A List of Persons Adjudged Insane and Ordered to be sent to the Insane Asylum
at Milledgeville from The Atlanta Constitution newspaper 1870 - 1914

This is not a complete list  See the Central State Hospital Website for information about obtaining records.

County or City, Name, Color, Notes, Source: Atlanta Constitution
Fulton  Samuel I. Abernathy white AC 10/29/1892
Fulton, Mattie Adamson, black, died in asylum July 1891 AC 7/28/1891
Calhoun, Millie Adamson,  AC 8/29/1882
Floyd,  Elmore Alexander white AC 12/13/1911
Fulton,  Gus Allen white AC 6/17/1893
Chatham,   John Alleoud admitted in 1890, escaped in 1890 AC 10/31/1890
Dawson,  J. T Andersen white AC 5/24/1885
Fulton,  Easter Anderson  AC 3/25/1885
Forsyth, Dicey Anderson black AC 6/4/1889
Morgan, Dr. Anderson white, 2nd time, had been out 4 months AC 1/28/1890
Lumpkin, William E. Anderson white AC 8/5/1890
Fulton,  Mrs. Fannie Armistead white, 2nd time AC 5/14/1907
Fulton,  Emily Arnold black AC 9/20/1899
Fulton, Rebecca Arnold, black, Fulton AC 6/22/1881
Fulton, Dr. Silas W. Arrowood white, dismissed late April, early May AC 2/1/1899; 3/10/1899
Fulton, Mrs. Mary Ashley, white  AC 8/30/1883
Fulton, J.E. Atkins white AC 6/8/1888
Fulton,  Charles S. Atwood white, died at asylum  June 1, 1890, body sent to Atlanta AC 3/14/1890; 6/2/1890
Early ,   Mr. Averitte white  AC 2/ 21/1885
Clark, Mrs.Fannie Askew white AC 5/5/1902
Fulton, M.L. Boyd white AC 6/26/1875
Fulton, G. W. Boyd white, brother to M.L. Boyd AC 6/26/1875
Fulton,  Ella Brown black, 2nd committment AC 6/25/1875
Fulton,   Mary Boykin black AC 5/28/1881
Fulton,  Miss  Nancy Bratton white AC 2/11/1882
Decatur Ga, Miss Susie Benedict white, returned home Oct 1883 AC 8/22/1882; 10/10/1883
Chatham, William Bullock white AC 4/3/1883
Atlanta, Mrs. Teresa Baker  white   been inmate four times AC 8/8/1883 AC 5/31/1888
Atlanta, Robert H. Badger  AC 10/4/1883
Forsyth Co., Samuel D. Buice died Oct 7 1883 AC 10/19/1883
Talbot, William Bussey order, no room in jail AC 8/24/1884
Walton, S C Buaen Jr. ?  AC 4/4/1885
Hart, Jeff Brown  AC 6/2/1885
Floyd, F. M. Betterton  AC 5/6/1886 was in asylum 4 times AC 5/25/1893
Fulton, Eliza Brown sent Dec. 1876, died Feb 12, 1887 AC 2/13/1887
Atlanta, Miss Ella Boone died of sickness 5/25/1888 AC 5/27/1888
Fulton,  Mary Ball black AC 6/27/1888
Fulton,   Charlie B. Bean sent in 1884, dying in 1888 AC 9/21/1888
Fulton,   Perry Bowden white boy AC 9/5/1888
Richmond,  Sarah Brown white AC 3/14/1891
Fulton,  Mrs. Mary Blankenship white AC 4/2/1891
Richmond, T. Balmes white, male AC 12/18/1891
Troup,  Thomas Brooks white AC 5/21/1892
Carroll, Dr. J. G. W. Brown white AC 12/8/1892
Fulton, William Brockman white AC 1/29/1893
Fulton,   Mrs. Martha Bates white AC12/21/1893
Fulton,   William H. Bryant white AC 12/12/1894
Bleckley,  John J. Blount white AC 1/27/1897
Mitchell, Mrs Bob Burgess white AC 2/12/1898
Fulton,   Leon R. Burnett white AC 5/14/1898
Fulton,  Carrie Barnes black AC 7/7/1898
Wayne,  W.B. Bryan white, released after month or so, Feb 1899 AC 2/25/1899
Clark,  Edward Bancroft, Sr. white AC 8/14/1899
Bibb, Jack Bent white AC 4/16/1897
Fulton,  Allen J. Bell white AC 3/2/1901
Fulton,   Jane Bulger black AC 3/10/1901
Fulton,   Mattie Bennett white AC 4/19/1901
Fulton,  John A Bruce ? AC 11/30/1886
Wayne,. W  B Bryan white AC 4/15/1900
Fulton,  Mary Babros black  AC 12/1/1900
Fulton,   Mattie Bennett white AC 4/19/1901
Baldwin, James L. Baker white convict AC 2/7/1902
Crawford, Mrs. J.C. Boynton white, of Bainbridge AC 6/1/1902
Bibb, J. E. Bullock white AC 10/5/1902
Fulton,  Corinne Brady black, died in asylum Oct. 1902 AC 10/21/1902
Fulton,  George Bufford black AC 11/22/1903
Fulton,  Rev. John C. Burton white AC 5/19/1903
Hall,  Johuts M. Beard white
Fulton ,  Fayette Bennete black
Fulton,   Silas Bailey black, insane in1906, recovered AC 1/3/1908

“The Herald & Advertiser”
Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia
NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, August 27, 1909
Mr. T.A. Brown received a telegram yesterday from the superintendent of the State Sanitarium announcing the death of Mr. John Bird, an inmate of that institution, on Wednesday last. The deceased formerly resided in the Fourth district and was committed to the State Sanitarium about four years ago. He was 68 years of age and is survived by several children.
