Milledgeville-Baldwin County, Ga.
In The News 1840's

January 7, 1840
Federal Union
MARRIED in this city, on Thursday evening lastm by the Rev. Mr. Branham, Mr. LOCKETT McKINNON, representative in the last Legislature, from the county of Telfair to Miss MARY PIERCE daughter of the Rev. Dr. Pierce.

February 11, 1840
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, on the 28th of January, by John R. Scott, Esq. Mr. WILLIAM GRIMES to Miss MARTHA DUNN, both of Baldwin county.

February 25, 1840
Federal Union
MARRIED, on the 13th inst. at the house of Mr. John Davis, by L. R. Reeves, Esq. Mr. JOHN J. BUCK of Washington county, to Miss HASTY DAVIS, daughter of Mr. John Davis.

February 25, 1840
Federal Union
MARRIED In Baldwin county, on Sunday evening 16th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Brantley ISAIAH WHEELER, Esq.  to Mrs. DELIAH DISMUKES.

June 9, 1840
Macon Georgia Telegraph
DIED. In Watkinsville, Clark county, on the 23rd ult. of congestive fever, Mrs. Margaret J. Barnett, consort of Col. N. C. Barnett, aged 37 years.

September 1, 1840
The Southern Recorder
"On the 22nd, at the house of her son in this county, Mrs. Rachel Smith in her 73rd year. She was born in Maryland and had lived in Georgia 46 years. Her only children, a son and a daughter, survive. Her husband died eleven years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were among the first settlers of Baldwin Co. Members of Methodist Church 45 years.

October 13, 1840
Macon Telegraph
Married - At Scottsborough, Baldwin county, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Branham, Samuel E. Whitaker, Esq. to Miss Susan C., youngest daughter of Geo. Murph, Esq.
Died - In Attola county, Miss., on the 6th ult. Mrs. Elvira Atwood, formerly of Baldwin county, Ga., and wife of Mr. Turpin G. Atwood.

November 24, 1840
The Macon Georgia Telegraph
MARRIED, At Midway, near Milledgeville, on the 9th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Hillyer, Professor Crawford, of the Oglethorpe University, to Miss Anna Lazer.
  In Milledgeville, on the 3d inst, by the Rev. Mr. Branham, Mr. William Rich, of Elbert county, to Miss Rebecca Rich of Milledgeville.


January 19, 1841
Southern Recorder
   DIED, suddenly, in the neighborhood of this place, on Tuesday last, Capt. WILLIAM D. JARRATT, one of our oldest, most worthy and respectable citizens. Capt. J. was, at the time of his death, a Director of the Central Bank, and had deported himself through life, in such a manner as to command general respect-his deat will be deeply regretted by a numerous acquaintance, and sorely felt by a fond and devoted family.

April 6, 1841
Macon Weekly Telegraph
DIED. In Milledgeville, on the 26th ult., Henry Thomas Breedlove, aged 23 years, 3 months, and 6 days.

April 13, 1841
The Southern Recorder
On the same evening (April 7th), Mr. William G. Crowder to MissMartha Smith, dau. of John R. Smith, Esq., all of Baldwin County.

July 13, 1841
Georgia Journal
    It is with the deepest regret that we announce the death of Master RICHARD SANFORD, second son of Gen. Jno. W. A. SANFORD, of this place. He died of a wound received from WM. HARRIS, one of his schoolmates. We forbear comment or narrative of the unfortunate occurrence, as it will undergo judicial investigation. The deceased was a youth of twelve years of age, of high promise and interest, and most sincerely do we sympathize in the bereavement of his friends, and the affliction which the sad event has given the parents of the unfortunate actor.

July 13, 1841
Federal Union
DIED, in this City on Thursday, 8th inst. RICHARD H. SANFORD, second son of Gen. John W. A. Sanford, in the 14th year of his age, in consequence of a stab in the breast, inflicted with a knife a few days ago before by a fellow student, at Midway School
  The circumstances in relation to this unfortunate occurrence are alike painfully distressing, to the feelings, of the parents and friends of both the deceased and those of the unfortunate youth who committed the act, and who is now in confinement under an arrest for the offence awaiting his trial before the Superior Court. As a judicial investigation will be had of the facts, a further notice of the particulars is deemed improper and imprudent to be made at present.
   Young Mr. Sanford, we learn was an excellent youth, of amiable disposition, fondly doted on by his afflicted parents, highly esteemed by all his associates and others to whom he was known. From his moral deportment, studious manly character and early development of superior mind, bid fair to have made a useful man, and an ornament to society.

August 10, 1841
Federal Union
CORONER'S INQUEST. On Thursday last an inquest was called on the body of JAMES MURRAY, who had died suddenly the day previous at the Globe Hotel. The deceased it seems had just arrived from Burke county, the place of his late residence. The jury found that he had died by the "visitation of God."

August 10, 1841
Federal Union
DIED - at his residence near this place on Wednesday the 4th inst. Col. SAMUEL ROCKWELL. Endowed with a high order of intellect, and having for many years been a leading member of the bar, his absence from his place will be sensibly felt by the community. He was buried with Masonic and Military honors.

August 31, 1841
Macon Georgia Telegraph
MARRIED.   At Midway near Milledgeville, on the 2d inst. by the Rev. Mr. Baker, Mr. Ebenezer M. Cowles, to Miss Francis Maria Atwood.
  At the Residence of Mr. C. Rains, in Baldwin county, on the 15th inst., by Cary Davison, Esq. - of Jones county, Mr. John W. Ward, to
Miss Eliza Breedlove, both of Baldwin county.

September 21, 1841
Macon Telegraph
DIED - In Milledgeville, on the 18th inst.Giles Spencer, infant son of William S. and Rebecca Rockwell, aged 2 years, 3 months and 23 days.

September 7, 1841
Macon  Georgia Telegraph
DIED. In Milledgeville, on the 29th ult., Dr. Charles Eaton Haynes, of Sparta, formerly a Representative in Congress of the United States.
  Near Milledgeville, on the 15th ult.,Mrs Nancy Mills in the 63d year of her age.

November 16, 1841
Southern Recorder
  NATHANIEL BRADFORD, Esq. the Senator from the county of Crawford, died in this place on Sunday evening  last. His death was announced in the Legislature yesterday, when suitable resolutions were passed and both bodes thereupon adjourned.

November 16, 1841
Macon Telegraph
  DIED - At Scottsborough, on the 6th inst., Richard Augustus, son of Joel T. and Elizabeth Tucker, aged 6 years, 4 months and 6 days.

November 16, 1841
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED. At Midway near Milledgeville, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr. Baker, Mr. Robert W. Jamison, of Macon, to Miss Sarah, eldest daughter of B. P. Stubbs, Esq. of the former place.

November 23, 1841
The Macon Georgia Telegraph
DIED. In Milledgeville, on the 26th ult. of wounds received in an affray, Mr. Mansel J. Smith, a native of Virginia, but for many years an inhabitant of this state.
See April 12, 1842

November 30, 1841
Southern Recorder
DIED, in this city yesterday morning, after a painful and protracted illness from teething, JOHN B, infant son of William B. and Sarah G. Tinsley, aged sixteen months.

