Misc. Biographies
 Baldwin County, Ga


     one of the leading physicians and alienists of Baldwin county, and proprietor of the well appointed sanitarium known as Allen's Invalid Home, two miles west of the city of Milledgeville, was born on a plantation in Hancock county, Ga., March 5, 1856, a son of James Troup Allen, born in Washington county, in 1830, and Temperance (Moran) Allen, born in Baldwin county, in 1832.  The father, whose active career was devoted to agricultural pursuits and who was a loyal soldier of the Confederacy in the war between the states, died in 1900, and Temperance (Moran) Allen passed away in 1876. Of the two surviving children of the subject of this review is the older, his brother, Judge John T. Allen, a resident of Milledgeville, being individually mentioned in this publication. Doctor Allen secured his early educational discipline in the schools of Hancock county and the city of Milledgeville. In preparation for the work of his exacting profession was matriculated in the Atlanta medical college, where he completed the prescribed course and was graduated as a member of the class of 1879, receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine from this excellent institution. He established himself in a country practice in Baldwin county, having his residence ten miles distant from Milledgeville, and continued thus for twelve years, at the expiration of which time, in 1891, he established his private sanitarium, the Allen Invalid Home, which has since received his entire attention and which has gained notable popularity and high reputation for excellence of service.  The sanitarium has capacity for the accommodation of seventy-five patients, the average number in the home being about fifty; the equipment and accessories are of the best, and no pains are spared in according the most approved medical service, careful and skilled nursing, the result being that the institution has been signally prospered and has done and is doing a beneficent work. Doctor Allen is a  member of the American medico-pyschological association of Georgia and the Baldwin county medical society. He is a Democrat in politics, is a Knight Templar Mason and member of the Mystic Shrine, and is also affiliated with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. On Sept. 15, 1881, he was united in marriage to Miss Carrie Elizabeth Jordan, of Washington county, who died July 15, 1884, survived by one daughter, May Temperance, now the wife of Charles L. Moore, and able member of the bar of Milledgeville. On May 26, 1886, Doctor Allen married Miss Sallie C. Whitaker, of Baldwin county, and they have six children: Henrietta F., Edwin W., Jessie V., Henry Dawson, Jr., Theophilus Powell, and Sarah C.
Source: Georgia:comprising sketches of counties, towns, events, institutions, and persons arranged in cyclopedic form ... Allen Daniel Candler, Clement Anselm Evans. State historical association, 1906

Judge of the county court, Milledgeville, Baldwin co. His father, James Troup Allen, was born at Mt. Zion, Hancock county, Oct. 21, 1861. His father is, and all his life has been a farmer in Hancock county., During the late war he was a non-commissioned officer in the Confederate service and remained until the surrender.
  Judge Allen was raised on the farm, and received such education as the near by schools could give, and in 1880, when the middle Georgia military institute opened its doors a Milledgeville, he entered that institution, graduating  from it in 1883. He then entered the law department of the university of Georgia at Athens, which he graduated in 1884, and was at once admitted to the bar, but returned to his home at Mt. Zion. Early in the ensuing year he came to Milledgeville, and in April formed a law partnership with Hon. Robert Whitfield, which still continues. He is a well-read and able lawyer, credibly sustaining the dignity of his judicial position, to which he was elected in 1889 and after serving four years was re-elected.
     Judge Allen was married Nov. 27, 1890 to Miss Hattie, daughter of H. E. Hendrix, of Milledgeville, by whom he has had three children: Marion, Isabelle A., and Gladys Pernita. He is a member of the I.O.O. F., a royal arch Mason, and affiliates with the Presbyterian church. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895

   one of the representative retail grocers of the city of Milledgeville, was born on the family homestead, in Baldwin county, Ga., Oct.15, 1868, a son of Francis Marion Barnes, likewise a native of the same county, and of Sarah (Hawkins) Barnes, who passed her entire life in Georgia, having died when the subject of this sketch was about ten years of age. Francis M. Barnes was a loyal soldier of the Confederacy in the Civil war and the entire course of his life was passed in Baldwin county, where he followed agricultural pursuits until his death, at the age of about sixty-five years. Emmett L. Barnes received his educational discipline in the schools of his native county, including a course of study in the Georgia military college, in Milledgeville. At the age of sixteen years be became a clerk in the grocery store of William H. Roberts of Milledgeville, with whom he remained four years, and whose daughter he subsequently married. At the expiraton of his period noted he engaged in the same line of enterprise on his own account, associating himself with William A. Walker, in 1891, under the firm name of Walker & Barnes, which obtained until 1903, when he bought the interest of his partner, and has since conducted the business under his own name. He has a well equipped establishment, eligibly located, caters to a representative and discriminating trade, and is held in high esteem as a  reliable business man and loyal and public-spirited citizen. In politics he is found arrayed as a zealous supporter of the cause of the Democracy, but he has never been aspirant for public office. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church South, and he is affliated with the Masonic fraternity, the Knights of Pythias and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. On March 6, 1890, Mr. Barnes was united in marriage to Miss Willie Florence Roberts, daughter of William H. and Martha Roberts, of Milledgeville, and they have six children: Julius Henry, Eugene Claire, Emmett L., Jr., Louise, Marguerite, and Sarah Frances.
Source: Georgia, Comprising Sketches of Counties, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons,  Arragned in Cyclopedic Form; Vol. 1, State Historical Association, Atlanta, 1906

lawyer, Clarkesville, Habersham Co., Ga., son of Dr. Charles H. and Mattie (Greene) Bass, was born near Milledgeville, Baldwin county, Ga., April 30, 1869. His great-grandfather on his father's side was Wm. Rabun, once governor of Georgia, and for whom Rabun county was named. William Rabun was born in Halifax county, N.C., April 8, 1771, and came to Georgia in 1795 with his father Matthew Rabun, who settled in Wilkes county, and a year later moved thence to Hancock county. Though but indifferently educated, he possessed mental endowments and a personality that brought him into popular favor, and he was elected repeatedly to both the lower and upper house of the general assembly. He was president of the senate when Gov. Mitchell resigned in March, 1817, and was acting governor from that time until November, when he was elected governor, and afterward, by the people, for a full term, during which he had a spicy correspondence with Gen. Jackson. He died on his plantation in Hancock county while governor, Oct. 24, 1819, and his message was delivered to the general assembly by the president of the senate, Matthew Talbot, who succeeded him. Dr. Larkin Bass, an eminent physician, who married Miss mary, a daughter of Gov. Rabun, was the grandfather of Charles Larkin Bass. His father, Dr. Charles H. Bass, was a son of Dr. Larkin and Mary (Rabun) Bass, and was born in Hancock County. In 1858 he married Miss Mattie, daughter of Thomas F. Greene, of Milledgeville. Dr. Bass ranked very high as a member of the medical profession, as a gentleman of scholarly attainments and varied information. Hew was assistant physician of the state lunatic asylum soon after his graduation from the Medical college of Georgia, until his death, which occurred in 1872. His widow is still living, and makes her home with her son in Clarksville. Of nine children born to this union five survive: Addie, Mary Rabun, Mattie, Julia and Charles L. Mr. Bass' maternal great-grandfather was William Montgomery Greene, an Irish patriot, who, on account of his participation in the rebellion of 1798, was compelled to seek refuge in the United States. He was a friend of Thomas Addis and Robert Emmett, and assisted in the capture of the latter's remains from the keeper of the Killmainham jail, and their subsequent interment.  He was a cousin of the celebrated Lord Edward Fitzgerald, for whom he named his son, Dr. Thomas Fitzgerald Greene, Mr. Bass' grandfather. Dr. Greene was superintendent of the state lunatic asylum for a period of thirty-six years, a statement of which fact is evidence enough as to his capability and fidelity. Dr. Greene married Miss Adeline, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Hawkins) Crowder, a granddaughter of Col. John Hawkins, who served with distinction in the revolutionary war under the immediate command of Washington. Mr Bass received his early education in Milledgeville, but finished it in the Atlanta high school in 1884. The following year the family removed to Clarksville, where they made their permanent home. Deciding to embrace the legal profession he commenced reading law, and in 1890 was admitted to the bar at Habersham superior court, Hon. C. J. Wellborn, judge presiding. Entering at once upon the practice, and giving his enthusiastic and undivided attention to this profession, he has already secured an extensive practice and a wealthy and influential clientage in the northeastern circuit. His practice is general and covers every branch of the profession, and his record is that of a well-read lawyer, a prudent counselor and polished advocate. His style before a jury is that of easy and affable character, which invariably marks the successful nisi prius lawyer and wins verdicts. He has a large clientage in whose confidence his professional and private character is safe and permanently secure. Politically, Mr. Bass is a strong and active and consistent democrat. In 1890 he was a chairman of the county committee, and later president of the democratic club of Habersham county, rendering invaluable service in the campaign of 1892. That year he was elected a member of the state gubernatorial convention, and gave his enthusiastic support to the state ticket. Mr. Bass is a young man of marked ability, accomplished and polished manners, for whom the future would seem to have much in store. Reasonably and honorably ambitious to attain to distinction, his many friends in his section of the state will doubtless see to it that his abilities are recognized and his services rewarded. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical
Association 1895

