transcribed by Eileen B. McAdams Apr 2006
1880 Federal Census Mortality Schedule Baldwin County, GA
Milledgeville District, 320th GMD
Enumerated by Tomlinson Fort
Deaths occured June 1 1879- May 31, 1880
Family No. Name Age Sex Color S M W Born Occup. Month Died Cause of Death Physcian
27 Hampton Frazier 1 M M S Ga - Sept Gastric Entereis Shinholser
36 Willie Barrett 9 M W S Ga
father born SC
lived in Baldwin Co. 6 yrs
- July Spasms
contracted in Linton, died in Hancock
64 Lucy Davis  9 mos S M S Ga, father born VA - Feb Diptheria Dr. Harris
68 George Wimbush 7 M B S Ga, father born AL
lived in Baldwin Co 3 yrs
- Nov Cerebral congest. Dr. W. H. Hall
112 Alexander Edwards 39 M W S Ga
father born NC, mother SC
Merchant May Alcholism Shinholser
146 Peter Fair  73 M W M Ga
father born France
lived in Baldwin Co. 72 yrs
Farmer June Unknown Smith
170 John Lewis 1 M B S Ga - June Pneumonia Shinholser
180 Lucin Hogue 3 F W S Ga
father born NC
- June Measles Iverson L. Harris
180 Beulah Hogue 2 F W S Ga father born NC - June Measles Iverson L. Harris
- Elizabeth Brundage 30 F B S Ga Sewing May Burned
can of kerosene exploded
204 Minnie Sams 1 F B S Ga - Oct Unknown ?
204 Louisa Sams 2 F B S Ga - Oct Scrofula Harris
210 Augustus Williams 68 M B M Ga, mother born VA Farmer May Hemiplegia Hall
228 Sally Baugh 40 F B M Ga Domestic Servant March Dropsy Hall
266 Robert Lewis 22 M B S Ga Laborer May Unknown -
248 Julia King 10 mos F B S Ga - May Entertis James Shinholser
285 Jane McComb 1 F W S Ga - Aug Cholera Infantum Shinholser
291 John Lane 41 M W M Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 6 yrs
Farmer Feb Pneumonia Shinholser
295 Mary Ann Risby Sanford 77 F W W Va, parents born Va
lived in Baldwin Co. 55 ys
Housekeeper Aug Hemiplegia Hall
328 Nancy Bayne 70 F W W Ga, parents born NC
lived in Baldwin County 47 yrs
Keeping house  May Clot heart Roger Smith
339 Alford Lee (35) M B S Ga Carpenter Jan Pneumonia Shinhoser
355 Kate Williamson 1 F W S Ga - Sep Teething Hall
355 William T. Willamson 68 M W W Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 50 yrs
Farmer Dec Capillary Bronchitis Hall
363 Albert Bailey 1 M B S Ga - Aug Whooping Cough
Was teething & had dysentery
353 Not named Bailey 2 mos N B S Ga - Aug  Whooping Cough Shinholser
389 John Pritchard 1 M B S Ga - Aug Measles & Teething Harris
395 Aaron Reynolds 38 M B M Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 37 yrs
Farmer Apr Consumption Harper
403 Amy Mitchell 50 F B W Ga
lived in Baldwin Co 9 yrs
All sorts of work Sep Albuimintina? Shinholser
417 Thomas W. Tuttle 33 M W M Ga
father born NY
lived in Baldwin Co. 25 yrs
Carpenter July Knife Cut Shinholser
417 Gerome Tuttle (66) M W M NY
lived in Baldwin Co. 20 yrs
"Sportsman" Oct Anasarca 
425 Lewis Cone 1 M W S Ga - Sep Cholera Infantum Harris
426 Della Gumm 1 F W S Ga - Aug Measles Hall
428 Charles Green? 7 M B S Ga - Jul Tetanus Hall
449 Josephine Singleton 16 F B S Ga Cook Sep Abortion Hall
453 Madeline Knight
(entry appears marked through)
? F B S Ga - Aug Dropsy of the body -
- John Wilson 3 M B S Ga - Sep Dysentery -
Carrie Wilson
450 Eddie Wall 6 M W S Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 4 yrs county
- Oct Congestion of brain Harris
475 Affie Green (95) F B W Africa
parents born Africa
lived 50 yrs in Baldwin Co.
