Coopers/Stevens Pottery News

May 5, 1870
Atlanta Constitution
The Eatonton Press and Messenger says: A large well on Mr. Stevens' place, near Milledgeville, caved in last Friday, killing a negro man and severely injuring Mr. Cooper.

June 17, 1870
Porcelain clay or Kaolin, has been found on the lands of Henry Stevens, at Whiting on the Milledgeville and Eatonton railroad, and a pottery has been established here.

February 28, 1873
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
ACCIDENT AND LOST OF LIFE - The Milledgeville Union and Recorder says an accident occurred at Stevens' Pottery, on the Eatonton and Gordon Railroad-on Saturday last, resulting in the death of a Mr. Byington, and the seriously wounding of a son of Mr. Henry Stevens and two negroes. The party were removing scaffolding from a kiln prepared for burning fire brick, etc., when it fell and precipitated them to the ground. Mr. Byington was a young man of eighteen or nineteen years of age, and son of the late Mr. Charles Byington. We are pleased to learn that young Stevens and the colored men will recover. (James  Byington)

October 2, 1879
The Atlanta Constitution
Mr. Columbus H. Webb, formerly of Covington, but who has been teaching school at Steven's pottery, near Milledgeville, died recently of gastric fever.

April 14, 1882
The Atlanta Constitution
Stevens Pottery Ga, April 7, 1882
Last Tuesday morning your correspondent took the Macon and Eatonton trail for this little village. At nine o'clock he landed in the place and proceeded to take notes of the surroundings. "The Pottery," as it is called, was settled long years ago by Mr. Henry Stevens, and here he made money at the business, which has since engaged his sons-Crawford, John Henry and William Park. The increasing trade, and his declining health, made it necessary for the old man to give up most of his business to his boys. He brought them up to work, and they were fully competent to take charge of it. Really, the business has all passed into their hands, and the father employs his time in traveling for the firm.
  The first thing which attracts the attention of the stranger is an ungainly looking building, on the southeast of the railroad. At the entrance one is saluted by "mud" -right and left. This mud is dug up one mile from the building, and brought by the railroad to this point. It is thrown in a pit to soak for several hours, and then fed into the mud mill. This mill is run by a twenty-five horse power engine in the west side of the mud-room. After passing though the mud mill the clay is ready for the potter's use. If for drain pipe, of which large numbers are made, it is thrown, in a large lump into a press run by the same engine as the mud mill, and forced through a die-which may be taken off or put on at pleasure-the size of which determines the size of the pipe. Two bands hold the receptacle - a wooden piece curved to fit the pipe. When the proper length has been reached the pressure is stopped, and a wire is needed to cut off the dirt tube. To follow this particular branch further; the pipe is taken to another room where any roughness may be smoothed off, and a "collar" put on. This is done by standing it upon a table placing a roll of mud around the top or collar and pressing the mud with the hand to the size necessary to receive a pipe of the same size as the one "collared."
  The pipe is taken to the "dry-pan" a room some thirty by ninety feet square. Large flues pass through the dirt floor, which conduct the heat to all parts of the room. This drying prepares the pipe for the glaze vat. Here it is swung into a solution of "blue mud." This is not ordinary mud, but is of a peculiar character, and cost several dollars per barrel. It is shipped from Albany, New York. After a few hours drying, it is placed in the large kiln, and burned until it comes to a white heat. This melts the blue mud and causes it to form a beautiful glaze. The kiln is then opened and left to cool, when the pipe is removed to the pipe yard, where such large numbers are seen, there to await orders. It is manufactured from two inches to two feet in diameter.

March 4 1886
The Augusta Chronicle
Stevens Pottery, near Macon, is to have an artesian well.

