ROBERT WILLIS to Mrs. Virginia E. Denton.


January 9, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 2d inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. CHARLES F. MINTER, to Miss MARTHA JANE CHAMBERS.

January 9, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city on the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Flinn, Mr. RICHARD V. JONES, to Miss REBECCA L. DAVIES.

January 9, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 27th ult. by Rev. Mr. Leonard, Mr. FRANCIS M. BARNES to Miss SALLIE HAWKINS.

January 9, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In the city on the night of the 31st ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. S. E. Brooks, Mr. J. A. J. HARRELL, to Miss ANNIE COOK, both of this city.

January 16,  1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 24th ult, by Rev. S. C. Leonard, Mr. WILLIAM H. ROBERSON and Miss AMELIA HALL, daughter of W. Hall.

January 16, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the morning of the 11th inst;, by Rev. Wm. Flinn, ROBERT B. RYAN, Esq., of Montgomery, Ala, to Miss JULIA A ROBINSON, of this city.

January 16, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, by the Rev. G. W. Yarbrough, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 19th ult., Dr. J. W. HERTY to Miss MARY FANNIE BONNER.

January 22, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city on the 20th inst. by the Rev. George W. Yarbrough, Mr. ROBERT WILLIS, of Atlanta, to Miss VIRGINA E. WARE, of Milledgeville.

January 23, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 16th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. George W. Yarborough, Mr. CHAS. R. HARPER to MissANNIE E. TATUM, both of Baldwin County.

January 23, 1866
Federal Union
~excerpt~DIED. At the residence of her son, Mr. Charles E. Bonner, in Baldwin county, on the afternoon of the 16 inst., Mrs. FRANCES BONNER, relict of the late James Bonner, and sister to the Hon. Charles W. and Thos. Haynes, formerly prominent and leading citizens of Georgia........For seventy-five years, she bore the burden of life....The assemblage around her dying bed, and soon her lifeless form, of her children and grand-children shedding tears...for the aged mother..."she was one of the best mothers that ever lived."........

February 14, 1866
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, on the 1st inst., CICERO BLIZZARD, eldest son of Bryant and Adaline Blizzard, in the 17th year of his age, after a short but painful illness of inflammation of the brain.

February 20, 1866
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Died at her residence (Sycamore Level) in Baldwin county, on the 11th of February, 1866, after a short illness, Mrs.MATILDA E. HILL, relict of David B. Hill, aged 69 years and 7 months.

March 28, 1866
Chonicle and Sentinel
    The remains of Captain Beall, of the "Albany Grays," who was killed at Knoxville, Tenn., passed through Macon a few days ago, to be interred at Milledgeville.

April 10, 1866
Federal Union
  Mr. W. A. Roberson, of this county, who was shot, some ten or fifteen days ago, by Mr. Strother, died on Thursday last.

April 24, 1866
Federal Union
MARRIED, April 19th, 1866, by Rev. G. W. Yarborough, Mr. STEPHEN JONES, of Twiggs co., Ga., and Miss BELLE COOK, of Baldwin Co., Ga.

April 24, 1866
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this city, on the 22nd inst., by Rev. G. W. Yarborough, Mr. WM. H. UNDERWOOD and Miss LIZZIE MICKLEJOHN.

May 1, 1866
Federal Union
DIED, At Midway, Ga., on the 14th day of April, 1866, after an illness of four weeks and two days, Miss MARY JANE POTTER, aged 19 years 6 months and 24 days.
  She had been, from early youth, a member of the Methodist Church and was much beloved by all those who were acquainted with her. She has left behind, in this vale of tears, a widowed mother and several young brothers to lament their loss.

May 8, 1866
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Died, in this city, on the morning of the 4th inst., George W. Fort, M.D., aged 38 years - Buried in the Cemetery at Milledgeville, Ga.

June 5, 1866
Federal Union
HOMICIDE - On Saturday last a difficulty occurred between Elias Mahon, and Green Williams, a freedman. The negro was shot through the thigh, and Mahon's skull was fractured by a  blow from a pistol in the negro's hands, from the effects of which Mahon died on Sunday morning. We have not all the facts in the case, and therefore refrain from giving particulars, which will be fully developed hereafter.
See September 4, 1866

June 12, 1866
Southern Recorder.
HOMICIDE- Another affray took place in this county on Wednesday last, between Bolling Hall and Thomas Simpson, in which the former was stabbed several times, of which wounds he died on Saturday last.
 AGAIN - Two freedmen, brohters, got to fighting at Mr. Ray's a few miles from town on Saturday last, and one split the other's head open with an axe. He is expected to die.
AGAIN, A negro convict, by the name of Wilson, committed for arson, a slave of Green R. Duke, of Jackson Co., crime committed while a slave, and sentenced for life, was shot and killed on yesterday while attempting to escape from the Penitentiary. Also, at the same time, a white man by the name of Henry A. Clark alias J. N. Brackett, from Pike Co., crime of robbery, from Col. Alexander, was shot, but not mortally.

June 12, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the  6th inst., in this city, by the Rev. Wm. Flinn, Mr. ADOLPHUS RUTHERFORD, fomerly of Columbus, Ga., to Miss MATTIE ROBINSON of Milledgeville.

June 20, 1866
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Col. Saml. Buffington, formerly a citizen of Milledgeville, died at St. Augustine Fla., on the 1st. inst.

