Milledgeville-Baldwin County, Ga
In the News 1870-1879

January 4, 1870
Federal Union
DEAD!  On New Year's morning Mr. James A. Roberts, who had for a long time been in a feeble health, departed this life. He was a printer and was occasionally, when his health permitted, employed in the Recorder and this office. During the war he was a member of Capt. Conn's company, but on account of failing health was compelled to accept a discharge, since which time he has nevery enjoyed good health. He was kind-hearted, social, cheerful, and enjoyed the friendship of all who knew him.

January 11, 1870
Southern Recorder
   MARRIED,  In this city on the 12th inst., by the Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr.  WM. S. SCOTT, and Miss ANNIE E., eldest daughter of Dr. WM. A. Jarratt, both of this city.
   In this city, on the 30th ult by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. GEO. W. WOODALL and Mrs. EPSIE C. WARD.
   In this city on the 5th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. EDWARD G. LEWIS and Miss E. G. BYNUM.
   In this city, on the 9th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. JAMES A KEMP and Miss TRIPHOSIA PRICHARD.

January 18, 1870
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, At the residence of the bride's mother in Effingham county, on the morning of the 4th inst., by the Rev. E. Cassady, Mr. JAMES W. DENTON, of Milledgeville, and Miss MOLLIE V. POWERS.

January 25, 1870
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In Midway, on the 19th inst, by the Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr.  J. HENRY HARRIS, and Miss ANNIE R. TUCKER, daughter of D. H. Tucker.
   In this city, on the 20th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, MR. JAMES MCDANIEL and Miss LAURA CARAKER.
    In this city, on the 20th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. J. M. OLIVER and Miss C. C. LEWIS.
    DIED, In this city, on yesterday evening, 24th, ALBERT, infant son of Thomas and Annie Jenkins, aged two years and three months.

February 11, 1870
Southern Recorder
   MARRIED, In this city on the 8th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. Thos. A. Johnson and Mrs. Mary Willis.
~excerpt~ Tribute of Respect. Benevolent Lodge, No. 3, F. A. M. Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 3d, '70....Our worthy and esteemed brother, JOHN W. L. DANIEL, departed this life on the 1st inst., at Amercius, Ga., (where he had gone on a brief visit,) at the advanced age of 76 years. For more than forty years he was an active, working member of Benevolent Lodge, having been made a Master Mason on the 29th of November, 1828,,,,

February 24, 1870
Daily Columbus Enquirer
FATAL ACCIDENT -We are pained to record a sad and fatal accident which occurred in this city on Saturday afternoon last, resulting in the death of MrZach McCombs. While proceeding to the M & A. R. R. depot in the express wagon, the horses attached to it became frightened, ran away, breaking the wagon to pieces, and throwing Mr. McCombs against a tree with great violence, inflicting injuries in the breast and head, which caused his death almost instantly. His brother, Adolphus McCombs, who was also in the wagon, fortunately escaped uninjured. - Federal Union.

March 4, 1870
The Daily Sun (Columbus)
  Mr. F. A. Huson, for a number of years the landlord of the Milledgeville Hotel, died at his residence in Kingston, Ga., last. week.

March  8, 1870
Federal Union
MARRIED, In the city on the 1st of March, by Clayton Vaughan, Esquire, Mr.  B. B. VAUGHN and Miss NANCY DENNIS.

March 15, 1870
Southern Recorder
Died in Midway, Baldwin county, Ga., at the residence of Col. John S. Thomas, on the 2nd inst., MRS. ELIZA WRIGHT, consort of Col. Arthur P. Wright, of Thomasville, Ga.

March 18, 1870
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
We clip the following from the Federal Union of Tuesday:
  A FRESHET - THE WEATHER - On Friday night and nearly all day Saturday the windows of Heaven were open, and the rain descended in torrents, causing the streams to overflow their banks and flood the country. On yesterday the Oconee was impassable at the bridge, and our friends on the east side of the river could not get to town. We learn that the rivers is in its banks this morning, and the wood wagons will be in.
   We received no mail from Atlanta or Augusta yesterday. We learn the recent heavy rains have washed away a bridge on the Macon and Augusta railroad, near Mayfield, and that it will probably take several days to repair damage.
  We learn that a difficult occurred at Mrs. Roberson's plantation near this city on yesterday, between Pen Roberson and McCoy on one side, and a young man by the name of Brickett, who was overseeing for Mrs. Robertson, on the other. Mr. Brickett was shot, and is reported mortally wounded, and Mrs. Roberson was shot in the foot. We have not heard the particulars. The case will probably be investigated by the proper authorities today.
   Since writing the above, we learn that Mr. Brickett is dead.

March 29, 1870
Southern Recorder
   MARRIED, At Midway, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. A. J. Lewis and Miss Mary Davis.
   DIED, In Pike county, on the 9th inst., TILMAN D. OXFORD, well known in Baldwin county as the Pastor of the Baptist Church at Mount Olive.

April 19, 1870
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on 15th inst., by Clayton Vaughn, J. P., Mr. W. H. BUTLER and MISS MARY  J.  WHITE

April 19, 1870
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
 From the last Federal Union we quote as follows:
  Mr. John Wooten, one of the first settlers of Milledgeville, now living near Forsyth, in Monroe county, paid his old home a visit last week. He relates many interesting incidents of the early history of this place. He was present at the first sale of town lots, and heard the commissioners, while offering them for sale, pledge the faith of the State that the Capital should be permanently located at this place. The lots were south of the capitol grounds were considered the most valuable and brought double the price of other lots. Mr. W. is far advanced in life, but seems in good health, and took great pleasure in relating anecdotes of old citizens long since passed away, and found many interested listeners. May he be spared yet many years.
   Mr. J. A. P. Robson, charged with murder of a Mr. Brickett, an account of which appeared in this paper some weeks since, had a hearing before Judge Robinson yesterday, and gave bond in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, for his appearance at the next term of Baldwin Superior Court to answer the charge.

May 5, 1870
Atlanta Constitution
The Eatonton Press and Messenger says: A large well on Mr. Stevens' place, near Milledgeville, caved in last Friday, killing a negro man and severely injuring Mr. Cooper.

May 10, 1870
 The Southern Recorder
announces the death, Saturday, at Reidsville, South Carolina, of Mr. Ripley P. Adams, aged 65 years, well known in that and other places in this State, as a schoolteacher. His remains will be brought to Milledgeville for burial.
  The Milledgeville firemen had a parade Monday. After the parade, Captain W. W. Williamson, in behalf of the company, presented the foreman, Captain Jones, with a silver trumpet.

 May 13, 1870
Southern Christian Advocate
Rev. Edward T. McGehee, M. D,. died at Henderson, Ga., April 18th in the 62d year of his age. He was born in Jasper co., Ga., and lived in Jones, Baldwin, and Putnam cos. He was early left an orphan... married to Miss Owen.... A. Anthony

June 2, 1870
Daily Enquirer
  We learn from our exchanges that obstinate dysentery or cholera mobus - often resulting in inflammation of the bowels - is extensively prevalent in many localities, as well as in this. Among the cases mentioned are those of Mrs. Daniel Caraker, of Milledgeville, who died on Monday night, and Col. A. H. Kennan, of the same city, who was dangerously ill on Monday - both from inflammation of the bowels.

June 7, 1870
Macon Weekly Telegraph
 We quote as "follows" from the Federal Union same date.
   REVIVAL, - A revival is progressing at the Baptist Church in this city. The ordinance of baptism was administered to four young ladies by the Rev. D. E. Butler, on last Sabbath. Several have already joined the Church, and many others seem very seriously impressed on the subject of religion. We trust the good work will continue.
  DEATH. - We regret to learn that Mrs. Fanny Caraker, wife of Mr. Daniel Caraker, of this city, died on last night after a brief illness.
   DISTRICT FAIR. - We understand a scheme is on foot among some of our citizens to get up a fair, to be held annually in our city, for the counties of Baldwin, Jones, Wilkinson, Hancock, and perhaps other counties. We learn that the 25th day of June has been fixed on, and the Court-house in Milledgeville the place, for a meeting of delegates from these several counties for the purpose of organization. We trust the enterprise will be attended with abundant success.
  The drought was brought o a close, in this vicinity, on Wednesday last, by a heavy storm of rain accompanied by thunder and lightening and some hail. During the storm an out-house belong to Miss Margaret Paine was destroyed by lightning. Ben Orme, the colored pressman of the Recorder office, had seventy-five bushels of corn and fifteen hundred pounds of fodder stored in this building, all of which was consumed. "Uncle" Ben had hard luck, having suffered a similar loss by fire last year.

June 14, 1870
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  Of the late Col. (A.H.) Kenan, of Milledgeville, the Federal Union says:
  With his mind absorbed in politics and the duties of his profession, Col. Kenan appeared to take but little interest in the subject of religion; but for several months before his death a very remarkable change on that subject occurred in his life; all of his friends remarked that he was changed, and he finally became and open and decided Christian, and died in the firm hope of a blessed immortality. Last Friday his body was followed to the cemetery by a large concourse of his neighbors and friends. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. D. E. Butler, of the Baptist Church. All business in Milledgeville was suspended during the funeral.
   The Recorder says Col. K's youngest child (Belle) the same day after he did, and from the same disease, and was buried by his side.
   The Federal Union says:
  FIRE. - On Thursday last, about 3 o'clock, A.M., a dwelling house occupied by Mr. Thomas Turk, in the southern portion of the city, and on the Midway road, was destroyed by fire. The fire originated in the dining room, and was not discovered by the sleeping occupants of the house until all efforts to save it were hopeless. Only a few articles of furniture and clothing were snatched from the flames, much the larger portion being consumed with the building.
   DEATH BY POISON - A bright little boy, two years of age, a son ( John M. S. Ivey per mortality schedule) of Mr. John Ivey, of this county, was accidentally poisoned by strychnine last Tuesday, 31st ult, and died in less than an hour after taking it. The strychnine was brought some time since to poison rats, and was left in a place to which the children had access.

June 17, 1870
Atlanta Constitution
Porcelain clay or Kaolin, has been found on the lands of Henry Stevens, at Whiting on the Milledgeville and Eatonton railroad, and a pottery has been established here.

July 1, 1870
Southern Christian Advocate
Married. In Milledgeville, on the 15th inst., by Rev. A. M. Thigpen, Mr. Henry W. Thomas to Miss Amanda J., daughter of Col. N. C. Barnett.

July 3, 1870
Atlanta Constitution
Mr. Thomas M. Cook, senior, died in Valdosta, on the morning of the 23rd of June, aged about sixty. He was born in Milledgeville, and was for a long time employed upon The Recorder in that town, and was one of the oldest printers in the State. He held the office of postmaster of Milledgeville for fifteen years.

July 5, 1870
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
   Capt. John Scott, for many years Marshal of Milledgeville, died there, Tuesday, aged 56 years.
  The census of Milledgeville has been finished and shows a total population of 2,316. The white voters number 251, and the blacks, 215.
  Messrs. R. M. Orme & Son announce in the last issue of the Southern Recorder that they have leased that paper from the 1st of July to Messrs. Wooten & Roberts. The present editor R. M. Orme, will continue in that position.
  The Recorder says:
DEATH OF MR. JOHN OSBORNE. - We regret to learn of the death of Mr. John Osborne.of Scottsboro, Baldwin county, who died in Augusta on the 16th inst., of Apoplexy, aged about 76 years. Mr. Osborne, of Revolutionary memory, and one of the first Judges of the State of Georgia, and was also in the Convention that framed the first Constitution for the State after the Revolutionary war. His mother was the late Mrs. Fitzgerald, who died at the advance age of ninety-five years.

  PENITENTIARY - The number of convicts as registered in the penitentiary convict book is 427; whites, 70; blacks, 357; of which number 14 are females. With the exception of some dozen within the walls, the rest are upon the railroads.

July 12, 1870
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  Mr. Abel C. Vail, a well known citizen of Milledgeville, died on Friday morning, aged 66 years. He had lived in Macon and Milledgeville over thirty years.
  The Federal Union reports crops in Baldwin excellent-not enough corn planted, however.
  The Milledgevillians had a  good old fashioned barbecue in the Capital Square on the 4th. There was not a single case of drunk and disorderly the whole day.

July 22, 1870
Southern Christian Advocate
Elliott Cromwell Hannon, son of John and Elizabeth Hannon, was born in Warren co., Ga., August 18th 1800 and died at Montgomery Ala., June 21st 1870. He was married in September 1835 to Mary Ann Stubbs, daughter of the late Thos. B. Stubbs of Milledgeville, Ga., and the same month came to Montgomery. O. R. B.

August 9, 1870
Georgia Weekly Telegraph  and Georgia Journal & Messenger
  Baldwin County - We clip the following from the Milledgeville Federal Union, of the 3d:
  Mr. Orme will deliver a lecture at Robert's Academy on Tuesday night, 2d inst. Subject: The relationship the animal and intellectual organs of the brain bear each other to control or excite: and why some men are more animal than intellectual and vice versa. The public is invited to attend. Lecture begins at 8½ o'clock
 Death - Mr. J. (Joe)  L. Keith died at the residence of Mr. Clayton Vaughan, in this city, on Friday last. He moved to this county last winter, and was engaged in farming near the city. He was a man of energy, and promised to become one of our most useful citizens. During his short residence among us he made many friends who mourn that he was called hence in the bloom of manhood.
  A Large Turtle - Mr. G. T. Weidenman received by Wednesday night's train, from Brunswick, a huge turtle, weighting two hundred and fifty pounds. It was a present from Mr. F. Toll, a former citizen of this place, who has recently located in Brunswick. Few of our citizens had ever seen so large a turtle, and it attracted considerable attention. On Thursday morning it was butchered and taken to the market where it found ready sale at 15 cents per pound.
  Our Fair - One hundred and fifty acres has been selected on the north common for the fair grounds, and the shrubbery and cumbersome undergrowth has been cut down. We learn that the work of grading begins to-day. A very excellent corps of managers are charged with the completion of the work, and the subscription of stock being nearly ample, success is sure. The Central and Georgia railroads have agreed to pass all articles for exhibition and all visitors to the Fair, for one fare; in both cases full rates required going, and return tickets free.

August 30, 1870
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city on the 15th inst., by Rev. J. S. Leonard, Mr. J. S. LEONARD, and Miss MARY COWSER.

September 20, 1870
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Gen. John W. A. Sanford, whose illness we noticed a day or two since, died in Milledgeville, on Monday evening, in the seventy-third year of his age.
  The Federal Union announces the arrival there, on Friday, of thirteen negroes recently convicted of insurrection against the laws of the State, in Jefferson county.
  Major H. K. Daniels of Milledgeville, during the war quartermaster of Dole's brigade, died suddenly at his plantation in Sumter county on Friday.
  The Southern Recorder says:
Simon Greer, colored, was killed by Berry Williams, colored, 8th inst., in this county, on the plantation of Mr. Jas. C. Whitaker, whilst in the field picking cotton. After a thorough investigation of the facts before Justice Peter Fair, acting Coroner, the Jury made a verdict of justifiable homicide. The accused was present and set at liberty.

September 23, 1870
Atlanta Constitution
   A traveler registered his name on the 24th of last month, at the Milledgeville Hotel, as Frank Hamilton, of Lynchburg, Virginia. He announced his occupation as a tuner and repairer of pianos, etc., and was so engaged. About two weeks ago, he was taken with a chill at a private boarding house, and after alternate stages of his disease, died on Saturday evening last. He received medical treatment from Dr. Case, and died at Mr. Nailor's. Having no means, the proper authorities looked to his decent interment in our city cemetery. Near the close of his life, he gave his real name asGeorge Bury, son of John Bury, Wrexham, England. He was of frail constitution, and gave his age as twenty-six.

