6th Georgia Infantry (State Guards)
Company F, Baldwin County
The 6th Georgia Infantry Regiment, State Guard was organized
by the consolidation of Lofton's and Mangham's Infantry Battalions, State Guard
in November 1, 1863. Mustered out February 4th 1864.

Everett H. Doles  Captain
A. D. Nunnally F&S Captain -  Major
James C. Shea  First Lieutenant
J.A. P. (Pin) Robson Second Lieutenant
Tobias A. Caraker Third Lieutenant
Newton J. Rogers First Sergeant  - Sergeant
Samuel H. Palmer Sergeant
Sylvanus Prince, Jr,  Sergeant - Private
Adophus S. Rutherford Sergeant
R.B. Torrance  Sergeant
Robert D. Torrance Sergeant
John M. Wooten Sergeant - First Sergeant
L. Newton Callaway/Calloway Corporal
James M. McCrary Corporal
Richard N. Orme Jr. Corporal - Private
Adopphus Rozier Corporal - Private
William A. Wilson  Corporal
John R. Smith, Private - Corporal
Z. D. Harrison F&S Private - Adjutant
W.P.Hicklin F&S Private - Sergeant - Major
B.L. Holland F&S Private - Assistant Surgeon
William G. Lauterman. F&S Private - Quartermaster Sergeant
William A. Lofton. F&S Private - Colonel
Samuel W. Mangham F&S Private- Lieutenant Colonel
J. F. McLeod F&S Private - Chaplain
E. H. Pritchett F&S Private - Ordnance Sergeant

Ed. Alling
Ransom Babb
Benjamin Barnett
Lyon Barnette
H. A.  Barnwell
William A.Batson
C. Bloodworth
G. W. Boutwell
E. William Callaway/Calloway
Elisha W. Callaway
Thomas J. Cooper
Joseph DeYoung
William J. Evans
Thomas J. Finney
Henry E. Forsyth
Jacob Gans
Mastin Gaudy
William M. Gray
Benjamin Grier
Mitchel Grier
George W. Haas
Erastus J. Hogue
Martin F. Hubbard
Jefferson Huff
John Ivey
Robert D. Ivey
Jesse Lee
John Martin
Joseph Miller
James S. Moye
Joseph Oswalt
Charles Poole
William B. Richardson
Joseph Roberts
John C. Ryle
William W. Stembridge
Cicero H (W) Thompson
Robert W. Trapp
John M (R) Tucker
Marcus D. Yates
Cornelius Youngblood

Source: Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2006