134 Confederate Soldiers from Baldwin Co.
who died in Civil War

1 Enoch Allen
   "F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died on 12/20/1861 at Richmond, VA

2 James Avery
 "G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
Wounded in leg 5/6/1864 Wilderness, VA and died of wounds on 8/9/1864.

James W. Babb
  "H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/2/1863 at Chancellorsville, VA

John Babb
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died of typhoid fever on 7/9/1862 at Richmond, VA

James  Barnett
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died of disease on 1/9/1863 at Howard's Grove, Richmond, VA
 (Died of variola in Gnl Hospl.)

A  W  Briscoe
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 9/9/1863 at Baldwin County, GA

James  W  Briscoe
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He was Killed on 7/4/1864 at Vining Station, GA

James  M  Brown
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 6/2/1863 at Vicksburg, MS

Ransome  Brown
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 8/8/1863 at Petersburg, VA

10  William  R  Butler
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 7/7/1863 at Gettysburg, PA

11  Daniel  Butts
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 7/13/1864 at Washington, DC

12  Iverson  H  Butts
 "F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died on 9/8/1861 at Richmond, VA Hospital

13  Sim Butts
 "H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 7/12/1864 at Washington, DC

14  Charles A  Byington
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/2/1863 at Chancellorsville, VA

15  Elisha  J  Callaway
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died of disease on 1/10/1864 at Fort Delaware, DE
 (Small pox)

16  George  W  Camp
A"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He was Killed on 6/30/1862 at Frazier's Farm, VA

17  Robert  Memminger  Campbell
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died of wounds on 9/17/1862 at Hagerstown, MD
 (White House Hospital)

18  Henry  M  Chambers
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/16/1863 at Baker's Creek, MS

19  John  E  Chambers
 "H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/16/1863 at Baker's Creek, MS

 20  George  W  Clarke
" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died on 7/4/1862 at Richmond, VA Hospital and buried in Richmond, VA.

21  Adam  Clay
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He was transferred out on 4/22/1862
On 4/22/1862 he transferred into "C" Co. GA 49th Infantry
He died of wounds on 6/29/1862 at Richmond, VA Hospital

22  Daniel  F(L)  Cobb
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died of diarrhoea in Confederate State Hospl on 6/29/1862 at Petersburg, VA
Buried at Blandford Cemetery,  Petersburg,VA

23  Valentine  E  Collins
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/16/1863 at Baker's Creek, MS

24  Charles  Augustus  Conn
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He was Killed on 3/25/1865 at Petersburg, VA
(Buried in Petersburg, VA.)

25  James  M  Cooper
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died on 5/20/1862 at Goldsboro, NC

26  Mark  A  Cooper
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 3/25/1865 at Fort Stedman, VA

27  J  W  Cotter
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died on 5/24/1863 at Richmond, VA
(Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA.)

28  Walter  B  Cushing
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died on 10/4/1861 at Portsmouth, VA
(Naval Hospital)

29  William  Lewis  Daniel
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died on 6/19/1862 at Richmond, VA
(Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA)

 30  James  Darnell
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died of disease on 8/5/1861 at Ludley's Mill, VA
 (Died, typhoid fever)

31  S  H  Darnell
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 4/3/1865 at Petersburg, VA

32  James  Davis
F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died of disease as POW on 6/23/1865 at Newport News, VA Prison Hospl
(Died, chronic diarrhoea)
(Buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Newport News, VA)

33  Edward  W DeLaunay
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 7/2/1863 at Gettysburg, PA

34  Berry  Digby
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 12/21/1862 at Jackson, MS

35  Robert Digby
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died of wounds (date not stated)

36  George  Doles
 "H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 6/2/1864 at Bethesda Church, VA

37  Eugene  Ellis
 H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died of disease on 9/15/1862 at Kentucky
(Estimated day of death)

38  John  J Ellis
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died of disease on 9/15/1862 at Kentucky
 (Estimated day of death)

39  Oliver  D  Etheridge
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He was Killed on 6/27/1862 at Cold Harbor, VA

40  William  A  Fair
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died of wounds on 7/6/1862 at Richmond, VA

41 William  M  Fambrough
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died of disease on 12/2/1863

42  James  M  Fouche
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He was Killed on 7/20/1864 at Peach Tree Creek, GA

43  William  Freeman
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died on 11/2/1863 at Baldwin County, GA

44  Henry  R  Gay
 "G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died of wounds on 10/14/1863 at Bristoe Station, VA

45  R  F  Giles
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died on 12/21/1862 at Staunton, VA
(Buried in Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton, VA)

