1900 Census Allen's Invalid Home, Milledgeville, Ga.
On June 13, 1900

1 - name; 2- relation, 3-race, 4- sex, 5-date born, 6- age, 7- martial status, 8 - no. years married, 9- no. of children born, 10-no. of children living,

11, state born, 12, state father born, 13 - state mother born, 15, occupation

                   1                               2                   3         4         5             6       7      8     9  10      11                 12                   13                      14

Allen, Henry D. head B (W) M Mar 1856 44 M 14 Ga Ga Ga Superindentant
Allen, Sallie C.  wife W F Oct 1865 34 M 14 6 5 Ga Ga Ga
Allen, Florine E. daughter W F May 1889 11 S Ga Ga Ga
Allen, Edwin W. son W M Feb 1891 9 S Ga Ga Ga
Allen, Jessie V. daughter W F Sep 1893 7 S Ga Ga Ga
Allen, Theophilus P. son W M Jul 1896 3 S Ga Ga Ga
Allen, James T. father W M Dec 1830 69 W Ga Ga Ga
Stone, John J. assistant W M Sep 1874 25 S Ga Ga Ga Physician
Newton, Edward D. secretary W M Dec 1855 55 S Ga Ga Ga Physician
Pilcher, Thomas S. dentist W M Feb 1867 33 M 10 Ga Ga Ga Dentist
Holland, Samuel C. assistant W M Apr 1850 50 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Johnson, John W. assistant W M May 1832 68 W Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Jones, Tobias F. assistant W M Jan 1854 46 W Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Beck, Melancthon N. assistant W M May 1864 26 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Tarpley, Claude assistant W M Apr 1873 27 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Wilson, Bartley assistant W M May 1880 20 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Etheridge, Edward assistant W M Jan 1878 22 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Wilson, William assistant W M Mar 1881 21 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Avery, Susan assistant W F May 1870 30 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Jones, Emma assistant W F Apr 1866 34 W 0 0 Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Williams, Patience assistant W F Feb 1883 17 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Etheridge, Annie assistant W F Mar 1880 20 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Pierce, Eva assistant W F Jan 1884 16 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
May, Lillian  assistant W F Oct 1873 26 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Harley, Emma L. assistant W F Dec 1870 29 W 0 0 Ga Ga Ga Nurse
McFarland, Alice assistant W F Nov 1876 23 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Hudson, Roxie assistant W F Dec 1880 19 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Miller, Annie assistant W F Jan 1880 20 S Ga Ga Ga Nurse
Gholson, Clara assistant W F Sep 1861 38 S Ga Ga Ga Housekeeper
Peacock, William F. patient W M Mar 1858 42 M 12 Ga Ga Ga
Toombs, Robert patient W M Feb 1853 47 S Ga Ga Ga
Austin, Willie L. patient W M May 1872 28 S Ga Ga Ga
Ehrliph (?), Henry patient W M Jan 1852 48 S Germany Germany Germany
Leslie, John T. patient W M May 1868 32 S Florida Florida Florida
Williams, John N. patient W M April 1867 33 M 2 N.C. N.C. N.C.
Morel, John S. patient W M May 1868 32 M 7 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky
Reeves, Levi patient W M Dec 1830 69 W Tenn. N.C. Penn.
Swanson, Claude patient W M May 1867 33 M 4 Ga Ga Ga
Pursley, Samuel patient W M May 1842 58 M 35 Ark. Ark. Ark.
Andrews Charles H.  patient W M Apr 1805 65 W Ga. Ala. Ala.
Gaffney, William patient W M Jan 1858 42 M 18 Ga Ga Ga
Moore, Thomas J. patient W M May 1883 17 S Ga Ga Ga
Castlen, James patient W M Jan 1858 41 S Ga Ga Ga
Schwab, Annie patient W F May 1857 43 S Ga Ga Ga
Jupman, Ella patient W F Jan 1867 33 S Ga Ga Ga
Willingham, Oeta S.  patient W F Feb 1862 58 M 19 8 6 Ga Ga Ga
Glover, Mary D. patient W F Nov 1864 35 S Ala Ala Ala
Shatten, Bessie O. patient W F Dec 1866 35 M 10 4 4 Ga Ga Ga
Brooks, Eva patient W F Dec 1874 25 W 0 0 Ga Ga Ga
Hines, Cloude patient W F Nov 1858 57 W 0 0 Ga Ga Ga
Ewing, Eva patient W F Sep 1856 ? 44? W 0 0 Vermont Vermont Vermont
Campbell, Maude B. patient W F Oct 1870 29 S Ga Ga Ga
Craves (?) Elizabeth W. patient W F Mar 1820 80 S Ga Ga Ga
Floyd, Mary patient W F May 1881 19 S Ga Ga Ga
Hall, Sallie patient W F May 1867 33 S Ga Ga Ga
Ballard, Malher patient W F Sep 1862 47 M 31 3 3 Ga Ga Ga
Ream, Ella patient W F Sep 1860 39 S Ga Ga Ga
Terchfuss, Donny patient W F Nov 1842 57 W 0 0 Germany Germany Germany
Hill, Sallie  patient W F May 1876 24 S S.C. S.C. S.C.
Ivey, Mary patient W F June 1880 20 S Ga Ga Ga
Scales, Annie patient W F July 1876 23 S Va. Va Va
Lightfoot, Betty patient W F May 1845 53 W 0 0 Ga Ga Ga
Veal, Soloman laborer W M Apr 1848 52 M 0 0 Ga Ga Ga Hostler
Hall, Aleck servant B M May 1880 20 S Ga Ga Ga Cook
Killings, Wesley servant B M May 1880 20 S Ga Ga Ga Cook
Hanns, Hattie servant B G Jan 1882 18 S Ga Ga Ga Cook

copyright Eileen Babb McAdams 2002