John Moran Will

      I, John Moran of county of Baldwin and state of Georgia being at prsent feeble in person but of sound disposing mind and memory, thanks to God for the same and calling to mind the mortality of my body do make and publish this my last will and testatment.
     I do give and dispose of my goods and chattels in the manner and form following; that is to say:
     First, I recommend my soul to Almight God who gave me being.
     Second, I wish my stock of cattle and hogs to be disposed of at public sale to pay my debts, except two cows and calves which are to be kept for the use of my wife and children.
     Third, I give and bequeath my household furniture to my wife Jane Moran, and my four children, William, Westley, James Barnes, and Temperance.
     Fourth, My two negroes Joe and Nancy, I wish hired out from year to year for the support of my wife Jane Moran and my children above named.
    Fifth, The land on which I now live I give and bequeath unto my wife, Jane Moran, In the event of her marriage it is then my wish that the land be sold and equally divided between my wife Jane Moran and four children William, Westley, James Barnes, and Temperance.
     Sixth, It is also my wish in the hiring of the negroes that they be hired out annually, until my youngest child becomes of age and then sold and equally divided between my wife and children.
     Seventh, I do hereby nominate my brother William Moran, my executor to this last will and testatament. In witness whereof I have unto set my hand and seal this Tenth day of June, Eighteen Hundred and thirty Three.
     Signed Sealed and acknowledged in the presence of:
John Moran

J. Boykin
Thos. Mills
William Carnes

Recorded: Baldwin County Ordinary's office, October 8th, 1833

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004