July 3, 1866
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this city, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. G. W. Yarborough, Mr. W. H. Hubbard, and Miss Fanny Horton, all of Baldwin county.

July 3, 1866
Federal Union
Married, In Macon, Ga., on the 21st ult., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. H. K. Rees, Mr. J. Thomas Bivins, of Milledgeville, and Miss Katie Cleveland Seaman, of the former place.

July 13, 1866
The Daily Sun
DEATH OF A DISTINGUISHED FLORIDIAN. We learn from the Jacksonville Union that Col. Samuel Buffington died at his residence in St. Augustine, on Friday the 1st instant, and received interment on Sunday, at the hands of the Masonic fraternity. He moved to Jacksonville from Milledgeville, Ga., many years ago, and was a representative in the Florida Legislature from Duval county. He removed to St. Augustine in 1859.

July 27, 1866
Chonicle and Sentinel
Baldwin County,- The citizens  of Baldwin held a public meeting Saturday last to appoint delegates to the District Convention. Wm. McKinley, Esq., was chosen Chairman and Joseph H. Nisbet, Secretary. The meeting appointed Col. Wm. McKinley and Col. Benj. Beck delegates to the District Convention; Nathan Hawkins and F. G. Grieve, Alternates.

August 7, 1866
Federal Union
~excerpt~ MARRIED, In Scottsboro', on the 1st inst., by Rev. G. W. Yarbrough, Mr. THOMAS B. MOORE and Miss SARAH VIRGINIA PALMER.

August 7, 1866
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Yes, died in this place on Sunday last, (29th) ult.,) little JOHNNIE WALLACE, infant and only child of James P. and Mollie Lea Harrison, of Milledgeville, Ga. aged 6 months...........

eptember 4, 1866
Federal Union
The Superior Court adjourned on Thusday evening after a session of four days. Green Williams (Freedman.) charged with the murder of Elias Mahon, was found guilty and sentenced to the Penitentiary for life.
   A verdict of "Not Guilty," was returned by the jury in the case of The State vs. Thomas Simpson.

October 3, 1866
Macon Daily Telegraph
Do You Want A Good Home?  The subscriber offers for sale his Residence in Midway, one mile and half from Milledgeville. The House is in thorough repair and contains eight good rooms. The location is healthy and convenient to good schools and to churches of the different denominations. The lot contains thirty-five acres of good fair land, about ten of which is in wood land, the balance all under cultivation, and the whole place under enclosure. One the place are all necessary out-buildings, with an excellent well, a good orchard and vineyard.
  With the place I will sell the furniture if desired. I will sell for just one-half the original cost of the place in good money. Apply at once to: J. N. Nichols, Milledgeville, Ga.

October 4, 1866
Chonicle and Sentinel
David M. Edwards, one of the old citizens of Milledgeville, died last week. At the time of his death he was engaged in the business of a grocery merchant. He was a good man and citizen, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Aged 53 years.

October 16, 1866
Southern Recorder
Excerpt~ Died in this city, after a long period of feeble and gradually declining health, Mr. ISAAC NEWELL, Sen., in the 70th year of his age, a natve of Southington,  Conn, but for nearly fifty years a resident of this place, and formerly one of its principal merchants....

October 17, 1866
The Macon Telegraph
Valuable Plantation for Sale
I will sell on Wednesday, the 7th day of November next, at public outcry, on  he premises, the plantation of the late Dr. Thomas B. Lamar. This is one of the healthiest and best places in Central Georgia. The plantation is on the Oconee river, eight miles South of Milledgeville, and contains about two thousand and five hundred acres of valuable land, about three hundred acres in first class river bottom, one hundred of which is in cultivation and will yield thirty bushels of corn to the acre. The other two hundred acres are equally good, but on it is a splendid growth of cane, which, in raise Bee Cattle, will, without expense, yield a better revenue than any cotton herd. In the tract are one thousand acres of first class pine woods, heavily timbered, and a fine mill site on a bold creek.- Lumber sells for twenty five dollars per thousand at other mills in the vicinity. One the place are a new gin-house, good screw, barns, stables, and good frame cabins for one hundred Negroes.
  At the same time and place, I will sell the Mules, Cattle, Corn, Fodder and Farming Utensils.
  The land will be sold for one half cash, the balance payable in twelve months, secured by mortgage on the same. The cattle, corn, etc., will be sold for cash.
   Further information can be had by application to J. H. Nichols, Ex'r. At Milledgeville, or to Wm. Ennis, on the place.

October 24, 1866
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED - On the 10th inst., at the residence of Gen. S. P. Myrick, in Midway, by the Rev. Sr. Lipscomb, Dr. John W. Myrick to Miss Luda J. Dowdell.

November 6, 1866
Federal Union
    ~excerpt~Departed this life, in Baldwin County, on the 11th of October last, Mrs. Eliza Cornelia, wife of Lafayette J. Echols, and daughter of  William and Eliza Prosser, in the 27th year of her age....She leaves a  sorrowing husband and  three children of years too tender, to know of their irreparable loss.......