(Transcribed by Candace [Teal] Gravelle –  August 17, 2006)
Floyd,  Miss Caroline Clements white AC 9/22/1870
Calhoun, ___ Colter  AC 8/22/1875
Richmond, Berry Crosby white, escaped, sent back AC 7/26/1875
Butts, Mr. Carter white AC 8/3/1875
Atlanta, George Clark  AC 5/10/1877
? Miss Martha Cody white AC 1/25/1882
Decatur, Ga Miss Susie Benedict white, returned home Oct 1883 AC 8/22/1882; 10/10/1883
Chatham, John Conners white AC 4/3/1883
Atlanta, James Cannon died  Dec 1884 AC 12/12/1884
Fulton,  Miss Lila Hoke Conley white, epileptic AC 1/30/1885
Monroe, Ga. Willie Carlton  AC 4/4/1885
Fulton,   Abe W. Crawford white, died in asylum Jan 1885, buried Oakland Cem, Atlanta AC 2/2/1885
Washington,  R. W. Cone  AC 4/19/1886  Professor Richard W. Cone white AC 6/16/1889
Schely,  Rev. J. H. Cawood white AC 8//13/1888
Bibb, Adam Colie  AC 4/20/1889
McIntosh, March Cooper black AC 8/6/1889
Fulton,   James Crumpton white, husband of Sarah Jane Crumpton AC 2/2/1890
Fulton,   Sarah Jane Crumpton white, wife of James Crumpton AC 2/2/1890
Polk,  Mrs. W. K. Chandler white AC 7/7/1891
Fulton,  Zetta Clark white, age 13 AC 11/19/1891
Bibb,  Maria Campbell black, 2nd admittance AC 7/13/1891
White,  Milt Cox white AC 2/13//1892
Clayton,  Parks Cousins white AC 6/22/1892
Fulton,  Alex Carr black AC 6/8/1895; 4/26/1896
Floyd, Amos Champion black AC 10/15/1895
Fulton,  J B F Cardin white AC 4/12/1896
Fulton,   George Cousins black AC 1/22/1897
Fulton,   Laura Cooper black  AC 1/22/1897; 12/28/1897
Catossa, J. M. Cain white AC 7/11/1902
Fulton,  J. S. Coppage white, Confed. veteran, committed sucide waiting to go to asylum  AC 9/30/1902
Randolph, Mrs. F. M. Coleman white AC 11/15/1902
Fulton,  Chris Cooros white AC 1/9/1906
Fulton,  Mary Cramer white AC 4/20/1907
Richmond, John Clark white AC 2/7/1907
Fulton,  J. W. Carroll  AC 12/6/1907
Chatham,  James E. Conners white AC 4/15/1911
Coweta,  E. Douglas white AC 6/24/1876
Bibb, W.S. Davis lived near Forsyth AC 4/11/1885
Douglas, Mrs Lillie Davis completely cured and sent home March 1887 AC 3/19/1887
Sumter, Hon. W. H. Davison admitted in 1887, released because incurable AC 10/5/1887
Dodge, Mrs Gillie Dorsey white AC 11/3/1887
Carroll, J. H. Downs white, sent April 1, 1887, released Dec. 1887, sent back Feb. 1889 AC 5/17/1889
Richmond, Nathan Douglass life convict, AC 5/4/1889
Bibb, Jack DuBose black, escaped in Sep 1891 AC 10/26/1891
Elbert, Rufus Dean white AC 3/15/1897
Fulton,  Jesse Delpey white, died at asylum before 3/16/1898 AC 11/22/1897; 3/16/1898
Fulton,   Emma Dent white, died 4/22/1934, buried at CSH AC 12/29/1897
 Fulton,   Ferdinard Doerflinger white AC 2/17/1898
Fulton,   John R. Dupree white AC 3/12/1901
Sumter, Miss Dismuke white AC 03/11/1904
Muscogee, Mary Davis black, 3rd time admitted AC 2/10/1904
Richmond, Co R.E. Dunnington white AC 12/24/1909
Dekalb, James Donnahoo white AC 12/15/1921
Peach, Adelaide Everett  AC 11/24/1883
Fulton,   Betsey Echols black AC 6/17/1891
Fulton,  Major Robert N. Ely white, former Attorney General of Ga. AC 3/2/1893
Fulton,  Jesse P. Evans white AC 1/19/1898
Fulton,   Robert Epps black AC 4/18/1902
Fulton,  Mrs. Louie Evans white AC 3/25/1902
Hall, Mrs. Margaret Edwards white AC 1/29/1903
Fulton,  Edward Everett white, Confed. veteran AC 4/2/1903
Fulton,  Paul Edwards white AC 3/18/1908
Bibb, Isaac Finly  AC12/13/1883
Fulton, A. A. Fambrough  AC 1/31/1884