        is recognized as one of the leading merchants and representative citizens of the city of Milledgeville, and has done much to further the upbuilding and progress of the city, where he has varied and important interests. He was born on a farm in DeKalb county, Tenn., March 2, 1869, and in that county were also born his parents, John A. and Sarah (Robinson) Bass, who there passed their entir lives, the father having been a successful farmer and stock-grower and a prominent dealer in live stock. When the subject of this sketch was a lad of eight years his mother died, and when he was twenty years old his father also passed away. Edward E. Bass attended school in DeKalb and Wilson counties, Tenn., until he had attained to the age of eighteen years. In 1888 he came to Georgia and located in Griffin, Spalding county, where he entered the employ of his uncles, J. L. and H. H. Bass, who conducted one of the most extensive general merchandise concerns in that section, under the title of Bass Bros. He remained with his uncles in various capacities until 1896, when he removed to Milledgeville and engaged in the mercantile business, the firm being composed of himself and younger brother, C. L. Bass, who died in 1900. His success has been one of the most positive and gratifying order and he is today one of the most prominent business men of the former capital city, owning and conducting two of the largest and best equipped mercantile establishments in Milledgeville, - one devoted to dry goods and the other to dry goods and clothing. He also owns a one half interest in still another retail mercantile concern in the city. He is one of the large holders of improved real estate in Milledgeville, where he has personally erected twelve substantial buildings, including his own fine modern residence and one of the best business blocks in the town. He is also possessed of valuable farm property in Baldwin county, and is recognized as a reliable, progressive and able business man, and as a loyal and public spirited citizen. Mr. Bass is a free thinker in political matters, is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity and is a member of the Baptist church. On Jan. 4, 1899, he was united in marriage to Miss Bessie Bass, of Hancock county, who bore the same name, but who is of an entirely different family line, and they have two children - Sarah Ione, born Feb. 22, 1900, and Wesley Elward, born Aug. 1, 1902.


      who is engaged in the retail dry-goods trade in the city of Milledgeville, is one of the representative citizens and business men of Baldwin county, and is well entitled to consideration in this work. He was born on a farm in Forsyth county, Ga., on Dec. 9, 1858, and is a son of Matthew R. and Josephine (Scudder) Bell, both of whom were likewise natives of that county, where the latter died in 1865. In 1869 Matthew R. Bell was appointed steward and treasurer of the Georgia state sanitarium, at Milledgeville, and he retained this office four years, after which he continued his residence in Milledgeville, having served sixteen years as judge of the court of ordinary of Baldwin county and having been a citizen of prominence and influence, commanding unqualified esteem in the community; he was also a loyal soldier of the Confederacy during the Civil war. He died in 1899, at the age of seventy-one years. After the removal of his father to Milledgeville the subject of this sketch became a student in the schools there until he had attained the age of sixteen years, when he became a clerk in a dry-goods store, beginning at the foot of the ladder and learning the business in all its details. He has ever since bee actively identified with this special line of enterprise, and has conducted independent operations since 1884, when he became and member of the firm of T. L. McComb & Co., with which he has thus associated for many years. In 1901 he established an individual business,  and he is to-day the sole owner of one of the best equipped and most popular dry-goods establishments in Milledgeville, his reliable methods and unfailing courtesy, as combined with wide and favorable acquaintanceship, thorough knowledge of his business, and careful selection of stock, making his store one of the most prosperous of similar mercantile enterprises  in this section of the state. Though alwasy taking a loyal interest in all that concerns the well being of the community, and being a stalwart supporter of the principles of the Democracy, Mr. Bell has never desired the honors or emoluments of public offce. He is affliated with the  local lodge, chapter and connandery of the Masonic fraternity, being the present eminent commander of Plantagenet Commander, No. 12, Knights Templars, as  well as junior warden of his lodge and king of his chapter. He is also affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. He and his wife are zealous members of the Methodist Episcopal church South, in Milledgeville, and he is a steward in the same, as well as treasurer of the society. On July 9, 1884, Mr. Bell was united in marriage to Miss Mary Annie Wright, daughter of the late Thomas D. Wright, of Milledgeville. They have no children.
Source: Georgia:comprising sketches of counties, towns, events, institutions, and persons arranged in cyclopedic form ... Allen Daniel Candler, Clement Anselm Evans. State historical association, 1906

   has precedence as one of the leading retail merchants of Milledgeville, in which he conducts a fancy grocery of most metropolitan order, catering to a representative and discriminating patronage. He was born in the city which is now his home, July 20, 1871, and is a son of Matthew R. and Susan (Edwards) Bell. His father was born in Forsyth county, Ga., and after the close of the Civil ward, in which he rendered yeoman service to the Confederacy as a soldier in a Georgia regiment, he removed to Milledgeville, having been appointed, in 1859, steward and treasurer of the state sanitarium, or hospital for the insane, an office of which he remained incumbent four years, after which he held the office of ordinary of Baldwin county for the long term of sixteen years. He remained a resident of Milledgeville, one of its well known and honored citizens, until his death, in 1899, at the age of seventy-one years. Susan Edwards Bell died in September, 1878. J. F. Bell attended the Georgia military college, in Milledgeville, until he reached the age of sixteen years, when he secured a position as clerk in  a local dry-goods establishment. In 1892 he engaged in the retail grocery business, associating himself with H. W. Compton, under the firm name of Compton & Bell, in the same quarters now occupied by Mr. Bell, at No. 33 Hancock street. The partnership continued until 1901, when Mr. Bell purchased the interest of Mr. Compton and he has since conducted the business individually and under his own name alone. His establishment has gained a high reputation for the choice and select lines of goods handled and it has a large share of the best trade of the discriminating order in the city, while personally he enjoys uniform popularity in the community which as represented his home from the time of his birth to present. Mr. Bell is one of the ardent and influential adherents of the Democratic party in this section of the state, being the present chairman of the party's executive committee in his home city, an incumbency which he has held for six years. For the past eight years he has served as oil inspector in Milledgeville, and has been a jury commissioner four years. He has been an active worker in the cause of the Democracy and has been a delegate to four of its state conventions, including those in which Governor Candler was nominated for his first and second term and having been one of the most loyal supporters of this popular chief executive. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church South, and is affiliated with the lodge, chapter and commandery of the Masonic fraternity in Milledgeville, as well as with the AncientArabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He is worshipful master of the blue lodge at the present time and is a past high priest of his chapter of his Royal Arch Masons. On June 20, 1894, Mr. Bell was united in marriage to Miss Frances Hammond Hollinshead, of Milledgeville, and they have five children, J. F. Jr., George H., Frances S., John H. and Edward E., Jr. The youngest son is named in honor of Mr. Bell's half-brother, a well known business man of Milledgeville.
Source: Georgia:comprising sketches of counties, towns, events, institutions, and persons arranged in cyclopedic form ... Allen Daniel Candler, Clement Anselm Evans. State historical association, 1906

Physician and surgeon, Milledgeville, Baldwin county was born in Milledgeville. Aug. 17, 1858. His boyhood days were spent in the city, and he received his primary and preparatory education in excellent schools. He afterward attended Mercer university, from which he gradated in 1877, and then began the study of medicine. After careful preparation he attended lectures at the college of physicians and surgeons, New  York city, from which he was graduated in 1881, and returned to Milledgeville, where he located and has since practised his profession. Dr. Callaway is a man of natural ability, and of more that ordinary skill as a surgeon. Personally he is a very pleasant and most affable gentleman, and universally popular. He is a member of the state medical association.
   Dr. Callaway was married in 1882 to Miss Bessie Fleming, a union which has been blessed with two bright sons- Leon and Thomas. He is a member of the masonic fraternity and a member of the Baptist church. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895

