Estate Records of Angelia Meacham
See Last Will and Testament
September Term 1844-
........   During the recess the following returns were made, severally examined, found correct, and admitted to record:
Robert B. Meacham, Ex'r. of the Est. of Angelina Meacham, dec'd., an Appraisement of said Est.:


No. 1.        303 3/4 Acres Land ............................................. $600.00
"      2.       1 Negro Girl, Sarah ..............................................   500.00
"      3.       1   "        Woman, Esther .....................................   200.00
"      4.       1 Note of hand given by Henry Meacham,
                  (Junior), dated 25th of Jan'y 1842 and pay-
                  able one day after date                                     20.54
"       5.       1 Note of hand given by Robert Meacham,
                   date 1st of Jan'y. 1843, payable on the
                    25th of December 1843                                   25.00


We do certify upon oaths, that as far as was produced to us by the Executor, the above and foregoing contains a true appraisement of the goods, chattels, and credits of the estate of Angelina Meacham, deceased, to the best of our judgement and understanding.
                                     W. D. Scogin
                                     Wm. R. Butts
                                      B. H. Myrick
                                      James A. Jarratt

I do hereby certify that the above appraisers were sworn to perform their duty as appraisers according to law, this the third day of August Eighteen hundred and forty four.
                                           John B. Dyer, J. P.

Lastly, an Order, stating in effect, that on the fourth day of March, 1844, the Last Will and Testament of Angelina Meacham, deceased, was proved, and approved, and Robert B. Meacham, nominated Executor of the said deceased, is to make a perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels, and credits of the said deceased, and exhibit the same in to the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary's Office (now Probate Court), in the County aforesaid, in order to be recorded, on or before the fourth day of June next ensuing, and to render a just and true account, calculation, and reckoning thereof, when thereunto required.
       This Order was signed on March 4, 1844 and in the 69th year of American Independence, by Chas. W. Choate, C.C.O. (Clerk, Court of Ordinary, Baldwin County, Georgia).


Note by Alta Mitchem Durden:  I had asked for Letters of Dismission as to this estate matter, [and to that of Angelina's Father, Henry Meacham, Senior,  who died in 1837], and received a notation from a worker in the Office of Judge Todd A. Blackwell, of Baldwin County Probate Court, as follows:  "The earliest actual Letters of Dismission we have is in Book "A", pg. 1, and is dated 11/5/1900.  There are none prior to that date."
       Apparently, Letters of Dismission, in practice today, were not required before 1900.

submitted by Alta M. Durden.
Email  [email protected]

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004