Hall - Little Sanitorium

       The Hall-Little Sanitorium was a  hospital established in Milledgeville in 1919. It was located on East Greene Street, in the building that was occupied as an annex to the barracks of the Georgia Military College. President - Dr. T. M. Hall; Vice-Preisdent - Dr. Y. A. Little; Secretary and Treasurer - Jon. W. Hutchinson; Directors - Dr. T. M. Hall, Dr.  Y. A. Little, Jon. W. Hutchinson, C. H. Whitfield, DR. J. H. Shurley, Lee Joseph and Otto M. Conn. Finance Committee - O. M. Conn, J. W. Hutchinson, C. H. Whitfield; Board of Control - J. H. Shurley, Leo Joseph, J. W. Hutchinson.
        In May of  1922 the county and City of Milledgeville appropriated money for the maintenance of a free ward.

Sources - Union-Recorder, Apr 22, 1919, Milledgeville News May 12, 1922

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004