President of the Georgia Normal and Industrial college, Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., was born near Macon, Bibb Co. Ga, Oct. 18, 1849. When eight years old his father moved to Columbus, Ga. where he received his primary education. Later, in 1869-70, he attended the university of Virginia. Soon after leaving the university he began teaching school and filling engagements in Clinton, Jones Co., and in other small country towns until 1877, when he located at his old home in Columbus, where he remained seven yes. In 1884 he was elected principal of the State normal school. Jacksonville, Ala., which he held two years and was re-elected, but he declined because of the earnest and urgent solicitations of leading citizens of  Columbus. Ga. to return to that city and establish a high grade girls' school. In response to this urgent solicitation he went to Columbus and opened the school. He met with phenomenal success, the attendance soon reaching 150 pupils, demanding a faculty of ten teachers. He was principal- equivalent to a  presidency - of this school until 1891, when he retired to accept his present position. He was elected secretary of  the Georgia State Teachers' association in 1887, and served one year, and in 1888 he was elected president.  For a number of times he has been chosen or appointed by the association as an essayist - unfailingly meeting every expectation. As a practical educator, and one commanding the fullest confidence of the public as such, President Chappell doubtless has equals, but he has few, if any, superiors.
   President Chappell was married in 1883 to Carrie, daughter of the late G. H. Brown, of Madison, Ga., for many years president of the Madison female college. She died childless in 1886, and in 1891, he contracted a second marriage with Etta, daughter of Dr. J. Kincaid, Rome, Ga., by whom he has had two children- Calmese, deceased, and Cornelia. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895


Industry and economy, when accompanied by intelligently directed enterprise, will general win under any surroundings: but there and now then occur cases of more than ordinary success and interest. One of the most conspicuous of these, as well as one of the most instructive, is that of Peter J. Cline, merchant-farmer and stock raiser, Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., Ga., son of Peter and Bridget Cline, who was born in Augusta, Ga., Sept. 22, 1845. His parents were natives of County Roscommon, Ireland, and the subject of this sketch was the only one of the children born in this country. Mr. Cline's father, a  teacher by profession, emigrated to this country in 1843 and settled in Augusta, Ga., where, by his unusual ability he soon attained prominence and influence and position in the city government. About three years afterward he sent for his family, and two years later, in 1848, he died, aged thirty-nine years. His widow was born in 1813 and died in 1853. Both were devout Catholics.
    On the death of his parents Mr. Cline was placed under the guardianship of his sister, Miss Mary E. Cline, who with himself were the only surviving members of the family. He was sent to Sharon, Taliaferro Co., Ga., to school. While he was at school his sister married  Patrick Otis, of Augusta, Ga., and after his return from school he was "cash-boy" in a dry-goods store for some time in Augusta. In February, 1861, he was sent to St. Vincent college in Pennsylvania, where he remained until July. 1864, when he left there and started home. By the time he had reached Louisville, Ky., his money gave out, and having no friends and knowing no one through whom to get a passport, he sought employment which he finally obtained on the railway, and worked his way as a brakeman to Nashville. In that city, having some friends, he secured a situation in a crockery store and retained it some considerable time. Himself and other "southern boys" there were very closely watched, but the national characteristics of impulsiveness and impetuous courage caused him to be more closely watched than others, and involved him in several fights with the Federal authorities, and finally five weeks' incarceration in jail- and he was really threatened with more serious punishment. Through the influence of kind friends he was finally released, and there being no railway transportation, he left Nashville as quickly as possible for Augusta by wagon, via Atlanta. On reaching Augusta he obtained a situation in a dry-goods store, which he kept until December following, when he went to Crawfordville, Ga., where he clerked several months. In 1869, he went to Atlanta, where he remained about a year. Returning to Augusta he clerked awhile and then formed a partnership with J. P. Quinn and sold silk and broadcloth in South Carolina with horse and wagon - a portable store. Starting with a joint capital of $150, he made $1,400 in between four and five months. He now "struck out" for bigger things. In September 1870, he and his partner began business in Milledgeville under the firm name of Cline & Quinn, and in 1873 established a branch store, with Mr. Quinn as manager in Eatonton, Ga. In 1875, the firm with $23,000 cash capital, dissolved. Their success had been phenomenal  from the beginning; a very striking example, as well as affording the greatest encouragement to young men ambitious of success in any line of human endeavour. Turning his attention to husbandry, he has been no less successful and prosperous; and here, also, sets an example which thousands of southern farmers would do well to emulate. He has a large grass farm, is the largest hay producer in that part of the state, and is making money at it. In addition, to this he has one of the largest and best blooded herds of Jersey cattle in the south - no better pedigree in the country-in which he takes just pride, as well as realizes large profits. When southern farmers "wake up" and work up to the greatest possibilities of their section there will be tens of thousands like the enterprising subject of this sketch. It was hardly possible that a man of Mr. Cline's practical business qualities should be overlooked by his fellow-citizens so he has been elected to the mayoralty of Milledgeville, been a member of the board of trustees of the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural college, a director in the bank,  and was appointed by Gov. Northen a member of the board of commissioners to the colored school at Savannah - All through the urgent solicitation of friends. He has always been an active temperance worker, and although not a prohibitionist has never taken a drink of whisky. How much of his success may be credited to that?
   Mr. Cline was married in 1874 to Miss Katie  L., daughter of  Hugh Treanor, of Milledgeville, by whom he seven children, six of whom are living. The mother of these, a devout and exemplary member of the Catholic Church died in August, 1884. Subsequently he married a sister of his first wife, who has borne him six children, of whom five survive. Mr. Cline and wife and family are devout and influential members of the Catholic church. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895

John Conn
     is the head of one of the oldest and most prosperous wholesale grocery houses of central Georgia, the same being located in Milledgeville and now conducted under the title of John Conn & Co.,  though he is sole proprietor. He is also president of the Exchange bank, of Milledgeville, and is one of the prominent and influential citizens and business men of Baldwin county. Mr. Conn was born in Milledgevile, April 20, 1865, and is a son of Capt. William T. and Lenora A. (Carr) Conn, (the mother having died in 1868). Captain Conn is the subject of an individual sketch in this work, so that a further resume of the family history is not required in the present connection. At the age of sixteen years John Conn was graduated at the Georgia military college in Milledgeville, and two years later he was graduated in Emory college at Oxford, as a member of the class of 1883, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Upon leaving college he became bookkeeper in his father's wholesale grocery establishment, the first one founded in Milledgeville, retaining this position three years and then becoming traveling salesman for the concern, the business having then been conducted under the title of W. T. Conn & Co. He remaining on the road two years and for the ensuing three years was employed in the house headquarters. He then, at the age of twenty-six years, purchased his father's interest in the business, thus becoming associated in the same with Arthur J. Carr,  who had previously been the silent partner of the original firm. The firm of Carr & Conn thereafter conducted a large and prosperous wholesale grocery business for thirteen years, or until 1904, when Mr. Conn purchased the interest of his partner, thus becoming sole owner of the fine business, which he has since conducted individually and with ever increasing success, the house having a high reputation throughout its trade territory. The same year Mr. Conn was one of the organizers and incorporators of the Exchange Bank of Milledgeville of which he has since been president, his brother, Otto M., being cashier of the institution, which has met with a most gratifying support from its inception. Mr. Conn is a stalwart in the local camp of the Democratic party, being a member of its executive committee for the city of Milledgeville. He served as a member of the board of aldermen a short time, resigning the office on account of the exigent demands of his private business. He is a member and trustee of the local organization of the Methodist Episcopal church South, and is identified with the lodge, chapter and commandery of the Masonic fraternity, being past high priest of his chapter and past eminent commander of his commandery of Knights Templar, which he is also affiliated with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and the Alpha Tau Omega college fraternity. On Dec. 5, 1890, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Conn to Miss Hattie Powell daughter of Dr. T. O. Powell, superintendent of the state hospital for the insane, at Milledgeville, and she was summoned to the life eternal June 9, 1902, leaving one child, Frances Powell Conn, who was born August 21, 1893.
Source: Georgia:comprising sketches of counties, towns, events, institutions, and persons arranged in cyclopedic form ... Allen Daniel Candler, Clement Anselm Evans. State historical association, 1906
(Note: John Conn married a second time to Mary Farmer Wood, they had a son John Jr. born in 1915. John Conn Mar 17, 1927. All three are buried at Memory Hill Cemetery, Milledgeville.)