September 23, 1870
Southern Christian Advocate
Mrs. Louisa P. Trippe, relict of Col. John B. Trippe, died at Eatonton, July 20, in the 59th year of her age. She was born and eared in Edgefield, South Carolina, and moved to Georgia in 1833, soon after her marriage. She moved to Milledgeville in 1855, where she resided until her death. P. A. Heard

October 14, 1870
Southern Christian Advocate
Mrs. Elinor Howard died in Columbus, Ga., on 29th August, aged 72 years. She was born in Clarke co., Ga., married in 1816, and joined the Church in Milledgeville in 1823, moved to Columbus in 1830. A. M. W.

October 18, 1870
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On Wednesday Oct. 12th, at St. Peters church, Milford, Ct., by the Rector Rev. Mr. Howard, S. G. WHITE, M.D., of Milledgeville, Ga., to Miss KATE M. DAVIDSON, of Milford, Ct.

November 1, 1870
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
   In Scottsboro, Ga., October 25th, by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. Edward J. Freeman, of Macon, Ga., to Miss Georgia A. Wilkinson of the former place.

December 6, 1870
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Death of Col. B. B. de Graffenreid - We learn that this gentleman, a son of our fellow townsman, Dr. E. L. de Graffenreid, died at Milledgeville on the afternoon of Wednesday 23d instant. Col. de Graffenried was raised in Columbus, but has for many years resided at Milledgeville, where he held various official positions in the State Government. At the time of his death he was Clerk of the Supreme Court of Georgia. He was a gentleman of good abilities and a son of considerate kindness. He leaves aged and stricken parents and several brothers and sisters to mourn his death.

December 20, 1870
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. In Midway, on the 30 ult., by the Rev. J. M. Bonnell, D. D., Mr. Geo. W. Hollinshead to Miss Fannie daughter of Judge John Hammond, all of Midway.
  In Midway, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. M. Bonnell, D. D., Mr. William Harper of Baldwin county to Miss Mary S. Hollinshead of Midway.

January 10, 1871
Federal Union
MARRIED. near Milledgeville, at the residence of the bride's father, Col. Wm. McKinley, on the 3rd inst, by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. THOMAS SPALDING, of Sapelo Island, and Miss SARAH B. MCKINLEY

February 2, 1871
Daily Columbus Enquirer.
The Federal Union reports the death, on Monday evening last, of Capt. Samuel McComb, a prominent, popular and widely known citizen of Milledgeville. He died of injuries received in a fall from a vehicle, while the team were running away. Capt. McComb had been a gallant Confederate officer, and an able representative of his county in the Legislature.

February 7, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  We get the following particulars of the accident by which Mr. Samuel McCombs, of Milledgeville, lost his life, from the Southern Recorder of Tuesday:
  About 5 o'clock Monday evening while Mr. McComb, accompanied by Mr. Bishop, was out driving a span of very fiery horses, they became frightened and began to run, nearly opposite the Federal Union office, and on turning the corner at Mr. Perry's house, Mr. MComb was hurled from the buggy, striking the ground with his head and right shoulder, and was killed almost instantly. The horses continued to run, and about one hundred yards further on Mr. Bischof was thrown out, scratched and bruised a little, but not seriously hurt. The horses ran with the fragments of the buggy through the Central depot yard, leaping into Mr. Bivins' garden and finally stopping in his yard by getting a tree between them. This sad accident is made still sadder by the circumstance that this is the second member of this family that has been killed within a year by run away horses.

February 21, 1871
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 15th inst., in this city, by Rev. C. W. Lane, MR. HENRY GOODMAN and MRS. MATTIE T. SMITH.

March 14, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
How Milledgeville was Captured.
  The virtuous Kilpatrick, in a recent lecture at Chicago on Sherman's march to the sea, made the follow statement, which we give for what it is worth. That "good Union man" fared about right, though, we think:
   Milledgeville was not captured by the army, but by the bummers, who took possession of it five hours in advance of the leading regiment. The rebel mayor, accompanied by lawyers, doctors, deacons, and the good men and the bad men of the city, came out with a flag of truce to receive the bummers. One man read a discourse he had prepared for the occasion, setting forth what history might say of the surrender of Milledgeville and the conduct of the Yankee troops. The chief bummer promised all sorts of protection to private property. One Northern man, who had lived there a long time, said he had always been a good Union man and loved the old flag, etc. The bummer looked at him for a moment and then said: "Dry up, dry up; it don't make no difference to me what you are; have you got a watch?" The gentleman was obliged to give up his watch, kill his chickens, and prepare a "rum old dinner" for the bummer, while the latter ransacked the house.

March 21, 1871
Southern Recorder
  SUDDEN DEATH. On yesterday morning near the M. & E, R. R. Depot, Mr. James Woodall, while assisting in loading some lumber died very suddenly. It seems as though the deceased has been laboring under the effects of heart disease, and complained early in the morning of feeling very bad. While at work he suddenly dropped upon his knees and called for water; the water being brought, he drank and died in a few minutes. It is the opinion of the Doctor summoned on the case, that he died of heart disease.

April 25, 1871
Federal Union
MARRIRD,  At Midway on the 18thh inst., by Rev. C W Lane, Col. J.T. SNEAD and Miss SALLIE MYRICK.

May 2, 1871
Southern Recorder
   MARRIED, at the Asylum, on the 27th ult, by the Rev. A. J. Jarrell, Mr. SAM'L B. WOODWARD and Miss MARY J. VAUGHN.

May 2, 1871
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, In this city, on Saturday last (29th ult.,)
THERESA ELLISON,  wife of Mr. Wm. V. Ellison, in the 44th year of her age. Mrs. Ellison was afflicted with Dropsy for several years and was a great sufferer......

May 9, 1871
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city Thursday, May 4th, by Clayton Vaugh Esq., Mr. G. W. Holder, to Miss MATILDA PITTMAN, both of this city.

May 9, 1871
Federal Union
  Mr. Joseph Miller, Jeweller, died very suddenly, of disease of the heart, on Thursday last, at his residence in this city. Mr. Miller came to this city when a  young man and has resided here for the past twenty-five years. He was a quiet, industrious man and a good citizen. For several years he had been in ill-health, and was apparently as well as usual a few minutes before his death. He leaves an interesting family, consisting of a wife and several children, to mourn their loss.

May 23, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  We clip the following items from the Milledgeville Recorder, of Tuesday.
  COL.SNEED, the reported bigamist, is now in Milledgeville, having been brought over from Macon on Tuesday last. His preliminary trial took place, and, in default of two thousand dollars bail, to was remanded to prison. The Sheriff, Mr. Arnold, kindly allowed him to hire, at his own expense, two reliable men as guards to attend him everywhere, to obviate the necessity of confinement; and this attended, he has been seen in various parts of the city during the week. His continual avowals of his innocence, together with other palliating circumstances, have somewhat softened pubic sentiment towards him. All desire that he may be fully able to establish is claims as an honorable man; especially on account of the family of General Myrick, one of the most influential in the county. He will remain here until the proofs claimed by his prosecutors are brought up, and his case is disposed of at the August term of Court.
   ON TUESDAY EVENING about two o'clock a difficulty occurred between two well known gentlemen of this place, that almost resulted fatally. Mr. John Stother, in a buggy, accompanied by Mr. P. Fair, jr., had stopped in front of Moore & Co's store on Wayne street. Col. Lewis H. Kenan, a member of the bar, stepped out of Moore & Co.'s store with a double barreled hot gun in his hands. Raising the weapon, he fired. Mr. Stevens knocked the gun upward, and the load lodged in Mr. Staley's house on the opposite side of the street. The horse sprang forward, throwing both Mr. Strother and Fair out backwards. Col. Kenan again fired, but as they were falling the load passed over then, taking effect in the leg of a negro on the sidewalk. A crowd immediately assembled, and any further demonstration of hostilities was prevents. Mr. Strother was considerably bruised by the fall, and has been confined to his bed ever since. Not the slightest clue to the motives which prompted Col. Kenan to this act, is given. Even Mr. Stother is in doubt as to the cause. Col. Kenan was arrested,  but gave bond in the sum of $2,500 for his appearance at court.

May 25, 1871
Atlanta Constitution
The Milledgeville Recorder reports the death ofMrs. Samuel E. Whitaker.

May 30, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  We clip the following items from the Southern Recorder of Tuesday.
  On Tuesday night last an attempt was made to burn the house of Col. L. H. Kenan, in the suburbs of this place. No one was in the house at the time, but fortunately the fire did not take hold upon the building, though a quantify of fodder and fat lightwood placed under the floor

May 31, 1871
Southern Christian Advocate
Married. In Milledgeville, Ga., May 17th, by Rev. A. J. Jarrell, Dr. C. P. Hartwell, of Albany, toMrs. Mary W. Hodges, of Milledgeville.

May 31, 1871
Southern Christian Advocate
Died Mrs. Amanda Thomas, daughter of Col. N. C. Barnett of Milledgeville, Ga., was a graduate of the Wesleyan Female College... S. E. H.

May 31, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
     Mr. Nathan Hawkins, an old citizen of Baldwin county, died Sunday morning, aged sixty years. He had been Mayor of Milledgeville, and member of the Legislature from that county.

June 7, 1871
Southern Christian Advocate
Mrs. Mary D. Pitts, wife of Dr. J. W. Pitts of Columbus, Ga., departed this life May 9th 1871. She was the daughter of Gideon and Mary M. Johnson, formerly of Baldwin, but more recently of Monroe county, Ga., where she was raised, educated and married. She was born March 5th 1823, and married Dec. 5th 1843. She was the mother of six children, all of whom survive her.

June 20, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
   Judge Robinson recently decided at Baldwin Superior Court that skating rinks are not "shows" and therefore not subject to taxation.
  A dispute as to the time of day on a farm near Milledgeville, last Tuesday, culminated in Jim Nelson's hoeing Sam Jone's head as to furnish occasion for a very respectable funeral.

June 22, 1871
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. Henrietta Whitaker
   Was a daughter of Col. Van Leonard, of Columbus. She was born near Madison, Ga., September 9th, 1827. Very early in her childhood her father moved to Columbus, and there she spent all her youthful days. In 1845, when she was just eighteen years old she joined the Methodist Church, and from that day to her death she did truly "cleave unto God with full purpose of heart."
  In 1852 she was married to Mr. Samuel E. Whitaker, of Baldwin county. For nineteen years she has lived among us an earnest, gentle, devoted Christian. She died in Milledgeville May 23, 1871, in joyful hope and perfect peace, leaving three daughters-the oldest twelve years-the youngest five years old. She suffered fearfully for two months, but she died so easy that she seemed to "fall asleep in Jesus." Days before her death her incoherent talk was altogether about Heaven. Her last articulate words were " Heaven-more!" And we all believe her, for we had seen her path shine more and more unto the perfect day; and the last faint glimmer that reached us across the waters was the brightest of all. We felt perfectly assured that Heaven was hers/
   The chiefest of all her virtues was her utter unselfishness-her perfect devotion to the good of others. She beautifully exemplified the genius and spirit of Christianity. Its steady light suffered no diminution as reflected in her heart and life. how stirringly did she remind us of him who lived for others-suffered for others-died for others! We could not doubt she had her Master's spirit we knew that same mind was in her which was in Christ Jesus the Lord. Many other virtues did she illustrate of rare beauty and excellence, but none more lovely-none more Christ like than this. Indeed this one thing like the speech of Simon Peter, betrayed her. All were ready to say,"surely thou also art one of then," They took knowledge of her that she had been with Jesus.
  Her love to children-her care for children-her ceaseless, unwearied efforts to do them good became a ruling passion in her soul. She was one of those who brought young children to Christ that he might bless them. He did bless both them and her.
 Her charity had that rare excellence of "thinking no evil" - but hoping all things believing all things, enduring all things."
   Her kindness to the poor brought on her the blessings of many that were ready to perish; many of them still mourn for her as children mourn for a mother. She has gone now to learn for the first time that she did all this to her loving Lord.
  An almost Eastern hospitality-surely a scriptural hospitality-made her house the welcome home of the Minister, the stranger, the wayfaring man. An excellence this almost forgotten among you. But a glance shows us that all these graces spring from one: The entire consecration of soul and body to the glory of God and the good of men. Such as one will God honor and honor forever.
A. J. Jarrell, Pastor

June 28, 1871
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this city on the 20th inst.. by Clayton Vaughan, Esq., Mr. DANIEL NORSWORTHY and Miss MARY MORAN, all of this place.

July 4, 1871
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, On the 29th, by the Rev. A. J. Jarrell, Mr. DENNIS WALKER, toMISS MARY LOU EWING, all of this city.

July 6, 1871
Daily Columbus Enquirer
HOMICIDE AT MILLEDGEVILLE -  A dispatch was received here by Mr. McCombs, of the H. I. Kimball House, announcing the fact that Louis (sic) Kenan, of Milledgeville, was shot and killed, yesterday, by John Strother. We know nothing of the particulars concerning this homicide further than that there was a quarrel between the two men dating back some months, and that a few weeks ago an encounter took place between them in which some shots were fired, injuring neither gentlemen. After that the quarrel was amicably adjusted, and the friends of both thought the affair had passed over entirely. The altercation yesterday which led to the homicide, grew out of the original quarrel. Atlanta Sun, 4th.

July 13, 1871
Daily Columbus Enquirer
  The Southern Recorder of the 11th says that "all attempts to discover the whereabouts of Mr. Strother (who killed Capt. Kenan in Milledgeville) have so far filed," but that it is reported that Mr. Strother's friends will be "ready to give bond for his appearance at court whenever Judge Robinson arrives.

July 19, 1871
Southern Christian Advocate
Married. In Milledgeville, Ga., June 29th, by Rev. A. J. Jarrell, Mr. B. B. Adams to Miss Eudora Wright, all of Milledgeville.

July 25, 1871
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. In Milledgeville, July 23d, by Rev. A. J. Jarrell, Mr. James Cash and Miss Mary Frazier.

July 25, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
A TOUCHING INCIDENT- Within the past week an aged and worthy woman - once the property of the mother of Captain Lewis Kenan, an his nurse throughout infancy - came to our city alone and over three hundred miles of travel, with no other object than to look at his grave and sympathize with her old mistress in the deep distress of the family! Her feelings were those of a mother; and when the poor, sorrowing soul gazed upon the narrow bounds which holds all that is mortal of him she had tended and cared for as her own, there is little doubt she shared much of the sad bereavement of the real parent. Such instances of devoted attachment and unostentatious gratitude are few, even amongst the highest grades of society - illustrating as it does those ties which subsisted in the relation of Southern masters and their slaves - making it a mutual joy and a last benefit to both alike.
  The woman here alluded to is Dicy, well and kindly remember by many citizens of Milledgeville - born and owned in the family of the late Col. Robert W. Alston, and who has never lived under any other protection. She is now, and has been ever since the war, in the service of one of her former young mistresses (Mrs. Reid, of Thomasville, Ga.) and the same attentive, unswerving friend and assistant, as she had been the dutiful, faithful and trusted servant. Her mission ended, and her feelings gratified, she has gone back to her home, where, we hope, her days may be prolonged, and their termination crowned with the assurance of a happy hereafter.

August 16, 1871
Federal Union
Died, At the Sweet Chalybeate Springs in Virginia, on the 8th inst., Mrs. MARY FLINN, wife of the Rev. Wm. Flinn, former pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Milledgeville - now pastor of a Presbyterian Church in New Orleans.
  Mrs. Flinn was the daughter of the late R. M. Orme, Esq, and was greatly beloved and respected by our community. Her remains were brought here for interment, and were followed to this last resting place in our cemetery by a large number of her early friends and associates.

August 30, 1871
Federal Union
DIED, In this city, on the 26th inst., WILLIAM COWSER, aged 64 years, 3 months and 17 days.  

