Milledgeville-Baldwin County, Ga.
In The News 1890-1899

January 19, 1890
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Evans Tooke, the negro who stole Mr. Lamar Clay's horse and was released from prison on Friday on account of sickness, died yesterday morning on Pleasant Hill of pneumonia. Tooke's father, who is a respected negro of Baldwin county, engaged Attorney Dasher to get his sick son released from jail, but the release came too late to do any good.

January 28, 1890
Union Recorder
Dr. J. E. Cook died Friday at Midway and his remains were carried to Culloden, the old home of the deceased. The death of Dr. Cook, which occurred after a long and distressing illness, was not unexpected, but brings sincere sorrow to many friends at home and throughout the state, where he was recognized as a physician of unusual ability.

February 3, 1890
Macon Weekly Telegraph
He had Been Almost Continuously the State's Services Since 1836 - Conscious to the Last - Will be Buried in Milledgeville.
  Atlanta, Feb. 2 (Special) Col. Nathaniel Crawford Barnett, the veteran secretary of state, probably the oldest public officer in Georgia, died at his home on Jones street, this city, at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon. Since he was first elected to the legislature in 1836, Col. Barnett has been almost continuously in the state's service, and so many knew and loved him, that in spite of his advanced age, 88 years, the announcement of his sudden death was felt as a great shock.
  Day before yesterday he was able to occupy his accustomed place at the capitol, and seemed to have nearly recovered from the three weeks attack of influenza with which he suffered recently. The immediate cause of his death appears to have been a severe fit of indigestion, brought on by eating minced pies, but his family think he might have rallied had he had time to get entirely over his late sickness.
  He found himself unable to leave his bed when he attempted to do so yesterday morning, and soon after he began to suffer spasms of pain, which caused so much alarm that his son and daughter, Mr. Addison F. Barnett of New Orleans, and Mrs. E. W. Anderson of Ringgold were telegraphed for. Later in the day the doctor pronounced his patient better, and it was not until this morning that the case appeared desperate, an unfavorable change having taken place during the night.
  Mr. A. F. Barnett and his sister arrived today in time to be present with their mother and brother, Mr. Stewart Barnett, when their father died. He was perfectly conscious up to the last moment and talked calmly with his family and gave directions concerning the arrangements for his funeral. At the hour already stated he passed peacefully away, his countenance remaining as it had looked in life, only a trifle paler.
  Col. Barnett was strong in his opposition to anything like parade, and his funeral, in obedience to his expressed wish, will be very simply conducted. The remains will be taken to Milledgeville tomorrow afternoon and laid to rest in the family burying ground the eon the day following. Dr. Glenn or Dr. Morrison of Atlanta will probably conduct the services.
  Governor Gordon will order the state house offices closed out of respect for the dead and may probably appoint an escort in the morning to accompany the remains to Milledgeville. He will also issue the appropriate proclamation.
 Sketch of Col. Barnett's Career.
   The following sketch of Col. Barnett's interesting career is founded on information furnished by him to a friend in 1883: He was born June 28, 1801, in Columbia county, five miles from Appling, near Winifrey's mills. His mother was a sister of William H. Crawford. She remained in Columbia county with her family two years after the death of her husband, when they removed to Greene county and settled in the fork of the Oconee and Appalachee rivers.
  Little Nathan was sent to school at a very early age. One of his instructors was a man named Hewland, an Irishman, and a whipping teacher of the old school. One one occasion he struck a boy so severely on the leg that he fractured the bone, yet, as soon as the lad was well enough to walk he was sent back and committed to Hewland's tender mercies by his father, though the child was so badly hurt that after he returned to school pieces of broken bone continued to work out of his ankle.
  Col. Barnett's mother moved next to a place about four miles from Greensboro. There the family settled till he was 10 years old, when they went to Oglethorpe county and settled on the land of her brother, Judge Crawford, near Lexington, in 1821. When Col. Barnett was 20 he bought a "fraction" farm in Walton county and they removed there. That year the drought was  so extreme that it almost caused a famine, and he had to go all the way to Gwinnett county to get bread.
  The next year he went to Monroe. There, as he put it, he "sowed his wild oats," which only meant that he was fond of gay society and spent most of his time in amusing himself as he was never the least bit dissipated. He never learned to play cards, his only information on the subject at the age of 81 being that the ace of spades was the lowest card in the deck.
  In 1824 he married Miss Margaret J. Moreton, sister of William Moreton of Athens. Three years later he left Walton for Clarke county, where he lived till 1831, when be moved to Watkinsville, near which place he purchased a fine farm. He also engaged in merchandise and cotton buying.
  He was elected to the legislature in 1836, and while attending an incompetent clerk whom he lad left in charge of his store practically ruined him financially by a land trade. The clerk bought cotton heavily at 15 cents, with a limit as to the time of delivery. The staple declined in value so that the next year Col. Barnett found himself receiving cotton at 15 cents and selling for 7 cents. He struggled on till 1842, when his business failed, and he sacrificed everything he possessed to pay debts.
  Meanwhile he had served a second term in legislature and a year after his business failure was elected secretary of state over Peter J. Williams and others. He then made Milledgeville his home. He was re-elected in '45 and '47, and defeated in '49 by Col. Geo. W. Harrison, father of the present clerk of the supreme court. In '51 he was again elected, but after serving two years gave place to E. P. Watkins, who was state secretary for eight years.
  Col. Barnett was re-elected in 1861 to the consolidated office of surveyor-general and Secretary of State and he continued to hold the position against competitors, such as Ex-Governor Jas. Boynton, who ran against him in 1865 till displace by the federal military in 1869. In the election which following Judge Cotling the republican candidate defeated him. In '73 he was again returned to the office by the democrats and held up to the time of his death. At one time he was surveyor in the Cherokee land lottery. He was adjutant of a militia regiment before the war and also held rank as captain, major and colonel.
His first wife having died during the Harrison freshet in 1840, he married, in 1841, a daughter of Dr. Cooper, who was superintendent of the Lunatic asylum before Dr. Green. By his first wife he had seven children and by his second eight, three of whom survive him.

Feb. 16, 1890
Atlanta  Constitution
The Stock Run Up.
Milledgeville, Ga, February 15 (Special) A few outside parties, who have recently tried to buy Milledgeville and Asylum railroad stock, have caused that stock to go way above par. It is now held at considerable above a hundred dollar, while some of the stockholders are not anxious to sell at even $130. The road is in admirable condition, and President Lumpkin says is will declare a dividend of not less that twenty per cent this year. The clear profits for the month of January were five per cent of the amount invested.

General Gossip
Macon, Ga. February 15 (Special)
     This morning at 3 o'clock, while Editor Gibbs Gardener, of the Milledgeville Chronicle, was asleep in the waiting room at the union passenger depot, waiting for an outgoing train, some one cut open his pockets, and stole a small sum of money, and some valuable papers.

The Coming "Elm City."
Milledgeville, Ga, February 15 (Special) Milledgeville is destined to become the "elm city" of Georgia. From this time throughout the future nothing but elms or water oaks can be planted on the streets. The street force have been busy for a month cutting down  china and mulberry trees, with which some of the streets are ornamented, and planting elms in their place. Of course there has been considerable kicking against this action by parties whose premises were shaded by the china and mulberry limbs, as it requires so long for the young elms to grow to an extent where they will be of much service for shade, and in some cases injunction bills were threatened. Some of these trees, where not regarded as a nuisance, will be left standing, but the largest part of them have already gone up in smoke, while the city government is nursing nearly five hundred young elms.

February 21, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
Electric Lights for Milledgeville.
Milledgeville, Feb. 20 (Special) The city on yesterday closed the contract with the company for an electric light system. The system is to consist of seventy-two lights, and will be the same as that glow operated in Brunswick. The poles, wire, dynamos and the electrician are all here, and the work already begun, so by April 1st at the latest the lights will be a reality.

March 22, 1890
The Constitution
HUMBER'S RESIGNATION. A Sensation Created by it in Milledgeville. What the Colonel Has to Say
Milledgeville, Ga, March 21 [Special] The resignation of Colonel R. C. Humber from the stewardship of the asylum here which was forwarded to Governor Gordon yesterday, was a big surprise to the people here. Colonel Humber has held the position with ability for more than a year, and, it being a paying position, some significance was at first attached to his action Your correspondent challenged him as to the meaning of the surprise he had precipitated on the people this evening, and he replied smilingly. "Nothing at all, my boy, I have contemplated it for some time. I just wanted to taste the sweetest of liberty once more. That's all."

April 19, 1890
Union Recorder
Pompey Jenkins, an aged colored man, died on the premises of Capt. Conn, a few days ago.

May 16, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
MILLEDGEVILLE "SMILE." Nine Barrooms to be Opened - Stringent Liquor Ordinance.
Milledgeville, May 15 [Special] To-day Milledgeville is the liveliest town in Georgia, seeming to have been born again, progressively speaking. The city council held a meeting yesterday evening in which it was decided to issue liquor license to all applicants at $500 each and resolved that no barroom should have a screen, stained windows of any kind, or game connected therewith, also that bar shall not open before 5 a.m., or remain open after 9 o'clock p.m., except Saturday, when they are permitted to sell until 10 o'clock. The police have instructions to rigidly enforce all laws and perfect order must be maintained.
  There are bout seven vacant storehouses in the city, all of which have been rented, some bringing nearly three times as much rent as formerly, and still there is not sufficient room. A handsome two story brick store with iron front will be built on Hancock and Wilkinson streets within sixty days, contract having been awarded today. Mr. T. E. White and the Odd Fellows will also build three-story buildings at an early date. About nine bars besides several dry goods, groceries, etc., firms will open as soon as store rooms can be procured, among them being three prominent Macon men. Property is in greater demand today and people in better spirits generally than for ten years. Some attribute it to the fact that the county went "wet," while others claim that the boom was coming anyhow.
  The county commissioners say they will put a $10,000 tax upon liquor, but is thought they haven't authority to do so, and the result will be awaited with great interest, but in the meantime several bars will be opened. Fixtures are being arranged and stocks ordered, and it is thought that at least three will open their doors by Saturday morning.

May 17, 1890
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Mrs. Sarah Cowser, an old lady 75 years of age, died in South Macon yesterday morning. The body will be shipped to Milledgeville this morning.

May 20, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
THEY ALL TOOK A DRINK. A GREAT RUSH FOR LIQUOR IN MILLEDGEVILLE YESTERDAY. Bar Opens in a Livery Stable and Whisky Was Drunk With Horses Standing Round - County and Town in Conflict.
  Milledgeville, May 19 (Special) For the first time in four years a barroom has opened its doors in this city. Capt. P. T. Ennis secured his city license this morning, and two clerks have been kept busy all day accommodating the steady stream of people that has been pouring into McComb's liver stable, where the bar is located. He did not want to have the stock removed, but commenced the sale while they yet remained in their stalls, the odor from which is very unpleasant to a thirsty man. Work will be commenced at once to renovate and change the building in such a way as to make it attractive.
  The county commissioners have imposed a tax of $10,000, and claim that the city has no right to issue license, while the city claims that the commissioners have not the authority to interfere with it - a chartered city. At a meeting of the mayor and aldermen, in the council chamber this morning, it was decided that the city pay all cost and attorney's fees, if necessary, in defending their rights, as a chartered city, to issue license, and it is very likely that some lively times are ahead, as all parties positively refuse to pay the $10,000 to the county commissioners, thinking that they have not the power to collect it.
  Other license have been issued, and still more will apply as soon as their houses are completed, which are already in the hands of the carpenter. Mr. C. T, Whelan in in  Macon to-day purchasing his stock, and his clerk informed your correspondent that he will try to open by Thursday. It is thought that others will open by that time. Should the county officials interfere, the parties say they will give bond for the amount and continue business until the July court, when it will be settled, but in the meantime all who wish drinks can be accommodated.

May 25, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
Sad Death At Milledgeville
Milledgeville, May 24. (Special) One of the saddest deaths in the history of our city occurred Thursday night, when little Mamie Robinson (Robison) passed away. She was the only child of Dr. W. R. Robinson, and, though but 5 years old, she possessed a mind and intellect that would do credit  to a 12-year-old girl. She was stricken with diphtheria Tuesday. There are a number of cases of diphtheria in the city.

May 27, 1890
Union Recorder
  Mr.Joseph Martin, who lived near Stevens Pottery in this county, died last Tuesday. Just one week before his death his was in this city making arrangements for the purchase of some land. He went home and was taken sick with Pneumonia, and after a week of extreme suffering passed away from earth. He was one of our Baldwin farmers who had made rapid progress during the past four years, and was getting ready to live by steadily adding to the comforts that make a happy home, when he was called up-on to die. The efforts of his last yeas to better the condition of his family will linger as sweet memories in their hearts and encourged them to strive for the excellence to which his last thoughts and efforts were directed. We tender our sympathies to the distressed family.

May 27, 1890
Union Recorder
   Mr. C. T. Whelan lost his oldest child Mary, on Saturday. She was fie or six years old and a child of remarkable beauty and brightness. She died of diptheria, and was buried from the family residence at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mr. Whelan has the sympathy of our people.

June 3, 1890
Union Recorder
  On Sunday night, May the 4th, 1890, Sarah Hall (colored) died at her home near the asylum-of that fearful disease consumption. She had been a great sufferer for four or five weeks. During the time of her sickness she was kind and patient- and possessed a wonderful memory-and on the above mentioned date, death the inevitable visitor came, cut the silver cord of life-and the spirit of that good woman, took its flight from the cares and busy scenes of life and went to the God that gave it. She was 34 years old, and was a useful woman, an earnest and faithful member of the Baptist church, a devoted wife, and loving mother of an only son. It is said that two minutes before she died she called her husband, Wilkes Hall, who is now in employ of Dr. T. O. Powell, to her bed side and told him not to shed a tear for her because she would soon be with her best fiend, and at 11:55 o'clock she died, at which time she had frequently said during the day that she would leave.
  The funeral service was very touchingly conducted by the earnest and efficient pastor Rev. Charlie H. Brightharp, aided by Rev. W. B. West pastor of the Methodist church.
   The Odd Fellows manifested their interest and sympathy of their Brother (Wilkes) by being in attendance with a large crowd which came in on the dummy, both coaches being loaded. That good woman's race would do well to shun her vices which were very few and emulate her virtues which were many.

June 10, 1890
Union Recorder
Mrs. Martha G. Ward, widow of the late Peyton Ward, died at her home in this county, on Wednesday, 4th inst. She was Seventy-six years of age. Her deat was caused by cancer in the mouth. She leaves three children and several grand-children and a large circle of friends.

June 10, 1890
Union Recorder
  Mr. James L. Foster, of St. Simons, and Miss Lizzie Lachlison were married at the Executive Mansion, residence of Mrs. M. E. Taylor, on yesterday morning at half-past eight o'clock. Rev. D. McQueen of this city officiated. They left on the 9,18 Macon and Augusta R. R. train and will spend a tour of four months in Europe.

June 18, 1890
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Mrs. Jane Moore, a negro woman, living in Milledgeville, Ga., gave her age to the census taker as 121 years. The old woman wa a regular encyclopedia of the early days of American independence. She knew all about it; was there and saw it. She remembered Washington and all the fathers: she remembered their habits and eccentricities, and said that she was married and had children when Washington died. Her oldest living child is 85 years, and since its birth she has been blessed with twenty-seven others. She is evidently not less than 110 years old, and may be 121, as she says.

June 23, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
HEIRS TO A HUGE FORTUNE. GOLDEN EXPECTATIONS OF A MILLEDGEVILLE FAMILY. They are Descendants of a German Baron and Have an Estate of thirty-seven Millions Awaiting Them in Germany.
  Milledgeville, June 21 (Special) This city is jubilant over the fact that a prominent family, Messrs. D., J. W., William, G. W., and T. A. Caraker and Samuel Kramer are the legal heirs to one twelfth of an estate of $51,000,000, now lying in the vaults of the German government.
  A great deal was said in the daily papers a few months ago in regard to this vast estate, but few people knew that so large a part of it would find its way to Georgia. The Carakers are direct descendants of Baron Fisher, who left this estate, their grandmother being a daughter of one of the sons of the original Fisher. They have been very quiet, however, about it, though they have been hard at work arranging the family tree and securing the family records.
  One of them now has in his possession a Bible containing the record of births, marriages, deaths, etc. for over a century, in the hand-writing of the Fishers, which is now a very valuable relic, especially as it furnishes proof of the relationship.
  The following, from a recent issue of the Winchester, (Tenn,) Journal, is very encouraging to the heirs:
  "Judge Murry of Kentucky, agent for the Fisher heirs, sailed for German May 28 with flattering prospects of proving their claim to the vast estate. It is a settled fact that the money is there awaiting property claimants. Mr. Murry's wife is one of the heirs to the estate, amounting to $51,000,000 now lying in the vaults of the German government awaiting the rightful owners. Mr. Murry, besides being entitle to a large share of the immense fortune, has been appointed attorney for the others. He has all the proof necessary to obtain the property, and on his return an extra ship will probable be necessary to carry the treasure."
  In the event that the money should be received, the city will be greatly benefited, as all of the Milledgeville heirs are among her most prosperous and enterprising citizens, and much of the amount will certainly be invested in improvements to the city in the shape of manufacturing enterprises.
   The original Fisher was a German baron and enjoyed the close company and intimacy of the king, being related to him. But one day while passing through the king's court he (Fisher) killed a pet deer, which was the property of the crown, the penalty for which was life imprisonment. The king, not wishing to punish his friend, assisted him to make his escape to this country, where he lived and died in North Carolina, his descendants spreading out over Tennessee, Georgia, Carolina and Ohio.
  Fisher could not make application for his property, for in so doing he would have revealed his whereabouts and would have been punished. At his death, in 1800, a lawyer was started to Germany by the heirs to secure the money, but he died of yellow fever in New Orleans, and nothing more was done about it until recently.
   The heirs in this city have employed the best legal authority of Washington City in the case and are confident of success, as the German government is anxious to dispose of the money, because the interest is accumulating very fast.
  The editor of the Chronicle is also interested and is happy over the prospects.
  News reached the city this morning of the death of Jerome Tuttle at the insane asylum yesterday. Tuttle has been in the asylum only a short while, caused by excessive drinking.
  He was one of the greatest circus men that ever lived, being champion tumbler of the world for many years. He was the first man that ever turned a double somersault and about the only one ever to turn a triple. He also ranked very high as a trapeze actor and bareback rider. He was a native of this county, and had traveled all over the world with the finest circuses on the road. His reputation is known the world over.
  The Baptist church of this city has been furnished this week with beautiful new seats and carpeting, at a cost of nearly $2,000, which adds much to the appearance of the interior of this pretty structure. A fine pipe organ will also be put in place in a few weeks. No city in Georgia has more and finer churches and schools than Milledgeville, taking her size into consideration, and she is justly proud of them.

July 8, 1890
The Columbus Enquirer-Sun
Washington, July 7 (Special)  A GEORGIA GIRL'S MARRIAGE
  Miss Carrie Josie Bivins, daughter of Mr. Tom Bivins, of the Treasury Department, a former citizen of Milledgeville, was married here on Saturday to Mr. Rush Taylor, a well known society young man and a millionaire. It was a runaway match, and the lovers are off for a Northern and European tour.

July 15, 1890
Union Recorder
ADAMS-McCOMB. Married on Monday evening, 17th inst., at Mt. Nebo, in this county, by Rev. J. M. White, Mr. Benjamin B. Adams, Jr. and Miss Mamie McComb, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Fred McComb.
  The attendants were Capt. J. D. Howard with Miss Freddie McComb; Mr. M. F. Davis with Miss Lucile McComb, Mr. J. J. Wootten, Jr. with Miss Mary Adams; Mr. B. B. Fowler with Miss Hallie Pottle.
  The bride is one of Baldwin county's fairest daughters and the groom is one of the best business young men in this city. He is assistant cashier of the Milledgeville Bank, a position of responsibility and honor.
  The Union-Recorder unites with their many friends in wishing them a long, prosperous and happy life.

July 22, 1890
Union Recorder.
MARRIED. On Thursday evening last at the residence of Mr. Summers, on Park avenue, Midway, Mr. Charles Shea of this city and Miss Annie Tipton, formerly of Laurens Co. this state. Rev. T. H. Gibson united the happy couple. They are young people who have many attached friends who will be pleased to hear of their prosperity and happiness. We tender them our congratulations and best wishes for long life and a joyous one.

July 27, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
Death and Burial of Mrs. Mack Tucker of Milledgeville. Milledgeville, July 26. - (Special) Mrs. Mack Tucker, one of the oldest and most highly respected ladies of Baldwin county, died at her home near this city yesterday and was buried from the Presbyterian church, of which she was a devoted member, this morning at 11 o'clock. At one time Mrs. Tucker was decidedly one of the wealthiest persons living in the county, but, like thousands of others, was ruined by the war. She leaves a husband and several children, besides scores of dear friends to mourn her loss. She died of consumption.

August 2, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, Aug. 1 (Special) News reached the city to-day of the death of Dr. J. W. Butts of the eastern part of the county. The doctor was one of the best known citizens of the county, and one of its best farmers. He was a gallant soldier in the late war, in which he lost a leg. He died very suddenly of apoplexy.

August 3, 1890
Atlanta  Constitution
Captain Wallace Butts, the Veteran Commander of the Baldwin Blues
   Friends in this city have been informed of the death of Captain Wallace Butts, the veteran commander of the Baldwin Blues.
   This piece of news will cause general sadness among those who fought with Captain Butts, in the Fourth Georgia regiment, during the troublesome days of the late war.
   Captain Butts left his home in Milledgeville as a boy, and went as a private, with the Blues, and in many a hard fought battle he was one of the bravest of the brave.
   Twice wounded, he left a leg and one of his hands on the battle field, but undaunted he stood by his colors, finally being promoted for distinguished bravery to the captaincy of the Blues, which post he filled with honor and credit to himself and his gallant company he commanded.
  After the war Captain Butts studied the  profession of medicine and practiced for several years with success in his native county.
 He leaves a family and a host of friends in Milledgeville, who join in paying tribute to the memory of the veteran soldier, whose life was so full of noble deeds.

August 5, 1890
Death of Mrs. Chesley Bloodworth.Mrs. Martha Bloodworth, wife of our esteemed fellow-citizen, Mr. Chesley Bloodworth, died at their home in this county, on Tuesday last, 29th ult. She was sixty-three years of age. She leaves a sorrowing husband and a large number of children and grand child to mourn their loss. She was greatly beloved by her neighbors, who will long cherish the memory of her kind acts, and the hospitality of her home. She was buried at old Salem Church on Wednesday last, Rev. A. Patterson officiating. The Union-Recorder extends to husband, children and friends its warmest sympathy in the sad bereavement.

August 13, 1890
Atlanta  Constitution
  While little Willie Brown, a Baldwin county boy, was swimming in the river a few days ago, he was seized by an itching pain, which exhausted him immediately, and had it not been for his playmates present he would have drowned. After coming out of the water his arms and body commenced to swell until they presented an inhuman appearance. Physicians were summoned, who were at a loss to know the cause of the boy's peculiar condition, but thought that he in some way came in contact with something poisonous. The sufferer continued to grow worse until death delivered him of his pains, which were very severe.

August 17, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
FOR MANY YEARS - Rev. J. W. Burke leaves this morning for Stevens' Pottery, in Baldwin county, and will conduct services at the church at that place today. With occasional intermissions, Mr. Burke has preached once a month at Stevens' Pottery for over thirty years past.

August 26, 1890
Union Recorder
An Old Citizen Passes Away
  Mr. Malachi H. Trapp died last Friday morning at 1 o'clock at the residence of his brother, Mr. Rob't W. Trapp, in this county. He was in the 73rd year of his age. He was a native of this county, and spent most of his long life in this community. He was a quiet and unobtrusive man, and enjoyed the friendship of all his acquaintances. His death was cause from Dyspepsia from which he had been a sufferer for many years. His funeral too place last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at Hopewell church.

September 1, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville.   Mr  Willie Mansfield, formerly of this city, but now of Macon, was united in marriage to MissSusie Hambrick of Midway, in the public parlors of the asylum on Thursday night at 8 o'clock, the Rev. T. H. Gibson officiating. The happy couple will make Macon their future home.

