Photos by Eileen Babb McAdams
Camp Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Established 1817
Salem Church Rd., Southwest

      This indenture made this twenty-second day of April in the year of our Lord 1819 between Joseph Collins of Baldwin county of the one part and the Baptist Church of Christ at Camp Creek of the county aforesaid of the other part, whereforth that the said Joseph Collins for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars to him paid for by the aforesaid church, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained, sold, conveyed and confirmed with the aforesaid church a certain lot of land containing two acres, being in the last corner of lot number one hundred and five, in the first district of Baldwin County, to have and to hold the said lot, two acres of land together with all the rights, encumbrances, appurtenances thereof, being, belonging or in any wise appertaining to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the aforesaid Baptist Church of Christ forever in fee simple, and the said Joseph Collins do hereby warrant and forever defend the same against himself, his heirs and assigns. In witness whereof the said Joseph Collins hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the date above written.
Joseph Collins
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Witness:
John Sharp
Z. Chambless
Acknowledged before me the 27th  of April 1819. William Greggs, J.P."

WPA Church Records, Baldwin County, White Churches, 9/19/1939, Georgia Archives state the present structure was built in 1895. First settled clergyman was Eden Taylor, 1817-1824.

Some Members of Camp Creek Church
Name When Received When Dismissed 
Lucretia Clark August 5, 1817 Dead, Aug. 1854
Robert Ivey December 1817 Deac, April 3, 1847
Elizabeth Ivey, Sr. December 1817 Dead, June 24, 1853
John Sharp October 1817 Excommunicated October 1836
Gatsey Leeves November 1818 Dead, April 9, 1858
Mary Davis March 1819 November 1839
Nancy Worsham June 1821 Dec. 1832
Henry Hand November 1821 Dismissed October 1831
Elenor Joiner August 1821 November 1830
Benjamin Cooper March 1822 Dec. May 1, 1838
Nancy Cooper March 1822 Expelled
George Leeves October 1823 Dismissed October 1831
Furna Ivey March 1824 Dead, June 5 1881
John Rutherford  March 1824 Dismissed October 1831
Lydia Sills July 1825 Dismissed
Absalom Black February 1825 Dead, Nov. 28, 1841
Rachel Cullers July 1825 Dec. 1833
Moses West October 1825 Excommunicated May 26, 1849 
Joseph West March 1828 Dead
Sally West March 1828 Dead July 7 1856
Charlotte Grigg June 1828 Nov. 1836
Lucinda Worsham September - Dead, 1848
Ealey Sharp December 1828 Excommunicated October 1836
Bethena Cooper December 1828 December 1828
Francis West December 1828 Dec.
Nancy West December 1828 Dec.
Winifred West December 1828 Excommunicated 1870
Nancy Carter December 1828 August 1849
William White January 1829 December 1822
Penelope Akridge Wright January 9, 1829 Dead 1870
Cassandra Black February 1829 Nov.
Mary Steward February 1829 Nov. 1836
Elizabeth Ivey, Jr. February 1829 Dead July 1859
Milley Miller February 1829 Oct. 1830
Nancy Cooper March - -
Martha Cooper March 1829 -
Caroline Sharp April - Dism. Feb. 1837
Nancy Moor April- Dismissed
Marmaduke Everdge (Etheridge) May 1829 Excommunicated
James Fuller May 1829 Expelled June 1835
Mary Shepherd May 1829 -
Mary Stephens May 1829 Dead
Delilah Graves June 1829 Dismissed
Miriam Ethridge June - Dismissed
James Ivey July 1829 Dead, July 3, 1862
Jane Cone July 1829 January 1849 
Elizabeth Fuller September - Dismissed
Viney Colvin December - Dismissed
Sally Everage August March 1836
Patience A. Miller February 1830 December 1830
Winifred Lester May 1830 -
Irwin Miller January 1831 Dead 1834
Mary Sheffield March 1831 January 1832
Eli Lester May 1831 Dead
Elizabeth Black April 1832  Dismissed
Sarah Waids June 1832 Dismissed November
Sarah Wright June 1832 Dismissed November
Catherine Wright June 1832 Dismissed November
Mary Curry October 1832 Dismissed March 1854 (?)
Cullen Connerly November 1832 Dead
Miriam Baker November 1832 October 1839
Sarah Boggs November 1832 Dismissed
Catchy Connerly November 1832 Excommunicated November -
Elizabeth Dismuke April 1833 December 1833
Lucinda Wicker June 1833 Dismissed
Henrietta Lester June 1833 Dismissed October 1854
Jane Brown  July 1833 Excommunicated November -
James Woodall April 1834 Excommunicated, February 1837
Joseph West, Jr. January 1834 February 3, 1834
Susan West alias Stanley March 1834 November -
Mary Jackson April - Dismissed
Edward Lills May 1834 Dismissed
Elsnor Patterson May 1834 Dismissed Feb 1857
Susan Wheeler May 1834 Dead August 10, 1880
Asa Cook July 1834 November
Anne Woodall July 1834 Dead, 1879
Wm. Goalden October 1834 August 26, 1876
Ruth Golden October 1834 Dead
Elizabeth Wolsey November 1834 Dismissed
Teasey West October 1836 Dismissed
Lamkin Vandever October 1836 Dismissed
Milly Cooper February 1840 Dead, April 15, 1883
Adam Jones June 1840 Dead
Wm. Ivey July 1841 Dismissed
Nancy Harris January 1846 Dead, March 1863
Mary Ivey Thomas April 1847 Dead, December 21, 188?
Ann P. Ivey June 26, 1869 Excommunicated June 25 188?
Elizabeth P. Byington - Dismissed 1892
Priscila P. Pittman July 24, 1869 -
M. A.  Eliza Finney Cooper - Dead May 14, 1899
Martha W. Torrance July 23, 1870 Excomminicated May 25, 1878
Mary Carr Dec. 24, 1870 -
Sarah A. Keel August 23, 1875 Dismissed 1877
Josephine W. Brown May 26, 1877 Dismissed July 28, 189?
Emily P. Williams June 23, 1877 -
Rosie A. Lee July 24, 1880 Dismissed January 1891
A. E. Roberts May 21, 188? Dead January 19, 189?
Mary P. Wilson September 17, 188? Dismissed May 27, 1882
Bettie Ivey Haddock October 23, 1886 Dismissed Feb. 1898
? Black April 25, 1886 Dismissed Jan. 21, 188?
? Robinson July 21, 1888 -
? T. Bloodworth July 21, 1888 -
Rebecke Patterson Jan 26, 1890 Dismissed Nov. 7, 1897
Ada E. Bateman - Letter, Dec. 22, 1894
Jane McCullar June 22, 1895 -
Lizzie Bateman June 12, 1897 May 17, 1898 
? P. Gibson Oct. 27, 1900  -
Martha E. Minter Oct. 27, 1900 -
? E. Torrance August 24, 1901  -
Martha Bloodworth June 24, 1901 Dead August 1901
Nancy Farmer January 23, 1904 -
Rosie Brown February 27, 1904 -
Annie Taylor July 23, 1904 -
Emeline E. Ivey October 27, 1905 -
Gracie Fordham November 2, 1906 -

Submitted by:  Cindy White
Source: Georgia D. A. R. Genealogical Library, Miscellaneous Church Record Collected 1939, Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, at Atlanta, Georgia Archive, November 29, 1946. LDS Library film no. 0006990.

Eileen Babb McAdams website copyright 2004