Baldwin County Bibliography
  • Allen, Sarah Cantey Whitaker, Old Oglethorpe University - Midway, Georgia
  • Allen, Sarah Cantey Whitaker, Our Children's Ancestry
  • Baugh, James Emory. From Skies of Blue: My Experiences with the Eighty-Second Airborne during World War II.
  • Beeson, J. L.  Historical Sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Milledgeville, Georgia
  • Beeson, Leola Selman, History Stories of Milledgeville and Baldwin County
  • Beeson, Leola Selman, One Hundred Years of the Old Governors Mansion
  • Bonner, James C.  Milledgeville Reprints.
  • Bonner, James C.,  Journal of a Milledgeville Girl, 1861-1867
  • Bonner, James C., Milledgeville, Georgia's Antebellum Capital
  • Bragg, William Harris, Joe Brown's Army, The Georgia State Line, 1862-1865
  • Bridgeman, Marcelle Clark  Roster of Confederate Soldiers of Georgia -- Baldwin County
  • Brown, Charles E. Railroading in Milledgeville: A Researcher's Guide
  • Cook, Anna M., History of Baldwin County (ON LINE PDF FORMAT)  SEARCHABLE 
  • Cook, James F. Carl Vinson: Patriarch of the Armed Forces
  • Cornell, Nancy J.,  The 1864 Census for Re-organizing the Georgia Militia
  • Cox, Jack F.,  1850 Census of Georgia Slave Owners
  • Cranford, Peter G.  But for the Grace of God (Central State Hospital history)

  • Davidson, Bailey. Milledgeville Then and Now
  • Dawson, Elizabeth; Horne, Louise M.; King, Anne M, One Hundred Three Lost or Found Cemeteries  of Baldwin County,  Georgia 1814-1999
  • Delwyn Associates, Records of Baldwin County Georgia
  • Doster, Gary L., The Postcard History Series: East Central Georgia in Vintage Postcards
  • Duffey, Barbara, Banshees, Bugles and Belles: True Ghost Stories of Georgia
  • Duffey, Barbara. Miracles From Heaven
  • Evans, Tad, Baldwin County, Georgia newspaper clippings (Union recorder)
  • Evans, Tad, Georgia Journal Newspaper Clippings, Vol 1  1809-18
  • Evans, Tad,  Georgia Journal Newspaper Clippings, Vol 2  1819-23
  • Evans, Tad,  Georgia Journal Newspaper Clippings, Vol 3  1824-28
  • Evans, Tad,  Georgia Journal Newspaper Clippings, Vol 4  1829-35
  • Evans, Tad,  Georgia Journal Newspaper Clippings, Vol 5  1836-40
  • Evans, Tad,  Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 01   1820-27
  • Evans, Tad,  Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 02   1828-32
  • Evans, Tad,  Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 03   1833-35
  • Evans, Tad,  Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 04   1836-38 (On line)
  • Evans, Tad,  Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 05   1839-41
  • Evans, Tad,  Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 06   1842-44
  • Evans, Tad,  Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 07   1845-48
  • Evans, Tad,  Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 08   1849-52
  • Evans, Tad,  Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 09   1853-56
  • Evans, Tad, Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 10    1857-61
  • Evans, Tad, Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 11    1862-66
  • Evans, Tad, Milledgeville Southern Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 12    1867-72
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 01 1830-33
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 02 1834-36
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 03 1837-39
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 04 1840-42
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 05 1843-49
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 06 1848-53
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 07 1854-57
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 08 1858-62
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 09 1863-69
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 10 1870-77
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 11 1878-82
  • Evans, Tad, Union Recorder Newspaper Clippings, Vol 12 1883-87
  • First United Methodist Church,  Methodism in Milledgeville, Georgia 1806-1973
  • Fort, John Porter. John Porter Fort: A Memorial and Personal Reminiscences
  • Garland, Emily Allen, Giving a Voice to the Ancestors (Excellent historical book about Baldwin & Hancock Racial Mix)Families: Ingram, Little, Fraley, Ellis, Allen, Butts, etc. )
  • Garland, Emily Allen, Bittersweet Memories: A Memoir (Growing up in Baldwin County)
  • Graham, Paul K. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Persons Entitled to Draws ( Heritage Books), The Genealogy Co 2005
  • Graham, Paul K. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Fortunate Drawers and Grantees (, The Genealogy Co. 2010
  • Graham, Paul K. 1807 Georgia Land Lottery Fortunate Drawers and Grantees by Paul K. Graham  ( The Genealogy Co 2011 
  • Graham, Paul K. Atlas of East and Coastal Georgia Watercourses and Militia Districts , ( The Genealogy Company, 2010
  • Graham, Paul K. Admission Register of Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, Georgia, 1842-1861 by Paul K. Graham  ( The Genealogy Co. - 2011
  • Fort, Kate Haynes, Memoirs of the Fort and Fannin Families, 1903, FREE online at Google Books
  • Harrington, Hugh T., Methodist Church Record Books 1811-1876 Milledgeville (Baldwin Co.) GA.
  • Harrington, Hugh T., Remembering Milledgeville: Historic Tales from Georgia's Antebellum Capital
  • Harrington, Hugh T., Civil War Milledgeville: Tales from the Confederate Capital of Georgia
  • Harrington, Hugh T., More Milledgeville Memories
  • Harrington, Susan J., Harrington, Hugh T., Burials in the City Cemetery 1869-1904. Milledgeville, GA.
