Cooperville School

Cooperville School 1920's

     "On June the first, Cooperville School closes its doors. It not only ends the 1955-56 school year, but also the school itself. Cooperville will be consolidated with Midway School. This consolidation will has caused us to look backwards and started us thinking about the beginning of the school.

     There are no records of Baldwin County Public Schools before 1893. In the earliest records  we find Cooperville School mentioned and Miss Ikie Hudson as the first teacher. Some of the older citizens of the community remember the little one room school house of that year. It was on the same site as the present buildings on the property of Mr. James I. Ethridge. On February 3, 1893 Mr. Ethridge deeded 1½ acres of land to the Baldwin County Board of Education. Before this date, about 1897, a new one-room building had been built. A carpenter who worked on this building tells us he worked for 50 cents a day.

    In 1898 Miss Bobbie Gause was elected to teach at Cooperville. Her salary was $35 a month. She had an enrolment of forty-one pupils. Miss Gause taught until 1905. The school term was 100 days.

    In 1905 there was an additional room built. Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Hammondtree were the teachers.

    A school census about this time showed 360 children between the ages of 6 and 18 in the 322nd district of Baldwin county. Of this number 218 were white and 142 colored. There were 26 between 10 and 18 who could not read or write.

     In 1906 Miss Lily Irby was assigned as another assistant teacher at Cooperville. She taught only one year and Miss Leone Ethridge took her place.

     The school term was increased to 140 days. These days were taught from November through May, so the children could help gather crops in the fall.

      Among the earliest teachers we find these names: Mr. R.S. Love, Miss Ethel Stembridge, Mr. Bloodworth, Miss Agnes Stembridge, Miss Myrtle McDermont, Mr. Chisholm, and Miss Torrance. The mention of these names probably calls back many school-day memories for some of the citizens of this community.

     Consolidation of some of the smaller schools began. The pupils at Stevens' Pottery School were sent to Cooperville. Through the years Camp Creek, Ennis, Salem, Pine Grove, Mt. Pleasant, and Union Hill schools have been consolidated with Cooperville. As more pupils came to this school more rooms were added. Finally a primary room was built that did not adjoin the other building. Later more rooms were added to the primary room and years later restrooms added to that building. A large stage and auditorium were added to the main building.

     Space will not permit the naming of every teacher that has taught at Cooperville. No doubt some of you will remember teachers who are not mentioned, bu they were a part of Cooperville and did their part in sending out girls and boys who have made fine citizens for the community, the county, and state. Cooperville School should be proud to see what some of these pupils have made of themselves. Mrs. J. R. Watkins, Miss Mary Vaughn, Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Holliman,, Mrs. Lucy P. Walker, Miss Mattie Lou Ivey, Miss Lanette O'neal, Miss Ellen Echols, Miss Hattie Richardson, Mrs Martha Davis, Miss Runette Simmerson, Miss Selma Sherrar, Miss Louise Parker, Miss Louisa Bloodworth, Miss Florence Cole, Mr. T.V. Smith, Miss Betty Snead, Miss Evelyn Humphrye, Miss Christine Holloway, Mr. D.B. Smith, Mr. L.D. Langley, Miss Iris Wilkinson, Mr. J.L. Lawrence, who was the father of Mr. Frank Lawrence and Miss Louise Hicks, who is now Mrs. Louise H. Huff and others are among those who have taught at Cooperville.

      As consolidation began, transportation of pupils to school began. Mr. Theodore Brookins was the first bus driver.

     At one time Cooperville taught the high school grades, but gradually the older ones were sent to the larger high schools until Cooperville became only an elementary school.

      In 1948 General Refractories deeded more land to the school. This made a large playground and the Parents Teacher Association has bought playground equipment for it.

     Mrs. P.N. Bivins, Mrs. Ray Holsenbeck, Mr. Branscomb, and Mr. Milledge Leach were the last principals of the school.     Cooperville School will long be remembered for it has sent out many future citizens."

