1870 U. S. Federal Census Mortality Schedule
Baldwin County, GA
Enumerated by Wm. M Geay Asst-Marshal
Page 5a
Name Age Sex Color Married
or Widow
Born Month Died Occupation Cause of Death Family No. 
James J Bricquet
(father of foreign birth)
32 M W - SC Mar Carpenter Killed in an affray 4
Charles Scott 48 M B Married GA Apr Farm Laborer Aneurism 11
Jerre Moore 60 M B Married GA Jan Farm Laborer Pneumonia 26
William Brake 1 M W - GA May - Consumption 29
Sarah A Butts 48 F W Widow GA Sep Keeping House Pneumonia 41
Ann Butts 19 F B - GA Jun Farm Laborer Intermittent Fever 44
Not named Butts 1 F B - GA Jul - Hives 49
Elizabeth Hall 1 mo F B - GA July - Accidental fall 69
Not Named Butts M B - GA Sep - Still born 113
Ephraim Butts 42 M B - GA Oct  Farm Laborer Bilius fever, remittant 117
Jacob Calloway 63 M W Married GA Feb Carpenter Inflammation of brain 137
Holland Graybill 64 M B Married GA Aug Farm laborer Acute Diarrhae 142
John William Hall 4 mos M W - GA Jul - Acute Diarrhae 201
Betsy Brown 3 mos F B - GA Feb- - Croup 215
Laura Huff 1 F W - GA Aug - Unknown 244
Not named Daggett - F B - GA May - Still born 246
Cora E Echols 26 F W M GA Apr Keeping house Child birth 279
Mauby Williams 3 mos F B - GA Mar - Croup 297
Martha Wallace 27 F B M GA Apr Keeping house Dysentery 331
John Anderson 5 M B - GA Feb - Fell from a wagon 334
Eseaus Leikins 12 M B - GA Aug - Drowned in river 337
Reddie Durden 1 mo M B - GA Feb - Hives 348
Charlotte Powers 18 F B - GA March Farm Laborer Epilepsy 380
America Powers 16 F B - GA May Farm laborer Bilious feve
Patience Barnes 30 F B - GA Apr Keeping house Bilious fever
Jordan Boardly 4 mos M B - GA Apr - (Not readable, see remarks) 381
Augustus Barnes 3 M W - GA Mar - Meningitis 439
Henrietta Hall 2 F B - GA Jul - Burned by accident 449
Virginia Leverette 3 mos F W - GA Jul - Hives 472
Robert Walker 22 M B - GA Aug - Consumption 502
Samuel Lingould 2 mos M W - GA Apr - Hives 540
James Boatright 7 M B - GA Mar - Worms 567
Hamilton Lewis 1 M B - GA Dec - Dropsy of heart 570
Frank Cook 18 M B - GA Jan - Pneumonia 584
Eliza H Wright 35 F W Married GA Mar - Consumption 631
Remarks: No. 4 was killed in a fight, by his antagonist - with a pistol shot.
No. 69 Fell from the arms of another child, striking its head on a rock hearth.
No. 334 Fell from a wagon in motion, the wheel running over his head causing instant death.
No. 337 Fell into Oconee River and before assistance could be obtained he drowned.
No. 381. was neglected by its mother and perished.