September 1, 1890
Atlanta  Constitution
The new dynamo, steam engine and boiler for increasing an addition to the Milledgeville Electric Light Company, have arrived in this city and will be speedily put in position on the company's new lot. Milledgeville will have plenty of lights and will be one of the best lighted cities in the south.

September 3, 1890
The Weekly Telegraph
DIED, In Baldwin county, Mr. J. T. Temple

September 20, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
Three Hundred Acre Farm for Sale.   The finest farm in Baldwin county, being a portion of the James Ivey estate, located just seven miles west of Milledgeville and two miles north of Stevens Pottery, on the Milledgeville and Eatonton railroad. The place has a two story residence of six rooms and all necessary out houses. The best water in the world, both springs and wells. Titles good-been in the family over fifty years. Address IVEY BROS., Macon, Ga.

October 4, 1890
The Macon Telegraph
AN OLD NEGRO DROWNED. He Loses His Life Trying to Rescue His Cattle.
  Milledgeville, Oct. 8 (Special) An accident happened on the Oconee river about six miles below this city today which cost Jack Downing, a good old colored man, his life.
  Jack was trying to cross a usually small stream, tributary to the Oconee, which was much swollen by the recent rains, to rescue a lot of cattle from a flooded pasture. In some way he was thrown from his mule and drowned. The mule was rescued safely.
  At last accounts the body had not been recovered, but efforts were being made to drag the stream for it.

October 7, 1890
Union Recorder
  On Monday night, September 29th, Dick Betton, the barber, died, after a brief illness of pneumonia. He was born in this city, and for nearly fifty years had been a familiar figure on our streets and in the barber shops of this place. He was a son of Bob Betton, who in the forties kept a barber shop and restaurant where now stands the Treanor building, on Hancock street. Bob Betton had a large family of children, all whom drifted away to other places, except Dick who has never been absent from the city more that few months at one time. At the beginning of the war he went to Virginia with one of our military companies, but did not remain long. The day he got back to his old home was one of the happiest of his life. Here, amid many vicissitudes, he continued to live with undiminished affection for his native town until death. He was an old time negro and always respectful to white folks, among who he had many friends. He was regarded as "one of the old reliables." If he did not possess the polish of some of the latter day freedman he was free from insolence. He had dropped suddenly from the busy scenes of our old town where he was no mean actor, and he is missed and his departure regretted by all our people. We sadly contribute these lines to his memory..

October 14, 1890
Union Recorder
   Mr. T. F. Smith, of this county, died Sept. 15th, 1890 after a lingering illness of nine years.

October 27, 1890
Macon Telegraph
KILLED AT A FESTIVAL. Fatal Row at a Negro Church Fair Near Milledgeville.
  Milledgeville, Oct. 6 [Special] - At a negro church festival at J. T. Miller's place, about seven miles from here last night, the participants engaged in a general row which resulted in Willis Reeves being clubbed to death. It is said that this is the third killing that has occurred at similar entertainments held at this same place in the last few months No arrests have been made for the killing of Reeves.

November 4, 1890
Union Recorder
excerpt~TREANOR-TURK.  On last Tuesday night at the residence of Mayor P. J. Cline, were solemnly celebrated the nuptials of Mr. Terry Treanor and Miss Lucia Turk, both of these city. The marriage was private, only the relatives of the contracting parties being present....The beautiful and impressive ceremony of  the Catholic church was gracefully pronounced by Father Kennedy...
 Mr. Treanor is a young man of sterling worth, and  as the junior member of the popular firm of Hall & Treanor, he is making his  making his mark in the business world...
    Mr. and Mrs. Treanor will reside in a pretty Green street cottage.

November 8, 1890
The Augusta Chronicle
Mr. Joe H. Nisbet, the able editor of the "Milledgeville Chronicle, and for a long time connected with the Union and Recorder, is very ill at his home in Milledgeville. Mr. Nisbet has done good work for the newspapers of this town, and we hope to see him soon at his desk writing editorials.

December 2, 1890
The Augusta Chronicle
Valuable Property For Sale. Probably one of the best opportunities for investments that has been offered in a long time is the Stevens Pottery. This property is in Baldwin County, comprises some twenty-six hundred acres of land, which is a complete arrangement for the manufacture of pipes of all kinds, also stock, forage, and a  storehouse full of goods. Read the terms of sale, which will take place the first Tuesday in January 1891. This is certainly an opportunity which is not often presented. Purchasers are invited to examine and inspect the property.

December 23, 1890
Union Recorder
MARRIED - In Mosleyville on the 14th by Rev. T. H. Gibson, Mr. J. R. Hubbard to Miss Lena Woodword.

January 3, 1891
The Augusta Chronicle
Valuable Property For Sale. Surviving Partners' Sale of Stevens' Pottery
Georgia-Baldwin County- Will be sold before the court house door, in the city of Milledgeville, and said state and county, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY,  1891, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the entire plant known as STEVENS' POTTERY, in said county, consisting of twenty-six hundred acres of land, more or less, on which there is a sewer pipe, fire brick and stoneware of all descriptions plants complete, and all modern conveniences necessary for the production of the above articles or goods. Eleven mules, 1 horse, 1 bull, 800 bushels of corn, more or less; 7000 pounds of fodder, more or less; 1 store house and mixed stock of goods, notes and accounts- good and bad, amounting to $10,000; lease of 30 convicts with various terms to serve, 1 grist or custom mill complete, dwelling, tenant and outhouses of every description, ample and complete; In fact, everything for the successful working of this valuable plant and property is now on it, and will be sold in a lump and entire. The Milledgeville and Gordon railroad runs through this property, and there is not a more healthy location in the state; sold for the purpose of division between the surviving partners and the legatees of Wm. Stevens, the deceased partner. Purchasers are invited to examine and inspect the property. Terms of sale cash.
W.C. & J. H. STEVENS. Surviving Partners of Stevens Bros. & Co. This 1st day of Dec. 1890.

February 2, 1891
Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, Feb 2. Pleasant Ennis died at his home in that county, Saturday. Mr. Ennis is one of Baldwin's oldest and best citizens, was a gallant soldier in the late war and was universally liked.

February 3, 1891
Union Recorder
Mrs. Emma Youngblood, wife of Jas. M. Youngblood, died at the Asylum on last Thursday night. The funeral took place from their residence at Midway on Saturday morning, Rev. J. D. Chapman officiating, and the remains brought to this city for burial. We extend our sympathy to the afflicted young husband.

February 10, 1891
Union Recorder
MARRIED - At Stevens' Pottery on the 8th day of January, 1891, Mr. Walter Ethridge, of Jones county, to Miss Emma Mansfield, of Baldwin county, W. R. Fenn, officiating.

March 10, 1891
Union Recorder
Meriwether., Ga. March 6, 1891.  Old Aunt Mary Redding, on Dr. Jones' place was burned so severely last week that she died.

February 17, 1891
Union Recorder
   Mr. James Humphries, died on the 5th inst., at his home near Stevens Pottery, of pneumonia. He leaves a wife and several children..

March 20, 1891
Macon Telegraph
Joe Tucker Killed By His Brother-in-Law Who Supposed He Poisoned His Dogs-The Termination of an Old Feud.

Milledgeville, March 19 [Special] Tucker's Ferry, in this county, about eight miles from this city, was the scene of a terrible tragedy this morning, in which Mr. Joe Tucker was shot seven times and killed by his brother-in-law, Mr. Myrick Ennis.
  The gentlemen named have been at outs for a long time and had not spoken.
  This morning several of Ennis' dogs were dying from poison and he supposed that it was the work of Tucker.
  The shooting was done with a Winchester rifle and all the balls took effect in the back and back of the head.
  Coroner Gause has gone to the scene and will return with the remains tonight.
  The affair is greatly regretted by everybody, as both gentlemen had many friends throughout the county. Tucker leaves a wife and several children.
  Ennis has not been arrested yet. It was hard to learn the particulars of the trouble, but as the telegraph office closes its learned that the corner's jury found a verdict of justifiable homicide.

March 31, 1891
Union Recorder
Merriwether, Ga. March 28, 1891. Mr J. E. Myrick's hand, Sam Hall, was found dead in his room yesterday - cause unknown.

March 31, 1891
Union Recorder
  The remains of Mr. Chas. G. Anderson, arrived in this city last Sunday night from San Francisco, where he died on the 19th last. He was 34 years of age, and died of meningitis.
  The funeral will take place at Hopewell church on Wednesday next at 10 o'clock A.M., and the remains will be interred in the family burial ground of his father, Rev. C. B. Anderson, who lives close by the church.

April 7, 1891
Union Recorder
     Last Saturday night, Capt. Geo. H. Pratt arrived on the 10 o'clock train of the Georgia road, from Atlanta, bringing his wife to the Asylum. Mrs. Pratt is not only very crazy, but entirely helpless, her lower limbs being paralyzed. She is a daughter of Mrs. A. I. Butts of this city. The sorrowful mother met them at the depot. Mrs. Pratt was placed in a carriage upon the mattress on which she had been brought from Atlanta, and accompanied by Mr. P. W. Brown, proceeded to the Asylum. Capt. Pratt followed in a buggy furnished by Mr. P.W. Pooser (?), who kindly accompanied him. Mr. Pooser observed that Capt. Pratt was somewhat stupid and not quite himself on the way. He, however, delivered the proper papers and made the necessary statement to the officers of the Asylum. On returning to the city, Mr. Pooser carried him to the residence of Mr. A. I. Butts, where he was to spend the night. He descended from the buggy and entered the house, it then being about one o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Butts invited him into their room where a good fire was burning. He complained of being tired and cold, and was very despondent, lamenting the fate of his wife. After getting warm he was urged to retire. He said he believed he would take a little toddy first. He went to his room and returning took a dose of something, and still remained by the fire and continued to talk until he fell asleep. Mr. Butts aroused him and he went to his room, it then being about three o'clock. A few minutes later Mr. Butts went to his room and found him in bed asleep.
     In the morning a negro boy wa sent to his room to make a fire. When he came out he said Mr. Pratt was crying in his sleep. Mr. Butts went to his room and tried to arouse him. He opened his eyes and looked about but could not, or did not, speak. Dr. Robinson was sent for, who paid him a visit and giving some directions, said he had a call in the country and would come back again when he returned. Capt. Pratt continned (sp) in  a comatose condition until about 11:30 o'clock when he had a spasm and died. During the morning the neighbors came in and assisted Mr. and Mrs. Butts in doing all that could be done for the unfortunate man.
  After his death a suspicion arose that possibly he had poisoned himself. His valise was searched and an empty morphine bottle was found, also a bottle of morphine that had not been opened. Coroner Gause was sent for, and an inquest was held. The verdict of the jury was,  "Came to his death by an overdose of morphine."
   It is not thought the morphine was taken with the intention of committing suicide.
Capt. George Henry Pratt is a native of Bridgeport, Conn., and is about 50 years of age. He went to Macon soon after the close of the war, where he held some office under the U. S. government. There he married Miss Ada Hutchings, a daughter of the present Mrs. A. I. Butts. About ten years ago he moved to Atlanta. At the time of his death he was an auctioneer for an Atlanta house. For some months past the condition of his wife required his almost constant attention and he suffered greatly on account of loss of sleep. It was decided that the best thing that could be done for her was to bring her to the Asylum.
   Capt. and Mrs. Pratt have two children, Mrs. J. E. Latham, of Richland, Ga., and Miss Jessie R. Pratt, who was left in Atlanta, and to whom her father expected to return on Sunday.
   The funeral of Capt. Pratt took place from the residence of Mr. Butts at 8 o'clock p.m. yesterday, Rev. J. M. White officiating., He was buried in the city cemetery.

June 24, 1891
Atlanta Constitution
THE STORM IN BALDWIN. Fatal Work of the Lightning Near Milledgeville
Milledgeville, Ga, June 23 (Special) During the great rainstorm here yesterday, there was considerable wind and lightning, but not until morning was it learned that there were fatalities connected with it.
  The reports brought to the city this morning indicate that the damage was greater in the southern part of the county than elsewhere.
  Mr. Charles Finney, near Stevens' pottery, was riding his horse from his field, when a lightning bolt killed both rider and horse. Lightning struck a horse at Warren Edwards's place and killed it, while it is reported that cattle in different parts of the county were killed by lightning. A corner of the Male Convalescent building at the asylum was knocked off by a bolt, but none of the inmates felt any severe shock.
  The storm was severe and the electric current shattered trees in every direction and considerable damage was done to crops.

July 7, 1891
Atlanta Constitution
DROWNED WHILE FISHING. A Milledgeville Boy Begs His Brother Not to Try to Save Him.
Milledgeville, Ga July 6 (Special) YoungHenry Brooks, second son of Mr. W.S. Brooks, of this city, was drowned in a branch this evening while fishing.
   Henry and his older brother were fishing with dip nets from a log running across the stream when Henry lost his balance and fell in the water fifteen feet in depth. His brother, who was also unable to swim, started to go in after him, but the drowning lad begged him not to do so, saying that he was drowning and both would sink together if he attempted to save him.
  Henry was thirteen years old and was an unusually bright boy.

July 21, 1891
Union Recorder
Death of Mrs. M. W. Hall. Mrs. Lula Rockwell Hall, wife of M. W. Hall, Esq., died in this city last Tuesday morning, after an illness of several weeks. She leaves a husband and two small children to mourn their irreparable loss.
  The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. M. White of the Methodist church on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
  The following members of the local bar and brothers attorneys of Mr. M. W. Hall acted as pall bearers: Judge D. B. Sanford, C. P. Crawford, Judge John T. Allen, Rufus W. Roberts, Jos. E. Pottle and Capt. J. D. Howard.

July 21, 1891
Union Recorder
  ~excerpt~ The death of Mrs. Fannie Bayne, wife of Mr. E. A. Bayne, which occured at their home on South Wayne street, in this city, last Saturday morning, at 5 o'clock, cast a gloom over our city. She had been sick with fever about two weeks, but was not regarded as seriously ill until the day before her death. Her sister, Miss Leone Bonner, also sick with the fever in the same house, was thought to be in a more critical condition.
    Owing to the serious illness of Miss Leone, the body of Mrs. Bayne was quietly removed to the residence of Capt. Jacob Caraker, Saturday morning, soon after her death.
  Mrs. Bayne's funeral took place from the Methodist church on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, her pastor, Rev. J. M. White, officiating.....leaves a heart-broken husband, a little son, about eleven years of age, and a young sister...Many relatives and friends from this and Jones county attended the funeral.
   pall-bearers: Messrs. D. B. Sanford, Adolph Joseph, W. T. Conn, J. N. Moore, T. F. Newell, J. J. Wootten, E. P. Gibson and Henry Goodman.

August 4, 1891
Union Recorder
    DIED. - Miss Lizzie Garrett, of Hancock county, died at the home of her nephew, Mr. Akridge near the Asylum on last Sunday night. She was about 70 years of age. Her remains were carried to Hancock county for burial.

August 25, 1891
Union Recorder
Mrs. Smith, the mother of the late Mr. A. C. Smith and of Mrs. Thos. Pittman died last Saturday morning at the home of Mr. Pittman near the asylum. She was eighty-four years of age-an excellent Christian woman, having been a member of the Methodist church for more than forty years. Her funeral took place from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Pittman, on Sunday morning, Rev. J. M. White officiating. Her remains were buried in the city cemetery.

September 1, 1891
Union Recorder
  A colored child, four months old, son of Sol and Nellie Battle, was accidently smothered to death last Friday night, by the mother rolling over on it in her sleep. This family leves near Hopewell church. An inquest was held Saturday by Coroner Gause.

September 23, 1891
The Macon Telegraph
A LOSS TO THE TOWN.Milledgeville, Sept. 22 (Special) The death of Mr. Thomas Blake last week removed from this city a good citizen and a gallant old Confederate soldier.
  Mr. Blake was about 56 years of age, and has been in declining health since the ware, where the exposure shattered his nervous system. At one time he was a prisoner at Rock Island, and on the petition of a Northern brother was released and furnished with a "blue uniform." After his refusal to put it on, he was again imprisoned and remained so until the end. This was evidence of his faithfulness to the lost cause.
  Mr. Blake entered business at Macon after the close of the war, but his bad health forced him to discontinue, and he removed to this county where he had relatives. About five years ago he was stricken with paralysis and had remained under the careful treatment of his sister, Mrs. Henry Perry, until his death. He was a good man and a brave soldier.

October 13, 1891
Union Recorder
A Frightful Accident. A horrible accident occurred at the gin of Mr. J. B. Chandler in the eastern part of this county, early last Saturday morning. The engineer, Abram Holsey, colored, was caught in the shafting, and seriously if not fatally injured. While reaching for a spade his apron was caught and he was pulled into the shafting-both legs were broken and he was horribly bruised. A physician was immediately summoned and everything possible done to relieve the sufferer.
   After great suffering he died Monday morning. Mr. Chandler says he worked for him eighteen years and he was a careful, faithful, honest man.

December 22, 1891
Union Recorder
Ellen Tucker, who was shot by George Grant at a negro fair held on Saturday night, 12th, inst., died last Wednesday morning. An inquest was held by Coroner Gause. The following evidence given by Jane Shinholser tells the story:
  "I was at the party Saturday night, Crawford Dencely was calling the set for the dance. Ellen was in the room, and George Grant told Crawford to call that set right. Crawford said he could not call any better and for him (George) to call it himself, and George said he had rather call a 38, and just at that time pulled his pistol out and pointed it up towards the top of the house, and Crawford said he did not want any fuss and walked in the other room. Ellen went, too, and then George Grant came in the room and went out the door, saying at the same time that he was going to shoot a damn negro. He pulled the door most shut, and then commenced to shoot. George shot three times and one shot hit Ellen in the stomach."
  The evidence of other witnesses was substantially the same.
   The jury in the case returned the following verdict:
  "We, the jury, find that the deceased, Ellen Tucker, came to her death from a pistol wound from the hands of George Grant, colored, and in our opinion we believe the same to be murder. E. P. LANE, "Foreman."
  Crawford Dencely, who was hot in the arm at the same time, received only a slight flesh wound, and is doing well.
  George Grant is in jail awaiting his trial.
(note: Grant was found guilty in the January trial and sentenced to the penitentiary. A few weeks later he escaped from the jail with 2 others, Charlie Turner and Zack Walker by digging through the wall. )


February 16, 1892
Union Recorder
  On last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. Charles Shea in this city, Mr. Thomas Prosser and Miss Eula Strong were united in marriage -
Rev. A. C. Thomas officiating.

February 23, 1892
Union Recorder
A DOUBLE WEDDING. The Misses Rice Change Their Names to Waller and Moore.
    A double wedding was celebrated yesterday evening at the residence of Mr. J. Rice, about three miles from the city.
   The two daughters  of the house were married by Rev. W. B. Jennings, the ceremony being witnessed ny a large number of relatives and friends of the family, numbering in all over 100 people.
  The contracting parties were Mr. G. A. Waller and Miss Mattie M. Rice and Mr. Wiley M. Moore and Miss Hattie Rice.
  Mr. Waller is a conductor on the East Tennessee Railroad, having his headquarters in Macon, and Mr. Moore, the other fortunate man, is the joint agent of the East Tennesee, Virginia and Georgia, and the Richmond and Danville railroads at Paint Rock, N. C.
  After the ceremony, the guests were entertained at a most exquisitely prepared and sumptuous wedding supper. The decorations of the house and table were as artistic and luxuriant as conservatory and floral artists' skill could make them.
  The marriage festivities lasted up to a late hour.
   Mr. and Mrs. Moore left this morning for their future home at Paint Rock, N. C., and Mr. and Mrs Waller will leave today on a short bridal tour in Florida.-Macon Telegraph, 19th
  Mr. Waller is well known in this city having been a pupil in the M G.M. and A. College a few years ago. The Union-Recorder joins his many friends in wishing him and his fair bride a happy and prosperous life.

February 27, 1892
Union Recorder
MARRIED at Hopewell church at 10 o'clock on Sunday, 24th of January, Mr. Benjamin Anderson and Miss Pearl Denham,
Rev. C. B. Anderson officiating.

March 1, 1892
Union Recorder
Mrs. Sarah Parker died at the residence of her son, Mr. John S. Parker, in this city on last Tuesday morning. She was 72 years of age and had been in feeble health for several yers. About a month ago she came from Augusta to this city to visit her sons. She was a loving mother, a kind friend and a devoted christian. She had been a member of the Baptist church for many years and lived in the enjoyment of a bright hope of a blessed immortality. Her funeral took place from the residence of her son on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. J. D. Chapman officiating. She sleeps the sleep of the just.

March 3, 1892
The Macon Telegraph
CARPENTER-BRANAN. A Macon Gentleman Weds at Stevens Pottery
  Rev. J. W. Burke of this city performed a marriage ceremony yesterday at Stevens Pottery, in which two people well know in Macon participate.
  The groom was Mr. George S. Carpenter, the valued superintendent of the Macon Agricultural Works, and the bride was Mrs. Katie Branan, a well-known lady of Stevens Pottery.
  The many friends of the parties will join in hearty congratulations.
  Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter have returned to Macon, and will reside here in future.

March 16, 1892
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  Milledgeville, March 14 (Special) Miss Lydia Hall, one of the oldest ladies of the  county, died yesterday. She was 87 years old.
  The Assyrian peddler who was shot and robbed by Jim Criswell last week, is improving, and Dr. Robinson, the attending physician, thinks he will recover.

March 29, 1892
Union Recorder
She Was Never Able to Tell Her Assassin's Name.
  A shocking murder and attempt at Robbery occurred near Black Spring, about six miles from Milledgeville, last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Leonard, wife of Rev. S. C. Leonard, was struck several times on the head with an axe and left for dead. Mr. Leonard was absent from home visiting a neighbor. He returned just before dark and found his wife lying on the floor in an insensible condition, near a pool of blood. Dr. O. F. Moran was called, and the alarm given, causing intense excitement throughout the neighborhood. Mrs. Leonard was unable to give any information. Trunks and bureau drawers had been broken open. The object was evidently robbery. Examination showed that Mrs. Leonard had received six or seven wounds on the head, and her arm bruised in trying to ward off the blows.
  Mr. Leonard stated that as he neared his home, he saw a negro man leaving the place, but thought he was the man who cut wood for him occasionally. On entering the house he was horrified to find his wife weltering in her blood. Everything possible was done for Mrs. Leonard, but she never recovered consciousness and expired at 10 o'clock Wednesday night.
  Sheriff C. W. Ennis, who is a nephew of Mrs. Leonard, was notified and repaired promptly to the scene, and used every exertion to trace the fiend to his hiding place. A negro by the name of Lewis Williams was arrested on suspicion and lodged in jail.
  On Thursday morning Coroner Ben Gause proceeded to the residence of Mr. Leonard and summoned a jury, who, after viewing the body and hearing a statement from Mr. Leonard, adjourned until 10 o'clock Monday morning to await further developments.
  Mr. and Mrs. Leonard were an aged couple living in the humble home near Black Spring Baptist church, of which Mr. Leonard is the pastor. Mrs. Leonard was a daughter of the late Charles Ennis, of this county and was 59 years of age, while her husband is between 65 and 70. The lived alone and were greatly beloved and respected.
  Mrs. Leonard was buried at Black Spring, Friday morning Rev. J. D. Chapman of this city conducting the funeral services.
  A negro tramp seen in the neighborhood on the day of the murder was arrested near Haddocks station last Saturday afternoon and brought to this city and lodged in jail. Sheriff Ennis, assisted by a number of men from Black Spring, is hard a work to uncover the foul murder.
  Coroner Gause resumed the investigation of the case yesterday morning at ten  o'clock, at the residence of Rev. Mr. Leonard.
   The following is the verdict of the coroner's jury:
  We, the jury chosen and sworn to enquire into the death of Mrs. Smithy Leonard, who died March 23d, 1892, find that death was caused from wounds made with an axe in he hands of parties unknown to us and we, the jury, pronounce it murder. This March 28th, 1892. J. B. Chandler, Foreman, T. J. Croley, C. H. Babb, J. W. Champion, R. T> Harris, W. F. Howell.

