Old Taverns, Inns, Boarding Houses and Hotels
Milledgeville, Ga.

 Old McComb's Hotel, Georgia Archives
was on corner of Wayne and Greene St. opposite state-house square

The Milledgeville Hotel with the Milledgeville Railway. 

The Baldwin Hotel, remodeled from the Milledgeville Hotel 1908. Postcard.
Name Owner/Manager Time Frame, Notes
___Tavern  Henry Darnell  Moved the tavern to his 2-story house to Jefferson St. opposite the nw corner of the Statehouse in 1809
Mrs. Eliza Allen's aka
Wayne Hotel
Mrs. Eliza Allen Corner of Wilkinson & Hancock, opposite the courthouse
1830 Map of Milledgeville
Armstrong Boarding House Ida M. Armstrong (1910) Boarding house on East Montgomery St.  in 1910
Bell Tavern
Eagle Tavern
T. Bruen (1818)
Joseph Loving  (1821)
J. Hervey Bruen (1821)
1818 Owner T. Bruen. 1821  name changed to Eagle Tavern and was under the charge of Joseph S. Loving, under the firm of Loving & Bruen.
Downer's Coffee House
The Exchange Coffee House & Northern Stage Office.
John Downer (1811)
Timothy Bruin (1816)
John Downer (1823)
James Lampkin (1823)
Building bought from Jett Thomas, was on east corner of state-house square . Elbert St. In 1816  changed to The Exchange Coffee House & Northern Stage Office.  Proprietor Timothy Bruin. See Buffington's Hotel
Eagle Hotel/Tavern
Franklin Hotel
Maj. Edwin Mounger (1809) 
Sterling Grimes 1809
Roger Olmstead (1810)
Peter Thomas (1811)
Peter Gent (1811)
Major Jabez Roberts 1812
John Jeter (1816-1817)
Solomon Betton (1818 -1819)
William Forsyth
Aaron Searcy 1832
Fronted the state-house, changed to Franklin Hotel in 1832
Farmer's Hotel  Marcus "Mark" D. Huson 1822 S. Wayne St. 1830 Federal Union "corner of the State-House Square-between the Darien & State Banks." C. Minter took care of the hotel in 1828.  1830 Map of Milledgeville
Flukers Tavern E. Shackleford, Jr 1818, east side of public square
Franklin Hotel Aaron Searcy 1832 Fronted the state-house, changed to Franklin Hotel in 1832
Golden Ball Tavern Robert McComb 1822
Elam Alexander (1823)
William F. Scott (1823)
Robert McComb,  S. Wayne St. 1830 Map of Milledgeville
Changed to Golden Ball Tavern in 1823, name changed to Harry Clay House by Robert McComb in 1845
Edwards House Hotel/Boarding House Warren Edwards 1882
R. A. Stembridge 1891
occupied by E. T. Alling in 1880's was on corner of Wayne and McIntosh streets. Advertised as good accomodations for college students. In 1899 it was described as 105'fronting on Wayne street, running 125' back on McIntosh street,  containing 13 rooms, 2 room kitchen, well of water on lot. 

The Stinson House 1895
Hendrix House 
Elm City Hotel 1910.
G. W. Stinson
H. E. Hendrix, owner 1899
Property of Mrs. H. E. McComb and Mrs. J. R. Allen. 
Boarding house owned by H. E. Hendrix in 1899 was formerly the Stinson House. 
was On Hancock St. opposite the courthouse. Mrs. R. A. Williams was proprietess in 1903. Mrs. W. T. Little was renting rooms here in 1907.  Mrs. Emmie Jackson, mother of Oliver Hardy,  rented the house in 1909 when the kitchen was damaged by fire .  In 1910 it was operated by Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and name changed to Elm City Hotel.
Hill Tavern William R. Hill established 1816
corner Clinton Rd. (Hwy. 22)/Old Monticello Rd.
Hotel Tennille - Hardwick near Central State Hospital  in 1913
Jarrett's William D. Jarrett opened 1818 corner of Montgomery & N. Wayne St. 1830 Map of Milledgeville
Jackson Hall aka Buffington's Corner Samuel Buffington 1813, formerly the Coffee House, corner on Elbert St. 1830 Map of Milledgeville.
1830 Federal Union "containing nearly FORTY fireplaces-an open Piazza and Balcony nearly 200 feet long, fronting the STATE-HOUSE, immediately on the PUBLIC SQUARE"
Lafayette Hall William F. Scott 1823
Charles Williams 1828
John a. Jones 1829
Peter J Williams 1831
 Col. David B. Mitchell 1835
William Rogers 1837; 
James Walsh 1851,
Ezekial J. Candler 1858
Built in 1823 by Seaborn Jones and first occupied by William F. Scott. Ge. LaFayette stayed here on his visit to Milledgeville. 
Made of brick it fronted Jefferson & Hancock Sts., triple story (including basement)
31 rooms, cost $25,000. Used as stagecoach headquarters.  Burned in 1858,
Inaugural balls held here.  Sacred Heart Catholic Church is on this land now. 
. 1830 Map of Milledgeville
Lane Hotel
called The Inn 1900
Mrs. Lane 1894
prop. Warren Edwards 1900
Small hotel corner E. McIntosh & N. Wayne 
Lucas' Tavern 1812 John Lucas formerly Darnell's Tavern
Mansion House  W. W. Carnes 
C. Miner 1829
Inn at former location of Mrs. Jenkins on Hancock street, 
Marshall House
aka Matthews Hotel 
aka W.F. Matthews Hotel/Boarding House in 1908
W. F. Matthews N. Wayne opened in Jan. 1888 
McComb's Hotel
aka The Clay House.
Owners: Colonel Robert McComb until 1857
Robert A. McComb Jr.
T L.  McComb
C G. Wilson 1875
J. E. Vinson 1877 
In 1884 it was converted into "tenements of two or three rooms. 
Built in 1816 by Robert McComb, Sr..  McComb's Hotel changed to The Clay House at one time was located across from government square on the corner of Greene and Wayne Sts. " Marquis de La Fayette and Henry Clay both spoke from the balcony here. During the days when Milledgeville was the capital of Georgia - which included the civl war and "reconstruction" periods - many a divers political caucuses were held within the rooms of the famous old house and more of Georgia's and the
south's history is based upon what has taken place in those rooms, perhaps than will ever be known. "  Was used as a apartment house in 1917.  The Atlanta Constitution 9/26/1917. Torn down in 1924.
McGinty's - 1807 was on the road to Sparta. Aaron Burr spent the night here after crossing the Oconee at Fort Wilkinson
Milledgeville Hotel #1