46  Thomas  C  Gillespie
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 9/17/1862 at Sharpsburg, MD

47  George  S  Gould
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died on 6/10/1862 at Richmond, VA Hospital

48  James M  Grant
"F" Co. GA 2nd Inf State Troops
He was Mustered Out on 4/10/1862
On 5/24/1862 he mustered into "H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 9/1/1863 at Clear Point, AL
Intra Regimental Company Transfers:
* from company H to company F (1862)

49  John  W  Grant
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 6/22/1863 at Vicksburg, MS
Intra Regimental Company Transfers:
* from company H to company F (1862)

50  D  B  Greene
 GA "H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He was Killed on 6/27/1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA

51  Lucius  S  Greene
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died of disease on 4/11/1862 at Baldwin County, GA
 (Died of typhoid fever)

52  James  Augustus  Griffin
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/12/1864 at Spotsylvania Court House, VA

53  William  Griffin
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died on 12/15/1861
 (Died in hospl in VA, estimated day)
(Buried in Confederate Cemetery, Charlottesville, VA)

54  David  M  Hall
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
 He was Killed on 8/21/1864 at Charles Town, WV

55  George Hancock
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He was Killed on 7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, PA

56  G  W  Hanna
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died on 9/9/1862 at Richmond, VA
(Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA.)

57  John  W  Hardison
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He was Killed on 6/26/1862 at Mechanicsville, VA

58  Benjamin  H  Harper
 GA"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
 (Died in hospl, 1863)
He was listed as: * Wounded 5/16/1863 Baker's Creek, MS

 59  Solomon  Harrell
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He was Killed on 11/29/1863 at Knoxville, TN

60  Wyatt J Haygood
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died of disease on 6/25/1864 at Fort Delaware, DE
 (Died, typhoid fever)

61  William  D  Hendrix
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died of disease on 2/28/1864 at Morristown, TN
 (Died, smallpox)

62  Marcus  L  Hobby
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He was Killed on 8/30/1862 at 2nd Manassas, VA

63  A  H  Hodges
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died of wounds in 1862.
He was listed as: * Wounded 9/17/1862 Sharpsburg, MD

64  James  Hodges
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
 He died of disease as POW (date not stated)
 (Died of smallpox in 1865.)

65  William  S  Hodge(s)
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He was Killed on 4/19/1862 at Yorktown, VA. Buried in same grave with John Hunton according to Southern Federal Union May 20, 1862, page 3

66  W  T   Hogan
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died of disease on 9/20/1864
 (Died, measles)

67  Elisha  D  Holcomb
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
 PrivHe died of disease on 1/19/1865 at Fort Delaware, DE
 (Died, pneumonia)

68  James  J  Howard
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died of disease on 8/20/1861 at Camp Bartow, VA
 (Died, typhoid fever)

69  Joseph  Hudson
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 3/9/1863 at Vicksburg, MS

70  Reuben  S  Huff
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 9/15/1862 at Kentucky
 (Estimated day of death)

71  John  W  Hunton
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He was Killed on 4/19/1862 at Yorktown, VA. He was Killed on 4/19/1862 at Yorktown, VA. Buried in same grave with William Hodge (s)  according to Southern Federal Union May 20, 1862, page 3

72  James  Jackson
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 6/15/1864 at Jones County, GA
(Estimated day of death)

73  William  G  Jarratt
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died on 7/10/1862 at Petersburg, VA Hospital

74  Robert  Frank  Johnson
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died of disease on 1/19/1865 at Elmira, NY
 (Died, pneumonia)
(Grave #1204, Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, NY)

75  John  W  Kemp
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died of disease (date not stated) at Fredericksburg, VA Hospital
 (Died of pneumonia)

76  Samuel  W  Kirkpatrick
 He died of disease on 6/19/1864 at Fort Delaware, DE
 (Died, smallpox)

77  Lewis  Knowles
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died on 12/20/1865 at Milledgeville, GA

78  John  G  Lane
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 8/21/1864 at Charles Town, WV

79  William  C  Lee
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/6/1864 at Wilderness, VA

80 Union  Lipsey
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/5/1864 at Wilderness, VA

81  Jasper  N  Long
 "H" Co. GA 57th Infantry Intra Regimental Company Transfers:
* from company H to company F (1862)
Killed in l863

82  James  E  Lowe
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry Intra Regimental Company Transfers:
* from company H to company F (1862)
He was Killed on 6/28/1863 at Vicksburg, MS

83  James  O  Lundy
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
 He was Killed on 6/22/1864 at Jerusalem Plank Road, VA

84  Charles  Martin
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 9/15/1862 at Kentucky
 (Estimated day of death)

85  H  Martin
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died on 12/15/1862
 (Estimated day of death)

86  Thomas  J  Martin
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 9/15/1862 at Kentucky
 (Estimated day of death)

87  Francis  M  McCrary
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died on 5/1/1863 at Baldwin County, GA or
 (Died at home, date possibly Jan. 25, 1864.)