September 12, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  The Grand Jury of Baldwin county found a true bill for murder against John R. Strother, at its late session. Stother, it will be remembered, murdered Captain Lewis H. Kenan and has never been arrested. He is supposed to have left the State. The Sheriff of the county is his uncle.

September 19, 1871
Georgia Telegraph
Phil Lamar, commonly known as "Fiddler" Phil, a well known colored man of Milledgeville, was drowned in Fishing Creek, near that city, last Sunday.
  The Milledgeville papers announce the death of Mr. Oscar V. Brown, one of the most respected citizens of Baldwin county.

October 4, 1871
The Union Recorder
Mr. Brinkley Babb, an old respected citizen of this county, died at his residence on Sunday morning, 24th ultimo aged 64. He was in the city a few days before his death apparently in the enjoyment of his usual health. His sudden departure speaks with a warning voice to his friends saying “Be ye also ready”.

October 24, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
We find these items in the Southern Recorder, of Tuesday:
  MURDER - A negro man, known as Adam Waller, was murdered in this county, on the 9th inst. Several partie, who were arrested on suspicion, were discharged by Justice Fair. The pepertrator of the act, supposed to be a white man, Taylor Brown, has succeeded in escape.
  ALMOST A FIRE - We learn that  a fire, caused by friction, occurred at the Cotton Factory in this city on last Wednesday. The flames were promptly suppressed with the loss of two or three spindles.
  FINE - We saw on the streets last week, a noble trout weighing ten pounds, captured in the mill-pond of Mr. Edwards of this county.

October 25, 1871
Federal Union
MARRIED. At the Presbyterian Church in this city, on the 18th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. EDWIN FLOYD WILEY, of Tennessee, and Miss MARY CATHERINE MCADOO, daughter of Col. Wm. G. McAdoo of Midway, Ga.
  In Milledgeville, October 19th, by Rev. A. J. Jarrell, Capt. WM. T. CONN and Miss HENRIETTA MILLER.

November 7, 1871
Southern Recorder
  Married in Atlanta, on the 3d inst., by Rev. C. A. Evans, Dr. JAMES PHILLIPS to Miss FANNIE GREEN, daughter of Dr. Thomas F. Green, of Milledgeville.

  Mr. Abram Foard an old citizen of the county aged about 81 years, died on last Thursday at his residence in this county. His remains were brought to this city on Saturday morning, and after the funeral services, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Stipe, were buried in the city cemetery.

November 16,1871
Savannah Daily Advertiser
   Death of Mr. R. N. Stubbs. The announcement of the sudden death of Mr. Richard N. Stubbs, which occurred yesterday morning, cast a pall of sorrow over the hears of a large host of friends of that gentleman in this city. On Saturday he was seen upon the streets, shaken by the hand, and to-day he is no more. The cost of his sudden demise was congestive fever of t he worst type. His remains were last evening sent to Milledgeville, his former home, and were  escorted to the depot by members of the Sabre Club, Savannah Cadets and the Georgia Chapter R. A. M., of each of which organizations the deceased was a member. At the time of his death he was in the employ of A. M. Sloan & Co., and, we learn, was about twenty-seven years of age.
     Mr. Stubbs had been a resident of our city about four years, and had made many warm and strong friends. His genial, generous disposition, sterling manhood and moral integrity worn for him the respect, esteem and affection of all who knew him. His loss will be keenly fled by a large circle of relatives and loving friends.

November 22, 1871
Southern Recorder
MARRIED, In this city on the 16th inst. by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. HAMPTON S. STEWART, of Columbus. Ga., and Miss MARY V. WHITE, daughter of Dr. S. G. White, of this city.
    The young and handsome couple have our very best wishes for a long, prosperous and pleasant life. Our community has lost one of its brightest ornaments, and Columbus gained a fair and accomplished lady.

November 26, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
 The undersigned will open a Select School for Girls, in Midway, near Milledgeville, on January 16, 1872. Tuition $5 per scholar, monthly, in advance. Board $20. For further particulars, address Mrs. S. P. Myrick, Milledgeville.
References: Judge I. L. Harris, Bishop Pierce, Col. Wm. McKinley, H. H. Myers, D.D., Rev G. W. Lane, O. L. Smith, D.D., Rev. R. O. Smith, Prof. Darby, New York, Chancellor Lipscomb, State University.

December 5, 1871
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED, At Midway, Baldwin County, Ga., on the 26th ult., Miss Sarah Lane relict of the late Joseph Lane, Sr., in the 80th year of her age.

December 12, 1871
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  At the Milledgeville municipal election on Saturday last, Samuel Walker was elected Mayor, and Messrs F. Mapp, E. Trice, H. McComb, T. Caraker, J. Caraker and H. Temple, Aldermen. P. Fair was elected Clerk, and J. B. Fair, Marshal.
  A gin house belonging to a negro named Asa Jimmerson, about six miles from Milledgeville, was burned last night week, together with a gin, six or eight bales of cotton, etc. As Asa was a well known Democrat, the origin of the fire can be very easily guessed.

December 13, 1871
Southern Christian Advocate
Joseph Brown, one of the oldest and most influential citizens of Talbot co., Ga., died in his 70th year, near Prattsburg, Talbot co., Ga., on 22 Nov 1871. He was born in Abbeville Dist., S. C., 25th Sept. 1801. When he was quite a child, his father died and the widow mother in 1807 removed to her family to Baldwin co., Ga. He was married to Mrs. Mary Schurlock who survives him. Thos T. Christian.

December 27, 1871
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this city, on the 20th inst., by Rev. C. W. Lane, at the residence of F. Skinner, Esq., the father of the bride, Mr. John R. West, of Hancock county, and Miss Hattie E. Skinner.


January 2, 1872
Southern Recorder
MARRIED. In Milledgeville, December 21st, 1871, by Rev. A. J. Jarrell, Mr. JAMES L. IVEY and MissNANCY J. KEEL.
  In Baldwin County, December 28th, by Rev. A. J. Jarrell, Mr. E. P. BERRY and Miss CLARA S. WORSHAM.
  In Scottsboro, on the 31st. ult, by Rev. C. W. Lane, Mr. Wm. A SKRINE and Miss VIRGINIA A. ARNOLD, both of Hancock County.

January 9, 1872
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  Mr. John A. Breedlove, an old and honest citizen of Baldwin county, and for many years sheriff of the county, died last week.

January 10, 1872
Southern Christian Advocate
Died. In Baldwin county on the 28th inst., in her eighty-second year, Elizabeth G. B., wife of Rev. Tilman Snead and daughter of the late Robert B. and Elizabeth Washington.

January 16, 1872
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
   We quote as follows from the Federal Union, of Tuesday:
  SALE OF THE FORT PROPERTY- The property in this city belonging to the estate of the late Dr. Tomlinson Fort, was sold on the 2d isnt., by Mrs. Martha L. Fort, Executrix. The high prices paid for this property show the confidence of our people in the future prosperity of our city.
   The fire-proof brick building on Wayne street brought $11,071, as follows: Mr. D. B. Hill purchased the store occupied by Mr. John N. Clark, druggist, for $4,005; Messrs. L. N. Callaway & Co., bought the store occupied by Messrs. Moore, Fowler & Co., for $3,436; and Messrs. Perry & Denton bought the store occupied by Mr. T. A. Caraker, agent, for $3,630.
    The brick building on Hancock street occupied by Mr. E. G. Lewis and Mr. Henry Temples brought $2,676, and was purchased by Mr. Hugh Treanor.
   The lot and improvements on the corner of Wayne and Hancock streets, and known as Leikins' corner, brought $4,180, Rev. Wilkes Flagg being the purchaser. We learn that Messers. H. E. Hendrix & Co., have since purchased a portion of this lot, including all that part lying south of  Wilkes Flagg's blacksmith shop, for the snug little sum of $3,600.
  The late residence of Dr. Fort was purchased by his son, John P. Fort, of Macon, at $1,700.

January 17, 1872
Federal Union
MARRIED. In this city, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. A. J. Jarrett, Mr. Elijah Ellison and Miss Mattie Gentry.
  In Baldwin county, on Tuesday, 9th, by W. J. T. Ray, Esq., Mr. James R. Woodall and Miss Elizabeth Clark.

January 31, 1872
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Elizabeth G. B., wife of Rev. Tilman Snead and daughter of Robert D. and Elizabeth Washington, was born in Edgefield District, South Carolina, May 19th 1799 and died in Baldwin county, Georgia, on the 28th December 1871. Her father moved in 1791 to Washington, Wilkes county, Georgia, where she resided until her marriage, June 15th 1818. He husband was an itinerant Methodist preacher. Thos. H. Stewart,

February 20, 1872
Southern Recorder
DIED, at Midway, on Thursday, 6th inst. Mr. ABNER HAMMOND, in the 63rd year of his age, long a resident of this community, he had the good will of all who knew him.

February 20, 1872
Southern Recorder
DIED, at his residence in Washington county, near the Baldwin county line, on the 1st instant, Mr. WILLIS WHITAKER, in the 82d year of his age. Born, raised and lived in this county, except one or two years of his early life at the Old Agency on Flint River. Has been totally blind for the last five years. He died as he had lived, loved and respected by all who knew him, trusint in his God whom he had worshipped in the Methodist Church for over 50 years. He had been feeble and suffering at times for the last six months; praying to be taken from this world of trouble. He leaves a wife and five daughters to mourn their loss. He being the last of a family of ten brothers and sisters. A relative.

February 20, 1872
Federal Union
~excerpt~ In Baldwin county, Ga., on the 30th January, 1872, after a brief but severe illness, Miss Mattie McCloud fell asleep in Jesus, aged 18 years.

February 28, 1872
Federal Union
  Died at her residence in Baldwin county, Georgia, on the 10th of February 1872, aged 83 years, MRS. CATHARINE LEE, relict of Mr. Thomas Lee, a well known citizen of Baldwin, and mother of Mr. John Lee of Albany. She was an affectionate mother, a kind and hospitable neighbor.. Old and young ever found her society pleasant. In her last illness she professed hope of a blest immoratility. A FRIEND

March 6, 1872
Federal Union
MARRIED, In this county on the 29th of February, by W J T Ray, Esq., Mr. Joseph A. Snipes and Miss Emma R. Jenkins.

March 6, 1872
Federal Union
Death. Another old citizen gone! Mr. Milburn Turner died at his residence in this city on Monday last. He was about 77 years of age and had been in feeble health for some years. He was a Mason and a member of the Methodist Church-an humble christian. His funeral will take place this (Tuesday) morning at the Methodist Church with the ususal Masonic honors.

April 2, 1872
Southern Recorder
~excerpt~ On Friday evening, 29th ult, died Mrs. SALLIE R. KENAN, widow of the late Capt. Lewis H. Kenan of this city.

April 2, 1872
Southern Recorder
STARVED TO DEATH. Our people were greatly shocked, on Tuesday last, to learn that a white woman had been found dead, in the city, with every indication, that want caused her death. The Coroner's jury confirmed the rumor Mrs. Lou Robinson, whose name and existence was known to few of our citizens, and whose condition was known to none, died of want, in a little house, towards the bridge. How gladly would many a kind hand have relieved her wants, had they been known. Isn't it well worth the while to avoid a similar result by similar neglect of the needy?

April 16, 1872
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  On last Saturday morning Mr. Daniel House, the principal cook at the State Lunatic Asylum, was struck on the head with a spade and severely wounded by one of the inmates of that institution.

April 15, 1872
Southern Recorder
  DIED, In Baldwin county near Mount Nebo on the 13th inst., Mr. MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM, about 40 years of age. The deceased was and honest, hard working man, and respected by those who knew him. The public and his family have met a loss in his death.

April 17, 1872
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs.Julia T., wife of J. W. Vinson, and daughter of Col. Thos. N. and Mrs. A. C. Beall (now Mrs. Pou), died at her residence in Baldwin county, March 19th 1872, in the 32d year of her age.:

April 23, 1872
Southern Recorder

   Died at the State Lunatic Asylum, near Milledgeville, on the 17th inst., Mr. DANIEL S. HOUSE, aged about 35 years
   The circumstances attending his death, are peculiarly sad, an dmanifest the singular dispensations of Providence. The deceased was a gallant soldier in the late war, and after four years of service, during which he escaped unhurt, it was his fate to fall by the hand of an unconfined maniac at the Asylum, where he was an employee.
   M. House was a noble man and a patriot. When his country was in danger, he was among the first to rush to its defense and to offer all that he had - his labor and if necessary his life.
He was a good citizen, an affectionate husband and father, and a true friend. He was a strongly marked character -miled in peace, and in war a hero. And it is not strange that the death of such a man should be so generally mourned. He belonged to that distinquished Regiment known as the First Georgia Regulars, and his Captain, the late Lewis H. Kenan, often spoke of him as one of the best and bravest soldiers he had seen in battle.
    A wife and four little children, have been deprived of their only support, and the State would be discharging but a just obligation, to make some provision for their maintenance, as the deceased lost his life in its service. A large concourse of his fellow citizens, with the order of Good Templars, (of which he was a member) attended his funeral, and bestowed upon his remains the last tribute of respect.
   The fair mothers and maidens of our land will soon cover the graves of the Confederate deat, with flowers, but they will decorate no tomb more deserving of respect than that of Daniel S. House, the patriot and gallant soldier of the South. A FRIEND.  

 May 8, 1872
Southern Christian Avocate
SisterElizabeth Wood Robinson was born in North Carolina, November 18th 1799, and died near Greenwood, Jackson county, Fla., March 10th 1872. The family moved in her early life to Baldwin county, Ga., where she grew up. Forty-six years ago she was united in marriage to Alexander Robinson.

June 7, 1872
Atlanta Constitution
Mr.James Gumm, of Baldwin county, died June 2d, after a short illness.

June 12, 1872
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Martha C. Walker, relict of Thos. D. Walker, was born in Baldwin county, Ga., Jan. 13th 1802 and died at Longstreet, Pulaski county, March 27th 1872.

June 25, 1872
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Earthquake at Milledgeville - About 3 o'clock p.m. yesterday, our good people (lots of good people here) were startled at a sudden and loud report, resembling heavy artillery at a distance, or the muffled report of a heavy blast. For a few seconds thereafter the shock jarred brick buildings, rattling windows and frightening some persons. What unnatural natural phenomenon was, unless an earthquake, we cannot conceive.
  The Recorder adds that this warning of sulfurous fires beneath may possibly have a good moral effect.

July 3, 1872
Federal Union
~excerpt~ On the 25th instant, a youth of scare 15 summers left the house of his widowed mother in Milledgeville at the morning hour for school, apparently in his usual health. The morning at school passed with him as usual. He was both apt and diligent in his studies. The time of morn return from school came, and as was his custom, he stopped on the way home, at the store of his brother, Mr. Otto Miller. In a few moments he fell, under what was supposed to be an attack of apolexy, and suddenly, as when a strong young man fails in battle, Theodore Miller breathed out his soul. Instead of returning home to dinner, as was his wont, he was borne to his heart stricken mother a corpse.

July 10, 1872
Southern Christian Avocate
James M. Gumm was born in Baldwin county, Georgia, 11th December 1809... died the second day of this month in Baldwin county. A. J. Butts

July 16, 1872
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
The Union had this item:   SHOOTING AFFRAY - Some ten days since a shooting affray took place near the Double Branch on the road to Scottsboro in the suburbs of our city. A man named James Ramsay, of Scottsboro, had been reported to policeman Tuttle as having violated some ordinances of the city. Tuttle pursued, and on overtaking Ramsay some altercation ensued, resulting in the shooting of Ramsay through the lungs. Ramsay will probably die. An investigation before Justices Vaughan and Fair was had in our city last Friday, resulting in the discharge of Tuttle.

September 14, 1872
Macon Telegraph
"THE POOR OLD SLAVE HAS GONE TO REST." Wilson Williamson, colored, died yesterday. He was formerly the slave of Mark Heuston, Esq., and was well known in Milledgeville, where he was employed at the McComb's Hotel for a quarter of a century. A subscription was made  up to carry his body to Milledgeville, where he will sleep with his fathers.