April 3, 1892
Atlanta Constitution
FOUR NECKS SAVED. An Attempted Lynching in Baldwin Frustrated. FOUR GUILTY VILLAINS WANTED
But Sheriff Ennis Moves Quickly and Gets Them Out of the Way of  Their Pursuers
Milledgeville, Ga., April 2 (Special) The quick foresight of Captain Ennis, sheriff of this county, on last night probably saved the necks of four prisoners confined in the county jail.
  A little after midnight a mob of about thirty masked men captured the  night police, disarmed them, placed them under guard and then went to the jail for the supposed purpose of lynching four of the prisoners confined there.
The Great Provocation
  The recent terrible murder of Mrs. Leonard, near this city, coming on the heels of an attempted assassination of an aged peddler near here not long since, supposed to have been done by desperate negroes, has inflamed a considerable element of the people of the county, and has bred a determination among them to break up such tragedies, and that, too, by the swiftest and surest means
  The burning of Sheriff Carnes's (Ennis) mill and gin house some months ago, the subsequent arrest of the incendiary, then his escape from jail, and later his second arrest, which Captain Ennis was fearfully beaten up, have all added to the fire that has steadily burned in the veins of brave, but peaceful people.
The Limit Reached
  Yesterday the Italian peddler arrived in the city and quickly identified the Rev. Griswold as being the negro who shot and robbed him near here. It is supposed, therefore, that Griswold was equally wanted by the mob, and that Jesse James, the negro who burned the mill and gin, and the two supposed murderers of Mrs. Leonard were to be swung as an object lesson to others of their stripe.
  The jail door was broken in and every other effort was made to get the prisoners, but Captain Ennis had been given a warning of the program, and had removed them. It is stated that he had them all chained and locked together under guard in a swamp near here. They were all carried to Macon this evening.  Few men who have suffered from a Negro desperado as had Captain Ennis would have ever lifted a hand to protect them, and in discharging his duty so faithfully he has won commendation from every one.

April 5, 1892
MARRIED: In Baldwin county on the 20th ult. at the residence of the bride's father Mr. R. D. Ivey, Miss Mattie Ivey to \Mr. D. D. Bachelor of Macon, W. R. Fenn J. P. officiating. The attendants were Miss Mary Finney with Mr. Charlie Ivey and Miss
Mary Ivey with Mr. Bob Finney of Macon. They carry with them the best wishes of their many friends to their future home, which is Macon,

April 25, 1892
Atlanta Constitution
Confessed to Arson. Milledgeville, Ga., April 24. (Special) Jesse James, the negro who was arrested some time ago on the charge of arson, made a confession today, implicating three other negroes, one of whom has been arrested. This case has been sensational all the way through, and James's confession settles it, so far as the evidence is concerned.

April 26, 1892
Union Recorder
A NEGRO KILLED. The Coroner's Jury Return A Verdict of Justifiable Shooting.
  Last Wednesday afternoon, about sunset, a negro by the name of Lawson Garrett, was shot and killed by Dr. O. F. Moran. The homicide occurred at Compton's Mills in Baldwin county 8 or 10 miles east of Milledgeville. On Thursday morning Sheriff Ennis and Coroner Gause went to the scene. The Coroner impaneled a jury and proceeded to investigate the case. The facts brought out were as follows:
   A disagreement occurred between Mr. James E. Osborne and Lawson Garrett about rent due the former by the latter. The negro claimed that he ought not and would not pay the rent. Mr. Osborne went into Dr. Moran's store followed by Garrett, who kept up the talk. He asked Dr. Moran if he ought to pay the rent, and the Doctor replied, if he owed it he ought to pay it-more words followed and Garrett took up the knife used in the store for cutting meat, and started toward Mr. Osborne, who drew his pistol and fired two shots at Garrett, one shot striking the knife and knocking it from his hand. The negro continued to advance on him and seized him. They struggled out the door and fell on the ground, the negro on top with Osborne's pistol, which he had taken from him, in his hand turned towards Osborne in the act of shooting when Dr. Moran went out with his shotgun and told the negro not to shoot and to release Osborne. The negro then turned the pistol on Dr. Moran and swore he would kill them both. Dr. Moran then fired shooting the desperate negro in the head killing him instantly.
  Only the three mentioned were present. Some negroes in a field, nearby, heard the shooting and saw the fighting in the yard but could not hear what was said.
  The coroner's jury returned the following verdict:
  We the jury sworn to hold Inquest over the body of Lawson Garrett find that he came to his death by a gun shot would in the hands of O. F. Moran and we believe the same to be justifiable shooting. April 21, 1892. J. W. Stembridge, Foreman, J. F. Butler, Hugh Butler, Thos. E. Pugh, J. T. Carr, E. B. Huff.

May 31, 1892
Union Recorder
  Last Sunday afternoon a shooting occurred between Mr. W. D. Barnes and Mr. Charles Richardson at Lingould's chapel two miles below Scottsboro, which may result in the death of both of these, well known young men.
  On the Sunday before Mr. Barnes's sister was married to Mr. Brewer. It seems that Mr. Richardson was an unsuccessful suitor of the young lady. After her marriage it is reported that he put on crape and mourned her loss, and made remarks that were offensive to her brother. On Sunday afternoon Mr. Barnes sought Mr. Richardson, and finding him at Lingould's chapel, where a Sunday school was being held, called him out. Together the two young men walked away from the church to talk the matter over. Not receiving a satisfactory apology, Mr. Barnes struck Mr. Richardson with a stick, when the latter drew a pistol, which becoming entangled with his handkerchief, enable Mr. Barnes to get out his pistol also. A duel then ensued, in which both men were probably fatally shot. Mr. Barnes was shot twice, one ball entering his shoulder and the other his right side, lodging on his backbone and producing paralysis, while Mr. Richardson was shot in the right side, the ball lodging in the muscle of his back. Seven shots were fired.
  Dr. W. R. Robison, who was called to attend them, pronounces the wounds extremely serious-indeed, there seems to be but little home for Mr. Barnes.
  Mr. Richardson is the second son of the widow Richardson of Scottsboro, and is the business manager for Mrs. F. C. Furnman,
  Mr. Barnes is a son of the late Mr. Geo. Barnes and runs a saw mill near Scottsboro.
  These promising young men were neighbors and friends, and this sad tragedy that covers with gloom and sorrow two worthy families is another result of the ready pistol.

July 19, 1892
Union Recorder
  On Tuesday evening, 12th inst., Mr. Oscar Dunn and Miss Fannie Walker, of this city, were united in marriage. As the proposed union did not meet with favor on the part of parents, the young couple decided to take all responsibility, and proceeded to Baldwin Circuit parsonage, where the silken knot was firmly tied by Rev. J. V. M. Morris.
    The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. Dennis Walker of this city, and is greatly beloved by a large circle of friends for her many admirable qualities.
   The bridegroom is the son of Mr. Augustus Dunn and is a worthy young man. He is an engineer on the Milledgeville & Asylum railroad.
   The Union-Recorder unites with their many friends in wishing them a prosperous and happy journey through life.

Mrs. Rachel Jeffers died in Macon on Monday, 11th. She had been a sufferer from consumption for many years. Her husband, Mr. A. O. Jeffers, died on Friday, the 9th, and was buried in this city on the 10th.
    The remains of Mrs. Jeffers were brought to this city and her funeral took place from the Baptist church on Tuesday, Rev. J. D. Chapman officiating. The bereaved children have the sympathy of many friends in this city.

July 26, 1892
Union Recorder
   Mr. William D. Barnes, died at the residence of his uncle, Mr. W. H. H. Barnes, at Scottsboro, last Thursday night, between 8 and 9 o'clock. It will be remembered that Mr. Barnes was seriously shot in a difficulty with Mr. Charles Richardson on Sunday, May 29th. He lingered in an unconscious condition until death brought relief.
  The funeral services, conducted by Rev. J. D. Chapman, were held at Scottsboro', last Friday afternoon and the remains were buried in our city cemetery. The deceased was a son of the late Mr. George Barnes of this county and was about 23 years of age. He has many relatives and friends who mourn his sad death.

August 2, 1892
Union Recorder
  The commitment trial of Mr. Charles Richardson, charged with the murder of Mr. William D. Barnes, was held at the Court House last Tuesday - Justices Jas. A. Green and G. W. Caraker presiding. A large number of witnesses were examined and the investigation occupied the entire day. After hearing the evidence the prisoner was held for trail and sent to jail. Hon. D. B. Sanford and John T. Allen are th attorneys for Mr. Richardson and Messrs. Roberts & Pottle represented the state. Judge Allen went to Dublin where Judge Jenkins was holding Court and laid the case before him and asked for bail. Judge Jenkins fixed the bond at $2,000. On Friday Mr. Richardson gave the required bond for his appearance before the Superior Court and was released from jail.
(Note: Sep. 13, 1893. In the case of Charles Richardson the grand jury returned "No Bill.")

August 2, 1892
Death of Mr. Chesley Bloodworth
  Mr. Chesley Bloodworth died at his home in this county last Thursday night, at 11:55 o'clock. For two years past he was afflicted with Dropsy, and for the past twelve months was unable to leave his house, and required watchers at night. He bore his affliction with great patience and resignation.
  Mr. Bloodworth was a native of Wilkinson county, but has been a resident of this county for more than 40 years. He was in the seventy-first year of his age, and enjoyed the respect of all who knew him. He was an industrious and successful farmer, a kind neighbor, a loving husband and kind father. He leaves seven children, two sons and five daughters, and twenty one grandchildren to mourn their loss. His wife preceded him to the grave just two years. His children are all married except  one daughter. His children are Robt. W. Bloodworth and Jos. T. Bloodworth, and Mrs. Cleopas Ivey, Mrs. John L. Martin, Mrs. W. A. Torrence, Mrs. James Finney, and Miss Dealphia Bloodworth.
  Mr. Bloodworth was buried at the Salem church cemetery near his residence, last Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. A large number of relatives and friends gathered to pay the last sad tribute of love and respect to his memory.

September 13, 1892
Atlanta Constitution
CRIME NEWS IN BALDWIN. The Work of the Courts - A Shooting Affray Reported
Milledgeville, Ga., September 12 (Special) The case of the state against Robert Collins for killing David L. Reaves sic Rives, last March (January 31) which has attracted wide attention, has been continued to the next term of Baldwin superior court, on account of a technicality drawing the list of grand jurors who found the true bill.
  Charles Turner and Jesse James, who were convicted for and sentenced for life for burning a gin house belonging to Sheriff C. W. Ennis, have made a confession implicating three other negroes. The negroes have been arrested, and will be tried at the present term of court.
News reached here today of the shooting on Saturday night, of Charles Taylor by Mr. Erastus Ennis,in the southern portion of the county. No particulars, but Ennis is said to be justifiable.

September 22, 1892
Atlanta Constitution
He Is Improving. Sandersville, Ga., September 21 (Special) Mr. Charles Taylor, who was shot by Mr. Ras Ennis, near Deep Step, a week ago Saturday evening is improving, and his attending physician, Dr. J. E. Peeler, informs us that he is in a fair way to recover. The pistol balls have not been extracted from his shoulder and wrist.

October 4, 1892
Union Recorder
  Mr. Joseph S. Ethere(i)dge died at this home in the Southern part of this county, near Stevens Pottery, on Sunday, September 25th, 1892. He was stricken with paralysis on Saturday morning, and passed away on the following day.
  Mr. Ethridge was about 70 year sof age. He was a good citizen, a kind neighbor, and an affectionate husband and father. He was a subscriber to the Union-Recorder for nearly forty years and we know him well and a more amiable, kind-hearted man we never knew. He leaves a large family of children, all grown.

October 13, 1892
The Columbus Enquirer-Sun
Milledgeville Union Recorder: Mrs Jane Miller, one of Milledgeville's oldest and best loved ladies, died very suddenly, of apoplexy, on Wednesday morning, 5th instant, at the residence of her brother, Mr. T. T. Windsor, in this city. She was sitting in a rocking chair knitting when she suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, my head," and fell back insensible. She was put to bed and Dr. Robinson sent for. Before the Doctor arrived her spirit had taken its flight. Mrs. Miller was a native of Charleston, S. C., and was in the seventy-fifth year of her age, having been born in 1818. She was the widow of the late Major Stephen F. Miller, author of  "The Bench and Bar of Georgia, " a man of distinguished ability and many admirable qualities of head and heart. Major Miller died about ten years ago. Before her marriage and since the death of her brother, Mrs. Miller has resided with her brother in this city, where she has many warm friends.
(Note: her husband died in Columbus, Ga. in 1873 and is buried in Butler, Ga. ) She is buried in an unmarked grave in Memory Hill Cemetery in Milledgeville)


January 17, 1893
Union Recorder
Baldwin Superior Court. Trial of Robert Collins - The Jury's Verdict, "Not Guilty."
  The case of the State vs Robert Collins, charged with the murder of David Rives, was taken up in the Superior Court last Wednesday morning.
  The killing occurred in the easter part of this county about a year ago, taking place in the public road. Collins used a double-barrel shotgun, loaded with bird shot, shooting Rives twice. Immediately after the shooting Mr. Rives proceeded to the residence of Mr. Crowley and stated that he had been shot by Robert Collins. It was thought Rives was not seriously wounded, but contrary to expectation the wounds proved fatal in a few days.  Collins was arrested and bailed in the sum of $3,000. His case was postponed at the last term of the courts.
  Wednesday morning was consumed in the selection of a jury. The jury was composed as follows: J. E. Stembridge, G. W> Barnes, R. H. Turner, J. B. Fiar, W. D. Kemp, James Barnes, R. L. Holloway, I. T. Miller, R. C. Moore, John Barnes, Emmet Barnes and J. B. O'Quinn.
  Sol. Gen'l H. G. Lewis was assisted in the prosecution by Judge Frank Little and Hon. Seaborn Reese of Sparta, and Messrs. Roberts  & Pottle of this city.
  Messrs. Whitfield & Allen and D. B. Sanford of this city and Robert Lewis and T. M. Hunt of Sparta appeared for the defense.
  The examination of witnesses, a large number having been summoned, began Wednesday afternoon and continued until Thursday afternoon, when the opening speech was made by Hon. Seaborn Reese for the State, followed by T. M. Hunt, Robert Lewis and Robert Whitfield, in the defense. Solicitior General Lewis closed the argument late Friday afternoon and the case was submitted to the jury. Able and powerful speeches wee made on both sides. In three hours the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, greatly to the surprise of the public,
  Robert Collins is a young man not over 21 years of age, the son of highly respected parents. It is to be hoped that his fortunate escape will be a lesson to him and he will prove himself a worthy citizen.

January 24, 1893
Columbus Daily Enquirer
Judge Charles I. Harris, of Macon, died Saturday, a victim of acute dyspepala. He was born in Milledgeville in November 1833, the son of Judge Iverson L. Harris. He was a gallant Confederate, served afterwards as Solicitor-General of the Macon Circuit for two terms, and was judge of the City Court of Macon for eight years.

February 14, 1893
Union Recorder
MARRIED - At the residence of Judge W. H. H. Barnes, in Scottsboro, on Thursday lst, 9th inst., Mr. Walter Hemphill of Moselyville, and Miss Ella Jones, of Milledgeville. The ceremony was quite a youthful one, the groom being 19 and the bride 17 years of age.

March 7, 1893
Union Recorder
Death of an old Citizen. Mrs. W. R. Smith for many years the night watch of the Female Department of the Lunatic Asylum died in Midway Friday morning and was laid to rest in the Midway cemetery Saturday afternoon.
   She attained a ripe old age and up to two years ago met the duties of her arduous position in as zealous and efficient manner as if she had been in the forties instead of the seventies.
  She did her life's work well.
   The funeral service were conducted by Rev. Thos. H. Gibson at the Midway chapel.

March 21, 1893
Union Recorder.
A FIGHT AT SCOTTSBORO. Mr. Charlton Lockhart Receives a Fatal Blow From a Negro
  A difficulty arose yesterday morning between Mr. Charlton Lockhart and a negro by the name of Ben Johnson, in which Mr. Lockhart received a blow on the head from a hoe in the hands of the negro, which it is feared will result in his death.
  Both men drive lumber wagons for Mr. W. H. H. Barnes, at Scottsboro.
  Monday morning they went toa field near the residence of Mr. Barnes to put is some fertilizers. A dispute arose, when the negro, Johnson, struck young Lockhart with a hoe, crushing in the right side of his head. He was taken to the residence of Mr. Barnes and a messenger dispatched for Dr. J. A. Callaway.
  Dr. Callaway informs us that the wound is a very serious one, and in all probability will result fatally.
  The negro was arrrested by Sheriff Ennis and lodged in jail.

April 4, 1893
Union Recorder
CHARLTON LOCKHART DEAD. The Coroner's Jury Return A Verdict of Murder.
  In our last issue we stated that Mr. Charlton Lockhart had received a blow on the head with a hoe in the hands of a negro by the name of Ben Johnson, which would probably result in his death. The difficulty occurred in a field of Mr. W. H. H. Barnes, at Scottsboro, where Messrs. Charlton Lockhart and Clarence Tennille, Ben Johnson and some negro women were engaged in putting in fertilizers.
  The worst fears of the friends of young Lockhart were realized. Drs. Callaway and Allen did everything that could possibly be done for him, but he never regained consciousness and expired Thursday morning at 1:30 o'clock.
  Coroner W. S. Scott summoned a jury as soon as Lockhart's death was announced and investigate the killing. The jury was composed of Messrs. J. C. Whitaker, R. L. Wood, J. H. McComb, A. S. Tennille, A. Cormanni and T. L. Smith.
  Mr. Clarence Tennille and a negro woman were summoned to appear before the jury.
  Mr. Tennille testified that he was in a wagon with Ben Johnson unloading compost. In different parts of the field were Charlton Lockhart and several negro women engaged in scattering compost. Some talk occurred between Lockhard and Tennille about a man who was passing along the road, in which Lockhart used a vulgar expression. Ben Johnson became offended at this language and said Lockhart wouldn't talk that way in the presence of white ladies. Hot words followed.
  Johnson then jumped out of the wagon, picked up a weeding hoe, drew it back and advanced the whole of sixty-five yards with the hoe drawn. When he came within a few feet of Lockhart, who had just been either filling or emptying a basket of compost, the latter stooped over to pick up a hoe that he had been using for scattering purposes, and before he had well straightened himself in a standing posture, the fatal blow was struck, And Lockhart fell in a lifeless heap upon the ground.
  Despite the calling and warning of Mr. Tennille, Lockhart was unable to meet the attack, and received the blow with full force on back of the head just behind the right ear. The blood oozed out in quite a stream from the fractured skull and the hair became in a clotted mass.
  Lockhart was removed immediately to the home of Mr. Harrrison Barnes, and Sheriff Ennis was notified of the crime, and went out and arrested Johnson and placed him in jail.
  The Coroner's jury rendered the following verdict:
  "We, a coroner's jury having been summoned by W. S. Scott, Coroner, to hold an inquest over the remains of Charlton Lockhart, find that he came to his death from a lick in the head, said lick being struck by Ben Johnson with a weeding hoe on March 20, 1893, and fiend the same to be murder. "J. C. WHITAKER, Foreman."
  Mr. Lockhart belongs to a well known and highly respected family. He is the second sn of the late Dr. Lockhart, and his widowed mother is a daughter of the late Daniel R. Tucker of Midway. The mother, two sisters, two brothers, and many friends of the family are bowed down with sorrow at the tragic death of the young man.
  There were strong threats of lynching the negro, but our vigilant Sheriff secreted his prisoner, and carried him to Macon, where he was safely place in jail.
  Baldwin Superior Court meets on the first Monday in July, when Ben Johnson will be put on trial for the horrible crime with which he stands charged.
  The remains of Mr. Lockhart were laid to rest in the cemetery in this city on Thursday afternoon.
See August 15, 1893

April 11, 1893
Union Recorder
JUSTIFIABLE CUTTING, A Husband Kills a Man who was Assaulting his Wife.
  Last Saturday night about eight o'clock Henry Moore cut and killed Malry Andrews, whom he caught assaulting his wife. The parties are colored.
  The story, briefly told, is as follows:
  Henry Moore is an employee of Sheriff Ennis, and went to his residence to collect his wages. Captain Ennis started with the negro down town to get the change to pay him. While passing along McIntosh street, their attention was attracted by blows and the screams of a woman, which emanated from the lot in the rear of the Edwards House. Both men hurried to the place, when Henry Moore recognized the voice of his wife. As they entered the lot, a man who proved to be Malry Andrews attempted to escape and ran around some lumber towards Henry Moore, and Sheriff Ennis called to Henry to catch him. A struggle followed. but the fleeing man escaped and ran across the street, where he was overtaken by Sheriff Ennis, who found that he had been stabbed.
  The wounded man was taken to the office of Dr. Robison, when it was found he was fatally stabbed, He died but a few minuts.
  The woman stated that she was on her way to meet her husband and that she was overtaken by Malry Andrews who pulled her from the sidewalk into the lot, and when she struggled to get away from him he began beating her and tried to throw her down.
  Coroner Scott summoned a jury of 12 good men, who after hearing the evidence of Capt. Ennis and the woman and the statement of the man who did the killing, the verdict of justifiable cutting was rendered. The following gentlemen composed the jury: I. T. Miller, foreman; S. F. Hancock, A. L. Ellison, J. A. Horne, B. Reddick, George White, Warren Edwards, M. F. Davis, B. A. Bass, C. E. Prosser, I. M. Bayne, F. H. Hall.

May 2, 1893
Union Recorder
DROWNED - Wesley Hall, a colored boy about 14 years of age, was drowned in the Oconee river, five or six miles south of Milledgeville, on last Sunday morning. He was employed by his uncle, George Roberson, who is a tenant of Messrs. John, James and George Barnes, who run the Powell plantation. In company with other boys Wesley went to the river Sunday morning, and while attempting to drink water from the stream he fell in and was drowned. His body was recovered and Coroner Scott notified. An inquest was held and a verdict of accidental drowning rendered.

May 2, 1893
Union Recorder
Rev. Simeon C. Leonard, an aged minister of the Baptist church and a worthy citizen, died at the residence of Mr. Thomas Prosser, in this city, at 6 o'clock last Sunday afternoon, after an illness of then days with dysentery.
   Mr. Leonard was a native of this county and his long and useful life of 72 years was spent among this people. He was pastor of the church at Black Springs and other churches in the eastern part of this county for thirty years. For some years past he had been on the retired list preaching occasionally at different churches. He was a plain, unpretending man, but well versed in the scriptures, and an earnest, effective preacher.
   About a year ago his wife was murdered while he was absent from his home, near Black Spring, for a few hours. It is said they were a very devoted couple-having no children their affections were centered in each other. The fearful and mysterious murder of his wife was a sad blow to the old man. Every effort was made to trace and bring to punishment the murderer, but so far without effect.
  For some months past Mr. Leonard had made his home at Mr. Tom Prosser's in this city, Mrs. Prosser being the sister of his wife. His remains were carried to Black Springs for burial, where his funeral took place at 3 o'clock, p.m., yesterday,. Rev. J. V. M. Morris, of Baldwin circuit, officiating.
  The Masonic burial service was also held at the grave, he being a worthy member of that time honored fraternity.

May 5, 1893
Atlanta  Constitution
Death of Mrs. Harris Milledgeville, Ga. May 4 (Special) Mrs. Dr. I. L. Harris, of this city, died suddenly here this morning at 5 o'clock of heart disease. She had complained some during the week, but nothing serious was thought of it. Among the women of the city for healthy appearance, Mrs. Harris stood easy in the lead. She was a virtual picture  of health and her sad death has shocked the community. She was the oldest daughter of Mr. W. H. Burnett, of Sparta. She was married to Dr. Harris seventeen years ago. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn her loss.

June 1, 1893
The Macon Telegraph
Mr. John Callaway Will Marry Miss Annie King
  Mr. John Callaway, accompanied by Mr. Oliver Wilder, his best man, and several other friends, left last night for Stevens' Pottery, where Mr. Callaway will wed Miss Annie King of that place this morning at 8 o'clock.
  The marriage ceremony will be performed at the home of the bride, and shortly after the bridal party will return to Macon, where a sumptuous dinner will be spread at the home of the groom's father.
  Mr. Callaway is a rising young business man of this city, with scores of friends who wish him much happiness. Miss King is a charming young lady of Stevens' Pottery, and is admired by a large circle of friends for her many graces of heart and character.