Page 5 b
Name Age Sex Color M  or  W Born Month Died Occup. Cause of Death Family No
Albert Harris 6 M B - GA Oct - Worms 656
Nancy Barksdale 17 F B - GA May Farm laborer supposed obstruction of menses uterus dis ok 683
Neely Howard 30 F B - GA May Keeping house Pneumonia 731
Solomon Lee 30 M B - GA May Farm Laborer Pneumonia 737
Ellen Perkins 9 mos F B - GA Mar - Hives 751
Not named Williams 1 mo F B - GA Mar - Hives 757
Nathan Hawkins 59 M W Married VA May Farmer Inflammation of bowels 762
Stephen Sanford 6 M B - GA Mar - Dropsy 770
Patsy Young 4 mos F B - GA Jul - Teething 766
Rachel Mills 3 mos F B - GA Jan - Hives 801
Letha Ann Rushing 25 F B Married GA Mar - Dropsy in abdomen, ascitis 805
William French 70 M B Married VA Nov - Kidney disorder 841
Robert Golia 1 M B - GA Jan - Teething 841
Julius Adams 30 M B Widow GA Jul Farm laborer Consumption 861
Henry Smith 75 M B Widow SC Mar Farm laborer Paralysis 874
Guana Sanford 60 F B Widow VA May Keeping house Dropsy of heart 875
Emily Jones 6 mos F B - GA Aug - Bilious fevr, remit 941
Prosper Bernelle
(Father and Mother
of Foreign Birth)
50 M W Widow France Aug Wine Maker Apoplexy 953
Simon Reynolds 66 M B Married GA Oct Farm laborer Pneumonia 993
Ezekial Reynolds 28 M B - GA May Farm laborer Pneumonia 993
Martha Bowers 69 F W Married GA July Keeping house Unknown 994
Ann Huson 27 F B Married GA Mar Keeping house Pneumonia 1031
Mary Davis 25 F W Married GA Apr Keeping house Child bed 1067
Flora Hill 17 F B - GA Feb - Dropsy of heart 1156
John M. S. Ivey 1 M W - GA May - Poisoned by accident 1167
Jacob Cobb 65 M W Widow GA Jul Farm labor Consumption 1197
Colquit Russell 6 mos M B - GA Mar - Teething 1274
Rhoda Banks 1 F B - GA Sep - Teething 1353
Henrietta Robinson 4 F B - GA Sep - Inflammation of Bowels 1356
Charlotte Williams 4 F B - GA Jun - Worms 1373
Not Named - F B - GA May - Still born 1375
Wyatt Tinsley 2 M B - GA Jul - Pneumonia 1379
not named Tinsley - M B - GA Apr - Still born 1379
Angerona Cobb 4 mos F B - GA Aug - Syphalis 1382
not named Cobb - M B - GA May Still born 1382
Remarks: No. 1167 The child found a vial of stricharine and drank it, not knowing what it was, his parents were absent at the time.

Name Age Sex Color M or W Born Month Died Occup. Cause of Death Family 
No. In 
Sch. 1
William Dismukes 2 mos M B - GA Nov - Pneumonia 1436
Susan Reddin 11 F B - GA May - Pneumonia 1476
Not named - F B - GA May - Still born 1479
Not named Ingram 2 mos F B - GA Feb - Hives 1489
Olie Wright 9 F B - GA May - Burned by accident 1514
Nancy Ethredge 6 F B - GA Jul - Tyhpoid fever 1529
Jane Whittemon 1 mo F B - GA Mar - Croup 1537
Not named Tufts 1 mo F B - GA Oct - unknown 1526
E.A. Cannon 47 M W - GA Jul - Dysentery 1565
Mourning Flournoy 45 F B - GA Jul - Epilepsy Georgia Lunatic Asylum
Osborne Seay 29 M W - GA Aug - Dropsy in chest G L A
Mrs. Smith 55 F W - GA Sep - Marasmus G  L A
Sarah Freeman 40 F W - GA Dec - Marasmus G  L A
Elizabeth Dickson 30 F W - GA Dec - Dropsy G L A
Colored Dickson 25 F B - GA Feb - Dropsy G L A
Robert Carr 48 M B - GA Jan - Marasmus G L A
Sarah Gibson 30 F W - GA Feb - Marasmus G L A
Moses Johnson 22 M W - GA Mar - Epilepsy G L A
W H Harden 40 M W - GA Mar - Dysentery G L A
Daniel Obrien 60 M W - GA Apr - Dysentery G L A
Sarah Spruce 37 F W - GA May - Marasmus G L A
Catherine Glascoe 42 F W - GA May - Marasmus G L A
Miss Snelling 31 F W - GA May - Epilepsy G L A
Edward Bryant 65 M W - GA May - Marasmus G L A
Sarah Kidd 1 mo F W - GA May - Hives 28
Isaac Attaway 76 m W Married SC Sep Retired Gambler Kidney affection 55
Amy L Blount 4 F B - GA Sep - Dropsy of brain 59
Rachel Travis 7 F B - GA Jan - Kidney affection 104
Alston White 6 mos M W - GA Jun - Teething 132
Georgia Hall 11 mos F B - GA Oct - Teething 134
Not named Reeves  1 mo M B - GA Jun - Jaundice 144
Moses Pittman 56 M W Married NC Oct - Consumption 176
Olie Bradford 7 mos M B - GA Dec - Teething 194
Calvin Moscow 21 M W - SC Jan - Congetive chill 195
Josephine Moscow 17 F W - Fl Jan - Congestion of brain 195
Remarks: I commence with Milledgeville on this page in order to make my sheets hold out.