Oct. 2, 1872
Union and Recorder
DIED. In this city on the 28th ult., MATTIE DOLES, infant daughter of Henry and Mattie Goodman, aged eight months.

October 29, 1872
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  Henry Kettles shot and killed Levi Ross, at Milledgeville, last Saturday night-both of the Grant persuasion, and whiskey and a damson colored Cleopatra at the bottom of the fuss.
  The Union and Recorder, of Tuesday, has this item:
"Honor to the Brave Farmer." Thomas J. Digby, a farmer of Baldwin county and a wounded soldier of the Lost Cause, this year, on the soil of Baldwin county, has made the following crop with his own hands and without the assistance of anybody, on 40 acres, viz: By his labor and on mule, 9 bales of cotton, worth $800; 125 bushes of corn, $125, 25 bushels of peas, $25; 100 bushels of potatoes, $100; 4 stacks of fodder, $90; hay, $50. Total crop, $1,190.

November 6, 1872
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, On the morning of the 3d inst., by T. J. Finney, J. P., MR. CHARLES M. GIBSON and Miss LILLIE O. MCCLOUD, all of Baldwin county Georgia.

DIED, In Baldwin county, Ga., October 24th,ROBERT DUDLEY, infant son of C. R. and A. E. Harper; aged 2 months and 1 day. "So fades the lovely, blooming flower. Frail, smiling solace of an hour."

November 6, 1872
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs.Nancy Myrick died at her residence in Bibb county, Ga., Oct. 19th 1872, in the 75th year of her age. Her maiden name was Flewellyn and she was the last of her generation. In her 20th year she became the wife of Dr. James Myrick, and with her husband, left her father's house in Baldwin county for the house where she ended her useful life.

November 13, 1872
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Martha F. Vaughn was born in Columbia county, Ga., April 14th 1834. She was raised in Lincoln County, Georgia, was married to Mr. John P. Vaughn of Talbot county, October 22d, 1853, and lived there until the 21st ult., when she was brought to the Asylum at Milledgeville. She died September 20.

November 23, 1872
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville Hotel and Newell's Hall Burned
   About 3½ o'clock this morning the Milledgeville Hotel was discovered to be on fire, and by good daylight this morning the large hotel was a pile of ruins. The fire spread northward consuming Newell's Hall when the flames were arrested.
  Besides the loss of the buildings a large amount of merchandise was consumed.
  The principal sufferers are Messrs I Hermon (in whose store the fire was first discovered), J. R. Daniel, grocer store, Mrs. N. S. Helridge, millinery; H. Adler, dry goods; and Geo. W. Haas, all of who had stores in the Milledgeville Hotel block. Messrs Thomas & Sanford and Windsor and Lamar, in Newell's Hall, we are glad to learn, saved most of their goods.
   The furniture in the hotel was almost all consumed and Messrs. Trice  & Callaway's loss is severe.
  It is believed no lives have been lost, though several persons narrowly escaped death by the explosion of gunpowder in the store of G W Haas.
  The loss, it is thought, will exceed $100,000. Union and Recorder Extra.

November 26, 1872
The Georgia Weekly Telegraph and Journal & Messenger
EMIGRANTS FOR LIBERIA - The old American Colonization Society is still in exiseces and engaged in the work of recolonizing Africa with American colored people, and Georgia is the ground upon which it at present is operating, and, it seems, with some degree of success. Mr. William Coppinger, the Corresponding Secretary of that institution, arrived in this city yesterday morning with 60 colored persons from Valdosta, 33 from Hawkinsville, 34 from Milledgeville, and 24 from Sparta, on their way to Liberia, where they go to settle. They took passage on the San Salvador, which left last night for New York, where they will take the bark Jasper direct for their destination. These 118 are selections from over 3,000 applicants, and many of them go to join relatives already there, while the rest will make it their home. They are hardy, healthy looking people, and will add greatly to the industrialist strength of the country. Mr. Coppinger accompanies them to New York to see them properly cared for. At New York they are to be joined by others from different parts of the country and the vessel will be filled to her utmost capacity.

December 11, 1872
Southern Christian Avocate
My wife, Mrs. Eliza A. Broadfield, was born in Morgan county, Ga., June 24th 1814. She was the daughter of Dr. Burkett Dean and died at the residence of Dr. Wilson W. Barlow, near Americus, Ga., Oct. 27th 1872. Losing her mother when quite a child, she was taken by her aunt, Mrs. Allen, afterwards Mrs. Dr. Brown, of Milledgeville. She was married to James D. Jarratt and left a widow, and as the widow, married the Rev. Isaac Boring, of the Georgia Conference last of January 1842, and as the widow of Rev. Dr. Boring was married to the writer in Eatonton, 24th June 1852. J. M. Broadfield

December 18, 1872
Southern Christian Avocate
Dr. Charles H. Bass died on the morning of the 12th instant, near Milledgeville, in the 43d year of his age.


January 1, 1873
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, On the 29th December, by Rev. C. B. Andeson, Mr. GREEN B. SHEPHERD to Miss SUSAN HALL, daughter o A. J. Hall.

January 10, 1873
Atlanta Constitution
100 colored men have organized a fire company in Milledgeville, they are under efficient white officers
 D. B. Sanford has been elected Ordinary of Baldwin county - Union and Recorder

January 15, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Martha Beckham, widow of James Beckham, Sr., deceased, died at her residence near Zebulon, Pike county, Ga., on Dec. 3, 1872. She was a daughter of Joseph Carson, was born in Wilkes or Washington County, Ga., Dec. 21st, 1791, was married to James Beckham at the home of her uncle, David Carson, in Baldwin County, June 27th 1811. J. J. Caldwell

January 29, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Elizabeth Anthony Corley died in Bienville Parish, Louisiana, Dec. 20th 1872, in the seventieth year of her age. She was born in Baldwin county, Ga., May 30th 1803 and was married to Owen Harvey Myrick, Oct. 15th 1820. He died, leaving her with a family of five small children. She married a second time, and leaves an one living daughter from this marriage. She now quietly sleeps at Mount Clam in Bienville Parish, Louisiana, whither she moved twenty-one years ago, with all her family except the writer of this notice. D. J. Myrick

January 29, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Married. In Baldwin county, Ga., on the 7th inst., by Rev. J. W. Stipe, Mr. J. H. Brooks of Talbot county, Ga., to MissAnna M. Moore, of the former place.

February 7, 1873
The Daily Sun
Joel Walker, says the Milledgeville Union, son of Samuel Walker, died on Monday night of last week, of meningitis contracted at Mercer College. On Wednesday,Alice Dillard, a niece of Mrs. Walker, a lovely girl of about twelve years of age, died; and on Friday,Mrs. Walker also died of the same fatal and fearful disease. Thus, in one short week has death claimed three victims in the same household, leaving only one - Mr. Samuel Walker - remaining.

February 8, 1873
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
William Marlow, a well known and highly respected negro citizen of Milledgeville, died last Thursday. He was a brick mason, and the Union and Recorder says there is hardly a brick house in the place "that did not rise to the music of his trowel." An unusually large procession of whites and blacks followed his remains to the grave. His old master, Dr. S. G. White, furnished the handsome burial case in which the remains were deposited and defrayed every other expenses.
   Mrs.Catherine Taylor, widow of Col. R. D. B. Taylor, formerly of Athens, died at the residence of her father, Col. Wm. McKinley, near Milledgeville, on the 4th inst., after a protracted illness.

February 12, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Near Milledgeville, Jan. 20th 1873, Laura Eugenia, only daughter of John and Emma Hubbard, aged 10 years and 6 months.

February 12, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Married. In Baldwin county, Jan. 22d, by Rev. A. J. Jarrell, Mr. D. P. Brown to Miss Christiana Moore.

March 4, 1873
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
ACCIDENT AND LOST OF LIFE - The Milledgeville Union and Recorder says an accident occurred at Stevens' Pottery, on the Eatonton and Gordon Railroad-on Saturday last, resulting in the death of a Mr. Byington, and the seriously wounding of a son of Mr. Henry Stevens and two negroes. The party were removing scaffolding from a kiln prepared for burning fire brick, etc., when it fell and precipitated them to the ground. Mr. Byington was a young man of eighteen or nineteen years of age, and son of the late Mr.Charles Byington. We are pleased to learn that young Stevens and the colored men will recover.
(James  Byington)

March  5, 1873
Union and Recorder
DIED, in this county on the 27th of February, ult., after a short illness, of Pneumonia, Mr. MAURICE MARTIN,  in the 81st year of his age. He was raised in Wilkes county, but was a citizen of Baldwin since the 13th of January, 1818.

March 6, 1872
Federal Union
Death. Another old citizen is gone! Mr. Milburn Turner died at his residence in this city on Monday last. He was about 77 years of age and had been feeble health for some years. He was a Mason and a member of the Methodist Church - an humble christian. His funeral will take place this (Tuesday) morning at the Methodist Church with the usual Masonic honors.

May 5, 1873
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Mr. Clayton Vaughn, of Milledgeville, an energetic and useful citizen, died on pneumonia last Monday morning, after an illness of only three days.

May 7, 1873
Union and Recorder
Death of a Prominent Citizen. Hon. Joseph B. Gonder died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. C. W. Gause, in this city, on the morning of the 4th inst. Judge Gonder was born and raised in Hancock county, Ga., has been a member of the legislature and filed many important offices during his life, was always highly respected by those who knew him. By his death, society has lots a useful citizen. He was buried with Masonic honors, of which ancient and honorable society he was a long member.

May 21, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Near Milledgeville, Georgia, May 4th 1873, Charles Henry, eldest son of John and Emma Hubbard, aged 8 years and 10 months.

May 28, 1873
Union and Recorder
DIED, In this city, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. J. G. Fowler, on Saturday, 24th inst., Mrs. MARY VAUGHN, aged 64 years. She leaves to mourn their loss several children and grand-children to whoms she was a most affectionate and devoted .mother.

June 10, 1873
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Mr. Charles Ennis, of Baldwin County, one of the oldest and most estimable citizens of the county, is dead, aged 75 years. He was Sheriff of the county for twenty-two years.

June 27, 1873
Atlanta Constitution
We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. Goetchins, wife of Rev G. T. Goetchins, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this city, which occurred on last Sunday morning. She leaves an infant a few days old. Her remains  was taken to Athens for interment. Union and Recorder

July 16, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Daniel Pratt of Prattville, Ala., died in Prattville, May 13, 1873. He was born in Temple, New Hampshire, July 20, 1799. He landed at Savannah, Georgia. He changed his location to Milledgeville, Georgia. S. Mims

July 16, 1873
Union and Recorder
   Mr. Joseph Leonard, an old citizen of this county, died at his residence near Mount Olive, on Thursday last.

August 6, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
MissElla Pierce McKinnon, daughter of Lauchlan McKinnon, deceased, and grand-daughter of Rev. Reddick Pierce, formerly of Milledgeville, died in Nashville, Ga., June 19, 1873, in the 23d year of her age.

August 20, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
My mother, Mrs. Sarah Miers, died at Cotton Valley, Macon county, Ala., July 27, 1873. She was the daughter of Henry and Priscilla Densler, deceased, formerly of Baldwin, Ga., and sister of the late Rev. Thos. L. Densler, of the Alabama Conference, and Dr. Henry L. Densler, of Burnsville, Ala. She was born January 14, 1813, married to my father, William Wild in 1831; and to her surviving husband, Mr. Joseph J. Miers, November 22, 1830. W. H. Wild

September 10, 1873
Union and Recorder
  Died in Midway, on the 29th ult., Mrs. Martha Tucker, wife of Judge Daniel R. Tucker, aged about 63 years. She was long a citizen of this county and for 24 years a member of the Presbyterian Church. For eighteen months previous to her death she was a great sufferer.

September 24, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Near Milledgeville, Ga., August 20th 1873, little Annie Lizzie, infant daughter of Adolphus F. and Elizabeth H. Bayne, aged 1 year, 10 months and 5 days.

September 24, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Charles Thomas Bayne, the first born of John and Nancy Bayne, was born in Baldwin county, Ga., January 18th 1834. In 1864, he was wedded to Miss Sophronia Smith of Washington county, Ga. He died 25th August 1873.

September 24, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Martha H. Parker, daughter of Archibald Turner of Greene county, Ga., was born Feb. 22d, 1807, and died in Milledgeville, Ga., Aug. 38th 1873. At the age of eighteen she was married to Lewis Parker, who afterwards became a minister in the Baptist Church.

October 8, 1873
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ On last Saturday morning, the 4th inst., died at his residence in this county Mr. A. J. HARRELL, leaving a widow and three small children and many relatives, and all who knew him (for all were friends) to mourn his loss, mourn, not in lip-service, but in their hearts. Mr. Harrell at his death was about the 36th year of his age. He was by profession a printer; and not only learned the business in this office, but continued in the employment of the press which prints this sad notice at the time of his death. The only interruption to this occupation was induced by the great "War between the States." He served glallantly throughout the war, participating in many of the most bloody battles in Virginia as a member of the lamened Captain Charley Conn's Compay, in the army of Virginia. In his miliitary as in his civil life, Mr. Harrell was noted for unfaltering devotion to his duty at all __s, on all occasions.

October 31, 1873
Atlanta Constitution
A Hebrew Benevolent Society has been organized in Milledgeville. Mr. W. A. Williams, a section master on the Macon and Augusta Railroad, died suddenly in Milledgeville on last Thursday morning. He leaves several small children. Milledgeville is putting on airs about a rattlesnake killed there, 5 1/2 feet long. The peculiarity about this snake was that after he head had been shot off he chased the man who shot him about a quarter of a mile. Thomas W. Harris, who shot Mrs. Judy Goff on the 16th inst. underwent a preliminary examination before Justices Fair and Brocks in Milledgeville on las Saturday. He was admitted to bail in the sum of $2,500. Union and Recorder

November 5, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
Married. By Rev. W. R. Branham, Jr., on 30th October 1873, W. T. Farrar, of Jones county, to Miss Matilda E. Lowe, of Baldwin county, Ga

November 11, 1873
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
The Every Saturday also reports the accidental killing by Mr. J. C. Huff, of that county, of a negro man with whom he was out hunting on Friday.

November 12, 1873
Union and Recorder
Mrs. Annie Harrell, wife of the late A. J. Harrell, and daughter of Mr. Benjamin Cook, died at the residence of her father on Friday morning, 7th instant. Her remains were brought to this city on Saturday and buried by the side of her husband, who died about a month ago. Four little children, one and infant only a few days old, are thus left without father or mother.-May God temper the wind to the shorn lambs.
Mrs Elizabeth Cook, wife of Benjamin Cook, died on Sunday, 2d nst. The hand of afflicition is laid with weight upon our old friend, Mr. Cook - death  claiming botjh wife and daughter in the short space of one week - leaving him aone and comfortless in his old age. He has the heartfeld sympahty of many friends in his said bereavment.

November 18, 1873
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  Mr. P. L. Fair, late clerk of Baldwin Superior Court, resigned last week and is succeeded by Mr. Walter H. Paine, who holds office until an election in December to fill the unexpired term.

November 21, 1873
Atlanta Constitution
MILLEDGEVILLE.  On Thursday, the 13th inst., at St. Stephen's Church in Milledgeville, by the Rev. J. M. Stoney, the Rector, Capt. W. W. Williamson was married to Miss Kate Clifford Kenan, daughter of Capt. M.J. Kenan
  .-Kate, the fourth daughter of Rev. J.H. Allen, and granddaughter of the late Col. D.C. Campbell of Milledgeville, died on Sunday, the 2d instant. She was seven years of age. - Union and Recorder.