Fulton, Samuel Flowers black AC 7/4/1888
Bibb, Amos Feltz black AC 12/6/1888
Carroll, A. B. Fitts white AC 5/4/1889
Fulton,   Miss Gussie Filtz white, German  Nationality AC 10/29/1891
Fulton,   Julia Force white, died at asylum April 1916, buried in Memory Hill in the lot of a former matron of the hospital AC 6/28/1893; 4/17/1916
Fulton,   Tom Fagan white, sent July 24, 1893 AC 6/30/1893; 7/25/1893
Fulton,   Mary Flemister white AC 7/18/1893
Richmond,  Mrs. Ed Forbes white AC 8/31/1897
Fulton,   Hattie May Franklin white AC 5/18/1898
Fulton,   Mrs J.J. Francis white AC 11/9/1898
Clark,  Joe Few black AC 7/22/1899
Fulton,   Clarence Foster white AC 3/27/1901
Fulton,   Pinkney C. Flynn white AC 7/26/1902
Ware,  W.D. Flinn white AC 8/2/1904
Bibb, Samuel R Fuller white AC 5/21/1905
Bibb, Nora Fuller white AC 10/1/1912
Jasper, Thomas Greer white, sent back  July 1875 AC 7/27/1875
Coweta, Mrs. Garner white AC 7/26/1876
Fulton,  William H. Garner white AC 4/29/1883; 5/5/1883
Randolph, Joe Godfrey died June 1883 AC 4/21/1883
Cherokee, Dr. William A. Greene white AC 6/17/1883
Fulton, James Garvey epileptic AC 1/22/1885
Fulton,  Jefferson Garrison white AC 3/17/1887
Fulton,   Jesse Goodman white, sent in 1887, died in Jan 1888, body sent home to Fulton Co. AC 1/6/1888
Jackson, Rev. Z. B. Graves white, Presbyterian minister AC 3/22/1888
Dougherty, Albany James Gervis white AC 7/14/1888
Henry, Newt Gosset white AC 9/13/1891
Clayton, James Gillian white AC 12/17/1891
Haralson,  J. B. Gill white AC 12/4/1892
Fulton,   Mrs. Mary E. Gronah white AC 8/22/1895
Fulton,   Will Gates black AC 2/28/1896
Fulton,   James Gordon white AC 10/10/1896
Fulton,   Amelia Green white AC 8/1/1897
Fulton,   Tom Green white, sent in Sept 1896, released July 1897 AC 10/1/1897
Fulton,   Cora Gannon white AC 1/19/1898
Banks, James Gowder white AC 1/18/1898
Fulton,   Thomas Gloer white AC 8/6/1899
Fulton,   Dr. John T. Golden white AC 3/14/1901
Fulton,   Viney Gibson black AC 4/2/1902
Fulton,   John H. Gillette white AC 4/8/1902
Fulton,   Annie Giles black AC 5/17/1902
Fulton,   Miss Estelle Gaines white AC 6/5/1902
Fulton,   Austin Garner black AC 3/18/1903
Carroll, Tom Gray white AC 7/4/1903
Richmond,  Homer Gouge white AC 9/1/1910
Wilkes, Daniel Grant black AC 1/28/1912
Fulton,   Mrs. Daisy Grace white AC 3/8/1912
Fulton,   Sarah Jane Hesterilla white AC 4/5/1872
Houston, Mr. J. A. Hickson white AC 4/22/1875
Gwinette, David Hill  AC 7/17/1875
Fulton,   George W. Hunt  AC 4/19/1878, 7/12/1878
Fulton, Atlanta Samuel H. Hill escaped in Sep 1880 AC 4/7/1880
Sumter, Hon. John N. Hudson white AC 5/7/1880
Fulton,   Andrew Hesterly ? AC 5/25/1882
Campbell, . Nancy Halbrook white AC 5/29/1883
Early , Eliza Henley black AC 5/29/1883
Talbot, Jennie Hooten  AC 8/24/1884
Floyd, Avery Harden  AC 2/7/1887
Baldwin, John Harris, black  AC 3/23/1887
Fulton,   Effie Harris sent 1886, died April 1887 AC 4/12/1887
Fulton,  Ann Harris commited in 1885, released, recommitted   1887 AC 5/24/1887
Gordon,  David Hubbard white AC 11/3/1887
Fulton, Caesar Hammond black, AC 12/13/1887
Fulton,  Walter S. Hudson white, 15 yrs old AC 2/28/1888
Fulton,  Lizzie Hudson, alias Lizzie Brannon white AC 3/22/1888
Bibb, Mrs. Hataway white AC 2/20/1889; 2/22/1889
Forsyth, Mr. C.C. Holbrook white, fifth time committed AC 10/30/1889
Bibb, Elkaney Hudson white AC 3/27/1890
Clark,  Marshall Horne white AC 1/26/1891