January 4, 1887
Union Recorder
STEVENS' POTTERY. Bro. George Smith Visits Matilda Chapel.
Wesleyan Advocate.
  "Some fifty years ago a sturdy young Englishman, with a strong body and clear head, and a good honest heart, left England for American. He settled in Greene county and joined the Methodist  Church, and wedded a Methodist girl whose maiden name was Matilda Stephens. They were not kinspeople, though they bore the same name. After some years he came to the pine barrens along the line of the railway from Gordon to Milledgeville, and built a large sawmill. There was no Church and no Methodists, and but little civilization in the back pine woods; but there were some good people near by, and so he and they built a neat country Church. It was named in honor of the girl he had won- Matilda Chapel. The great pines and the bright, young oaks were all about it, and it is a real pleasure to the eye to see this woodland Church smiling in its loveliness in the great forest. To plant a Church in the woods is not to have a preacher, but Uncle Henry was equal to that, and he not only had one, but a good one. Matilda Chapel has had as fine preaching as could be supplied by Macon and the Wesleyan, for my old friend, Dr. C. W. Smith, has preched there every month for near a score of years, and the circuit preacher has made his monthly visit, too.
   The enterprising Englishman found on his place an inexhaustible mine of what the country people called chalk. He knew it; it was Kaolin. He was not a potter, but he knew something of the English potteries and the value of firebrick and so he began his potteries. He was a man of great enterprise, and his boys caught his spirit. Machinery was bought, new potteries were built new kilns made ready, and then the good man died, but the Stevens boys remained. They took his place in mill, and pottery and Church, and the good Matilda found successors in daughters like-minded. If I had time it would be an interesting story to tell how the work has grown, till now Stevens' sewer-pipe, and well-curbing, and fire brick, are found in all the land."

March 12, 1887
The Augusta Chronicle
C. J. Robinson Kills Abe Youngblood, In Coopersville
Milledgeville, Ga, March 11 - (Special) The following note was received at 12 o'clock today by Coroner Scott:
  Dear Sir: I have shot and killed Abe Youngblood, of Washington county. come down and hold an inquest. Tell Sheriff Ennis to come. I am here subject to the order of the law. Yours, etc.
C. J. Robinson
  The cause of the tragedy is about as follows:
  One year ago Robinson loaned Youngblood five dollars. A few days ago Robinson reminded Youngblood of the debt and asked for a remittance. Youngblood at once board the car at his home (Davisboro,) and came up to Cooperville, where Robinson clerked. Robinson was absent and Youngblood notified Cooper, Robinson's father-in-law, that he intended killing Robinson.
  Robinson was made acquainted with Youngblood's threat and when he went to the store this morning carried his pistol with him. About 9 o'clock, Youngblood came up and began cursing Robinson, and with his hand in his pistol pocket applied to Robinson a foul epithet and threatened his life. Robinson saw that he was in a dangerous position and drawing his pistol shot Youngblood in his breast, near his heart and blew his brains out, killing him instantly. Robinson is a quiet, peaceable man while Youngblood has a reputation of an overbearing bully. The coroner's jury justified Robinson in protecting himself. Both parties are married . When the coroner reached the  scene he found Youngblood with his hands in his pocket on his pistol.

July 19, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
The Coopersville Tragedy.
Milledgeville, Ga. July 19 (Special) The grand jury here today found a true bill against Chas. O. Robinson for the murder of Abe Youngblood, at Coopersville, in this county, on March 11, of this year. A full report of the tragedy then appeared in The Constitution. The coroner's jury investigation resulted in a verdict of justifiable homicide. It is claimed that some additional evidence has been obtained and the case will be watcher with interest. Robinson was placed under a fifteen hundred dollar bond and will be tried during this term of court.

July 31, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
  Charles J. Robinson has been acquitted by Baldwin superior court. On the 9th of March, 1887, Abe Youngblood, received an insulting letter from Charles J. Robinson about a debt he owed that party. The following day he left his home in Washington county, on the branch of the Central road, to have, as he said, a settlement with Robinson. Robinson appeared soon after Youngblood's arrival, when the latter approached him and said he would like to see Robinson, who replied he would see him in the presence of those present, adding that he was too much of a gentleman to associate with a Youngblood. Youngblood cursed Robinson and asked him to repeat the language used in his letter, whereupon he said he did repeat it. Youngblood repeated his curses following Robinson (who continued to retreat) and threw open his short, pointed to his heart and said: "Here it is; shoot, G_d d-n you." Robinson said he was unarmed, but soon turned on his enemy and fired, the first shot taking effect in the left arm, the second attempt missed fire and the third effort sent a ball through the back of Youngblood's head, he having begun to retreat from the shots. The wounded man walked a feet feet and fell face forward, with his right hand under him and the left extended. Some time after, the body was turned over and a pistol found under it.

