Bob Steele, well-known barber in Atlanta was  born in Milledgeville in 1843.
He was the son of Carrie Steele Logan (1829-1900) founder of the Carrie Steele Orphans Home in Atlanta.

August 31, 1899
Atlanta Constitution

Well-Known Negro Barber Died of Consumption at His Home Last Night
   Bob Steele, on the the best know negroes in the city, died at his home, 175 North Butler street, last night at 11:30 o'clock from consumption of the throat, after an illness of about for weeks.
   Bob Steele was one of the best known members of his race in Atlanta and had many friends among both the whites and negroes, who will learn of his death with much regret. He had lived in the city for about thirty-five years, all of which time he has worked as a barber.
    He was fifty-six years of age, and leaves a wife and five children, all boys, of whom two are living in Atlanta, two in Chicago and one in New York. He was born in Milledgeville, but came to this city thirty five years ago. His mother was the founder of the famous Carrie Steel Orphans' home, and one of the best-known colored Christian workers in the state.
   Bob Steele was a great admirer and friend of the late Henry Grady, and was carried by him on many of his long trips. he was with Mr. Grady on the trip to Boston, when he contracted the cold that resulted in his death. He was also with him on many other trips, and was a frequent visitor to his office while living.
  His shop at 13 Marietta street was for years patronized by the best citizens of Atlanta, and he was able to amass quite a good sized sum of money, most of which he invested in real estate. He owned at the time of his death several pieces of property, including his home.
  The funeral arrangements have not been arranged, but it will be conducted from his home tomorrow.

September 1st, 1899
Atlanta Constitution

Services of Well-Known Negro Will Be Conducted from Big Bethel
   The funeral of Bob Steele, the well-known negro barber, who died at his home Wednesday night, will be conducted from Bethel Methodist church this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
  The services will be conducted by Dr. Alexander, Rev. Carter and Father Greene.
  The pallbearers will be Rufus Cooper, Samuel Ware, Henry White, Albert Nash(?),    M. Rowell and Alonzo Herrington.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004