Milledgeville-Baldwin County, Ga.
In The News 1850's

January 8, 1850
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the 3d instant, by S. B. Brown, Esquire, Mr. CORNELIUS HENDRIX to Mrs. ELIZABETH BARNES.

January 20, 1850
Macon Weekly Telegraph.
DIED. In Milledgeville, on the 6th inst. CHARLES H. RICE,  Esq., Secretary to the Executive.

January 22, 1850
Macon Telegraph
DIED. In Milledgeville, on the 12th inst., Mrs. Maria Cotton, wife of Thomas Cotton, in the 45th year of her age. Mrs. Cotton was a native of England, and has been a resident of this city for about eight years.

January 29, 1850
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the 24th inst., by B. T. Bethune, J. I. C., SAMUEL B. BROWN, Esq., to Miss MARY CARR-all of this city
  On the 22d December, 1849, SARAH, second daughter of Moses and Sarah Caraker, of Milledgeville, aged 14 years, 7 months, and 23 days, after a severe illness of about three months.

February 5, 1850
Federal Union
DIED - Near this city, on Saturday last, in the 6_th year of his age, Col. GIBSON CLARK. He was a brother of the late Gov. Clark, a member of the first class that graduated in Franklin College. After leaving the law school at Litchfield, he was admitted to the bar of Georgia, and during the greater part of his life has been engaged in the profession. Amiable in his disposition, courteous in his manners, and rigidly honorable in all his intercourse with soceity, he was extensively known and universally respected.

Feburary 19, 1850
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Rey  MALICHI H. TRAPP, of the county of Baldwin, to Miss MARY J. DYER, daughter of David Dyer, of the county of Morgan.

March 5, 1850
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, Suddenly in the this county, on the 24th ult., MRS. CAROLINE A., wife of Theodore Goodwin, in the 30th year of her age.

March 26, 1850
Southern Recorder
  ~excerpt~ DIED, On the 19th inst., after a very short illness, at his plantation in Lee county, BURWELL JORDAN, Esq. in the 29th year of his age....

April 2, 1850
Southern Recorder
  MARRIED, In Milledgeville, on the 28th ult., by Luther Swank, J. P., Mr. ISAAC T. CUSHING to Miss LUCY BROWN, all of Baldwin county.

April 2, 1850
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, on the 31st ult., by S. B. Brown, Esq., Mr. M. D. L. YATES, of Baldwin, to MissSARAH FRANCES, daughter of Joel Whitehead, of Oglethorpe county.

April 30, 1850
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 17th inst., by the Rev. Wesley P. Arnold, Mr. ASBURY A. ADAMS, of Eatonton, to Miss MARY A. JARRETT, of Baldwin County.

June 25, 1850
Federal Union
~excerpt DIED - In Milledgeville, on the 14th ult., DANIEL STEVENSON, in the 32d year of his age; a native of the county of Down, in Ireland, but for a number of years in this place.

July 2, 1850
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city on the morning of the 21st inst., by Rev. Dr. Talmage, JONE JONES,  Esq., of Carroll, to Miss SUSAN C., eldest daughter of Peter J. Williams, Esq.

July 10, 1850
Daily Alabama Journal
DISTRESSING CASUALTY - The Southern Presbyterian, published at Milledgeville, Ga., on the 29th ult., has the following: "A very solemn and afflicting dispensation of Providence occurred, we learn, at Oglethorpe University on Wednesday last. Two of the students, Mr.L. P. M'Cutchen and Mr. P. B. Luce were going to their boarding house to breakfast, when a sudden thunder shower overtook them. The lightning struck the umbrella under which they were walking shivered it to atoms, and the fluid entering at the top of the cap of Mr. Luce and passing down on his left side and on the right side of the other, killed them both on the spot."
  "They were room-mates and members of the Freshman Class; both of them lovely, pious and promising young men, and candidates for the Christian Ministry. On returning from their morning recitation they had retired as was their daily custom, and united in prayer. It was but a few minutes after they had risen from their knees and left their dormitory, that the awful calamity occurred. When they were found by their fellow-students, they were lying side by side on their faces, with their arms still locked together. "They were lovely in their lives, and in their death they were not divided."

July 16, 1850
Georgia Telegraph
DIED. In Milledgeville, on the 9th inst. Mrs. Eliza M. Jarratt, wife of Dr. W. A. Jarratt, aged 24 years.

July 23, 1850
Federal Union
MARRIED - On Tuesday evening 16th inst. by the Rev. Daniel Goddard, Mr. ALCIBIADIES RAY to Miss MARY JANE BUCKNER, all of this county.

August 13, 1850
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, on the 1st inst., by Rev. Wiley F. Rogers, Mr. JAMES T. ROBINSON to Miss MARY JANE, daughter of the Rev. WILLIAM M. COOPER.

September 3, 1850
Southern Recorder
   ~excerpt~ Departed this life on Saturday the 24th ult, Mrs. ELIZABETH BUCHANAN, of Baldwin county, in the 80th yer of her age.

September 17, 1850
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ MRS. E. W. WIMBERLY, daughter of W. E. Cullens, and wife of Robert R. Wimberly, died at her father's residence in Scottsboro' on the sixth day of September inst. She was in the 25th year of her age. - She was married to Mr. Wimberly on the seventh of March, 1848; and for a large part of her life had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. - Her disease was typhoid fever. Few persons have lived more meekly, suffered more patiently, or died more gently.

October 15, 1850
Southern Recorder
~except~ DIED,  On the 7th of October, after a sudden and severe illness, JAMES ROBERT TUCKER, aged 24 years, son of Daniel R. Tucker, of Midway, Baldwin county.- He was a graduate of Oglethorpe University of the class of 1844. He was a dutiful son, an affectionate brother, and attached friend.

December 10, 1850
Southern Recorder
  ~excerpt~ Departed this life, on the 6th inst., in this place at the residence of her son, Iverson L. Harris, Esq., MRS. ANN HARRIS, in the 76th year of her age. the deceased was a daughter of the late Rev. Edward Byne, a Baptist clergyman, of King and Queen county, Virginia, during the Revolution, - afterwards a minister of the Gospel for many years in Georgia....


January 7, 1851
Southern Recorder
Died at his residence in Baldwin county on Thursday, the 26th day of December, JAMES GLADIN, SR.,  in the 84th year of his age,-he has been afflicted with Palsy for several years, but he bore his affliction with a murmur. He has been a member of the Baptist church, for fifty-one years, and about forty years of that time, he has been a deacon and several years a licensed preacher - he has discharged his duty as a christian in the church, and has given examples of christian and pious conduct, though severed from the dearest ties on earth, and his wife and children feel the afflicting band of Providence, still there is no doubt but that he is new attended by the angelic throng in worlds of bliss. No temptation could even induce him to swerve from the strictest course of moral duty-in temper and manner, he was kind and gentle, esteemed as a neighbor, and beloved as a friend-as a husband, he was loving and affectionate-as a father, he was kind, indulgent, but faithful to his trust, in all the relations in which he was place in life, he acted well his part.
   He exhorted his friends and children to glorify God, an live to the glory of God-he had a longing desire, to go home to heaven; his last words were, "he was going to his sweet Jesus."

February 18, 1851
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. In the city of Milledgeville, on the evening of ther 12th inst., by Rev. Dr. Talmage, Dr. JOHN W. MYRICK to Miss MARIAH R. MOTT,  both of Baldwin County.