December 7, 1841
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED.  In Baldwin county, near Scottsboro, on the 21st ult., by Samuel T. Beecher, Esq. Mr. Allen Poindexter, to Miss Elizabeth Lewis, all of the above place.

December 23, 1841
Augusta Chronicle
The next term of this institution will commence on Tuesday, January 11th, 1842, and
continue five months . A complete course in
the Natural Sciences will be added to the studies
previously embraced in the system of education.
Mrs. A. A. EGERTON, Principal, and Teacher of English Literature
Mrs. C. H. B. RICHARDS, Teacher of Modern Languages and Drawing.
Miss L. L. BASS,  Teacher in English Studies and Calisthenics.
Miss JANE L. MATHER, Teacher of the Piano Forte and Organ.
Miss CAROLINE E. ATWOOD, Vocalist.
WM. C. RICHARDS, Teacher of Physical Sciences and the Latin Language.
Instruction in English Branches and Latin....................$40 per term
Instruction on the Piano Fore and Organ, each.......... 30    "
Instruction in French, Italian and Spanish, each......... 10     "
Instruction in Drawing...............................................10     "
Use of Piano for practice........................................... 5 per annum
Labratory expenses....................................................5     "
Payable invariably in advance.
  Board can be obtained for a limited number of Pupils in the family of the Principal by an early application; charge for the same, $12.50 per month, including lights and fuel, washing $1.50 extra
dec 23

January 11, 1842
The Macon Telegraph
Obituary. At 3 o'clock, on the 3d inst. Col. Thomas Haynes, paid the great debt of nature, at his residence in Milledgeville. His illness was short and had the appearance of giving way; but a sudden and unexpected spasm or unknown internal disorder put an end to his life in a few minutes -. He was in the 56th year of his age, and died in full possession of his mental faculties.
  Col. Haynes was a Virginian by birth, but has resided in this State from his childhood. Endowed by nature with a powerful mind and manners suited to the democratic principals he ever cherished; few men have exerted more influence on the public mind than he. His zeal and activity as a member of the Legislature, to which he was for many years returned from Hancock county, and his services as Treasurer of the State, in which office he died, bear testimony of the confidence the people reposed in him. For several years past the Standard of Union has owed to his genius the racy and soul-stirring articles which became the common property of Democratic papers in all parts of this State. Their powerful influence are acknowledged by all; but this Clarion which has so often called to the polls the Democracy of Georgia, is to be heard no more.
    By an Executive Order, the offices in the State House were closed for one day, and the interment of Col. Haynes placed under the direction of the Secretary of State, the Comptroller General, and the Surveyor General. Federal Union.

February 8, 1842
The Macon Telegraph
 In Milledgeville, on the 30th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Mann, the Rev. Isaac Boring, toMrs. Eliza Jarratt, of Milledgeville.

February 15, 1842
The Macon  Telegraph
   In Edgefield S.C. on the 27th ult. Mr. Edmund A. Glascock of Milledgeville, son of the late Gen. John Glascock, of this State.

March 8, 1842
The Macon  Telegraph
MARRIED.  In Scottsboro, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. Alfred T. Mann, Wm. T. W. Napier, Esq. of Milledgeville; to Miss Julia E. daughter of Mr. Joel T. Tucker, of the former place.
  At Midway, Baldwin county, by the Rev. John W. Baker, Geo. W. Hardwick, Esq. of Columbia county, to Miss Eliza Agnes Ragland, daughter of Thos. Ragland, Esq.

April 12, 1842
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Baldwin Superior Court, March Term
The State vs Geo. W. Searcy & Wm. Searcy
Indictment for murder
  George W. Searcy not having been arrested, the other defendant, Wm. Searcy, only was put upon his trial during the Superior Court which has just terminated its session. He was charged as a principal in the second degree- as aiding and abetting his brother in taking the life of Mansel Smith. The evidence educed established the fact very clearly, that, although he threw a billet of wood at Smith, and thereby made an assault upon him - yet, thus he was soon cut down with a knife by SMith and rendered in capable of further aggression. After this, Smith was stabbed by Geo. W. as inaction whatever was established by proof against the prisoner William Searcy.
  The Jury after having been charged with great persolecity by his Honor, Judge Cone, retired, and in some half hour, returned into Court with a verdict of acquittal.
  The counsel for accused were I. L. Harris and B. F. McDonald Esqs.
  For the Sate, J. M. Ashurst, Esq. and the Solicitor General, Aug. B. Reese, Esq. Georgia Journal

May 19, 1842
The Chronicle and Sentinel
OBITUARY. Miss Catharine D. Hammond was born in Northumberland county, Va., on the 30th December, 1763, and died in Milledgeville, Ga., on the 11th May, 1842-aged 78 years.
  She was the daughter of Charles Hammond, who removed with his family to South carolina in the year 1776, and settled near Augusta, Ga., where he continued to reside until his death. During the Revolution, her family were ardently devoted to the cause of liberty. Five of her brothers were in the army, and one of them, Col. Samuel Hammond, (who still survives, and was formerly a Member of Congress from this State, and by appointment of President Jefferson, the first Governor of Missouri) distinguished himself in several important engagements with the enemy. From about the time of her Father's death in 1781 this lady became a communicant of the Episcopal church in Augusta, and she has generally resided in that city and its vicinity from that time until November last, when she visited Milledgeville to spend a few months with an aged sister.
   The character of this amiable and excellent Lady was so strongly marked with every christian grave and virtue, that it is impossible within the limits of a newspaper obituary, to review them in detail:-Nor is it necessary that we do so, for, the enduring record of her goodness is imperishably written on the hearts of her numerous friends and acquaintances. To them it may be pleasing to know, that the distinguishing traits of her character underwent no change. - Her benevolence was active, for she exhorted all, white and black, to devote themselves to those pursuits alone, which would render them happy in this life, and thrice happy in the life to come. Her attachment for connexions and friends remained undiminished to the last moment. - She tried to remember them all - called many of their names, and sent them messages of love.
   Her taste for simple pleasures was most strikingly exhibited. When apparently in the very agony of death an infant was brought to into the room with flowers - she smiled, took them in her hand, refreshed herself with them, and then handing them back with the blessing on the child. Her Redeemer was steadfast and immovable. Though prostrated for near 5 weeks, and for the last few days suffering much. Death in this tedious form was unable to wring from her the slightest complaint, or carry the least terror to her heart - but, sustained by the consolations of the Gospel. she went down into the dark valley of the shadow of death, with as much cheerfulness, as if walking in a garden of flowers!
  "Was there any one ever so blest?" - said she- "i am now happy. Though old and feeble, and always delicate, I have no fear of death. With so many friends around me, and the arms of Jesus under me, I know I shall not sink!"
  Thus the last moments of a long and useful life were employed by this sainted old Lady in giving glory to God in the highest, and in impressing on those who came to see her die, the importance of embracing Christ as their savior, and giving themselves early to his service. And thus she fell asleep.
    "Or ever the silver chord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern-then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit return unto God who gave it."