Midwife Mar Old Age -
475 Rosila Edmundson 18 F B M Ga Farm worker Jul Consumption Shinholster
478 Rachel Briscoe (82) F B M Va parents born VA Domestic Jun Disease of heart Hall
480? Sarah Wages 69 F W W SC, parents born SC - Aug Inflammation of bowels Haris
496 Isaiah Screene 4 M B S Ga - Dec Paralysis Harris
503 Not named Brooks - M B S Ga - May Stillborn
a twin, umbilical cord wrapped around neck
509 George Deming 80 M W S Conn
lived in Baldwin Co. 57 yrs
Merchant May Paralsyis Harris
519 Farish F. Ennis 5 mos M W S Ga - June Cholera Infantum Harris
386? Ellen Roney 49 F W M Ga Keeping house Apr Consumption Shinholser
524 Fanny Sanford 106 F B W Va, parents born VA
lived in Baldwin Co. 15 yrs
- Jan Old age -
? Daisy Choice  2 F B S Ga - Aug Cold Shinholster
546 James Hughes 8 M B S Ga - Oct Congestive chill Smith
557 Not named Cullens 3 mos M B S Ga - Jun Diarrhea Hall
577? Caroline Cullen 47 F W M Ga
father born NJ or NY, mother SC
- ? Chronic
570 Cecilia Charters 11 mos F B S Ga - ? Diarrhea Hall
615 Ann Ingram 27 F B S Ga Farm work Feb Rheutisim Lockner
617 Lizzie Sparks 17 F B S Ga nurse? Nov Ty. Mal Harris
653 Carrie Wilson 10 F B S Ga - Aug Pneumonia Hall
653 Judy Hood 50 F B W Ga
lived Baldwin Co. 14 yrs
Domestic servant Apr Pneumonia -
536? John Davis Jr 30 M B M Ga Butcher Sep Consumption Harris
564 Fanny Bonner 10 mos F B S Ga - Jul Whooping Cought Harris
671 Esther Grady 52 F B W Ga
lived Baldwin Co. 5 yrs
Farm Laborer Mar Heart disease -
668 Lewis Stubbs 50 M B M Ga
lived Baldwin Co. 7 yrs
Farm Laborer Mar Heart disease Shinholser
39 John Treanor 78 M W W Ireland
parents born Ireland
Merchant Jun Diarherra Harris
- Unnamed - F W S Ga - Nov Stillborn
- James Baupham 4 M W S SC - Dec Meningistis -
- W T Bryant 25 M W S Ga - Mar Convulsive fits -
- Holt Curtis 1 M W S Ga - Jun Whooping Cough -
- Willie Curtis 3 M W S Ga - Jul Whooping Cough -
- Wm. H Dasher 50 M W M Ga - May Gen. Debility -
- Joshua Epps 25 M W S Ga - May Dis. of Heart -
- Jno. R Griffin 45 M W M Ga - Oct Acute Mania -
- Jno. H. Nowell 25 M W M Ga - Dec Insantity -
- Polly Parker 40 F W M Ga - Nov Dropsy of Heart -
- Nancy Poole 49 F W S Ga - Sep Died in asylum, unknown -
- Carrie Tate 30 F W M Ga - May Pneumonia
1880 Federal Census Mortality Schedule Baldwin County, GA
319th GMD District - Pittsburg
Enumerated by J M Webb
Deaths occured June 1 1879- May 31, 1880
Family No. Name Age Sex Color S M W Born Occupation Month Died Cause of death Physcian
37 Ranbin Smith 15 M B S Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 13 yrs
Works on farm Mar Scrofula Lockhart
21 Not Named 2 mos F B S Ga - May Smothered in bed None
- Not named 2 mo M B S Ga - Jan Spasms None
38 Ellen Wright 22 F B S Tn, mother born VA
lived in Baldwin Co. 15 yrs
Works on farm Apr Consumption Lockhart
49 Not Named 2 mos F B S Ga - Apr Measles None
55 Joseph Putnam 1 M B S Ga - Sep Dysentery None
52 William Bonner 1 M B S Ga - Aug Cramp Colic Hardeman