  • Harrington, Susan J., Harrington, P.H. D.,  Hugh T., Annie Abbott "The Little Georgia Magnet" and the True Story of Dixie Haygood
  • Harrington, Susan J., Harrington, Hugh T., Gardner, Floride Moore, Historic Memory Hill Cemetery 1804-1997, Milledgeville,GA
  • Nancy Hart Chapter, DAR, Family Bibles
  • Nancy Hart Chapter, DAR, tombstone records Baldwin Co., GA not in cluding Milledgeville
  • Nancy Hart Chapter, DAR, 1820 census
  • Nancy Hart Chapter, DAR, 1818 Baldwin Co. tax records; 1819 Baldwin Co. records
  • Nancy Hart Chapter, DAR, 1821 Baldwin Co. ... tax digest ... land lottery
  • Hair, William Ivy,  Centennial History of Georgia College
  • Hines, Nell Womack,  A Treasure Album of Milledgeville and Baldwin County Georgia
  • Hines, Nelle Womack,  Such Goings On.
  • Houston, Martha Lou, The 1827 Land Lottery of Georgia. (new index.)
  • Huxton, Folks, Deaths From The Federal Union, Milledgeville, Georgia
  • Ingmire, Frances Terry, Baldwin County, Georgia Marriage Records, 1808-1851
  • Ingmire, Frances Terry, 1810 Baldwin County, Georgia Tax List and Slave Owners
  • Ingmire, Frances Terry, Baldwin County First 1000 Tax Payers
  • Ingmire, Frances Terry, 1813 Baldwin County, GeorgiaTax List
  • Ingmire, Frances Terry, 1840 Baldwin County, Georgia Census
  • Ingmire, Frances Terry, 1850 Georgia Mortality Schedules
  • Ingmire, Frances Terry, 1860 Baldwin County, Georgia Census
  • Ingmire, Frances Terry, Baldwin County, Georgia Will Book A 1807-1832, Abstraction
  • Ingmire, Frances Terry, Baldwin County, Georgia History and Biography
  • Ingmire, Frances Terry, 1905 Georgia Community & Business Directory
  • Kidd, Harriet Oxford. All these Things
  • Lane, Mills, Architecture Of The Old South
  • Lawrence, Harold, Memory Hill. (A collection of poems on persons in the city cemetery, Milledgeville, GA.)
  • Lindsey, Susan,Yesterplace: Blue Jeans and Pantaloons in Post World War II Georgia
  • Lindsley, Susan. O Yesterplace and Other Poems
  • Linley, John, Architecture of Middle Georgia, The Oconee Area
  • Lucas, S. Emmett,  Index to Headright and Bounty Grants in Georgia From 1756-1909
  • Lucas, Jr, Silas Emmett., The 1832 Gold Lottery of Georgia.
  • Perkerson, Medora Field, White Columns in Georgia
  • Robertson, Charles. A Living Heritage: St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Milledgeville Ga 1841-1907
  • Robinson, Larry E.  History of Hardwick Baptist Church: The First Seventy-Five Years.
  • Scott, Katherine Kirkwood  Land of Lost Content
  • Seymour, Martha Roy,  Milledgeville Methodist Society: Member List, 1806-1814
  • Smith, Gordon Burns, History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861 v2. Counties and Commanders, Part One. Indexed.       The militia histories of fifteen counties, CHATHAM, BURKE, JEFFERSON, TATTNALL, BALDWIN, MORGAN, JASPER, MONROE, BIBB, WARE, PIERCE, CAMPBELL, SUMTER, COBB, and FLOYD
  • Smith, James F.,  The 1832 Cherokee Land Lottery of Georgia.
  • Smith, T. E.  History of the First Baptist Church of Milledgeville, Georgia, 1811-1975
  • Students of Baldwin High School (Sandra Worsham) Everybody Has A Story To Tell, Stories of Flannery O'Connor's Milledgeville
  • Tankersley, Allen P.,  College Life at Old Oglethorpe
  • Thigpen, Olive Jordan, A Society of Bees
  • Tunnell, G. H.,  Baldwin County, Georgia Census Records and Indexes for 1820 and 1850
  • Tunnell, G. H.,  Tombstone Records of Baldwin County, Georgia, Exclusive of Milledgeville
  • Turnipseed, Faith S.,  Genealogical Gleanings from Minutes of the Session, First Presbyterian Church, Milledgeville, Georgia, 1826-1900
  • Stembridge, Thelma,  Beeson Papers
  • Walker, Scott, Hell's Broke Loose in Georgia, Survival In A Civil War Regiment, Scott Walker, 2005. A history of the Georgia 57th Infantry. The regiments were from Baldwin, Crawford, Houston, Laurens, Thomas, Washington and Wilkinson counties.
  • Walters, Katherine Bowman. Oconee River: Tales to Tell
  • Warren, Mary B., & White, Sarah F., Marriages & Deaths Abstracted From Extant GA Newspapers, 1820-1830
  • Wood, Cullen L., Coopers Memoirs.
  • Wynd, Frances, Wills Baldwin County Georgia - Will Books A & B



    Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004