Will Book A Page 264-266
Baldwin County Georgia

Wilkinson County

I, John H. Manderson of the state and county aforesaid, make and or claim this my last will and testament. My just and legal debts bring first paid I will and bequeath my property as follows to wit-
To my children Jennett now Jeanett Troubbeville, Sidney now Sydney Adams, and George, Joana, Mary who now bearing my own surname and also the children of John Manderson deceased to come in for one equal share to be divided amongst therein being five in number - I give and bequeath all my effects in equal right and interest under the following regulations and with the exceptions therein pointed out. The above named persons though not born in lawful wedlock I hereby acknowledge as my heirs and descendants to enable my executors to fulfil this my wish.
  I desire my property to be sold to the best advantage according to the judgement of my Executors hereafter appointed the moneys that may th__ arise and to remain  to my estate after paying my ___ full and just debts. I wish my executors to pay over to my heirs in equal ___ provided they pay it only to the legal guardians of such as may be under age at the time and ___.
Also that if it shall appear at the time there are any judgements existing against Jesse Troubbeville or Robert Adams or either of them the money shall not be able to be used to satisfy such judgement or judgements but shall remain in the hands of my executors as trustees for the use of my daughters Sydney and Jeannett or either of them in whose favor this provision may appear ___ - and my executors are hereby authorized to dispose of said money for the benefit of the interested in the way they may deem expedient at the time, and it is hereby  further provided that the advances of money and property which I have made to three of my children or legatees to wit Jeanett to the amount of one hundred and fifty three dollars. To George one hundred and fifty eight dollars. and to Sydney one hundred and three dollars shall be changed (charged) to this as so much cash and as the portion due to each of my legatees shall be regulated accordingly so as to give a just and equal portion to each of my children as before named to wit Jenette, Sydney, George, Joana, Mary and the heirs of my son John Manderson.___ __ an a should it so happen that I may __ to make similar additions hereafter to those or any of the other legatees a just allowance is to be made for it according to the above rule.
   I hereby appoint George Williamson and Dr. Tomlinson Fort my executors (line missing) my will according to its spirit and meaning.
To George I will and bequeath all my wearing aparel and also riding saddle and to my daughters Joana and Mary  I bequeath all my household and to each of them. Joana and Mary a full suit of mourning immediately after my death. I also wish my executors to charge the heirs of my son John Manderson decd. with the amount of one hundred and fifty dollars and deduct that sum of one hundred and fifty  as cash from the part will be coming to them that brings about the __. I suppose I have advanced to and for their deceased father.

Signed and sealed in the presents of us the subscribing witnesses this 14th day February 1825

John H Manderson
his mark

Lewis Bond
John H. Wales (?)
Samuel Sanford

Georgia, Baldwin County
Personally appeared in open court Lewis Bond who being duly sworn saith that he saw the within named John H. Manderson sign, seal and publish the within as the last will and testament and that he subscribed the same as a witness and that he saw John H. Wales and Samuel Sanford give the same as  witnesses  sworn to. This 15th day of December 1826.
Lewis Bond
Wm. Davis Clk.

Will Book A Page 264-266
Baldwin County Georgia

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004