Jane Gilbert Mitchell Brooks
Milledgeville, Ga.
by Theresa Steele Page

Her name was actually Jane Gilbert Mitchell Brooks she was my great great great grandmother on both sides of my family.   She is listed as a Free Person of Color  in 1860 along with several of her children and grandchildren under the name of Brooks.  I have also copied her obit from the Union Recorder (see below). She is also listed in "The Dead Book Burials in the City Cemetery Milledgeville, Georgia 1869-1904"  as "James Mitchell."  Below is a copy of the bill of sale for the purchase of her coffin by my great grandfather and his brother. She is listed on the 1822 tax rolls with Dr. John J. Mitchell as her agent. Along with her daughter Jane Mitchell (who later changed her name to McComb).

Transcription of Jane Gilbert Petition for Guardianship
August 9, 1837
Milledgeville Court House Probate Office
Minute Book B 1829 Page 111

The petition of Jane Gilbert a free woman of Color respectfully prays the appointment of Miller Grieve as the guardian of herself and her five children vig(?) Patrick Brooks aged about 17 Ann Brooks aged about 15 Charles aged about 12 Sally Brooks aged about 10 and Becky Beck (Butler) aged about 7 years of age.

 And it appearing that Miller Grieve consents to act as Guardian.

 It is therefore ordered that the said Miller Grieve be appointed guardian for the said Jane Gilbert and children and the clerk take Bono and security in terms of the law.

Baldwin County GaArchives History .....History of Baldwin County - Grieve Biography 1925 Copyright.  All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm   File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher. http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031

October 7, 2004, 12:30 pm  p. 347-348


 Miller Grieve, Sr., born in Edinboro, Scotland, in 1802, came with his mother and two sisters, to Lexington, Georgia, in 1811. In 1822, he entered a law partenship with his brother-in-law, Joseph Henry Lumpkin, afterwards Chief Justice. Governor George Gilmer brought him to Milledgeville in 1829, as his secretary. He married Sarah Grantland, daughter of Fleming and Agnes Jones Grantland.      Upon Gov. Gilmer's retirement in 1831, Col. Grieve assumed the editorship of the Georgia Journal, which had been founded in 1812, by Fleming and Seaton Grantland. In 1850, he was appointed Ambassador to Denmark, and served most acceptably for four years. As editor of the leading paper in the capital city, Col. Grieve wielded great influence. Howell Cobb, Robert Toombs, Alex. Stephens, and the leaders of politics in Georgia, acknowledged their debt to his wise editorials and sane deductions.      A staunch Presbyterian, he helped to finance old Oglethorpe University. Full of honors and years in 1879, he fell on sleep.


Miller Grieve, Jr., lawyer, architect, and dramatist, was the oldest son of Miller Grieve and Sarah Grantland Greive. He went with his father to Europe when the latter was Ambassador to Denmark, and received part of his education in Europe. With great talents, he abundantly served his generation. His defense of a criminal case would bring an audience from many miles. He served his country gallantly in the Civil War, then came back to serve a broken country with all his gifts.    Additional Comments: From:   Part V  HISTORY of BALDWIN COUNTY GEORGIA

October 18, 1887
Union Recorder
  An old colored woman, named Jane Mitchell, died in this city last week, who had attained the remarkable age of 116 years. Those who have known her for many years, say that the above figures given her age correctly. She was the mother of 13 children, and had 11 grand children, 44 great-grand children and one great-great grand child.

Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 12th 1887.
   On the 12th day of Oct next, I promise to pay W. & J. Caraker, or order, thirty eight dollars, for one full new casket this day purchased of them-the right and title remain in said W. & J. Caraker, until the same is fully paid for, and to secure them in the prompt payment of this note,
  I hereby mortgage to the said W. & J. Caraker, the following property, which I declare to be mine, in my own right and against which there is not other lien or mortgage or encumbrance, of any kind, to-wit: the above item is for the Grand Mothers Casket. Nov 13th 1888 Paid in full by Charley & Frank Steel
With interest after maturity paid at 8 per cent, per annum...
Witness my hand and seal the 11th day of Oct 1887
In Presence of F. P. Steele
Charles Steele
Pv F. P. Steele

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004