June 7, 1842
Southern Recorder
 DIED, at his residence in Midway, on Sunday the 29th ult. after a short illness, Mr. JOSEPH LANE, formerly of Portland, Maine, aged 63 years.

June 14, 1842
Federal Union
MARRIED, at Midway, near Milledgeville, on Thursday morning inst., by the Rev. Mr. Baker, R. M. ORME, Esq. (one of the Editors of the Southern Recorder,) to

November 1, 1842
Milledgeville Recorder
Stil Another Death by Violence. - Mr. John A. Deane, a respectable citizen of this place, and Clerk of one of our Courts, was on Wednesday evening last involuntarily drawn into a quarrel, and although unarmed, was stabbed to the heart, and immediately fell dead in one of our streets. He was not, it appears, of the party who had engaged in the previous quarrel, but stepping up during the excitement, was accidentally drawn into it, and without apprehending danger, received the fatal stab. Mr. D's sudden and unexpected death is deeply lamented by our community. His remains were followed to the grave by the Metropolitan Greys, the Masonic fraternity, and a large concourse of citizens. He has left a bereaved widow and child, ever to lament his premature death, arising from the too frequent practice, in defiance of law, of carrying deadly weapons. Cicero Buffington has been committed to our Jail, charged with having committed the offence, and two of his brothers, one the Sheriff our our county, have had to give bond for their appearance, charged, with having been accessory. As the matter will undergo a judicial investigation, we refrain from any additional remarks. But we lament, truly lament the occurrence, and hope the day is not far distant when the public morals will be reformed, and law and order regain their wonted away, for we blush for the present degeneracy of the times.

November 8, 1842
Federal Union
Married, In Milledgeville, on Tuesday morning last, by the Rev. Mr. Hillyer, Mr. JOHN JACKSON, of Albany, Ga. to Miss ADELAIDE LOUISA, youngest daughter of Joseph Stovall, Esq.
 At Midway, near Milledgeville, on Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Mann, JOHN HAMMOND, Esq. to Miss CAROLINE S. daughter of M. Fort, Esq.
  In Baldwin county, on Wednesday eveNing last, by John S. Stephens, Esq., Mr. JOSEPH BROWN to Miss ELIZABETH, daughter of Jehu Edge, all of Baldwin county.

Obituary. DIED, At Midway, in the County, on Wednesday evening lst, Mr. CYRUS JONES, aged about 40 years, formerly of Wilton, New Hampshire. Mr. Jones' death was occasioned by being thrown out of a wagon, while the horse from fright was at  their utmost speed, and was severely injured as to survive but a few hours after the sad accident. His death was sincerely regretted by those who had the pleasure of his acquaintance during his short sojourn among us. "Peace be to his manes."


February 28, 1843
Federal Union
MARRIED, in Putnam county, on the 19th inst. by the Rev. Dr. Clemens, Mr. WILLIAM O'BRIEN, of Milledgeville, to Miss CAROLINE, daughter of Uriah and Frances Ward.

April 25, 1843
Federal Union
~excerpt~ MARRIED - In Midway, on Thursday evening, the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. W. Baker, Mr. GEORGE W. FISH to Miss MARTHA ELIZA, daughter of Maj. Wm. Y. Hansell, all of the same place.

~excerpt~ DIED, in this place, on the 20th inst., Mrs. ADELINE CLARK, consort of Mr. John C. F. Clark, in thE 28th year of her age.

May 23, 1843
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~DIED in Scottsboro, near this city, on Friday the 12th inst., WILEY W., son of Wiley and Mary Cullens, in the 11 year of his age.
   The deceased came to his death by the accidental discharge of a pistol which he was holding in his hand - the ball entering the right cheek and passing nearly through the head. He lingered seventeen days in the most intense agony.....

May 30, 1843
Federal Union
   Departed this life, on Saturday, the 27th inst. BENANUEL BOWER, Esq., of this city. Mr. Bower was born on the 5th May 1786, and was in his 57th year when he died - For many years, he was a citizen of Milledgeville, where ...interigrity, and deportment generally, was admired by all. He had been in bad health for many years.

DIED, at his residence in Baldwin county, on the 4th inst., Mr. JAMES G. RUSSELL, a soldier of the revolution, aged 84 years.

June 6, 1843
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Madison,  on Monday the 29th ult., by Rev. S. K. Talmage of Oglethorpe University, JOHN GRIEVE McHENRY, Esq., of Milledgeville, to /Miss HARRIET C. T. daughter of Wm. S. Stokes, Esq., of the former place.

July 20, 1843
Macon Georgia Telegraph
DIED.  In this city on the 1st inst. Mrs. Louisa Long, aged 72 years, widow of Maj. Evans Long, of Baldwin county. She remained a consistent member of the Baptist Church for the last twenty years and died with the hope of meeting her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who was her comforter during her protracted illness.

June 27, 1843
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Departed this life, on Thursday the 22d instant, in this city, Mr. GEORGE STEELE, in the 31st year of his age. He was a native of Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, but removed in infancy with his parent to Georgia, where he has since resided. He served apprenticeship to the Printing business in Milledgeville, in which occupation he continued.....
....Early deprived by death, of father, mother and sisters, the ligament that bound the deceased to his surviving brother acquired increased strength from those deprivations-..........

October 24, 1843
Southern Recorder
DIED, at his residence in this county, on Monday the 16th ult., HORATIO N. BARKSDALE, aged 42 years. He bore an illness of eight weeks with remarkable patience. The community has lost a peaceable citizen and neighbor, his wife and children an affectionate husband and father, his servants a kind and indulgent master. The attention paid him during his illness, will no doubt console the bereaved family in the remembrance that Mr. B. was held in high estimation by his neighbors.

November 28, 1843
Macon  Georgia Telegraph
DIED,  In Montgomery county, Texas, on the 7th of August, JAS. DAVIS, aged about 21 years, eldest son of Wm. J. and Emeline Davis, of Milledgeville.

December 5, 1843
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this county, on the morning of the 21st ult by the Rev. J. Boring, Mr. THOMAS G. GODWIN, to Miss MELVINA HILL, all of Baldwin county.

~excerpt~ OBITUARY. Departed this life on Monday, 23d of October, in full triumph of Christian hope, Mrs. SARAH BRANTLEY, aged 54 years.

December 5, 1843
Macon  Georgia Telegraph
DIED, In Milledgeville, on the 22 ult. after a short illness. Mr.ROBERT CHRISTIAN, aged about 46 years, Assistant Postmaster at that place, and formerly, for a number of years the Foreman of the "Georgia Journal."

January 9, 1844
Southern Recorder
GREAT LONGEVITY - Died in this city, on Thursday 28th ult., JIM, a colored man who was at Braddock's defeat in 1755, supposed to be at his death 112 years of age, many years a servant of James Thomas, Esq., a fellow soldier of Lafayette at the battle of Little York, who died in his 89th year, whose widow now is 98, in the enjoyment of perfect health. Jim leaves a widow, Fanny, a woman whose youngest daughter was a grown woman at the time the British had possession of Savannah. Many years a servant of the late Gen. Mitchell, who died in his 72d, and at present in possession of his widow, aged 74. Fanny's mother visited here at the Creek Agency, in 1818 where she died, aged 120.

