Will of Henry Meacham, Sr.  3/18/1830 - 7/ /1837
In the name of God Amen.
I, Henry Meacham, Senior, of the County of Baldwin and the State of Georgia, and of the United States of America, being in my proper state of mind and of disposing memory, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, viz:

I give and bequeath to my daughter, Sarah McCarty, wife of Cornelius McCarty, a negro woman named Melly and a negro man named Austin.

I give and bequeath to my daughter, Jacky Bina Merritt, wife of Shimmey Merritt, two hundred dollars to be paid by my executor when said amount of money shall be collected.

I loan to my daughter, Jacky Bina Merritt, wife of Shimmey Merritt, a negro woman named Cherry and a negro man named Isham during her natural life, and at her death I give and bequeath the said negroes, viz: Isham and Cherry, to my grandson Dennis W. Dorsey.

I give and bequeath to my daughter, Angy Lina Meacham a negro woman named Ester and a negro girl named Sarah and five hundred dollars in money to be paid by my executor when collected.

I give and bequeath to my daughter, Nancy Hyatt, wife of James Hyatt, two hundred dollars in money to be paid by my executor when collected.

I loan to my daughter, Nancy Hyatt, wife of James Hyatt, a negro woman named Hannah and a negro girl named -ina during her natural life and at her death, I give and bequeath the said two negroes, viz: Hannah and -ina to my daughter, Angy Lina Meacham.

I give and bequeath to my daughter, Mary A. C. Garratt, wife of Elijah Garratt, a negro woman named Lucy and her two children, viz: Elbert, a boy; and Caroline, a girl, and one hundred dollars in money.

I give and bequeath to my son, Henry Meacham (Junior) a negro woman named Maria, and three hundred dollars in money.

I give and bequeath to my son-in-law, Arling Coker, five dollars and one small pine table.  I give and bequeath to my son, Robert B. Meacham, the land whereon I now live, being two hundred two and a half (202 1/2) acres, more or less, to have and to hold the same to him, his heirs and assigns forever, with all the farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture, and also a negro man named Dick.

I do hereby authorize and impower my executor to sell the remainder of my estate and when the proceeds of the sale shall be collected, the said executor shall pay to the several legatees the sums of money hereinbefore named, after such payments are made that which remains shall be equally divided among the following named persons, viz:  Sarah McCarty, Jacky Bina Merritt, Angeline Meacham, Nancy Hyatt, Mary A. C. Garratt, Henry Meacham, Junior, and Robert B. Meacham.

And I do hereby nominate and appoint my son, Robert B. Meacham Executor to this my last Will and Testament, herein revoking all others heretofore made by me.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this first day of March, eighteen Hundred and thirty-six.

                                                       HENRY MEACHAM

Signed, sealed, and delivered
in the presence of the Testator, and by his request and in the presence of these witnesses:

Henry Densler
William Wilder
Rob't. Densler

submitted by Alta M. Durden.
Email  [email protected]

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004