     one of the best known and most influential business men of Milledgeville, the old time capital of the State of Georgia, is now president of the Oconee river mills, while his is the distinction of having rendered long and gallant service as a soldier of the Confederacy during the great struggle between the North and South, in which service he rose to the rank of captain. He was born in Milledgeville, June 10, 1834, and is a son of John and Barbara Ann (Price) Conn, the former of whom was native of Ireland and the latter of Frederick county, Va. John  Conn came to America as a youth, and in 1829 he located in Milledgeville, where he met and married Mrs. Barbara Ann (Price) Haas, their union having been solemnized about 1830. His death occurred July 1, 1866, and his wife pass away in March, 1868. The had three children: Mary Ann is the widow of Rev. Franklin Lawson Brantley, a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal church South, and now resides in Milledgeville; William T., of this sketch, was the second of the children; and Charles Augustus was killed in the engagement in front of Petersburg, Va, March 25, 1865, having been at the time lieutenant-colonel of the Forty-fith Georgia infantry. Capt. William T. Conn secured his early education in the schools of Milledgeville, where he was concerned with mercantile pursuits at the time of the outbreak of the Civil war. In June, 1861, he enlisted as sergeant in Company F, Ninth Georgia Volunteer infantry, with which he proceeded to the scene of action in Virginia. He was severely wounded in the second battle of Manassas, and later took part in the memorable battle of Gettysburg, where he received a slight wound. Among other important engagements in which he participated were the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House, in the latter of which he was again severely wounded. In October, 1861, he was promoted to first lieutenant of his company, and in May, 1864, was commissioned its captain, this serving until the close of the war, and surrendering with General Lee's noble army at Appomattox, April 9, 1865. After the close of the war Captain Conn returned to his home, and he has ever since been prominently identified with the civic and business interests of Milledgeville and Baldwin county. For a number of years he was engaged in the retail grocery business, and in 1881 he had the distinction and prescience to greatly expand the scope of his business enterprise, by opening the first wholesale grocery house in the city, thus manifesting his appreciation of and confidence in the claims of the former capital as an eligible distributing center. He built up a prosperous business, fully justifying his course in the connection, and he continued identified with the grocery trade, conducted under the title of W. T. Conn & Co., until 1893, when he sold his interest to John, who is now the sole owner of this old and popular wholesale establishment. Since the year mentioned Captain Conn has been president of the Oconee river mills, of Milledgeville, a prominent and prosperous industry being carried on and the same receiving his able and careful executive supervision. He is held in unequivocal esteem in his native city and county, his entire career having been marked by sincerity and unvarying integrity of purpose. He is a stanch supporter of the principles and policies for which the Democratic party stands exponent, is an appreciative member of the United Confederate Veterans, is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity, and is a valued member of the Milledgeville Methodist Episcopal church South, in which he is a steward, and in which he has been superintendent of the Sunday school for twenty-nine years, at the time of this writing, in 1906. Captain Conn has been twice married. On March 2, 1864, was solemnized his union to Miss Leonora Aurelia Carr, who died Dec. 27, 1868, leaving one son, John, mentioned elsewhere in this work. On Oct. 19, 1871, Captain Conn wedded Miss Henrietta Augusta Miller, and they have nine children, namely: Thedore M., William T. Jr., Mary L., Otto M, Otelia, Charles J., Julia P, Lucia B., and Henrietta Augusta. Mary L. is now the wife of Solon H. Bryan; and Otelia is the wife of Ludlow L. Griner.
Source: Georgia:comprising sketches of counties, towns, events, institutions, and persons arranged in cyclopedic form ... Allen Daniel Candler, Clement Anselm Evans. State historical association, 1906

      the able superintendent of the Georgia penitentiary farm, near Milledgeville, Baldwin county, was born on a farm in Twiggs county, Ga., Jan. 26, 1859, a son of James R. and Sarah E. (Boothe) Coombs, the former born in Twiggs county, in 1820, and the latter in Pulaski county, in 1833. The father was a successful planter and his death occurred in 1873. His widow is still living and resides in Pulaski county. Of the five living children the subject of this sketch is the only son; Mary S. is the wife of H. S. Wimberly, of Telfair county; Charlotte T. is the widow of J. A. D. Coley, of Pulaski county; Elizabeth M. is the widow of L. T. Peacock, of the same county; Zilpha H. is the widow of W. H. Frazier and likewise resides in Pulaski county. Ashley B. Coombs secured his education in the schools of Twiggs and Wilkinson counties and in Mercer university, and has been identified with agricultural pursuits from his youth up, so that he is well fitted for the responsible duties which devolve upon him in his present official capacity. He began farming operating on his own responsibility several years before attaining his legal majority, and in time became one of the most successful, progressive and popular planters of Pulaski county, his reputation in the regard leading to his appointment to his present office, in October, 1903, at the hands of the state prison commissioners. He has fully justified the wisdom of the commissioners in making the appointment, and is doing a most efficient work in managing and directing the affairs of the state farm. In 1905 he produced on the farm 457 bales of cotton, the highest previous record having been 352 bales. The farm comprises 5,000 acres, about seventy plows are operated on it and it is being brought into model condition under the present superintendent. Mr. Coombs is a  Democrat in his political adherency and he and his wife are members of the Baptist church. On March 1, 1880, he was united in marriage to Miss Charlotte Elizabeth Plane of Charlston, S. C., and they have six children, namely: Annie S., Charlotte P.. James R., Ira Dupree, Mary D., and Ashely B., Jr. Annie S. is now the wife of O. N. Maxwell of Baldwin county, and Charlotte P., is the wife of R. J. McGriff, of Pulaski county.
Source: Georgia:comprising sketches of counties, towns, events, institutions, and persons arranged in cyclopedic form ... Allen Daniel Candler, Clement Anselm Evans. State historical association, 1906
Note: Ira DuPree Coombs married Eleanor Eason of McRae, Ga. June 5, 1909. Ashley Coombs resigned his position as Superintendent of the Prison Farm Oct. 1, 1909 and was replace by J.M. Burke of Wilkinson Co.


  John Gilbert Croley, M. D. , an able and honored representative of the medical profession in the city of Milledgeville, was born in Brookly, N. Y., a son of Timothy J. and Margaret (McAuliffe) Croley, both of whom were born and reared in County Cork, Ireland, and whose marriage was solemnized in the city of New York, about 1856. When the subject of this sketch was an infant his parents came to Georgia, locating on a plantation in Hancock county, where the father was engaged in agricultural pursuits, save for the interval of his service as a soldier of the Confedracy in the Civil war, until 1873, when he removed with his family to Baldwin county, taking up his residence on a frarm about seve miles distant from Milledgeville, where his devoted wife died in the year 1898. He survived her by a number of years, passing the closing yers of his life in the home of his son John G., whose name initiates this article, being summoned to the life eternal in 1903, at a vernerable age.  Both he and his wife were devout communicants of the Catholic shurch. Doctor Croley was afforded the advantages of Sparta academy and Rockby institute, both in Hancock county. He then entered the Medical College of Georgia, in Augusta, the medical department of the University of Georgia, in which he was graduated as a member of the class of 1880, duly receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine and coming forth well fortified for the work of his exacting and humane profession. Thereafter he was engaged in country practive in the vicinity of his old home, in Baldwin county, until 1889, and in 1890-91 he took post-graduate courses in Philadelphia and New York, after whick he located in the city of Savannah, where he was engaged in practive until 1893, since which time he has maintained his home and professional headquarters in Milledgeville, where he has met with eminent success in the work of his profession, both as a physician and surgeon. That he is held in high regard by his confreres in this locality, is evidenced by the fact that he is president of the Baldwin county medical society, and is also identified with the Medical Association of Georgia. The doctor accords unequivocal allegiance to the Democratic party. He is a Catholic and his wife belongs to the Baptist church. On Jan. 16, 1894, was solemnized the marriage of Doctor Croley to  Miss Sallie Stewart Davant, of Montgomery, Ala., and they have two children- Lilla Marguerite, born May 7, 1897, and John Gilbert, Jr. , born Sept. 7. 1904.
Source: Georgia, Comprising Sketches of Counties, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons,  Arragned in Cyclopedic Form; Vol. 1, State Historical Association, Atlanta, 1906