December 2, 1866
Macon Daily Telegraph
  The corpse of this gentleman passed through our city on Thursday, P.M., for interment at Milledgeville. For nearly a year Mr. Daniel has been in business in this city, and at the time of his death was a member of the firm of Callaway & Daniel. Several years since he was the able and beloved pastor of the Baptist Church in Milledgeville; afterwards, of the First Baptist Church in Savannah, from whence, a few years ago, he removed to Albany, and was pastor of the Church there, until near the lose of the war. Having a large family, he was forced to go into secular business to maintain them. Mr. Daniel was a man of personal intellect, and we sustain an irreparable loss in a husband and father whose high pleasure it was to labor for their welfare and happiness.
  He died of a severe attack of bilious complaint. We knew Mr. Daniel well, and love and respected him as a christian and as a man, by native, ability raised himself from a position of lowliness to one of honor and distinction. As a preacher he ranked among he first in his denomination, and all who knew him bestowed upon him their highest esteem.

December 11, 1866 
Federal Union
DIED. In Putnam county, Nov. 29th, 1866, LAURA ECHOLS, of Baldwin county, after a short illness, aged 11 years and 29 days, youngest daughter of Peter Echols and Eliza Echols of the latter county.. She died at the residence of her sister Ann E. Pinkerton, to whom she was on a vist.
  Thus has a lovely and beloved child been cut down in the bloom of youth, 'ere sorrow cold dim or sin could stain her happy life. It is a consolation to her afflicted parents to know that "it is well with the child."

December 13, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 11th inst., at the bride's residence in Baldwin county, by T. J. Finney, Esq., Rev. S. Castellow of Houston county, and Mrs. C. L. Leeves.

December 25, 1866
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. A the residence of Mrs. E. M. Prosser, in Baldwin county, JAMES F. GREGORY of Putnam county to Miss ARAMINTER C. PROSSER.

December 25, 1866
Southern Recorder
DIED, In this county, suddenly, on Sunday evening last, MARK D. HUSON, aged 66 years.

February 22, 1867
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. E. M. Pharr was born in Baldwin county, Ga., 1842, and died at her mother's residence, Mrs. Winiford West, Feb. 1st, 1867. She joined the Baptist Church in 1859, was married to Rev. T. A. Pharr, of the Georgia Conference, Oct. 28th 1862, and joined the Methodist Church in Clinton in 1863.

March 8, 1867
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs.Mary V. Adams, wife of B. B. Adams, and daughter of sister Little, of Milledgeville, died at the residence of her mother on 2d February, 1867. At the age of twelve she embraced religion and joined the Methodist church.

 March 15, 1867
Southern Christian Avocate
Miss Mary S. Whitaker, daughter of Samuel S. Whitaker, died in Baldwin county, Ga., Jan. 18th 1867, in the 20th year of her age.

 June 28, 1867
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs.Aurelia Kenan, relict of Hon. Thos H. Kenan, a resident of Baldwin co., Ga., died at the residence of Col. Horne in Griffin, Ga., June 2, 1867, aged about 95 years. R. W. Bigham

July 16, 1867
Federal Union
  DROWNED - Jefferson Edwards, son of Mr. M. E. Edwards of this city, a lad of eleven or twelve years of age, was drowned in the Oconee river, on Thursday afternoon last. He went in bathing with a number of boys about his own age, and getting beyound his depth, in swift water, was drowned before assistance could reach him. The afflicted family have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement.

July 23, 1867
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Died in Midway, Geo., at the residence of his father-in-law, Dr. Thomas F. Green, on July 10th, Captain ADLAI O. HOUSTON, of Mobile, Alabama, aged 36 years.

September 24, 1867
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 22d inst., by Rev. N. A. Bailey, Mr. ISAAC NEWELL, to Mrs. KIZIA CALLAWAY, both of this city.

Mrs. ISAAC NEWELL, Sr., died in this city on yesterday, aged about 69 years.

October 2, 1867
Memphis Daily Avalanche
Mr. Thomas Micklejohn, his two sisters - Misses Louisa and Kate - and Mr.J. T. Vaughn, all of Milledgeville, died of yellow fever in Galveston, Texas.

 October 18, 1867
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Mary B. Thomas, wife of Spencer T. Thomas was born in Baldwin co., Ga., Oct. 20, 1818 and died in Florida 11th August 1867.

November 1, 1867
Southern Christian Avocate
Emily Olivia Cox was born in Harris co., January 5th 1835, but was reared in Columbus, Ga. She was married to the Rev. D. D. Cox, of the Georgia Conference, 20th Feb. 1856, and died in Baldwin co., 23d Aug 1867, leaving a husband and two children. W. M. Crumley

November 22, 1867
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
   Married, on the 14th ist., by the Rev. Benj. Johnson, at Woodville, Baldwin county, Gen. G. M. Sorrel, of Savannah, and Miss Kate Amelie, only daughter of Charles DuBignon, Esq.


January 31, 1868
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Georgia Alma Cheeseborough, wife of Mr. Charles Cheeseborough, of Augusta, Ga., died 12th January 1867. In childhood left an orphan, her home with her brother General Doles, of Milledgeville, a noble and gallant Confederate soldier. She was a cousin of Bishop G. F. Pierce. She has left a kind and affectionate husband and many friends to mourn.