December 19, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
A Lad Near Steven's Pottery Badly Hurt Saturday
Macon, Ga, December 18 (Special) On Saturday last Ben Finney, aged about nineteen, who lives near Steven's pottery, accidentally shot himself. It appears that he had a shotgun, which he was handling in a wagon in which he was riding. In some manner the hammer of the gun struck the railing as the boy was in the act of leaping out, and the gun fired, lodging the charge in his left thigh. The limb will probably have to be amputated.

September 5, 1888
The Augusta Chronicle
A correspondent from Stephens' Pottery, Ga. says: A large crowd was at Camp Creek church on Sunday to witness the ordinance of "foot washing". It may seem incredulous to people even in Baldwin county, that there are churches in this the 19th century that observe that custom.

January 3, 1891
The Augusta Chronicle
Valuable Property
For Sale
Surviving Partners' Sale of Stevens' Pottery
Georgia-Baldwin County- Will be sold before the court house door, in the city of Milledgeville, and said state and county, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY,  1891, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the entire plant known as STEVENS' POTTERY, in said county, consisting of twenty-six hundred acres of land, more or less, on which there is a sewer pipe, fire brick and stoneware of all descriptions plants complete, and all modern conveniences necessary for the production of the above articles or goods. Eleven mules, 1 horse, 1 bull, 800 bushels of corn, more or less; 7000 pounds of fodder, more or less; 1 store house and mixed stock of goods, notes and accounts- good and bad, amounting to $10,000; lease of 30 convicts with various terms to serve, 1 greist or custom mill complete, dwelling, tenant and outhouses of every description, ample and complete; In fact, everything for the successful working of this valuable plant and property is now on it, and will be sold in a lump and entire. The Milledgeville and Gordon railroad runs through this property, and there is not a more healthy location in the state; sold for the purpose of division between the surviving partners and the legatees of Wm. Stevens, the deceased partner. Purchasers are invited to examine and inspect the property. Terms of sale cash.
Surviving Partners of Stevens Bros. & Co.
This 1st day of Dec. 1890.

June 24, 1891
Atlanta Constitution
Fatal Work of the Lightning Near Milledgeville
Milledgeville, Ga, June 23 (Special) During the great rainstorm here yesterday, there was considerable wind and lightning, but not until morning was it learned that there were fatalities connected with it.
  The reports brought to the city this morning indicate that the damage was greater in the southern part of the county than elsewhere.
  Mr. Charles Finney, near Stevens' pottery, was riding his horse from his field, when a lightning bolt killed both rider and horse. Lightning struck a horse at Warren Edwards's place and killed it, while it is reported that cattle in different parts f the county were killed by lightning. A corner of the Male Convalescent buiding at the asylum was knocked off by a bolt, but none of the inmates felt any severe shock.
  The storm was severe and the electric current shattered trees in every direction and considerable damage was done to crops.

October 11, 1892
Union Recorder
A Runaway Marriage
 "On last Thursday evening Mrs. Mattie M. Finney was united in marriage to Mr. Ashe Benford, Rev. J.D. Chapman, officiating.
    During a thunder storm in June, 1891, Mr. Charles B. Finney, while returning from his field, was killed by a stroke of lightning. He left a pretty young widow and two children who went to reside with her father and mother, Mr. And Mrs. Daniel Brewer, whose pretty home is a mile or two southwest of Scottsboro. In a happy home amid pleasant surroundings, the roses bloomed again on the cheeks of the widow and her children were the pets of the household.
    That Mrs. Mattie Finney should decide to marry again was not strange. And yet the fact was a surprise and a shock to her parents, and they entered their most determined opposition to her marriage, especially to Mr. Benford. She was appealed to by relatives and friends, all to no purpose.
    Last Thursday afternoon Mr. Benford appeared at the Brewer homestead and was met at the door by Mrs. Brewer with a pistol in hand and requested to leave. The young lover, however, produced his license, which the angry mother snatched from his hand and tore to pieces. Mr. Brewer then appeared on the scene, and the war of words grew furious. In the meantime, Mrs. Finney came out and proceeded to the buggy in waiting and together they drove off, leaving her children crying. Later they were joined by Mr. Benford's sister and the party started to Milledgeville. On the way, learning that Rev. J.D. Chapman would hold a prayer meeting that evening at Mr. Farell's at the Asylum, they determined to stop there. Leaving the ladies there, Mr. Benford came on to the city and obtained another license, and the ceremony was performed by Mr. Chapman. It was doubtless the original intention of Mr. Benford to go before a justice of the peace in his neighborhood and have the ceremony performed but the destruction of his license required a change of his plans.
   While sympathizing with the parents in their distress over a marriage so antagonistic to their wishes we must congratulate the happy pair in the successful termination of one of the most romantic marriages that ever occurred in Baldwin county. The pluck and determination displayed by the bridegroom in securing his bride will doubtless make for her a happy home."