December 2, 1873
Macon Telegraph
The Milledgeville Union and Recorder reports the death last week of Messrs. S. B. Brown and Elias Barnett - two old citizens of that place. One the night after Mr. Barnett's death, his store was entered and robbed of at least a wagon load of goods.
     The Union and Recorder has this additional item"
  FIRE-GIN HOUSE BURNED - The new steam cotton gin and grist mill of Mr. Wm. Harper, at Midway, was destroyed by fire on last Friday afternoon. After considerable trouble and expense, Mr. Harper had just got his gin in good working order when this calamity befell him. Some twenty bales of cotton, belonging mostly to neighbors, brought there to be ginned, were destroyed or injured. It is believed a match in the cotton caused the fire. The gin was at work at the time and Mr. H. made a narrow escape from the burning building. A negro boy was badly burned.

December 3, 1873
Union and Recorder
Death of Mr. E.W. Callaway (Elisha William)
   Mr. William Callaway died at the residence of his brother Mr. L.N. Callaway, in this city, on last Sunday morning. He had been in feeble health for many months, and was conscious of his approaching dissolution. He was one of the proprietors of the Milledgeville Hotel, in connection with Mr. E. Trice, at the time it was destroyed by fire. He was a quite, inoffensive man, full of the milk of human kindness, and, at least, had no enemies. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and was for many years, one of the Stewards of Benevolent Lodge, and on festival occasions took great pride and pleasure in contributing to the enjoyment of the brotherhood in these social reunions. Death has called him from labor here, and we have reason to hope that his eternal rest, beyond the dark river, is peacful and happy. He was buried with Masonic honors on Monday –
Obit provided by Scott O. Fraser

December 10, 1873
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville.   The Hebrew Benevolent and Social Society of Milledgeville appointed two of its members, Messrs. Layman and Zacharias, to escort the remains of Mrs. Henrietta Goldsmith, who recently died at the Lunatic Asylum, to Savannah.
-The persons who robbed the store of the late Elias Burnett have been brought to light. The parties so far arrested are Tom Harris, William Little, and Paul Jones, the former two as principals, and the later as accessory.

 Deaths. Mr.S. B. Brookin, a prominent and well-known citizen of Milledgeville, died on Wednesday night last. He was about 55 years of age.

December 17, 1873
Southern Christian Avocate
William C. Redding was born in Washington county, Ga., July 30th 1795. He moved to Baldwin county with his parents when nine or ten years of age, where he lived until grown. in the fall of 1821 he was married to Miss Margaret E. Flewellen, of Baldwin county. He moved to Monroe county in 1823. He died at his old homestead in Monroe county, 6th of Nov. 1873. J. J. Singleton

December 20, 1873
Augusta Chronicle
Bankrupt Sale.
By virtue of an order of the Honorable the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, will be sold, free from all encumbrances whatever, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, in front of the Court House door, in Jeffersonville, to the highest bidder, the following property, to-wit:
    Three thousand two hundred acres more or less, lying in Twiggs county, adjoining land of John T. Fitzpatrick, T. Jones and others, and known as the Myrick Mill's Place. The above property to be sold in lots of 202 1-2 acres, more or less.
   Property sold as assests of Stith P. Myrick, Bankrupt. Terms-Cash.
W. McKINLEY, JR., Assignees
dec 20

December 23, 1873
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  The Milledgeville Every Saturday has the following local sporting notes: DEER KILLED. - Mr. Jon. M. Edwards killed a small buck a few days since, while out with a part of hunters. There seems to be a great many deer in the county along Camp creek.
  Mr. James Sherlock killed with a rock an English woodcock, within the corporate limits of the city a few days since. It weighed exactly one and a half pounds.
  The same paper says fifty cases of new English machinery costing, about $6,000, have just been received at the Milledgeville cotton factory - making about $15,000 the company have expended this fall in fixing up their mill.


January 20, 1874
Georgia Telegraph (Macon)
   Mr. Ezekiel Trice, an old citizen of Milledgeville, died last Thursday, aged sixty-eight years. He had lived there over forty years.

February 18, 1874
Daily Constitution
Milledgeville had an alarm of fire on Monday at the residence of Mrs. Sanford. There were some lively running about but no damage done. Nothing has yet been heard from  Mrs McComb the lady who strangely disappeared from Milledgeville some eight or ten days since. Her family are very uneasy. An attempt was made to assassinate Mr. John T. Wenold as he was riding over the Central Railroad bridge between Kenansville and Milledgeville, last week. He was fired at with a gun, but, being well mounted, made his escape.

February 18, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
Married. On the 4th February 1874, by Rev. G. W. Hardaway, Mr. William J. Smith of Baldwin county, Ga., to MissHarvie J. Butts, of Hancock county, Ga

Special Correspondence of the Chronicle and Sentinel
Macon, Mar. 3, 1874
The Kaolin Clay of Georgia - A Fortune In It
     It is remarkable that the kaolin beds of Georgia, forming a well defined strata from the Savannah River above Augusta, and from thence in a southwestern direction through the county of Baldwin and on to the Chattahoochee river, have not been more utilized by man. It now almost quietly slumbers underneath the earth's surface where it has lain since first placed there by the hands of the Creator. Ages have elapsed, generations without numbers passed away without anyone considering it of sufficient importance to invest capital to transform the crude material so well and so perfectly formed for a thousand uses it may be put to. A correspondent says it would make excellent fire-proof brick for the construction of houses. He is right, for we have been using the bricks around grates in Macon, ever since we commenced burning coal, and there is no such think as wear out or burn out in them. These brick are made by Mr. Henry Stevens, who has a small factory for their manufacture and that of water pipes, on the Eatonton Branch of the Central Railroad, near Milledgeville. If there is anyone else making  anything from this clay, he is not known to the writer. In 1866, we saw in the business office of Bragdon, Ford and Company, the extensive engine builders of New Albany, Indiana, a beautiful white porcelain water pitcher and obtained the history of it from Captain Ford. The kaolin clay from which it was made was obtained in Georgia by W.N. Halderman, the well-known proprietor of the Louisville Journal,  who after the war ceased, had it made into the ware then upon the water-stand. Never did a whiter or purer pitcher grace a lady's chamber or table, or was ever fashioned by the cunning had of a Chinaman. "Had I not had my hands full of business " said Captain Ford " I would have had a factory under way upon those beds in six months. The only reply that could be made to this was that our people never could see anything but white cotton and a black n__. As your city has the water power and is one of factories, perhaps the discussion of clay, through your columns will not eventually be in vain.

March 4, 1874
Daily Constitution
A negro boy about sixteen was accidentally killed by a Mr. F. I. Echols last Tuesday, in Milledgeville.  They had been as usual in such cases, fondling with a empty pistol, until it went off. - Milledgeville wants a hitching rack. - The county have recently adopted an ordinance fining all hogs discovered upon the streets $5, or default twenty days work in the chain gang. The hogs are said to be leaving, - The Baldwin Blues turned out on Washington's birthday, succeeded in frightening all the teams from off one street, and then dispersed. -Every Saturday.

March 11, 1874
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
The body ofMrs. R. A. McComb of Milledgeville, was found in Oconee river on Friday. Mrs. McComb had been missing about four weeks and it is supposed that she committed suicide.

March 17 1874
Daily Constitution
Bishop Beckwith visits Milledgeville Wednesday next, the 18th inst. - A suit to recover $5,000 damages has been  commenced against Milledgeville by a Mr. Cooley, because of action is a broken arm which he caught trying to step over a ditch. Five wild geese were killed in the suburbs of Milledgeville last week.  Every Saturday

April 8, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
Col. Anderson W. Redding was born January 31st 1800 in Washington county, Ga., and died February 13th 1874. He was reared in Baldwin, which was then a frontier county. He represented Monroe and Harris counties in the legislature. He was first married in 1826 and became the father of thirteen children, only four of whom survive him. His first wife died in 1850 and he married a Mrs. Smith in 1854. She died in 1864, and the same year he married Mrs. Jane Rutledge of Harris county, who still survives him. Robert L. Wiggins

May 6, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
Married. On April 16, by Rev. G. W. Hardaway, Mr. Wm. G. Hawkins, to Miss Sarah E. Tatum, all of Baldwin county, Ga.

May 27, 1874
Union and Recorder
  Mr. Patrick Henry Lawler, an old and well-known citizen of this place, died at McComb's Hotel, on Tuesday night 19th instant. During the war Mr. Lawler was a member of that gallant company, the Baldwin Blues, and went into the Confederate service at the first call for troops and remained until the surrender. Since the war he was clerk at the Milledgeville Hotel. He was a quite, unobtrusive, kindhearted man. He was buried with masonic and military honors.
   Mr. Lawler was a native of Virginia, but had been a resident of this city for twenty-five years past.

June 17, 1874
Union and Recorder
  The remains of an infant son ofRev. F. L. and Mrs. M. A. Brantly, of Oxford, Ga., aged about 5 months, was brought to this city by the afternoon train on the M. & A. R. R. on Monday, for burial.

July 7, 1874
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  The Milledgeville Every Saturday says the "Baldwin Blues: contemplate a week's encampment at the Indian Spring the latter part of July, and "will propose to some company in a neighboring city to join them in the excursion.
  The same paper illustrates the scarcity of money in that region, by saying that a mule worth at let $100 was sold in Milledgeville last Saturday for $17.

July 8, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
Death of Thos. F. Green, Jr. On our return from Southwest Georgia last week, we met the widow and three children of our old friend and brother,Thomas F. Green, Jr., of Knoxville, Ga., with his remains, which were being taken to Milledgeville for interment.

July 15, 1874
Union and Recorder
DIED In Washington county, on the 14th of June last, of Billious fever, Mr. JAS. M. HALL, in the 60th year of age. He was born and raised in this (Baldwin) county, where he lived until the last four yers, when he moved to Washington county. He had been long a member of the Baptist Churches at Mount Olive and Black Springs - living an upright and christian life, training his household in the fear of the Lord. He has gone to meet his rewards leaving a wife and eleven children, all of whom are grown. May they live so as to meet their sainted father in Heaven. A FRIEND.

 July 22, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
Thomas F. Green, Jr., was the only surviving son of Dr. Thos. F. and Adeline E. A. Green of Milledgeville, Ga. He was born in that city, March 3d 1843. He married Miss Ella B. Lipscomb, the only daughter of the Chancellor of the University in Athens. He located in the practice of law in Knoxville, Ga., where he died June 24th 1874. A. J. Jarrell

 August 12, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs.Sarah S. Moore was born in Washington county, Ga., August 1831, and died in Milledgeville, Ga., July 22d 1874.

August 25, 1874
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
MURDER.  Fatal Stabbing Affray at Milledgeville.
Special Dispatch to Telegraph and Messenger.) Milledgeville, Ga., August 17, 1874.
  One the evening of the 15th, about half past seven, a difficulty occurred in a house near Wayne street, between Thomas Fair and Oliver Ellison, resulting in the stabbing of and killing of Ellison with slight wounds inflicted upon Fair. Ellison was stabbed five times - twice on the arm, twice on the back and once in the side, the latter wound producing death in a few hours. Fair has made his escape. Strenuous efforts are being made to catch him.

September 1, 1874
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  The Monroe Advertiser says Mr. Robert McComb, a prominent citizen of Milledgeville, died at the Indian Spring  Sunday after a week's illness.

September 23, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
Levin J. Smith was born in Hancock co., Aug. 15, 1805, and died in Baldwin co., Ga., Aug. 5, 1874.

September 30, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Mary G. Bonner was born in Baldwin county, Ga., Sept. 28th 1834, and died Aug. 26th 1874.

October 7, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Attie Thomas, youngest daughter of Dr. A. C. C. Thompson, and wife of Dr. W. A. Thomas, died on the 18th Sept., at Sevens'   (Stevens) Pottery, Baldwin county, Ga., after a short illness. She was born in Maryland, Dec. 28th 1847, moved to Georgia at five years old.

October 7, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
My mother, Mrs. Penelope Moreland, was born Oct. 30, 1796, and died Aug. 12, 1874, at the residence of her son-in-law, Wm. S. Barnett, in Grantville, Coweta county, Ga. Her maiden name was Ousley. When she was quite young, her parents removed from Baldwin to Jones county, and both died early, leaving her and one brother, the late Rev. Newdaygate Ousley, orphans. She was married to the Rev. Isaac T. Moreland, a local Methodist preacher, in 1814. My father died in Jones county in 1846, soon after which time my mother removed to Coweta county, and lived as a widow for nearly twenty-eight years. She was the mother of twelve children, eight of whom survive her, and seven out of the eight were present to witness her death. John F. Moreland

October 14, 1874
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs.Winnifred West was born near Newbern, N. C., in 1810. About 1828 she came to Baldwin county, Ga., where she died September 20th 1874. A. J. Jarrell

November 3, 1874
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  Mr. W. G. McAdoo has joined the editorial staff of the Milledgeville Every Saturday.

December 8, 1874
The Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  We clip the following "local notes" from the last Milledgeville Union and Recorder:
  The following named gentlemen have been appointed Trustees of the Lunatic Asylum: James F. Bozeman, of Fulton county; L. N. Whittle, of Bibb county; John Hammond, of Baldwin county, and R. L. Mott, of Muscogee county. They will hold office for two years from the first Monday in December, 1874.
  Col. L. D. Buckner and Mr. Wm. H. Underwood, old citizens of this place, have moved to the city of Macon. We regret to learn that Col. Buckner continues in ill-health.
Mr. George Holder died at his residence in this city on last Sunday afternoon, after a brief illness of pneumonia. He was a member of the Baldwin Blues, and was buried with military honors on Monday afternoon.
  Mr.James M. McCrary, an old citizen of this county, died on Sunday night, after a most protracted illness.

December 9, 1874
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, At the residence of the Bride's Father in Baldwin Co., on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Jas. M. Hall, Mr. Jas. T. Medlin and Miss Nancy E. Traynham, both of this county.

December 16, 1874
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~  After many, many months of weary suffering, and patient and tender watching by wife, parents, brothers, sisters and friends,WILLIAM H. LANE found repose in death on Sunday, 13th instant.......
   At the beginning of the late war, in pride and strength of early manhood, he joined the army as a member of the Baldwin Blues, and returned from a northern prison, at its close, with impaired health. His enfeebled constitution struggled hopefully with disease until last summer, when a rapid decline confine him to his room with small hope of a restoration to health. ...................He leaves a wife and child.

December 16, 1874
Union and Recorder
Death of Mr. John Grieve. We  are pained to record the death of this estimable young man, which occurred at the residence of his father, Col. Miller Grieve, Sr., in this city, on Wednesday night last. He was born and reared in the place and was well known, and greatly beloved by our citizens for his many virtues - pure moral character and manly bearing. He was buried on Sunday with Military and Masonic honors.

December 23, 1874
Union and Recorder
   Fatal Accident. On Wednesday morning, 16th, Mr. George C. Harris, youngest son of Judge Iverson L. Harris, was preparing to go hunting. With his gun in his hand, he lingered to talk with some of the family, leaned on his gun, the muzzle under his arm, thoughtlessly threw his foot around striking the hammer, exploding the cap and discharging the contents, inflicting a fearful wound which he survived only about 24 hours. Thus in bloom and vigor of early manhood, full of hope and promise, was his bright young life extinquished. The sad accident was not only a terrible shock to the aged parents, but cast a gloom over the community.


January 5, 1875
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Died. Mr. W. J. Myrick, of Baldwin county, died yesterday morning.

January 5, 1875
The Georgia Weekly Telegraph and Journal & Messenger
  The Union and Recorder says Mr.Spencer Dillon, a mule driver from Tennessee, died in Milledgeville last Thursday. Also that the Trustees of the Lunatic Asylum have elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
  Resident Physician, Dr. Thomas F. Green; Assistants, Drs. T. O. Powell and T. H. Kenan; Pharmacentist, William Cotting; Steward, John Hammond; Assistant, John A. Orme; Matron, Mrs. Sarah Brown; Treasurer, B. R. Herty.