 February 28, 1868
Southern Christian Avocate
Ada Jane Mitchell, my wife--dropping after our marriage the Jane, and calling herself Ada Mitchell Jackson, was born in Putnam County on 25th September 1835, and died in Macon on 7th January 1868. She was the daughter and only child of Walter H. and Camilla D. Mitchell, until recently, of Milledgeville, Georgia. James Jackson

February 28, 1868
Macon Weekly Telegraph
DEATH OF MRS. FITZGERALD. - We are called upon to record the death of Mrs.Catherine Fitzgerald, who died of old age, at her residence in Scottsboro, on the 24th inst., aged 93 years and one month, having been born on the 29th of January, 1775, in Burke county, Ga, and educated in Augusta. She had the honor and pleasure of an introduction to Gen. Washington when he visited Augusta, in 1791, she then being a young lady. Her first husband was the Hon. Henry Osborne, one of the Superior Court Judges of this state, and also a prominent actor in the framing of the State Constitution. She leaves one son, John H. Osborne, of Macon, Ga. Southern Recorder, 25th.

 February 28, 1868
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Barbary A. Conn died on the 4th of Feb. 1868 in the 76th year of her age. Reared in Virginia... She removed with her husband to Milledgeville, Ga., 50 years ago.

 March 27, 1868
Southern Christian Avocate
Sister Mary Murph died at Midway, near Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 5th, 1868, aged 83 years and a few days. She was born in South Carolina Feb. 1, 1785, joined the M. E. Church when 18 years old. She had buried two husbands, the last George Murph, in 1856.... These venerable female members of our Church at Milledgeville died in February-- Sister Conn aged 75; Sister Murph, aged 83, and Sister Fitzgerald, aged 93 years.

 March 27, 1868
Southern Christian Avocate
Rev. Hinton Crawford, was born Dec. 27th, 1798, in Greene co., Ga., and died Feb. 22d, 1868, in the Asylum, Milledgeville, Ga. W. R. Foote

 March 27, 1868
Southern Christian Avocate
My wife, Carolina B. Jobson, daughter of Washington and Harriet Spier, was born in Baldwin Co., Oct. 14th, 1839, and died in Perry, Ga., February 16th, 1868. John S. Jobson

 April 17, 1868
Southern Christian Avocate
Sister Mary J. Bayne, wife of Adolphus F. Bayne, died after an illness of only about 24 hours, near Milledgeville, Ga., on the 20th of March, in the 39th year of her age. She was formerly Mary J. Jenkins.

June 26, 1868
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
DEATH FROM FRIGHT - The Southern Recorder of the 19th inst. says: "Our fellow citizen, Mr. Daniel Caraker, lost  a daughter on Saturday last, under rather painful circumstances. His daughter Amelia, about ten years old, with several other children, were out plum and blackberry hunting, and going into the field of Mr. Brown, some one from mischief or a desire to frighten the children, or to keep them from the plum trees, set the dogs after them.
   They became frightened and ran for home; a distance of a mile; the day being hot and the sun shining. Amelia reached home, but was so much scared, heated and exhausted, that she was unable to speak and died in about five hours.
  Let her sad death be a warning to all never to frighten children, especially when away from home. Perhaps no harm was intended, but children never stop to reason when they see a dog coming towards them, no matter the size."

June 30, 1868
Southern Recorder
Mrs. Nancy Lawson, of Hanock county, died in this city, on Sunday last, at the Milledgeville Hotel, in the 76 year of her age. She was the mother-in law of our fellow citizen, R. A. McComb.

July 7, 1868
Southern Recorder
HOMICIDE. On Saturday last, the 4th inst., in this city, Mr. ANDREW McCRARY, was shot and killed by Mr. Joseph H. Tucker in a personal recontre, four balls entering his breast and stomach. Mr. McCrary was somewhat under the influence of drink, and when so, was inclined to be quarrelsome, and being a man of large size, but few could manage him in a hand to hand fight. From what we learn, Mr. Tucker acted upon the defensive, though there are conflicting reports; but as the case will undergo judicial investigation at the Superior Court of Baldwin for the August term, we make no comments. Mr. T. is held to bail in the sum of $1000. Mr. T. was not hurt.
  Mr. McCrary leaves a wife and five children, the eldest being more than 11 years old. We sympathize with his afflicted family in their loss.