August 13 1893
Atlanta Constitution
The Case of the State Against Upshaw Ended. It Was for Murder.
Milledgeville, Ga, August 12 (Special) Without a doubt the most interesting case that has been before the superior court of Baldwin county in the last decade was ended in a mistrial at 1 o'clocl today, after a jury had remained in the jury room since Thursday.
   The case was that of David Upshaw, charged with the murder of Daniel Goodwin at Steven's pottery on May 16th, when the deceased was shot down like a dog and while he piteously begged for mercy another load from a shotgun was emptied in his face and eyes.
  The defendant's plea was that he shot Goodwin because of slander heaped upon his wife and that it was done after he had tried to check Goodwin in his slander by legal redress. Finding that he could get no satisfaction from the law, both being poor men, he warned the deceased not to attack the character of his wife again.

June 25, 1896
Atlanta Constitution
One of the South's Leading Manufacturers in Macon
Goods Are Shipped All Over the Southern States from This Manufactory-A Medal Winner
   One of the best known and most successful manufactories in Georgia, if not in the south, is the Sanitary Sewer and Culvert Pipe Works of H. Stevens' Sons Company at Macon, Ga. The products of this mammoth factory are shipped all over the southern states and are the standard wherever known
  The origin of this great industry traced property is located in the birth of Mr. Henry Stevens, which occurred in Cornwall, England, in 1813, who gave a great many years of his life to this branch of commerce, coming to this country when yet quite a young man, and in Georgia, more than a third of a century ago started the first factory of this kind in the south, which stands today without an equal in capacity or quality of production. Some years before Mr. Stevens's death he sold out to his sons, who now own and operate the two plants.
  During the last few years in which finances and trade have been so demoralized all over the country, the company has never shut down, except for repairs. In a few instances competitors have made it a point to agitate the advisability of having a test made, where large contracts were to be let, but having been defeated in every instance, this mode has been abandoned . Stevens' Sons Company have the contract for furnishing the city of Atlanta, also the city of Charleston, with sewer pipe for 1895, besides a good trade in nearly every southern town and city. They have but recently finished a contract for the city of Macon, Ga., for over thirty miles of pipe, the largest single order ever placed in the south, and the high quality of their goods in becoming greater every day.
  The Stevens' Sons Company is the recognized leader in its line in the south, and takes precedence over all competitors. The company makes not only all styles and grades of goods in its staple line of sanitary, sewer and culvert pipe, but many beautiful specimens of other articles made from clay.
  At the Atlanta exposition its exhibit attracted wide-spread attention, and as well as remembered. The committee on awards gave them a  gold medal. That they justly deserved this recognition on the part of the committee goes without saying, and the thousands of visitors that gave this exhibit their attention were indeed loud in their praise of the excellent quality of good exhibited.

May 28, 1898
Atlanta Constitution
H. Stevens & Sons Co.,
Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Prepared Clay, Border Brick, Traps, Branches, Etc.
Before the people for thirty years
Sewer and Railroad Culvert Pipe
Plant equal to any in the south
Telephone call: 283  Macon, Ga

July 16, 1899
Atlanta Constitution
Miss Marie Stevens is entertaining a number of friends at her beautiful home at Steven's  pottery. Her guests are Miss Marie Spain of Quitman; Misses Walden Roberts, Percy and Berrien Williams and Mr. Robert Taylor of Macon.