88  Jesse  McCullar
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He was Killed on 7/2/1863 at Gettysburg, PA

89  David  McIntosh
H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died on 1/26/1865
(Died in hospl)

90  John  D  McMillan
 GA"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died on 10/31/1861 at Richmond, VA

91  Joseph  D  McMillan
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died on 10/31/1861
 (Died in hospl)

92  William  Miller
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died on 8/27/1864 at Fort Delaware, DE

93  Hubbard  R  Mitchell
H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/2/1863 at Chancellorsville, VA

94  James  W  Moran
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died on 6/4/1863 at Wilmington, NC
 (Died in Gnl Military Hospl #4)

95  Jesse  Moran
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died on 10/9/1861 at Naval Hospl, Portsmouth, VA

96  Oswald  E  Muller
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died of disease on 7/31/1862 at Richmond, VA
 (Died, fever)

97  James  L  Nelson
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 9/17/1862 at Sharpsburg, MD

98  Benjamin  A  Norr
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died of wounds on 7/17/1862 at Richmond, VA

99  John  Owens
 "H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died (date not stated) at Washington, GA

100  Benjamin  F Palmer
 "H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
(Died in service)

 101 Carswell  Price
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died on 5/29/1862 at Richmond, VA

102  Baldwin  Prosser
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died on 11/15/1862
 (Estimated day of death in hospl)

103  Jared  I  Renfroe
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/6/1864 at Wilderness, VA

104  Lee  M  Respass
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died of disease on 5/6/1861 at Norfolk, VA

105  John  C  Robinson
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died in 1862  at Dalton, GA Hospital

106  Thomas  Robinson
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died of disease on 1/24/1863 at Atlanta, GA

107 John  H  Roe
G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died of disease on 5/5/1865 at Point Lookout, MD
 (Died of chronic diarrhoea)

108  James  Ross
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
 PrivHe died on 9/15/1862 at Kentucky
 (Estimated day of death)

109  Daniel  Ruff
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died of wounds on 12/4/1864 in hospital

110  Benjamin  Russell
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 6/18/1863 at Vicksburg, MS

111  Francis  M  Russell
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
 He died of disease on 10/14/1861
 (Died of congestion of lungs and measles at Regtl. Hospl.)

112  Henry  Russell
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry

113  James  W  Russell
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He died on 2/3/1863 at Camp Gregg, VA

114  Jesse  Russell
 "H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 3/11/1863 at Vicksburg, MS

115  Nathaniel  S  Russell
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 8/15/1862 at Chattanooga, TN

116  Jerry  Sandford
He was Killed on 8/30/1862 at 2nd Manassas, VA

117  Joshua  Shepherd
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died of disease on 7/16/1862 at Richmond, VA
 (Died, typhoid fever)

118  Isaac  S  Sherman
He was Killed on 5/6/1864 at Wilderness, VA
 "F" Co. GA 9th Infantry

119  Frederick  Shoenbein
 "H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
 He died of disease on 7/8/1861 at Milledgeville, GA

120  Samuel  Singleton Jr
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He died of disease on 2/28/1865 at Elmira, NY
 (Died, variola)
Grave #2114, Woodlawn National Cemetery, Elmira, NY.)

121 John  W Snead
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 6/25/1862 at King's School House, VA

122  William Stifner
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/16/1863 at Baker's Creek, MS

123  John W Strickland
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry

124  Edward Wages
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He was Killed on 9/17/1862 at Sharpsburg, MD

125 J Jackson Warthen
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
Died of wounds on 6/29/1862 at Richmond, VA

126 Alonzo West
"G" Co. GA 45th Infantry
He was Killed on 7/1/1862

127 John J Wiggins
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 5/12/1864 at Spotsylvania Court House, VA

128 Columbus C  Wilkinson
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He was Killed on 6/27/1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA

129 James H Williams
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 4/2/1865 at Petersburg, VA

130 Henry T Willis
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry
He died on 10/14/1863 at Fort Delaware, DE

131  Sheppard  W  Willis
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died of disease on 11/6/1862 at Dalton, GA

132  Thomas  Willis
"H" Co. GA 57th Infantry
He died on 9/15/1862 at Kentucky
(Estimated day of death)

133  Gilley  Wooten
"H" Co. GA 4th Infantry
He was Killed on 10/19/1864 at Cedar Creek, VA

134  Robert  C  Wright
"F" Co. GA 9th Infantry, "I" Co. GA 59th Infantry

If you have any corrections or additions please email me.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2002