MARRIED, At Woodville, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. John W. Baker, Col.  CHARLES DUBIGNON of Glynn, to Miss ANNA V., youngest daughter of the Hon. Seaton Grantland.  

January 9, 1844
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the morning of the 2d inst., by the Rev. J. Boring, Maj. REUBEN NASH, of Jackson county, to Miss ARABELLA M. S. CROWDER, of this place.

DIED, in the place, on the 21st ultimo, Mr. JOHN L. RAGSDALE, a native of Brunswick or Mecklenburg county, Virginia, but for man years past a resident of this city, where he had obtained the reputation of a rigidly honest man, and by his kindly disposition and social qualities generally, had secured for himself an extensive circle of warmly attached friends. His remains were interred with appropriate military honors by the "Metropolitan Greys, " of which corps he was a member.

January 16, 1844
Macon Georgia Telegraph
MARRIED.   In Milledgeville, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. Mr. White, of the Episcopal Church, Mr. Jerome Tuttle, of N. Y. to
Miss Sarah Little, of the above place.

February 20, 1844
Macon Georgia Telegraph
MARRIED - In Baldwin county, on the 11th ist. by the Rev. T. D. Oxford, Mr. Jeremiah Oxford, of Henry county,
Miss Judith F. Wayne.
  In Baldwin county, by Dr. W. P. Haynes, Maj. Litteton S. Brooking to Miss Georgia A. H. daughter of Maj. Richard Rowell.

February 27, 1844
Federal Union
  ~excerpt~ DIED in this city, on the evening of the 21st instant, of Quincy, Miss SARAH, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Breedlove, in the 19th year of her age.

March 26, 1844
Federal Union
MARRIED-In Scottsboro', Baldwin county, on Thursday evening, 21st, by Judge Thomas, Mr. JOHN W. MCDOWELL, to Miss SUSAN, daughter of John Davis, Esq., all of said county.

April 23, 1844
Southern Recorder
DIED, in this county, on the 16th inst. FRANCIS V. DELAUNAY, Esq. Attorney at Law, aged 41 years, a native of Virginia. He has left a widow and seven children to mourn the loss of a kind husband and affectionate father. As a man of strict integrity and benevolence of heart, he had few equals and no superiors. Amiable, mild and gentle in his disposition, it may be justly said he left no enemies behind.

~excerpt~ DIED, in this city, on Monday, the 15th inst. after four weeks' severe suffering with hydrocephalus, KOSCIUSKO, only son of Mr. Charles E. and Mrs. Mary Ann Ryan, aged twenty-one months.

~excerpt~  Again has the tyrant Death with his restless scythe, scarlet fever, invaded the sweets of domestic comfort and cut down little JOHN, aged some advanced of three years, son of Mrs. and Dr. Dupree. He died on Sunday, the 31st ult, after a very protracted sickness - indeed, it was one of those cases that defied all treatment, and the rifle's deadly shot is not more certainly fatal.

May 28, 1844
Southern Recorder
~excerpts~ DIED, in this city on the 17th inst., of Erysipelas, Mrs. MARY BUFFINGTON, wife of Samuel Buffington, sen. Esq. in the 57th year of her age. She was a native of Washington county, but for many years a resident of this place. ...

July 9, 1844
Federal Union
~excerpt~Died, near Milledgeville, Georgia, May 24th, 1844, THOMAS FOARD, in his 67th year of his age. Brother Foard was born in Virginia, but removed to Georgia in early life. He was converted, and joined the church about forty years ago, in Hancock county.....

July 9, 1844
Federal Union
DIED - At his residence, in the Asylum, near this place, on the 11th ult. WILLIAM B. MOORE, aged thirty two. Mr. Moore had occupied the station of Steward in the Lunatic Asylum, from the time of its organization, and a more faithful and devoted public officer never lived.-He leaves a name untarnished, and a reputation unreproached, as the chief legacy of a bereaved widow and several young children. His character, as a man and as a Christian, will be long remembered by a wide circle of friends and relatives.

August 27, 1844
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ On Sabbath morning, the 13th instant, the subject of this notice, THOMAS JOSIAH DOLES, aged eleven years, two months and three days, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Doles, was healthful, cheerful and happy.  He attended Sunday School, in which he greatly delighted, and also Divine service, on that morning-returned with the family home, and with them partook of the social meal, endeavoring all with his playful wit, and innocent mirth. In the afternoon, be walked out, and falling in with others of like age, but more heedless habits, went with them to the River, from whose water bed he was taken bereft of life.-He had probably remained in the water an hour and a half, before his body was recovered. Every effort that medical aid could suggest was used to reanimate him, but in vain.....

October 15, 1844
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Departed this life at their residence in this county, on the 27th September, Mrs. CATHARINE, consort of Maj. William F. Scott.
  Her last illness was bilious fever, which closed her earthly existence after a continuance of twenty-four days.

October 15, 1844
Southern Recorder
DIED, on last Sunday afternoon, in the city, DONALD M. MCDONALD, Clerk of the Superior Court of this county.

November 4, 1844
Georgia Journal
..murder was committed on the 4th inst., in the city of Milledgeville, Baldwin county, in this State, on the body of Thomas K. Fuller, by William Searcy - and it being represented to me that the said Searcy has fled from represented to be about 5 feet 11 inches to six feet in height - will weight from 170 to 180 pounds-sandy hair and complexion-sullen and ferocous countenance-is about 28 or 29 years old-had on when he escape, a fur cap, and a black or blue frock or box coat, with outside pockets...this 6th day of November, 1844.

November 5, 1844
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED, in Scottsboro', Georgia, on the 15th day of October, Mrs. MARY ANN DAVIS, in the 26th year of her age.

~excerpt~ DIED, at Scottsboro, on the 26th inst, ANNA GEORGIA, infant daughter of W. W. Cullens, aged three months and one day.

April 22, 1845
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ On Tuesday morning, the 15th instant, the subject of this notice, THOMAS DICKSON, son of Mr. James and Mrs. Martha Dickson, of Baldwin, aged fifteen years, departed this life. The evening previous, to all human appearance, he was good humoured and sociable with all of the family, even having the applause of family and friends for his friendly disposition towards all who might happen to be hhis associates. ...On the day above mentioned, Thomas accidentally, or without fear of God before his eyes, brought himself to an untimely grave. He was found within four or five hundred yards of his father's residence, lying prostrate, cold and lifeless on the ground with his shot gun lying within a few inches of his side, the contents of which had entered his forehead, bursting his skull in several pieces..feelings of a kind father, and the symathies of an affectionate mother, to see a child in the bloom of youth, and in the vigor of health, and in a few short hours to see him lying weltering in his own blood...It is thought by the famil
y and friends of the deceased it was a premediated thing, that he was not in proper frame of mind at the time, knowing that at different times since the deceased was two years old he had been absent of mind, occasioned from getting lost in an adjacent wood at that age, and when found, being two miles distant from home, to all human appearanes his little mind had left him, and knowing that only a few years since he was very much afflicted with inflamation of the brain.