Mrs. Maury Munnerlyn Stapler and Master Walter Stevens Stapler are spending the summer at Steven's Pottery with Mrs. Stapler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stapler.

January 23, 1900
The Union-Recorder
Mr. Will Mansfield, who is employed at the sawmill near Ivey's Station happened to a painful accident this week, getting his foot caught badly cut by the machinery. We hope to see him out soon.

March 30, 1901
The Constitution
John H. Martin was cut to death in his sawmill, near Stevens Pottery, Baldwin County, Saturday morning. He was engaged in sawing lumber, when the piece of timber caught and he was thrown against the saw. His right arm and side were terribly cut, and he suffered great pain for an hour, before death relieved him.

January 30, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Pink Bloodworth Falls Beneath Central Train at Steven's Pottery
Milledgeville, Ga. January 29(Special) The northbound passenger train on the Central of Georgia railway from Macon to Eatonton ran over Pink Bloodworth, of this county, last night, cutting off one of his legs.
  The train left Gordon without a conductor and ran by Iveys Station, the place where Mr. Bloodworth was to get off.
  On reaching Steven's Pottery the train crew discovered there was no conductor on board and started back to Gordon.
Mr. Bloodworth states he got off the train to find out the reason they ran by Iveys and as the train started back he went to get on and slipped under the train, the wheels passing over him.

June 12, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
  Mrs. L. C. Manley spent last weeek at here old home at Stevens Pottery, where she was called by the sad news of the death of her young sister, Miss Pearl Stevens, last Monday.

Feb 18, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Veterans Going Fast.
Macon, Ga., February 17 (Special) D. H. Wilkinson, a confederate veteran died suddenly in the crib of his barn in Baldwin county late yesterday afternoon. His death was unexpected, as he was in the best of health.
  Hardly a dozen of the hundred who followed the flag of company G, Forty fifth Georgia, through the civl war live to tell the story of that sad-starred company. Mr. Wilkinson was one of the last of these. Out of nineteen of his children seventeen still survive him.

July 31, 1906
Atlanta  Constitution
Attempt of Negro to Kill George Bloodworth
The Negro Made His Escape From Prison, and Going to the Home of His Prosecutor, Fired, Wounding Bloodworth and His Wife.
Constitution Bureau, 467 Second Street, Macon, Ga., July 30 - (Special) Bent upon getting even with George E. Bloodworth for the part this citizen took in sending George Morris, a negro, about twenty years of age, to the Baldwin county chaingang, the later secured a shotgun last night, after he had escaped from prison, and after slipping up to the house where Mr. and Mrs. Bloodworth were seated at their supper table, near Stevens' Pottery, he took deliberate aim through an opening and fired, the   shot taking effect in the faces of both Mr. and Mrs. Bloodworth. A small son sitting between them at the table was uninjured.
   The lives of the two people were saved only through the fact that the shot were small and scattered. Only a few shots took effect, but both were dangerously wounded.
   In the midst of the excitement the negro threw down his gun and fled. Mr. Bloodworth soon regained himself and gave the alarm. Mrs. Bloodworth and here son were left to the care of neigbors and a searching party started out.
  The woods in the vicinty of Brown's crossing, and all the way to Macon, were scoured with dillgence and every effort was made to locate the negro, but thus farm he is out of reach. Fifteen or twenty armed citizens have visited Macon during the day hoping to trace the fugitive here. Officers have been notified and all precautionary steps taken.
  Early this morning, Deputy Tom Jones was said to have seem a negro skulking in the shadows who filled the description, and as all searching parties believe he came here, a thorough search is being made in Macon.
  George Bloodworth, bother of the injured man, was among the searchers, his brother having been too badly injured to make the hunt.
  The wounds of the injured Bloodworths have been attended and are thought to be not necessarily fatal. Mr. Bloodworth may lose an eye, but he and his wife will recover. They realize that they had a very close call and neighbors who learned of the negro's deed, have become greatly wrought up. He would have been lynched without ceremony if he had been captured last night.