Oconee House 1879 #2 

Baldwin Hotel 1908
Owned by 
Milledgeville Hotel Company
E. D. Brown 1855

Trice & Callaway 1872

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marshall 1879 

Emmie Jackson 1908
E. T. Milligan 1913


#1 Built in 1855, this 3-story brick hotel was on the corner of Wayne St. (210 ft.) and Greene St. (160 ft.) Had accommodation for 250-300 people. It was built by E. D. Brown. General Slocum headquartered here Nov. 1864 during  march to the sea. Burned in 1872, 

#2 The Oconee House/Milledgeville Hotel  was built on the old foundation in 1879
 and opened Oct. 28,  1879.  Mrs. S. B. Marshall, of Eatonton was the first proprietor. There was a seperate ladies' entrance.  Listed as Oconee House on 1884 Sanborn - Perris  Fire Insurance map.  In 1895 the proprietor was Mrs. S. F. Forbes and Mr. & Mrs.  F. M. Gobert was the manager. In 1900 Richard Sasnett proprietor  & Mrs. Hattie Slade Marshall, manager, gave it up to Mrs Roberts; and in 1901 Morris Mandle. Listed as Milledgeville hotel on 1901  Sanborn - Perris  Fire Insurance map. 

Mrs. Emmie Jackson, mother of Oliver Hardy,  took charge of the new Milledgeville Hotel in 1908. She was also here in 1906. Mrs Adah Austin had the hotel remodeled in 1908 and the name changed to Baldwin Hotel. The entrance was made on Greene St. and two businesses were to be on Wayne St. (see photo) In 1909 the Milledgeville post office occupied the front on the first floor.  In 1910 The Milledgeville Hotel Company was chartered by M. A. and Alice Evans McCraw. In 1910 Oliver Hardy's mother operated  the hotel when Oliver worked at The Electric Theater across the street.  E. T. Milligan was the proprietor in 1913, The hotel was torn down in 1970. 
The Oconee House 1879
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Marshall 
Oglethorpe Hotel Lorenzo B. Morse Located at Midway, the hotel was enlarged & repair in 1858 for boarders. It was convenient for "persons visiting Oglethorpe University or the Lunatic Asylum."
Planters Hotel 1821  Thomas Huson, Mrs. Huson, M. D. Huson
John W. Pitts 1831
Thomas Huson from Charlotte, Nc. and Jefferson, Jackson Co., Ga opened this 20 room hotel in January 1821. Its was on Hancock St. 50 yards from the courthouse on East Corner  and 300 yards from the statehouse. Thomas Huson died in 1822 and it was run by Mrs Huson and M. D. Huson. Mr. Ginn and Mr. Curtis' Book Store was located in the hotel in 1822. Destroyed by fire in Feb. 1831
Rosseter's Tavern Mt. Rosseter 1818-1819
J. Barrow and Alfred Few 1826
Rousseau's Tavern - 1818
Smith Hotel - Hardwick near Central State Hospital in 1913
State's Right Hotel
aka U. S. Hotel
aka Beecher-Brown Hotel
E.D. Brown owner 1849
Sep, 29, 1849, The Chronicle and Sentinel
built c. 1825
was on N. Wilkinson St.
Brown-Stetson-Sanford house is now located on W. Hancock St.
Southern Hotel Mrs. Emmie Jackson
Feb 21, 1910 Macon Weekly Telegraph
North Wayne Street, Mrs, Emmie Jackson, formerly of the Hotel Baldwin, leased this hotel in 1910
New Stinson Hotel Stinson 1903 Mrs. R A. Williams Proprietress 1903
Union Hotel c. 1817, formerly occupied by Mr. Downer,  Proprietors William Reid, Anderson Holt
1834 -operated by Robert McComb in  who sold it to Aaron Searcy
east corner of the state-house square, open in 1818. 
Washington Hall Henry Duncan, first owner. sh sale, 1835 
Mrs Godwin 1840 Feb.4, 1883 Atlanta Constitution
N. C. Barnett
Nov 3, 1859 Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
Burned down Jan. 18, 1886
Not Known Philip Cook S. Wayne St.
Not Known Peter Gent Zachairah Lamar's house, S. Wayne (house still there)
Not Known Roger Olmstead and David Fluker Liberty St.
Not Known Thomas G. Collier formerly house of Jett Thomas, on Wayne St.

sources: Milledgeville, Georgia's Antebellum Capital, J. C. Bonner, Union Recorder, Atlanta Constitution; Sanborn Fire Insurane Maps, old newspapers

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004