Henry Marshall Bozeman, of the firm of Bozeman & Regan, Hawkinsville, Ga., was born in Houston County, Ga., November 1, 1837. His parents were Col. John and Rebecca Jewell (Pratt) Bozeman, the former a native of Georgia and the latter of New Hampshire. Col. John Bozeman was born April 27, 1793, and was first married April 23, 1818, to Elizabeth Murphy, who was born December 25, 1798.
This union was blessed by the birth of eight children:
(1)Cornelius M., the first son, was born April 8,1819; he married Miss Elizabeth Farmer, became the father of nine children and died in 1881;
(2) Eliza Ann, the eldest daughter, was born November 11, 1820, and died May 10, 1848. She was married to Samuel Buffington of Milledgeville, and bore him four children, John, Elizabeth, Sallie and Samuel; the two boys are deceased, but the girls are yet living and married.
(3)  The colonel's second son and third child, John, was born June 27, 1823, married, had two children, and died in 1856 or 1857, in or about the Everglades of Florida, in the effort to eject Billy Bowlegs.
(4) The fourth child, Sarah Frances, was born December 25, 1825; she also married Samuel Buffington, bore him two children, now deceased, while she herself died in Jacksonville, Fla., about 1856.
(5) Milton, the third son and fifth child, was born September 18, 1827, was a Confederate soldier, was captured in South Carolina and taken to New York, where he died in prison and was buried on Hart's Island.
(6) Amanda M., the third daughter, was born April 18, 1830 and died December 26, 1834.
(7) Emily C., the fourth daughter, was born December 17, 1831, and died August 18, 1832.
(8) Albert, the fourth son and eight and youngest child born to this union, was born February 13, 1834, and died March 10, 1853.
      Mrs Elizabeth (Murphy) Bozeman died February 20, 1836, and on the 14th day of February, 1837, Col. Bozeman married Miss Rebecca Jewell Pratt, who was born April 23, 1808, and who was a Yankee lady of high culture and noted for her musical talent. She was teaching music in one of the Institutes of Hancock County when he became acquainted with her. Her father's name was Henry Pratt of Winchester, N.H. His children were Addison, Henry, Marshall, Horace, Julius, Eliza, Charlotte and Rebecca, all noted for musical ability. Marshall Pratt was one of the first musicians of the United States in his day. They wre, it is thought, first cousins to Ex-Gov. Marshall Jewell of Connecticut. The fruit of this union was (9) Henry Marshall Bozeman only. Mrs. Rebecca J. Bozeman died February 17, 1838, when her son was but three months old, and on July 23, 1838, Col. Bozeman married Miss Sarah B. Pratt, of Vermont, a first cousin of his second wife. To this marriage there were no children born, and the nine born to the colonel, Henry M. is the only one living.
     Col. John Bozeman served in the Florida Indian war, was several times elected to the State legislature from the Milledgeville district, and was justice of the peace at the time of his death, which occurred at or near White Sulphur Springs, Fla., November 10, 1848. His widow, Sarah B., married J.F. Baxter, but died in Memphis, Tenn., in 1884.

Source: Biographical Souvenir of the States of Georgia and Florida. Chicago, IL: F.A. Battey & Company, 1889.

 Eileen Babb McAdams  website copyright 2006