July 22, 1845

Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED - of Typhus fever, after a short illness, at the residence of Maj. Allen Little, in Baldwin county, on the 17th inst., ELIZABETH ANN LITTLE, only daughter of Major Allen and Margaret Ellen Little - aged 13 years 7 months and 4 days.

July 22, 1845
Federal Union
DIED - In this city, on the 19th inst., of Scarlet Fever, OWEN HOLMES, youngest son of M. J. and Catherine A. Kenan, in the 5th year of his age.

July 22, 1845
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, At the residence of Mrs. Cochran on Sunday morning, the 15th instant, by the Rev. John Duncan, Mr. GOODWING MYRICK of Baldwin, to Miss CATHARINE L. BAILEY, of Morgan.

August 5, 1845
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED - in this city, on the 2th ult., after a protracted and painful illnewss, which was borne with christain fortitude, Mrs. SARAH JOHNSON, wife of Thomas A. Johnson, in the 24th year of her age.......husband with four little children -one an infant, only a few weeks old.....

September 9, 1845
Federal Union
   MARRIED - In Milledgeville, on the 28th ult., by W. S. Rogers, Justice of the Inferior Court, Mr. R. L. ELLIOT, of Milledegeville to Miss JULIA A. ROBERTSON, of Talbot county.

~excerpt~ DIED -0n the 19th ult. at her fathers' residence, in Baldwin county, Ga., MRS.MARY ELIZABETH B., wife of Mr. Eliphalet Chandler, formerly of Goshen county, N. Hampshire, in the 17th year of her age, after a painful affliction of three weeks duration...

November 16, 1845
Georgia Journal
~excerpt~ Died, at Woodville, near this city, on Tuesday morning last, the 9th Deptember, Mrs. CATHERINE M. GRANTLAND, wife of Hon. Seaton Grantland, and daughter of the late Capt. George Dabney, of Hanover county, Virginia...

November 25, 1845
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED - At Midway, on the 19th inst. CARLTON B. son of the Hon. C. B. Cole, aged about 2 years.

November 25, 1845
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this city, on Tuesday evening, the 18th inst., by the Rev. Rufus M. White, WM. M. FRASER, M. D., of Hawkinsville, to Miss GEORGIA VIRGINIA, second daughter of Dr. Charles J. Paine.

November 28, 1845
The Chronicle and Sentinel
   The Baldwin County Agricultural and Horticultural Association met pursuant to adjournment, on Saturday last, for the purpose of electing officers for one year. The following named gentlemen were elected:
For President....................... Benj. S. Jordan
1st Vice Prest..................... .Seton Grantland
2nd ....".................................Richard Rowell
3d ......".................................Farish Carter
4th......"........................... .....John S. Thomas
5th......".................................Daniel R. Tucker
6th......".................................R. M. Orme
Recording Secretary............. Benj. T. Bethune
1st Corresponding Secretary. John R. Cotting
2nd ...... "....................".........R. H. Ramsey
  Messrs. Harris, Grieve and Cotting were appointed a Committee to draft rules for the regulation of the Association. The Association then adjourned to the 5th inst. - Journal

December 30, 1845
Federal Union
  MARRIED - In Baldwin county, on Wednesday evening 24th inst., by W. S. Rogers, Justice of the Inferior Court, Mr. RICHARD HINES,  formerly of Tennessee, to Miss REBECCA M. daughter of Thomas Turk, Esq., of Baldwin. 

December 30, 1845
Federal Union
  DIED of Apoplexy, at Midway, on the 8th inst. at the age of 64 years, MOSES FORT, Esq. The morning found him in high health, and with a flow of spirits remarked by his family-about noon he sunk,  and in a moment, expired without a groan. Judge Fort was by nature a gifted man. With talents of a high order, and integrity above suspicion, he united a heart open to the finest feelings which endear the social relations of men. He is mourned over by his family and regretted by numerous friends. To his contemporaries who knew him best, he memory will be most grateful.

December 30, 1845
Federal Union
~excerpt~DIED - At Midway, on Friday evening, the 21st November, after a short illness, HORACE VIRGIL, youngest son of Mrs. Sarah Fish, aged about 5 years.

December 30, 1845
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED - On the 21st December, at the residence of her father Zach. Edmondson, of Putnam county, his beloved, obedient and affectionate daughter, ELIZABETH A. BROWN, consort of Oscar V. Brown of Baldwin county, in the bloom and prosperity of life... leaving a husband and infant son, a father, mother, two sisters and three brothers...

January 24, 1846
The Chronicle and Sentinel
From the Milledgeville Recorder
Executive Appointments
  As will be seen below, the Governor has continued in office all his appointments of the previous year, with the exception of two -one, Capt. M. J. Kenan, who declined serving as a Trustee of the Lunatic Asylum - and the other, Charles W. Choate, Esq., the Book Keeper of the Penitentiary, who intends to remove from the State.

John S. Thomas, Director of the Central Bank

A. W. Redding, Principal Keeper Penitentiary
Wm. C. Derry, Book Keeper           "
Dr. Thos. F. Green, Physician           "
Peter Fair, Inspector                         "
Rev. Frederick Blake, Chaplain        "

John C. Hunter, Military Store Keeper at Savannah
John R. Cotting,     "            "               at Milledgeville

Trus. Lunatic Asylum
Dr. Benj. A. White
R. H. Ramsey
Baradel Stubbs
Rev. J. H. Campbell, Commissioner for Indigent Deaf and Dumb

Anthony Newsom, Captain of State House Guard

The following appointments have been made by the Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary
Hamilton Garmany  Assistant Keeper
F. Freeney             Captain of Gate and Guard
B. F. Dense           Overseer of Blacksmiths
J. Hunter                     do.        Shoemakers
_Thigpen                     do.       Coachmakers
Wm. G. Morgan     Tanner

February 2, 1846
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 29th ultimo, by the Rev. Dr. Talmage, Mr. BENJAMIN J. LESTER, of Florida, to  Miss MISSISSIPPI W. BOWER, daughter of Isaac Bower, Esq., of Milledgeville.

February 24, 1846
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ OBITUARY. On the 14th inst., JOSEPH JEHU, only son of Josiah and Elizabeth Brown, of this county, aged nine months...

March 10, 1846
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on Thursday evening the 26th ultimo, by Judge Carlton, Mr. THOMAS BULLARD, of Campbell county, Georgia, to Miss SUSAN A, MILLER, of this city.

April 21, 1846
Federal Union
  MARRIED, In this city, on the 15th inst. by the Rev. Jno. W. Baker, Col. E. D. Huguenin of Savannah, to Miss Julia E., daughter of Dr. Tomlinson Fort.
  DIED of consumption, on the 6th of March last, in Lee county, Mrs. Hannah G. Butler, consort of Mr. Thomas Butler, of Scottsboro, Georgia.

April 21, 1846
Federal Union
Married on Thursday evening the 16th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Lowry, Mr. O. V. Brown, to Miss Lucy Ann, daughter of Col. A. W. Redding.
  On Sunday morning the 19th inst, by the Rev. Mr. Lowry, Mr. B. B. S. Overman, to Miss Martha Hudson.