Source: the last Cooperville School Year Book 1955-1956

1900: Some students - Eugene Benford; Mamie Cormanni, Florence Etheridge; Susie Gladin; Bob Gause Harris; Eva Patterson; Ivy Patterson; Lonnie Patterson, Roberta Wood
1905: Some students:Cora May Finney; Eugene Benford; George Carpenter; Willie Cooper; Alma Echols; Ruby Gladin; Robener Pearce, Annie Wood
1905: Consolidated with Stevens Pottery School
1906: Cooperville High School opened. Principal Prof. W. D. Hammontree
1910: Cooperville High School March 29, 1910
Honor roll for March: Osborn Brown, George Carpenter, Frank Echols, Mabel Hall, Robena Pierce, Clara Childs, Rosa Hoover and Johnnie Mae Pierce.
Honrable Mention having missed only one day during the month. Mae Berry, Addie Lee Echols, Carltonn Ethridge, Elenor Jones, Lizzie Lee, Hattie Pearl Reybolds, Erma Childs, Louis Davis, Martha Echols, Ruth Echols, Connie Ethridge, Julian Ethridge, Otis Hall, Hansell Hall, Willie Dock Stanley, Elmer Wood, Lawrence Wood and Burton Wood. The Union Recorder Mar 29 1910.

1911: Grover Bloodworth was principal.  Agnes and Ethel Stembridge were high school teachers

1955-56 School Year
R. Frank Lawrence, School Superintendant
Mrs. Sarah H. Youmans 1st Grade
Miss Jessie C. Richardson 2 and 3 Grades
Mrs. Louise H. Huff, Principal and 4 and 5 Grades
Mrs. Josephine Rice, 6 and 7 grades
If you would like a photo of a student from 1955-1956 email me.
1 and 2 grades:
Jan Babb
Glenda Barnes
Wayne Clance
Diane Dyes
Wayne Etheridge
Ann Farmer
Linda Jackson
Grace Kitchens
Geneva Lingold
Al McCant
Nadine NeSmith
David Ryles
Roy Roberson
Sammie Timdall
Sandra Tindall
Mary Ann Vinson
Darlene Wood
Glenn Wood
Hillard Wood
Randy Wood
Dennis Locaby
Stephen Pierce
Wadeen Wood
Richard Pierce
Gerry Bell
Terry Torrance
Douglas Gladin
Pam Wilkinson
Ronnie Roberts (died 7/20/2005)
Gary Pettigrew (died 5/23/1989)
Herman Wilcher
Marion Tollison (died 6/24/2011)
Elizabeth Lingold
Buddy Benford (died 11/25/2003)
Larry Wilkinson
Jim Kitchens
Joan McCant
Eileen Babb
Robert Tollison
3 and 4 grades:
Gloria Barnes
Kenneth Davis
Mary Bess Farmer
Wayne Samples
Gail Young
Betty Babb
Johnny West
Diane Jackson
Sammy Hall
Violent Wilkinson
Linda Tollison (died 4/3/2011)
Larry Eady
Frank McCluney (died 7/20/2003)
Cheryl Clance
Randall "Pedro" Reynolds
Robert Pettigrew
Anne Patterson
Johnny Brown
Ross Bell
Gloria Martin
J.C. Johns
Hayward Jackson
Jimmy Brown
Bonnie Swint
Larry Roberson
Buford Tollison
Jerry Tollison
Leroy Vinson
Barbara Gladin
Carol Swint


5th grade:
Nancy Kitchens
Terry Davis
Gail Eady
Harold Tollison
Buford Tollison
Fleming Farmer
Sara Weaver
Evelyn McCant
Barbara Jean McCant
Jeannette Farmer
Edwin Vinson
Jerry McCullar

6th grade
Jean Barrett
Danny Eady
Eunice Eady
Lamar Etheridge
Sarah Jackson
Betty Jo Kitchens
Mary Ann Kitchens
W.B. NeSmith
Viola McCant
Harold Tollison
Charles Weaver
Kay Weaver
Joe Weaver
Pat West

7th Grade
Pauline Benford
Jimmy Farmer
Dean Everidge
Mary Farmer
Brenda Pettigrew
Geraldine Prosser
Dickey Smith
Patsy Epps