Deceased, was the son of Col. Henry and Amelia (Nicolson) Du Bignon, and was born on Jekyl island, Glynn county, Ga., Jan. 4, 1809. After receiving his preparatory education in his native state he went north to finish it. On his return he read law under the late R. R. Cuyler, one of the most eminent lawyers of his time, and for many years the able president of the Central Railroad & Banking company, and located in Glynn county. In 1841 he was elected to represent the county at the general assembly at Milledgeville, then the capital. In 1844 he moved from Glynn to Baldwin county, where he made his permanent home, and abandoned politics and the practice of his profession to look after the very large plantation interests of his wife, whose father, Senator Grantland, was then one of the wealthiest men in Georgia. He was a magnificent specimen of southern manhood and chivalry and was made captain of the governor's horse guards, which composed of the flower of the citizenry of the state's capital and Baldwin county. As the captain of his company he went to the Confederate army in Virginia. He died at Woodville, near Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., Sept. 13, 1877, and is entombed in the cemetery at Milledgeville. His estimable widow, who survives him, is living at the old homestead.
   Col. Du Bignon was married Jan. 4, 1844, to Miss Anna V., daughter of Hon. Seaton and Ann (Tinsley) Grantland, a union blessed with the following - named children: Charles Fleming, who lost his life in the Confederate service; Seaton G., deceased since the war; Katharine, who married Gen. Moxley Sorrell, now of the Ocean Steamship company, with office in New York; Fleming  G., lawyer, Savannah, Ga., sketch of whom will be found elsewhere in these Memoirs, and Charles P., youngest child and son, who is living with his aged mother at the Grantland old homestead, Woodville, Ga. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895

   is a prominent member of the Georgia bar, engaged in the practice of his profession in the city of Atlanta, and has been influential in public affairs in Georgia and is a leader in the councils of the Democratic party in this commonwealth. He was born on the parental homestead, Woodville plantation, five miles distant from Milledgeville, Baldwin county, Ga., July 25, 1852, a son of Charles and Ann V. (Grantland) du Bignon, the former born on Jeckyl island, Glynn county, Ga., Jan. 4, 1809, and the latter in State of Virginia, June 23, 1823. Charles du Bignon, a representative of one of the early settled families of Georgia, was of pure French extraction in the agnatic line, the lineage being of distinquished order. He was a participant in one of the Indian wars in this state and in the Civil war he was unreservedly loyal to the Confederacy, serving as captain in the Governor's Horse Guards, of Milledgeville, in Cobb's legion of Georgia cavalry. He enlisted in 1861 and served until 1863, when he received his honorable discharge. Mr. Ann V. du Bignon was a daughteer of Hon. Seaton Grantland, who served six years as  a representative of Georgia in the United States Congress, and her paternal grandfatherwas a patriot soldier in the Continental line during the  Revolution. Fleming G. du Bignon secured his preliminary educational discipline in the Virginia military institute, after which he took a technical course in the law department of the University of Virginia and was admitted to the bar of Georgia in 1873. He engaged in the practice of his profession in Milledgeville, where his success was marked and soon rose to prominence along professional and public lines. He served two years on the bench of the county court of Baldwin county; in 1880-81 represented that county in the state legislature; and in 1882-3 was a member of the state sentate, representingthe twentieth district. In the autumn of 1883 he removed to the city of Savannah and in the following year was elected solicitor-general of the eastern circuit. Before the expiration of his term he was again elected to the state senate, from the first district, and he had the further distinction of being chosen president of the senate, holding this position during the sessions of 1888-9, proving a most able and popular presiding officer. In 1896 Judge du Bignon was the candidate of his party for the United States senate, on the gold platform, but he encounteed defeat, owing to the insistent free silver tendency shown in the state. In 1897 he was elected chairman of the Democratic executive committe of the state, retaining this incumbency three years, at the expirat5ion of which he resigned. In 1888 and again in 1892 he was a delegate from the state at large to the Democratic natinal conventions, being chairman of the Georgia delegation in 1892 and a zealous supporter of Grover Cleveland in the convention hall. In 1889 he declined the nomination for governor, to accept the office of general counsel for the Plant railway system, with offices in Savannah, a position of which he remained the incumbent until the system was reorganized as the Atlantic Coast LIne. He is now general counsel for the Southern Express Company. Since 1903 Judge du Bignon has been engaged in the practice of his profession in Atlanta, where he has a representative practice in both the state and Federal courts. He is a member of the Oglethorpe club, of Savannah; the Capital City club, of Atlanta; the Manhattan club, of New York city; and is affiliated with the Royal Arcanum. On Nov. 25, 1874, he was united in marriage to Miss Caro (Nicoll) Lamar, daughter of Charles A. L. and Caroline Agnes (Nicoll) Lamar, of Savannah. In conclusion is entered brief record concerning the children of this union: Carolina Lamar du Bignon was born in Savannah, Feb. 24, 1876; Anne Grantland du Bignon was born in Milledgeville, Aug. 19, 1877; Charles du Bignon was born at Woodville plantation, the birthplace of her father, Jan. 20, 1881.
  Source: Georgia, Comprising Sketches of Counties, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons,  Arragned in Cyclopedic Form; Vol. 1, State Historical Association, Atlanta, 1906

County Treasurer, Milledgeville, son of Martin Edwards, was born in Milledgeville in 1840. His father was born in Rockingham county, N.C., in 1800, ran away from home, when a boy, and finally settled in Augusta, Ga., in 1836. He was married in 1838, very poor, and about the same time began life in earnest by engaging in peddling.  After accumulating a small sum from his savings he settled in Milledgeville and engaged in merchandising; was prosperous and acquired considerable property, and died in 1879. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity. His widow, whose maiden name was Miller, is still living at the old homestead, her home since 1848, where she awaits the summons to a reunion with him who has gone before. She is a revered and exemplary member of the Methodist church. Eight children blessed this union: John M., the subject of this sketch; Annie E., wife of M. Kidd; Susan E., widow of M. R. Bell; Perry J., who was a soldier in the Confederate army; George F.; Jefferson, drowned when thirteen years old; Mary, deceased, and Warren.
     Mr. Edwards was reared in Milledgeville, where he was schooled until he was seventeen years old, when he was made overseer of his father's plantation.  He remained there until the civil war began, when he joined the state troops and served six months under Col. Robert T. Harris. He then enlisted in the Confederate service, and gallantly participated in some of the most important battles of the war, among them Vicksburg, seven day's fight around Richmond, Knoxville, Murfreesboro, Missionary ridge, Powder Springs, Kennesaw mountain, and the battles around Atlanta, remaining in the service until the surrender, losing no time in hospitals or by furlough. His father had 6,000 or 8,000 acres of land, and on this on his return home he commenced farming. Of the corn he raised he sold 100 bushels for $250, which was the foundation of his present estate. In 1873 he was made deputy sheriff and server four years, and in 1885 he was elected treasurer of Baldwin county, to which he has been continuously re-elected since, the highest testimony possible as to his business capability and integrity. He is now operating thirty hands on the farm, and is accounted one of the best farmers, as well as one of the solidest and most influential of Baldwin county's citizens.
   Mr. Edwards was married, in 1869, to Miss Bessie, daughter of Robert Himes (Hines), Franklin county, Tenn. Four children have been the fruit of this union: Himes (Hines) M., William Stroud, Mattie T., deceased at six years of age, and Bessie. Mr. Edwards is a member of the I.O.O. F. and a Master Mason, and Mrs. Edwards is an active working member of the Baptist church. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895

    Ex-sheriff, farmer, Milledgeville, Ga., son of P.M. and Evaline (Minor) Ennis, was born in Baldwin county in 1845. He grew to manhood on the farm and enjoyed very good educational advantages at the country schools and in Milledgeville. His father was of Scotch-Irish descent, born in Baldwin county, and died in 1891. His mother died in 1882. Both were members of the Primitive Baptist church. On reaching manhood he engaged in farming, which he has made the principal pursuit of his life. In 1863 he entered the Confederate service as a member of the governor's horse guards, Capt, Nichols, and continued in it until the close of the war. He was a participant in the battles of the Wilderness and Cold Harbor, and many others - in all fourteen engagements in twelve months, besides numerous skirmishes. Early in 1865 he was captured and sent to Hart's island, N.Y., where he was detained until June 19, 1865. He reached home July 3, to find his father's farm nearly deviated - stock and provisions all gone, the Federal army having passed over it. In 1875 he embarked in the saw-mill business, which he successfully followed until 1879, when he was elected sheriff of the county. He was continuously re-elected until 1895, having served for sixteen consecutive years. While discharging the responsible duties of sheriff so efficiently as to be continued so long in it, he conducted his farming with success. His faithfulness and efficiency and the consequent merited popularity could not be better attested than by his prolonged retention in office.
      Mr. Ennis was married in 1866 to Miss Eliza F., daughter of George W. and Abia (Lewis) Barnes, natives respectively of Maryland and North Carolina. To them six children have been born: Sonora, Charles P., killed in 1891 by a boiler explosion; Cora, J. Howard, farmer; Ernest and Willie. He is a Master Mason and has filled several offices  - senior warden and others -below that of worshipful master, and is a member of the Fraternal Mutual Insurance company. Himself and wife are members of the Baptist church, of which he has been a deacon for more than twenty years, and a trustee for a long time, and Mrs. Ennis is a working member of the Ladies' Aid society. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895

      Samuel Evans was born May 5, 1841 in Person County, North Carolina. He was a Confederate Soldier and served in Co. F, 15th Regt., NC Inf. At one time he was a member of the body guard of President Davis.