January 5, 1875
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
The Homicide in Milledgeville.
Milledgeville, Dec. 28, 1874. Editors Telegraph and Messenger. The killing of Frederick McComb in our city last Saturday shocked the community very greatly. It occurred in the barroom of the grocery store of Wilson & Meadows, the same formerly owned by G. G. Wilson, now proprietor of the hotel in this city. C. G. Wilson is a brother of Horace Wilson and had sold out his store to this brother and Peter Meadows.
  Fred. McComb had some misunderstanding with Horace Wilson about some trivial matter variously stated by the witnesses. Some angry words passed between them. Mr. McComb left the store, and after a little while returned with his brother, Gordon McComb. The quarrel was almost instantly renewed, when Horace Wilson drew a pistol and began firing. Pete Meadows then came forward into the bar-room, joining in the affray by firing. Many shots were fired by Wilson and Meadows; it is disputed whether Gordon McComb made any shots, and Fred. is said to have been unarmed.
  The, latter, after receiving the fatal shot, made his way slowly out of the building, walked about ten steps on the pavement, fell and expired. He was found to be shot near the heart. The ball which caused his death was found by the surgeons who examined the body, and corresponds in size to the pistol which Wilson used. Meadows' pistol carried a ball much larger. Wilson and Meadows closed their doors after the affair, but afterwards surrendered to Sheriff John B. Wall and are closely guarded in jail.
  The Coroner's jury yesterday afternoon completed their labors commenced the day before. After examining a great many witnesses, they found a verdict that the deceased came to his death from a pistol shot fired by Horace Wilson, and that Peter Meadows was present, aiding and abetting.
  McComb was a gallant Confederate soldier in the war, and was a married man with two small children. He was followed to the tomb to-day, in our city cemetery, by a great concourse of sorrowing and sympathizing friends. F.
See February 9, 1875;  April 25, 1875

January 6, 1875
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, At the residence of the late Col. John H. Breedlove, in Baldwin county, on the 24th of December, 1874, by the Rev. J. H. Aden, Mr. NATALE CARMANNY and Miss AMARINTHA BREEDLOVE, both of said county.

January 12, 1875
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED. On the 18th day of December, 1874, at the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. J. W. Bonner, in Baldwin county, Ga., of pneumonia, after a brief but severe illness, Miss SARAH ANTOINETTE WEBB,  aged 27 years, 11 months and ten days. The deceased was baptised into the membership of Blountsville Baptist Church, by Rev. A. E. Cloud, in 1860, and sustained this connection................

January 12, 1875
Union and Recorder
Mr. Richard C. Callaway (Richard Columbus) died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Trice, on last Saturday evening.  He will be buried to day (Tuesday) with military honors by the Baldwin Blues, of which Company he was a member.  Many relatives and friends mourn his departure.
Obit provided by Scott O. Fraser

February 2, 1875
Union and Recorder
  ~excerpt~ On Monday last, 25th inst., at her residence in Midway near our city, died Mrs. Mary Ann Ramsay, wife of Mr. R. H. Ramsay of Midway.
  Mrs. Ramsay has attained the age allotted by the Psalmsit to mortal existence, having entered on her seventy-first year, since October last. For more than half of that period, she had resided in Baldwin county, honored and respected for her christian virtures by all who knew her, idolized by her husband, her sons and daughters, whom she leaves on earth behind her..........

February 9, 1875
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  The Milledgeville Every Saturday reports considerable sickness in that town - among other cases, Mr. L. H. Compton and Mrs. James E. Haygood, both quite ill from pneumonia.

February 9, 1875
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  The Constitution says: "Horaces Wilson and F. M. Meadows, who are charged with the murder of Fred. McComb, at Milledgeville, a few weeks since, are now in Fulton county jail. They were brought here three days ago for safe keeping. Meadows yesterday furnished a reporter of the Constitution with the following statement of the tragedy: He claims that Fred. McComb made an assault upon Wilson at Wilson's store, and was carried away by his friends. He afterwards returned with a party of six or more, among whom was his brother Gordon. The two brothers commenced cursing Wilson. Then Gordon drew a pistol and shot at Wilson. The latter upon this attempted to defend his life, and the death of Fred. McComb resulted. Meadows, who is the partner of Wilson, claims that he used all his efforts to preserve the pece, without avail, and was arrested. He is held as accessory to the killing. The two anticipate obtaining bond in a few days.

March 3, 1875
Southern Christian Avocate
Married. By Rev. C. W. Smith, Feb. 21st, 1875, Mr. Franklin C. Davis, of Newton county, Ga., to Miss Eliza M. Stevens, of Baldwin county, Ga.

March 16, 1875
The Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  Mr. Joshua Covey, the oldest citizen of Baldwin county, died Wednesday of last week, aged 93 years. He had lived more that fifty years in the house where he died.

March 23, 1875
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  Two kisses for a dozen eggs is the latest market quotations at a popular school not a thousand miles from Milledgeville. Dirt cheap, too, as the Every Saturday says the buyer is very pretty.
  Mr Iverson L. Hunter offers the Milledgeville Every Saturday for sale, as he wants to move to a city and publish a daily.

March 23, 1875
Union and Recorder
TERRIFIC TORNADO, Great Destruction of Life and Property
  About 1 o'clock P.M., Saturday last, dark clouds hung over the city, threatening a storm of unusual violence. A rumbling, roaring noise, and a shaking of houses, warned our citizens of the approach of something terrible. Terrified people rushed into the streets and beheld a sight new and startling. To the west of the city a whirlwind, which looked like the huge smoke-stack of a locomotive, from which issued black smoke, spreading out and upward to the sky, seemed to be approaching the city rapidly, carrying death and destruction in its march.
  It was a moment when man felt his utter helplessness and insignificance.
  The hand of a merciful God guided the whirlwind away from the city else the sad story we tell had been sadder still.
  From our point of observation the whirlwind seemed to come from the northwest till it passed south of the town when a sudden current changed its course and it came back, now traveling in a North-east course and toward the southern part of the city. Steadily and rapidly it comes taking up trees and fences, a house is in its path; quick as thought the house is licked up by the awful monster, another and another, to the number of seven or eight disappear, and the Storm-King has driven past our city and across the river.
  The first house destroyed in our sight was the home recently purchased by Mr. E. P. Lane from Mrs. Bayne, and well known as the Luther Lane house. It was utterly and completely destroyed. It was scattered hundreds of yards, and portions of it carried entirely away.
  The residence of our aged friend Mr. Tommie Johnson was destroyed. Mrs. Johnson was horribly mangled and survived only a few hours. Mr. Johnson also received injuries which are not considered serious.
  The house of Dick Gause, a colored man in the immediate vicinity, was a complete wreck, and he was killed outright, - a portion of his skull being entirely gone, which was afterwards found half a mile off, and brought to the Church on yesterday when the funeral was progressing. His wife and child escaped while his mother was severely wounded. The other houses were occupied by colored people, several of whom were more or less hurt while others made wonderful escapes.
  The roof of Judge D. R. Tucker's house was injured and out houses on the premises of Capt. T. H. Latimer and Mrs. E. D. Brown were blown down.
  On our way to the scene of disaster we met two colored men-bleeding and showing evidences of rough treatment-who had been caught on the road with a pair of Col. Johnson's fine horses in a wagon. They stated that the wagon was blown to pieces, and the horses badly hurt.
  We have now spoken of what cam under our observation. We learn the house of Allen Brogsdale (col'd) at Midway was blown down and several members of his family injured. And strange to say a bale of cotton with iron ties, blown away from this house, was picked to pieces by the wind and scattered broadcast through the country.
  At the plantation of R. R. Brown 9 miles from town, houses and fences completely ruined, and Mr. Brown severely injured. At this place two negro women were killed, an infant carried away in the cyclone, and nearly all the negroes (about 17 on the place) more or less hurt.
  At Rob't Harper's plantation things are badly torn to pieces, houses blown away (except gin house) and one child killed and several negroes wounded, some of them severely-two women with thighs broken.
  At Jack Hall's houses blown down - no one seriously hurt.
   James M. Martin's - houses destroyed, family buried in the debris, but escaped unhurt, one negro child killed.
   Wm. Harper's plantation west of Oglethorpe College, fencing and buildings badly damaged.
  East of Milledgeville, we learn that six or seven houses on the plantation of the late R. A. McComb, were blown down, and several persons hurt. Among them is Mrs. Horton, who is seriously wounded.
  Ed Vinson - fencing gone.
  Mrs. Oxford's house was blown down, and everything in it destroyed - herself and son and daughter unhurt.
   Thos. J. Hall - stable, crib and fencing gone. Mr. Hall and Mr. Lavender went out to  look at the storm and were caught in the whirlwind and thumped about on the ground and badly bruised.
    P. M. Ennis - fencing gone, gin house and screw injured.
    Miss Berry, daughter of Fitz Berry of Hancock county, was killed near Culverton-she was visiting at the house of Mrs. Bass, who with her child was also killed.
  Mr. W S. Scott, Coroner, informs us he held inquest over the bodies of the following persons of color killed by the tornado, on Saturday: Richard Gause, Georgia Ann Lewis, Laura Wright, John Collier, Thomas Lester, (all colored.) No inquest, were held where the persons came under the treatment of physicians and afterwards died.

March 23, 1875
Daily Chronicle and Sentinel
The Storm in Milledgeville. (Macon Telegraph and Messenger)
      " From passengers who arrived from Milledgeville, by the Central train, we gather a few particulars of the damage done in that vicinity. The storm seems to have been of the most fearful description. It passed along the suburbs of the city, traveling a little north of east. The cloud is represented to have resembled an hour-glass in shape, was in vertical position, and as luminous as blazing fire. In fact, it so closely resembled fire that all the alarm bells in the city were rung and the people turned out, thinking that there was a fire. The storm occurred in the afternoon, and up to the time of the departure of the train news had been received of the destruction of fifteen houses; but we were unable to obtain a full list of them. The residence of Mr. Martin, near Milledgeville, a new building, was blown away, and one of his children and a colored child were also killed. The fine residence of Judge Hunter, between Milledgeville and Midway, was unroofed. The carriage house and stables of Mr. T.H. Latimer were destroyed. A bale of cotton which had been packed was blown to pieces. The ties were broken and the cotton scattered about through the trees. The storm struck a team that was passing from the Asylum to Milledgeville. The wagon was blown away, the harness blown off the horses and the horses severely mangled."

March 24, 1875
Daily Chronicle and Sentinel
In Baldwin County
MILLEDGEVILLE, March 20, 3:10 p.m.
         "At 1:15 o'clock to-day a terrible whirlwind passed through the southern suburbs of the city, extending across the corporation line and embracing an area of about 300 yards in width in its passage. It twisted homes and trees, and everything in its course from the face of the earth, then dashing them with fury to the right and left, or carrying them for hundreds of yards directly up, almost into the very clouds it seemed, then dashing them away out from the circle of its influence, the ponderous trees came crashing to the earth. Our reporter only had time to make an hasty exploration. Just south of the creek bridge and just within the city limits, a colored man about 21 years of age (an intelligent and bright mulatto) Richard Gouder, was instantly killed. More than half of his head is gone; no one knows how or where- mashed off we suppose and blown away.  Mrs. Thomas Johnson, a white lady of about 40, is so badly hurt that she will probably die. Quite a number in the same locality are injured more or less, though we cannot now go into particulars. Houses without number are demolished, as in every other species of property in the track of the cyclone.- Trees, houses and wagons were carried for hundreds of yards through the air and wherever the wind passed through woods it has cut a fearful road.
  The writer, with many others, was attracted by the roaring noise, which sounded like the "rushing of many waters," and mounting a house watched the whirlwind as it approached through a tremendous forest. It was terribly grand to see the tremendous pines and massive oaks twisted off and hurled hither and thither as if they were but straws. The whirlwind seemed at first to come from the west, but upon approaching town made a bow, passing just south of the city and crossing the river not far below the mouth of Fishing creek. About an hour after the storm, hail as large as a guinea egg fell with great rapidity for about two minutes. Nothing like the occurrences of this day has ever been witnessed in this section. Seven are wounded on the McComb estate, and every house but one, on the place, in ruins. The doctors are being sent for from all over the country. Two  are reported killed on Mr. Jas. Martin's place and every house in ruins. Others are probably injured on the place. Two are reported killed on the road between town and the Lunatic Asylum. Others are so badly wounded that they will probably die.
     11 o'clock, P.M. - The news that we continue to gather from the track of the great cyclone is even more distressing than was first anticipated. The great whirlwind seems to have been violent on both sides of the river, through by the time it reached the east bank thereof it had evidently lost much of its fury. We have information from as far west as Haddock's Station, on the Macon and Augusta Railroad. The cyclone crossed the road from the north side, near Haddock's taking Dr. Hardeman's place in it's track. Here several houses were blown down, but no one badly injured. On the place of Mr. Richard Brown the destruction is terrible. (line unreadable). Here, also three others were killed- two Negro women and a negro child. One of the former was killed by a falling house an the other was caught up by the wind, carried for some distance to a forest and hurled against a tree. The negro child was probably playing in the yard or in some exposed condition, as it was caught up by the wind and blown away. Nothing has been heard of since, and it is possibly many miles away from the spot where it was picked up by the wind. Found a mile distant, horribly mangled.
      Every house of Mr. Brown's place is destroyed and every person on the place injured. Should be Mr. Brown die (and we see no hope of his recovery), it will make an aggregate of four killed on the farm. On the plantation of Mr. Charlie Harper several are reported killed, among them old Tom Huson (col.), whom many of the white citizens will remember, he having been known to many of them. On the Midway place of Mr. Robert Trippe a negro child was killed. In this locality the wind did great damage. On the east side of the river the damage is also very great. Many plantations are almost completely ruined. Houses, chimneys, fences and forests have been leveled wherever the wind passed. As far as we can learn no one has been killed on the east side of the river, though a Mrs. Stapleton, on the McComb place had her scalp severely lacerated and her life is seriously endangered from concussion to the brain. Many others on both sides of the river are hurt, some seriously and some but slightly. A great deal poultry has been killed and people are gathering it up for food. The loss and damage to property, including the damages consequent upon the loss of fences, will probably amount to $175,000. In one locality between Midway and town eight houses are total wrecks. We have not been able to ascertain any individual house, but think that Mr. Edward Lane, Mrs. Wm. Lane and Mr. Joseph Lane, all belonging to one family, have suffered most. Each of them owned a dwelling, two of which were completely demolished and the other is almost a total wreck.
     The killed and dying are know to be ten in number. The wounded will probably reach forty-five in Baldwin County alone. In crossing the river the wind lifted the water up in a solid mass until it seemed a perfect wall of water. Chas. Johnson, was hauling a load of lumber to town, from Scottsboro, and seeing the danger hastily unhitched the horses.- The wind picked the horses up and dashed them against the ground, injuring them severely. Charles the driver, sustained a painful injury - the wagon and lumber were blown away. A goat on the plantation of Colonel Fair was blown off, as well all the poultry.-- We should have mentioned that all the houses on this place, save one, were destroyed. A shingle near Mr. R.N. Lamar's place was hurled with such fury against an oak tree that its sharp end penetrated the solid wood for one or two inches. Mrs. Lane's house caught fire twice after the blow, but was extinguished.
     The course of the cyclone seems to have been varied. At first it seems to have come from north of west, crossing the Macon and Augusta railroad near Haddock's Station. It then traveled east until getting nearly to town, when it made a bow and passed around the city. It then continued on a eastward course until it had gotten about ten miles beyond the river, when it seems to have taken a northeasterly direction, and in our opinion, recrossed the Macon and Augusta Railroad between Carr's and Devereux's stations. No train on that road up to this writing, nor have we any later news from any directions. All the telegraph lines are down.
SUNDAY, 12:30, a.m.-Two negroes killed at Brown's Crossing and and many others in Jones and the western portion of this county reported killed."