May 6, 1851
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, of Consumption, at the residence of Josiah Doles, Esq., in the city of Milledgeville, on the 3d inst. Mr. JAMES COLY, aged forty years, a native of Montrose, Scotland, but for several years a resident of the city of New York, and for seven months a citizen of this place, whither he had come in hopes that a Southern climate would repair the ravages which disease had made. His expectations were vain. He is gone..............his aged mother and family friends in the Father Land..

May 21,1851
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, on the 24th inst. by the Rev. Wiley F. Rogers, Mr. DAVID B. ROBINSON to Miss MARTHA F. MCCOY.

June 10, 1851
Southern Recorder
Died, in this place on the 5th inst. CHARLES S. HAWLEY, Esq., in the 28th year of his age.

June 13, 1851
Daily Alabama Journal
SOUTHERN WATERCURE INSTITUTE. Located at Milledgeville, Ga. Being recently enlarged, is now capable of accommodating two hundred and fifty persons. The appointments of this Institution render it most attractive to invalids who may be forced to seek redemption from disease. T. Carlton Coyle, Physician.

September 2, 1851
Federal Union
  The case of James Johnson for killing Mrs. Amy G. Wright in March last, was decided at the late Term of the Superior Court for this county. The case was ably argued by Messers. Cone and Harris for the prisoner and Messers  Kenan and Hardeman for the State. The jury after a short absence returned a verdict, guilty of murder. Sentence of death was passed upon him by Judge Johnson.
(Note: He was pardoned and set free by an act approved Nov 28, 1851)

October 14, 1851
Federal Union
  ~excerpt~ DIED, at Scottsboro' o the evening of the 26th of September MRS CATHERINE ELIZA FURMAN wife of Dr. John Furman and only remaining daughter of Col. Farish Carter, aged 27 years three months and one day.

December 9, 1851
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 4th inst., by B. T. Bethune, J.I.C., Mr. GREEN SPEIGHTS AND Miss MARY ANN COLLINS, daughter of David Collins, Esq.

DIED, At Midway, near Milledgeville, on the 5th inst., Mrs. HARRIET ELIZA HALL, daughter of the late Capt. Augustine Harris and relict of the late Thomas H. Hall, Cashier of the Bank of Milledgeville, in her fifty-third year. The decased had been for twenty five years a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church. In every relation of life, she discharged her duty, and died lamented by a large family circle, and regretted by the community in which she resided.


March 16, 1852
The Georgia Telegraph
Died. In Laurens county, at half-past 12 o'clock, A.M. on Monday, the 1st inst., after an illness of eight days, Mrs. Fannie N. Kellum, wife of Mr. G.T. Kellum, and daughter of the late Sam'l Buffington, of Milledgeville, aged 20 years and three days.

April 20, 1852
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ official information has been received that, a murder was committed in the city of Milledgeville, on the night of the 3d ist., by Mortimer Sullivan and John Mabar, on the body of John Sherisch, and that the said Sullivan and Mabar have fled from Justice....
  Mortimer Sullivan is about 5 feet 6 inches high, brown hair, dark complexion, ,nose turned up, broad chest, and thick body, shoulders and neck sun freckled-aged 30 years.,
  John Mabar, 5 feet 9 inches high, hair light colored, eyes inflamed, complexion fair, mouth large-aged 26 years...
Milledgeville, April 13, 1852.

April 27, 1852
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, In this City, on the evening of the 11th instant, Mrs. MARTHA ANN, consort of Mr. M. M. Hall, in the 31st year of her age.

May 4, 1852
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this City, on Tuesday, the 27th ult, by the Rev. John W. Baker, Rev. JAMES R. MALONE, President of the "Orrville Institute," Ala., to Miss SARAH V., eldest daughte rof the late Judge Alfred M. Horton of this place.

May 11, 1852
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on Thursday evening, the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Hinton, Mr. JOHN W. W. SNEAD to Miss MARY A., eldest daughter of the late Rev. John B. Davies, and grand daughter of the late Judge Davies of Savannah.

DIED, In this city, on Wednesday, the 4th inst., MATTHEW McALLISTER, youngest son of Mr. M .M. HALL, aged two months and seventeen days.

May 18, 1852
Federal Union
DIED, In this place on the 11th inst., Mrs FRANCES M. COWLES, wife of Mr. E. M. Cowles.

June 1, 1852
Southern Recorder
KILLED. Berkely Babb, living east of the Oconee, in Baldwin county, was killed by a stroke of lightening, together with his horse and dog, on Monday afternoon (24th Ult.) during a thunder storm.

June 15, 1852
Southern Recorder
  ~excerpt~ Departed this life on the 10th inst. at the Residence of his father in this county Mr. ERASMUS ENNIS, in the twenty-sixth year of his age.

June 22, 1852
Federal Union
MARRIED - In Milledgeville on the 9th ins, by the Rev. Mr. McCauley, Mr. Wm. Greener, of Columbus, Ga. to Miss Annie T. Herty of the former place.

June 29, 1852
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Died of Typhoid Fever on Saturday, the 12th inst., at the residence of her father, Judge James Dickson, Miss MARTHA BURMAH DICKSON, aged 16 years, 4 months and 4 days.
  ~excerpt~ Died, in this county, on the 14th inst., Mr. JOHN WILSON,in the 70th year of his age-leaving a wife, two children and six grandchildren, to mourn their loss.-He was truly an honest man, and upright citizen.

August 24, 1852
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED, suddenly, in this place, on the afternoon of Saturday the 7th inst., AMANDA M.S., third daughter of Nathan and Margery Hawkins, aged 6 years 2 months and 2 days.

August 31, 1852
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED, in this county, on the 13th inst., at the residence of her son Marcus D. Huson, Esq.,MRS. FRANCES HUSON, in the 82d year of her age.
  THis venerable lady was born in Mecklenburg Co. North Carolina, the 17th day of August, 1770. Her childhood was spent amidst the exciting times of the Revolution, and where was made the first declaration of Independence in Americal. Having married and spent the greater portion of her life in her native State, she removed to Georgia in the year 1817, and soon after settled in Milledgeville...member of the Presbyterian Church in Milledgeville, in 1826 the year in which it was organized.....

September 14, 1852
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~DIED, After an illness of about 3 months, of dorpsy, on the 7th ult., 50 minutes past 9 o'clock, A.M., at her residence in Baldwin county. Mrs. PATIENCE GLADIN in the 84th year of her age. She has been a faithful member of the Baptist Church forty years.....

October 12, 1852
Georgia Telegraph
Married - Near Columbus on the 28th ult by Rev. James F. Evans, Mr. Samuel E. Whitaker, of Baldwin county, to MissHenrietta, daughter of Van Leonard, Esq. of Muscogee county.

December 7, 1852
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this place on the fifth inst., Mr. SOLOMON HARRELL to Miss MARY WHITEHEAD, daughter of Mr. Joel Whitehead of Oglethorpe Co.

December 7, 1852
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 28th inst., by the Rev. C. M., Shepperson, Mr. WILLIAM J. CLAY, of Washington county to Miss EDNEY E. daughter of the Rev. James Peak, of Baldwin county..
  At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. JAMES RUSHIN, of Washington county, to Miss SARAH J. daughter of the
Rev. James Peak of Baldwin county.
  At the same time and place, by the same Mr. WILLIAM R. RUSHIN of Washington county, to Miss SOPHRONIA, daughter of the Rev. James Peak of Baldwin county.

December 14, 1852
Federal Union
MARRIED. Near this City on Tuesday Evening the 7th inst., by Rev. John Baker, Mr. L. CARRINGTON of Hancock county, to Miss PAULINE V. second daughter of the late F. V. DeLaunay.