91 Ann L Smith 8 mos F B S Ga - Apr Hooping Cough None
92 Not named Levins - M B S Ga - Feb Stillborn Shinholser
94 Frank Mills 5 M B S Ga - Apr Pneuomia Harris
98 Anna Fisher 2 mos F B S Ga
father born NC
- Feb Croup None
97 Eugene Morgan 10 mos M B S Ga - Sep Hooping Cough None
97 John Morgan - M B S Ga - Aug Hooping Cough None
106  Thomas Infant 8 mos M B S Ga - May Teething None
132 M Humphries 59 F B M Ga Keeping house Feb Pneumonia None
155 Lizzie Banks 4 F B S Ga - May Spasm None
155 Jefferson Banks 1 M B S Ga - May Teething None
185 Pinkie Morris 5 F B S Ga - Oct Burned None
- Ferrell Morris 1 M B S Ga - Sep Dropsy Harris
- Not named Morris - F B S Ga - Feb Stillborn None
185 Augustus Mills 6 mos M B S Ga - Sep Hooping cough Hardeman
217 Nancy Stith 80 F B W Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 43 yrs
- Aug Paralsyis Hardeman
229 Wm L Williamson 6 M W S Ga - Aug Meningitis Smith & Harris
- Charles Williamson 1 M W S Ga - Sep Meningitis Smith & Harris
237 Lorand Infant 1 mo M B S Ga - May Teething None
260 Humprhies infant 9 mos M B S Ga - Aug Hooping Cough None
- Infant - F B S Ga - Feb Stillborn -
1880 Federal Census Mortality Schedule Baldwin County, GA
318th GM District, Butts
Enumerated by James M Goodson
Deaths occured June 1 1879- May 31, 1880
Family No. Name Age Sex Color S M W Born Occupation Month Died Reason for death Physician
2 Caroline Brown 46 F B M Ga Farm Laborer Nov Dropsy -
2 Lucinda Brown 16 F B S Ga Farm Laborer May Consumption Harper
3 Winnie Harris 12 F B S Ga Farm Laborer Feb Ascites Harper
16 Ida Reese 13 F B S Ga Farm Laborer Feb Hemorhage Harper
28 Chloe Clark 7 F B S Ga - Mar Burned None
35 Wallace Etheridge 9 mos M B S Ga - Oct Croup None
48 Dora Etheridge 1 F B S Ga - Dec Thrush None
48 Barbara Stevens 1 F B S Ga - Sep Thrush None
78 Janett Briscoe 23 F B M Ga Keeping House May Dropsy None
94 Benjamin Roberson 94 M B W Va
parents born Va
lived in Baldwin Co. (60) yrs
Farmer July Dropsy None
98 Luff Woodford 1 F B S Ga
father born NC
- Oct Teething None
98 Chas Woolten 1 M B S Ga - Jun Teething None
106 Sarah Adolphus 4 mos F B S Ga - May Cholera Infantum None
121 Charity Boston 37 F B M Ga Farm Laborer May Consumption None
134 Walter Humphries 3 M B S Ga - July Whooping Cough None
135 Sarah Young 27 F B M Ga Keeping House May Dropsy None
135 Demas Young 3 M B S Ga Mar Dropsy None
135 Joseph Young 1 M B S Ga Mar Dropsy None
143 James L Green 5 M W S Ga - Oct Dysentery Harper
146 Mary Ross 1 mo F B S Ga - Feb Chronic Diarhoea None
157 Chas Ward 1 M B S Ga - Dec Teething None
167 Arie Griggs 36 F B M Ga Keeping House Jun Measles None
172 John Goodson 1 M B S Ga - Sept Inflamation Bowels None
174 Annie Harton 1 F B S Ga - Sept Inflamation Bowels None
180 Emma Fowler 9 mos F B S Ga - Mar Pneumonia None
180 Joseph King 3 mos M B S Ga - Oct Inflamation Bowels None
180 Pheriba Jordan 60 F B M Ga - Dec Pneumonia None
195 Turner Thomas 2 mos M B S Ga - Jan Scrofula None
199 Philip Thomas 1 M B S Ga - Jan Measles None
