Maurice Martin Minter
     "Maurice Martin Minter, the subject of this sketch, was a man who achieved success entirely through his own efforts and through his persistent work in his chosen field of applied science.
     He was born on May 13, 1871 near Milledgeville, Baldwin County, Georgia, the son of Charles Floyd and Martha Jane (Chambers) Minter both of whom were born in Baldwin County, where his father conducted a plantation. He was one of four boys, his brothers being: John Easter Minter of Columbus, Ga., Charles R. Minter, living in Baldwin County, Georgia and William T. Minter, living in Texas.
    Mr. Minter was educated in Georgia  and left school at the age of eighteen to enter the employ of Stevens Pottery Company of Baldwin County where he  first became acquainted with Ceramic products production. He remained with this concern for seventeen years and when he severed his connection with them he was employed by the Baldwin County Brick and Tile Company of Milledgeville as manager of the plant. This position he held until 1910 when he came to Columbus to take charge of Muscogee Brick and Terracotta Company here. In 1912 he removed to Albany, Georgia and to take charge of the Flint River Brick Company which position he occupied when he started the concern which is now known as the Minter System.
   During all of his work at the different kinds of Ceramic Products plants Mr. Minter was constantly studying the science of applied heat for the purpose of burning clay products and also studying text books on this subject and applying theory to practice until he became probably the best informed man in the United States on the subject of heat conservation and the application in the industry. Through his efforts and the efforts of his associates enormous sums of money have been saved by this industry, and the science of burning clay products has advanced materially.
  Mr. Minter was the vice-president of the Minter System. A concern engaged in the engineering and construction of kilns for burning clay products, and plants of their design are scattered all over the United States and Canada and some are in foreign countries.
  On January 18, 1893 Mr. Minter was married to Miss Martha Gibson of Jones County, Georgia near Milledgeville, and to them were born ten children: Millard, Gibson, Thomas, James, Mrs. R. B. Preston (Vivian), Annie and Dorothy (Mrs. D. M. Watson), Mildred and Martha (deceased), one boy who died in infancy, and there are six grandchildren. Mr. Minter died July 17, 1929."

From: Telfair, Nancy. A history of Columbus, Georgia : 1828-1928 Columbus, Ga.: Historical Pub. Co., c1929, 574  pgs.

John Easter Minter
    " John Easter Minter was born in Baldwin County, Georgia, August 2, 1868, and died in Columbus, Georgia, May 20, 1947. He was the son of Floyd and Martha Chambers Minter, both deceased, who were also born in Baldwin County. He was the brother of M. M.. Minter and Charles Floyd Minter, both deceased, and Thomas Minter of Cason, Texas. Mr. Minter attended the Baldwin County Schools and, later, the Southern Business University in Atlanta, Georgia.
     He was married to Miss Winnifred Moore in Tampa, Florida, March 27, 1895. She was the daughter of Samuel Lewis and Julia Bradley Moore of Monticello, Florida. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Minter: Winnifred Bradley, now the wife of Lt. Col. Jacob R. Moon, U.S. Army, and John Easter Minter, Jr. He is survived by four grandchildren: Mrs William Nielsen, Jacob Robert Moon, Jr., Marti Minter and John Easter Minter III and three great-grandchildren: Cynthia Winnifred Smith, Kenneth Cooper Smith and Jennifer Nielsen. Mrs. Minter departed this life May 28, 1929, in Columbus, Georgia.
     John Easter Minter began his career in business at the age of 20 years at Stevens Pottery, Georgia in 1888. In 1892 he was made assistant manager of the H. Stevens Sons Sewer Pipe Company in Macon, Georgia. He held this position until 1909 and during the time invented and patented several machines used in sewer pipe manufacture. He came to Columbus as one of the organizers of the Columbus Sewer Pipe Company. This plant was planned and constructed under his under his supervision and he held the position of General Manager until 1919. He designed the plant of the Dixie Brick Company, at Dixieland, Alabama, in which the Minter system of kilns, originated by his brother, M. M.. Minter, was installed. He became president in 1939, serving in that capacity until his retirement in 1942. Mr. Minter was an organizer and officer of the Clay Products Exchange which was formed as a sales organization in 1933. He designed and invented processes making for improvement in clay goods production and some of the most beautiful face brick produced in the South were manufactured under his supervision.
     At one time he was Senior Councilor of the United Commercial Travelers of America, Charter Member and Treasurer of the Southern Clay Products Association, Director of the Columbus Chamber of Commece and a member of the Elks, Muscogee Club, Kiwanis Club, and Columbus County Club. He belonged to the Methodist Church of Baldwin County and was a Democrat.
     Mr. Minter's popularity was as wide as his acquaintanceship, and his kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity made his presence a joy. He was most considerate, and delighted when he could help others. He was always active in humanitarian work and a leader in the community in civic enterprises."

From: Worsley, Etta Blanchard. Columbus on the Chattahoochee. Columbus, Ga.: Columbus Office Supply Co., 1951, 670  pgs.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004