December 28, 1852
Federal Union
  On the Evening of the 21st inst. by the Rev. S. G. Daniel, Mr. Jabez M. Booker of Wilkes county, to Miss Mary E. Barksdale of Baldwin county.


January 4, 1853
The Georgia Telegraph
DIED, at his residence, in Baker county, on the 25th ult.,Major L. S. Brookin, aged about 38 years, formerly of Hancock county. Major Brookin was a planter; a good citizen, a kind neighbor and friend, and was much respected by all who knew him. He was for several years Sheriff of Hancock county.

January 11, 1853
The Georgia Telegraph
     The Governor has made the following appointments, being the same as last year, except Mr. James Polk, of Madison county, Inspector, who is in the place of Col. Fair, resigned:
     Penitentiary - Lewis Zachary, Principal Keeper; James S. Gholston; Book Keeper. James Polk, Inspector; Dr. C. J. Paine, Physician; Rev. F. Blake, Chaplain.
J. E. Stirk, Military Store Keeper, Savannah
Benj. Cook, Military Store Keeper, Milledgeville
A. Newsom, Captain State House Guard

January 25, 1853 Federal Union
DIED, In this city on the 18th inst., after a very brief illness William Julius, youngest son of Mr. W. H. T. and Mrs. Sarah S. Wright, aged 3 years 6 months and fifteen days.

January 25, 1853
Federal Union
DIED - In this city on the 17th inst. after years of disease and suffering, William Claiborn, son of Col. N. C. and Mrs. Mary Ana Barnett, aged 4 years and four months.

March 15, 1853
Southern Recorder
DIED, In Washington county, on the 8th of March MARCUS B. L. YATES, son of Mr. Marcus Yates, aged 10 months and 8 days,
  On the 10th, Mrs. SARAH YATES,  wife of Mr. Marcus Yates, in the 21st year of her age. She attached herself to the Baptist Church in the 16th year of her age. Many relatives and friends mourn her sudden departure.
  In this city on Thursday evening last, HARRIET SUSAN, infant daughter of Col. N. C. and Mrs. Mary Ann Barnett, aged 18 months and 1 day.

May 24, 1853
Southern Recorder
DIED, in this county, on the 14th inst., Mrs. SARAH BRANTLEY, wife of Mr. EDMUND BRANTLEY, aged 73 years, after having performed faithfully all the duties of a wife for 56 years. For 50 years she was a faithful member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and is much lamented by a numerous train of connexions and the community generally in which she lived. She died in peace and with a strong and abiding faith in a glorious immortality beyond the grave.

May 24, 1853
Southern Recorder
DIED, in this city, on Sunday morning last, ANNA ELIZA, infant daughte rof Mr. WILLIAM G.  and Mrs. JULIA ROBINSON.

May 31, 1853
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED. At Scottsboro', in the vicinity of this place, on the 24th inst., after a short illness,MRS. ABIGAIL DAVIDSON, in the 81st year of her age. During the lifetime of her husband, Capt. John Davidson of Savannah, she was well know in that city, ...consistent member of the Episcopal Church....

May 31, 1853
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this city on Tuesday Morning the 24th inst, by Rev. Geo. F. Pierce, D. D., Hon. JAS. JACKSON, of Walton County, to Miss ADA J. daughter of Walter H. Mitchell Esq., of this city.

May 31, 1853
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this City, on Thursday the 26th inst., by Rev. John W. Baker, Mr. HABERSHAM J. ADAMS, of Athens to Miss MARY V. WHITE, eldest daughter of Dr. Benj. A. White, of this city.

May 31, 1853
The Georgia Telegraph
  A negro man named Tobe, attempted to kill Mr. Nathan Hawkins, of Milledgeville on Saturday night last. Mr. Hawkins, who is in feeble health, had occasion to correct the wife of Tobe, in consequence of which the fellow attached him, and attempted with a large knife to cut his throat. Mr. Hawkins was very badly hurt, as were also Mrs. Hawkins and her sister, Mrs. Baily, who it is supposed went to the assistance of Mr. H. The wounds of the ladies are not considered dangerious. Tobe and his wife are in jail.

July 12, 1853
Southern Recorder
   DIED, In this county, on the 28th ult. of typhoid fever, Miss ELIZABETH D., eldest daughter of Mr. Leonidas and Mrs. Jane C. Smith, aged 13 years two months and 10 days.

October 18, 1853
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 6th inst., by Eli Hubbard, Esq., JOHN W. LINGOLD toSARAH M. BOWERS, all of Baldwin co.

DIED, Of bilious fever, in Baldwin county, at the residence of her son, Wm. Robinson, on the 6th October, 1853, Mrs. JURIAH ROBINSON, in the 87th year of her age. Mrs. Robinson was married to John R. Robinson, of Revolutionary memory, on the 27th of March, 1788. As a wife, she was kind and affectionate-as a mother, tender and loving. In early life, she united herself with the Baptist Church, and for nearly seventy years she adorned her profession by a godly life.

December 20, 1853
Southern Recorder
DIED, Suddenly, at the residence of Mr. John Barrington in this county, on the 2d inst., WILLIAM WATKINS, son of Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Cornelia C. Stiles, of Macon, Ga.

January 17, 1854
The Georgia Telegraph
Homicide in Milledgeville.
  On the 11th instant, Wm. A. Ralston, a resident of this place, was killed in Milledgeville, by Archibald Hunt, of Albany. Ralston was standing in front of McCombs' Hotel, conversing with a gentleman, when Hunt approached him, familiarly saying, "well, Dick, you got me" - alluding, it is said, to a gaming transaction which had previously occurred between them. Ralston enquired what he meant, but Hunt merely repeated the words. Ralston then enquired if he meant to charge him with cheating, to which, we understand, Hunt replied, yes, I do. At which Ralston gave him the lie, and threw back a cloak which he was wearing. Hunt immediately drew a pistol and shot him through the heart, and Ralston fell exclaiming, "he has killed me." Hunt made some attempt to escape, but was soon captured and is now in the hands of the proper authorities, awaing his trial. It is said that there had been some previous difficulty, but the parties had afterwards seem to be reconciled. Ralston had no weapon of any kind about his person - not even a pen knife.

January 17, 1854
Southern Recorder
DIED, At his residence in Baldwin county, on Tuesday morning, 10th inst., JOHN B. CAY, in the 50th year of his age. Mr. C. was well known in this county to be kind in his disposition, friendly to all, honest in his transactions with his fellow men. He is gone where all flesh goes. Let his faults and follies be buried with him.

February 7, 1854
The Southern Recorder
DIED At his residence in Baldwin County, on Sunday morning, 29th of January, Mr.William Babb, Sr., aged 81 years. Mr. Babb was formerly from North Carolina, but for the last 30 years was a worthy and respectable citizen of Baldwin County, Georgia. He has raised up a large family of children, who mourn their loss. A FRIEND

March 14, 1854
Federal Union
~excerpt~DIED, In this city on the 8th instant, after a very brief illness, MRS. SARAH DANIEL, in the 59th year of her age. The deceased was a native of England and imigrated to the U. S. in 1835. She thankfully resigned her sons to the claims and calls of her adopted country-one of them fell nobly fighting in the battle strife, and his ashes, with those of his compatriot heroes, consecrate the plains of Beuna Vista, to our country's honor and its fame....At the time of her death, she was visiting her son, the Rev. S. G. Daniel, the estimable Pastor of the Baptist Church of this place....

