MEXICAN WAR (1845-46)
The war was due to a dispute over the territory between the Nueces and Rio Grande rivers in April 1846. The conflict was resolved with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1849), whereby Mexico ceded California and New Mexico to the United States.

     A review of the causes and consequences of the Mexican war. By William Jay
   Pub. 1853. Making  of America
     PBS- The U.S.-Mexican War 1846-1848
     U.S.- Mexican War- Excellent Site!  (Descendants of Mexican War Veterans )
     The Mexican War, from Texas Trails
     Great Page Telling History - lists Georgia Militia units.
       White, Rev. George. Historical Collections of Georgia (1854), pp.115-120. First Regiment of Georgia  Volunteers Only. Names of Officers and Privates . Making of America- online book -INDEXED

    1st Regiment of Georgia Volunteers for 12 months June 1846 to May 1847
      Battalion of Georgia Volunteers for the war (5 companies) July 1847 to July 1848
      Battalion of Georgia Mounted Volunteers for the war (6 companies) September 1847 to July 1848
Some  Baldwin County Soldiers:
  • James F. H. Ellington - Co H, 4th Ga. Seminole & Mexican War Ga Light Infantry - Columbus 
  •  Major Daniel Harvey Hill - Mexican war, 1846-47,  Twiggs Division
  •  Colonel John "Honest Jack" Jones - Colonel. 1st Ga. Regiment Volunteers
  • William Augustine Harris - Macon Guards, 1st Regt, Ga Volunteers
  • Colonel W. G. McAdoo
  • Fleming G. Davies
  • Gilbert Anderson
  • William Rice, Co. C. Infantry

    Organization of "Metropolitan Greys"

  • News about The Mexican War
    Types of records available for the Mexican War Veterans
    Applying for pensions for the Mexican War
    Published Resource: Index to Mexican War Pension Files by Virgil D. White. (Waynesboro, 1989).
    Newspaper accounts give company officers, battles, letters from the front, as well as deaths and wounded.
    Aztec Club of 1847 - Military Society of the Mexican War Searchable Data Base for Officers
    The Descendants of Mexican War Veterans
    Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004