June 30, 1846
Southern Recorder
  MARRIED, In Baldwin County, on the 23th inst. by Samuel B. Brown Esq., Mr. THOMAS A JOHNSON to Miss MARY ANN STEMBRIDGE.

September 12, 1846
Morning News
  In Victoria, Texas, Aug. 2, in the 30th year of her age, Mrs. Julia A., wife of Col. Wilkins Hunt, late of Milledgeville, Ga., and daughter of the late George Root, of Farmington, Conn.

December 15, 1846
Southern Recorder
    Departed this life on Monday evening 7th inst., SARAH A. P. BONNER, consort of Oliver P. Bonner, in the 27th year of her age. She has left six infant children, and a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn their irreparable loss.
   Thus is blotted from existence on earth, one who had enshrined within her bosom all those rare and ealted virtues that constitue a kind and affectionate wife, a fond and doating mother, and a charitable and generous neighbor. Her loss will be deeplyfelt and llong mourned by all who knew her; but the abiding hope that she is  removed from earth to that heavenly land where joy knows no bounds, and happiness has no end, should alleviate the sufferings of those who mourn.

January 12, 1847
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~Died in this city, on the 5th  inst, FANNY MARION, youngest daughter of Frederick H. and Evelina R. Sanford, after a  few hours illness.

January 12, 1847
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this county, on Thursday evening last, by Rev. J. Knowles, Mr. THOMAS BAGLEY to Miss MARGARET CUNNINGHAM.

January 19, 1847
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, At Midway, near Milledgeville, on Thursday evening the 14th inst., by the Rev. John W. Baker, Dr. JOSPEH LECONTE,
of Liberty county, to Miss CAROLINE ELIZABETH, daughter of A. M., Nisbet, Esq.

January 26, 1847
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Sunday morning last, by S. W. Buck, Esq., Mr. HENRY POSEY to Miss LOUISA DANIEL, daughter of Mr. Jesse Daniel, of this county.

February 9, 1847
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In ths  county, on Sunday last, 7th inst., by Daniel R. Tucker, Esq., Mr. WILLIAM A DAVIS to Miss MARTHA ANN DANIEL, daughter of Mr. Jesse Daniel - all of Baldwin county.

February 16, 1847
Federal Union
MARRIED - In Hancock county, on the 11th inst, at the residence of Mr. John Amos, by Judge Simmons, Mr. ELIPHALET CHANDLER, of Baldwin county, to Miss ELIZABETH HARPER, of the former county.

March 2, 1847
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city on Sabbath evening last, by Rev. Prof. Jacobs, Mr. N. H. PENDLEY, of Hall county, to Mrs. CELIA CRAFT, of Milledgeville.

April 20, 1847
Southern Recorder
DIED, In this city, on Friday night last, the 16th inst., after a short illness, Mrs. ANN J. PAINE, wife of Dr. Charles J. Paine, and eldest daughter of the late Judge Davies, of Savannah - aged 45.
  In the city, at 8 o'clock A.M. on the 13th inst., after a short illness, Mrs. JANE MITCHELL, in the 78th year of her age, relict of the late Gen D. B. Mitchell.

July 27, 1847
Federal Union
~excerpt~DIED - On Wednesday morning the 14th inst., of Billious Fever, Mrs. LUCY ANN FRANCES BROWN, wife of Mr. Oscar V. Brown, and eldest daughter of Col. A. W. and Mrs. Susan R. Redding of this city, in the 18th year of her age...........

August 3, 1847

Southern Recorder
~extract~ Mrs. PATIENCE BARROW McKINLEY, wife of William McKinley, of Lexington, Ga., died in the triumphs of the Christian faith, on Tuesday the 6th inst., in the 30th year of her age, after a protracted illness of a most distressing character. She has left five children, one son and four daughters; the youngest of these but three months old. She was the daughter of James Barrow, deceased, formerly of Baldwin county, and was left motherless herself when only six weeks old, and fatherless, with an only brother, at the early age of ten.
...dear old Mt. Olives Baptist Church of that county - the church of her childhood....15th year, when she joined the Congregational Church in New Haven, Conn., while a pupil of Prof. Andrews' Female Institute. Her early days were spent in or near Milledgeville; but after her marriage she left that place to reside in Oglethorpe county, on the 24th February, 1836.

August 24, 1847
Federal Union
  Departed this life at the General Hospital, New Orleans Barracks, ORRIN W. youngest son of Samuel and Mary Buffington, of Milledgeville, aged twenty-two years and ten months. The Surgeon of the Hospital writes, "He was admitted into the Hospital, May 27, 1847, completely emaciated and prostrated from chronic diarrhoea-he lingered until June 4th, when he died-he had every attention bestowed upon him.:
  With an ardent temperament and a worthy ambition, when the first requisition of troops for Mexico was made on this State, he joined the Company of the lamented Capt. Holmes, and was with the Georgia Regiment, sharing their rough fare, and performing the unsparing duty of the soldier, until honorably discharged. Though he did not die on the battlefield, yet, he indeed sacrificed his life for his county; and though he sleeps among strangers, far from parents, brothers, sisters and his native home, yet, "There is a bright reversion in the sky, For those who nobly think and bravely die."

September 28, 1847
Federal Union
  In Baldwin County, on the 4th inst. by Wm. S. Rogers, a justice of the Inferior Court, JAMES SEARCY, Esq. of Henry county Ala., to Mrs. DELILAH WHEELER, of this county.

November 9, 1847
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Sparta on 27th October, by Rev. Richard Baker, Mr. R. L. STORY, of this city, to Miss JANE C. DICKSON, daughter of Wm. Dickson, of the former place.

September 28, 1847
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, At Midway, on Sabbath morning the 26th inst., of Croup, ELIZABETH DELAUNAY, youngest child of
Mr. and Mrs. Childs, aged one year and ten months....

December 28, 1847
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Wednesday morning, December 23d by the Rev. Dr. Talmage, Mr. WILLIAM P. NAPIER of Putnam county, to Miss VIRGINIA C., daughter of Maj Richard Rowell, of Baldwin county.
  On Thursday evening last, in this county, by Wm. S. Rogers, a Justice of the Inferior Court, Mr. ELIJAH BUCKNER, of Putnam county, to Miss ELISABETH A., daughter of Claiborn Buckner.

  On the 16th inst., HENRY GOLDON, youngest son of John R. and Caroline R. Bostwick; aged about 14 months.
  At, Broughton Island, near Darien, very suddenly, on the 23d inst., FLORIDA BRYAN, wife of Thos. M. Forman, and daughter of the Hon. Geo. M. Troup.

January 25, 1848
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, At Benjamin L. Lester's, in Baldwin county, on the 17th inst. ELLA COLUMBIA, daughter and only child of Benjamin J. and Mississippi A. Lester, aged 11 months and 18 days.

February 01, 1848
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, At Midway, on Thursday the 13th inst., by Rev. John W. Baker, Rev. WM FLINN, of Demopolis, Ala. to Miss MARY MARIA, daughter of B. P. Stubbs.

February 22, 1848
Southen Recorder
  ~excerpt~ Departed this life at her residence in this place, on the 19th inst.,Mrs. VIRGINIA DuBOURG, aged 43 years.
  She was a member of the Presbyterian church,.....