July 11, 1893
Union Recorder
Married. At Mr. J. H. Branan's, on the afternoon of June 6th, were assembled a crowd of relatives and friends to witness the marriage of Mr. J. O. Cooper, the clever flagman of the Central R.R., and Miss Alice, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Branan, Rev. F. L. Church officiating.
  About half-past four in the afternoon the happy bride and groom, with their train of relatives and friends repaired to the residence of Mr. T. Cooper, the groom's father, where many friends were waiting to welcome the happy young couple, and to greet them with many congratulations, and beautiful presents. After which they were invited into a large dining room, where the table fairly groaned under its load of viands. After all had taken a hearty repast they were entertained with music and song. All seemed to enjoy the occasion very much.

July 19, 1892
Union Recorder
Mrs. Emma Reid died at the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. John B. Wall, in this city, last Wednesday morning. She had been in ill health for some years and came from Macon to this place a few months ago. She was about sixty-three years of age. For man years she was engaged in dress-making in this city, where she is kindly remembered by many friends. She leaves on child - a married daughter, Mrs. Orin Davis. The funeral services were conducted at the residence of Mr. Wall, by the pastor of the Baptist church, Rev. J. D. Chapman, on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock.

August 1, 1893
Union Recorder
  Mr. Joseph Ennis died at the home of his mother, Mrs. Fred Butts, in this city on Friday night last after an illness of about two weeks with fever.
  Mr. Ennis was a quiet, industrious man and a good citizen. He was devoted member of the Baptist church and faithful of all his christian duties. He was about 35 years of age. His remains were buried at the family burial ground of Charles Ennis last Saturday afternoon, Rev. J. D. Chapman officiating.

August 2, 1893
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville's Visitors, Some of Them Not So Welcome as They Might Be - Society Notes.
Milledgeville, Aug. 1 (Special)    Dock Nelson, a poor one-armed negro, who was sentenced to six months in the Penitentiary for chicken stealing, died of heart disease in the city prison last night. The negro was refused by the chain gang authorities on account of ill health and maimed condition, and the county commissioners intended asking Governor for a pardon for him. He was given every comfort in prison and Officer McComb, through sympathy for the poor wretch, carried him delicacies from his own table. He was sentenced on Tuesday, and had suffered with heart trouble since then. (Note: buried in Memory Hill Cemetery, in unmarked grave)
  A delightful reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Armstrong at their home on Wayne street in honor of the Misses Joiner of Atlanta on last night. The large parlor and piazza was filled with a charming circle of young people, and he evening was delightfully spent.
  Quiet an interesting german was given at the home of Mr. C. G. Wilson, on Greene street, last night, and was largely attended by the devotees of the terpsichorean art. The german was led by Mr. Walter Vaughan, and an elegant collation of fruits was furnished the dancers by Mr. H. B. Johnson of this city.
  Miss Loulle Trippe is visiting Beall Springs, and her absence from Mlledgeville creates a big void in the society of the town.
  Mrs. Otis of Altanta, with Mr. Robert and Angella Oaits, have been the guests of Mr. Peter J. Cline, on Greene street. Mrs. Otis and Mr. Robert have returned to the Gate City, but Miss Angella will remain in the city, to the delight of a long list of acquaintances.
  Miss Claude Bond of Savannah, who has been spending the summer in this city and at Beall Springs, will return to Savannah tomorrow. Miss Bond possesses ways so winning and grace so easy that her list of admirers sweeps the whole range of  society wherever she goes.

August 8, 1893
Union Recorder
    Della, the 14 year old daughter of Mr. E. P. Lugand, departed this life last Friday morning after a long illness of fever. She was bright, lovable and dutiful, and her death is a sad blow to her parents. She was amember of the 6th grade of the M. G. M. & A. College. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. D. Chapman, at the Baptist church, last Thursday.

August 13, 1893
Atlanta Constitution
IN A MISTRIAL. The Case of the State Against Upshaw Ended. It Was for Murder.
Milledgeville, Ga, August 12 (Special) Without a doubt the most interesting case that has been before the superior court of Baldwin county in the last decade was ended in a mistrial at 1 o'clock today, after a jury had remained in the jury room since Thursday.
   The case was that of David Upshaw, charged with the murder of Daniel Goodwin at Steven's pottery on May 16th, when the deceased was shot down like a dog and while he piteously begged for mercy another load from a shotgun was emptied in his face and eyes.
  The defendant's plea was that he shot Goodwin because of slander heaped upon his wife and that it was done after he had tried to check Goodwin in his slander by legal redress. Finding that he could get no satisfaction from the law, both being poor men, he warned the deceased not to attack the character of his wife again.

August 15, 1893
Union Recorder
Baldwin Superior Court, The case of the State vs., Ben Johnson (col.) was taken up Tuesday morning. It will be remembered that on the 20th of March, last, while engaged at work in a field of Mr. H. H. Barnes, at Scottsboro, a dispute arose between Mr. Charlton Lockhart and this negro, and that the latter struck Lockhart with a hoe inflicting a wound causing his death. The negro had no counsel and Joseph E. Pottle, Esq., was appointed by Judge Jenkins to defend him. The jury returned a verdict of murder, and recommended that he be imprisoned for life in the penitentiary.

August 15, 1893
Macon Telegraph
Mr.T. T. Windsor, one of the oldest and most honorable citizens of Milledgeville, died this morning at 5 o'clock from some kidney trouble. Mr. Windsor had turned his 77th year and had been as active as any of our citizens until a few weeks ago, when the malady became worse and his decline was rapid. He was for ten years the treasurer of the asylum here, and for nearly forty years had been actively in business of different kinds. He held an important office under Governor Brown just after the war. He resembled the governor very much and was his life long friend. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, a man of high religious feeling, and in his death Milledgeville truly bows with reverence over the close of a life full of good and noble living.

August 16, 1893
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~ Milledgeville, August 15.  John Johnson and Ben Johnson are negro brothers who look so much alike that without a standing acquaintance it is hard to draw a distinction between them. They were both sent to the penitentiary last week for murder and will remain there the balance of their lives if the purpose of the law is carried out. John was the murderer of Tom Glasgow on Mr. Sam Ennis's place eight years ago, while Ben was the slayer of Charlton Lockhart in April.

August 29, 1893
Union Recorder
  Miss Lizzie F. Moran was born in Dec. 22, 1833, and died July 18th 1893. She was the daughter of the late James and Jiney Moran.
  She was a consistent member of the Baptist church, for more than thirty years, and was always found ready to aid in the Master's cause.
  She was a kind neighbor, a true friend, and we can say truthfully a loving mother. The responsibilities of a mother fell on her, she having two families of orphans to care for a the same time, her only sister and sister in law having both been taken from their little ones. She cared for them well, while they were helpless, and as she passed away she provides for each of these orphans an earthy home, which will stand as  a monument to her loving heart.
   How kind, cheerful and consecrated she was. Her presence was a beam of sunshine. She has been called to rest forever with her Savior.
  Let every member of her family resolve to meet her where parting is no more. May grace comfort the sorrowing. C.

September 5, 1893
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Death of Col. M. W. Hall....The death of Minor W. Hall, a young lawyer of acknowledged ability, which occurred last Thursday morning, caused universal regret in this city.
   Mr. Hall became ill about two weeks ago, while on a visit to the home of his brother in law, Mr. Riley, near Brown's Crossing, in this county. The disease baffled the skill of his physician and hurried him to the grave.
  Mr. Hall was a native of Baldwin county and about 29 years of age. He was educated at the Middle Ga. Mil. and Agl. college, studied law and enter upon the practice of his profession in this city. A number of the ex-cadets attended his funeral in a body. Soon after he entered upon the practice of law, he married Miss Lula Rockwell of this city. His wife died about two years ago leaving two small children. It was while visiting his children, at the home of his siser, that he becames fatally ill.
  His remains were brought to this city Thursday night and taken to the residence of Mr. R. H. Wooten. His funeral took place from the Methodist church at 10 o'clock Friday morning. Rev. R. J. Bigham of the Methodist church and Rev. W. D. Brannen of the Presbyterian church officiating......
  The pall-bearers were C. P. Crawford, Robt. Whitfield, John T. Allen, Jos. E. Pottle, D. S. Sanford, C. T. Crawford and C. W. Ennis.......

September 8, 1893
The Macon Telegraph
WEDDING BELLS RANG SWEETLY.  Nuptials at Milledgeville of Dr. Hutchings of New York and Miss Beall Compton. THE CONSTANCY OF LOVE. Termination of an Engagement of Full Ten Years Standing in a Most Happy and Brilliant Marriage Ceremony.
   Milledgeville, Sept. 7 (Special) One of the most brilliant marriages that Milledgeville has seen in the last decade was that at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church last night, in which Miss Beall Compton of this city assumed the name of Dr. Richard H. Hutchings of New York. The beautiful church was elegantly decorated with ferns, vines, etc., and was crowded from end to end with friends of the happy couple. Just before 9 o'clock the bridal party arrived at the church and entered in the following order, while a beautiful wedding march was being played ny Miss Mamie Andrews; Users, Dr. J. T. SMith of Monticello, with Mr. Louis Hall, Messrs. George P. Burdick of Macon and W. F. Walker. Maids of honor were Misses Louly Trippe, Sadie Hall, Lily Scott, Adah Evans, Bessie Lamar and Beualah Wright of Macon.
  The bride entered the church leaning upon the arm of her brother, Mr. Hansell W. Compton of this city. The groom came from the vestry room and the two met within the chancel rail. Rev. Charles Sturgess read the beautiful Episcopal marriage serve and, with a benediction, pronounced them man and wife.
  As soon as the ceremony was concluded the entire bridal party, with the invited guests, gathered at the splendid home of Hon. L. N. Callaway, where an elegant reception was tendered them. The home was decorated with blue flowers and house and yard were lighted by scores of fancy lanterns presenting a scene of dazzling brilliancy. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchings received their friends in the large double patios, and the most prominent society people of the city were there to pay homage to one of the most popular couple that ever joined fortunes in this city. An elegant collection of dainties, - ,  tea,  chocolate and coffee was served, and at 11 o'clock the gathered guests offered sincere benedictions and the brilliant occasion was among the things remembered.
  Miss Compton is a young lady of lovely appearance, fine qualities of mind and charm, and was one of the most prominent of the young women of the city. Dr. Hutchings was a graduate of the military college here and also of a medical school in New York. He is now resident physician in ne of the asylums of the empire state and is a young man of great promise. Their courtship has gone on without interruption for nearly ten years, and the brilliant occasion of last night was a fitting climax to constancy seldom seen in this day of female coquetry and school flirtation.
  They left this evening by way of Macon for New York crowned with a laurel wreath of good wishes woven by admiring friends for queenly woman and chivalrous man.

September 19, 1893
Union Recorder
At Oak Grove Sunday 3 P.M. Mr. Walter Dokes and Miss Ida Mixan (Mixon) were united in marriage by Judge W. H. Barnes. A very large crowd congretated to witness the ceremony.

September 19, 1893
Union Recorder
    Married, at the residence of Mr. Rossee in Midway, Mr. John W. Moye to Miss Cornelia Blount, Rev. T. H. Gibson officiating.

September 26, 1893
Union Recorder
    Mr. John Woodall and Miss Rebecca Leonard were married last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. Davis in the southern portion of ths county, Rev. M. Morris  officiating.

September 25, 1893
Union Recorder
    Mr. L. C. Hall, of this city, and Miss Alice Bybee, of Winchester, Ky., were married at Hotel Monroe,  Chicago, Ill., on the 15th inst. The ceremony was witnessed by a few relatives of the bride.
    Miss Bybee is the youngest daughter of Mr. J. A. Bybee, of Winchester, Ky., and is a young lady endowed with beauty of person and the gifts of womanhood, which earn the admiration of all with whom she becomes acquainted.
  Mr. Hall is one of Milledgeville's most prominent young business men, and is a member of the firm of Hall and Treanor. He is a noble son of a noble sire. He numbers his friends by the score.
  Mr. and Mrs. Hall will arrive in this city Saturday, having spent days with her parents in Winchester. They will receive a cordial reception by their many friends here.

October 15, 1893
Atlanta Constitution
HE STOLE HIS BRIDE. The Sensation a Young Couple Caused in Milledgeville. HARRY TENNILLE AND MISS CARMANI. Decide to Marry, Notwithstanding the Objections of the Girl's Father. The Old Man Gets His Gun.
Milledgeville, Ga, October 15 (Special)
 There was another sensational elopement here today and a double-barreled shotgun played quite and important part in giving color to the sensation.
  On yesterday a young man applied to Ordinary Bell for a marriage license and after the usual questions the license was procured. The young man got the license for a friend, and that friend was Harry Tennille. Miss Sallie Carmani, the great grape grower and a leading citizen of the county. She is a pupil in the college the and a boarder in the city. Her parents live about five miles from town. She is only thirteen years old, but for more than a year Cupid has been weaving an indissoluble cord, binding her to Tennille.
   Today Tennille drove up to her father's house, where she had gone to spend Sunday, with the alleged intention of accompanying her to church. Instead of going to church they drove to a minister's house to have the knot tied. His suspicions aroused and the couple had to go elsewhere.
Chasing the Couple.
  In the meantime the father of the girl got wind of the plot and started on the hunt with a double-barreled shotgun. The groom's father came to the city to inform him of his danger; but neither of the parents could find the fleeing couple. When last heard from they were en route toward Sandersville, vowing that they would cling to each other until death parted them.
  Mr. Carmani is one of the prominent citizens of the county and the affair has caused a sensation here. That the couple have married is positively stated by the livery men here.

October 17, 1893
Union Recorder
   A runaway marriage from Scottsboro occurred last Sunday. The parties were Mr. Clarence Tennille and Miss Cormanni, daughter of Mr. A. Cormanni, aged 15 years. The ceremony was performed by Judge J. B. Chandler.

October 17, 1893
Union Recorder
Mrs. Kate Davis, an aged and poor woman, who lived in the rear of Jerry Cooper's blacksmith shop, died last Friday night.
Mr. J. A. Horne, who lives near by, was very kind to her destitution and sickness., Rev. R. J. Bigham officiated at her burial Saturday afternoon.

October 22, 1893
The Macon Telegraph
Died At His Father's Grave
Milledgeville, Oct. 21 (Special) Come when it will and the death of a friend is always a shock. Yesterday morning Tom Lamar, seemingly in his usual health, went out to the cemetery to cut away the weeds about his father's grave, and there, while paying tribute to the memory of  his father and holding spiritual communion with him, the master came and took him where his converse would be perpetual. Tom Lamar when found was leaning against his father's monument as if resting. His death was from an attack of vertigo, to which of late he has been somewhat subject.
  Tom Lamar was the son of Dr. Thomas B. Lamar, whose palatial residence is near the home of his son, R. N. Lamar. The other brother is Lucius Lamar, the steward of the asylum. Dr. Thomas Lamar was a cousin of Justice L. Q. C. Lamar. Tom Lamar was 41 years of age. He had never married  He was so eminently lovable and sociable in his nature that all Milledgeville mourns his death. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. V. W. Branen and Rev. J. D. Chapman.

October 26, 1893
Atlanta Constitution
And When Mr. Hauft Died They Lost a Friend.
Milledgeville, Ga, October 25 (Special) Mr. Fred Hauft was buried from the Methodist church this afternoon at 6 o'clock. Mr. Hauft was stricken with paralysis two weeks ago and died last night. He was born in Prussia sixty-one years ago. He had been a citizen of the United States forty years. He was a member of the United States army in Texas, then a baker in this city and for thirty years was closely identified with the commerce of this city. He was a man of strict integrity. Today the children of Milledgeville weep because they know they have lost a friend. This is the seventh sudden death in the city in the last two weeks - T. T. Windsor, W. A. Jarrett, W. H. Hall,W. S. McComb, T. B. Lamar, Fred Hauft and little Caraker Dunham.

November 14, 1893
Union Recorder
  Isaac Wright, a  negro man, died last Tuesday night at his home in Sintonville. He returned home from the Asylum, where he had been painting, after dar, and was taken sick. He died at 11 o'clock. Foul play was suspected, and it was thought that poison had been administered by his wife. Coroner Scott held an inquest Wednesday afternoon, and a post mortem examination was made by Dr. J. G. Croley, but no signs of poison were found. The jury decided he came to his death from natural causes.

November 21, 1893
Union Recorder
JEALOUSY LEADS TO MURDER. A Wronged Wife Murdered By Her Husband's Paramour.
    At a colored "fair" held on Mr. Skelton Napier's place in this county last Saturday night, a shocking murder was committed.
  Wild and desperate with green-eyed jealousy, Anna Walker, colored, attackedCreasy Scroggins, (c) with a knife inflicting four wounds, in quick succession, one in each arm, one in the cheek and a stab in the right breast. The latter wound produced death in about twenty five minutes.
  It was said the husband of the murdered woman had taken up with Anna Walker. The wronged wife was not disposed to bear in silence this great wrong, and so Anna silenced her. Anna was about 18 years of age, and the wife 24 years old and the mother of three children. The murderess escaped.
  An inquest was held by Coroner Scott last Sunday, and the jury returned a verdict of "murder."

November 28, 1893
Union Recorder
  On last Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. Geo. Gumm, Mr. James L. Barnes and Miss Eula Brake were united in marriage, Rev. Charles M. Sturges officiating. The attendents were Mr. G. W. Barnes and Miss Mamie Calloway. Mr. Barnes is a popular and successful young farmer and the fair bride is lovely and accomplished. They have the best wishes of many friends. After the ceremony the happy couple repaired to the home of the groom four miles south of Milledgeville.

November 28, 1893
Union Recorder
  Mr. Fleming E. Jones and Miss M. E. Simpson were married last Sunday morning, at the residence of the bride's father in this county, Rev. J. V. M. Morris officiating.

December 12, 1893
Union Recorder
  MARRIED - On Wednesday last Mr. Nathan Stevens and Miss Edler Winters went to the residence of W. R. Fenn, Esq., and asked to be joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. The accommodating justice soon made them man and wife. It was a case of May and December, the groom being sixty years of age and the bridge fourteen.

December 22, 1893
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  Mr. R. A. Stembridge died at 6 o'clock yesterday morning at his home on Elm street, aged 38 years. He leaves a wife and three children. The remains will be taken to Milledgeville today for burial. Mr. Stembridge was a sewing machine agent and had lived in Macon for some time.

December 26, 1893
Union Recorder
     Miss Ann Roberts. a former resident of this city, and a sister of Mr. W. H. Roberts, died in Macon last Friday. Her remains were brought to this city on Saturday and interred in the city cemetery.

December 27, 1893
Columbus Daily Enquirer
SAD DEATH AT MILLEDGEVILLE. The Son of Colonel Richard Malcom Johnston. Savannah, December 26 - A special from Milledgeville, Ga., says" Hon. Malcolm M. Johnston, son of Col. Richard Malcolm Johnston, of Baltimore, died after a very short illness this morning at the residence of his cousin, Sr. Mark Johnston. Mr. Johnston was for a term or two a member of the House of Delegates for Maryland from the county of Baltimore. He will be buried in Sparta, Ga., at the old Johnston burial ground, on the morning of the 28th. Mr. Johnston was recognized as one of the most thorough scholars of the country.


January 9, 1894
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Death of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stembridge.
.. There is a peculiar sadness to the friends behind in death of the above named couple. As husband and wife they had, as it seemed, family entered upon life's duties. God has blessed their home with three bright little boys and while life is always a struggle, still, with love in their hearts for each other, they had do much to make them happy. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Stembridge were strong in body, but that had faith in Christ which was their strength. Just before Christmas Mr. Stembridge was seized with that dreaded disease pneumonia, his body being naturally frail he soon succumbed to its ravages. His remains were brought from Macon, their home, and interred in our cemetery. His wife, with her three little boys, left the grave with said hearts to make a short visit to the family of her brother-in-law, Mr. Frank Bonner. She had not been here but a few days when in her grief she was seized with the same disease as her husband, and her delicate frame all bowed in grief, was an easy prey. She yielded up the spirit and follow her husband to their Savior in glory. He was buried on the 22nd of December, she following him and was laid by his side January 1st. .......

January 15, 1894
Union Recorder
  Dr. J. G. Croley left last Saturday for Montgomery, Ala, where he will be united in marriage to Miss Sallie S. Davant,today. They will make a short visit to New Orleans.

January 23, 1894
Union Recorder
  Prof. C. W. Moran and Miss E. V. Pound were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, in Putnam county last Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Carswell officiating.
  Mr. and Mrs. Moran are well know in this city, being grauates of the M. G. M. & A. College..attended the marriage Misses Bessie Moran and Susie Pound, and Mr. J. D. Wall and Drs. O. F. Moran, and T. M. Hall.

January 23, 1894
Union Recorder
MARRIED - At Hopewell Church in Baldwin county, Ga., Nov. 6th, 1892, Mr. D. E. Kibbee and Mrs. Nora Cone, Rev. C. B. Anderson officiating.
  The above marriage occurred, more than fourteen months ago, and was kept a profound secret until a few days ago.

January 30, 1894
Atlanta Constitution
DISCLOSED BY DEATH. Colonel Fair Had Been Concealed by His Family for Years.
Milledgeville, Ga.. January 29. (Special) The announcement of the death of Mr. Thomas Fair last night was quite a surprise and every one was asking the question, "Where did he come from?" On August 15, 1874, Mr. Fair became involved in a dispute with Mr. Oliver Ellison, which resulted in the death of the latter, and since that day there has been an indictment for murder hanging over him. Mr. Ellison's relatives have been endeavoring to locate his hiding place. Futile would be the effort to picture their surprise when it was learned that he had been right in the heart of  Milledgeville for thirteen years, without allowing citizens of this place, except his immediate family, ever to see him. Mr. Fair served in the civil war in the Ninth regiment and bore to the grave scars received in defense of the south. He was buried in the cemetery this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
  Ellison was killed twenty years ago in the southwestern portion of the city. Fair was jealous of Ellison and stabbed him about a woman. Ellison started to return to the business portion of the city, be fell in the street where he was found and carried to his house. He was dead in a few hours. Fair., unwilling to cause his family grief which his trail would bring on them, immediately left for parts unknown. Every effort was made to located him, but to no avail. His whereabouts since that time have been unknown. It is said he went to a swamp near this city where he spent seven years, but returned to this city about thirteen years ago. Since that time he has been hiding in the home of his brothers, very near the center of the city. It is impossible to learn the full particulars as his family is very reticent on the subject. Fair was the oldest son of Colonel Peter Fair and was about sixty-nine years of age. He has four brothers who now reside here.

February 4, 1894
Union Recorder
  The Baptist church in this city, last Wednesday afternoon, was the scene of a beautiful and impressive ceremony, which united the lives of Dr. E. A. Cason, of Jewells, Ga. and Miss Lillie Scott of this city.
  The ushers were Dr. H. A. Callaway, Dr. T. M. Hall, Mr. Bunvan Cason and J. B. Cody.
   The attendants were Miss Minnie Scott, maid of honor; Mrs. Randolph Wright, Misses Bessie Lamar, Annnie Barkesdale, Louly Trippe, Adella Barkesdale, Roxie Mapp and Addie Cook.
   The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Scott, and is one of Milledgeville's most popular young ladies. She is endowed with those womanly qualities which win friends.
  Dr. Cason is a prominent young physician of Jewell's Ga., and has many friends in this city.

February 27, 1894
Union Recorder
  Married in Cooperville on the 22nd at the residence of Mr. I. C. West, Mr. J. O. Etheridge and Miss Lillie A. West, W. R. Fenn officiating. After the ceremony Mr. Ethridge and his lovely bride, accompanied by a number of friends left for the home of his father, Mr. J. I. Etheridge. They have the best wishes of many friends.

March 6, 1894
Union Recorder
  At the residence of Mr. W. C. Patterson, on Wednesday evening at 3:30 o'clock, Mr. H. N. Torrence and Miss Ola Patterson were united in holy matrimony, Rev. C. R. Spivey performing the ceremony in a very impressive and appropriate manner. After which a bountiful feast was spread, in which all who were fortunate enough to receive invitations, took an active part. Miss Ola, the beautiful bride, was charmingly attired in a light gray cashmere, and never looked lovelier. Mr. Torrence, the happy groom is a young man of sterling worth, and well able to provide for the fair young bride he has won. The attendants were Miss Effie Cooper and Mr. Bob Bloodworth, Miss Laura Etheridge and Mr. Ben Finney, of Milledgeville..

April 10, 1894
Union Recorder
  Mr. Felix Woodall died at his home near Stevens Pottery last Wednesday. Some months ago he had a fall, breaking an arm, from which he had not altogether recovered when he was prostrated by illness which ended his life. He is one of Baldwin County's Confederate Veterans, having served in the company of Capt. Charles A. Conn. He leaves a wife and several children, and many friends to mourn their loss. He was laid to rest in Chambers burial ground on Friday.

