1894 Vol. 1 -- Page: 263

Sequential Number: 139

Law Number: No. 74.

Full Title: An Act to amend an Act to provide for a local board of trustees for the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural College, and for the manner of filling vacancies and subjecting the acts of the said board to the approval or disapproval of the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia, approved October 17, 1879, and for other purposes.

SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That section 1 (1) of the above recited Act be amended by striking out the word "and" before the words "Samuel Walker," in the fourth line of said section, and inserting after the words "Samuel Walker," in the fourth line of said section, the following: "and the mayor of the city of Milledgeville, by virtue of his office," so that the said section, when amended, will read as follows: That J. A. Green, D. B. Sanford, A. Joseph, T. A. Whitaker, R. C. Rubner, J. N. Moore, L. Carrington, F. C. Furman, C. P. Crawford, Samuel Walker, and the mayor of the city of Milledgeville, by virtue of his office, are constituted a local board of trustees of the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural College. That said board be authorized to elect one of their number president and another of their number secretary and treasurer of the board. That a majority of the members of the said board shall constitute a quorum to do business. That all vacancies in said board or its officers shall be filled by said board. That said board shall enter upon a proper book minutes of its acts, which shall be attested by the presiding officer and countersigned by its secretary.
That said minutes shall be annually submitted to the board of trustees of the University of Georgia at the annual session of the board of trustees of said University of Georgia, on the Friday preceding the annual commencement of said university. That all acts of said local board of trustees shall be subject to the approval or disapproval of the board of trustees of the University of Georgia, and any act disapproved shall be null and void.

SEC. II. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed.

Approval Date: Approved December 17, 1894.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004