July 10, 1868
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Leroy M. Wiley, the subject of this notice, was born in Hancock county, Georgia, and died at his plantation in Alabama, on the 16th day of April, 1868, in the seventy-fourth year of his age. His father was one of the early settlers of Baldwin county, and died when he was not more than fifteen years old, leaving his mother a widow with six children and with limited means of support. Without education, and thus thrown upon his own resources, he entered the store of the late Farish Carter, in Milledgeville, and by his energy, his faithfulness and activity in business, he soon gained the confidence of all those with whom he came in contact.
  Upon his arrival at manhood, Mr. Wiley entered into business with Thomas W. Baxter, (who had married his eldest sister), and under the name of Wiley and Baxter, and for many years they continued a profitable business in the old store which still stands in Milledgeville, and is known as Wiley & Baxter's corner and belongs to the family.
  After the settlement of Macon, they opened a store on the corner now known as Payne's Drug Store, and owning the entire square, they opened Cotton Avenue. In 1835 Mr. Wiley became associated with the parishes of New York and removed to New York, and established the house of L. M. Wiley & Co., which, under that and other names, continued until he retired from mercantile business, in 1854.
  At the commencement of the war, he promptly removed South, and residing on his farm in Alabama, cast his lot with his section and his friends.
  By his energy and superior skill, he amassed a large fortune, a considerable part of which was lost by the effects of emancipation. Commencing life with a limited education, and without influential friends, and without means, his success may well be posited to as an encouragement to the many toiling, struggling young men who are now commencing life, and ready to be overwhelmed with gloom and despondency. While engaged actively in business, Mr. Wiley was stern and unyielding, and by his strong will generally succeeded in his undertakings. But after his retirement from commercial life, he was affable and eminently social in his habits and disposition. In his intercourse with refined society, nonce could be more courtly in his manners; and in his intercourse with his immediate family, especially with his sisters and nieces, no one was more considerate and affectionate. Two of his sisters having been early left widows in dependent circumstances, he supported them handsomely and contributed to the education of their children. He was never married, and his defects of character were, perhaps, attributable to the fact that he never knew the soothing influence of a wife, or the quiet happiness enjoyed in the bosom of a family.
  Mr. Wiley died of disease of the brain. He was sensible of his condition in the commencement of the disease, and it was painful to notice the struggling of his strong will with the fatal Destroyer. He sank rapidly under it's approaches, and fell quietly asleep under the affectionate ministrations of his nieces and three weeping widowed sisters.

 July 17, 1868
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs.Lucretia Brown, wife of Mr. D. P. Brown, died in Baldwin co., on the 19th of June 1868, in the 54th year of her age, leaving a husband and nine children.

August 18, 1868
Southern Recorder
  On the 14th instant a quarrel arose between Newton J. Pugh and John T. Arnold at the distillery of O. Arnold, about 4 miles from Milledgeville, in which Pugh was shot in the left breast twice-. He died in a short time. The reports we hear are so conflicting, that we are left in doubt as to who was to blame. Mr. Pugh was about 32 years of age, and Arnold about 18, son of Obadiah Arnold, Sheriff of Baldwin county. Pugh leaves two children.
See August 31, 1869

November 3, 1868
Federal Union
MARRIED, Near Acworth, Ga., on the 29th September, by the Rev. R. W. Milner, Mr. WM. J. PALMER, of Cobb co., to Miss ELLEN L. LANE, of Milledgeville.

November 3, 1868
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED. In Baldwin county, on the 28th day of August, 1868, CLYDE, daughter of John W. and Kate Bonner, aged three years, eleven months and 28 days.

November 3, 1868
Federal Union
DIED in this city, on Sunday, 1st inst., after a short illness, Mrs. SUSAN, wife of Mr. Daniel Caraker. She leaves a husband and seven children and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.

October 2, 1868
Southern Christian Avocate
Married. In Athens, Ga., Sept. 18, 1868, by the Rev. Dr. Lipscomb,Thomas F. Green, Jr., Esq., of Milledgeville to Miss Ella B. Lipscomb.

 December 18, 1868
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Jane Matthews, relict of the late Josiah Matthews, of Talbot co., Ga., died 9th November 1868 at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. John H. McCoy. She passed the anniversary of her 74th year the day before her death. Her maiden name was Brown. She was born in Abbeville District, S. C. When she was about ten years of age her parents removed to Ga., and located in Baldwin co. She was married in 1811. Her husband died in 1863. They raised a family of 13 children, 7 of whom still survive. Charles A. Fulwood

December 29, 1868
Southern Recorder
  MARRIED, In this county, on the 17th inst, by Rev. J. H. Morris - Mr. F. H. McCOMB, and Miss C. C. PUGHE.
  On the 17th inst. by F. P. Echols, Mr. LARKIN HOOD and Miss SALLIE A. BACON, both of Baldwin.


January 15, 1869
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs.Leonora A. Conn, wife of Capt. W. T. Conn, died in Milledgeville, Ga., on the 27th of December in the 30th year of her age. F. L. Brantly

January 27, 1869
Daily Columbus Enquirer
DEATH OF J. L. BYINGTON, OF BYINGTON'S HOTEL, MACON. We are pained to learn, through the Macon papers, that this estimable citizen and unsurpassed landlord died in that city of Saturday last. - He was buried the next day (Sunday) with Masonic honors by the brethren of the fraternity, Rev. D. Willis, of the Presbyterian Church, officiating. Mr. Byington was a native of Baldwin county, Ga., but has been many years a  resident of Southwestern Georgia. He was a modest hotel-keeper, first, in Albany, then at Fort Valley, and lastly in Macon, giving universal satisfaction to his numerous friends and guests. He was polite nd attentive to all, and kind and charitable to the needy and distressed. Peace to his remains.