230 Eliza Meriett 15 F B S Ga - Aug Chitio Ben None
237 Henry Horn 1 M B S Ga - Jul Whooping Cough Nome
241 Fleming Thomas 4 mos M B S Ga - Jul Whooping Cough None
246 Adolphus Elam 1 M W S Ga - Jun Cholera Infantum Harper
212 John Johnson 1 M B S Ga - Jul Measles None
215 George Williams 26 M B S Ga Farm Laborer Nov Killed by Gun Shot None
260 Martha Hughes 1 mo F B S Ga - Jun Convulsions None
277 Bell Morgan 17 F B M Ga Works on Farm Dec Consumption None
277 Martha Austin 20 F B M Ga - Jun Consumption None
287  Amanda Anderson 2 F B S Ga - Aug Diarhoea None
285 Lizzie Sanford 2 F B S Ga - Sep Whooping Cough None
280 Hendrix Kenan 3 M B S Ga - Jul Measles None
281 Julia Jones 7 F B S Ga - Jan Pneumonia None
291 Nelson Leaptrot 4 M B S Ga - Jan Inflamation Bowels R G Harper
306 Lewis Fleming 32 M B S Ga Farmer Feb Heart Disease None
321 Hannah Johnson 15 F B S Ga Works on Farm Jun Child Bed None
330 Esther Stubbs 1 F B S Ga - Jul Dropsy None
334  Wm Thomas 5 M B S Ga - Jul Congestive Chill None
344 Louisa Hill 1 F B S Ga - Sep Measles None
355 Silas Hogan 2 das M B S Ga -- May Cholera Infantum None
356 John Andrews 1 M B S Ga - Feb Measles None
360 Londa Reeves 1 F B S Ga - Apr Diarhoea None
362 Arthur Reeves 28 M B S Ga Farm Laborer Oct Consumption None
366 Sarah Reeves 28 F B S Ga Farm Laborer Jul Child bed fever Harper
362 Eliza Reeves 1 F B S Ga - Jan Diarhoea Harper
368 Sarah Howard 9 F B S Ga - Jan Catahar Harper
374 Olivia Reeves 8 F B S Ga - Oct Congestive Chills None
378 John Reeves 2 M B S Ga - Jun Inflamation Bowels None
392 Louisa Smith 3 mos F B S Ga - Apr Whooping Cough None
395 Wesley Slater 23 M B M Ga Day Laborer Feb Pneumonia None
398 Mahala Wright 20 F B S Ga Day Laborer Feb Penumonia None
378 Anna Mills 1 F B S Ga - Aug Pneumonia None
412 Harriet Mills 1 F B S Ga - Jun Congestion of Brain None
417 Cornelius Williams 1 M B S Ga - Jun Whooping cough None
424 Pennie Trawick 1 F B S Ga - Aug Dropsy None
453 Mary Hicks 2 F B S Ga - Aug Dropsy None
446 Anna Wright 1 F B S Ga - Jun Diarhoea None
449 Mercham Hill 2 M B S Ga - Oct Measles None
452 Benj Franklin 20 da M B S Ga - Feb Pneumonia None
455 Sidney Perkins 1 mo M B S Ga, father born SC - May Pneumonia None
486 Chaney Harris 80 F B W Ga Cook Jun Burned None
494 Solomon Hawkins 87 M B M Ga Farmer Jan Fall from horse None
535 Paul Stevenson 1 M B S Ga father born VA - Nov Whooping Cough None
266 Fannie Elsey 4 F B S Ga - Jan Inflamation Bowels None

1880 Federal Census Mortality Schedule Baldwin County, GA
321st District, Scottsboro
Enumerated by E C Ramsay
Deaths occured June 1 1879- May 31, 1880
Family No. Name Age Sex Color S M W
Occupation Month Died Cause of Death Physician
29 Lula Williams 6 mos F B S Ga - Apr Whooping Cough Lockhart
29 Mary Williams 2 mos F B S Ga - May Whooping Cough Lockhart
29 Jane Williams 45 F B M Ga - Apr Dropsy of heart Lockhart
34 Cassie Hall 1 F B S Ga - Oct Whooping Cough Kenan
65 Lenis Sams 2 M B S Ga - Aug Whooping Cough Harris