April 10, 1894
Union Recorder
Will Raiford, colored, died suddenly last Sunday morning. About a week ago he stuck a splinter in his hand while climbing into the loft of Mr. Pound's stable. His death was caused by lock jaw, which resulted from this slight accident.

July 10, 1894
Union Recorder
  Died at the home of Mr. R. W. Trapp on Saturday, June 30th, Miss Salatha Louisa Woodall, in the 56th year of her age. She was the daughter of Mr. Isaac Woodall, and step daughter of Mr. Trapp. She had been in ill health for a long time.

August 3, 1894
Atlanta Constitution
Lemma Stevens, of Stevens Pottery, is visiting friends at 72 Walton Street.

August 7, 1894
Union Recorder
Mrs. Eliza Prosser, the venerable mother of Mr. C. E. Prosser, died at the home of her son in this city last Tuesday morning. SHe was over eighty-five years of age and had been in feeble health for a long time. About three o'clock in the morning she arose from bed and in some way unknown fell from the window of her room. The noise awakened some member of the family and Mr. Prosser went immediately to her assistance. Although the fall was not very high the shock was so great that death followed in an hour or two.
  Mrs. Prosser was a member of the Baptist church, and the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Dr. J. D. Chapman.
   Her remains were interred at the family burial grounds 14 miles east of this city.
  Eliza L. Johnson was born in Warren county Nov. 18, 1808 and was removed to Baldwin county in 1810. On the 14th of February 1828 she married Wm. Prosser, whom she survived many years. In 1887 she came to Milledgeville as a member of the family of her son Mr. C. E. Prosser. In 1888 she joined the Baptist church since which with waning powers she has awaited the inevitable hour. Her death came July 31st, and on the 2nd of August her remains were interred at the old homestead in Salem district. THis long expected blow came grievously indeed, but to hearts that mourn not as one with hope.

September 18, 1894
Union Recorder
A SAD HOMICIDE. Mr. Robt. H. Miller Shoots And Kills F. A. Faulkner, Sr.
  Mr. F. A. Faulkner, Sr., was shot and killed by Mr. R. H. Miller, at Mosleyville, near the Asylum, between 8 and 9 o'clock last Wednesday morning.
  Dr. W. R. Robison was summoned, shortly after the shooting. He found Mr. Faulkner shot in the right side. He pronounced the wound fatal and told him that he would live only a short time. He lingered until 11 o'clock, when he died.
  Coroner W. S. Scott was notified and held an inquest. The following are the facts as gathered from the testimony of Mr. F A. Faulkner, Jr. About three years ago Mr. Faulkner bought some land of Mr. Miller. A roadway was reserved through the land to Mr. Miller's place on the river. Some time ago Mr. Miller transferred his property to Mrs. Miller. This, Faulkner claimed, cancelled the agreement of the roadway, and he locked the gate. Last Wednesday morning Mr. Miller, with three negroes began clearing and grading a new road through the land. Mr. F. A. Faulkner, Jr., hearing the noise ordered the negroes to stop. At this time, Mr. Faulkner, Sr., who was cutting wood near by, came up with his axe on his shoulder. Mr. Miller threw up his gun and told him not to advance, and to leave there. Mr. Faulkner left and went to the home of Mr. Gus Bumbertel to get a gun. He was followed by Mr. Miller who shot him while in the house. A gun was found near Mr. Faulkner. The Coroner's jury decided that it was murder,
   Mr. Miller claims that after the fuss in the woods, he started for his home, and was compelled to go by the house where Faulkner had gone to get a gun. He hoped to pass before Faulkner came out, but as he approached the house Faulkner was at the basement door, with the gun cocked and leveled at him. He realized that his life was in danger, and he shot immediately. He says he will have witnesses, who for some cause, were not examined at the coroner's  inquest, that will corroborate his statement.
  The facts of the case will be brought out at the trial.
  mr. Faulkner's remains were laid to rest in the city cemetery, Thursday afternoon, Rev. D. W. Brannen officiating.
  Mr. Faulkner was over 70 years of age, and came to this county from Jones about four years ago.
  Mr. Miller surrendered himself to Sheriff Ennis, and is now in the county jail.

September 25, 1894
Union Recorder
  The Commitment Trial of Mr. Robert Miller was held by Justice Green last Thursday afternoon. He was bound over to await trial at the spring term of Baldwin Superior Court. His bond was placed at $1,500 for voluntary manslaughter.

October 18, 1894
Columbus Daily Enquirer
Death of Mrs. Holt - At 7 o'clock yesterday morning Mrs. Sarah A. C. Holt died at her home in Wynnton, after a short illness.
   The deceased was seventy-four years of age, and has resided in this city since her eighth year, when her family moved her from Hancock county. She was the wife of Colonel Hines Holt, a member of the first constitutional convention of Georgia, held at Milledgeville just after the war, and died, at that place, while the convention was still in session.
  Mrs. Holt was a member of St. Luke's church, and a most highly esteemed lady, and came of a very prominent family. Five children survive her - Misses Mattie E., Helen O. and Nina F., Mrs. William Redd, Jr. and Mr. Hines Holt all of this city.
  The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the home in Wynnton and the following gentlemen will act as pall bearers:
  Messrs. Thomas Gilbert, W. H. Blankenship, James L. Willis, Albert Shepherd, C. B. Grimes, Soule Redd, S. M. Dixon and Charles K. Redd.

October 23, 1894
Atlanta Constitution
Macon, Ga, October 22 (Special)  Mrs. Sarah Caroline Jemison, mother of Colonel R. W. Jemison, and one of the oldest and most beloved women in Georgia, died at her home in Vineville at 11:30 o'clock this morning of paralysis. She had a severe stroke a year ago, from which she never recovered. She leaves only two children, R. W. Jemison, of Macon, and Owen Jemison, of New York city. Mrs. Jemison was seventy-two years of age, having been born in Milledgeville in 1822. She was the daughter of the late B.P. Stubbs and Eliza Stubbs, one of the most widely known and influential families in middle Georgia. Her remains will be taken to Milledgeville for interment in the morning.

November 6, 1894
Union Recorder
A Happy Marriage.
  Mr. J. O. Barnes and Miss Fannie Driskill were married at the home of the bride's mother, at Stanfordville at 10 o'clock last Wednesday, the Rev. Mr. Edwards officiating. The maid of honor was Miss Annie Jean Newton, and Mr. Ed Barnes the best man. After the ceremony they witness the marriage of Miss Anna Odum, a cousin of the bride, to Mr. William Bradley. A magnificent dinner was served.
  Mr. Barnes is an ex cadet of the M.G. M. & A. College, and is now one of Baldwin's most prosperous young farmers.
  The bride is one of Putnam's most lovely young ladies, and has every qualification to make a loving and devoted wife.
  The Union Recorder joins their many friends in best wishes.

November 6, 1894
Union Recorder
  Mr. Stokes Hillsman, of Macon, and Miss Mattie Myrick, of Meriwether, this county, were united in marriage at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, Oct. 31st, at Bethel Church.
  The church, which had been tastefully decorated with smilax, ferns and chrysanthemums, was crowded with friends of the young bride. As the bridal party grouped around the altar, and Rev. J. V. M. Morris performed the ceremony, a beautiful and impressive scene was presented.
  The bride's maids were Misses Zilla Hawkins, Fannie Elam, Bertie Lane and Adela Barksdale. Miss Sallie Myrick the maid of honor.
   The bride looked lovely in a white silk. The maids were attired in white organdies.
  The groom's men were Messrs. Eugene Myrick, Nisbet Pelot, of Eatonton; Guy Hillsman, Macon; Charles Harris, Atlanta, and Mr. Sam Bullard best man.
  Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where with a number of invited guests, they partook of an excellent dinner.
  They left on the 3:15 train for Macon their future home.
  The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Myrick, and is a young lady endowed with a loveliness of character and charming personality, which makes her the center of a large circle of admiring friends.
  The groom is a highly esteemed young business man of Macon, and has many friends in that city.
  They have the best wishes of scores of friends, for a long and happy life.

November 17, 1894
Atlanta Constitution
Macon, Ga., November 16 (Special)
  A pretty wedding occurred yesterday at Stevens' Pottery, which united Miss Lemma Stevens and Mr. Lee Crittenden Manley in wedlock.

January 1, 1895
Union Recorder
  Married on Dec. 26th, 1894, at the residence of Mr. Samuel Miller, Mr. Wm. Field and Miss Emma Butts, J. B. Chandler, J. P. officiating.
  Married on Dec. 23, 1894, at the residence of Mr. J. B. Chandler, Mr. Charles Brown and Miss Myrtie Smith, J. B., Chandler, J. P., officiating.

February 12, 1895
Union Recorder
  MARRIED -  Mr. John Goddard, of Florida, and Miss Sallie West, of this county, were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon, at the home of the bride, near Cooperville, the Rev. J. H. Estes officiating.

February 12, 1895
Union Recorder
  Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. George F. Edwards and Miss Mary Sue, second daughter of Mr. W. P. West, of the city, on the 14th inst. The marriage will take place at the Baptist church at 7:30 A.M., and the happy pair will leave by the Central road on a bridal tour to Savannah.

February 12, 1895
Union Recorder
    A marriage occured at the State Lunatic Asylum Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. The contacting parties being Mr. George Whatley and Miss Ella Layfield. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John M. White, chaplain of the Asylum. A large company had gathered in the main parlor of the Central Building to witness the happy event. Congratulations were numerous and the young couple start out on life's road under favorable auspices and with the best wishes of their friends.

April 9, 1895
Union Recorder
A SUPPOSED BURGLAR. Shot and Killed by Prof. W. E. Reynolds Last Wednesday Night.
   Much excitement was created in this city last Thursday morning, when it was reported on the streets that Prof. W. E. Reynolds had shot and killed a white man, who was trying to get in his house the night before.
   During the past few months there have been several attempts at burglary int his city, and our citizens have felt that they might be called on any night to defend their homes against these midnight prowlers.
  Last Wednesday night Prof. W. E. Reynolds hear some one come up on his porch and try to open the door. He went to the door, but found no one there.
  On Wednesday night, at 11:30 o'clock, he heard a noise on his front porch, and, on his second effort to ascertain the cause, saw a man standing at his door. He went up stairs and got his gun, and accompanied by his son, Eben, opened the door and stepped out on the porch. At first he saw no none, but his son called to him, "look out papa, he is going to shoot." Just at that moment he saw a man turn toward him, and he raised the gun and fired. There was but one shell in the gun, and as soon as he fired, urged by his son, he went in and shot the door, expecting the man to return the shot. He then got his pistol, but could find no cartridges In the meantime the man was heard to fall. Accompanied by his on, the Professor then went out the bay way to find the marshal. Returning with the night watchman the man, who proved to be Pat Shea, was found dead. Mr. Shea was seen, ny a number of persons, on the streets at 10 o'clock, and at that time he was very drunk. It is supposed he was wandering aimlessly about, or hunting a place to sleep. If he had been locked up, as a drunken man should have been, much sorrow would have been saved to his relatives, and deep regret tot he excellent man who took his life in defense, as he believed, of his home.
    A correct detailed statement of the said affair is given in the proceedings of the Coroner's Inquest, which we publish; in full as follows:
  In the matter of Pat Shea, who was killed by Prof. W. E. Reynolds on Wednesday night, April 3, 1895, and inquest held over his body by me, W. S. Scott, Coroner of Baldwin County, in the State of Georgia, this 4th day of April, 1895, at the store of L. W. Davidson in the city of Milledgeville, said body having been moved from the residence of Prof. W. E. Reynolds to the stable of Pounds & Walker, and from there to the residence of Mrs. T. W. Tuttle in the city of Milledgeville, said County and State.
  The following witnesses were sworn according to law and on oath said to-wit:
  Prof. W. E. Reynolds sworn says, On last night I was up in my room writing until 11 o'clock. I finished writing, went in my wife's room and built up a fire. While sitting there I heard some one on the front porch. I called my wife's attention to it. She said possibly it may be some noise up stairs. The noise must have been at that time by the man on the steps as it was a light noise, not very loud. I went into the hall and listened but heard no noise. I then went to the window in my wife's room, next to the porch, the blinds were open. I pushed the curtains aside and could see a corner of the porch and the ground fronting the porch. I couldn't see distinctly as the moon had gone down considerably, and left the front of the house in darkness. I stood there five or six seconds looking out; didn't se any one, and concluded I was mistaken and that there was non one on the porch. I went back to my reading and in five minutes I heard a noise again; it was on a wire mat in front of the door. My wife suggested it was Charlie case's dog, which stays there a great deal. In order to se if it was the dog, I passed into the hall, closing my wife's door, to put me in the darkness. I looked through the side lights, out saw no one, I thought I was mistaken still, and was going back, when I looked diagonally, I saw the outline of a man standing within six inches of the door. He was standing perfectly still, not moving. I went in my wife's room and told her there was a man standing on the porch, and asked for the gun. My wife told me the gun was up stairs in the boys' room. I ran upstairs, told the boys to get up and dress and for one of them ot load the gun for me. Several seconds elapsed while they were dressing and finding the cartridge. One of them handed me the gun, saying there's but one cartridge in the house, and its in the right hand barrel, (it was a double barrel shot gun). Eben, my son, went with me to the door, and opened it, saying as he did so, the load is in the right hand barrel. We had made considerable noise coming down the steps, talking, etc., before reaching the door, and I fully expected to find the man gone, thinking the noise would frighten him off. When my son opened the door I saw no one, and for the moment supposed on one was there. The reason I didn't see the man, one of the posts of the porch was slightly between him and myself, and I am somewhat near-sighted; just then the man turned facing me, I couldn't tell whether it was a white man or a negro, but supposed him to be a negro. Just then my son said "look out, he is going to shoot you." I threw the gun up and fired, aiming, as I thought, at the man's breast. My son says, "that's all the cartridge you have, and he may shoot you." We stepped inside and my son closed the door, saying 'don't stand in front of the door, he may shoot you through the door.' We went at once to my wife's room, and my son said to his mother, 'it's a big, black negro.' I then said get my pistol. Another of my sons said there were no pistol cartridges in the house. About that time we heard the man fall. I went and got my pistol, with the boys, but could find no cartridges. I then told my son we would go for the marshal. In passing Mr. Armstrong's house we waked him, and while there the marshal, Mr. Shea, came up. The marshal, my son, and myself went back to my house, without waiting for Mr. Armstrong. In going up the porch I told the marshal that the man might be simply wounded and might shoot him. My son brought a light, and the marshal and myself looked at the man, who was then dead. The marshal identified him as Mr. Pat Shea. I didn't know there was any such man as I had never seen or heard of him. I then went to the Sheriff's house, waking Prof. O. M. Cone on the way, who went with me. After waking the Sheriff, I went to the Coroner's house, that he might give me such direction to the matter as he thought best. On the night of the temperance lecture, at the court house, about a week ago, I came from there about 10:15 o'clock; all my family were in bed. Soon after getting in my wife's room, some one tipped on the front porch and turned the knob gently. I went to the door and the person had left, and I thought last night that this was the same man, who had tried to get in before. All this happened in Baldwin county, Ga., on Wednesday night, April 3rd, 1895, between 11½ and 15 minutes to 12 o'clock." W. E. REYNOLDS.
  Eben Reynolds sworn says:
   I retired last night about 10 o'clock and some time after I had one to sleep, I was awakened by my father calling me, telling me to get up, dress, and get the gun and load it for him. I got up, woke my two brothers in same room;  got the gun and put one shell in it, and handed it to papa, telling him there was only one shell in the house, and that was in the right hand barrel.  We went down stairs and went to the door, my brothers following me. I opened the door telling my father at the time that the shell was in he right hand barrel. For a few seconds after opening the front door, I could see no one on the porch, then I saw a man turn towards us. He was standing on the porch by one of the pillars. As he turned I said to papa, watch out he is going to shoot. Just as I said that papa fired. I didn't know whether or not he had been hit. I told papa to come inside as he might shoot us, we stepped inside, and I closed the door. There are glass panels on each side of the door, and i told papa to come to mamma's room as he might shoot through the glass. We went in mamma's room and I told her it was a big black negro. About that time we heard him fall on the porch. Papa told me to get his pistol, and my brother said there were no cartridges there. Papa, myself and brothers went in his room, got the pistol, handed it ot papa, telling him there were no cartridges in it. Papa said we must go after the marshal. He and I went out the back door; going down town, we woke Mr. Armstrong up, and met Mr. Shea, night watchman, just as we were leaving Mr.  Armstrong's house. Mr. Shea went to the house with us and just as we got by the back gate, papa told Mr. Shea to watch our, as the man might only be wounded and might shoot him. I ran in the house and got a lamp, and we went around to the front porch, and found the man lying on his back dead. Mr. Shea, night watchman, said it was Pat Shea.
  All this happened in Baldwin County, Ga., on Wednesday night, April 3, 1895, at about one-quarter to 12 o'clock. E. N. REYNOLDS.
  W. E. Reynolds realized says the shell was loaded with number 7 and 8 shot
  GEORGIA, Baldwin County:
  We a coroner's jury having been summoned ny W. S. Scott, Coroner, to hold an inquest over the remains of Pat Shea, after examine the body we find the load of shot entered the neck under the chin, lacerating the whole neck, which caused his death. Deceased came to his death from said gun shot wound, said gun being in the hands of Prof. W. E. Reynolds, and that  said Reynolds was justifiable.
   Taken and subscribed before me, Coroner of said county, this 4th day of April, 1896, and I do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true brief of the evidence that was before the jury, aforesaid. W. S. SCOTT, Coroner.
  The remains of Mr. Shea were taken to Mayfield on the 5:20 p.m. train Thursday for burial. He was a painter, and a son of Mr. David Shea, who lived in this city many years ago. The young man was unfortunately addicted to going on prolonged sprees. The relatives of the unfortunate man have the sympathy of many friends in the sad ending of his wayward life.
   Prof. Reynolds had never seen or heard of the man. Indeed, he supposed he was shooting at a negro.
   Mr. Reynolds is a professor in the M. G.M. & A. College, an elder in the Presbyterian church and an excellent citizen. He is well known throughout the State as a learned educator and scholarly gentleman. He is deeply grieved at the circumstances that forced him to be an actor in the said tragedy.

April 30, 1895
Union Recorder
Accidental Killing.  Lewis Davis, a negro boy about 15 years of age accidentally shot and killed Robert Slater, another colored boy in this city last Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The boys were at the home of Burley Davis, the father of the boy who did the shooting. They were engaged in a friendly conversation, when Davis took from his pocket a pistol, and while loading it, it went off. The ball penetrated the brain of Slater above the right eye and he was dead in an hour. Davis was very much frightened and ran off, but he returned to the city Sunday night.
  An inquest was held by Coroner Scott yesterday morning and a verdict of accidental killing was rendered.

May 7, 1895
Union Recorder
Last Wednesday night a row occurred on "factory hill" between two negroes over a small debt, in which Charley Williams struck Jim Moore over the head with a paling, inflicting a serious wound. Moore was insensible for several hours. Williams was arrested and lodged in jail to await the result of the wound.
(See May 14th, 1895)

May 8, 1895
The Atlanta Constitution
FINE MINERAL SPRINGS. The People of Milledgeville Have Good Drinking Water.
Milledgeville, Ga. May 7 (Special) A fine mineral spring with several veins has been discovered out on the Carrington plantation, a mile from the city. The water has been analyzed and pronounced to be as fine as any mineral water in the country. Those springs are situated in a large oak grove. Hundreds of people go out every afternoon and drink.
  A large dancing pavilion is to be built in a week or two.
  Some capitalists are speaking of building  a hotel near by.

May 14,1895
Union Recorder
Jim Moore, the negro, who was knocked in the head by Charlie Williams on the night of May 1st, died last Monday night.
  The negroes had a misunderstanding about some money, which Moore owed to Williams. During the fight Williams struck Moore on the head, with a paling, which contained a nail. The nail penetrated the brain, and caused death.
  Coroner Scott held an inquest Tuesday morning, and a verdict of murder was rendered by the jury.
  Williams is a young negro, and was originally from Lowndes county. He is in jail awaiting trial at the July term of Baldwin Superior Court.
(See July 30, 1895)

June 4, 1895
Union Recorder
   A report reached Coroner Scott last Wednesday, that a negro infant had been killed and the body buried in the woods, in the northern portion of the county, about four miles from this city. The Coroner repaired to the place, found the body and held an inquest. The investigation brought out the facts, that it was a week old infant of Mary Jane Havre, and that it had been smothered to death by its grand-mother, Polly Havre. The verdict of the jury was that Polly Havre was guilty of infanticide and Mary Jane Havre was accessory. The commitment trial was held Friday afternoon and they were placed in jail.

June 11, 1895 
Union Recorder
  Mr. W. L. Robinson, of Milledgeville, and Miss Belle Bozeman, of Eatonton, were married at the home of the bride ladt Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, Rev. R. W. Bigham officiating. Immediately after the ceremony they took the train for their home in this city, where they received the congratulations and good wishes of many friends.

July 2, 1895
Union Recorder
BAD WRECK AT MIDWAY, A Horrible Scene on the Central Railroad Near This City. TWO KILLED AND SEVERAL WOUNDED. A Heavily Loaded Service Train Plunges Through the Baggage Car of Another Train.
  There was a very serious wreck on the Central Railroad,  two miles from this city, last Tuesday morning between 5 and 6 o'clock resulting in the killing of Mr. Tom Allen, of Iveys, a section foreman on the road, who had both legs crushed, and Bob Smith, colored, who had a leg crushed and also received internal injuries, Bob Jossie, colored, also had one leg crushed and the other badly injured, and a finger mashed off his right hand. His right leg was amputated and on Wednesday he was doing well with some hope of recovery-other negroes on the construction trail were injured but not seriously.
  The freight train that arrives here at 5:30 a.m. had stopped at Midway station to shift some cars, when a service train loaded with the heavy new steel rails, whick are being laid between this city and Gordon, approached the station, which is on a steep grade. A baggage car had been left on the main track by the freight train, while freight cars were being placed on the side track. When the engineer of the service train, which was being backed up to the station, saw a car on the track he reveresed his engine. a coupling pin broke, and the car rushed down the grade and plunged through the baggage car. The cab of the service train, in which were Mr. Allen and a number of negroes, was torn into splinters.
   As soon as news of the wreck reached the city, Dr. I. L. Harris, local surgeon for the road went to the scene of the wreck. He was accompanied by Dr. T. M. Hall, Dr. H. D. Allen, whose Invalid Home is near by, and Drs. O'Daniel and Jones of the Lunatic Asylum staff, also hurried to the scene of the disaster.
    Mr. Allen was carried to the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Zeb Smith, near by, and the negroes were carried to the chapel. The physicians in attendance did everything possible to alleviate the suffering of the mangled men.
   Mr. Allen expired about 2 o'clock, a few mintues before the arrival of his wife and children. Bob Smith died about one o'clock. Bob Jossie is putting up a brave fight for life. An inquest was held by Coroner Scott, and the verdict, was, an unavoidable accident.
  Mr. Allen was buried in the Midway cemetery at 11 o'clock, a.m., Wednesday, with Masonic honrs. He was a member of the Gordon Lodge, and made the request that he be buried by th Masons. On the death of Mr. Allen, Mr. E. T. Alling, Master of Benevolent Lodge, of this city, telegraphed to the Master of Gordon Lodge, who replied that the Masons from Gordon would attend the funeral the following day. Benevolent Lodge met at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning and proceeded to Midway to attend the funeral, where they were joined by Gordon lodge at 11 o'clock-and the two lodges united in paying the last sad tribute of respect to a worthy brother, whose sudden death they deplored. The attendance at the funeral was very large. After singing, reading of the scriptures and a funeral sermon by Rev. Mr. Griner, of Gordon, the Masonic burial service was read in an impressive manner by Worshipful Master Alling.
    Mr. Allen was an upright man and enjoyed the respect of all who knew him. He leaves a wife and 3 children.

July 30, 1895
Union Recorder
   Charley Williams, who killed Jim Moore, was sentenced to the penitentiary for then years, at the last term of Baldwin Superior County. Col. Jos. E. Pottle, his attorney, has moved for a new trial.