March 21, 1854
Federal Union
DIED - In this city on Sunday Evening 19th inst. Mr. C. B. Huson, in the 44th year of his age.

March 21, 1854
Federal Union
DIED, In this city, on Tuesday night last, Mr. Peter J. Williams, in the 66th year of his age. Mr. Williams was an old and esteemed citizen-one of the oldest residents of this city. He had during his long life held several public positions of honor and responsibility. His politeness and hospitality, particularly to the poor, was proverbial. As a husband, tender and affectionate, as a father, indulgent to his children, by whom he was respected and dearly beloved.

March 27, 1854
New York Daily Times
EARTHQUAKES IN GEORGIA - Milledgeville and Macon were visited with slight shocks of an earthquake on the 20th. In regard to the one in Macon,  the Citizen of the 21st, says: "There seems to be some doubt whether the phenomena which occurred here yesterday morning was an earthquake or the effect of some meteorite explosion overhead. At Gordon, Milledgeville, and Forsyth, the same shaking of houses, and rumbling noise like heavy distant thunder, took place, and a correspondent from Forsyth says that some of the villages there distinctly heard the noise over their heads: "The first shock took place here about 6½ A.M., and a second slight one about half an hour afterwards. The house we live in trembled and rocked like a strong man in convulsions, leading to the supposition that it was an earthquake, and nothing else. The direction of the vibration was from southwest to northeast." Of the on in Milledgeville, the Recorder, of the 21st, says: " "The first, which was alarmingly perceptible, occurred about 6:20 o'clock; the last shock, which was very slight, was felt about half an hour later. An old (he would be offended were we to say "the oldest" ) inhabitant says a severe shock had not been experienced at this place since 1810. It was very fitly described by a little child, who observed, "Papa! the house is riding off."

May 23, 1854
Federal Union
~excerpt~DIED in this city on Monday the 15th instant, GEO. W. HARRISON, formerly Secretary of State, in his 47th year, leaving behind him, a fond wife, seven children and numerous friends to mourn his loss............

July 4, 1854
Federal Union
MARRIED, On the 29th ult, by the Rev. S. G. Daniel, Edmond G. Barnes, to MissMartha A. Palmer; both of this county.

July 11, 1854
Federal Union
.MARRIED, On Tuesday the 4th inst., at the residence of Dan'l R. Tucker Esq., Midway, by the Rev. Mr. Flinn, Sr. J. R. Price of Washington county, to. Mrs. Eliza H. Jordan, of the former place. 

August 8, 1854
Southern Recorder
  Married, On the 5th inst., in the Baptist Church in this city, by the Rev. S. G. Daniel, Mr. DANIEL  B. HORTON, to Miss ELIZABETH GENTRY, all of this city.

October 3, 1854
Federal Union
MARRIED, In Milledgeville, on the 13th inst. by Rev. M.R. Foot, Robt. J. Morgan, Esq. of LaGrange, and Miss M. F., daughter of Dr. Tomlinson Fort, of the former place.

October 10, 1854
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Sunday, September 24th, at Midway, by Rev. Charles R. Jewett, Mr. SANFORD V. KELLEY, of Gwinnett county, to Miss JANE E. JOHNSON, of this county.

October 17, 1854
Southern Recorder
  DIED, on the 7th inst in this county in the 84th year of his age, Mr. JOHN STEPHENS. Mr. S. was a native of North Carolina, Halifax county, but was one among the first settlers of Baldwin. Through a long life the deceased has sustained the character of an honest man and has been a useful citizen. He has gone to his grave universally lamented by a numerous acqaintance and a devoted family.

November 12, 1854
The Farmer's Cabinet
MARRIED. In Nashua, -3d, Mr. E. M. Cowles of Milledgeville, Ga., to Miss H. J. Atwood, daughter of Capt. S. Atwood of N.

November 28, 1854
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Sabbath evening, 19th inst., by Rev. S. G. Daniel, Mr. JAMES W. LANHAM to Miss LUCY HUNTON, all of Milledgeville.

November 28, 1854
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. Mr. Flinn, Col. W. L. Mitchell, of Athens, Ga., to Miss L. L. Bass, of this place.

November 28, 1854
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county,  on Thursday, the 16th inst. by Green B. Bowers, Esq., ALEXANDER MCMILLEN and MEAMAN LINGOLD.

December 5, 1854
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED - In this City, November 28th Samuel White, infant son of D. M. and C. D. Edwards

December 26, 1854
Southern Recorder
   MARRIED, In Russell county, Ala., on Thursday morning, 13th inst., by the Rev. John E. Dawson, Mr. THADEUS G. HOLT, (firm of Threwitts, Holt & Co.) to Miss NARCISSA BOYKIN, all of this city.
  ~excerpt~ DIED, In this city, on last Sunday morning, Mrs. SARAH ANN DAVIES, widow of the late Rev. John B. Davies, aged fifty-three.

December 26, 1854
Southern Recorder
   DIED. At her residence near this city, on last Friday morning, after a lingering illness, Mrs. MARIA DELAUNAY, widow of the late Francis V. Delaunay, Esq., aged 52 years. None knew her but to love her. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."

January 2, 1855
Southern Recorder
   MARRIED, On the 28th inst., in Baldwin co., Ga., by Rev. F. L. Brantley, Mr. GEORGE W. CLARKE, of Barbour co., Ala., to Miss CASALINE, daughter of William Goodsen.

January 3, 1855
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, At the house of Mr. Henry W. Posey in the County, on the 28th Dec., by Elder Levin J. Smith, Mr. RICHARD F. CROOM and Mrs. FANNIE D. BROWN, all of said county.

January 9, 1855
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, At Midway, on Sunday last, by the Rev. J. Knowles Mr. WILLIAM JACKSON to Mrs. HENRIETTA S. MOORE.

January 9, 1855
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Died on Sunday morning 21st ult., Annie, youngest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Case, of Scarlet Fever. On Tuesday Jan. 2d, Mary, only surviving child of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Case, of the same disease....Five little graves!...

January 19, 1855
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this city on Monday evening, 8th inst., by Rev. S. K. Talmadge, D. D., Chas. P. Crawford of Americus, to Miss Martha Williamson, of the former place.

January 19, 1855
Federal Union
    Departed this life on the 11th inst. at his residence in Baldwin county, Mr. Levi Horne, after a protracted and lingering illness, in the 81st year of his age. He has been afflicted, more or less, for the last twenty years of his life, which he bore with christian resignation. He removed from North Carolina in early life and settled in Hancock county, and from thence to Baldwin county where he has resided for the last 47 years of his life. In all the relations of life, he sustained the character of an honest, upright and good citizen. Two wives and four children, have passed on before him to the tomb, and he has left five children, with many friends, to mourn his loss. He has always led a pious life, and at its close, expressed a willingness to die. We have hope that our loss is his gain.

January 25, 1855
Federal Union
DIED, In this city, on Friday, the 12th inst., Mrs. Dr. SHANNON, daughter of Joseph Cotton, late of Macon, Ga.

February 13, 1855
Federal Union
   ~excerpt~DIED, on the 5th inst. at his residence near this place Green H. Jordan, Esq., in the 66th year of his age.

February 20, 1855
Federal Union
MARRIED, At the residence of Mr. J. Hodge, in this  city, on the Evening of the 15th, by Sam'l B. Brown, Esq., Mr. James P. Johnson to Mrs. Lurania V. Lewis.

February 27, 1855
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this City on the morning of the 22d inst., by Rev. S. K. Talmage, D. D., Mr. Samuel T. Beecher to Miss Ann H. Kenan, all of this city.