January 13, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga.
   One of the prettiest of home weddings was that of Miss Alma Echols to Mr. Cleveland Cooper, which occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs F. A. Echols, of Steven's Pottery, on Tuesday morning, of last week. The bride wore a traveling suit of blue cloth, and the couple left for Atlanta immediatley after the ceremony, for a stay of a few days. After a week they will be at hom at Coopers, Ga.

June 2, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
   Invitations have been received to a reception to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Lu Manley on next Tuesday evening to meet Mrs. B. B. Brown. Miss Webb's marriage to Mr. Brown occurs Tuesday morning at Stevens Pottery and Mr. and Mrs. Brown will reach Griffin that afternoon.

March 11, 1908
The Augusta Chronicle
Extensive mines of pure kaolin. The Stevens Pottery, up the Georgia, near Milledgeville is the finest deposit of clay in the world.

January 18, 1910
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. Mary Ethridge, Macon.
Macon, Ga., January 17 (Special) Mrs. Mary Ethridge, wife of W. H. Ethridge, died this morning at the family home on Main street. She was 36 years of age. She leaves a husband and nine children. The death of her father occurred just a day and night prior at Stevens Pottery.

January 18, 1910
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs Emma May Ethridge, wife of W. H. Ethridge, of East Macon, died at her home on Fort Hill street yesterday morning at 5 o'clock. She is survived by a husband and seven children. The remains will be conveyed to Stephens Pottery tody, where the funeral and interment will take place this afternoon at 5 o'clock.

January 18, 1910
The Union-Recorder
Two Deaths in Family
  Mr. Isaac Mansfield died in this city Sunday, and his remains were buried at Stevens Pottery Monday, Rev. B.P. Searcy officiating. His daughter, Mrs. Emma Etheridge, died in Macon Monday and was buried at Stevens Pottery this morning.
Mr. Mansfield was an old soldier, and was an honest hard working man."

March 8, 1910
The Union-Recorder
    "Danny", the large shepherd doge of Mrs. B. L. Wood, at Stevens Pottery, died suddenly last Wednesday. He was an intelligent animal, and was highly prized by his owners. He carried the mail from the postoffice, and would carry any bundle. He will be missed.

June 6, 1910
The Augusta Chronicle
   At Warm Springs Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Stevens, of Stevens Pottery, Georgia are entertaining for a week, at least a large house- party at the hotel in honor of their young attractive daughter Miss Ruby Stevens. Among the house-party guests of the Stephenses are Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Mauly, Griffin, Misses - Marjorie Woolcott, Louise Durkee, Louise Drewry, Sarah Garland, Mary Blanton, Mussadon Brown, of Griffin; Miss Mary Davis of Decatur, Ga.; and Mr. W.B. Webb of Jackson. In addition to entertaining these guests, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens expect a number of visitors here to the house-party during the length of it.

January 29, 1911
The Macon Daily Telegraph
  The body of Gilmer Ethridge, the 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ethridge, who died at the hospital Friday night at 9:30 o'clock, after a short illness, was carried to Stevens' Pottery yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock for funeral and interment.

March 20, 1911
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Thomas W. Ethridge, aged 9 years, and son of W. H. Ethridge, died at 5:40 o'clock Sunday afternoon, at the residence, 505 Fort Hill street, East Macon. Death was caused by malarial fever.
  The body will be taken to Steven's Pottery Cemetery, this morning at 11:30 o'clock, for funeral and interment.

November 27, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga., November 26 (Special)
The marriage of Miss Anne Ansley McKinley to Mr. Russell Glenn Bone took place last evening at the suburban home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. McKinley. Miss Pauline McKinley, sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor, and Mr. Jesse Bone, the groom's father, as best man.
  The bride is the youngest daughter of her parents, and is pretty and attractive and popular. The groom is a well-liked young business man of Stevens Pottery, where the young couple will make their home.

August 1, 1914
Atlanta Constitution
Macon, Ga., July 31. (Special) W. C. Stevens, one of middle Georgia's wealthiest citizens and head of the Stevens pottery in Baldwin county, sustained a broken collar bone at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. M. Stapler, today when the chain of a swing in which he was seated broke.
  Mr. Stevens has been in poor health for some time, and because of his advanced age some concern is felt as to the outcome of his injury.

