1st Georgia Regiments at the Battle of Gettysburg

Field and staff-  Killed :Lt. Col D R E Winn
Co. A - Killed: Private S A Sutton.
      Wounded:  Lt. JP Blund, Corpl D C Rentfrow, private  P O Caldwell.
      Missing: privates S A Baldwin, O D Gorman
Co. B - Killed - Private J H Law.
      Wounded Corpl W H Hogan, privates D T Gibson, W B Rowland
Co. C - Wounded: Privates P S Alexander, P W Day
Co. D - Wounded: Corpl Whitaker, private S W Harrell
Co. E - Wounded: A K Jennings
Co. F- Killed: Private W L Vandyke.
       Wounded, private L D McLain
Co. G - Killed: Private B H Harrison.
        Wounded: Corpl John T Lane, Lt. B F Persons, privates McCullough, S  W Shy, Luke Campbell, W H Binford
Co. H  -Killed: Sergt E W DeLanny, private W R Butler.
      Wounded, privates W A Cone, Wyatt Haygood,   T. H. Hawk, Wm. C Whitaker.
       Missing, sergt. Thos Jenkins, privates J W Denton, T W Mappin
Co. I - Killed: Private J W Parks.
      Wounded, private T J Gilbert
Co. K - Killed: Lt. J H Riveire.
    Wounded: sergt S S Sullivan, privates R M Boring, W K Wallace.
     Missing, S G B Wilder

source: Chronicle and Sentinel August 13, 1863

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2002