67 Eddy Ellison 2 M B S Ga - Aug Whooping Cough None
75 Ervin Russell 21 M W S Ga - June Measles Whitaker
81 Emma Joseph 20 F B M Ga Keeping house Jan Child birth Shinholser
102 Morris Sanford 7 mos M B S Ga - May Measles None
105 Samuel Philps 8 mos M B S Ga - Apr Whooping Cough None
114 Rebecca Wilcox 11 mos F W S Ga
father born LA, mother SC
- Jun Cholera Infantum Shinholser
141 Charlie Scott 9 mos M B S Ga - Mar Diptheria Shinholser
142 Ida Stevens 1 F B S Ga - Apr Diptheria Brwon
154 James L Robinson
(line drawn through this entry)
35 M W M Ga ? ? ? ?
206 Abe Ruskin 15 M B S Ga Farm Hand Dec Digestive system None
217 Nancy Jackson 1 F B S Ga - Jul Gastristis None
229 Wade Adams 2 M B S Ga - Sep Teething None
231 Ellen Lester 70 F B W SC Blind Feb Old Age None
231 Harriet Lester 38 F B M Ga Farm Hand Sep Child birth None
231 May Eliza Bailey  3 mos F B S Ga - Dec Croup None
235 Willy Brown 2 M B S Ga - Oct Dropsy ?
236 Ann Woodall 52 F W W Ga ? Feb Tumor in stomach Butts
290 Bessie Cook 1 F W S Ga - Jul Whooping Cought Thomas
296 Nathan Hutchins 72 M B M Ga Farmer Aug Nervous System None
315 DuBose infant 1 da F W S Ga - May Hives None
317 General Lee 8 mos M B S Ga - Aug Whooping Cough Thomas
328 Rice infant 1 da M B S Ga - Nov Still born None
336 Henry Bryant 2 M B S Ga - Jul Whooping Cough None
338 Stubbs Infant 6 mos F B S Ga July Whooping Cought None
347 Thomas Turk 87 M W M Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 60 yrs
Farmer May Old age Shinholser
351 Charles Creswell 8 M W S Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 7 yrs
Mar Disease of heart Lockhart
367 Agnes Sheilds 2 F B S Ga May Pneumonia Shinholser
410 Mitchell Infant 5 das M B S Ga Mar Sick from birth None
436 Florene Laurence 5 mos F B S Ga Apr Measles None
1880 Federal Census Mortality Schedule Baldwin County, GA
322 District, Hall's
enumerated by T J Cooper
Deaths occured June 1 1879- May 31, 1880
Family No. Name Age Sex Color S M W Born Occupation Month Died Cause of Death Physician
1 Charles N West 2 M W S Ga - Nov Croup E T Gilmore
43 William D Hubbard 1 M W S Ga - Sep Enteretis W A Thomas
49 William A E Gibson 3 M W S Ga - Mar Diptheria Thomas
53 Elizabeth Bonner 6 F W S Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 1 yr
- Sep Burnt Thomas
62 Jessie Turk 40 M B M Ga Laborer Jan Consumption Thomas
67 John Howard 1 M B S Ga - Aug Dysentery None
101 Branan infant 7 mos F W S Ga - Nov Premature Gilmore
120 Mattie Goddard 5 F W S Ga - Nov Croup -
122 Josephine Woodall 6 F B S Ga - Apr Burned None
188 Henry Bloodworth 30 M W M Ga Laborer Dec Typhoid Fever Harris
153 Ann Hutson 54 F B M Ga
parents born VA
lived in Baldwin Co. 40 yrs
Keeping House Aug Paralsyis Thomas
154 Babe Huston 1 F B S Ga - Jun Dysentery Thomas
163 William Foshee 25 M W S Ga Laborer Nov Typhoid Fever Gilmore
1880 Federal Census Mortality Schedule Baldwin County, GA
115 District, Salem
enumerated byWalter Paine
Deaths occured June 1 1879- May 31, 1880