March 27, 1855
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on Wednesday evening, 21st inst. by Rev. Mr. Flinn, Dr. JAMES F. ALEXANDER, of Atlanta, to Miss GEORGIA JEAN, eldest daughter
of R. M. Orme.

March 27, 1855
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED, On the 6th inst. near Milledgeville, of the Scarlet Fever, in the sixth year of her age, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Annie E. and the
late Charles Hawley, Esq.

April 10, 1855
Federal Union
  On Wednesday, March 28, 1855, at 145 North Seventh Street, by the Rev. S. Morain, Mr. Jacob Gans of Milledgeville, Ga. to Miss Bluma, daughter of Isaac DeYoung, of Philadelphia.

April 17, 1855
Southern Recorder
DIED. In this city, on the 14th inst., of Scarlet Fever, Nancy F., daughter of D. D. Horton, in the 8th year of her age.

May 1, 1855
Southern Recorder
   ~excerpt~ DIED, In Baldwin county, on the 17th April last, OSCAR SANFORD, eldest son of Benjamin and Rebecca Sanford, aged 15 years, 4 months and 12 days.......

May 8, 1855
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this city on the 3d inst., by Rev. J. Knowles, Col. John G. Park to Mrs. Rebecca Horton.

May 22, 1855
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED, In Scottsboro, Baldwin Co., on the 9th of May, in the 79th year of her age, Mrs. Mary Hall, relict of the late Mr. John Hall of Wilkinson co. The parents of the deceased emigrated from North Carolina to Georgia many years ago. Most of her long life was spent in Georgia.
  ...a Presbyterian Church was organized in Milledgeville by the Rev. Jos. C. Stiles some 27 years ago. - She with three daughters enrolled themselves among the first members who constituted that Church - ......

June 12, 1855
Federal Union
    Married in the city of Milledgeville, Sunday afternoon, June 10th, by Samuel B. Brown, Esq., Mr. Chesley M. Attaway toMiss Sarah Hodge. May happiness be theirs without alloy, And may their future life be blithe and merry. J. G.

June 26, 1855
Federal Union
~excerpt~ DIED, In Baldwin county, on Saturday, 16th inst., after a short but painful illness, Sarah R. L., youngest daughter of O. H. P. Bonner, Esq., in the 13th year of her age. ....

July 17, 1855
Federal Union
   Died, in Midway, June 25th, Mrs. Jane E. Kelley, aged 28 years. The friends whom she left behind, mourn, but not as those without hope.

September 4, 1855
Federal Union
DIED - In this city on Tuesday night, the 28th ult., James W. Stubbs, Esq. Mr. Stubbs was for many years a citizen of Milledgeville; was the candidate of the Democratic party for the State Senate in 1854, and at the time of his death was Judge of the Inferior County.

September 4, 1855
Federal Union
DIED In this city on Friday morning last, Dr. J. J. Mitchell in the 51st year of his age. Dr. Mitchell was an old citizen of this place. He was a son of Ex-Gov. David Brady Mitchell. A man of learning, and possessed of an inexhaustible store of knowledge on all subjects.

September 4, 1855
Federal Union
  Departed this life on the 30th day of August last, Mrs. Peggy, consort of Mr. John Calloway of this county. In the 58th year of her age.

September 11, 1855
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Wednesday morning, Sept. 5th, by John Stephens, Esq., at the house of Dr. Flemister, Mr. WILLIAM P. BONNER, of Baldwin, to Miss MARTHA L. DUNCAN, of Columbus, Ga.

September 18, 1855
Macon Telegraph
MARRIED, On the 20th ult., by Wm. A. Batson, Esq., Mr. WILLIAM NOLAN toMiss COMELLA BOWERS, all of Baldwin county, Ga.

October 2, 1855
Southern Recorder
DIED, at his residence in Baldwin county, on the 23d ult,JOHN LAWRENCE, in the 62d year of his age. He had been a resident of Baldwin county about sixteen years, and was beloved and respected by all who knew him as an honest and upright citizen. He had been a patient sufferer for the past two years with a painful and wasting disease. He expressed himself prepared for the solemn change which he felt was approaching. He left a devoted wife and five children  and a large circle of friends to mourn his departure, but we hope our loss may be his eternal gain.

October 16, 1855
Federal Union
MARRIED. In this city on Sunday Morning, the 7th inst., by the Rev. S. G. Daniel, Mr. Samuel S. Whitehead to Mrs. Lavinia W. Green, all of this county.

November 20, 1855
Federal Union
MARRIED. In Midway, near this city, on the evening of 14th inst., by Rev. Wm. Flinn, Rev. A. M. Small of Charleston S. C. to Miss Martha A. and also at the same time and place Mr. N. A. Pratt of Roswell Ga. to Miss Julia E. both daughters Mr. B. P. Stubbs of Midway Ga.

  Died, in Midway on the 11th inst., Talmage, son of Willis and M. M. Holmes, aged 11 months. "of such is the kingdom of heaven."

December 4, 1855
Federal Union
   Died in this city, on the morning of the 29th ult., Charles W. Choate, aged about fifty years. He was for many years past a resident of this city, during which time he sustained an irreproachable charactr. It may be said in truth, that in his large circle of acquaintances he had not a single enemy. In his death, the community have been deprived of an honest, useful and worthy citizen, and one whose memory will long be cherished in the recollection of those who knew him well. May he rest in peace.

December 18, 1855
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. In this city, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. J. Knowles, Mr. JOHN A. HEADEN, Esq., member of the House of Representatives from Hall county to Miss Louisa E., daughter of Col. Peter Fair of this place.

January 22, 1856
The Georgia Telegraph
Married On the 15th inst. by Rev. A. M. Thigpen, Mr. Robert H. Barron, of Clinton, to MissEllen A. Brown, daughter of Mr. David P. Brown of Baldwin county, Ga.

March 4, 1856
Southern Recorder
Departed this life, on the 21st ult., after a protracted illness JAMES PYE, aged eighty-five years ten months and fourteen days, leaving a large circle of relations and friends to mourn his loss.

March 11, 1856
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Thursday morning, the 6th inst., by the Rev. S. G. Daniel, Col. W. M. NICHOLS of Clinch county, to Miss ROXANNA, eldest daughter of Col. ROBERT and Mrs. M. C. McCOMB, of this city.

March 18, 1856
Federal Union
Death amongst Us.
  During a very few days past, the Angel of death applied his sickle with no idle hand. On Saturday the 8th inst. Dr. Benj. F. Carter, late Representative from the county of Murray, died at the residence of his father, Col. F. Carter, of consumption. Dr. C. was a most estimable young man, and his premature death is deplored by all who knew him.
   On Tuesday the 11th Mr. Richard F. Budd, proprietor of the Washington Hall in this city, died. Mr. Budd had been a citizen of this place only a short time. He came, we believe, from Canada. H was an old man.
  On the night of the same day, Dr. Holmes, assistant Physician of the Lunatic Asylum, died of Pnumonia, at the residence of Dr. T. F. Green. Dr. Holmes we believe was originally from Floyd county, Ga. He was an estimable young man with a bright promise of future usefulness and distinction.
  On the same day, Mr.Chas. Jenkins, an aged man, was drownd in the Oconee opposite the city.
  On the 15th inst., Mrs. Mary M. Cotting, wife of Dr. John R. Cotting, formerly State Geologist, of Pneumonia.