March 7, 1848
Federal Union
   MARRIED, In Baldwin county, on Thursday morning, the 2d inst, by Wilson Branham, Esq., Mr. M. R. RUSSELL, to Miss MARTHA A. E. CAY, daughter of John B. Cay, Esq.

March 21, 1848
Southern Recorder
  ~Excerpt~ Died in Baldwin county on Monday, 13th of March, after a severe attack of pneumonia, which terminated her life in a few days, MARTHA BARNES, daughter of Sarah Moore, and consort of William Barnes, in her 39th year. She bore her affliction with a great deal of patience and seemed to be resigned to the will of her heavenly father. She lived an humble member of the Baptist church for six years previous to her death.-She left a beloved husband and two small children, and a great many relatives and friends to mourn her loss; but they do not mourn as those who have no hope-their loss is her eternal gain.

May 2, 1848
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Departed this life on the 27th ult., at her father's in Baldwin county, Miss LOUISA J., aged 14 years and 11 days, daughter of the Rev. Micheal Leonard.......

May 15, 1848
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Died, on the 10th inst. at home, three miles from this city, in the 28th year of her age, Mrs. ELIZA A., wife of Col. Samuel Buffington, Jr., and daughter of Col. John Bozeman, formerly of this place.  ...leaves to mourn their irreparable loss, a husband with four small children...

May 18, 1848
Macon Telegraph
    DIED. At his residence in Baldwin county, on the 30th of April, Mr. BENJAMIN L. LESTER. He has left a widow and three small children, to mourn his loss.

May 30, 1848
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the 24th inst., in St. Stephens Church, by Rev. William Johnson, Rev. EDMUND P. BROWN,  Rector of Christ Church, St. Simons, to Miss Susan G. Cotting, of Milledgeville.
  In Baldwin County, by John O. Prosser, Esq., on the 24th inst., Mr. JOHN VEAL to Miss REBECCA CONE all of said county.

May 30, 1848
Southern Recorder
FATAL CASUALTY.  A melancholy accident occurred in this city on Friday, resulting in the death of Mr. JOHN C. UNDERWOOD, formerly of Milledgeville, Georgia, but more recently of this city. A horse which he was driving became unmanageable, and threw him from his buggy; he fell with much force, striking on his head. He was taken up insensible, and so remained for a few hours, when he died. He was very estimable in character, and his loss is much lamented by his friends. He was buried with military honors by the Blues, of which corps he was a member. (Montgomerg (Ala.) Journal.

June 13, 1848
Southern Recorder
  Departed this life at Midway, in this vicinity, on Wednesday last, after  a short illness, Mr. THOMAS H. HALL, one among our oldest citizens, leaving a devoted family, and many friends, to lament his death.

June 20, 1848
Southern Recorder
  MARRIED, In Milledgeville, on Sunday evening the 19th inst. by S. B. Brown, Esq, Mr. WILLIAM C. INGRAM to Miss NANCY ANN GRIFFIN.

July 4, 1848
Southern Recorder
     ~excerpt~DIED, In this county, of Measles, on Tuesday, the 9th of May, 1848, JAMES MONTGOMERY, in the 85th year of his age. He was born and raised in Orange county, N.C., and emigrated to Georgia in the twenty-eight year of his age. ...raised an Episcopalian..

September 5, 1848
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, on the 3d inst, by Samuel B. Brown, Esq., WILLIAM P. BARNES, Esq., to Miss ASCENSION OVERMAN.

September 26, 1848
Federal Union
DIED - On the 19th inst., at the residence of Col. D. C. Campbell, at Midway, near this city, in the 72d year of her age,
Mrs. ANN E. GEDDES, relict of the late Robert Geddes Esq., of Charleston. She was a native of South Carolina and for the greater part of her life, a resident of Charleston. Naturally retiring in her disposition, her associations were limited to her own family circle and a few intimate friends by whom she was loved with more than ordinary affection. For nearly thirty years a member of the Presbyterian Church, she lived the life of a Christian and welcomed death with a Christian's resignation and a Christian's hopes. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them."

September 26, 1848
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Washington county, on the 21st inst., by James H. Gilmore, Esq., Mr. WILLIAM WALLACE of Milledgeville to Miss ELIZA ANN DAVIS of the former place.

September 26, 1848
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, In this place, on the 18th inst., in his tenth month, from disease induced by teething, THEODORE MYRICK, infant son of Nathan and Margary Hawkins.

October 11, 1848
Federal Union
MARRIED - In this city on Wednesday the 25th instant, by the Rev. J. P. TURNER, Mr. DANIEL CARAKER, to Miss
SUSAN FERRELL, all of this city.
   In this city, on Sunday morning last, by the Rev. J. P. Turner, Mr. SAMUEL K. HODGES, Merchant, of Columbus Ga., to Miss MARY W. NEWELL, of the city, daughter of Isaac Newell, Esq.

October 31, 1848
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Departed this life in Baldwin county, on Saturday the 14th inst., after a painful illness of eight days, WILLIAM J. SMITH, in the 32d year of his age, leaving a wife and two children, and a large circle of relatives, to mourn their loss.......
 November 7, 1848

Federal Union
 DIED - In this city on Sunday evening 8 o'clock 5th inst.,Mrs. Emily M. Williamson, consort of Maj. Wm. T. Williamson, aged 24 years and 5 months. She was much afflicted for several months previous to her death, which she bore with more than Christian fortitude. For the last 8 years of her life she was a strict and devoted member of the Presbyterian church-a kind benevolent and charitable neighbor, a doting and affectionate mother, a fond and loving wife. She indeed was truly a christian. -Blessed are they who die in the Lord.
  Departed this life on the 23d inst., at the residence of A. P. Peacock in this county after twenty three days confinement, from a wound received by falling from a horse, JOHN PEACOCK, senr. aged eighty two years, eight months and twelve days.
  Mr. Peacock was a native of North Carolina, but for the last forty years a citizen of Washington county. He was esteemed for his uprightness, and beloved for his many amiable and rare virtures. Those who knew him best could best appreciate his worth as an honest, upright, high-minded and benevolent citizen. He has left a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn over the memory of his departed spirit. P.

November 28, 1848
Federal Union
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, on Thursday evening, the 23rd inst., by the Rev. Micheal Leonard, Mr. ELISHA L. MORAN to Miss MARY ANN YEATES, all of this county.

