Ebenezer C Vinson  Deed and Will

Contributed by Laura Northrop
May 7, 2007

Salem District
Written: September 12, 1855
Recorded: September 21, 1855

On Front outside fold:
Henry Gary
E.C. Vinson
Recorded in
the clerks office
Superior Court of Baldwin County in
Record Book K of
Deeds pages 560.561.
21st Sept 1855
B.P. Stubbes

GEORGIA. Baldwin County
This indenture in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty five and in the eighty first year of Independence of the United States of America, between Henry Gary of the county of Baldwin of the one part, and Ebenezer C. Vinson of the county of Hancock of the other part: WITNESSETH, That the said Henry Gary for and in the consideration of the sum of four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars in hand paid, at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm unto the said E C Vinson his heirs and assigns, ALL that tract or pacel of land lying in the county of Baldwin on the waters of Dimsaw & Chandless creek containining four hundred & fifty acres more or less as may be sum by deed from Chas. J. Jenkins & others to Martha Whittaker & from Martha Whitaker to said Gary for three hundred acres & also deed from Henry J. Mills to said Gary for seventy five acres also deed from Green Medlin for two acres Bounded as follows north by Wm. Robinson & Jas. Moran & east by E. Chandless & S.E. and South by R.A. McComb and west by Green Medlin TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract of land with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereof whatsoever to the said tracts of land being, belonging, or in  any wise appertaining, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of him the said E C Vinson his heirs, executors and administrators and assigns in fee simple; and the said Henry Gary his heirs, executors and administrators, the said bargained premises unto the said Ebenezer C Vinson his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, against the said Henry Gary his heirs, excutors and administrators, and all and every other person or persons, shall and will warrant and forever defend by virtue of these presents.
Henry Gary hath hereonto set his hand and affixed
his seal, the day and year above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Henry Gary
James M. Hall
Samule B Brown J.P.

Additional Comments:
Orignal deed book was destroyed in courthouse fire in 1861. Copy of Deed survived and was submitted to the Small Manuscipt Collection at Georgia  College and State University, Milledgeville, Georgia. See index at: http://www2.gcsu.edu/library/sc/collections/small/smallman1.htm

Source: Georgia Dept Of Archives & History Dr 122 Roll 68
Written: October 15, 1857

283, 284

Georgia Baldwin County.
                         In the name of God Amen, I Ebenezer C. Vinson, being feeble in body and of sound mind and disposing
memory and feel it my duty to dispose of such property as I have gathered together thro' the kindness of love, do make this
my last will and testament, here revoking all others therefore made by me.

Item 1st. I wish my body buried in a decent and chrisitan like manner by my executors here in after named, my soul I will to
God who gave it, and trust thro' the mercies of Jesus Christ it will then I return.

Item 2nd.  I will and desire that all my just debts be paid by my executors here in after named out of the proceeds of the
crops made on the plantation, if possible so to do, without frecuni.. embarassing my Estate, if not I wish them to sell my
man Hal for that purpose.

Item 3rd. I give and bequesth unto my beloved wife, the following slaves to wit Edmund, Billy, Mary, Patty, Bob, Tom,
and Neal, the plantation on which I live, and all my stock of all kinds farming and plantation tools, carriages provided and
every other thing appertaining or belonging to said plantaion during her lifetime and at her death to be divided equally
share and share alike between all my children than alive or  their representatives being children or grandchildren.

Item 4th. I will and desire that the remainders of my property of all kinds whatsoever either either real or perceived be kept
together until my youngest child becomes of age or should marry for the purpose of education and supporting my children unless my executors hereafter named should think fit and proper to give to my children at their marriages or at maturity
 property as may seem reasonalbe, in such manner as not to defeat the object of my will or give one child more than

Item 5th I will and desire any and all property whatsoever kind herein disposed off that my inherited by my girl
children, or its proftis will belong to them and their children, absolutely or from the debts, contract or controle of any land
they may or here married except the use paid property during the life of said husband.

Item 6th It is my will that my executors if in their decision it is to the interest of my Estate should the plantation on
which I now live and buy belong to my wife the same as the one... willed to her, that is during her life.

Item 7th I further will if any of my servants become refractory or disobedient that my executors in their wisdom
may sell such servants and vest the proceeds there of in such manner as will be most inclusive to the interst of my Estate.

Item 8th. I here by constitute and appoint my beloved wife Martha C. Vinson and my son John William Vinson true and lawful Executors to carry out and execute this my last will and testament. Signed Sealed and declared by Ebnezer C. Vinson in
the prescence of each other and in the presence of said testator at his final request, this 15 Oct 1857.
 E. C. Vinson   Seal
..mma J. Butts
James M. Hall
John Bayne

Eileen B. McAdams website copyright 2003