March 25, 1856
The Georgia Telegraph
~extract~    At the residence of Dr. Green, in Midway, on the 11th inst. of Bronchitis and Pneumonia, Doctor William W. Holmes, Assistant Physician of the State Lunatic Asylum, in the thirty-sixth year of his age.

April 3, 1856
Columbus Enquirer
DEATH OF AN OLD LADY - The mother of Col. John M. Thomas, of Baldwin co., died at Midway, near Milledgeville, on the 23d ult, at the advanced age of one hundred and ten years.

April 8, 1856
Federal Union
~excerpt~Died, in this city, March 30th, after a painful sickness of six weeks,Miss America J. Vickers, daughter of Vincent E. and Harriet Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. V. are known as among the first settlers of Milledgeville...

April 22, 1856
The Georgia Telegraph
Death of B. R. Gardner, Esq., of Milledgeville
   The Savannah Morning News, of April 16th says: "We regret to learn thatB. R. Gardner, Esq., a well known and highly respected citizen of Milledgeville, was killed in Sparta yesterday morning, by a man by the name of O. J. Powell. Mr. Gardner, who was formerly a resident of Sparta, was in that town for the purpose of transacting some business in the Inferior Court. A misunderstanding in a reference to some pecuniary matter had previously existed between him and Powell, which is supposed to have been the cause of the killing. Mr. G. was shot in the street. Our informant, who left Sparta directly after the melancholy affair, is unable to give us an particulars, except that he heard four discharges of a pistol, which, as the deceased was an inoffensive man, who never went armed, he supposes to have been fired by Powell. He does not know whether Powell has been arrested.
   "Mr. Gardner was a wealthy and highly esteemed citizen, and was extensively known in the middle section of the State. He leaves a wife and an interesting family of children. His death is deeply deployed by the community of Sparta."

May 6, 1856
Federal Union
MARRIED. On Wednesday evening April 30, at Summerville near Hamburg, So. Ca., by the Rev. Dr. Talmage, Mr. James H. Nichols of Milledgeville, Ga., to
Miss Kate S. youngest daughter of Mrs. Alfred Latimer of the former place.

~excerpt~ Died in this city  on the 21st ult. Mrs. Margery P. Hawkins, wife of Nathan Hawkins in the 40th year of her age.

May 23, 1856
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ Died, in Clinch county, on the 26th of April, at 6 o'clock, P.M., at the residence of S. W.  Nichols, Esq.,Mrs. Roxanna, wife of Col. Wm. M. Nichols, and daughter of Col. R. and Mrs. Mary C. McComb, of Milledgeville, in her 19th year.

May 23, 1856
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, At Midway, near Milledgeville, on Wednesday evening, the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Pryne, of Savannah, Mr.
J. PALMER GRAVES, of Waterford, Ireland, and Miss SARAH MORGIE FISH, of the former place.

~excerpt~  DIED, In this city on Sunday morning, the 11th inst., DAVID L., son of Leo and Martha Leffman, aged 3 months.

June 10, 1856
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
DREADFUL AFFAIR. The Wilkes Republican of May 30 states that Jesse Cocrahn, of Milledgeville, was quarrelling with his son, Jasper last week, both being intoxicatd, when they attacked each other with knives, and the son fell, stabbed in thirteen places, from the effects of which he died the following day. Jesse Cocrahn was committed to jail, to await his trial in our Superior Court, at September next..

August 5, 1856
Southern Recorder
MARRIED,  In Baldwin county, on the 30th ult., by Wm. A. Batson, Esq., Mr. RISDON R. COLLINS to Mrs. JANE WHITE.

October 28, 1856
Federal Union
DIED, In this city, on the morning of the 21st instant, after a long and severe illness, WILLIAM R. PRESTWOOD, in the 37th year of his age.

November 18, 1856
Federal Union
MARRIED. In this city on Tuesday morning last, by Rev. Wm. Flinn, Mr. BENJ'N POLHILL, of Macon, to Miss E. H. NISBET. Also at the same time, Mr. ALEX MOFFETT, of Charleston, S.C., to Miss SALLIE, both daughters of A. M. Nisbet, Esq., of Milledgeville.

December 2, 1856
Southern Recorder
~Excerpt~ DIED, At his residence in Baldwin county, on the 24th ult., WILEY T. GODARD, in his 28th year, (son of Joel and Malinda Godard,) leaving a wife, three little children, a mother, and a large circle of friends and connections to mourn his loss. Mr. G. was a native of Jones, but for the last six years has lived in Baldwin. He died of the typhoid fever, after a confinement to his bed for 24 days.

December 9, 1856
Federal Union
MARRIED - On the 20th ult., by Rev. Geo. McCauley, Mr. BENJ. BECK to Mrs. ANGELINE R. STUBBS, all of this city.

~excerpt~ DIED, At Midway, Baldwin Co. November 29th, of Pulmonary Disease, aged 32 years, Mrs. Julia R. Napier,  wife of Maj. Wm. T. W. Napier and daughter of Joel R. Tucker, Esq. .......the mother of four young children - three of them daughters...

January 20, 1857
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Talmage, J. W. Duncan, Esq., of Atlanta, to Miss MARY ELIZABETH FORT.

February 3, 1857
Southern Recorder
DIED, At his residence in this county, on the 18th ult., Mr. BRINKLEY BLIZZARD, in the 64th year of his age. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, in one of the North Carolina regiments, from whence he moved to this State about 26 years ago. An industrious, quiet and honest man is gone to his long home, leaving his distressed and afflicted children to mourn their loss.

March 12, 1857
The Sun
  On Sunday night, March 1, a severe shock of an earthquake was felt at Milledgeville, Ga. It was so severe that it awoke many from their sleep.

April 14, 1857
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Erasmus D. Eldridge, Rev. C. W. LANE, of Oglethorpe University, to Miss MARY A., daughter of Rev. E. D. Eldridge.

April 21, 1857
The Georgia Telegraph
Col. Robert McComb, of Milledgeville, so well know to the public as a kind and bountiful Landlord, died in that city on the 9th instant.

May 12, 1857
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, On the 4th inst. at Black Spring, Baldwin county, Ga., EMILY ALMEDA, youngest daughter of Samuel G. and Mary A. Chandler, aged one year,  three months, and six days.

June 2, 1857
Federal Union
   Died in this city on the morning of the 30th ult, Miss Priscilla Moore, after an illness of only five days. She was much beloved by her friends, and respected by all who knew her.

June 2, 1857
Federal Union
~excerpt~ Died  in Milledgeville, on the morning of the 31st of May, Robert Samuel, only son of Samuel and H. M. Chamberlain, aged 11 months....

June 9, 1857
Federal Union
  ~excerpt~ Died in Louisville Ala., on the 28th ult. William Denis Lingold, only child of William A. and Sarah Ann Lingold, aged 7 years 7 months and twenty-one days; he was born in Baldwin county, Ga.

June 16, 1857
Southern Recorder
   MARRIED, In Milledgeville, Ga., on June 10th, by the Rev. F. L. Brantly, Mr. CHRISTOPHER KRAMER to MARY CARAKER.
   In this city, on Sunday night, June 14th, St. Stephens Church, by Rev. Dr. Maybin, Mr. Robt. N. ADAMS and MissMARTHA J. WOOTEN, all of this city.

June 16, 1857
Southern Recorder
Died, in this city, on the 7th inst.,CARRIE, infant daughter of Wm. G. and Julia W. Robinson, aged nine months and twenty-six days.