Family No. Name Age Sex Color S M W Born Occupation Month Died Cause of Death Physician
9 Mollie Lawson 18 F W S Ga Going to school Nov Congestion of Brain Allen
27 Peter Echols 68 M W M Ga Farmer Nov Debility Harris
63 Elvin Ginsaw 35 F B M Ga Keeping House June Rheumatistm Allen
81 Elmira Wallis 16 F B S Ga Working on Farm Oct Typhoid Fever Allen
89 Frances Hall 1 F W S Ga - May Measles Allen
100 Eli Jackson 18 M W S Ga
lived in Baldwin Co 3 yrs
Working on Farm Oct Typhoid Fever Allen
121 Carrie Jones 3 F B S Ga - Jul Measles Butts
122 Mary Chandler 57 F W W Ga Keeping House May Congestion of ?  Allen
127 Cicero Gilmore 21 M B S Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 15 yrs
Farming Oct Killed by Gun shot Harris
128 Lewis Burley 1 M B S Ga - Aug Measles Butts
129 Clara Adams 2 F B S Ga - Aug Measles None
133 Mary A Daniel 80 F W W Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 60 yrs
- May Jaundice Allen
160 Eliza Dawson 35 F B M Ga Working on Farm May Heart Disease Smith
196 Ann Mills 40 F W M Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 2 yrs
Keeping House Jul Cancer Harris
214 Willie Thomas 5 M B S Ga - Aug Typhoid
223 Ed Rogers Jr 5 mos M B S Ga Working on Farm Nov Carbuncle Allen
224 Roxie Bingham 4 F B S Ga - Jul Congestive Chill Allen
244 Mary Wilkinson 48 F W W Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 11 mos
Keeping House Oct Typhoid Fever Allen
256 Henderson Young 1 M B S Ga - Aug Teething Beach
261 Frank Curry 1 M B S Ga - Sep Teething Beach
262? Ed Mathews Sr 62 M B W Ga Farmer May Pneuomnia Beach
262 Theba Clayton 75 F B W Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 25 yrs
Keeping house May Pneuomnia Allen
273 Mattie Smith 33 F B M Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 3 yrs
Keeping house Mar Consumption Allen
273 Unamed Jackson 2 mos M B S Ga - Nov Diarrhea None
285 Abraham Bowers 1 mo M B S Ga - Jan Diarrhea None
289 Mae McComb 2 F B S Ga - Apr Teething Allen
291 Harriet Graves 28 F B M Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 6 yrs
Keeping House Oct Consumption Allen
299 Isacc Massey 75 M B W Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 7 yrs
Working on Farm Sep Pneumonia Allen
299 John Massey 6 mos M B S Ga - May Pneumonia Allen
300 Laura Wyche 55 F B M Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 5 yrs
Keeping House May Pneumonia Allen
301 Richard Dennis 22 M B M Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 1 yr
Working on Farm Sep Dropsey Whitaker
379 John I Buck 74 M W M Ga
lived in Baldwin Co  40 yrs
Farmer Nov Rheumatism Allen
395 John Ware 8 M B S Ga Going to school Apr Accidentally drowned None
420 Susan Lane 15 F B S Ga Working on Farm Dec Consumption Hall
- ___Barnes 19 das M W S Ga - Oct Influenza -
- Mane? McDowell 1 M B S Ga - Jul Teething -
- __Jarrett 1 mo M B S Ga - Nov Froze to death -
PR Katy E Sanford 4 F W S Ga - Nov Croup
PR Columbus Webb 24 M W S Teacher Sep Bladder Dis.