Madison, Sherman  House white AC 2/27/1891
Muscogee, Rev. Holley Hughes white Baptist preacher AC 6/10/1891
Muscogee, Roxanna Hill black, "Blind Tom's" sister AC 12/17/1891
Pike,  Mrs. J. N. Hancock white, married 2 months AC 4/30/1892
Bibb, Ed Herrington white AC 10/28/1893
Fulton,   Hettie Howard black AC 3/30/1896
Fulton,   Bryd (Bayard) Hooper white AC 5/21/1896; 5/25/1896; 11/16/1898
Sumter,  Neal Hawkins white AC 1/8/1897
Fulton,  Mandy Hendrix white AC 7/5/1897
Chatham,  Dr. Thomas P. Heidt white AC12/25/1898
Fulton,   Mrs. Sallie E. Howell white AC 1/23/1900
Fulton,   Annie Mae Humphries white, 14 yrs AC 2/2/1901
Taylor,  E.N. Hammond white AC 5/5/1901
Fulton,   Newton Hucks white, 14 yrs AC 5/2/1901
Fulton,   Robert E. Hudson white, 15 yrs old AC 12/12/1901
Fulton,   Mrs.Sarah E. Howell white, died May 24 while waiting to be sent to asylum AC 5/17/1902; 5/25/1902
Bibb, W. H. Henly white AC 11/1/1902
Fulton,   Julia Hood black  AC 12/5/1902
Fulton,   Mrs. B. Huffman white AC 1/17/1903
Fulton,   Mrs. Hattie Hubbard white AC 3/11/1903
Chatham, Sarah Harman white, sister to Grace Harman AC 4/10/1903
Chatham, Grace Harman white AC 04/10/1903
Richmond,  Tom Hardy black AC 4/8/1903
Fulton,   Hanse G. Hansen white AC 4/16/1903
Fulton,   Mrs. Mary Hawley white AC 8/6/1905
Chatham,  Robert Lee Harper white, died Mar 15, 1906 in asylum of injuries by railroad, body sent to Savannah AC 3/15/1906
Carroll, Taylor/Henry Hodnett white AC 4/15/1906
Fulton,   Miss Annie C. Hollis white
Fulton,   Georgia Hansell black AC 1/9/1908
Fulton,   Myrdell Hansell black, husband of Georgia Hansell AC 1/9/1908
Fulton,   G.B. Hagan white AC 4/3/1908
Chatham, Thomas J. Harrington white AC 12/31/1912
Fulton,   John Ivey white, of Flowery Branch AC 7/30/1884
Ben Hill,  Leo Isaacs white AC 12/14/1911
Fulton,  Mrs. Susan E. Jones white AC 4/11/1878
Bartow,  Rosa Jones  AC 1/9/1884
Fulton,  Necie Jones died Mar 1886 AC 1/31/1884; 3/27/1885
Fulton,  Bernard Johnson white AC 2/25/1887; 2/19/1887
Elbert, Captain Oscar D. Jones white, died at asylum April 1889, body sent home AC 4/14/1889
Doughtery, Levi Jackson black AC 4/3/1889
Mitchell, Albert Johnson white AC 1/5/1891
Washington, Jesse Joyner white AC 2/20/1891
 Richmond,  Oscar Johnson black convict, escaped from asylum Dec. 17, 1892 AC 3/7/1891; 1/14/1893
Polk,  H. J Jones white, bitten by mad dog AC 7/24/1891
Fulton,   James W. Jordan white AC 11/29/1891
Richmond,  Ed Jaworksy white AC 3/20/1893; 3/30/1893
Bibb, Jane Jackson black AC 7/18/1894
Randolph, Duncan Jordan, Sr. white AC 8/23/1894
Fulton,   Caroline Jones white AC 6/9/1895
Fulton,  John F. Jones white,14 yrs AC 9/7/1895
Fulton,   Ella Jones black AC 12/29/1897
Clark, Mattie Jones black AC 5/31/1900
Randolph,  W.H. Justice white AC 4/18/1901
Fulton,   John R. Jones white AC 8/19/1901
Bibb, W.L Jones white AC 11/16/1902
Bibb, Biron James white AC 12/19/1906
Lowndes, L.C. Joiner white AC 7/4/1904
Fulton , Bernard Kanszeri (?) white AC 8/5/1872
Troup, Ed Keener white AC  5/27/1876
Talbot, William Keller  AC 1/7/1880
 Cuthbert Ga, Virgil King white AC 5/19/1883
 ? Bill King, escaped in Nov 1883 AC 11/10/1883
Terrell, Scott Kimbrough black   AC 3/3/1888
Fulton,  W.W. Kitchens white AC 6/18/1893
Statesboro, Ga, Foedder Kaminski white AC 9/3/1907
Fulton, Mrs. M. M. Keuch white AC 12/20/1907
Bibb, Clifford Kemp black AC 1/24/1911