From 1954-55 Year Book

Mrs. Lucy P. Walker's Class about 1923

Some Teachers:
Mrs. P.N. Bivins
Miss C. Bobbie Gause
Mr. W. D. Hammontree
Mrs. W. D. Hammontree
Mrs. Ray Holsenbeck
Miss Lily Irby
Mrs. Mary G. Shreve
Agnes Stembridge
Ethel Stembridge
Mrs. Lucy P. Walker
Mrs. W. H. Watts
Mrs. Sarah Youmans
Some Former Pupils at Cooperville
Stewart Barnes, Jr.
Theodore R. Brookins
George Carpenter
Clayton Clance
Dayton Clance
Fred Clance
Rufus Combes
Cleve Cooper
Mamie Cormanni
Cecil Eady
Clara Eady (Johns)
Etta Etheridge (Torrance)
Florence Etheridge
Jim Etheridge
Mattie Etheridge (Tollison)
Pauline Etheridge (Cathy)
Ralph Etheridge *
Ray Etheridge
Shelby Etheridge
Sterling Etheridge
Nancy Everidge
A. P. Farmer
Herron Farmer
Charles Finney
Carrie Belle Gladin
Mattie Goodwin
Avis Hall (Etheridge)
Lewis Hall
Martha Hodges (Brown)
Napoleon Hodges
Elsie Huff (Clark)
Emily Huff (Carter)
Mattie Lee Ivey
Robert Johns
Willie Pearl Johns
Glover Leach
James Leach
Sarah Leach (Archer)
Willie Mansfield (Hawthorne)
Alma Martin (Williams)
Martha Martin (Foshee)
Dorothy Martin (Josey)
Mary Jewell Martin (Hall)
Robert Martin
Charles McCullar
Charlie McCullar
Effie McCullar (Schubert)
Lois McCullar (Stevens)
Roy McCullar
Errinnie McMullen (McCook)
Frances Neal (McCullar)
Mack Overman 
Martha Overman (Simpson)
Maude Overman (Tinsley)
Addie Overman (Hester)
Frances Overman (McCook)
Hazel Overman (James)
Mary Overman (Pettigrew)
Richard Overman
Steadman Overman
John Overman, Jr.
Emma Overman (Ivey)
Jimmy Patterson
Desmond Patterson
Larry Patterson
Evelyn Pierce (Martin)
Edith Pierce (Seals)
Evie Pierce (Youngblood)
Fleming Pierce
Fleming Pierce, Jr.
Jonnie Mac Pierce
Mildred Pierce
Robena Pierce
Roger Pierce
Ray Reynolds
Sam Robinson
Eugene Ryles
Jewell Sanders (Harrell)
Chandler Swint
Julian Stevens
Walter Taylor
Frances Tollison
Lois Tollison (Youngblood)
Marion Tollison
Roy Tollison
Sarah Tollison (Bachelor)
Beulah Torrance (Pattisaul)
Buford Torrance
Henbert Torrance
Marion Torrance (Dixon)
Nell Torrance (Martin)
Oliver Torrance
J.B. Watts
Donnie Weaver
Harold Fuller Weaver
Margaret Weaver (Roberts)
Polly Weaver (Glenn)
Wilson Weaver
Lewis Weaver
Pearl Weaver (Combes)
Alice West (Ryals)
Howard West
James West
Sibley West
Binion West
Ralph West
Ruth West (Avant)
Cecil Wilkinson
Sam Weaver Wise
Cullen Wood
Doris Wood (Eady)
Lilly Wood
Mildred Wood (Wood)
Wade Wood
Woodson Wood
Annie Youngblood (Richardson)
Winbon Youngblood
Winifred Youngblood (Prosser)
Mickey Youmans
Buddy Youmans
Monnie Youmans

Note: The school is gone but on the site is a nice community park
*  killed in Vietnam February 13, 1968 while a passenger on a Military Helicopter and is buried in Milledgeville, Georgia at WestView Cem.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004