Baldwin High School
Milledgeville, GA
List of Deceased Classmates of 1976 
As of March 21, 2017
1.Albert Beckom 2. Alberta Beckom  3. Edward Bishop
4. Billy Bracewell 5. Olivia Estella Bundrage  6.  Debra Butts
7. Randy Butts 8. Amanda Carr 9. Steve Collins
10. Cynthia Davis 11.  Julia Mae Davis 12. Cathy Ellington Marcin
13.  Johnny (James) Fraley 14.  Mike Garrett 15.  Pamela Gay
16. Alfonso Glenn 17. Linda Griffin 18.Walter Harris
19. Paulette Hicks
20. Grady Hurt
21.  Melvin T. Ingram (pdf file)
22. Eugene Jenkins 23. Robert Johnson 24. Crawford Jones, Jr.
25. Georgia Jones .
26. Roberta Justice-Miles
27. Mary Cile King
28. Darlene Liggins
29. Herman Rozier, Jr.
30. Patricia Smith 
31. Bernice Sweat 32. Vanesssa Thomas
33. Marion Washington
34. Alphonso Williams
35. John Williams
36. Wanda Pittman Hurt

37. Melvin Balkcom


Updated by Johnette Brooks Mar. 2017.

List compiled by Baldwin High School 1976 Classmate, Lurene Justice
via obituaries and funeral attendance to most.
History Maker File of Melvin Ingram compiled by and list typed and submitted by Baldwin High School 1976 Classmate,
Johnette Brooks, HOLLA at ya ANCESTORS.ORG

  Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004