PR Edw'd Walker 59 W B M Farmer May Consumption
1880 Federal Census Mortality Schedule Baldwin County, GA
105 District, Gumms
enumerated by T J Cooper
Deaths occured June 1 1879- May 31, 1880
Family No. Name Age Sex Color S,
M, W
Born Occupation Month Died Cause of Death Physician
682 Lavinia Moran 36 F W M SC,
parents born SC
lived Baldwin Co. 12 yrs
Keeping House Oct Heart Disease Henry D Allen
682 Newton Moran 9 mos M W S Ga - Oct Congestion of Brain Henry  Allen
691 William Gray 56 M W M Ga
lived Baldwin Co. 22 yrs
Farmer & School Teacher Oct Cancer on the neck Lockhart
701 William Reese 48 M W M Ga
lived Baldwin Co. 13 yrs
Bridge watchman Nov Hemmorage James Shinholser
705 Emmie Butts 18 F B M Ga Farm Laborer Jul Consumption Wallace Butts
711 Mary Huson 60 F B W NC, parents born NC
lived Baldwin Co. 40 yrs
Domestic servant  Oct Typhoid Fever Wallace Butts
715 Jacob Barnes 69 M B W Ga
lived Baldwin Co. 11 yrs
Farm Laborer Jan Consumption Thomas Jones
717 Not named Trawick 5 mos F B S Ga - Aug Malarial Fever James Shinholser
720 Daisy Simmons 9 mos F B S Ga - Aug Whooping Cough -
721 Crawford Latimer 28 M B M Ga
lived Baldwin Co. 5 yrs
Farm Laborer Jun Auerisumn Durham
722 Lillian Jackson 2 F B S Ga - Jul Whooping Cough Wallace Butts
722 William Jackson  1 M B S Ga - Aug Whooping Cough Wallace Butts
730 Nicholas Perkins 65 M W M Ga
parents born VA
lived in Baldwin Co. 10 yrs
Farmer Nov Bilious Chills Wallace Butts
750 George Grimes 76 M W M Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 32 yrs
Farmer Mar Paralyism Thomas Jones
761 Benjamin Hill 5 M B S Ga - Feb Measles -
770 Not named Lingold - M W S Ga - Apr Stillborn -
773 Lula Simmons 5 F B S Ga - Mar General Dropsey -
773 Annie Simmons 7 F B S Ga - Mar Burnt to death
Clothes taking fire, died within about 24 hrs later
711 Mary Huson, Jr 23 F B M Ga Farm Laborer Sep Child Birth Wallace Butts
800  Babb Infant - M B S Ga - Mar Stillborn -
804 Samson Harris 67 M B W Ga
lived in Baldwin Co. 4 yrs
Farmer May Pneuomnia Wallace Butts
804 Herty Harris 1 M B 1 Ga - March Deatition Wallace Butts
809 J Wesley Moran 52 M W W Ga
lived Baldwin Co. 18 yrs
Farmer Sep Billious Fever Wallace Butts
813 Diana Gibbs 72 F B W SC
parents born SC
lived Baldwin Co. 18 yrs
Farm Laborer June Dropsy -
821 Bennie Harris 8 mos M B S Ga - Sep Diarrhae James Shinholser
780 David Turner 74 M W S Ga Farmer Mar Inflammation
of lungs
Roger G Smith

Source: United States Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1880 (formerly in the custody of the Daughters of the American Revolution), and Related Indexes 1880. T655,  National Archives and Records Administration, Washington D.C

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2006