August 3, 1895
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville Notes. Robert H. Miller Indicted for Murder
A Business Change
Milledgeville, Ga, July 23 (Special)
   Dr. H. D. Allen has bought the interest of W. A. Walker in the livery business of Pound & Walker.
    The grand jury of Baldwin county returned a true bill for murder against Robert H. Miller last week. Miller shot and killed F. A. Faulkner in a difficulty between the two men which occurred last December. The coroner's jury at the time held the killing to be justifiable. Miller was put under arrest immediately upon the finding of the bill of indictment, but has since been released on at  $2,500 bond. His trial will occur in January, 1896.
   Mrs. Captain C. P. Crawford, the president of the local board of lady managers for the Cotton States and international exposition, arranged an excursion to Indian Spring for today.

September 10, 1895
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga., September 9 (Special) Mrs. A.M. Edwards died at the home of her son, Mr. John M. Edwards, two miles from this city, this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Edwards had passed her four score years. She had always lived in Milledgeville. She was an exemplary member of the Methodist church, and at the time of her death she was the oldest member of that church in this city. Mrs. Edwards had been failing in health for some years and her death was not unexpected by her family and friends. All of her children now living are residents of Milledgeville except one son, Mr. Jack Edwards, whose home is in Decatur, Ala. The funeral will occur tomorrow if the absent son can reach the city by that time.

November 19, 1895
Union Recorder
  Mr. J. B. Kennedy, a prosperous farmer of Hancock county, and Miss Minnie B. Collins, the charming daughter of Mr. Samuel Collins of this county, were happily married at the residence of the bride's father on last Tuesday evening at 3 o'clock the Rev. J. M. White officiating. A very large crowd were present to offer congratulations and bid them God speed in their new life.

December 17, 1895
Union Recorder
   An old man, on the tramp, who had been seen about the streets for a few days past, was found dead in the basement of an unoccupied house on Clark street yesterday morning. He was an Italian, and was about 50 years old. His name was Charli Boneski. Some Cadets saw him Sunday and talked to him. They went back yesterday to see how he was getting along and found him dead. Coroner Scott held and inquest and the verdict of the jury was that he came to his death from sickness caused by exposure. He was buried yesterday afternoon in the city cemetery.

December 17, 1895
Union Recorder
Death of Mr. E. N. Ennis, Sr. Another old citizen has passed away.
  Mr.E. N. Ennis, Sr., died at his home in the eastern portion of Baldwin county last Friday afternoon, at 5:30 o'clock. He was seventy-three years of age. He has always been a vigorous, strong man but for a few years past has suffered from occasional attacks of kidney trouble. He became seriously ill on Wednesday last.
  He was a native of Baldwin county, and was familiarly known as Mr Sam Ennis, Sr. He was a kind neighbor, a true friend and a reliable man. He leaves a large number of relatives and friends to mourn his death.
  The funeral was held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. G. W. Griner officiating. He was laid to rest in the family burial ground.

January 7, 1896
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ A Quiet Marriage. In Macon, on Wednesday last, at high noon, at the residence of Dr. G. W. Stokes, Capt. William Caraker, of this city, and Miss Maggie Moore, of McDuffie County, Ga., were united in marriage, Dr. Monk, of the Mulberry St. Methodist church, officiating...

January 7, 1896
Union Recorder
  Rev. D. W. Brannen and Miss Eliza Thomas will be united in marriage tomorrow morning at 8:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother in Midway. Mr. Brannen is the beloved pastor of the Presbyterian church, and Miss Thomas is the only daughter of the late Mr. Henry Thomas, and is a charming young lady. Immediately after the ceremony they will leave for a tour through Florida.

January 10, 1896
Atlanta Constitution
-Abstract.Postal Clerk Dies. Macon, October 9 R.A. Minor, the young postal clerk who was removed to the city hospital last night suffering from the effects of a fall of twenty-five feet off a Southern railway trestle died shortly after noon today.
    The remains will be sent to the home of the parents of the deceased, at Milledgeville, where they will be interred tomorrow morning. He was a son of Mr. Francis Minor, of Milledgeville, and a brother of Mr. J. T. Minor, a postal clerk running out of Atlanta, and a brother of Rev. C. W. Minor.

January 14, 1896
Union Recorder
MARRIED- Mr. Ira Hemphill and Miss Banie Simpson were united in marriage Tuesday evening; Jan. 7th at the home of the bride's brother, in Midway, the Rev. G. W. Griner officiating. The young couple have many friends who wish them happiness.

January 26, 1896
The Macon Telegraph
MILLEDGEVILLE. A Severe Wind and Hail Storm Toppled Over Many Chimneys.
Milledgeville, Jan. 25 (Special) Quite a severe wind and hail storm struck this city last night about 5 o'clock, coming from the northwest. The most severe tract and that doing the most damage was about fifty feet wide and first struck the city on factory hill where it blew down a small house then the reel house on North Wayne street was blown down and the reel demolished. Mr. Jerry Fowler's house just across the street was the next to suffer, the tops of several chimneys were blown down and the windows on the front side of the house were blown in and the house and contents were badly damaged by the hard rain that followed. The out fences of Mr. Staley were blown down. A small room adjoining the house of Mrs. Hauft, was considerably damaged, the roof of the barn on Mr. Fred Haug's lot was blown off and the wind mill belonging to Mr. Sam Walker was blown down. It then passed out of the city across the river and no other damages has been reported. The cloud was a very ugly one and it is feared the damage north of here was more severe. hail fell for some time and was followed by a hard rain.
   Baldwin superior court, which had been in session for the past two weeks, adjourned yesterday and Judge Hart, Solicitor Lewis and a number of visiting lawyers have returned to their respective homes. The past week has been taken up by the criminal cases and the jail, which at the beginning of court had eighteen occupants, is now clear.
   John Ross, a professional penman and school teacher, who some months ago stopped at the home of Mr. Sam Moran, near the city, and with the help of Mr. Moran recurred a school, but, learning that Mr. Moran had his pocketbook in a machine drawer, it was too much of a temptation to him, and during the night he arose and secured the money and skipped out. A few days later he was located and arrested in Macon and brought to the place and has remained in jail since. He pleased guilty and Judge Hart was light on him - $75 and costs or nine months.
  The two Greeks, Nikole Jonson and Jim Senopols, who ran away from the city Christmas day, taking with them about $500 belonging to their employer, Mr. James Manois, and were later arrested in Knoxville, Tenn., were found guilty and fiend $300 and costs each or one year in the penitentiary.
  Simon Duval, who it will be remembered was detected stealing from the store of Mr. William Harper at Midway, a suburb of this city, some time since, and when caught attacked Mr. Harper, who is an old man, with a stick, knocking him down and afterwards striking him several times while down, who escaped but later was captured by Deputy Sheriff Peary, who for the safety of his own life was forced to shoot Duval, was found guilty of assault with intent to murder and sent up for ten years, and when this is out there are two warrants to confront him which will keep him in the penitentiary for some time longer.
  The Middle Georgia and Atlantic train, due here at 8 o'clock last night, did not arrive until this morning owing to a wreck at Dennis station, thirteen miles north of here. Several cars were derailed and considerable damage done both to the cars and the track but no one was hurt.
  Mrs. Sam Walker returned last night from Savannah, where she has been with her sister, Mrs. Johnson, who has been quite sick but is now much improved.
  Postmaster C. M. Wright has been confined to his bed for the past few days.

February 4, 1896
Union Recorder
Charley Phillips, a sixteen-year old negro boy, died last Thursday, on the plantation of Mr. Mynatt, two and a half miles from this city, on the east side of the Oconee river. His death was caused from a blow, over the left eye, by a rock thrown by Pleas Hall, another negro boy, Saturday night, the 25th of January.
  The following facts were brought out at the Coroner's inquest: The negroes of the neighborhood met at the home of Jasper Liggens for a frolic. Phillips playfully pricked Hall with a pin. This angered Hall, and he invited Phillips into the yard for a settlement. The challenge was accepted. At the commencement of the fight, Jasper Liggens went out and told the boys if they wanted to fight to go down to the road. Hall and a number of negroes went down to the road ahead of Phillips, and as he came up Hall threw a rock, which struck him over the left eye. He lingered until Thursday when he died.
  The Coroner's verdict was murder. Hall made his escape and has not yet been caught, but will be in a few days..

February 11, 1896
Union Recorder
~excerp~ God in his unerring providence has again visted our city, this time carrying away one of the brightest little boys in the city. Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs A. J. Carr, died from an attack of measles and pneumonia last Tuesday night after a short illness. He was a noble, manly little fellow, gentle in his disposition, and much loved by his companions. His death was indeed sad and a shock to his many young friends. Edward was 10 years of age, and a pupil of the M.G.M. & A. College.
   The funeral services were conducted from the home of his parents, Wednesday afternoon, Rev. J. A. Wray officiating. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. R. L. Wall, Thmas Conn, Geo. Brantley, Hugh Cline, Ed Roberts and M. S. Bell..........

February 18, 1896
Union Recorder
  At the home of the bride's parents in this city at 2 o'clock p. m. Thursday last, Miss Selma Kemp was united in Marriage to Mr. James C. Ingraham of Cochran, Ga. The ceremony was performed in a beautiful and impressive manner by Rev. J. A. Wray, pastor of the Baptist church. The happy union was witnessed by a number of relatives, and friends. After the ceremony luncheon was served, and the bride and groom left on the 4:30 Georgia train for their future home in Cochran, where a reception was tendered them the same evening by Capt. and Mrs. John Ingraham of the Ingraham House.
  The bride, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kemp, is a beautiful and accomplished young lady who has many devoted friends in this city whose blessings follow her to her new home.

March 3, 1896
Union Recorder
A HOMICIDE. One Negro Shoots Another Because He Refused to Lend Him a Half Dollar.
   A tragedy was enacted on the plantation of Mr. J. D. Minor, near Meriwether station, in this county, last Thursday, just about daybreak. Two young negro men, Eli Render and Charlie Owens, the best of friends, sat together by the fire. Eli wanted to borrow a half dollar from Charlie. Charlie refused to lend the money, which brought on more talk and caused hard feelings. Eli had picked up Charlie's pistol and revolving it in his hands saw that it was loaded. A minute later he fired the ball which entered Charlie's neck, causing his death in about fifteen minutes. Eli immediately left for parts unknown.
  An inquest was held Thursday afternoon by Coroner Scott. The verdict of the jury was that Charlie Owens came to his death by a pistol shot wound the pistol being in the hands of Eli Render and that in the opinion of the jury it was murder.

March 31, 1896
Union Recorder
   Last Tuesday night, 24th inst., Joseph H. Ewalt shot Walter Hemphill three times, inflicting a wound from which he died last Saturday, about 3 o'clock p. m. The shooting occurred in Whelan's barroom on Hancock street at 7:10 o'clock. Soon after the shooting Ewalt was arrest by Dep. Sheriff Perry and lodged in jail. On Thursday Charles Mathis was arrested on a warrant sworn out by Hemphill's brother charging him with being accessory. He was also lodged in jail. Inside the prison walls these two unhappy young men awaited with great anxiety the result of the deadly wounds, while their unfortunate victim, writhing in pain and struggling with approaching death, lingered until Saturday afternoon. An inquest was held at 9:30 o'clock Sunday morning, and the jury returned a verdict of murder against Ewalt and that Mathis was accessory.
    Tuesday evening soon after Walter Hemphill, who is clerk for Mr. Whelan, returned from supper and resumed his place behind the counter, Joe Ewalt and Charlie Mathis walked up to the bar, coming from the pool room in the rear. Mathis said to Hemphill, "I want my pistol.: Hemphill refused to give it up until the sixty cents for which it was pawned was paid. Mathis said, "I promised Mr. Brake I would pay the money Saturday night, and he said I could get my pistol." Hemphill said, "well you can have it," and took the pistol from the shelf and handed it to Mathis, saying "that is not the only pistol in the world, " and wend down the count and took Mr. Whelan's pistol from a drawer, but made no motion to use it. Mathis said, "You have got your pistols, now do your shooting, I'll do the counting." Ewalt drew his pistol, and said, "it's a go." Mathis counted, one, two, three, and Ewalt fired, shooting Hemphill three times, Hemphill said "My God, Joe, you have shot me, i thought you had better sense. What did you shoot me for?"
    After Hemphill was shot he put the pistol he help (d) in his band, back into the drawer and came from behind the counter and went to the front door and then to the pool room, and had started to the front door again when his friend, Robert Nelson, carried him to the rear room and placed him on a bed. In the meantime a Doctor had been sent for.
  After the shooting Ewalt laid down his pistol, and he and Mathis went into the back room, where Ewalt was arrested. Mathis sat up all night with the wounded man.
  Drs. Croley and Robison soon arrived and did what they could for the suffering man. On Wednesday morning he was taken to the residence of his father-in-law, Mr. C. A. Jones.
  Dr. Croley testified before the Coroner's jury that Hemphill received three wounds -the bullet which caused his death passed through the eighth rib three inches to the right of the spinal column and entered the cavity. The post mortem showed that this ball passed through the lower lobe of the right lung, and small pieces of the bone of the rib were found in the lung.
  The above are substantially the facts stated by witnesses before the Coroner's Inquest. It was stated that Ewalt and Mathis drank beer freely during the afternoon, but no whiskey, and did not appear to be badly intoxicated.
   The case is a peculiar one and shows a degree of recklessness and disregard of human life, under intoxicants, that is alarming.
   Walter Hemphill, whose violent death is a shock to our people, was a sober young man. He was married in February 1893 to Miss Ella Jones. He has been employed at the Express office, and a short while ago went to clerk for Mr. Whelan. His funeral was held at the family residence at 3 o'clock, Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. A. Wray officiating. A large crowd was in attendance. Our whole community sympathizes with the family in their sad affliction.
  Joseph H. Ewalt is somewhat of a stranger here. He has been in this city for some time training horses. His father resides in Kentucky. He is about 23 years of age. He has employed Hon. Robert Whitfield to defend him.
   Charles Mathis is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mathis, of this city, and is about twenty-three years of  age. His father, mother, brother and sisters have much sympathy in the trouble brought upon them by the wayward young man..

April 7, 1896 
Union Recorder
MARRIED - Mr. Jos. E. Stiles and Miss Annie Humphries were united in marriage on Wednesday, March 25th, at the home of the bride's father, Mr. E. J. Humphries, in Baldwin county. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. W. Griner in an impressive manner. The young couple have many friends in this city and county, who wish for them a long, happy, and prosperous life.

April 28, 1896
Union Recorder
DIED. On the 22nd of April, 1896, at the home of her son J. S. Traynham, Baldwin Co. Ga., Mrs Mahaly Traynham. Her maiden name was Mahaly Riley, was born in Laurens county, S. C., Nov. 20, 1829, married to Mr. B. G. Traynham, Nov. 7th 1839. They moved to Newton Co., Ga., 1846, and to Baldwin soon after the war. She was a model wife and devoted mother, ever thoughtful of the wants and needs, not only of her family but all whose fortune it was to live in her sunshine as neighbors. Mrs. Traynham, has been afflicted for 25 years.
   Her sufferings have been great, but endured with patience. She leaves an old and broken hearted husband and five childen to mourn their loss. The days that separate the husband and wife are but few. He says he hopes to meet her soon in heaven, where parting and troubles are unknown. The God who ruleth doeth all things well. It is He that giveth and he that taketh, blessed be his name forever. S.G. W. G.

May 19, 1896
Union Recorder
Colton, the eighteen-months-old son of Professor and Mrs. C. W. Moran died at their home in Linton last Tuesday morning, the 12 inst., after an illness of eighteen days. He was a bright child, and the idol of fond and loving parents, who have the sympathy of a large circle of  relatives and friends in this city and county, who sympathize with them in their sad affliction.

May 19, 1896
Union Recorder
The Telephone System. Mess. C. W. Richter and G. C. Smith have purchased from Capt. Sam Walker and Mr. W. E. West the telephone system in this city, and intends to make some needed improvements. The Telephone is not only a great convenience, but has come to be regarded an absolute necessity. Stevens Pottery, Meriwether and the asylum are embraced in the system. The central office is over the drug store of Messrs. Culver & Kidd, and is in charge of Miss Elam.
  The systems now embraces sixty-five phones, and business houses and residences will continue to fall into line until the wires cover the town.

June 25, 1896
Atlanta Constitution
A GREAT SUCCESS. One of the South's Leading Manufacturers in Macon. H. STEVENS' SONS COMPANY
Goods Are Shipped All Over the Southern States from This Manufactory-A Medal Winner
   One of the best known and most successful manufactories in Georgia, if not in the south, is the Sanitary Sewer and Culvert Pipe Works of H. Stevens' Sons Company at Macon, Ga. The products of this mammoth factory are shipped all over the southern states and are the standard wherever known
  The origin of this great industry traced property is located in the birth of Mr. Henry Stevens, which occurred in Cornwall, England, in 1813, who gave a great many years of his life to this branch of commerce, coming to this country when yet quite a young man, and in Georgia, more than a third of a century ago started the first factory of this kind in the south, which stands today without an equal in capacity or quality of production. Some years before Mr. Stevens's death he sold out to his sons, who now own and operate the two plants.
  During the last few years in which finances and trade have been so demoralized all over the country, the company has never shut down, except for repairs. In a few instances competitors have made it a point to agitate the advisability of having a test made, where large contracts were to be let, but having been defeated in every instance, this mode has been abandoned . Stevens' Sons Company have the contract for furnishing the city of Atlanta, also the city of Charleston, with sewer pipe for 1895, besides a good trade in nearly every southern town and city. They have but recently finished a contract for the city of Macon, Ga., for over thirty miles of pipe, the largest single order ever placed in the south, and the high quality of their goods in becoming greater every day.
  The Stevens' Sons Company is the recognized leader in its line in the south, and takes precedence over all competitors. The company makes not only all styles and grades of goods in its staple line of sanitary, sewer and culvert pipe, but many beautiful specimens of other articles made from clay.
  At the Atlanta exposition its exhibit attracted wide-spread attention, and as well as remembered. The committee on awards gave them a  gold medal. That they justly deserved this recognition on the part of the committee goes without saying, and the thousands of visitors that gave this exhibit their attention were indeed loud in their praise of the excellent quality of good exhibited.

June 30, 1896
Union Recorder
Mrs. Mary Brown, wife of Mr. Charles E. Brown, died at her home near Browns Crossing in this county last Thursday at one o'clock, after a long illness. Here remains were brought to this city Friday morning, and interred in the cemetery, Rev. G. W. Griner officiating. The pallbearers were: Messrs. L. C. Hall, J. F. Bell, W. A. Walker, C. L. Morris, J. G. Bearden and A. J. Carr.
  Mrs. Brown was a daughter of Mr. B. I. Bass of this county. She was a member of the Methodist church, and possessed a lovely christian character. Death has removed one who will be sadly missed, for her life was one of gentleness and kindness. She leaves a husband, one child and a number of relatives and friends to mourn her death.

July 7, 1896
Union Recorder
  The death of Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Woodall occurred at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Proctor, near Hopewell, on Saturday, the 27th of June. The funeral services were conducted from the Hopewell church, Sunday morning, at half-past ten o'clock, by Rev. G. D. Moses. Mrs. Woodall was well known and highly esteemed throughout the county. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark, of Midway, and besides her aged parents she leaves five children and a numerous company of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.

July 21, 1896
Union Recorder
  Mr. R D Hillyard, of Savannah, died at Dr. Allen's Sanitarium at Midway, last Thursday and was buried in the cemetery in this city Saturday morning. At the request of a Savannah lodge, and also of his family attending the funeral, Benevolent Lodge, of this city, buried the remains with Masonic honors, Worshipful Master E. T. Alling officiating.

July 31, 1896
Macon Telegraph
MRS. STEVENS DEAD. Her Remains Carried to Stevens' Pottery for Burial.
  The remains of Mrs. L. E. Stevens, who died at a friend's house on Ellis street, South Macon, Wednesday, were sent to her home at Stevens' Pottery yesterday. The furneral occurs today at Camp Creek church in Baldwin county.
  Mrs. Stevens has been visiting here for five months. She has relatives and friends in Macon, a number of whom will attend the funeral today. Stevens' Pottery is named for Mrs. Stevens' family.

September 1st, 1896
Union Recorder
  John Telfair, a negro boy about twenty years of age, shot and killed Anderson Williams, a fifteen-year-old negro boy, at Stevens Pottery, about eight miles from this city, early last Wednesday morning. Soon after the shooting a telephone message was sent to Sheriff Prosser and Coroner Scott who immediately went to the Pottery.
  At the Coroner's inquest the following facts were developed:
  Early Wednesday morning John Telfair came to the Pottery, and meeting one or two negro boys he asked them if they liked him. They told him yes. He then went on into the Pottery building, and meeting young Williams he repeated the question. Williams promptly replied, no, he did not like him. Telfair pulled his pistol and commanded Williams to throw up his hands. Williams regushed, and Telfair said to him, "you don't think I'll shoot you," and pulled the trigger. The ball struck Williams in the right breast just above the nipple. He ran out in front of the building, and fell, dying in less than five minutes.
  The pistol, which, was a 32 calibre silver mounted one, was found in a sewer pipe, where it had been id by Telfair, after the shooting. One chamber containing an empty shell. The other four were loaded.
  The jury rendered a verdict of murder, and Sheriff Prosser brought Telfair to this city and put him in jail.

September 1st, 1896
Union Recorder
A Woman Murdered by Her Husband
Kittie Richards, a negro woman, who lived on the Sibley place, about 8 miles fro, this city, died between 3 and 4 o'clock Monday afternoon, August 24th, from the effects of a beating given her by her husband, Henry Richards.
  On Sunday afternoon Richards had a fuss with his wife, and gave her several blows in the face with his fist. The woman was in a weak condition, having given birth to a child about three weeks before, and she suffered from the effects of the blow until she died.
  When the news reached the city, Coroner Scott, accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Perry, left for the place to hold an inquest. The inquest was held Monday night, and the verdict was kept a secret. It was given out that the jury had decided that the woman died from natural causes. This statement was carried to Henry Richards, who had left the place, and he returned to the scene of his crime early Tuesday morning. He was arrested by Deputy Perry, for the murder of his wife. He is now behind the bars of the county jail.
(note: he was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced for 3 years in the penitentiary.)

September 8, 1896
Union Recorder
STORE BROKEN OPEN And the Would be Robber killed by a Spring Gun.
    Last Wednesday night the store of Mr. William Harper, at Midway, was broken open with intent to rob. Mr. Harper keeps a spring rifle in his store set to shoot along the line of cords run out from it. On this occasion its aim was good and its work fatal. It was late Thursday morning before Mr. Harper went to his store, where he found the door broken open, the gun discharged and a pool of blood on the floor. The victim, however, was gone.
    In the meantime, Dr. H. D. Allen was sent for to attend a negro by the name of Reuben Carswell, at Harrisburg, and found him suffering from a gunshot wound in the side. Carswell said he had been shot by unknown parties while going along the railroad.  The wound proved fatal and the negro died Thursday night.
    At the inquest held by Coroner Scott, Mr. Harper stated that the rifle was loaded with a buckshot which he had trimmed to fit the barrel. The same ball was found in the body of Carswell after death.
    Sufficient evidence was obtained to warrant the arrest of Henry Owens in the attempted robbery, and he was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Perry and lodged in jail.
   Carswell had only been in the neighborhood a few days and came from Wilkinson county.

September 8, 1896
Union Recorder
   Mrs. Sallie Tuttle Schiderman, wife of Mr. Frank Schiderman, died at her home in Columbia, S. C., last Tuesday morning, at 5 o'clock. She leaves husband and three small boys to whom her death is a sad blow. The death of Mrs. Schiderman is deeply regretted by many friends in this city where she was born and reared. She was the only daughter of Mr. Jerome Tuttle, deceased. She was a member of the Episcopal church. Rev. Forest Tuttle of this city attended the funeral of his sister.

September 8, 1896
Union Recorder
Lofton, the eight-year-old son of John Sinton, the barber, died at the home of his parents in this city last Sunday night.

September 8, 1896
Union Recorder
The wife of Henry Harrison, the well known hackman, died at her home on North Jefferson street, last Saturday. Her funeral took place from Flagg's Chapel Sunday afternoon, Rev. C. H. Brightharp officiating.