Fulton,  Mrs. Susan R. Kind white AC 5/12/1912
Richmond,  Ferdinand Luke  AC 11/21/1873
Gwinnett, Dr. Jesse Lowe white AC 6/29/1877
Fulton, Fannie Luckie black AC 6/221881
Calhoun, Fannie Luckie  AC 8/29/1882
Campbell,. Joseph Little white AC 5/29/18834
Fairburn, Ga.,  John Little  AC 9/21/1884
Summerville, Ga, Mr. Leak's daughter formerly of Bartow County AC 5/13/1887
Fulton, George W. Lyon white AC 4/22/1888
Bibb, George Lee black AC 11/9/1889
Alpharetta, Ga.,  Mrs. Betsey Lewis white AC 7/12/1891
Fulton,  Mrs. Edith Lawless white AC 9/12/1894
Gwinnett, S.J. Lockridge white, sent in Feb 1897, released  Aug 1897 AC 8/31/1897
Fulton,   Lizzie Lee  AC 7/19/1898
Fulton,   Benjamin F. Lee white AC 1/6/1900
Fulton,   Samuel H Lindsay white, Confed. veteran. AC 2/10/1901
Moultrie, Ga.,  Clarence Lewis white AC 7/20/1903
Madison, Ga.,  Emory Long white AC 09/16/1903
Bibb, L. M. Lee white AC 10/13/1903
 Floyd,. Mr. W. N. McGhee white AC 9/22/1870
Forsyth, Mrs. Amelia Moncrief white AC 4/7/1875
Fulton,   Fannie McCants black AC 6/26/1875
Cherokee, Catherine McRae white AC 6/3/1880
Atlanta, Warren Morrow black AC 7/1/1881
Perry, Ga.,  India Monghon white AC 12/16/1883
Fulton,  Tom Marston white AC 10/5/1884
Muscogee, Joseph Miller white AC 6/21/1887
Atlanta, Cynthia McCombs black AC 8/6/1887
Atlanta, Lacy Malone black, 17 yrs AC 2/28/1888
Lexington, Mrs. Robert Moss white AC 5/25/1888
Worth,  Mrs Michaelhaney white AC 6/15/1888
Atlanta, J.H. McMillan white AC 6/29/1888
Elbert, Mr. W.P. Maxwell white AC 7/30/1891
Tocca, Ga, Robert G. Murphy white AC 5/11/1892
Bibb, Ed McLaren white AC 8/9/1892
Fulton,   Andrew Maddox black AC 12/2/1892
Fulton,   T. J McLarty white AC 7/25/1893
Fulton,   Katie Mull white, age 13 AC 3/25/1896
Fulton,   Capt. W. M. Middlebrooks white AC 7/11/1896
Richmond,  Tom Murphy white AC 4/10/1897
Washington, Rev. E. W. Marshall white AC 7/10/1898
Muscogee, Ed McLaren white, died in asylum Nov 1899 AC 11/28/1899
Loganville,, Lucy T. Malcom white AC 5/18/1899
Fulton,   Adeline Mills black AC 8/26/1899
Fulton,   Lindsey Murry black AC 10/6/1899
Fulton,   John Martin black  AC 11/8/1899
Fulton,   Isaac McCrary white AC 11/8/1899
Fulton,   John F. Myers white AC 11/11/1899
Fulton,   Andrew J. Miller white AC 7/12/1900
Fulton,   Mrs Ircain Mitchell white AC 10/20/1900
Fulton,   Charity McCreary black AC 1/25/1901
Fulton,   Ralis Moody white AC 5/1/1901
Fulton,   Robert D. Morgan white AC 4/20/1901
Fulton,   Mary Mitchell black  AC 5/17/1901
Fulton,  Rawls Moody white AC 8/8/1901
Fulton,   Milton A. Morris white AC 2/19/1902
Fulton,   Maybell McCrary white AC 6/25/1902
Fulton   Mrs. Laura Merrell white AC 7/31/1902
Fulton,   David J. Morris white AC 10/23/1902
Fulton,  William Allen Mayo white AC 12/27/1902
Fulton,   W. Rawls Moody white AC 3.22.1903
Fulton,   William McCarley white AC 12/28/1904
Gainesville, Ga.,  P.R. Mangum white, 17 AC 6/28/1911
Muscogee, Peter Manley white AC 10/1/1911
Atlanta, Johnnie Newton frightened by earthquake AC 9/8/1886
Atlanta, Mrs. Mary B. Norwood white AC 11/7/1886
Summerville, Miss Louisa A. Neal  AC 2/7/1887
Fulton?, Mrs. Mary Norris died at asylum summer of 1892 AC 12/7/1892
Fulton,   G.R. Norwood white AC 3/18/1899; 3/20/1899
Fulton,   Judson H. North white AC 2/26/1900
Fulton,   Judge David A. Newson white, died in Aug 1900, buried Athens AC 4/27/1900
Fulton,   C.P. Nelson  AC 12/6/1907