March 30, 1875
Union and Recorder
  We, the undersigned committee appointed by the Grand Jury at the adjourned term of Baldwin Superior Court, to investigate and report the number killed and wounded, and also to ascertain the amount of damage done to the citizens of Baldwin county, and what relief can be given to the sufferers, by the destructive tornado that passed through our county on Saturday the 20th inst., beg leave to make the following report. The committee for the purpose of dispatch divided the tract of country over which the tornado passed into three parts - that portion from the Jones county line to James Martin's, on the road leading from Milledgeville to Macon, was examined by Charles E. Bonner and Chas. R. Harper; that portion from James  Martin's to the Oconee river at Milledgeville was examined by James A. Green and J. N. Moore; from the Oconee river to the Hancock county line was examined by W. H. H. Barnes and Jas. H. Pulley. Below we give a detailed statement, which shows
Number killed......................................9
Number wounded................................60
Number houses blown down..............94
Value of property destroyed.$50,000
Our actual figures, as taken down, foot up less than forty thousand dollars, but the destruction of timber, the delay to farming operations, and other losses, difficult to estimate, will, we are sure, make the total not less that fifty thousand.
  We take pleasure in reporting that sufferers by the storm have received the kindest attention from their neighbors who gave them shelter and supplied their wants, helped them repair fencing, &c. There are several cases of utter destitution, where aid will be necessary for some time. In some cases the committee have supplied immediate wants, and are now going forward in the discharge of the duty imposed by the Grand Jury.
  Severely wounded in head and shoulder and badly bruised, but doing well. Houses, fences, forest, &c, destroyed. Six houses gone and others badly injured. Loss $2000.
  Freedmen on the place-
  Amariah Morris - Six in family, all hurt, lost everything
  Osborn Goddard - Six in family, one killed and one child carried away in the whirlwind and no trace of it discovered, and balance badly hurt-lost everything.
  John Morris - Four in family, all hurt, some of them badly. Loss, everything.
  Erwin Wright - Two in family, wife killed, lost everything. Loss, everything.
  The wounded received medical attention from Dr. Hardeman.
   Value for property lost by the colored people in clothing, furniture, &c, probably $600.
Nobody hurt, damage to plantation $500.
Nobody hurt, three houses down and others injured. Damage $1000.
Fourteen houses destroyed, fodder all gone and good deal of corn, and a large amount of fencing swept away. Loss $4,000.
The freedmen on the place was nearly all wounded and lost all they had. Their condition is as follows:
   Thomas Huson, 4 in family, three ribs broken and other bruises, wife badly bruised, and grandchild badly wounded in head-clothing and furniture entire loss.
  Mark Hutchings, 5 in family, wife killed, daughter four years of age thigh broken; lost all furniture and clothing.
  George Ward, 3 in family, self and wife slightly bruised - loss all clothing and furniture.
  Vine Collier, 8 in family, two children killed, wife badly injured and two children severely wounded - loss furniture and clothing.
  Henry Williams, 3 in family, wife slightly bruised, some loss of clothing and furniture.
  Mingo Davis - 7 in family, self and wife slightly hurt - loss clothing and furniture.
Henry Veal, 9 in family, self and wife slightly hurt, two children badly hurt, furniture all destroyed and a good deal of clothing.
  John Warren badly hurt.
  Daniel Nelson severely bruised.
  The wounded are receiving medical attention from Dr. Hollingshed. They are all tenants of Mr. Harper -are in a destitute condition and need help. Value of property lost by freedmen probably $1000.
  Dwelling house top blown off and three outhouses down, fencing gone. Damage $300.
   Dwelling and six outhouses down, fodder and a good deal of corn destroyed and fencing swept away-loss of $1,200.
   Fencing blown down and several hundred acres of fine forest destroyed. Loss between $500 and $1000.
   Residence, gin-house, cribs, in fact every house on the place, 15 in all, swept away, and furniture, farming implements, some corn and fodder, fencing, timber, &c. destroyed. Loss $5,000. The white family (six in number) escaped with slight bruises. There were nineteen colored persons on the place - one child was killed and another carried off some distance and dropped in a field, badly bruised. part of Mr. Martin's house and bed-clothing was carried two miles. To show the force of the storm, we may mention that a large piece of granite partly embedded in the ground weighing at least five ton, was  turned over and broke. The accumulation of seventeen years of industry and frugality is swept away in a moment.
  Value of property lost by freemen probably $600.
   Considerable damage to fencing and timber,
  Lived on Smith's Mount, wife and one child badly hurt (leg and arm of child broken) and two other children wounded in the head. Furniture, provisions and clothing all gone. Received medical attention from Dr. Hall. Cared for at Williamson's. Destitute.
  Fencing destroyed. Loss $100.
  Twenty-five or thirty acres valuable timber ruined.
  Gin-house, smoke-house, stable and fencing gone. Nobody hurt. Loss $300.
  The storm passed just north of the Oglethorpe College buildings, and over the Midway Cemetery, destroying trees, shrubbery and grave-enclosues. The tomb of Dr. Talmage was not injured.
  Three houses and fencing gone. Allen's ankle mashed and his son injured in the head. A bale of cotton was carried away by the wind. Loss $600.
  Fencing and timber destroyed and some damage to houses. Loss $600.
  Crib, stables and outhouses injured, buggy and carriage broken, trees and fencing blown down. Loss $800.
  The roof and chimney's of Judge Tucker's residence damaged. Loss $500.
  Two houses on the Trippe place were blown down. They were occupied by colored people. In one family (Nelson Turner's) 5 children, 2 badly hurt, one child both arms broken. Esther Williams who occupied the house near the Double Branches, was dangerously wounded and one of her children seriously injured. These people lost nearly everything. The wounded received attention from the Asylum physicians, and are present sheltered and cared for at the Asylum. Esther Williams is truly an object of charity. Phillis Jordan, also living on this place, lost everything.-Mrs. Brown's loss is about $600.
  Kitchen injured, fencing destroyed. Lost 200 or $300.
  The Luther Lane cottage recently purchased by Mr. Edward Lane, is a complete wreck, and part of it seems to have been carried entirely away. It was unoccupied. Loss $1000.
  Barn and fencing destroyed, and residence and furniture badly injured. Loss $500.
  Fortunately escaped with slight injury to house and fencing.
  Lost two houses, besides outhouses and fencing. One of the houses was unoccupied. Mrs. Johnson was horribly mangled and survived her injuries only a few hours. Mr. J. also received injuries, but is recovering. Medical attention from Dr. White. Loss of property $700.
DICK GAUSE (colored)
  Was killed outright and his mother injured. His house and furniture is a complete loss. Leaves wife and child destitute. Loss $500.
  Lost two houses and fencing. One house occupied by Lige King, colored, whose wife received severe injuries, but is recovering. loss $600.
   Cabin unroofed and rendered uninhabitable.
  Lost three houses and fencing. One of the houses (on Midway road) was occupied by Fredrick Thweatt, colored, who lost his furniture, &c. Mr. Edwards' loss is about $600.
  Place on the river-kitchen and fencing destroyed, Loss $200.
  Two houses blown away, also some corn and fodder, and a great deal of fencing and timber destroyed. Loss $1000.
  Two outhouses blown away and fencing and timber damaged. Loss $500.
  Four or five thousand panels of fencing destroyed, and a considerable amount of timber. Damage $1500.
  Gin house and six outhouses destroyed and the dwelling house badly damaged, fencing on east and west sides of plantation swept away. Loss $4000.
  The plantation was rented by Mr. Geo. W. Bird, who suffered considerable loss, including 2000 lbs fodder 200 bushes cotton seed, one buggy, clothing, &c. Loss $300.
  Wife badly hurt, and provisions, clothing, furniture, &c destroyed. Loss $250.
  Provisions, furniture, clothing, &c, all gone, Mrs. Horton badly hurt and her mother severely injured on the head. Seven in family, six wounded. Medical attention from Dr. Hall. Loss $300.-Destitute
  Two outhouses blown down, fencing and timber destroyed. Loss $500. Henry Williams, colored, on this place lost a fine cow.
  Had about two miles of fencing blown down and his place otherwise damaged, Loss $200.
Considerable amount of timber destroyed.
  Four houses completely destroyed, and corn, fodder, fencing, provisions, clothing, and furniture, all gone- Three in family -two wounded, Mrs. Oxford badly. Loss $1000. In a destitute condition. Medical attention from Dr. Robson.
  Some fencing and timber destroyed-Loss $200.
Fencing blown away and timber destroyed, Loss $200.
   Two outhouses, some corn and fodder, fencing and timber destroyed - loss $700. Mr. Hall and Mr. Lavender severely wounded.
   Gin house damaged and injury to fencing, timber &c heavy-loss $1500.


March 30, 1875
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville, March 22, 1875
The absorbing topic of interest here now is the great tornado of Saturday. A little after one o'clock in the afternoon it swept across the southern limit of our city from west to east, prostrating everything before it. In a pathway of about one hundred yards in width houses were literally demolish, and many persons killed and wounded. The broad apex of the funnel formed demon of the cloud floated rapidly along, probably at the rate of more than an hundred miles an hour: and the narrow base which touched the earth lifted up and destroyed everything in its path. Within our corporation limits Mrs. Johnson, wife of Mr. Thomas Johnson, was killed, and her husband severely wounded, and Dick Gonder, a colored man of good character, was instantly killed, and his mother was badly wounded. The houses of these persons, as well as many others, were literally demolished, and trees, fencing, everything in fact in the tornado's path was subjected to destruction.
    The loss of property is immense. In Midway, the metallic roof of Mr. Daniel Tucker was stripped off the building, and his neighbors, Messrs. Thos. Latimer and R. N. Lamar lost by the destruction of their carriage-house, a fine carriage, a buggy and property valued at fully $1,000.
 To the westward on the path of its approach, and to the eastward whither it went, the tornado swept forward, restlessly in a path of ruin, destroying life and property of which no computation can even yet be made. To illustrate the force of the wind, we may mention that a shingle is driven, sharp end foremost,  several inches into the body of a small oak tree it happened to strike directly. To the west of us, some miles, a lifeless negro woman was found lodged in the branches of a lofty tree not exactly in the hurricane's path; and a child of the same race was blown away and has not been found at all. Dick Gonder, already mentioned, was killed by having the upper half of his head cut off smooth by a plank driven with the wind, and the missing top of his head has not been found. The handsome gothic cottage recently purchased by Mr. Edward Lane, was utterly demolished and blown away.
   The victims in our city were buried yesterday afternoon.

April 28, 1875
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Eudocia W. Fort was born in 1792; died at the residence of Mr. John Hammond, her son-in-law, in Midway, near Milledgeville, Ga., March 31st 1875. She was the widow of Judge Fort, now about twenty years deceased.

April 28, 1875
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Mary Johnson died in Milledgeville, Ga., March 26th 1875.

April 25, 1875
Atlanta Constitution
MILLEDGEVILLE - Thursday morning about 2 o'clock a party  of fifteen or twenty disguised men made a raid upon the jail in this place and released therefrom Horace Wilson, convicted of voluntary manslaughter, and sentenced to four years imprisonment in the penitentiary for killingFred McComb, on last Christmas eve, and also Tobe Tompkins who was in jail awaiting trail, charged with being a ku klux.
    Mr. Obadiah Arnold states that he was awakened by knocking upon his door (just at the entrance to the jail) and apprehended that it was some drunken man, opened it, not however, until he had taken the precaution to have his pistol in hand, and had whispered to his wife to make a light. As he opened the door he was greeted with
and a musket leveled at him. Upon asking what it meant, he was told that they had come for Tompkins and Wilson. He replied that he couldn't let then out, but the keys were hanging up there -pointing to the place. The replied that he knew more about the place than they did, and that he had to go and unlock the door, which he died. After releasing the prisoners and coming down, one of the party remarked that one was missing, and going back up stairs into the cell discovered Tompkins concealed behind the door, and turning upon him said, G_dd-n you what does this mean, and catching him, kicked him out.
  The parties wore no masks, but had their hats pulled down over their faces. Upon being asked what they were going to do with the prisoners, they replied, "G-d d-n 'em we are going to hand then," but this is supposed to be a blind, as it is generally thought that the party who released them are their friends
  The trial and conviction of Wilson at the last sitting of the superior court created a great deal of talk, and was quite harshly criticized by many; but whatever may have been the opinions of people, they have no right to take the matter into their hands in this way and release the prisoners. -Every Saturday.

May 19, 1875
Southern Christian Avocate
At Warrenton, Ga., May 1st 1875, Addie Louise, daughter of Rev. R. W. Bigham, aged 4 years, one month and two days. She was buried at Milledgeville.

June 9, 1875
Southern Christian Avocate
Wm. A. Cook was born in Hancock county, Ga., March 7th 1820 and died in Baldwin county, Ga., April 13th 1875. He was the son of Nathan and Lourenna Cook. W. W. Wadsworth

July 7, 1875
Southern Christian Avocate
Rev. Tilman Snead was born in Wilkes county, Ga., May 11th 1786; died in Baldwin county, Ga., May 3d, 1875. He served his country in the war of 1812. He joined the Methodist Episcopal Church at Bethel, Bush River circuit, South Carolina Conference. In 1818 he was married in Wilkes county, Ga., to Miss Elizabeth G. B. Washington, who preceded him to the grave in December 1871.

July 20, 1875
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ Mr. Thomas Johnson of this city lost his fifth wife by the storm of the 20th of March. He went to work earnestly to rebuild his house and reconstruct his home made desolate by that frightful tornado. In the meantime there was much specualtion in the community as to whether our venerable friend would again venture upon matrimony.- They did not have long to wait.- The mystic bee dropped the honey of persuasion on his lips. Man the hermit sighed Till woman smiled-
  A young and pretty woman at that-then, on Thursday afternoon last, the parlor and services of Rev. J. H. Allen were brought into requisition and Mr. Thomas Johnson and Miss Harriet Hemphill were united in the holy bands of matrimony.
(Note: he was 75, she was 35)

July 30, 1875
The Chronicle and Sentinel
Milledgeville had a slight earthquake shock the evening of the 28th.

August 3, 1875
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Editors Telegraph and Messenger: In your daily of this morning, you mention an "Earthquake at Milledgeville" coupled with some errors to correct which I send the following statement;
  After the storm of rain and wind which occurred about the middle of the afternoon of yesterday, (not before as your account says, about six o'clock P.M.,  the phenomenon occurred. This consisted of  a rumbling, or as most persons describe it, a hissing sound, then a tremendous explosion accompanied, or rather followed immediately by such a concussion as led many persons to suppose it at once to be an earthquake. The account in your paper that "the people were terribly frightened and all an out of their houses" is a great mistake. The danger, if any had existed, was past before the people had time to run out of their houses. The whole thing, the sounds and the concussion, did not occupy more that a second of accurately measured time. We hear this morning that the phenomenon was observed as much as four or five miles to the east, the south and the west of our city; and we also find that different observers in the country and city received widely varying impressions in reference to the direction whence the sounds came, the majority locating them in the south or southwest. The general impression created in the country and in the city was that the phenomenon was an earthquake.
   We are inclined to think this impression erroneous. The facts as observed support much more strongly the theory that the fall of a bolide or meteoric body to the earth, gave rise to their phenomena. If our conjecture is right, we hope the descent to the immediate surface of the ground may have occurred with the observation of some one, and that the meteorite may be recovered for scientific examination. It would be immensely value to scientist, and the luck finder or owner of it would be sure to receive a large compensation for supplying it to the scientific museum of some scientist or some public institution.