May 9, 1915
Atlanta Constitution
Mr. and Mrs. John Easter Minter, of Columbus, Ga., announce the engagement of their only daughter, Winnifred Bradley, to Dr. Robert Lee Crawford, U.S.N., of Washington, D.C., the wedding to take place in the early fall. Dr. Crawford is a son of the late E.A. Crawford, of Tallahassee, Fla., and a descendant of a long line of physicians and surgeons, among them being Dr. Crawford Long, who discovered anaesthesia. After a brilliant record of three years at Vanderbilt university, and later at the Army and Navy Medical college, at Washington, Dr. Crawford received his first commission from the navy department at the age of 24. Miss Minter's attractive personality and her musical and literary accomplishments have won for her a large circle of friends who will be interested in the announcement of her engagement.

Note: John Easter Minter, born in Baldwin County, was the son of Charles Floyd and Martha Jane (Chambers) Minter.

Feburary 20, 1921
Atlanta Constitution
Community Clebration In Baldwin County
    Mrs. J. L. Beeson, of Milledgeville, president of her district federation, writes of a sucessful community celebration in her district:
    On Georgia day the Salem school and community invited their neigbors, the four-teacher Cooperville school and the one-teacher Camp Creek school to join them in their patriotic program.
  The two schools accepted the invitation and so did representatives from the Junior Order of United American Mechanics and twenty members from the federated clubs.
   At 1 o'clock was begun the first number on the program-a barbecue and picnic dinnter.
   This fine community followed the old tradtion of the Georgia barbecue. Ogelthorpe himself, our great founder, set the example, although he served his barbecue on South Carolina soil.
    As the two-teacher schoolhouse, with Misses Smith and Humphries in charge, was too small for the crowd, all the exercises were held in the church with the exception of the raising of Old Glory to the top of a beautiful flagpole and then reciting in concert " The Amercian's  Creed."
   Invocation - Rev. Mr. Jordan
   Words of Welcome - Miss Mary Smith
   Response to Words of Welcome on Behalf of Clubs - Mrs. E. R. Hines
   Response to Words of Welcome on Behalf of Junior Order - P.N. Bivins
   "Jes' a Wearyin' for You" (Frank Stanton); "Dreamy Days" (Frank Stanton);
   "It Isn't Raining Rain" (Robert Loveman) - Mrs.  L. P. Longio
   "Jones' Private Argyment" (Sidney Lanier) Reginald Martin
   "Oglethorpe and Tomochich" - Robert Ivey
   "Georgia Schools" - School children
    "The Great Seal of Georga" - Three school boys
     Presentation of Bible to School - Warren Edwards
     Presentation of Flag - Hon. Howard Ennis
     "The Americn Creed" - Recited in concert.

October 17, 1921
Atlanta Constitution
Macon, Ga. Oct. 10 -Frank Echols, 25, secretary and assistant general manager of Stevens Brothers, pottery manufacturers at Stevens Pottery, was killed this afternoon when an automobile turned over three times, on the national highway 40 miles south of here. Tom Lawson and Pariah Mercer of this city substained serious injuries. Echols was a lieutenant in the seventh division and Mercer was an aviator in the World War.

November 15, 1927
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville Pottery Plant Damaged by Fire; $50,000 Estimated Loss
Milledgeville, Ga. Nov. 14 (UP) Fire which started from a stove in the molding room of one of the plants operated by Stevens, Inc., at Stevens Pottery, nine miles from here, partially destroyed the smaller plant owned by the company. The loss is estimated at $50,0000 by Walter S. Stapler, president of the organization.
  Stevens, Inc., which is owned and operated by heirs of the late W. C. and J. H. Stevens, manufacture firebrick at their two plants at Stevens Pottery. Mr. Stapler said that the fire will not materially affect the company as the larger plant was not damaged and plans will be made for the rebuilding of the destroyed plant as soon as the board of directors can be convened.
  The company has its own fire apparatus and firemen were at work soon after the flames were discovered. It was only due to the work of the employers who aided in fighting the fire that the damage was not greater, Mr. Stapler said.
  The building was partially covered by insurance.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004