October 6, 1896
Union Recorder
Mr. Clark died at Midway last Saturday at 2 o'clock. He was advanced in age and had been in feeble health for some time. He was buried at Midway cemetery at noon Sunday, Rev. B. H. Mobley officiating at the funeral.

October 6, 1896
Union Recorder
  Mr. B. G. Traynham, an old and respected citizen od Baldwin county, ddied at the home of his son, Mr. J. S. Traynham, in he south-western part of the county, last Friday. His remains were laid to rest Saturday afternoon. He leaves a number of relatives to mourn his death.

October 20, 1896
Union Recorder
  The marriage of Mr. Geo. W. Barnes to Miss Mamie Holloway last Wednesday afternoon was a most happy event. The groom has made a success as a farmer, and is a clever, genial, popular young man, and is a vestryman in St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in this city. The bride is a beautiful, winsome young lady to whose many virtues is added that of a ripe culture.
  The marriage occurred at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. R. L. Holloway, in the southern part of the county, the ceremony being performed by Rev. D. W. Brannen of this city. Only the relatives of the bride and goom were presnt to wish them much happiness and prosperity in their new relation.
  This wish is echoed by the numerous friends of Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, among our readers.

November 10, 1896
Union Recorder
   Mr. B. T. Dumas, of Macon, and Miss Annie Stanley were united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. W. R. Stanley, in the south-western portion of Baldwin county, at 2 o'clock, last Wednesday afternoon, Rev. J. H. Oliver, of Dodo, officiating.
  Mr. Dumas is a member of the police force of Macon, and is an efficient officer. The bride is one of Baldwin's most attractive and charming young women. She has many friends in this city, having lived here and attended school.
  The Union-Recorder extends congratulations.

November 17, 1896
Union Recorder
Mrs. Lucy Beck, wife of Mr. John Beck, died at her home in Midway last Friday night. Here remains were buried in the city cemetary Sunday morning from the Catholic church.

December 1, 1896
Union Recorder
   A wrestling match on the streets last Saturday night resulted in the death of Zeke Rollins. About 7 o'clock a nmner of colored men and boys were collected on the sidewalk in front of John Singleton's shoe shop. Zeke Rollins, a son of Gus Rollins, about 17 years of age, and another colored boy by the name of Phil Carter, engaged in wrestling. The boys fell to the ground, Zeke on top. He said he was hurt and went into the shop and sat down in a chair and in five minutes he was dead. It was supposed he ruptured a blood vessel. Dr. Croley  was sent for, but the boy was dead when he arrived. The above facts were brought out at the inquest held by Coroner Scott Sunday morning.

December 15, 1896
Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Cora Ennis to Mr. Julius B. Holt, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ennis, two o'clock Wednesday, Dec. 23rd.

December 15, 1896
  ~excerpt~ The marriage of Mr. Hansell White Compton and Miss Hettie Barrett was solemnized last Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, at the Baptist church, and was one of the most brilliant society events of the season......
  The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Barrett...
  Mr. Compton is the son of the late C. W. Compton, and grand-son, of the late P.M. Compton.

December 22, 1896
Union Recorder
     Died in Milledgeville, on dec. 15, 1895, Mr. Theodore Gordon Sanford, in the 62d year of his age. He was modest and retiring in his deportment; and gentle, generous and manly in his nature. Inspired by patriotism he was a confederate soldier and a gentleman.
   Mr. Sanford was a native of Baldwin county, and the youngest son of the late Gen. Jno. W. A. Sanford, a leading citizen of Georgia in ante-bellum days.
    Heleaves a wife and two children, Mr. John Sanford of this county, and Mrs. P. Moodie of Comanche, Texas, and one brother, Gen. Jno.W. A. Sanford, of Montgomery, Ala.
    The funeral services were held at the family residence Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, Rev. J. S. Bryan officiating.
     The pall-bearers were Messrs. John M. Edwards, C. E. Prosser, Walter Paine, Hunter McComb, and Jacob Caraker.

December 29, 1896
Union Recorder
  Miss Claude Branan died at her home, near Coopers in this county, on Tuesday, 22d inst. She was greatly beloved by a large circle of friends and her death cast a gloom over the community  in which she lived.

February 2, 1897
Union Recorder
 Mr. Roland Woodall died last Saturday at his home in this county. He was a Confederate veteran and suffered one third of a century from a wound received in battle. The immediate cause of his death was the grippe. He was buried Sunday at Hopewell. Green grow the turf above the honored grave of an old soldier.

February 2, 1897
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Mrs. Lou Vinson, wife of H. C. Vinson, was born in Baldwin county, Georgia, and died in Albany, Ga., Dec. 22nd 1896. She passed almost her entire life in her native county. Three years ago the family moved to Savannah and from there to Albany, Ga., where she died.
   Mrs. Vinson was a member of the Baptist church which she joined early in life. Truly a good woman has gone to her reward. She died in sleep........................a loving wife, a good mother......

February 16, 1897
Union Recorder
THE VERDICT WAS MURDER. Eliza Campbell, an aged negro woman, died in this city Monday morning, from a lick received on the head the 24th of last November,
   Coroner Scott held an inquest Tuesday, and the following evidence was brought out:
    On Tuesday night, Nov. 24th, 1896, Will Bland, a negro bricklayer, claiming to be from Augusta, called at the house of Eliza Campbell, and asked to stay all night. This was refused, on account of the lack of room. This angered Bland, and he struck her with a piece of iron on the head. The next morning, Drs. Clark and Hall were summoned, and found that her skull was broken. Since that time her brain has been affected, and she suffered until her death. An autopsy was held and the skull was found to have been broken.
  The verdict of the Jury was that the woman came to her death from a blow given by Will Bland and that it was murder.
  The Jury was composed of Dr. H. M. Clark, Foreman; Dr. W. A. Moore, E. P. Gibson, J. D. Malpass, M. H. McComb and
Dr. T. M. Hall.
   Bland left the city, and his whereabouts at this time is unknown.

Febuary 23, 1897
Union Recorder
MARRIED. Mr. Thomas N. Willis and Miss Sallie Davis were united in mrriage Wednesday afternoon, at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. J. A. Davis, in this city, Rev. J. M. Lowery officiating.

March 2, 1897
Union Recorder
Carrie, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winter(s), who reside near Stevens Pottery in this county, havin been left alone in the house, last Saturday morning, fell in the fire and was badly burned. The child lingered until Sunday night, when it died. Dr. G. C. Compton, of this city, visited the child, and did all in his power to alleviate her suffering.

April 14, 1897
The Atlanta Constitution
Seven-Year-Old Child, Grown Man, Swine, Fowls and an Ox Die in Great Agony
Gordon, Ga., April 13 - (Special) The seven-year-old son of Joseph Bloodworth, of Ivey district, this county, died yesterday of hydrophobia.
  The child was bitten by a mad dog five or six weeks ago while returning home from school. He began to show symptoms of the rabies last Wednesday and gradually grew worse until the end came.
  Jack Gooden, of near Stevens Pottery, was bitten the same day by the same dog and is dying of hydrophobia.
  The dog bit several hogs, a goose and an ox, all of which have died of hydrophobia.

April 15, 1897
The Atlanta Constitution
James Ryle Attacked by Mad Dog. Gooden Still Living.
Gordon, Ga., April 14 (Special) Gooden,who was bitten by a mad dog near here, is still living. The dog which bit him has been killed.
     James Ryle, living near Steven's pottery, was bitten by another mad dog this morning.
  The dog, which bit Ryle, is still at large.

May 26, 1897
Union Recorder
Eliza Edmondson, an old and respected colored woman died at the home of her son in Midway, on Thursday night, and was buried here on Friday afternoon

May 29, 1897
The Atlanta Constitution
MRS. WILLIAM C. WYLLY DEAD. McIntosh County Lady Dies at Her Sister's Home in Athens. Athens, Ga., May 28 (Special) Mrs. William C. Wylly, of McIntosh county, died this afternoon after a long illness at the home of her sister, Mrs. Judge Howell Cobb.
   The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at the residence of Judge Cobb and the remains will be carried to Milledgeville for interment.

June 1, 1897
Union Recorder
DEATH OF MRS. GEO. W. TRAPP. Mrs. Mary Anderson Trapp, wife of Mr. Geo. W. Trapp, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Etheridge, in the south-western portion of this county about 11 o'clock, Thusday morning.
  Mrs. Trapp had been in ill health for some time, and had been moved to the home of her sister, where it was hoped she would improve, but she continued to grow worse until death came. All that the tender care of a loving husband, relatives and friends could do was done to promote her comfort and prolong her life.
  She leaves a husband, mother, brother and sister, and a large numer of friends to mourn her death. She was the daughter of the late Rev. C. B. Anderson.
  Her remains were laid to rest Saturday morning at Hopewell cemetery, Rev. W. R. Branhan, conducting the funeral service. She was a member of the Hopewell church, and was a lovely, christian woman.

June 8, 1897
Union Recorder
  Another old citizen has passed away.
  Mr. Robert W.Trapp died at his home in the eastern part of this county, last Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. He was seventy-eight years of age. For more than a year past he had been in ill health. During his long life spent on a farm he was a strong, muscular man and enjoyed excellent health up to seventy-five years of age. He was a good citizen, kind neighbor and genial companion. His wife preceded him to the grave. He leaves three children Mrs. J. T. McCrary, Mrs. Henry Blooodworth and Mr. G. W. Trapp.
  The funeral services were held at the home of the deceased and his remains were buried at Sand Hill cemetery, near by, at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon.

June 22, 1897
Union Recorder
     This evening at nine o'clcock, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Turner, Mr. M. F. Davis and Miss Agnes L. Sloat will be united in marriage. The marriage will be a very quiet one, being witnessed by only a few friends and relatives. Mr. Davis is the popular book-keeper of Mr. P. J. Cline, and is a young man of sterling worth, and has the confidence and esteem, of all our citizens. Miss Sloat is a charming and attractive young lady.

June 22 1897
Union Recorder
   Mr. W. A. Davis, an old and respected citizen of Linton, Hancock county, died last Tuesday, after an illness of one week.
   Mr. Davis was in his seventy-seventh year, leaves a wife and son to mourn his death.
   Mr. Davis was a former resident of Baldwin county, having lived here until about fifteen years ago. He has many friends among our older citizens who regret his death.

June 22, 1897
Union Recorder
  The remains of John W. Marlow, colored, route agent between Savannah and Macon, were brought to this city yesterday for burial. He died suddenly of heart failure at his boarding place in Savannah, last Saturday night. His family consisting of a wife and two children live in Macon.
  The deceased was quite a prominent character in republican politics in Georgia a number of years ago. He was at one time editor of The People's Choice, published at Macon, and prior to that was a gauger in the internal revenue service. He was born and reared in this city. He was a son of Bill Marlow, the bricklayer, well known here before the war.

June 29, 1897
Union Recorder
Moses Reeves, a negro  boy about 15 years of age, was drowned in the Oconee river, near the mouth of Camp creek, last Tuesday afternoon. The body was not recovered until Wednesday morning.

July 20, 1897
  Miss Sallie H. Myrick and Rev. R. A. Edmondson were happily married, at the home of the bride's parents, on Tuesday, the 13th inst. Rev. Fred Edmondson, assisted by Rev. J. O. A. Branch, performed the ceremony. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Myrick, and possesses many personal charms. Mr. Edmondson is a rising young preacher of the South Georgia Conference. After a delightful luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Edmondson, amid a shower of rice, left for Toronto, accompanied by Rev. F. Edmondson.

July 27, 1897
Union Recorder
Death of Mrs. G. W. Campbell. Mrs. Eliza Ennis Campbell died at Jacksonville, Ga., Tuesday the 20th, inst., and was buried in McRae, Wednesday.
   Mrs. Campbell was a native of Baldwin county, being the eldest daughter of the late Mr. P. M. Ennis. She has a large number of relatives and friends in this city and county. Her two brothers, Capt. C. W. Ennis and Mr. E. N. Ennis and sister, Mrs. T. E. Pugh attended the funeral services.     .

November 5, 1897
The Macon Telegraph
A BEAUTIFUL WEDDING. Mr. B. W. Jenkins Was Married to Miss Mabel Clare Cain.
  One of the prettiest home weddings seen in Macon for some time was that of Mr. Burwell Wynn Jenkins of Milledgeville to Miss Mabel Clare Cain of Macon, who were happily married yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. O. W. Thompson, 753 Oak street. Rev. M. P. Cain, pastor of the Baptist church at Blackshear, and father of the bride, officiated. The attendants were Maid of honor, Miss Edna Cain, the bride's sister, Miss Lawson Davis and Mr. Frank Jenkins; Miss Lulle Belle Morris and Mr. Hugh T. Cline, Miss Cora Jenkins and Mr. J. R. Cain, Miss Edna Cain and Mr. Geo. W. Adams, Miss Georgia Jenkins and Mr. David Jenkins. The couple left immediately after the ceremony for Eatonton, where they were tendered a reception by Hon. Frank Jenkins.
  The visiting friends present were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haddock of Haddock's station, Miss Cora Jenkins, daughter of Hon. Hut Jenkins, speaker of the house of representatives of the Georgia legislature, Mr. Frank Jenkins of Eatonton, Mr. George W. Adams of Eatonton, Mr. Hugh T. Cline of Milledgeville, Mr. J. R. Cain of Savannah.
  A great many Macon friends were in attendance, and the presents were elegant.
  The wedding ceremony was impressive and beautiful. It took place in the tastefully decorated double parlors of the bride's sister, Mrs. O. W. Thompson. The bridal dress was a handsome gray tailor-made suit, and the bouquet was made of nephetos roses artistically arranged by Mr. Charlie Woodruff.
   The bride is the accomplished and very intellectual daughter of one of the most generally beloved Baptist ministers in the state, and she numbers her friends and admirers by her acquaintances. She graduated at Wesleyan a few years ago, and although Macon has been her home only a short time, she has a great many devoted friends here.
   The groom is a brother of the distinguished speaker of the house of representatives, and is himself one of the most prosperous and successful planters in Baldwin county, where he has a magnificent home and a large landing estate. He is also a brother of Judge Frank Jenkins of Eatonton.

November 9, 1897
Union Recorder
  Married, in Baldwin County a the residence of C. I. Patterson on the 7th of November, 1897, Mr. Berry Patterson and Miss Ida Wood, W. R. Fenn officiating.

November 20, 1897
The Macon Telegraph
The Remains Carried to Milledgeville for Interment
Atlanta, Nov. 19. - The remains of Capt. J. H. Nichols, passed through en route to Milledgeville for interment. The Journal says of him:
  One of the most picturesque figures in Northern Georgia passed away when Capt. Nichols died yesterday at his home in the Nacoochee valley, twelve miles above Clarksville.
  No man ever lived in a community where he was more universally loved than Capt. Nichols. Nearly twenty-five years ago he moved into Nacoochee valley, and there, in the shadows of the Blue Ridge mountains, he built a home and took up his residence among the mountain folk, who in a short time were his devoted friends.
     There in the valley he lived, keeping open house to all his neighbors and travelers who came his way. He had the most magnificent home in North Georgia and one of the finest farms in the South. Capt. Nichols was noted for his generosity and gave largely from his means to anyone less fortunate than himself who need assistance. His residence was one of the most palatial in the state and was considered the finest in North Georgia.
   His happiness was finally turned to gloom by the unfortunate condition of his wife, whose reason became clouded. With his customary tenderness of heart Capt. Nichols for many years refused to allow the woman he loved so dearly to be given into the care of asylum physicians. Hoping to some day be able to restore her mind, Capt. Nichols kept his wife in his mountain home, and there, surrounded by all that love and wealth could provide, she was cared for.
  Finally, after long suffering, and seeing there was no hope of restoring her reason, Capt. Nichols took his wife to Milledgeville, which place had been their former home. She was placed in the state institution there for the insane, and with her reason dethroned she survives him.
  The remains of Capt. Nichols, passed through here this morning. Several years ago his health began to fail and then business reverse came and his fortune was swept  entirely away. Strangers took the titles to his vast estates and the old home passed away from him.

November 25, 1897
The Augusta Chronicle
    Columbia Nov. 24 - Annie Abbott, the Georgia Wonder, who can lift a half dozen men on a billiard cue, and accomplish many other feats on the same order, has had her diamond and other gold ornaments stolen. Unlike most such affairs of this sort, this is a genuine story and is not gotten out by her advertising agents, for a far as it is know she does not have such assistance. It appears that several days ago she missed her diamond ring, some watches and other trinkets. She gave the case to Detective Hall to work up. At the time her diamonds went her 14 year old son went also, and this aroused the suspicion of the mother. She suggested that if her son be found, that the diamonds would also be discovered. Detective Hall, as a result of his work, arrested the son Fred and James Current. Current is a former railroad employee, who, it is charged, cooperated with the boy in the theft. Detective Hall found several watch chains on Current's person and all of the diamonds, watches, and trinkets on Current and the boy.
     The two offender's were arrested in Laurens and are in jail here now awaiting trial.

November 30, 1897
Union Recorder
A Negro Killed.
Tate Etheridge, a negro man, was shot and killed on Mr.Terrell Dismuke's place in this county, last Thursday, by Jim Nicholls, another negro. Etheridge made an attack on Nicholls with a pistol and shot him in the thigh. Nicholls, after being shot, got possession of the pistol, and shot Etheridge, inflicting a wound, which caused death, in 24 hours. The verdict of the coroner's jury was justifiable homicide.

December 21, 1897
Union Recorder
MARRIED IN NEW YORK. Miss Bessie Evans Weds Mr. Hirsch, a Wall Street Banker.
Miss Bessie Evans, of Milledgeville, and Mr. Patrick H. Hirsch were married in New York, Monday evening, 13th instant. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Frank J. Belcher, at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, 11 Jane street.
  The bride is the third daughter of Mr. Samuel Evans of this city. She was in New York for special instructions in vocal music. She met and became engaged to Mr. Hirsch and it was agreed that the marriage should take place in February. A few weeks ago Miss Evans'  teacher became ill, and as her lessons ceased it was expected that she would return home. The anticipated separation was painful to the lovers and they decided to be united at one and so wrote her father.
  On receiving the letters Mr. Evans started immediately for New York. On reaching that city he went to his daughter's boarding house and found her absent. He left her a letter stating that he could be found at the Astor House. Upon learning that her father was in the city she went to his hotel and found him absent. He had gone to the Mayor's office, where, making some inquiries about marriage licenses, etc., the ubiquitous newspaper reporters scented the exquisite perfume of orange blossoms on the air, and this it was hat what was intended to be a very quiet wedding became a romantic affair in the metropolitan dailies, in which "an irate Georgia Colonel an his daughter, a pretty southern blonde" was given a prominence that was truly irritating to our modest fellow citizen. One on the track of a "romance" the Georgian and the New Yorker were besieged by reporters, but these gentlemen refused to talk, and the pencil pushers were left to their imagination.
   Late in the day the father and daughter, after an all-day search for each other, met in a parlor of the Astor House, and the would-be son-in-law was introduced and plead his cause successfully. After and entirely satisfaction conference, the party proceeded to the home of a Methodist minister, where the marriage was solemnized.
  After the ceremony the party were driven back to the Astor, where a number of relatives of the bridegroom and a few friends joined he happy pair for a sumptuous dinner.
  Mr. Hirsch is a member of the firm of Hirsch Bros & Co., bankers and brokers, No. 10 Wall street. He is twenty-nine years of age and a man of fine business capacity and experience.
  The fair and accomplished bride has a host of friends in this, her native city, who wish her unbounded happiness.

January 25, 1898
Union Recorder
MARRIED. At Mosleyville on Tuesday evening, at 6 o'clock, at the home of the bide's mother, Miss Dona Gilman and Mr. Joseph Trice, Rev. J. A. Wray, officiating. The home was beautifully decorated with smilax. The ceremony was witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends. After the marriage the happy pair came to the city and spent the night at the home of the groom's uncle, Mr. J. B. O'Quinn. On Wednesday morning they proceeded to the home of the groom in Hancock county.

February 8, 1898
Union Recorder
  ~excerpt~Mr. John B. Harper,of this county and Mrs. Mamie Gay were united in marriage, at 10:30 o'clock last Thursday morning, at the home of Mr. McRae, in South Macon, Rev. Mr. Neice officiating.
  Mr. Harper is the eldest son of Mr. C. R. Harper, and is one of Baldwin's most prominent and prosperous young farmers.

February 15, 1898
Union Recorder
The home of Capt. Jacob Caraker will be the scene of a most happy event, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, at which time his youngest daughter, Miss Ethel, will be united in marriage to Rev. W. A. Wray, Jr, Miss Caraker is one of Milledgeville's most charming young ladies, and is quite popular with all our young people. Mr. Wray is a young Baptist minister, and is pastor of the Waynesboro and Thomson churches. These happy young people will enter upon life with the best wishes of a host of friends.

February 22, 1898
Union Recorder
A NEGRO WOMAN KILLED.   Anna Hood, a negro woma, was stabbed to death by her half brother, Geo. Barnes, in Sintonville, Monday night, 14th inst.
  The row began between George Barnes and his mother, Ellen Barnes. She asked him to aid her in paying the house rent. This engraged the negro, and he threatened to strike his mother with a chair. The frightened woman ran from the house, and went to the home of her daughter, Anna Hood, who lived near. The man followed, when Anna interfered, telling him not to hit her mother. The women then went to the home of Henrietta Hood, another daughter, followed by George, as far as the gate. Anna went back into the yard, picked up a large stick, and struck at him, but a negro man, who was attracted to the scene by then noise, prevented the blow from hitting him.
  A few minutes afterwards Anna exclaimed you all have let George cut me. She was carried into the house, and died in a short while.
  Coroner Scott was notified, and summoned the following jury, Messrs. G. T. Whilden, E. L. Barnes, Frank Malpass, S. B. Fowler, J. M. Bayne and Dr. T. M. Hall. After hearing the evidence the jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
  Soon after the killing Barnes left and has not been seen since. It is probable that a warrant will be sworn out for his arrest.

February 27, 1898
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. Manry Munnerly Stapler has gone to Stevens' Pottery to see her mother, Mrs. W. C. Stevens, who is quiet ill. Miss Adah Virginia Evans, of Milledgeville, who has been the attractive guest of Mrs. Stapler has return home. During Miss Evan's stay here she received a number of social attentions, among them a beautiful card party given in her honor by Mrs. Stapler.

March 8, 1898
Union Recorder
Death of Mrs. A. R. Bloodworth. Mrs. Susan Bloodworth, wife of A. R. Bloodworth, died at her home in the south-west part of this county, last Friday night at 9 o'clock, after a brief illness of pneumonia. She was about 47 years of age and leaves a husband and three grown children.
  The funeral services were held at Sun (Union) Hill church last Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
  Mrs. Bloodworth was a consistent member of the Methodist church-an excellent christian woman, and was greatly beloved by a large circle of relatives and friends.
  The Union Recorder sympathizes deeply with the bereaved husband and children in their sad loss.

March 8, 1898
Union Recorder
   Last TuesdayJulia Payton, a colored woman, who lives on Mr. J. D. Myrick's place in this county, was burned so badly that she died Wednesday.

Emma Lenora, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barnes, died last Wednesday of whooping cough. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. J. Page. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of our community.

March 15, 1898
Union Recorder
   Union Hill Items March 11, 1898.
   Death has come to our school and taken away one of our beloved pupils, Claude, the ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Newton, died at his home Thursday, 10th inst. He was taken violently ill with pneumonia on Sunday night, and lived only three days.
   No longer than last week he was with us in our school work and play; and now he has passed from us forever. He was a dutiful and studious pupil and had won the love of his teacher and playmates. We extend to the bereaved family our heartfeld sympathy. He was buried Friday p.m., the 11th inst., at the old homestead.
Dear little Claude from us has gone,
The voice we love is still;
A place is vacant in our school
That never can be filled.