Mr. Evans married Zella Bumpuss in 1869. There children were Alice Lee (married to Madison McGraw), Ada Virginia (married J. R. L. Austin),  Bessie (married H. F. Harris), Samuel, Jr., and George C. 3 infants who died in  1878, 1885, and 1890 are buried in Memory Hill.

 Mr Evans came to Milledgeville around 1871 and established a business that made plug tobacco. After 3 years he started a grocery and farmer's supply business until 1887 when he entered the cotton commission business. In 1889 he organized the Merchants & Farmers Bank and was made president. Later he was interested in raising cattle on his farm 8 miles from Milledgeville.

Samuel Evans died of Bright's disease at Starne's Private Hospital in Atlanta  August 23, 1904 and is buried in Memory Hill Cemetery, Milledgeville, Ga. Mrs. Evans  died at the home of her daughter Bessie Harris in Atlanta Feb. 1918 and is buried in Memory Hill Cemetery.
Source: Union Recorder August 30, 1904; Memory Hill Cemetery grave inscription

Farmer, Meriwether, Baldwin Co., was one of five children born to Robert H. and Eliza Ann (Carter) Harper. The father was born in Hancock county in 1817, and was a big farmer and a large slaveholder before the war. He served in the state militia during the war, and died im 1884. His wife was born in Putnam county, Ga. in 1810, and died in 1881.  They were good, honest, Christian people, who enjoyed the esteem of everyone. Mr. Charles Rhodes Harper was born in Putnam county in 1842, and his boyhood days were those of the farmer's lad, with a meagre schooling, picked up here and there in the old log school houses. When the war broke out he enlisted in the state militia, where he did duty for six months, and then went out in Company H, Fifty-seventh Georgia regiment. He was attached to Walker's Brigade, in the battles of Peachtree creek and Decatur, and was also at the siege of Vicksburg and his war record is as creditable as has been his private life.
     In 1866 he was married to Anna E. Tatum, a daughter of Dudley H. Tatum, a native of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Harper have had born to them seven children, as follows: John B., Fanny E., Married; Robert D., deceased; Charles T., a student in the Technological school; Fannie E., a graduate of the Milledgeville normal school; Julia M., and Emma G., deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Harper are devout Christians, belonging to the methodist church, of which Mr. Harper has long been a steward and trustee. Mr. Harper is one of the largest landowners in Baldwin county, and owns about 2,100 acres of finely cultivated land. The estate is now managed by his son. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895

Farmer, Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., Ga., son of Peterson and Mary P. Hawkins, was born in Baldwin county Feb. 1, 1844.  His father was born near Petersburg, Va., in 1813, and when mere boy came to Georgia and settled in Baldwin county, where he engaged in farming, and which he made his home until he died in 1893. His wife was born in 1826 and is still living- both parents having for many years made their home with the subject of this sketch. They had but two children: William Gardner and Jane Rebecca, who married W. S. Elam, and died in 1882.
   Mr. Hawkins was raised on the farm and educated in the common schools of the county. In 1861 he enlisted in the Baldwin Blues, Capt. Caraker, and went immediately to the front. He was in the battles at King's school-house and Mavern Hill, where, being seriously wounded, he returned home. In a short time he rejoined his command, but receiving discharge on account of disability he returned home. He resumed his farm work, to which he has since devoted his entire time and attention. He has prospered and has large farming interests, and is regarded as one of the most foremost farmers in Baldwin county.
    Mr. Hawkins was married in 1874 to Miss Fannie, daughter of D. H. and Frances Tatum, who bore him five children: Bernard H., just finishing his education; Kirby P.; Dudley R.; Mary A. and Willie G. Mr. Hawkins is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Presbyterian Church, of which he is an elder. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern

I'm researching my ancestors, the Hilburn/Hilbun family, who were found in Burke Co., GA as early as 1788.  Some other Hilburns, believed to be cousins of the BUrke Co. ones, were in Baldwin County for a few years.  THe following info is a timeline of their presence there:

1817- Milledgeville, Baldwin GA- Oct 1- Letter for Frederick Hilburn left in Post Office.

1820- Baldwin, GA. Census.  Woodard A. Hilburn- 1 M< 10; 2 M 10-16; 1> 45; 2 F<10; 1 F 26-45.

1825- GEORGIA- Baldwin Co., Mariah Hilburn married Jacob Calaway 28 Jul.  Believed to be Woodard Hilburn's daughter.

1826- Baldwin, GA.  John L. Hilbun (Jehu) married Elizabeth Wirsham 14 Mar 1826.  Believed to be Woodard's son who later lived in Alabama.

1827- Feb 13: Baldwin, GA.  Vaughn Hilburn listed in newspaper in Milledgeville. Was a stagecoach driver betw. Milledgeville & Augusta.  His descendants are still in Georgia, primarily in Laurens County and many of whom spell their name "Hilbun".

Woodard/Woodward Hilbun later moved to Conecuh County, AL and then to Pontotoc Co., MS, where he is found in the 1850 US Census.  It's believed that he died there.  His children, Frederick, and William Hilbun settled for a few years in Desoto Co., MS.  Some of their descendants moved on to Texas and many later moved to California.  These Hilbuns primarily spell their name as HILBUN.

Woodward Hilbun served in the War of 1812 in North Carolina and the earliest record I have found of him is from 1800 in Brunswick County, NC.  He also owned land in Bladen, NC. :

1800 Brunswick- Oct 28. 1094 (235). Woodard Hilbern enters 400 a.; border: Elias Duncan; includes the place where Shadrick Wilson lived. “Abstracts of Land Entries: Brunswick Co, NC, 1794-1820” by R. B. Pruitt, 1989, p 66.

It's believed that his father was Vaughan Hilbun/Hilburn, found in Colonial N. C., served in the Revolutionary War in NC and who died in Hinds Co., MS in 1833/34, whose will I have a copy of.   Woodward's siblings were many, some of whom appear to be Frederick, James, Luke, Henry, John, Thomas, Francis.  The assumption of their relationship is based on the fact that they were in Brunswick Co., NC near each other and some of them are listed together on land records.  Vaughan also was in Brunswick but moved to Mississippi Territory as early as 1813 (record found).

I believe that the Vaughan Hilburn of Baldwin County, GA is LIKELY the son of Woodward Hilbun as he is the only Hilbun documented as living in that area of Georgia.  If others have documentation of something different, please let me know.   Joy Hilbun Mohr

    Lodrick Mathews Jones, son of thomas H. and Martha Tharp Jones, was born in Twiggs County, Georgia, April 28, 1850. He grew to manhood on his father's plantation, was educated in the country schools and later attended Mercer University. After leaving the University, he taught in the public schools of Twiggs county, and at the same time studied medicine under Dr. William O'Daniel, in preparation for his chosen work.
    He graduated from the Atlanta Medical College in 1878, and from then until 1883 engaged in a general medical practice in Wilkinson County. In 1883 he was assistant physician at the Georgia State Sanitarium, in which capacity he served until 1907, when he was made Superintendent of the Sanitarium He served this institution faithfully and efficiently until his death on December 7, 1922. History of Baldwin County, Anna Maria Green Cook.

