Milledgeville, GA.
The Comptons are of English origin. The first ancestor of P.M. Compton on this side of the water was a political refugee, who was forced to leave his country on account of the part he took in political troubles between Charles I and II. He settled first in Maryland and moved afterward to Virginia. Jordon Compton, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Halifax and reared in Dinwiddie County, Va. He moved to Georgia, stopping temporarily in Oglethorpe County, about the year 1805 and located in Monticello, Jasper County, in 1806. He was a carpenter and mill-wright by trade, and carried on that business during his residence there. He subsequently however abandoned that calling and removed to the country and took up planting as a occupation. He was an industrious and successful planter, a stanch friend and an agreeable companion. He died May 30, 1864, and was buried on the old homestead, seven miles west of Monticello, where he settled nearly sixty years before. His wife was a Virginia born lady, a Miss Chappell. They had nine children, all of whom are now dead but three: P.M., Catherine and J.R.
   P.M. Compton was born in Jasper County, Ga., September 10, 1810. He received a fair common school education. On reaching his majority he embarked in mercantile pursuits at Jackson in Butts County, Ga., and was so engaged for about ten years. He became a candidate for the legislature in 1842 and was elected on the old Whig ticket. After one term in the legislature he was elected surveyor-general of the State and held the office continuously, with the exception of one term, for ten years.  His duties as surveyor-general necessitated his removal to Milledgeville, then the State capital. he resumed his mercantile pursuits in Milledgeville in 1857, and has followed it uninterruptedly since. His store is one of the old landmarks in Milledgeville and he is one of the staunchest business men in the place. He is enterprising and public spirited and has assisted in all the movements set on foot to better the condition of the town. Mr. Compton married a lady of northern birth, Miss Lydia Devreaux of New Jersey. He has raised to maturity seven children, namely: J. Chappell, Charles W., Lyman H., Guy D., Mary, Laura and Anna Belle, to all of whom he gave good educations and most of whom are now settled off in life, and themselves mothers and fathers.  Source: Biographical Souvenir of the States of Georgia and Florida. Chicago, IL: F.A. Battey & Company, 1889.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2005