April 25, 1898
Union Recorder
  Saturday night, 16th inst., in a fight which occurred at a negro frolic at Stevens Pottery, Spence Cannon was shot through one of his lungs, and died Wednesday morning. Coroner Scott was notified and held an inquest. The verdict of the jury was that Willis Waller and Thomas Rhinehart were guilty of murder. The two negroes are in jail.
See July 19, 1898

May 31, 1898
Union Recorder
   Mr. Dudley H. Tatum died at his home in this county last Tuesday morning after a short illness. He was buried Wednesday morning, Rev. W. R. Branham conducting the funeral services. The large attendance at the funeral testified to the high esteem in which was held.
   He came from North Carolina to Georgia in 1834, and taught school two years in Jones county. In 1836 he moved to Baldwin county and settled the place where he lived at the time of his death - living there sixty-two years. He was 93 years of age.
    Mr. Tatum leaves three daughters Mrs. Chas. R. Harper, Mrs. W. G. Hawkins and Miss Ellen Tatum, and one son, Mr. Herbert Tatum.
   Through his long life Mr. Tatum was noted as a man of strong convictions and sterling integrity. He followed the occupation of farmer, which was a successful and happy business in antebellum days. He was a good citizen and a reliable man. In politics he was a life-long democrat. Industrious and frugal in his habits he lived to a very old age in the quiet serentiy of a happy home. Children and grand-children rise up bless his memory, and many friends cherish recollections of his noble example. Life's duties well-done the wear old man sleeps the sleep of the just.

June 7, 1898
Unon Recorder
May, the infant daughter of Mr.  and Mrs. J. M. Youngblood, died at their home near the Asylum, last Tuesday. The parents have the sympathy of a large number of friends..

July 19, 1898
Union Recorder.
  Thomas Rhinehart was found guilty of the murder of Spence Cannon, and was recommended to the mercy of the court.
  This murder was committed at a negro frolic near Stevens Pottery, on the night of the 16th of April. A row over a trivial matter arose, and resulted in the killing of Cannon. Warrants were sworn out for Thomas Rhinehart and Willis Waller, and they were indised conjointly.
  The case was called in the Superior Court early Thursday morning, and Judge D. B. Sanford and Col. Walter F. Grey were appointed, by Judge Hart, to defend Rhinehart, and Col. Pottle to defend Willis Waller. Sol. Lewis represented the State in the prosecution.
  The  evidence showed that Rhinehart did the shooting. The case went to the jury Thursday afternoon, after speeches by the lawyers. The jury did not reach a verdict until Friday morning, after Court convened. Waller was declared not guilty, and Rhinehart was found guilty and recommended to the mercy. He was sentenced to the penitentiary for life.
See September 27, 1898

August 23, 1898
Union Recorder
  Mr. Charles Hogue died in Macon, last Saturday, after an illness of several weeks.
  His remains were brought to this city Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and laid to rest in the cemetery, Rev. W. E. Branham conducting the services.
  He was the son of the late Mr. E. J. Hogue and was reared in this city. He leaves a number of relatives, who have the sympathy of many friends in this city.

September 27, 1898
Union Recorder
ARRESTED AT AIKEN, S.C.   Richard Stewart, who was wanted in this county on a charge of murder was arrested in Aiken, S.C., last week, and Sheriff Prosser went after him, and brought him to the city Sunday morning and lodged him in jail.
  At the last term of the Superior Court of this county true bills were found against Tom Rhinehart, Willis Waller and Richard Stewart for the murder of a negro by the name of Cannon, at a negro frolic, near Stevens Pottery, on the night of April 16th. Rhinehart and Waller were tried, and the former found guilty and sentenced to the penitentiary for life, and the latter was acquitted. Soon after the murder Stewart left and went to Aiken, S.C., where he was located by Sheriff Prosser, who had him arrested.
  Stewart will be put on trial for his life at the January term of court.

October 4,  1898
Union Recorder
  Mr. Homer T. Castleberry, of Atlanta, and Miss Sue Bell, of this city, were united in marriage, at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning at the home of the bride's father, Judge M. R. Bell, the ceremony, a very quite one, only relatives and a few friends being present, was performed in a most impressive manner by Rev. J. A. Wray. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for their future home in Atlanta.
  The bride is the only daughter of Judge M. R. Bell, and is quite an accomplished and charming young lady. She possesses many womanly traits, which have won her a large circle of friends, and endeared her to the hearts of all our people.
   Mr. Castleberry is connected with the Engraving Co., of Atlanta, and is a young man of sterling character. He is wll known in the city, having been a Cadet in the M. G. M. & A. College.

October 18, 1898
Union Recorder
   Mr.Charles Brown died at the home of his father, Mr. E.Z. Brown, near Meriwether, last Saturday, at 11 o'clock, after an llness of two weeks with Typhoid fever.
   The funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. J. M. Lowery, and his remains were brought to this city Sunday afternoon, and interred in the cemetery, Rev. W. B. Branham officiating at the grave.
   Mr. Brown is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Brown, and was 21 years of age. A few months ago he was married to Miss Fleta Pound, of the city, and the young couple commenced life under favorable circumstances, and it is indeed sad that the young wife should be so soon bereaved. He was a most promising young farmer and had the respect and confidence of all who knew him.
   The bereaved wife, parents and brother have the cympathy of our entire community.

October 24, 1898
Union Recorder
MARRIED. Mr. H. M. Jordan, of Monticello, Ga., and Miss Lucy Ward, of this county, were united in marriage yesterday afternoon at the Presbyterian Manse, Rev. D. W. Brannen officiating.. 

November 22, 1898
Union Recorder
~excerpts~ BLOODY STREET DUEL. One Man Killed and Three Seriously Wounded.   A terrible tragedy was enacted in this city Saturday afternoon.
   Saturday dawned clear and pleasant, and ended a week of continued rain. People, who had been kept at their homes in the country, come to the city, and all day the streets were crowded, but especially so in the afternoon.
  About 2:45 o'clock the large crow was startled by the reports of pistol shots on Hancock street near the store of Mr. W. H. Leonard. The shots came in quick succession,  and was over before one could realize what had occurred.
   After the shooting it was found that Mr. W. O. Finney had been killed; his son, Thomas, had been shot in the side and leg; Mr. W. B. Stanley in the breast, and J. R. Stanley in the face.
  The Messrs. Stanley immediately after the shooting, went into the store of Messrs. L. H. Thomas, where Drs. Croley, Clark and Compton gave then all possible attention, and dressed their wounds. Later they were carried to the Harper House where they are at this time, seriously wounded, but the Drs. are hopeful of their recovery.
  The remains of Mr. W. O. Finney were carried to his home, on South Wayne Street. Mr. Thomas Finney was carried to the drug store of D. S. Carrington, where his wounds were dressed by Drs. Robison, Hall and Whitaker. He was afterwards carried to his parents home. He is painfully shot but will recover in a short while.....
  The Coroner's Jury then retired and brought in the following verdict: "That W. O. Finney came to his death from pistol wounds inflicted by W. B. Stanley; and that Stanley killed said Finney in self defence."
  Two stray bullets struck a negro man and woman inflicting flesh wounds.
  The parties to this awful tragedy are well-known and respected citizens. Mr. W. O. Finney was a wheelwright, and was an industrious citizen. Thomas Finney is a young man, only 18 years of age.
   Messrs. W. B. and J. R. Stanley are prosperous young farmers, and reside in the southern part of the county.

Page 7
Burial of Mr. W. O. Finney
  The funeral of Mr. W. O. Finney was held at this late residence on South Wayne street at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, and was largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. J. A. Wray, pastor of the Baptist church, and the remains were buried in the city cemetery.
   Mr. Finney moved to this city from Jones county four years ago and opened a shop for the repair of wagons. H was a son of Mr. Thos. J. Finney, who up to the time of his death, several years ago, was a prominent citizen of south-west Baldwin. The deceased was quiet, industrious citizen and respected by all who knew him. His sad death brings sorrow to a large circle of relatives and friends. He leaves a wife and nine young children - the eldest Thomas J. Finney being only 18 years of age. Great sympathy is felt for the afflicted family.

December 6, 1898
Union Recorder
  Mr. William Hemphill and Miss Dena Garner were united in marriage at 9 o'clock last Tuesday morning, at the Baptist church, in this city, Rev. J. A. Wray officiating. The bride is quite an attractive young lady, and is quite popular with all who know her. Mr. Hemphill is an employee of the State Sanitarium, and is a young man of sterling character.

December 27, 1898
Union Recorder
  Miss Rowena Robinson, daughter of Mrs. M. E. Robinson of Milledgeville, Ga., and Mr. W. P. Nichols of Sparta, Ga., were united in marriage Wednesday, December 21, by Rev. Josiah W. Jordon at the home of her uncle, W. N. Anderson, of Milledgeville. It was a quiet marriage, attended chiefly by relatives.

December 27, 1898
Union Recorder
Marriage Bells. Rev. J. H. Bailey, of the South Baldwin Mission, was happily married to MissJulia Hill, of Athens, Ga., on 21st inst. Mr. Bailey is entering upon his 2nd year of service on the South Baldwin work. He is quite popular as a pastor, and is a preacher of decided promise.
  Miss Hill was one of the most charming young ladies of the classic city-amiable, attractive and a devoted Christian.
  The  Union Recorder extends its hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bailey-wishing them a long, successful and useful career.

January 3, 1899
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 2 - Mr. William Huff, a farmer living five miles east of the city, who accidentally shot himself while out hunting last Thursday, died last night of his wounds. Mr. Huff was about 23 years of age and leaves a wife and two children, a large number of relatives and friends to mourn his untimely death.

January 3, 1899
Union Recorder
~excerpt~A Happy Marriage. At 6:30 o'clock Thursday evening, Dec. 29th, in the amusement hall at the Sanitarium a beautiful marriage was solemnized, the contracting parties being Mr. L. S. Holsey and Miss Nellie Wall.
   The attendants were Mr. Arthur Farell with Miss Cora McCoy, Mr. George Ross with Miss Emma Layfield and Mr. John Babb with Miss Ada Layfield...........
  .Mr. Holsey has for several yeas been a faithful and trusted employee at the Sanitarium.They will continue to live at the Sanitarium.

January 29, 1899
The Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville. Mrs C. W. Richter and children have returned home from a visit to relatives in Madison and Bolingbroke.
  Mr. S. H. Manigualt treated a number of his friends to an oyster roast at Carrington's grove last Friday evening. Quite a number of young ladies and gentlemen were present, and a most delightful time enjoyed by all.
  Mrs. Joseph and Misses McClellan and Fox will entertain the Ladies' Card club at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The members will please note the change to Wednesday instead of Tuesday.
  The Spinisters' club met with Miss Eva and Mae Thompson on Thursday afternoon, and all present spent a most pleasant time. Delightful refreshments were served.
 Mrs. P. L. Walker has returned to Milledgeville from her home in Attalla, Ala, after a visit of several weeks to her parents in the city.
  Miss Lillie Jackson, of Ceres, Ga is visiting her brother Dr. A.M. Jackson, in this city.
Mrs L. A. Gibson has moved to the city from near Merriwether, and will make her home with her son, Mr. E. P. Gibson.

February 1, 1899
Augusta Chronicle
DEATH OF W. H. SCOTT. An Old Citizen of Milledgeville Passes Away. Milledgeville, Jan. 31. Mr. W. H. Scott, one of Milledgeville's oldest and most highly respected citizens, died yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the rsidence of his daughter, Miss J. C. Whitaker. He was an upright and honorable man. He leaves four sons and two daughters besides a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. He was about 81 years old.

February 27, 1899
The Macon Telegraph
HALE - RILEY. A Macon Man Weds a Baldwin County Young Lady.
  Mr. George Hale of Macon, and Miss Obelia Riley of Baldwin county, were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents in Baldwin county.
  Mr. Hale is a young man well thought of in Macon and is at present employed by Contractor Jones. He has many friends who wish him much joy and success. Miss Riley is one of Baldwin's most popular young ladies and has a host of friends.
  The bride and groom returned to Macon yesterday, where they will reside in the future.

February 28, 1899
Union Recorder
MARRIED - On Tuesday last, 21st inst., Mr. W. A. Hubbard and MissGeorgiana Barbee were united in marriage at the residence of the groom's father, at Scottsbsoro, W. H. H. Barnes, J. P. officiating.

March 29, 1899
The Augusta Chronicle
Sad Suicide Near Milledgeville
J. F. McKibben of Jackson, Ga., Hangs Himself in Small Cabin. Left Note To His Family. Said He Was Tired of Living-Had Been of Unsound Mind and Under Guard Until Few Days Ago. Milledgeville, March 28. - Mr. J.F. McKibben, a patient at the sanitarium of Dr. H.D. Allen, about two miles from the city, committed suicide yesterday about 11 o'clock, by hanging himself in a small cabin, some one-half or three-quarters of a mile from the sanitarium. He had for some time past been under the care of a special attendant, but being considered much better, and at the request of relatives, the attendant was dismissed yesterday. He ate a hearty breakfast and soon after left for a stroll in the pretty grove near by. Some time near 12 o'clock he was found dead in a small unoccupied cabin, having hanged himself with a small cord that had probably been used about the sanitarium stable as a bridle rein. It seemed that he had tied the cord to the rafter and then thrust a stick through a crack in the cabin, then got upon the stick and jumped off.
     There was a note in pencil pinned to the lapel of his coat stating that he wished to be buried just as he was found; that is, in the same clothes he had on, and did not want to be shaved or anything of that sort; just to bury him as they fond him. He was tired of living in his present condition, as he despaired of recovery. He said God bless and care for his wife and child and thanked his brother for his kindness to him, and said his was a sad ending to what was once a bright and happy life. He thanked his special attendant, Mr. Jones, and requested that he take his body to McDonough, Ga.
    Coroner Scott summoned a jury and a verdict was rendered according to the above facts.
He Lived At Jackson
     Jackson, Ga. March 28. - A telegram was received here last afternoon announcing the suicide of Mr. J.F. McKibben at Allen's sanitarium, at Midway, near Milledgeville. Mr.McKibben was one of Jackson's prominent citizens. For many years he was proprietor of a large furniture establishment in this city, and on account of ill health sold his business last fall and went to this sanitarium to try to regain his health.
    His brother, Mr. C.A. McKibben, the popular county treasurer of Henry County, received Sunday and encouraging letter which told of his improvement in health.
    Mr. McKibben was a highly esteemed citizen, and his family, who are residents of this city, have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.
    The interment will take place at McDonough this afternoon. He was a leading member of the Methodist church here.

April 2, 1899
The Augusta Chronicle
     The damage done the penitentiary buildings by the storm Saturday night week has been repaired and roofs are being put on the stockades. Captain Foster thinks the buildings will be ready for the reception of convicts on the 1st of April. Farm work was pushed last week and the ground is nearly ready for planting.
    On Sunday night last Mr. Matthews, the gifted young general secretary of the Y.M.C.A. conducted a special service for the students in Atkinson hall and delivered an impressive discourse to the large audience of girls present. Altogether the convention has been not only a delight but a spiritual inspiration to the G.N. & I. students.
    Mrs. Gracie Osborne, living near Mt. Pelier, had the misfortune to have here house burned last Tuesday night, with all of its contents, including wearing apparel.
    Mr. James H. Nall, left Tuesday morning for Mexico City, where he has accepted a position with the Mexican railway. The best wishes of many friends accompany his to his new home.
    Mrs. S. Waters McGill was in attendance on the Y.M.C.A. convention with Mr. McGill, state secretary of the association
     The many friends of Mrs. O.L. Rogers are glad to learn that she is recovering from a severe illness with fever.
     Miss Reba Caraker has returned home from a visit of several weeks to her sister, Mrs. A. D. Echols, at Shady Dale.
    Mrs. Charles Howell, of Oxford, spent several days of last week, visiting here daughter, who is a student of the G.N. & I. college.
    Judge Samuel Lumpkin spent several days of last week in the city. It is rumored that he is negotiating a sale of the Milledgeville railway.
     Mrs. W. H. Roberts, has returned from a  visit to her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Myrick at Chattanooga. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Myrick and son.
    Mr. J.F. McKibben, a patient at the sanitarium of Dr. H.D. Allen, committed suicide Tuesday morning by hanging himself.
    Mrs. F.B. Mapp, of Macon, spent several days last week in the city. The many friends of Mrs. Mapp are glad to learn of her intention to return to live in this city.
    Mrs. A Gordon of St. Louis is visiting the family of Mrs. P.V. Carrington.

May 4, 1899
The Macon Telegraph
  Milledgeville, Ga. May 3. Mr. Willie Prosser, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Prosser, died at his home in the city Sunday night, after a lingering illness of several months.

May 9, 1899
Union Recorder
   Mr. Morris Martin died at his home in west Baldwin, last Thursday night, after an illness of two weeks. He was about sixty years of age, and leaves a wife and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. He was a kind neighbor and a good citizen.

May 16, 1899
Union Recorder
  Mr. Maurice J. Martin was born March 25th, 1838, and died May 5th,  1899 - 66 years, one month and 10 days old.
   Uncle Maurice is dead.
   All that medical skill, a devoted wife and many loving friends could do, failed to save his life. But we feel sure that he is safe in the arms of Jesus. He was always cheerful and kind, and all who knew him knew nothing but good. May God bless his bereaved widow and give her grace for every trial.
   His funeral was preached by Rev. J. A. Wray.

May 16, 1899
Union Recorder
Mrs. William Patterson died at her home in Midway, last Saturday, at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Patterson has been a sufferer for many years, but was stricken with the illness which caused her death, about a week ago. She leaves a bereaved husband and several children. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist church, and was an excellent christian woman. She was a sister of Mr. T. J. Cooper. The funeral services were held Sunday at Camp creek church..

June 27, 1899
Union Recorder
  Mr. J. W. Champion, of this county, and Mrs. Mattie Kitchens were married Sunday, 18th inst., at Monticello. The happy couple arrived at the home of the groom Monday afternoon, and a nice crowd gathered at the infair Monday night. The Union Recorder wishes them much happiness.
Mrs. J. O. Brown, of Hebron, Washington county, died suddenly Thursday night, and was buried Saturday morning at the Roger's place in East Baldwin. Mrs. Brown has many friends and acquaintances in the county, who regret her death.

July 11, 1899
Union Recorder
Eugene, three-year-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bloodworth died at their home in the western portion of the county, Saturday morning. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of a large circle of friends.

July 18, 1899
Union Recorder
   Mr. James A. Smith and Miss Sallie Dominy were united in marriage at the Baptist church last Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, Rev. J. A. Wray officiating. The attendants were Miss Ada Layfield with Mr. John Babb and Miss Mamie Brake with Mr. Oscar Tanner. Miss O'Nora Ennis presided at the organ.
    After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of Mr. Charles Gibson, where a bountiful repast was served. Mr. Smith is an employee of the State Sanitarium and enjoys the confidence of the officers and a large circle of friends.
   The bride is an attractive young lady and numbers her friends by those who know her.
  The happy young couple commence life with the best wishes of a large circle of friends.

August 4, 1899
Atlanta Constitution
Struck Twice by Lightning. From The Milledgeville, Ga., Union Recorder.   Mr. William S. Edwards was struck by lightning last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Edwards was at the home of his father, Mr. John M. Edwards, and was at the well, engaged in watering his stock, when the stroke came. He was knocked senseless and remained unconscious for quite a while. A messenger was sent after his father, who was in the city, and a physician. Dr. T. M. Hall hurried to the scene, and found him in quiet a precarious condition. He is confined to his bed and is suffering great pain. This is the second time Mr. Edwards has been struck by lightning.

August 8, 1899
Union Recorder
Mr. Chauncey Butler died, at the home of his brother, near the State Sanitarium, late Monday afternoon, the 31st, ult, after an illness of several weeks with typhoid fever. His remains were carried to his old home in East Baldwin, Tuesday morning for burial.
   Mr. Butler was a son of Mr. Hugh Butler, and was about twenty years of age. He was an employee of the State Sanitarium, and had the confidence and estem of the officers of that institution. He was beloved by a large circle of friends. The Union Recorder extends sympathy to the bereaved family.

October 10. 1899
Union Recorder
   Miss Sallie Temples died a the home of her step-father, Mr. H. M. Williams, near Stevens Pottery, Wednesday morning, the 4th inst., after an illness of several months. the funeral services were conducted by Rev. John Pettigrew at Camp Creek church Thursday afternoon, and her remains laid to rest in the cemetery. She was a  member of the Baptist church, and led a consistent christian life. Her death carries sorrow to the hearts of all who knew her.

October 14, 1899
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 13. Mr. E. J. Vinson, one of Milledgeville's most popular young men, died at the home of his aunt, Mrs. W. P. Williams, this morning at 3:30 o'clock. His death has cast a gloom over our entire city. He was a kind-hearted, genial, noble young man and was greatly beloved by all who knew him. He had been ill nearly three weeks and great sympathy and love was show toward him by his relatives and friends.
  He was head clerk in the dry goods store of Mr. P. J. Cline and possessed the confidence and esteem of his employer and the employees.
   The funeral services were conducted at the methodist church this afternoon by his pastor, Rev. W. R. Branham. The floral offerings placed upon his casket expressed in tender tones the love of his friends.

October 27, 1899
The Macon Telegraph
MILLEDGEVILLE'S ROMANCE. How the News of the Wedding of Mr. Hines and Miss McComb Was Received at Home.
  Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 26 - The marriage of Mr. Will T. Hines and Miss Antonett McComb of this city at Zebulon on Tuesday morning last reached this city last night and is the subject of general conversation this morning. They are both very popular here and are representatives of two of our best families. Miss McComb being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McComb and Mr. Hines a son of the late Mr. Madison Hines. Miss McComb has been in Griffin for the past week with her cousin, Miss Gussie Flemister, preparatory to being the latters maid of honor upon her marriage to Mr. A. H. Cook of this city on Tuesday afternoon last. Mr. Hines left this city Monday morning for Griffin. Early Tuesday Mr. and Miss McComb rode out to Zebulon and married by Hon. A. B. Pope. They returned to Griffin, keeping their marriage a secret. That afternoon they stood up at the Cook-Flemister marriage at the First Presbyterian church as bridesmaid and best man. Immediately after the ceremony they joined the bride and groom, according to previous arrangements, going with them as far as Atlanta, where Miss McComb was to visit a friend, but they joined the other couple for Washington D.C. Their many friends at this place extend congratulations
  Why they should have taken such steps is not known, other than age. Mr. Hines being about 20 and Miss McComb 18.

December 12, 1899
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, In Macon, Ga., Nov. 26th, 1899 Mrs. Matilda Martin, the widow of Joseph Martin, a man who was well known on the streets of Milledgeville a few yers ago.
   She leaves a host of relatives, a few children, and friends by the score.
   For years and years she had been a faithful member of Camp Creek Baptist Church. She was a true and devoted wife, a kind and conscientious mother, and an always obliging friend.......

December 12, 1899
Union Recorder
  Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hollinshead have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Sallie May (Clark?), to Mr. Darden Asbury. The marriage will occur Thursday morning, December fourteenth, at nine o'clock, at their home in Midway. Miss Hollinshead is an unusually handsome and attractive young lady, and has been quite popular and much admired in this and other cities. Mr. Asbury is prominenty connected in the railroad circles of Nashville, Tenn.

December 12, 1899
Union Recorder
    Mr. Robert Stevens died last Wednesday morning at his home near Stevens Pottery, after an illness of several days with pneumonia. He came to this county from Wilkinson about three years ago; engaged in farming and was meeting with success. He leaves a wife and two small children. His remains were carried to Wilkinson county for burial.
  Mr. Stevens was a good and useful citizen and many friends regret his death.

December 19, 1899
Union Recorder
  Married, at Midway last Tuesday evening, Mr. Oscar Tanner and Miss Mamie Brake-Rev. J. H. Bailey officiating.
  Married, last Thursday afternoon, Mr. John Bloodworth and Miss Annie-Maye Baumgartel-Judge John Thomas officiating.

December 19, 1899
Union Recorder
  Mr. Edward Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Allen, died at the home of his parents in southern Baldwin. at 12 o'clock Wednesday morning, Dec. 13th. Mr. Allen was in his 21st year. He had been ill for only  a few weeks. Mr. Allen has been a Sunday School teacher at Mt. Pleasant church for the past year.
  The funeral services took place Thursday at 2 o'clock p. m. from the Mt. Pleasant church for the past year.
    Mr. Allen was the eldest child of a large family who have the sympathy of the community. His funeral was largerly attended.

December 26, 1899
Union Recorder
ACCIDENTALLY KILLED.   Henry Dixon, a young negro boy, was accidently shot and killed last Wednesday morning, by another negro boy, by the name of Silas Harrison. The killing occurred on the place of Mrs. Jos. Stiles, about twelve miles from the city, and coroner Scott went out and held an inquest. From the evidence gatheried it seems that the two boys were scuffling over the gun when it went off, killing Dixon. The verdict of the Jury was that the shooting was accidental.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004