was a son of  John Lamar and was born July 15, 1797, and from boyhood was a lover of books, reading with good effect almost everything that came within his reach, but had a decided partiality to poetry and other works of imagination. In after life he was distinguished for his attainment in belles-lettres, for the classic purity of his composition, and for his forensic eloquence.
   In 1816 he commenced the study of law in the office of Joel Crawford at Milledgeville, where he read with great assiduity, and, among other acquisitions, became an accurate pleader. Having spent twelve months or more in this office and wishing to complete his professional education, he repaired to the celebrated law-school at Litchfield, in the state of Connecticut, in which Judges Reeve and Gould alternated in delivering a course of lectures. During a period of thirty years or more the Litchfield school was almost the only institution of the kind and by far the most famed, in the United States. It was sought by students from almost every part of the union, and from no state, probably, in greater numbers than Georgia.
   About the year 1818 or 1819 Lamar was licensed " to plead and practice in the several courts of law and equity in this state," opened an office at Milledgeville, and not many months thereafter married Miss Bird, the daughter of an eminent physician of that place. Though few lawyers have brought to the bar higher qualifications, he lacked some, and for a few years his prospects were anything but bright. While others with not a tithe of genius or learning were seen to be reaping rich harvests of fees and crowded with clients, he remained poor and almost briefless. How and why did this happen? Courage, truth and honor were among the most conspicuous element of his character, and he seemed to have the esteem and confidence of every one. But he could not court clients or solicit patronage; his characteristic independence and legatee self-esteem would not tolerate even the semblance of unworthy condescension. He doubtless wanted what is commonly called address; he had no turn for frivolous chat, story telling, anecdotes, ect. In short, he lacked those qualifications on which humbler natures rely for conciliating popular favor.
   But there was another peculiarity attached to this gifted young man, which is very seldom seen in persons of his age and fervid temperament. It would seem that the tone of his nervous system was liable to accidental spells of depression, which not only impaired his capacity for social companionship, but, at times, the highest energies of his mind. At the bar and elsewhere, when under the weight of this incubus, he has been known to betray a want of thought and of expertness in the transaction of business, which, to those who knew him best, was astonishing. On one occasion, an important case of his being on trial in the county of Twiggs-a case he had much at heart, and in which he had made great preparation- when in the prescribed order of speaking it became his turn to address the special jury, he arose with perfect self-possession and having proceed through an exordium  of great appropriateness and beauty, suddenly came to a dead pause. No one knew the cause until he, with humility and confusion of face that betrayed the deep mortification under which he suffered, declared in an undertone to his associate counsel, that he could not proceed, and that the the whole advocacy of the cause must fall into the hands of the associate.
   In the summer of 1821, his first preceptor in the law having retired from the practice some four or five years before, resumed it, and Lamar became his partner. This co-partnership, by its terms, was limited  to three years, and before the expiration of that time Lamar had so many opportunities of exhibiting proofs of his great professional ability that he never afterward wanted clients or fees.
    Mr.  Lamar doubtless had ambition - a legitimate ambition - to acquire, by meritorious actions, that fame and fortune which may at all times be justly awarded to useful and brilliant achievements; but he had an insuperable aversion to catching  office as a mere fortuitous windfall, or getting it by surrendering himself to the arbitrary management of a political party. Under  the influence of such generous self-denial, he more than once refused his name as a candidate, when success was little less than certain. This conduct when Thomas W. Cobb - about the fall of 1828 - became a candidate for the bench of the Ocmulgee circuit, will serve to exemplify some of the loft traits which belonged to the character of Lamar.
   Mr. Cobb was an experienced and confessedly an able lawyer - had been for many years a respectable member of congress, desired to continue in the public service, but in the decline of life preferred a station nearer his home. That popularity, however, which carried him three terms to the house of representatives, and afterward to the senate of the United States, now forsook him. He was beaten on a joint vote of the general assembly, by a large majority; but for some cause, best known to himself, his successful opponent (Judge Eli S. Shorter) within a few days resigned the commission of judge, and the vacancy had to be filled. Cobb's friends again presented his name, and Lamar was importuned to offer as the rival candidate. Had he consented, his election was morally certain; but he had becoming respect for Mr. Cobb's seniority and past services, was no stranger to the unworthy motives of those who were most intent on a second defeat, nor to the plasticity of that illy-organized college of electors, the general assembly. His refusal was peremptory, and Mr. Cobb was permitted to take the office he so much coveted.
    Before the term for which Mr. Cobb had elected expired, his death made a vacancy which Mr. Lamar could honorably consent to fill. He came, then, into office on such conditions as met his approbation, and continued until the day of his own lamented death to discharge its duties with signal ability, and with public applause which few in judicial stations have had the good fortune to receive.
    The melancholy event of Judge Lamar's death (occasioned; as it was, by his own hand) filled the wide circle of his friends and acquaintances with lamentation and astonishment. He was yet a young man, with sufficient wealth for entire independence, unequalled popularity, a wife and children on whom he doted; no man, indeed, seemed to have more to attach him to life. To the inquiry everywhere made, "What could have caused the suicide?" no satisfactory answer was given. Some supposed it to be a religious frenzy, originating in recent and deep impressions on the subject. One who knew him intimately has assigned that which was probably the true and only cause - insanity, resulting from accidental derangement of cerebral organism. The disease of which the judge died may, therefore, be assumed a natural one, and as explicable, on pathological principles, as apoplexy or any other malady of the brain.
   Whatever may have been predicted of the eventful career of Judge Lamar, had he lived longer and been placed in congress, or on some other thereatter favorable to the display of his splendid oratory and ardent patriotism, it is admitted that, both at the bar and on the bench, he attained the first rank. He presided with great dignity, and was most effective in the dispatch of business. No one who knew the man ever ventured on an act of rudeness or disrespect to his court; yet every person whose deportment was worthy of it had unfailing assurances of his kindness. His lectures of instruction to the grand juries, at the opening of a term, were delivered in admirable style; and his charges to special and petit juries, engaged in the trial of difficult and much-litigated cases, might well serve as models to any bench.
   His manners in public and private life were wholly free from useless formality, but frank, bland and refined. He left a young family of sons and daughters (one of his sons, L.Q. C. Lamar became United States senator from Mississippi, secretary of the interior under Mr. Cleveland's first term, and a justice of the supreme court of the United States.
 The above and foregoing is from the pen of his law partner, the late eminent Joel Crawford, and this testimony, from one so competent, establishing the high rank of Judge Lamar in the profession, and also as a citizen, the attempt to improve  the picture would be so vain; no room is left or art or friendship to throw further light on a character so nobly molded. He was truly a man of great moral elevation, and universally beloved. His sensibilities were very acute, and his emulation was entirely unselfish. Aiming to extend the conquests of his profound intellect to the verge of possibility, he overtasked his nervous system, resulting in that deplorable act which deprived his country and his friends of a pattern of excellence. His fame secure, his virtures  without a blemish, his memory will ever remain dear to the people of Georgia, and to all who can appreciate an exalted nature. He is buried in the beautiful cemetery at Milledgeville, Ga. A handsome monument, in the form of an obelisk, twelve or fifteen feet high, has been erected by the members of the bar over his remains, on which is the following inscription, which is said to have been from the pen of the late Judge Iverson L. Harris"
   "Sacred to the memory of Lucius Q. C. Lamar,  late judge of the superior court of the Ocmulgee circuit, who, during a brief period of four years, discharged the duties of that high office with probity, firmness, efficiency and unquestionable reputation. The devoted love of his family, the ardent attachment of personal friends, the admiration of the bar, and the universal approbation of his enlightened admiration of justice, attest the goodness and greatness of one arrested by death too early in the bright career in which he had been placed by his native state."
   " Born, July 15, 1797. Died July 4, 1834"
Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895

 Clerk of the Superior Court, Milledgeville, was born in Milledgeville in 1835. He was raised and received his primary education in the city and finished his education at Oglethorpe university, then located Midway, Baldwin county. At the beginning of the civil war he was in the hotel business in Milledgeville and in June, 1861, enlisted and entered the service, but was discharged on account of physical disability and returned home. He remained at home until January, 1863, when he entered the Georgia reserves as Lieutenant but was at once made captain of Company D, Fifth regiment, continuing in the service until the surrender. He was a Savannah when that city was evacuated and was afterward in the following engagements: River's bridge; Cososahatchie and Pocotaligo, and was then detailed to accompany wounded soldiers to Augusta and so no more active service. After the close of the war he returned to Milledgeville, but soon afterward went to Macon and accepted a clerkship in the freight department of the Central railway, which he held three years. He then returned to Milledgevile, where he engaged as bookkeeper for G.W. Haas, groceryman, with whom he remained for several years. In 1873 he was elected clerk of the superior court, to which office he has been continuously re-elected since.
    Capt. Paine was married in 1857 to Miss Gertrude Dasher. She having died, he contracted a second marriage in 1872 with Miss Anna E. Turner. Mr. Paine has one son, Charles H. Paine, who is in the drug business at Valdosta, Ga. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895

Milledgeville, Georgia
     Carrie Bell Sinclair was born at Milledgeville, Georgia, 1839. Her father, Rev. Elijah Sinclair, was a Methodist minister, and was stationed for a while during her girlhood at Augusta, Macon, Savannah, North Carolina and South Carolina, but as his health failed he finally settled in Macon and engaged in mercantile business. She was a niece of Robert Fulton, who, while visiting his sister in Augusta, heard the discussion abouts steam and the probability of using it for a propelling power; at once this great man of inventive genius began to plan his patent.
  Miss Sinclair lived at Augusta during the war, and there her Georgia, My Georgia, and The Homespun Dress were written.
  Her poem, Dreaming, attracted a great deal of attention. She published two volumes of poems, and contributed frequently to Southern papers.
Source: The South in history and literature: a hand-book of southern authors, from the settlement of Jamestown, 1607, to living writers Mildred Lewis Rutherford, The Franklin-Turner company, 1906 -