November 28, 1848
The Chronicle and Sentinel

This institute, located at Scottsboro Georgia, and designed exclusively  for the education of young Ladies, will be open on the second Monday in January next. The plan of Instruction based upon Christian principles and aiming a: the cultivation of the heart as well as the intellect, will embrace an ample course of literature and science - great prominence being given to oral instruction in the modern languages.  The Principals who have had several years experience in conducting institutions of learning, both at the North and the South, will be aided by assistants distinguished  in the different departments. Mrs Wright, an accomplished lady, assisting her husband. And it is their intention by furnishing the highest advantages, to make the institution at once worthy of public patronage, and eminently efficient in the great cause of education. The healthiness of the place, it's quietude, good morals, and entire exemption from all nuisances, admirably adapt it to the purposes intended. Good boarding will be furnished in genteel families, at the usual rates. The charges for tuition, will be such as are customary in institutions of similar character. Applications may be made to either of the undersigned at Milledgeville, Ga.
Rev. Dr. Talmadge, Milledgeville, Georgia
Dr. Tomlinson Fort, "                      "
Col. M. Grieve,        "                     "
Rev. Dr. Church, Athens                 "
Hon. A. J. Miller, Augusta,              "
Hon. E. A. Nisbet, Macon,              "
Hon. C. J. McDonald, Marietta,      "
Rev. Dr. Preston, Savannah,            "
Nov. 28, 1843        w3

January 16, 1849
Southern Recorder
  DIED, On Monday afternoon, the 1st inst., at ther son's residence in Baldwin county, of paralysis, Mrs. SUSANNAH GUERINEAU, formerly of Savannah, but for the last night years a resident of the above county.

MARRIED, In this city, on the 11th inst., by Rev. J. F. Dagg, Mr. DANIEL A. JEWELL, to Miss MARY A. SHEA, all of Milledgeville.

January 23, 1849
Southern Recorder
  ~excerpt~  Departed this life in Baldwin county, on Wednesday evening the 15th inst. from accidentally falling into boiling water on the Thursday previous to his death, JAMES BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, the only child of James H. and Patience Pulley, aged three years, six months, and 21 days.....................

February 29, 1849
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED - Of Pneumonia, at the residence of her son-in-law, Rev. Ferdinand Jacobs, near Milledgeville, on Monday, Feb. 14th,Mrs.. ABIGAIL O. RIPLEY, relict of the late Hon. Jas. Wheelock Ripley of Maine.

March 20, 1849
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on Thursday the 15th inst. by Dr. Talmage, Dr. SAMUEL GORE WHITE, U.S.N., to Miss CAROLINA ANNE BULLOCK, only daughter of the late Charles Bullock, Esq.

   ~excerpt~ DIED, In Scottsboro, Ga., on the 13th inst., after a sickness of nine days from Pneumonia, WILLIAM M. PRESCOTT, Jr., son of Wm. M. Prescott, Esq., of Washington Louisiana.
  Young Prescott was a member of the Junion Class of Oglethorpe University, and 17 years of age.

April 3, 1849
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Died in this city, on the 19th of March, of the whooping cough, Miss MARY WINEFRIED, eldest daughter of Mr. Nathan and Mrs. M. P. Hawkins, aged ten years and fourteen days.

May 1, 1849
Federal Union
MARRIED - In this place on the 17th ult., by the Rev. John W. Baker Col. R. L. HUNTER to Miss F(R)ANCES L., eldest daughter of Maj. I. L. Harris.

July 24, 1849
Southern Recorder
DIED, In this city, on Saturday the 21st inst. Mrs. MARY ANN DENTON, in the 39th year of her age.

September 4, 1849
Federal Union
MARRIED - On Sunday evening 26th ult. in the Presbyterian Church, in this city, by the Rev. S. K. Talmadge, Dr. EDWARD RILEY of Glynn county, Ga. to Mrs. REBECCA HAYNES RICH, daughter of the late Col. Thos. Haynes of Baldwin county.

September 11, 1849
Southern Recorder
~Excerpt~ DIED, In this county, on the 31st August, in the 41st year of his age, of typhoid fever, JOHN O. PROSSER, leaving a wife and eight children, as well as many relatives and friends to lament his loss...

September 29, 1849
The Chronicle and Sentinel
THE UNDERSIGNED having become the sole proprietor of the State Rights Hotel, would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that his House will be open during the Session of the Legislature for the accommodation of Members and transient visitors, and every effort will be made to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call.
E. D. BROWN. Milledgeville, 

Sept. 25, 1849
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 30th September, by the Rev. Jacob Calaham, Mr. WILLIAM W. STEMBRIDGE to Mrs. HARRIET H. SMITH, all of this county.

October 9, 1849
Federal Union
MARRIED - On Sunday evening last, in St. Stephens' Church, by the Rev. Mr. Johnson, EZRA DAGGETT, Esq., to Miss CHARLOTTE S. BROWN, both of this city.

October 9, 1849 
Federal Union
Married on Tuesday the 2nd inst. at the residence of Dr. Thos F. Green, by the Rev. Dr. S. K. Talmage, DR. JOS . F. OWEN  to ELIZABETH F. JONES.

October 9, 1849
Southern Recorder
MARRIED- In this county, on the 3d inst., by B. T. Bethune, J. I. C., Mr. JOHN CHAPMAN,  of Twiggs county, and Miss MISSOURI H. MCCRARY, of Baldwin.

November 20, 1849
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, In this city, on Wednesday last, Nov. 4th, MR. JAMES O'BRIEN, in the 56th year of his age.
  Mr. James O'Brien was a native of Ireland, born in the city of Dublin on the 2d July, 1793. He left the land of his nativity for this county, at the age of 23 years. Has been a citizen of this place upwards of 30 years, well known and highly respected. ..

November 27, 1849
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, In this city, on Saturday, the 24th instant, Rev. JOHN BAILLIE DAVIES, in the 54th year of his age. - He was the eldest son of Judge Davies, of Savannah, and was a resident of that city, till his removal to this place in 1841.

December 4, 1849
Southern Recorder
   ~excerpt~Departed this life, on the 27th ult., in the 66th year of her age, CATHARINE GUMM, wife of Jacob Gumm Senr. She was the subject of long and deep affliction being for the last 30 years under the hands of her esteemed friend and physician Dr. T. ford.....she was for the last 20 years a member of the M. E. Church...  

December 4, 1849
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Died, in this county on the 24th ult, Mrs. CATHERINE S. BONNER, in the 61st year of her age. ..last forty-five years of her life she was a ...member of the Methodist Episcopal Church...

December 11, 1849
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~DIED In Milledgeville, on the ,morning of 6th instant, Mrs. MARTHA DOLES, wife of Mr. Josiah Doles - leaving to weep over the desolations of death her husband, two sons and four small daughters; three brothers, four sisters and numerous other relatives.......

December 18, 1849
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. In this city, on the 13th inst., by S. B. Brown, Esq. Mr. CULLEN DENNIS to Miss MORTILLA DICKENS.

December 18, 1849
Federal Union

    One of the band of enterprising young men who left this city last Spring for Califormia is no more. Mr. ELLSWORTH F. PARK  died on the 9th of September at the big bar, on the Middle Fork of the American River, thirty miles above Sutter's Mills. A graduate of Oglethorpe University, he had been admitted to the bar, but before he had time to develope his capacity for that proession, he abandoned it, and like many others became an adventurer for fame and fortune in California. He had but just commenced his labors upon this new field, when the disease incident to it' laids its hand upon him and in eighteen days consigned him to the tomb. Rigidly correct in his habits, amiable and affectionate in his disposition, courteous and kind in his manners, honorable, in all his intercourse with society, he has left behind him many friends, who mourn his loss and sympathize wirth his relatives in their bereavement.

December 25,1849
Federal Union
DIED, Suddenly, in this city, yesterday morning, Col. Richard Blount, one of the oldest and most esteemed members of this community.


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