Fulton,   John O'Donnell white AC 1/29/1886
Atlanta, Mrs. Elizabeth Ogburn white AC 1/15/1888
Fulton,  Elmira O'Neal white AC 5/22/1892
Bibb, T.G. Owens white AC 3/8/1895
Fulton,   Ben H. Osborn white, escaped Jan 4, 1898 AC 11/13/1894
Ware, Ab O'Neal white AC 1/12/1901
Fulton,   Rev. C.S. Owens white AC 2/01/1901
Fulton,   Pat O'Reilly white AC 4/3/1908
Bibb, Columbus O'Connell admitted 1908, readmitted 1909 AC 1/23/1909
Fulton,   Lewis Powell white AC 4/5/1872
Chattahoochee, Mattie Parkman  AC 4/18/1883
Worthville, Mrs. Sarah C. Pulliam white AC 4/18/1883
Bibb, _house Price  AC 9/3/1884
Fulton,   Emma Phinizee white AC 3/17/1889
Lexington, Fanny Pettis black AC 9/4/1889
Albany, Jane Price black AC 10/5/1889
Butts, Mrs Hattie Pullum white AC 8/12/1890
Dawson, Mrs. W.L. Pillsbury white AC 1/9/1891
Dahlonega, Jim Philyard white, escaped AC 8/28/1891
Fulton,  Mrs. W. C. Postell white AC 3/3/1892
Fulton,  R. A. Pressley white AC 4/13/1893
Bibb, Arthur Peterson white AC 5/20/1894
Carroll, Robert Phillips escaped from asylum in 1894, was released AC 6/6/1894
Bibb, Samuel M. Patterson white, Confed. veteran. AC 12/25/1894
Brunswick, Mrs. M.J. Parker white AC 1/7/1896
Clark, John Prather white, 2nd time AC 7/3/1896
Fulton,   W. J. Pogue white AC 7/16/1896; 7/22/1896
Bibb, Mrs. E. R. Powell white, sister of Mrs. Thompson  AC 5/7/1897
Fulton,   James Russell Payne white AC 5/20/1898
Fulton,   William Powers "Old Limerick" white AC 7/19/1898
Fulton,   John Powers  AC 7/19/1898
Clark, Bob Pittard black AC 8/14/1899
Fort Valley, John Postell black AC 9/15/1899
Fulton,   Robert A Parker ? AC11/30/1899
Fulton,   Lewis P. Peacock white AC 12/27/1899
Fulton,   Ella Potts black AC 5/2/1901
Fulton,   Mrs. T.J. Penn white AC 1/8/1902
 Eastman, Ga W.J. Phillips white AC 4/6/1902
Fulton,   William R. Phillips white AC 6/14/1902
Putnam, Bill Pounds black AC 2/11/1904
Putnam, Mrs. Bill Pounds black AC 2/11/1904
Fulton,   Hester Ann Roberts black AC 6/22/1881
Quitman, Ga, Ephariam Roberts black AC 12/12/1883
Conyers, Miss Ragsdale  AC 8/27/1884
Buchanan, Ga., Mrs. Martha C. Robertson white AC 1/9/1886
Eastman. B.R. Rogers  AC 3/23/1886
Atlanta. Nick Rogers died in almshouse AC 10/20/1886
East Point. Moses Rambaugh,black  died Feb 1888 AC 12//9/1887; 2/3/1888
Douglasville. D.T. Ricks sent 1888, released, jailed AC 7/21/1889
Lexington, Mrs. L.E. Robinson white AC 9/4/1889
Fulton,   Fred Rodgers black AC 1/24/1890
Oconee, John West Robinson white AC 11/25/1890
Bibb, Melrosa Ray black, died in asylum Nov. 25 1890, from epilepsy AC 11/25/1890
Crawfordville, Mrs. Emma Richards white AC 6/21/1891
Fulton,   Winnie Ross black, admitted Jun 1891, died in asylum July 1891 AC 6/4/1891; 7/28/1891
Fulton,   George Rumph white AC 6/9/1893
Richmond,  Louis A Roberts white AC 7/16/1895
Fulton,   Mrs. N.E. Richardson white AC 9/2/1896
Fulton,   Minnie Roland black AC 5/27/1897
Jefferson Co, W. D. Rivers white AC 12/1/1897
Fulton,   Mrs. Mary Richardson white AC 1/27/1898
Fulton,   Samuel Ramsey black AC 2/5/1898
Fulton,   Amanda Roberts black AC 8/11/1898
Coffee, Wesley Ricketson white AC 3/10/1899
Spalding,  Newton Rembley white AC 3/19/1899
Louisville, William Rawlings white, 2nd time within a yr AC 1/23/1900
Clark,  J. T. Rice white AC 5/31/1900
Bibb, Hamp Rowell black AC 9/20/1900
Fulton,   Pannill Roberts white AC 8/19/1901
Fulton,   Mrs. Martha C. Reid white AC 12/19/1901
