Free Persons of Color 1820-1860

Free Persons of Color  1820 Census
9 3 males, 6 females

Free Persons of Color 1830 Census
16 males, 11 females. including:
D. Mefflin (colored)
Joes. Holt (alias Joe Butler) (colored)
P. Norman (cold.)
M. Mifflin (color'd)

Free Persons of Color 1832
Southern Recorder Mar 15, 1832
Name, Age, Residence, Occupation, Navity
1. Viney Moss, 30, Presley Spinks, Cook, Warren County
2. Mary Moss, 11, Presley Spinks, Cook, Warren
3. Berry Moss, 9, Presley Spinks, ___, Warren Co.
4. Ellick Moss, 5, Presley Spinks, ___, Warren Co.
5. George Moss, 3, Presley Spinks, ___, Warren Co.
6. Ephraim Moss, 1, Presley Spinks, ___, Warren Co.
7. Martin Smothers. 27, Milledgeville, Farmer, Putnam Co.
8. Tom Taliaferr, 40, near Salem, Farmer, Maryland
9. Joe Butler alias Joe Hold, 45, near alem, farmer, Maryland
10. Patsey Norman 45, Milledgeville, Washer, Ironer, &c, Virginia
11. Mary Ann Norman, 27, Milledgeville, Washer, Virginia
12. Paralee Norman, 16, Milledgeville, Washer, Georgia
13. Willis Norman, 20, Milledgeville, Blacksmith, Georgia
14. Augustus Norman, 13, Milledgeville, Blacksmith, Georgia
15. Robert Mercer, 21, Milledgeville, Barber, Virginia
16. Elizabeth Mercer, 14, Milledgeville, Washer, Georgia
17. Mary Ellen Mercer, 12, Milledgeville, Seamstress, Georgia

Free Persons of Color 1837
Georgia Journal Aug 1, 1837
Name. Age, Residence, Occupation, Navitity
1. Robert Mercer, 24, Milledgeville, Barber, Virgina
2. Jane Gilbert:, 37, Milledgeville, Cook, Chatham
3. Patrick Brooks, 17, Milledgeville, Carpenter, Baldwin
4. Ann Brooks, 15, Milledgeville, Spinster, Baldwin
5. Charles Brooks, 12, Milledgeville, Barber, Baldwin
6.Sally Brooks, 10, Milledgeville, Seamstress, Baldwin
7. Becky Butler, 7, Milledgeville, Seamstress, Baldwin
8. Viney Moss, 34 J. H. Hicks B, Cook, Monroe
9. Alick Moss, 11 J. H. Hicks B, Farmer, monroe
10. George Moss, 7, J. H. Hicks B, __, Monroe
11. Ephraim Moss, 6, J. H. Hicks B, __, Monroe
12. William Moss, 4, J. H. Hicks B, __, Monroe
13. Seaborn Moss 3, J. H. Hicks B, __, Monroe
14. Walton Moss 1, J. H. Hicks B, __, Monroe
15. Joe Holt, 50, J. J. Hicks B, Farmer, Virginia
16. Mary Moss 17, D. Hicks B., Spinster, Warren
17. Mahala Moss, 2, D. Hicks B, ___, Baldwin
18. Ann Norman, 30, Milledgeville, Seamstress, Virginia
19. Willis Norman, 24, Milledgeville, Blacksmith, Georgia
20 Eliza Norman, 24, Milledgeville, Seamstress, Gorgia
21. Lucinda Norman, 4, Milledgeville, ___,  Georgia
22. Margaret Ann Byrd, 9, Milledgeville, ___, Georgia
23. Martha Ann Byrd, 8, Milledgeville ___, Georgia
24. Laura Antoinette Byrd, 4, Milledgeville, ____, Georgia
25. Wiley Woodward, 50, Hill's Dist., Bricklayer, Virginia
26. Nathan Moss, 20, Salem, Farmer, Warren
27. Berry Moss, 15, Salem, Farmer, Warren

Free Persons of Color 1840 Census
  29 males, 39 females

Free Persons of Color 1850 Census, Baldwin County GA

1. Cloy Watts, 70, M, Female, born Ga
2. Elizabeth Bugg, 50, B, female, $300, born GA
3. Catherine Lewis, 50, B, female, $300, born GA
4. Manoah, 24, B, male, Laborer, born GA
5. Moses, 19, B, male, Laborer, born GA
6. James, 73,  B, male, Laborer, born GA
7. Lucy O'Brien, B, female, 73, born GA
8. Shadrack Gowin, B, male, 18, Laborer, born Ga
9. Wiley Woodard, B, male, 63, Brick Layer, born VA
10. William Woodard. B, male, 17, Brick Layer, born GA
11. Nathan Moss, B., male, 33, Laborer, born S.C.
12. Richard Ford, M, male, 30, Blacksmith, born GA
13.Henry Ford, M, male, 28, Shoe Maker, born GA
14. George Ford, M, male, 25, born GA
15. Harriett Ford, M, male, 22, Cook, born GA
16. Robert Mercer 36 M M Barber 300 Virginia
17. Harriet Mercer 25 F M   Georgia
18. Robert Mercer 10 M M   Georgia
19. William   Mercer 9 M M   Georgia
20. Mary Mercer 7 F M   Georgia
21. Solomon Mercer 5 M M   Georgia
22. Richard  Mercer 3 M M   Georgia
23. Charles Mercer 1 M M   Georgia
24.Wilkes Flagg 45 M M Blacksmith 400 Georgia
25. Lavinia Flagg 39 M M   Georgia
26.Wilkes B. Flagg 19 M M none  Georgia