February 12, 1869
Southern Christian Avocate
William Stembridge was born in Virginia, but was raised from a small boy in Hancock co., Ga. He joined the church more than 40 years ago and has been a member of Montepelier, in Baldwin co., where he died 14th Jan 1869, aged 72 years. J. V. M. Morris

March 23, 1869
Federal Union
Dedication of the New School House in Milledgeville for the Colored Children.
  The ceremonies of dedicating the large and elegant new School House erected for the colored children, in Milledgeville, took place of Friday the 19th inst.
  About 3 o'clock, P.M. a procession of the colored children, numbering over a hundred, formed under the leadership of their teachers at the colored people's Baptist Church where the School has previously been conducted, and marched to the new building.  A large audience was in attendance, composed in part of many of the most respectable and worthy white citizens of Milledgeville. We were pleased to see this class of our citizens thus evincing the proper interest in the cultivation of the minds and hearts of their colored brethren.
  Arriving at the new building, the large crowd of pupils, teachers and spectators were soon comfortable seating and the  ceremonies were opened by an appropriate song (sung by the whole school) followed by Scripture reading by the Rev. Wilkes Flagg, who presided over the meeting; then prayer by Rev. July Dessasaw.Rev. W. Flagg then following by some remarks in the course of which he expressed himself in favor of styling the new building "The Milledgeville School House," and alluded in touching terms to his long attachment to our goodly little city. Then followed another excellent song by the school, and then the dedicatory oration delivered by the Hon. Iverson L. Harris, late of the Supreme Bench of Georgia. We will not attempt to follow this learned jurist and eloquent orator in his train of felicitous remarks. Suffice to say they were exquisitely appropriate to the occasion, and displayed a proper zeal for the intellectual and moral cultivation of the colored element of our population. Interspersed through his remarks were many gems of sound practical advice to the sable young citizens of the great Republic- "words fitly spoken-apples of gold in pictures of silver."
    Then followed an admirable address to the school by the Rev. Mr. Rockwell, the Superintendent of this and other similar schools in Georgia. This address was in every respect excellent, and in thorough harmony with the occasion.
   Some motions were next introduced which were gleefully adopted by the dusky happy-faced urchins-by the Rockwell, thanks to the Baptist Society for the use of their church building as a school house for three years-by Capt. Bell, thanks to City Council for land on which the new school house is erected, and to all the citizens who kindly aided in its erection; and some other motions of a similar character were put and promptly passed.
   The new school house is large, and is most commodiously arranged. It is divided into large single rooms with elegant walnut seats and desks. and blackboards surrounding the entire rooms. Between these is an excellent recitation hall. These three rooms, and a handsome vestibule, constitute the interior of the building. From the rear of the building is a most picturesque view of Fishing Creek and the Railway bridge across that stream are visible. In front, the white tombs of the cemetery preach to the eye, and to the heart, the transitoriness of human life.
    Among the numerous white gentlemen present we heard but one sentiment-that of pleasure at the progress of our colored friends along the pathway of intellectual improvement. The colored people owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Rockwell and to the faithful and efficient corps of female teachers and the citizens who have patiently labored for so great a length of time , sowing good seed for which, in the harvest time of a just God, they shall reap no ten, nor fifty, but "an hundred fold."

April 2, 1869
Southern Christian Avocate
Fielding Ellis, my grandfather, was born in Va., Oct. 1774, and died in Barbour co., Ala., 24th Feb. 1869... He removed from Va. to Baldwin co., Ga., in 1812, thence to Walton co., where he resided until the death of his wife, and which he passed his time with his children and grandchildren. He died a member of the Baptist church.

April 6, 1869
Southern Recorder
  On Saturday evening last, about 8 1/2 or 9 o'clock, CHARLES MATHIS, a lad about 15 or 16 years old, but quite small for his age, had a difficulty with a negro woman by name of Susannah Dumas, the particulars of which, we can get no information, as no one was standing by at the time. He was seen to strike her, and she turned and went to the store of Mr. Joel where she was hired, and as she got there, fell, having been cut in the left breast. She died in about half an hour after being cut.

April 9, 1869
Daily Columbus Enquirer
The Recorder says that in the city election on Friday last, L. H. Briscoe, Esq., was elected Mayor - no opposition. For Clerk, Peter Fair; for Marshal, John B. Fair; Aldermen - Jos. Stanley, Dr. S. G. White, Ezekial Trice, Wm. A Williams, P. T. Taylor, and Dr. W. H. Hall.

April 13, 1869
Southern Recorder
  Charles Mathis, the young lad who stands accused of the murder of the negro woman, Susannah Dumas, and who was at large under bail, was re-arrested on Monday last and lodged in jail. We learn that an effort will be made at an early day to have him released by writ of habeaus corpus.

June 10, 1869
Atlanta Constitution
The Southern Recorder announces the death of Mrs. Frances Hunter, eldest daughter of Judge Iverson L. Harris. Also, Mr. John Rogers, an old citizen.

June 10, 1869
Atlanta Constitution
 Milledgeville has at present eight schools, only two of which have prominence. Misses Rockwell, Horton, Hurty and Mrs. Orme, teach a small number of pupils each. Miss Davidson has a larger and better appointed school, and is one of the best fitted teachers I have met. Messrs Carrington and Roberts have, the former a small, and the latter, a large private school.
  We should like to meet these teachers during the coming August, at the Educational Association in Atlanta, and concert measures by which efforts many be consolidated, and two enterprising Academies charter in Milledgeville.
  Miss Cotting, daughter of our late State Geologist, and sister of our present Secretary of State, now teaches a school extremely ill-fitted to her capabilities.
  At Midway, the old Academy building is rapidly disappearing into the kitchen fires of the neighborhood, while near at hand, the Freedmen's High School stands completely furnished and appointed throughout!
  Oglethorpe College stands like the doubter of old, halting between two opinions. Something in regard to its future will be decided at the Trustees' meeting in about five weeks.
  There is rather more stir in Milledgeville just now, than in the other localities I have visited. S & R. A. McComb are still proprietors of the excellent hotel, adjacent to the Capitol Buildings.     EARNEST

July 7, 1869
Federal Union
DEATH OF A LUNATIC - An aged lunatic walked  off from the Lunatic Asylum in Midway eight or ten days ago. On last Tuesday he was crushed by a freight train in the vicinity of Gordon, and brought to the Midway station on the nine o'clock train. He expired from his injuries soon after his removal to the Asylum. We learn his name was Jacob Freeman.

