African Methodist Episcopal Churches
Milledgeville & Baldwin County, Ga.
Name Location Established Notes*
Clarke's Chapel was on Hwy 112. Map 1907* White wooden bldg. erected & dedicated in 1907, white frame bldg. Rev. A. J. Wynn of Sparta clergyman here in 1939 
Greater Wesley Chapel 425 Bell St. 1870* Original services held in church erected in 1870 until present church bldg was erected on same spot in 1920. Brick, bell, stained glass windows. First established by clergyman was J. Levo Walker 1870's. Rev. A. R. Cooper was pastor in 1896 when the church was erected on same spot. 
Flipper Chapel  136 Wolverine St. - -
Harpers Mission was on Hwy 112 before 1887 Also used as a school
Wesley Chapel  was located on Liberty St. - Rev. W. R. Gullins

"Harper's Mission, Brother Henry H. Johnson, pastor. This mission is without a church house proper for service, but not without an earnest young man as pastor, a few members and many friends who are ready to help the pastor and members to build church houses, and the pastor tells me he is determined to build soon.
We are hard at work on the district, and the good Lord is helping us much; as a district, we are determined not to be excelled in labor, love, and long-suffering and a good report in every particular."
June 30, 1887 THE CHRISTIAN RECORDER Philadelphia, PA

*Source: WPA Church Records, Baldwin County, Black Churches, 9/19/1939, Georgia Archives

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004-2006