Hon. Thos. H. Whitaker, attorney at law, La Grange, Ga. was born in Baldwin County, Ga., September 1, 1846. His father, James Cantie Whitaker, was a native of Washington County, Ga., was a civil engineer and surveyor by profession, and married Mary E. Bigham.
   Thos. H. Whitaker was educated in Oglethorpe University, Milledgeville, Ga., leaving that institution to join the Confederate army, Terrell's artillery, in which he held the position of ordnance-sergeant. He served in the trenches of Savannah eleven days, took part in the battle of Fort McAllister, was in the march from Savannah to Greensboro, N. C., was in the fight at Chesterfield Court House and at Averysboro and Bentonville, N. C., and surrendered at Greensboro with Joe Johnston's army as the youngest sergeant in the battalion, and at the close returned to the Oglethorpe University, where he took a special course in mental and moral philosophy, and then began writing in the superior clerk's office and reading law at Milledgeville.
   In 1868, when Milledgeville was surrounded and lined with Federals, Mr. Whitaker made the Confederate memorial speech in Newall's Hall. This speech was so intensely Southern in its tenor that the next day the fiery young orator found the town too warm for him, in one sense, and he sought the more congenial atmosphere of Florida, where he remained a few weeks or until the excitement at Milledgeville had subsided. In September of the year last name he was admitted to the bar, and in March 1869, he located in LaGrange, Ga., where he has since resided, devoting his time to his profession, which has proven to him a remunerative one.
  In 1871 Mr. Whitaker was appointed solicitor-general by governor James Smith, and in 1883 was appointed county judge by Governor McDaniel, and held the las named office four years. June 23, 1875, the judge married Miss Dinque Reid, daughter of A. E. Reid, of Troup County, Ga., and this marriage has been blessed by the birth of three children, viz: Thomas A., Erie and Will Reid. The judge is a member of the S. A. E. college fraternity.
Source: Biographical Souvenir of the States of Georgia and Florida: Containing Biographical Sketches of the Representative Public, and Many Early Settled Families in These States; F.A. Battey & Company,  1889
  Joseph H. White M.D. was born in Milledgeville, G, May 4, 1859, and is a son of Edward J. and M. A. (Hill) White. Edward J. White was born in Milledgeville, Ga., in 1827, and died in 1881. He was a druggist and pharmacist, and was also steward and treasurer of the Insane Asylum at Milledgeville for years. he was a son of Dr. B. A. White, who was born in Louisville, Ga., in 1792, practiced medicine for fifty years, and was president of the Medical Board of the State of Georgia for twenty years, and was surgeon-general of the State of Georgia in 1861-65. He was a son of Major Edward White, a native of Boston, Mass., of English extraction, and a major in the Revolutionary war.   Mrs. M. A. White was born in Baldwin County, Ga., and is a daughter of David B. Hill, who was born in Georgia in 1790. and was a planter by occupation. He was thrown from a horse and killed in 1845. His father was David B.  Hill, a native of Ireland.
   Joseph H. White is the elder of two living children, viz: Joseph H. and Thomas E. He was education in the schools of Milledgeville, and in 1876 commenced to read medicine with Dr. S. G. White; after the death of Dr. S. G. White, he read with Dr. W> H. Hall. He next attended three full courses of medical lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Baltimore, Md., and graduated from that institution in 1883. He then went to St. Joseph Hospital (then used as a marine hospital), and was house physician for one year. In September, 1884, he went before the examing board of the United States Marine Hospital service, passed the examination and was stationed at New Orleans, La., and remained until March, 1885, at which time he moved to Savannah to take charge of the Marine Hospital at Savannah and National Quarantine Station at Sapolo Sound, Ga., and is the present incumbent of the latter station.
  In January, 1885, he married Miss Emily H. Humber, of Putnam County, Ga., a daughter of Robert C. and Elizabeth A. (Ingram) Humber. To this union two children have been born - Emily H. and Mary R. The doctor is a member of the Episcopal Church, while Mrs. White is a Methodist.


  Thomas W. White, son of Benjamin Aspinwall and Jane Elle (DeClensie) White, was born in Milledgeville, Ga., in 1823, and entered the University (Norwich) in 1839, graduating, A.B., in 1841. He taught school for a time in Ohio, after his graduation, and then returned to Milledgeville  , and studied law with Col. A. H. Kenan. He was admitted to the bar, and practised (sic) law in his city until 1849, when, on the breaking out of the gold excitement in California, he formed a company and went overland to the new El Dorado. On arriving in Southern California, he formed the acquaintance of a Spaniard, who owned a large estate where San Jose is now located, and was employed by him to lay out this land for a city site, and this San Jose sprang into existence. He following engineering for some time, until the city and county had largely increased in population, when he began the practice of law.
  He held various public offices; was the first mayor of San Jose, and was county judge for some time. He remained in Californian until about 1854, when he returned to Georgia, and resumed the practice of law in Milledgevllle. On the breaking out of the Civil War, he raised a company of troops for the C.S.A., and after serving a little over a year as its captain, he was transferred to the corps of engineers. He planned and built Fort Pulaski, and had charge of work along the Georgia coast line. He was taken prisoner at the capture of Fort Pulaski by the Union troops, and was confined in Park Island Prison, where he contracted a cold which eventually caused his death.  After the war, he resumed the practice of law in Milledeville, and held the office of county judge for some years. He was the inventor of a cotton-gin, one of the best used in the South. His last mechanical work was on a flying- machine. He died in Milledgeville, in 1878.
  He was married in 1866 to the eldest daughter of Col. A. H. Kenan, who with a daughter, the wife of Mr. W. R. Locke, survive him and reside in Pawhuska, Osage Nation, Oklahoma Territory.    source: Norwich University, William A. Ellis, B.S. 1898

lawyer, Milledgeville, Baldwin Co. Ga, who was born there in 1852, is one of the rising, as well as one of the most gifted young men of Georgia. His boyhood and early youth were spent-during the "unpleasantness" - on the old family plantation in Jasper county, Ga. In 1867 he entered Mercer university, then located at Penfield, Ga. where he remained two years. he next entered the university of Georgia, Athens, from which he graduated in 1870 with the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy, some of his classmates being the following gentlemen, who have also left their impress on local or state legislation: Washington Dessau, Walter B. Hill, Nat E. Harris, C. L. Bartlett (congressman), Judge C. C. Jones, Rev. J. D. Hammond, Dr. A. S. Campbell, et al. The ensuing year he graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and immediately located at Conyers, Rockdale Co., Ga. Six months later he went to Jackson, Butts Co., Ga., as to be conveniently near indian Springs, on account of his health. he remained here three years, doing some practice, and then spent the year 1875 on the plantation in Jasper county.  The ensuing year he located in Milledgeville, and formed a law partnership with Hon. Fleming du Bignon, now of Savannah, which continued until 1884. A year or so later he entered into partnership with Jon T. Adams, which still exists. In 1878 Mr. Whitfield was elected solicitor-general of Ocmulgee circuit, which comprises the counties of Morgan, Greene, Putnam, Jasper, Jones, Wilkinson and Laurens. This election was for an unexpired term, the incumbent having resigned; but wo years later-1880-he was elected for a full term of four years. In 1883 he was again  elected to the same office. The following November be resigned, as he had been elected at the October election to represent the twentieth senatorial district in the general assembly. In that body he was made chairman of the committee on the penitentiary, and placed on the committees of general judiciary and lunatic asylum.
As a legislator he was chiefly interested in the railway questions before the senate-particularly the lease of the Western & Atlantic (State) railway. He was the author of resolutions for the settlement of the betterment issues with the lessees, defeated at the time, but afterward passed substantially as he introduced them; and he was made chairman of the joint special committee appointed to settle the question and to whom the resolutions introduced by him were referred. It was while in the senate, in 1889, that Mr. Whitfield had the hard fight-which he won-to secure the location of the Girls' Normal school at Milledgeville; and it was during this senatorial term that Mr. Whitfield
developed, by intellectual capacity, great legislative ability and statesmanlike qualities, which have marked him as one of the foremost of the rising young men of the state.  In 1890 the people called again for his services, and he was elected to represent Baldwin county in the general assembly, and was placed on the committees on general judiciary, finance, lunatic asylum,and Western & Atlantic railway, and chairman of the special judiciary committee. Mr. Whitfield has always taken a very active part in politics, and has attained to great popularity, prominence and influence. He has served on the democratic state executive committee, stumped the state. In the race for the sixth district congressional nomination he was defeated by his old classmate, Charles L. Bartlett. It may be safely assumed that he has before him a brilliant professional and political future.
   Mr. Whitfield was happily married, in December, 1877, to Miss Effie, daughter of the late Judge Charles E. Harris, of Macon. Four children-three boys and one girl-have blessed this union, Robert Jr., Charles H., Anna and Marion. He is a Master Mason and a member of the Protestant Epispocal church. Biographies from "Memoirs of Georgia" Vol. II The Southern Historical Association 1895. Photo Atlanta Constitution March 30, 1890.

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