Page 6b, Milledgeville District 
Name Age Sex Color M or W Born Month Died Occup. Cause of Death Family 
No. In 
Sch. 1
Eliza Smith 40 F B W GA Oct Keeping House Consumption 234
Jane Boutwell 27 F W M GA Aug Keeping House Consumption 281
Emma Boutwell 2 F W - GA Nov - Croup 281
Benjamin Lavender 8 mos M W - GA Nov - Consumption 320
Wm. Green Thompson 4 mos M W - GA Nov - Croup 328
Jonah Barbee 3 M W - GA Apr - Bilious Fever 330
Robert Heath
(Father & Mother of Foreign Birth)
40 M W M GA Aug Barber Epilepsy 344
Ham Doles 41 M W M GA Jun Tailor Pneumonia 355
Martin Johnson 9 M W - GA Jul - Brain Fever 358
Frank Howard 47 M B M GA May Farm Laborer Epilepsy 358
William A Hancock 13 M W - GA Mar - Measles 363
Eugenia Hancock 22 F W W GA Oct Keeping House Consumption 363
Waller Hancock 8 mos M W - GA Jul - Inflammation of brain 363
Samuel Lemons 9 M W - GA Sep - Typhoid fever 375
Fannie Lemons 3 F W - GA Sep - Typhoid fever 375
Sallie Lemons 1 F W - GA Sep - Typhoid fever 375
Victoria Hagin 18 F W - GA Apr - White Swelling 400
George Radford 10 M B - GA Jun - Congestion of brain 407
Alfonse Radford  18 M B - GA Jul Farm Laborer Dropsy in chest 407
Rebecca Griffin 59 F W W GA Nov Keeping House Dropsy at heart 413
Dicy Bird 85 F B W GA Jan Keeping House Asthma 418
Robert White 45 M B W GA April Blacksmith  Kidney affection 418
Lucretia Garrison 70 F W W GA Dec Keeping House Dropsy in chest 445
Jennie Lamar
(Mother & Father of Foreign Birth)
80 F B W Africa Jul Keeping House Diarrhoea 460
Joseph C Profountain
(Father of Foreign Birth)
12 M W - SC Sep - Epilesly 462
Ann Hood 60 F B M SC Apr Keeping House Sudden, Unknown 507
Fannie Caraker 26 F W M GA Apr Keeping House Diarrhoea 521
Lucinda Williams 69 F W W GA Dec Keeping House Apolexy 534
Sarah Holiday 2 F B - GA Jun - Pleurisy 535
Oliver Hurt 45 M B M GA May Day Laborer Consumption 556
Thomas D. Johnson 28 M W M GA Jan Day Laborer Pneumonia 591
James A Roberts 40 M W - GA Jan Printer Laborer Consumption 591
Jack Wiggins 25 M B - GA Jul Penentiary Laborer Diarrhoea 607
James Craig 27 M B - GA Jul Penentiary Laborer Pneumonia 607
Simon Cook 20 M B - GA Mar Penentiary Laborer Dysentery 607
Remarks: Whole Number of pages 4 and I hereby certify that these returns were well and truly made according to the terms of my  oath of office.

Source: United States. Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880 (formerly in the custody of the Daughters of the American Revolution), and Related Indexes, 1850-1880. T655, 30 rolls. National Archives and Records Administration, Washington D.C.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2005