Fulton,   Rebecca Russell black AC 1/3/1902
Bibb, Dollie Roberts black AC 3/14/1902
Muscogee, James H. Ritch white AC 11/04/1903
Fulton,  Sam Ramey black
Bibb, Katie Ross white AC 9/22/1905
Fulton,  Rufus Robinson  AC 12/6/1907
Gainesville, Julian B. Rice white AC 1/4/1911
Fulton,  Charles Edward "Red" Russell white AC 7/3/1914
Muscogee, Mrs. Jennie May Radcliffe white AC 5/23/1913
Fulton, W. Slatterly white AC 4/5/1872
??Forsyth, W. H. Savage white male AC 4/7/1875
Schely,, John A. Sellars white AC 1/9/1880
Cherokee, James Stanley white AC 6/3/1880
Atlanta, Phillip Stokes white AC 3/16/1882
Calhoun, Robert H. Smith  AC 8/29/1882
Calhoun, Sophronia Smith  AC 8/29/1882
Atlanta, Mrs. Elvira J. Sharp white AC 5/13/1883
Barnesville, Olin P. Smith  AC 10/26/1883
Atlanta, Adolphus Strickland  AC 1/31/1884
Fulton, Burwell Stout white AC 3/27/1884
Atlanta, Mrs. Elivira Sharp  AC 1/22/1885
Atlanta, Lucinda Smith sent in 1883, died in Aug 15, 1886 AC 10/20/1886
Atlanta, Henry Sheffield  AC 11/30/1886
Madison, Becky Sims  AC 2/13/1887
Americus, Mr. S.S. Sullivan white AC12/4/1887
Americus, Mrs. S. S. Sullivan white AC12/4/1887
Richmond, Beverly Stubblefield white AC 2/3/1888
Fulton, Cain Smith white AC 11/25/1889
Morrow, Ga, Jeff Sanders white AC 11/13/1890
Richmond,William Stoy white AC 3/13/1891
Newnan, Edward Spratling white AC 4/13/1891
Richmond, Silvey Spivey black, 17 AC 5/21/1891
Fulton,   Missouri A. Smith white, 15 yrs old AC 5/27/1891
Fulton,   Judge J. Clarence Simmons white AC 11/13/1894
Chatham, William Schwarz white, dismissed as cured in 1899 AC 7/27/1895
Fulton,   Zipporah Stewart black AC 2/28/1896
Muscogee, Mrs.Eva Smith white, died at asylum Jan 12 1897 sent home for burial AC 1/13/1897
Fulton,  James L. Speer white AC 12/3/1897
Fulton,   Robert Sledge white AC 12/28/1897
Fulton,   Jane Stephens white AC 4/17/1898
Fulton,   Mary Schrimmer white AC 5/21/1898
Fulton,   W. G. Shockley white, released Dec 1899 AC 12/13/1898
Oconee,  Henry Smith white AC 2/28/1899
Fulton,   Mrs Jincy Simon black AC 12/2/1899
Fulton,   Mrs. Mattie Sweat white AC 2/10/1901
Fulton,   Mrs. Sallie Shide white AC 8/21/1901
Fulton,   J.L. Speer white AC 1/8/1902
Fulton,   Mrs. Elizabeth Southern white, 2nd time AC 2/21/1902
Fulton,   Isaac Shankles black AC 12/13/1902
Fairburn, Rev. J.R. Speck white AC 10/21/1903
 Rome, W.H. Smith white AC 1/12/1912
Brooks, Andrew Simmons black AC 12/27/1911
Quitman, Charlie Smith white AC 5/9/1912
Bibb, Maggie Lee Sims white AC 7/17/1912
Fulton,Fannie Tolber white AC 4/29/1883
Talbot, Rose Taylor  AC 9/14/1883
Atlanta, Sarah Thomas  AC 10/4/1883
Atlanta, J. A. Tuttle committed about 1879, died at asylum March 1884, buried at Oakland Cem. Atlanta AC
Atlanta, Colonel John Thomas white, ill, not expected to live AC 11/5/1889
Buchanan, GA, Mrs. Taylor white, second time, 1st time in 1888 AC 3/12/1890
Albany, Miss Minnie Towns white AC 7/15/1890
Fulton, Mr. R.P., Trippe, Jr. white AC 8/12/1890; 3/7/1884
Chatham,  J. D. Tenbrock  AC 1/10/1886
Fulton,  Will Thompson adjudged insane 12/24/1885, escape 1/14/1886 AC 1/10/1886
Atlanta, Annie E. Taylor white AC 6/12/1888
Darien __Tasen white AC 2/19/1891
Fulton, Willis Taliaferro black, sent for 3 time in 1898 AC 1/2/1892; 4/15/1898
Fulton, Mrs. Caroline Townsend white, admitted 2 wks before her death. Died Jan. 25 1894, buried Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta AC 1/26/1894