August 25, 1857
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, by W. H. Scott, J.I.C., Mr. THOMAS P. REDDING, of Sumter county, to Miss ANNA MARIA ANDERSON.
  In Milledgeville, August 20th, by Wm. H. Scott, J.I.C., Mr. DAVID HESTER of Hancock county, to Miss CYNTHIA STONE.

DIED, At the residence of Mrs. Nichols in Midway, on Tuesday morning last, Miss SUSAN DIXON, in the 58th year of her age.  

September 17, 1857
Pittsfield Sun
   The Milledgeville, Georgia, Union learns that John I. Bass was killed in his own house in Hancock county by Mrs. Hudson. Bass came home drunk, maltreated his wife and drove her and her children and Mrs. Hudson and her children out of the house. Mrs. Hudson bursted two caps at him; then she went home, and next morning very early, just as Bass was getting up she entered his room, placed a pistol to his breast and fired, killing him instantly.

Washington County Newspaper Clippings Vol 1 1852-1866, Tad Evans
(Sparta) The trial of this woman for commitment for the murder of John Bass of this county came up on Saturday last, before Justices Little, Berry and Turner. Cain appeared for the prosecution and DuBose for the defendant.
  The only evidence of much force, as we understand, was a youth of some twelve years of age, the son of Mr. Bass. He stated that Mrs. Hudson came to his father's on the morning of the second instant and went into the kitchen. Bass followed her, and asked if  wanted to shoot at him again, rubbing his fist in her face. She drew a pistol and Bass retreated behind the door. She following him and shot him in the left breast. He died instantly.
  We suppose other witnesses must have been before the court, favorable to the prisoner, of which we know nothing, as they admitted her to bail in the nominal sum of $800. Her father, Mr. Josiah Collins, who is a planter of respectable means, stood her security.
  Her husband, Mr.Josiah Collins (wrong, this should be Mr. Joseph Hudson,) is now in Milledgeville Jail for shooting a man at the city ferry.  She demeaned herself during the trial as one who had about as much interest in it as any of the bystanders. She appears to be about 25 years of age, is good looking and had nothing in her countenance that indicates the heart of a murderer.
(Note she was sent to prison Oct. 18, 1859.)

December 8, 1857
Southern Recorder
DIED. In Baldwin county, on the 27th ult., HENRY JACKSON MILLS, aged 40 years. In his death the county has lost a worthy citizen, and his kindred a kind, affectionate brother. Honest, retired, blameless; every ready with a kind workd and kind action, his death will be much regretted by all his neighbors and those who knew him best. Friendly hand buried him in one of those unseem, solitary, rural grave yards, beneath the silent forets, where all of his name, father, mother and brothers, were gathred before him. "Tis ever thus, 'tis ever thus, With all that dwell below, The dearest, noblest, loveliest, Are always first to go.

December 8, 1857
Southern Recorder
Excerpt~Died in Baldwin county, November 16th, 1857, SARAH E., infantand only daughter of Thomas S. and Mary M. Finney, aged six months and twenty seven days.......

January 5, 1858
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 25th ult., by the Rev. S. C. Leonard, Mr. THOMAS PROSSER, to Miss NANCY B. ENNIS, daughter of Charles Ennis, Esq.

January 26, 1858
Southern Recorder
MARRIED,   In the Methodist Episcopal Church in Milledgeville, on Tuesday morning, the 19th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Talmage, the Rev. ROBERT W. BIGHAM, of the California Conference, to Miss ELIZA C. DAVIES of Milledgeville.
  On Thursday night, the 21st inst., at Sycamore Level Baldwin county, Ga., the residence of Mrs. Matilda E. Hill, by the Rev. Dr. Talmage, Mr. EDWARD J. WHITE, of Milledgeville, to Miss MELISSA A. HILL, youngest daughter of Mrs. Hill.
  In Baldwin county, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. S. C. Leonard, Mr. GEORGE M. ENNIS to Miss NANCY A. HAYGOOD.

February 16, 1858
Federal Union
MARRIED, At the residence of Mr. E. L. Prosser, on Thursday, 11th February, by Wm. H. Scott, J. I. C., Mr. La Fayette J. Echols to Miss Eliza C. Prosser, all
of Baldwin co.

February 23, 1858
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Baldwin county, on the 14th inst by Rev. S. C. Leonard, Mr. REUBEN A. PROSSER and Miss REBECCA J. ECHOLS.

March 9, 1858
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the 7th inst., by S. B. Brown, J. P., Mr. JAMES N. BOUTWELL to Miss MARIA JANE LAVENDER; also, Mr. ELAM H. WALLS to Miss LAURA GENTRY, all of this cit.

April 6, 1858
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the morning of the 1st inst., at the residence of Mrs. S. Park, by the Rev. Mr. Warren, Dr. JOSEPH E. BLOUNT of Randolph county, Ga., and Miss SARAH C. VANVOLKINGBURG, grand-daughter of Mrs. S. Park, of this city.

June 1, 1858
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, Yesterday, by the Rev. Mr. Flinn, Mr. CHARLES B. MUNDAY to Miss VICTORIA BIVINS, all of this city.

.June 8, 1858
Southern Recorder
   ~excerpt~ Died, in this place, on the 4th inst, after severe and long-continued suffering, Mrs. ELIZABETH T. JORDAN, widow of the late Green H. Jordan.

June 22, 1858

Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, In Scottsboro, on the 11th inst., JULIE S.;consort of Mr. C. E. TAUXE, aged about 30 years.....A native of Switzerland..

July 8, 1858
Southern Recorder

MARRIED. On Thursday morning, 1st inst., by Rev. Mr. Flinn, Mr. A. J. BRADY and Miss MATTIE E., only daughter of Wm. Barnes of this city.

July 20, 1858
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Sunday morning, 11th inst., by O. P. Bonner, J. I. C., DAVID D. DUPREE and Miss ANN V. DYER, all of Baldwin county.

August 10, 1858

Southern Recorder
Died, in Knoxville, Tennessee, at the house of Mrs. Chavannes, on the 29th of July, MARIE JULIE TAUXE, aged two months and thirteen days.
  "Suffer little children to come  unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."    HER FATHER

August 24, 1858
Federal Union
  Died, in this county, on Sunday night, the 15th inst., Geo. R. Tucker, son of Mrs. Harper Tucker, aged 19 years.

October 5, 1858
Federal Union
MARRIED,  On Thursday night 39th September, at the residence of Dr. S. G. White, Milledgeville, by the Rev. Dr. Talmage. LEWIS KENAN Esq. to MISS SARAH R. DAVIDSON.

October 12, 1858
Southern Recorder
MARRIED,  In this city, on the 1st instant, by Rev. J. L. Warren, Hon. JAMES E. HAYS, of Jackson county, and Miss CAROLINE HOWARD, of this city.

October 12, 1858
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. On Tuesday, the 5th of October, at her Father's residence, by the Rev. Mr. Lester, Miss SALLIE A. STEELE, Daughter of Maj. John H. Steele, to Mr. FRANK M. EDDLEMAN, of Atlanta.

October 19, 1858 
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, At Midway, Baldwin Co., Ga., on Monday morning, Oct. 11th, 1858, by the Rev. Dr. Talmage, Mr. JONATHAN T. FARRELL, of  Floyd Co., to Miss MARTHA F. MOORE, of the former place.
December 14, 1858

Federal Union
   Married, On the 8th of December 1858 at the house of Walter H. Mitchell Esq. in Milledgeville, MR. BENJAMIN WHITEHEAD, of Savannah to MISS JANE M. HOLT, of the former place.