July 9, 1869
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
From Milledgeville. We clip the following from the Federal Union of the 6th.
THE PENITENTIARY - We learn that Mr. Thos. Alexander has leased this institution for a term of years. The convicts will be employed, at present, on the unfinished portion of the Macon and Augusta Railroad, lying between this city and Macon. Col. Walton, late Principal Keeper, is, we understand, retained in the institution by the State, the other officers being dispensed with.
 HOT WEATHER - The weather for a week past has been hot - "red-hot" - the thermometer keeping well up between 90 and 100, and all efforts at keeping cool, even with the assistance of the excellent soda water at Mr. Clark's Drug Store, proved a failure. Last night, however, we were blessed with a refreshing shower, which was grateful the feelings of mankind and beneficial to the growing crops.
  MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD - We learn that Mr. Thos. Alexander commenced work on this end of the road yesterday morning with the convicts now remaining in the penitentiary, about 50 in number. Some two hundred more convicts, now at Rome, will be added to his force during the week. We understand that other contractors will shortly commence work, and we can now confidently look forward to the early completion of this road to Macon.

July 13, 1869
Federal Union
DEAD. -"Old Aunt Jenny Lamar," as everybody called her, (most of our citizens have heard her called so as far back as their memory extends,) died last week. She was probably ninety years of age. She came from Africa and was formerly the servant of Col. Zach Lamar, who, in his will, in consideration of her kindness to his family, gave her a house an dlot in this city, and required that his daughter Mrs. Gen. Cobb, should support her as long as she lived and exact no service of her. The wishes of her master were faithfully carried out, and she lived, for more thatn thirty years, at the home thus provided for her, where her wants were supplied and a girl kept to wait on her. She was a good, christian woman and white and black entertained for her the kinddest feeling. She was the mother-in-law of the Rev. Wilkes Flagg.

July 16, 1869
Macon Weekly Telegraph
From Milledgeville.
  The Milledgeville Recorder announces the arrival in that city of a detachment of thirty-three men from Company C., 18th U.S. Infantry, to investigate the charge of whipping convicts employed on the Macon and Brunswick Railroad.
  SUICIDE BY A CONVICT - Luke Arnold, convicted of murder in Wilkes county, and sentenced to the penitentiary for life, says the Federal Union, hung himself in his cell on Thursday night last. He was received at the penitentiary the evening previous, and worked with the other convicts on the railroad Thursday. He was a negro of very bad character, having committed one of the most fiendish murders that ever blackened the criminal records of this state. (Note: buried in unmarked grave, Memory Hill Cemetery)
   We learn from the Federal Union that Oglethorpe College Commencement begins on Sunday, the 18th, with a sermon by Professor Smith - Oxford on the same day, and Athens, August 1st. Mr. Joseph Marshall, the new Postmaster, was installed on Wednesday last. The colored population had a gala day last Friday, and were heavily reinforced from Macon.
   Old Aunt Jenny Lamar, an original African, died las week at probably about ninety years of age. She was a servant of Col. Zach Lamar, who, in his will, in consideration of her kindness to this family, gave her a house and lot in the city, and required that his daughter, Mrs. Gen. Cobb, should support her as long as she lived and exact no service of her. The wishes of her master were faithfully carried out, and she lived, for more than thirty years, at the home thus provided for her, where her wants were supplied and a girl kept to wait on her. She was a good christian woman, and white and black entertained for her the kindest feeling.

July 23, 1869
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
From Baldwin County. The Milledgeville Recorder of the 20th has the following local information:
STORM - On last Wednesday we had quite a wind and rain storm; the wind was for a time terrible, blowing down and wringing off the tops of many tress and also taking down fences, &c. We are glad, however, to record that it did not extend to Midway. What the damage above us has been, we have not learned. The corn was laid low, but we hope to no great extent.
  Our streets were badly washed from the flood of rain, and we hope the City corporation will give them an early attention, especially those that are much used.
  MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD - Messrs. Grant, Alexander and Co., brought the other day from Rome, the Penitentiary convicts that were at work on the road in that section. They are no at work on the Macon and Augusta road about two miles from Milledgeville, some 150 in number.

August 31, 1869
Federal Union
  In the case of John T. Arnold, he was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter and recommended to mercy. A motion for new trial has been made, but not yet argued. Much sympathy exists in his behalf on account of he previous orderly and gentlemanly deportment.
(note: John T. Arnold was running for tax collector in 1871.)

September 7, 1869
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Died, in Milledgeville, Ga., on Tuesday afternoon, August 10th, Mrs. SARAH CAROLINE,  consort of Col. Miller Grieve, in the 56th year of her age.
   Peculiarly devoted as a wife and mother....five sons and two daughters who sadly watched her decline.