Fulton Co  Will Turner white AC 2/20/1896
Rome, Ga, William Tumlin white AC 2/22/1896
Rome, Ga, Mrs. William Tumlin white AC 2/22/1896
Fulton,  Kitty Thrasher black AC 3/27/1896
Appling, J W Tippins white, released from asylum AC 4/11/1897
Bibb, Mrs. Thompson white AC 5/7/1897
Fulton,  Mary Taylor  AC 8/18/1898
Fulton,  Caroline Thomas black  AC 7/26/1902
Bibb, W.F. Toole white AC 8/21/1902
Fulton,  George R. Thomas white AC 1/15/1904
Fulton,  W.H. Turner white AC 11/10/1903
Ware, William Thrift white AC 3/2/1905
?,Edgar Turner black, put in 3/22/190 6 died in asylum 3 weeks later AC 4/26/1909
Bibb, Mattie Thomas black AC 1/22/1911
Fulton,  M.M. Turner white AC 12/5/1911
Spalding, M. F. Thomas white AC 10/1/1913
Lowndes,  Harry Teasdale white, escaped  AC 3/3/1914
Bibb, Julia (unknown) black AC 4/19/1887
Harris,, Unknown male  white AC 6/2/1888
Bibb, Unknown black femaleAC 7/27/1889
Miller, Unknown white male AC 7/3/1900
Atlanta, B.F. Vines white male AC 1/20/1888
Richmond, Miss Meta Van Gerpen white AC 3/30/1893
Fulton,  W.D. Vaughn white AC 3/31/1895; 5/28/1895
Rome, Mrs Joe Vaughn white, been admitted 3 times before AC 12/17/1896
Houston, Victoria Watson white AC 6/2/1874
Louisville, Mrs. Mary Whitaker white AC 6/27/1875
Atlanta,  Dr. Harrison Westmoreland white AC 7/12/1878
Pulaski, Mrs. Nancy Williams white, sent in 1844, died 37 yrs later at age 90 AC 3/17/1881
Fulton,  Miss Ada Wells white AC 1/14/1883
?, Russ Williams black, died in Dec 1883 AC 12/12/1883
Fulton,  Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson white AC 1/30/1885
Ware, Asbury Waldron  AC 3/17/1885
Clark,  Ben Winn  AC 4/28/1885
Cumming, Mrs. Susan Whitmire  AC 10/17/1885
Lexington, Mrs. Susan M. Wray died at asylum Oct. 1890 AC 3/12/1886, 10/22/1890
Atlanta, Willie Woll white AC 3/4/1887
Dekalb, Alonzo Webb white AC 11/3/1887
Albany, Virgil Watson black from Palatka AC 2/24/1888
Atlanta, Viney Westmoreland black AC 7/4/1888
Dade, Gideon Wade life convict, served 10 yrs in pen before asylum AC 7/31/1888
Benevolence, John Ward white, admitted 2nd time 1891 AC 6/22/1891
Fulton,  Susie E. Williamson white, 3 time in asylum, sent from Carroll & Coweta AC1/26/1892
Kingston, Meitch Wooley white AC 2/10/1893
Bibb, Daniel Wickham white AC 11/11/1892
Bibb, Dr. Daniel E. Worsham white AC 11/23/1892
Fulton,   Willie Wyatt white AC 12/3/1892
Fulton,   Olivia Woods black AC 7/18/1894
Fulton,   Nicholas Weber white AC 9/5/1894
Griffin,  Jane Williams black AC 5/25/1895
Rome, Rev. W. D. Witcher white AC 6/1/1895
Fulton,   Joe Williams white AC 7/31/1895
Fulton,   Olin Webb white AC 8/19/1895
Valdosta, Green Williams white AC 7/3/1896
Fulton,  Joe Williams white AC 7/31/1896
Schley, Charles Womick white AC 4/20/1897
Columbus, GA, B F Watt white AC 8/13/1897
Fulton,   H Woolf white AC 2/6/1897
Fulton,   William Wyatt white AC 5/19/1898
Fulton,   W.L Wellborn white AC 11/29/1899
Carroll, Mrs. J. M. Walker white AC 1/13/1900
Fulton,   Lewis White black  AC 9/14/1900
Waymanville, Henry Jesse Watson white AC 9/29/1901
Bibb, Miss Dolly Ward white AC 8/20/1902
Fulton,  Adelaide Wilson white, adjudged insane in 1903 AC 2/18/1904
Fulton,  Jewel Welch white, 16 yr old male AC 6/6/1909
Atlanta, Joel L. Yarbrough  AC 3/2/1887
Bibb, P.B. Yarbrough white AC 8/20/1898
Fulton,  Mrs. Mary J. Yancey white AC 3/27/1909

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004