February 15, 1859
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Washington county, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 10th inst., by Rev. J. P. Leverett, Mr. JOHN H. LAWRENCE of Baldwin county to Miss MARY ANN, eldest daughter of Wm. Watkins.

February 15, 1859
Southern Recorder
DIED, In this city, on the 7th inst, of pneumonia, Mr. JAMES M. DENTON, in he 49th year of his age. He was a kind husband,, and affectionate father, a faithful friend and a good citizen. The poor in him have lost one who never turned them away empty, and his own immediate family their main stay and support. From extreme poverty, he was rapidly obtaining a competeney of this world's goods, when he was suddenly hurried away to the realities of the other world. He was unconscious very soon  after his attack began and could not consequently, give any account of his hopes and fears in view of eternity. We trust he is at reast. "Peace to his ashes." A FRIEND.

March 2, 1859

Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
The obituary list of our late California exchanges contains the name of John C. V. Andrews, civil engineer, a native of Milledgeville, Ga., who died at Campo Seco, Calaveras county, California, on the 25th January, in the 39th year of his age, leaving a wife and four children.

April 21, 1859
Daily Enquirer
DIED. In Milledgeville, on the morning of the 18th of April, after a lingering illness, Miss SUSAN FORT, daughter of Dr. T. Fort  - aged 21 years.

May 14, 1859
Rockford Daily News
Augusta, Ga. May 13. Dr. Thomlinson Fort, of Milledgeville died to-day. He was a former member of Congress and a distinquished medical practitioner and was widely known and esteemed..

May 17, 1859
Southern Recorder

DIED., In this county on the 11th inst., WILLIAM THOMAS, infant son of Thomas S. and Margaret Bagley, ageed 14 months and three days. 

May 24, 1859
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the morning of the 17th, at Sycamore Level, Baldwin county, the residence of Mrs. Matilda Hill, the grand-mother of the bride, by the Rev. Dr. Talmage, Mr. ANDREW J. ROSS of Texas, to Miss C. E. LIGHTFOOT

June 14, 1859
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~DIED, after a severe illness, on the tenth instant, at her late residence in this County, MRS. MARY TORRANCE, relict of the late Amelius Torrance, in the 67th year of her age.....;

June 21, 1859
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~Died in Abbeville District , S. C., on Monday morning, June 13th, after a short illness, SUSAN M. HUNTER, wife of Benj. T. Hunter, and daughter of the late F. V. DeLaunay; aged 22 years, one month and twenty days...
   Her remains were brought to this city on Wednesdy last and were interred beside those of her adored mother....Milledgeville, June 17, 1859.

June 21, 1859 
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~Died at the residenc of Capt. John S. Stephens on the 16th June, 1859, his wife MRS. ELIZABETH STEPHENS,  in the forty-eight year of her age. She had been sorely affliced for the last twelve months with a disease that baffled the skill of the best m.edical men of the country,...member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for some twenty-eight years of her life...Her loss will be felt by her mourning husband and children.....

  July 12, 1859
Southern Recorder
  Died, in Baldwin county, on the 29th ult., LEONIDAS L. SMITH, in the 48th year of his age.
   He was a member and deacon of the Salem Baptist Church, and in every respect one of the best men in the community where he resided. He died happy-perfectly resigned to the will of God, and leaving to his bereaved family the comforting assurance, that there loss is his gain.
  Also, at the late residence of his father, Leonidas L. Smith, on the 7th inst., JOHN S. SMITH, aged a little more that 21 years. Less than six months ago, he was married; now, he sleeps in the grave; cut off in the morning of life, just when its duties and enjoyments began to be realized. He had been for two years a member of the Salem Baptist Church. When first attacked, he expressed himsel afraid to die, and deeply sorry that he had not led a more holy life; but prior to his death, he declared himself ready.
  Thus have passed away in the short space of one month, four members of this afflicted family. First two little girls, then the father, and last the son. We trust they are together in Heaven. May God console the bereaved and lead them all at last to the same home at His right hand.

July 19, 1859
Southern Recorder
  ~excerpt~  Died, in Baldwin county, Ga.,  July 11th CADWALLADER RAINES, in the 20th year of his age.

August 9, 1859
Federal Union
~excerpt~Died at her residence in Baldwin county, on Sunday July 24th, 1859, of Typhoid fever, Mrs Mary M.Finney, consort of Thomas J. Finney, aged about twenty five years. Our departed  friend was confined to her bed about twelve days...husband and a little son are left behind...August 3, 1859.

November 3, 1859

Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
   The frosts yesterday and this morning were quite heavy, and several gentlemen report ice, even to the thickness of an inch-so that cotton, though "down" ought to be looking up.
  The Telegraph is not yet in operation to this place, but I noticed Saturday that the posts were nearly all up, and the wire is ready, so that in a week or ten days we may expect to be in intimate connection with "all the world and the rest of mankind."
  The accommodations here for visitors are quiet extensive and good now, compared to former years. Besides this, (the Milledgeville Hotel) which is a crack house, and capable of lodging a vast number, there are the "McComb Hotel" once the "Harry Clay House" of old days, connected with which is also the old "Huson Hotel" and the "Godwin Hotel," kept at present by "N.C.Barnett:" The "State Rights Hotel" is converted into a private boarding house, besides which there are many others all said to be good. In fact nobody every complained of the tables of Milledgeville-the complaint was solely about space and room.
   There are in the place a steam cotton and wool factory, and a steam planing mill, I believe, and a number of shops, and dry goods and grocery stores, all doing apparently a fine business. Every things has on its Sunday look, except that there is no cessation of business, and no church going. The town and county together have lately had finished a most excellent covered toll-bridge across the Oconee, on the road leading to Sparta, just above Carter's old Ferry and below Trainor's Merchant Mills, three hundred and fifty feet long, exclusive of the aprons and the earthworks, supported by three massive brick arches-all built at a cost of $11,700. There is also a very good covered bridge, of the same make, erected by the county across Fishing Creek, near the Town, on the Scottsboro road
    This morning I visited that conservative State Institution, where people are taught a good trade at the expense of honest men. There are within the walls 219 convicts, two of which only are women-a fact which speaks loudly of the inherent goodness of the gentler sex, or else of the tender mercies of the lords of creation. Some improvements are finished and going on inside the walls. The sleeping apartments or cells are being added to or top-built of brick, though the material of the lower stories is rough stone. Two large brick buildings are nearly finished - the first for a store room, hospital, dining room and chapel, on different floors, and the second for machinery, furniture, shoemaking, &c. The Penitentiary at Milledgeville ought to be abolished, because materials and provisions are always high priced, the manufactured articles frequently unsaleable, and always sold in competition with honest workmen, and at lower prices than the latter can afford. If convicts must be kept at hard labor at the expense of the State, why not put them to getting out granite at Stone Mountain, or to making railroads, or to building and mending the common earth roads of the country? The latter seems preferable, as there could be no competition, and the greatest need of Georgia is good roads. They increase the value of land in the same ration as they cheapen transportation.
   Passing by the Executive Mansion this morning, I noticed on the grounds a solitary, forlorn calf grazing on the brown withered gras, and his Excellency's children enjoying themselves much as other people's children- the largest boy drawing two smaller ones in a little wagon.
  The public Cemetery looks old and dreary, with the tangled woods and grass choking up the way-. There are some fine monuments, however, the most magnificent of which is that erected to a private citizen, a very wealthy gentleman, Benjamin S. Jordan. It is a beautiful shaft, perhaps twenty feet high, surrounded by a marble "Hope", fast anchored and pointing upwards.
Yours, B.

Eileen Babb McAdams website copyright 2004