Free Persons of Color 1860 Census, Baldwin County GA
1. Robert Betton, M, male, 45, Barber, $500, born VA
2. Harriett Betton, M, female, 35, born GA
3. Solomon Betton, M, male, 15, Barber's Apprentice, born GA
4. Richard Betton, M, male, 12, born GA
5. Charles Betton, M, female, 11, born GA
6. Mary Betton, M, female, 7, born GA
7. Judy Betton, M, female, 5, born GA
8. Catherine Gowens, B, female, 25, $25, born GA
9. Sylvia Smith, M, female, 47, Nurse, $500, born VA
10. Katy Brooks, B, female, 10, born GA
11. Ann Norman, B, female, 61, $1,215, born VA
12. Lucinda Norman, M, female, 24, $20, born  GA
13. Augustus Norman, M, male, 9, born GA
14. Mary A. Norman, M, female, 5, born GA
15. Bara S. Norman, M, female, 4, born GA
16. John W. Norman, M, male, 2, born GA
17. Rosa W. Norman, M, female,  2 months, born GA
18. Shedrick Goings, B, male, 57, Blacksmith, $50, born GA
19. Sam Goings, B, male, 17, Blacksmith App., born GA
20. Sarah Brooks, M, female, 33, Seamstress, $150, $100, born GA
21. Charles Brooks, M, male, 15, Carpenter's App., born GA
22. Augustus Brooks, M, male, 14, born GA
23. Frank Brooks, M, male, 11, born GA
24. William Brooks, M, male, 9, born GA
25. Ada J. Brooks, M, female, 6, born GA
26. Jane Gilberts, M, female, 60, Washerwoman, $250, $100, born GA
27. Laura Brooks, M, female, 19, Washerwoman, $150, $125, born GA
28. Edward Brooks, M, male, 11 months, born GA
29. Rebecca Brooks, M, female, 9 years, born GA
30. Sarah A. Brooks, M, female, 7 years, born GA
31. Lucy Waren, B, female, 102 years, $75, born N.C.
32. Bill Nesbit, B., male, 25, Train Hand, $25, born GA
33. Bobby Lamar, B, male, 70, Common Laborer, $50, born  GA
34. Peter Drummond, M, male, 96, Farmer, $300, born VA
35. Betsy Drummond, B, female, 83, born VA
36. Laomi Francis, M, female, 10, born GA
37. Thomas Shair, M, male, 14, born GA
38. Asa Jemison, M, male, 28, Farm Laborer, $150, born  GA
39. John Ross, M, male, 50, Farmer, $1,200, $17,215, born GA
40. Martha Ross, M, female, 47, born GA
41. Sarah Ross,  25, female, B, born GA
42. Jane Ross, 24, female, B,  born  GA
43, William Ross,  22, male,B born  GA
44. Elizabeth Ross, 18, female,  B, born  GA
45. Levi Ross, 16, male, B, born GA
46, Frank Ross, 14, male, B, born GA
47. Nancy Ross, 12, female,  B, born GA
48. Henry Ross,  10, male, B, born GA
49., Emma Ross,  8, female, B, born  GA
50. Mary Ross, 4, female, B, born  GA
51. Susan Ross, 5, female, B, born GA
52. Irvin Ross, 6, male, B, born GA
53. Leanna Ross, 1, female, B, born GA
54. Nathan Bellamy,  27, male B Common Laborer  $850, born  GA
55. Mary J. Bellamy, 26, female, M,  born GA
56. Robert Bellamy, 9, male, B, born  GA
57. Elizabeth  Ross, 18, B, female, Farm Laborer  $300 born GA
58 Thomas S. Ross, 21, male,  B, born  GA
59 Margaret Ross,   3 mo, female, B, born  GA
60 Sarah A. Ross, 7, female,  B, born  GA
61 Currell Ross,  41, male, Farm Laborer, $300, born  GA
62 Lawrence Ross, 12, male, B, born  GA
63 Currell Ross, 10, male, B,  GA
64 Alexander Ross,  6, male,  B, born  GA
65 Mary Ross, 4, female,  B, born  GA
66  George Ross, 14, male,  B, born  GA
67.  Mahala Moss, 25, female, M, Farm Laborer  $10, born  GA
68. Jim Moss, 20, male, B, Farm Laborer, $5, born  GA
69. Augustus Moss, 18, male, B, Farm Laborer, born  GA
70. Mary Moss, 15, female, M,  Farm Laborer, born  GA
71. Louis Moss, 14, male, M, born  GA
72. Martha Moss, 9, female, B, born  GA
73. Virginia Moss, 7, female, M, born  GA
74. Amos Moss, 3, male,  B, born  GA
75. Ann Moss, 9, female,  M, born GA
76. Mardomas Moss, 6, male, B, born GA
77. Sarah Moss, 5,  female, B, born GA
78. Byrd Moss, 3, male, B, born GA
79. James Moss, 1, male, B, born  GA
80. Irvin Chambers, 16, male, M,  Farm Laborer, born   GA
81. Milly Moore,  75, female,  B,   $250, $100, born NC
82. Edmund Hill,  60, male, B, Common Laborer, $75, born VA
83. Nathan Moss,  35, male, B Common Laborer, $ 25, born  GA
84. Louisa Moss,  23, female, M,  Cook, $50, born GA
85. Charles Moss,  7, male, M, born GA
86. Delsey Ferrell, 40, female Bm washerwoman $100, $25, GA
87. Mary A. B. Ferrell, 18, B, Seamstress, GA
88. Charles C. Ferrell, 5, M, B, GA
89. Joseph M. Ferrell, 20, M, B, Carpenter, $25, GA
90, Chloe Watts, 56, F, M, Seamstress, $450, $500, GA

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2002