Dr. Andrew Jackson Foard was the son of Wyatt Foard (1796-1831) and Mary C. McCarty.   Wyatt Foard was the son of Francis Foard (1753-1833) and Sallie North of North Carolina.  Francis Foard had a total of 19 children by two wives.  (Family myth is that there were three other children by Sallie North, but has not been proven.)   There were five sons of Francis Foard that came from North Carolina to Baldwin County, GA.   Braxton, Thomas, Francis, Abraham and Wyatt.

Dr. Andrew Jackson Foard was born abt. 1823 in Baldwin County, Georgia.  He was the Medical Director for the Confederate Army of Tennessee.  He died in March, 1868 in Charleston, South Carolina.  His remains were brought to his home town and he is buried at Milledgeville City Cemetery.

Obituary of Dr. Andrew J. Foard:
 The remains of this eminent and highly esteemed gentleman, reached here on last Friday evening, and were escorted o the house of Dr. S. G. White, where they remained in state and were visited by his numerous friends until Sunday afternoon.   At 3 o'clock that day, the Rev. Mr. Flint, of the Presbyterian Church, in the presence of a large assemblage of our citizens of all classes, delivered an eloquent and impressive funeral discourse.
 The procession was then formed in the following order:
 1st. Clergy
 2nd. Hearse, attended by the members of the medical profession of this city and vicinity, as pall bearers.
 3rd.  A large number of young ladies carried wreaths of flowers and evergreens.
 4th.  Citizens on foot and in carriages.
 Upon arriving at the entrance of the Cemetery, the Choirs of several churches united in singing, as the procession moved slowly down the main avenue.  On reaching the grave, the Burial Service of the Church of England, (of which the deceased was a member), was impressively read, by the Rev. Mr. Malloy of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  The services being concluded, the young ladies passed around the grave, casting therein the wreathes they bore, singing as they moved an appropriate Hymn.
 The ceremonies from beginning to end, were most impressive.  The deep and heartfelt interest manifested by those present gave assurance of the esteem in which Dr. Foard was held by our community and evinced there desire to honor one, who born in their midst, had achieved such distinction in his profession, and rendered such important service to his country.
 His numerous friends in various parts of the United States will be gratified to learn, that the Doctor's protracted illness at Baltimore, and during the few days he survived after reaching Charleston, that he was the recipient of the attention and kindness of the ladies, and Medical Fraternity, of these cities.  And that his remains now repose in the home of his childhood.

A very special thank you to Ms. Joseph Foard of Kentucky, who sent me this photo of Dr. Andrew J. Foard.

Submitted by Tonya [email protected]

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004