September 14, 1869
Federal Union
  HOMICIDE - A homicide occurred in our county on last Sunday. Mr. J. Pickney Mimms shot a negro man in the employment of Mr. T. J. Bivins, in the extreme western part of our county, killing him almost instantly. The negro's name was Henry Trotmore.
  We are not sufficiently acquainted with the facts to venture to relate them, and have not a copy of the finding of the Coroner's jury.

September 24, 1869
Southern Christian Avocate
Spencer Moore died in Lee co,. Ala., July 27, 1869, in the 89th year of his age. Father Moore married his first wife in Green co,. Ga.,Miss Susannah Graham. From thence he moved to Baldwin and then to Monroe, to Macon co., Ala., in the year 1837 where he ended his life.... William B. Neal

 October 1, 1869
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Martha Stephens, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Henry Stevens, in Baldwin co,. Ga., on 31st August 1869, aged about 80 years. C. W. Smith

 October 1, 1869
Southern Christian Avocate
Bro. E. J. M. Callaway was born in Baldwin co., Ga., April 12th 1819 and died in Sumter co,. Aug. 22d, 1869. He leaves a large family.J. M. Marshall/

October 5, 1869
Federal Union
    BURNED TO DEATH. On Friday night last, a colored woman, by the name of Ann Blount, was burned to death, in this city, by Kerosene oil. She was using an old lard lamp, which she had filled with Kerosene to give her light while engaged in quilting. While thus employed she overturned the lamp in her lap, the oil spreading over her clothing, which in a  moment were in a blaze, and the poor woman was so badly burned that death ensued in about an hour. The  Coroner's jury, we learn, returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts. No person should forget that the careless use of Kerosene oil may result in the most frightful consequences.

October 19, 1869
Southern Recorder
  Mr. Moses Pittman, a merchant of our city, died on the 18th inst., of consumption, aged about 56 years. He was a quiet unostentatious gentleman, a member of the church, and also a mason. He leaves a wife and several children, all grown.

 November 5, 1869
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Mary E. Clayton, daughter of John and Martha W. Redding was born in Baldwin co., Ga., Nov. 18th 1822, moved to Monroe co., Ga., with her parents when quite young, where she lived till married to John B. Clayton in Nov. 1837. She died 3d Oct 1869.

November 12, 1869
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Residence of Prof. Bates Burned
  We are sorry to see from the following in the Milledgeville Federal Union, that our  friend Prof. Bates, of the Oglethorpe University, has met with misfortune:
   Fire in Midway.- We regret to learn that the residence of Prof. Bates, in Midway, outhouses, etc., was entirely consumed by fire on Sunday last. The fire broke out on  he roof of the building, and so high was the wind, and so very dry the roof of the house, that the flames could not be arrested. Most of the household furniture was saved.
  The violence of the wind prevailing at the time greatly imperiled other houses in the vicinity. At one time, one of the out-buildings on Col. McAdoo's premises was actually on fire from a spark borne through the air fully 200 yards; but the promptitude of that gentleman in ascending to the roof enable him to extinguish it speedily with his own hands.
  The dwelling which was consumed was a part of the property of Oglethorpe College.

November 16, 1869
Southern Recorder
  On the 10th inst., in Baldwin county, Geo. Hollinshead shot and killed Dick Williams, a freedman, on the plantation rented from Dr. R. G. Harper. From what we can learn, the shooting was justifiable, as his life was threatened; but as the case will come before the Superior Court at its next session, we do not think it proper to give the conflicting rumors as we heard them.

 December 3, 1869
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Permelia, wife of Col. Levi Ezell, was born in Wilkins co., April 20th 1813, and died in Houston co., Ga., Nov. 13th 1869. She joined the Presbyterian Church in Milledgeville.... W. W. Stewart. Southern Presbyterian please copy.

Dec. 10, 1869
Atlanta Constitution
The Federal Union says that a high school is to be opened in the old buildings of the Oglethorpe University, in Midway.
Col. L. H. Briscoe elected mayor of Milledgeville.
The Southern Recorder says an attempt was made the night of the 6th to burn McCombs' old hotel. The incendiary escaped unknown.
   The editor of the Milledgeville Recorder wishes to sell the half interest of the late R. M. Orme, Sr. He wants a business partner. The business is too big for one man.

December 18, 1869
Daily Constitutionalist
  The Milledgeville Recorder says: Mrs. Lucinda Williams, died in this city on the 13th last, after an illness of a few hours, of apoplexy. She was one among our oldest citizens, and much beloved by all who knew her.

December 21, 1869 
Federal Union
MARRIED. At the residence of Col. N. Hawkins in Baldwin Co., on the 16th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. G. D. MYRICK  to Miss E.P HAWKINS.
December 21, 1869
Federal Union
MARRIED In Scottsboro, on the 15th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, Dr. ROGER G. SMITH to Miss JEMIMA THOMAS.

December 21, 1869
MARRIED. In Baker county, December 15th, 1869, by Rev. J. Blakely Smith, Captain TOMLINSON F. NEWELL, of Milledgeville, and Miss ANN LANE COLQUITT. daughter of General A. H. Colquitt, of Baker County.B

December 28, 1869
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the 20th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. G. H. Wilson of Madison and Miss Lizzie C. Bynum of this city.


Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2002