Harmony Baptist Church
Harmony Church Rd., Milledgeville, Ga.

"Old Harmony church was built & constituted in Salem District in 1828. My father was one of the contributors. We boys had to walk one and a half miles to hear preaching every Sunday on meeting days.  In 1835, the church split on missions. The anti-missionarys left, my father among the number. A few years after the was this church was abandoned as the members had nearly all died or moved away. In 1874, two of the trustees, Messrs. Hezikah Rogers and Wm. Robinson, with a few other members, my brother, J. C. Whitaker, among them, united and organized a Missionary Baptist church. They grew and prospered slowly. In 1883, the members concluded the church was not in the right place and sold the house and land to the "brothers in black," for an African Methodist church (Old Gum Hill?), and built a new "Harmony" one and a half miles north on the public road, near Messrs. J. N. Wood, Thos. Lundy, Dr. Allen and others. The first Sunday in this month was the day appointed to dedicate the new church, and Dr. Battle of Macon, invited to preach the sermon.
He could not make it convenient and declined to come. Rev. A. J. Beck, of Milledgeville, was then invited. As he had been absent a Sunday or two from his church, and expected to attend the Baptist convention in Baltimore, he also declined. Hence the duty of dedicating the church was performed by the pastor, Rev. Jas. M. Hall, a man fully competent to the task. S. E. Whitaker May 10, 1884."  Union and Recorder 5/13/1884 pg 1

**The congregation held its first services in a school house until 1884 when the 1st bldg was erected. This was used until 1915 when the present  white frame building  was built. Cemetery (link).

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004