August 3, 1875
Atlanta Constitution
A mule was sold at auction here for $1.50
With tired-backs women can't stoop to folly.
Mr. George Lucas was engaged last Wednesday in filling the little red balloons that are so common with hydrogen. He had just filled two and tied them to prevent the gas from escaping, when his hand became entangled in the dangling cord and in less times that it takes to tell it, he was sailing through the air heavenward, with every prospect of landing there or somewhere else. Fortunately for Mr. Lucas, the balloon was brought to a  sudden halt by the projecting eaves of Waitzfelder's brick building, and he was rescued from his terrible position, with the assistance of a  ladder.
   Died -Willie Erwin, of Milledgeville, on the 27th.

August 10, 1875
Daily Constitution
-The ladies on Jefferson street have organized an artillery company.
- Milledgeville wants a bank. (Every Saturday)

Aug. 20, 1875
The Chronicle and Sentinel
An old man named Isham Higgins died in Baldwin County jail last Tuesday. He was a lunatic.

September 6, 1875
Union and Recorder
  We are pained to announce the death of Mr. Andrew McKinley, son of Col. Wm. McKinley, which occurred at the residence of his father on last Sunday morning, after an illness of some two weeks, of Typhoid fever. Mr. McKinley was a promising young man, probably 19 years of age, and a student of the State University at Athens. He was buried on Monday afternoon with military honors by the Baldwin Blues, of whose company he was a member.

September 28, 1875
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ Death of William McKinley Jr., Esq. We are deeply pained to record the death of William McKinley, Jr., which occurred at the residence of his father, near this city, on last Sunday afternoon. Mr. McKinley had been in feeble health for many months, and sought relief during the summer in traveling. Reaching Athens he could go no farther, and returned home a week or two since, with little hope of recovery. He was a young man of great promise, and was admitted to the bar a few years ago, but abandoned the profession of the law and engated in farming, hoping thereby to benefit his health.......
  This is the second son Col. McKinley has lost in a month past - sons of whom any father could well be proud....

Funeral services of Mr. William McKinley, Jr., will be at the Presbyterian Church, this P.M., at 3 o'clock.

September 28, 1875
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  Mr. Fielding Lewis, one of the oldest citizens of Milledgeville, died last week. He was about 90 years old and had lived in that place nearly all his life.
  Miss Nina Nisbet, only daughter of Joseph H. Nisbet, Esq., of Milledgeville, was married in that place on the 14th instant, to Mr. William P. Hambaugh, of Clarksville, Tennessee.

September 29, 1875
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Mattie E. Taylor, whose maiden name was Horton, wife of the Rev. William T. Taylor, died at Crawfordville, Fla., July 23d, 1875. Sister Taylor was born in Gwinnett county, GA., April 4th 1829. Her parents moved to Milledgeville when she was about 13 years of age, where she resided until her first marriage to a Mr. Clayton in 1852. Having removed to Valdosta during her widowhood, she was there married to the Rev. W. T. Taylor, of Thomasville, Ga. She had two brothers in Texas, ministers of the gospel, one of whom is a member of the Texas Conference. W. A. Giles.

October 26, 1875
Union and Recorder
  ~excerpt~ Capt. M. J. Kenan died at the residence of Dr. C. H. Hall, in Macon, on Thursday last. Mr. Kenan was long a prominent citizen of this county. He was a gentleman of learning and extensive information and exerted a wide influence, but never sought or held office, preferring the station of a private gentleman. For several years previous to his death he was confined to his bed by disease, and during a long term of suffering obtained a precious knowledge of salvation through faith. He beguiled the tedious hours of sickness with reading and writing. Some of his articles appeared in this paper.

October 26, 1875
Union and Recorder
DIED - James, a bright boy, 6 or 7 years of age, son of Mr. T. E. Heath of Midway, died on Saturday last.

November 2, 1875
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
An Earthquake
Milledgeville, November 2, 1875
Editors Telegraph and Messenger: About 10 o'clock last night, our citizens were startled by an earthquake. It manifested itself by two rapidly succeeding shocks of considerable severity, accompanied with and following by a heavy rumbling sound which occupied the space of one or two minutes.  Although observers differ somewhat in regard to the direction the wave of sound seemed to travel, the weight of testimony greatly favors the account which says the sound came from the south or southeast and traveled to the north or northwest. The oscillation of the earth was very decided, and greatly alarmed many people. At a religious meeting of colored people in the city, one woman fainted quite away with alarm, and was resuscitated with difficulty. Very many people ran out of their house to see, if possible, the cause of the strange phenomenon whose roaring was very similar to that which preceded and accompanied the great and destructive tornado of March last. On reaching the exterior of their houses, nothing was observable bu the rumbling subterranean noises dying away in the distance, and the quiet earth over spread by the cloudless and starry heavens.
  To-day being the regular monthly sales' day a great number of citizens came from various parts of the county came to the city. Their report shows that the earthquake was felt very sharply in every portion of the county, and agrees substantially with that given above. So far we hear of no actual injury or damage resulting from the earthquake beyond the frightening of a few nervous people. But old residents of the city say the shock was severer than any they had ever felt here before.

November 9, 1875
Union and Recorder
DIED, In this county on the 4th instant, ELLA T. daughter of J. C. and Rosa Whitaker, and grand daughter of Mr. W. H. Scott, of this city - aged ten months and 15 days.
   In this city, on Sunday morning, 7th inst., ANDREW, infant son of T. A. and Mary Caraker, aged 2 months and 2 days.

November 10, 1875
Southern Christian Avocate
Married. By Rev. W. W. Wadsworth, October 15th, 1875, Mr. John H. Lanham to Mrs. Emma E. Ellison, of Milledgeville, Ga.

November 28, 1875
Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel
(Dr. Bullie's Notes in the Timber Gazette)
   The State House was the only building, public or private, of any note, in my time as a member of the Legislature, 1828-29. The Governor's mansion was built many years after, though spoken of then. The Governor lived in an ordinary two story house on the same lot on which the mansion now stands, but fronts on Green street. The square north of the State House square where the Milledgeville Hotel lately stood, directly under the eye of the law makers, was a nest of faro-banks and other gambling appliances, bar-rooms, and supper rooms, and in the centre, a clean, hard place for playing marbles and fighting chickens, and many scenes and events transpired in that block that are vividly impressed on my mind to this day. The principal deals or professional gamblers, were a rare set of orderly and gentlemanly looking men, particularly B., who was killed by McCombs in self-defense, and Major Y. whom many of my contemporaries will remember -they associated freely with members and citizens, not flashily dressed, as is common with their craft, but very genteel.
   I have an especial note in reference to Byrom that I might as well transcribe; here is was a tall, well made and very handsome man, hair and eyes as black as a ravens wing, and hands white small and delicate as a lady's, they had never been bronzed by the sun, nor toughened by toil; but strong enough to handle an ugly looking bowie knife that everybody knew he carried, and more, that he would use it, for behind his mild demeanor lurked the ferocity of a tiger when roused; brave, he was rash, poor fellow; he rushed upon a well armed man; through thrice warned not to advance or draw a weapon, he did both, and fell at his feet-but it was not his personal appearance or his deportment that I wish to relate, so much as his manly and generous conduct to a young friend, who was going headlong to ruin at the gambling table. I knew Frank well, and liked him for many good qualities, I had ridden behind his 2-40 bays with dashing tilbury, played billiards with him, at which he was always impatient, as there was not betting, beyond the score at the bar, which he generally had to pay, and I had known him before in Savannah, when he first came in possession of his very considerable property. This was his third session as he said, though he was not a member, and he told me he had been unlucky and lost a pile of money; put now, his experience was paid for;  he knew the "dots and  dodges" and before the session closed, he would break every faro-bank in Milledgeville. Alfred Cumming, of Augusta, a noble man, was his friend, and the friend of his family, remonstrated with him, and so did others, but to no purpose; every night he was sitting at the green table with his checks before him, and every day in the same retired place played poker with sharpers who could __General Schenek out of his last dime; had seldom played at Bryom's rooms, where he was always met with a cold shoulder, but B. had been watching him, and now that he was a lost man; he was fond of Frank, and determined if in his power to same him. So one morning, Frank, having lost heavily the night before, he called at his room, taking a friend with __? of their own calling, and well known  by both; I was with Frank, and was asked to remain. B. commenced by apologizing to Frank for refusing to deal to him the night before, and giving his reason with such a hostility upon gambling, its beginning __?  as I never heard or read, and coming from a professed gambler, made it more solemn and impressive; personally, he told him "you have lost all your ready money and ? I.O.U 's  _??large amount, and your credit is also lost, your ..houses and equipage will be attached and sold in the street, your name be a bye-word among the worthless. Now Frank, stop just where you are, and I will help you " he was sitting on the edge of his bed, pale and trembling. "How?" he exclaimed, "I can't pay my gambling due bills." "But I will said B., " and take your note at 12 months upon your promise and word of honor not to touch a card in that time; you have property enough  left to pay it." Frank gave Bryon his hand with tears and thanks and in our presence as witnesses, gave the required promise. Byrom did his part, the season was about half spent, and to its close Frank kept his word honorably. We parted about  Christmas, and I heard of him some years after in Washington, where he filled a clerkship in one of the departments acceptability, but sad to say, after a long abstinence from his besetting sin, returned to it, and was lost. His melancholy end brought to my mind the memorable words of Paulding (the contemporary of Washing Irving) "The drunkard, the vicious and the idler, may be reclaimed, but  the confirmed gambler is like last flight of the patriarch's dove, they return no more forever."
     The supper rooms I mention merely as an item of history of that day, were small affairs in companions with the restaurants of the present day, the standing bill of fare being squirrels and partridges, with an occasional taste of oysters, about as large as a waist coat button and salt as brine, and hot coffee. No railroads then.
    The elections had all been settled by a Troup caucus, and there was little or no contention. Gilmer had been elected by the people and the inauguration ball and subsequent private parties made the session a remarkable gay one. Gov. Forsyth was elected senator to Congress and his lovely daughters soon to leave, their many friends gave a succession of brilliant assemblies, after the inauguration ball. They were both accomplished and beautiful young ladies; the older married Judge Iverson, then a member of great reputation from Muscogee. Miss Clara Forsyth was considered the belle at all those parties and Col. A H. Kenan, who had married Miss Alston, of Sparta, the Spring before, the handsomest man.
  William C. Dawson was elected Clerk of the House almost unanimously, for he was a popular with the Clark as the Troup party. He was certainly a most winning and attractive man in his manners, and never was a man better adapted for his position. He was the best reader  I ever heard, except Carrington of later days, with this difference, Dawson could read ten bills to his one, and keep a running conversation with half a dozen impatient members around his desk, not absolutely talking, but nodding, pointing with the feather tip of his pen, and winking, promising all to read their bills next, and then go on straight with the calendar. I knew him in afterlife, the same fascinating and successful man.

(Note: Henry Byrom died at the age of 27 in a shoot out at McComb's tavern. See  the book "Remembering Milledgeville, Historical Tales from Georgia's Antelbellum Captial" by Hugh T. Harrington for details)

December 7, 1875
Union  and Recorder
MARRIED, In this city on the 2nd ist., by N. B. Brooks, Esq., Mr. JAMES L. BRITTON, to MRS MARY THOMPSON, all of this city.

DIED, In Milledgeville, on the 3rd inst. Mrs. Harriet McArthur, wife of James McArthur of this city, in the 43d year of her age.
  The affliction which has thus befallen James McArthur will the more interest our readrs, and claim their sympathies from their acquaintance with him through our columns withing the last few years, by the perusal of his frequent poetical contributions to the Union and Recorder. The deceased was a colored woman of good character, of unpretending virtues, and was an acceptable member of the colored Methodist Church of this city. She died in the triupms of Christian faith, and leaves behide her a worthy example in his especial regard to all who survive her of whatever race, color or condition.

December 7, 1875
Union  and Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on the 2nd inst., by N. B. Brooks, Esquire, Mr. JAMES L. BRITTON, to MRS. MARY THOMPSON, all of this city.

December 14, 1875
Union and Recorder
  Died - Mrs. Sallie deGraffenried, widow of the late Col. B. B. deGraffearied, died at her plantation in this county on last Friday night. Her funeral took place from the residence of Mr. Samuel Walker in this city on Sabbath morning.

December 17, 1875
Daily Constitution
  The trustees of the Talmage school at Milledgeville with "all acceding friends" have organized themselves into a "society of mineralogy and and of ancient relics of the red men and mound builders of Georgia." The Recorder says this "puts the Talmage school in the fore front of collectors of Georgia cabinets, and situate as the school is amidst the ancient hunting grounds and "maize fields" of the well advanced Echertee tribe, and Uchee tribe, of the great Muscogee nation of red men, the new society occupies a field rich with the red man's relics and vestiges of American ethnology. Almost  every furrow of our plows displays them to view."

December 22-29, 1875
Southern Christian Avocate
Levi Ezell was born in Lancaster District, S. C., April 27th 1801, and died in Houston county, Ga., November 20th 1875. Early in life he moved to Twiggs county, Ga., where he married his first wife, Miss Sarah Roach, in 1832. He was married the second time to Miss Pamelia Hall, of Baldwin county, Ga., in 1842. W. F. Robison


January 11, 1876
Georgia Weekly Telegraph and Journal & Messenger
 The body of a white man was found in Baldwin county last Thursday. It was afterwards discovered to be that of Mr. Ravens, an escaped lunatic.

Jan. 15, 1876
The Chronicle and Sentinel
Mr. Henry Temples was elected Mayor of Milledgeville.

January 21, 1876
Atlanta Constitution
Married In Georgia
R. Humphries to MissParazada Vaughn, of Baldwin County
J.W. Pounds, of Jasper county, to Miss Mary Skinner, of Milledgeville

Died in Georgia
Mrs C.P. Crawford of Milledgeville

   On last Thursday,Clifford, a bright little girl about five years of age, daughter of Mr. Judson of Atlanta, and granddaughter of Mr. James E. Haygood of this city, fell into a tub of boiling brine, which had been prepared by her grandfather for the purpose of scalding meat to prevent its spoiling. She was scalded frightfully, and died on Friday night after extreme suffering-Union and Recorder

February 3, 1876
The Chronicle and Sentinel
James McArthur, a worthy negro man, died in Milledgeville last week.

March 1, 1876
The Constitution
DEATH OF MRS. GEORGIA J. ALEXANDER.   Yesterday morning the death ofMrs. Georgia J. Alexander, wife of our townsman Dr. J. F.. Alexander, was announced and the intelligence carried grief to a wide circle of friends who loved her as well as they knew her.
   She was the daughter of the late R. M. Orme, of Milledgeville, and at that place she was wedded to Dr. Alexander, about nineteen years ago. She was long a member of the Central Presbyterian church of this city. For years she was a sufferer and for five months was closely confined to her room. The last days of her life were passed in great physical pain, though she was conscious all the while, and ended her trial with the beautiful fortitude which religion alone can give.
  Her death was peaceful, and was indeed a falling "asleep in Jesus." The end brought her no terrors, but simply rest and joy. She was a woman who filled the measure of zealous piety and Christian charity. Perhaps she was best known for her deeds of kindness and the works of a Christian love, whose breadth encompassed all suffering humanity.
  Like Dorcas of old, she was beloved by those who had known her tender ministrations and honored by all who witnessed her unselfish work. Such women are the noblest missionaries of Christianity, and the brightest ornaments of society. The good they do live after them, to spring up and bear a glorious harvest, which will only be garnered at the end of time.
  She leaves a devoted husband and two daughters to mourn her loss and love her memory. To the afflicted family we extend our sympathy.
  The remains were carried to Milledgeville by the Georgia road, last night, and were attended by the family. A large number of friends accompanied them to the train. Funeral services and burial will take place in Milledgeville to-day.

March 7, 1876
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, at the residence of Mr. W. S. Vaughn, on the evening of the 29th ult., by Rev. H. J. Adams, Mr. JULIUS OSTENDORFF  and

May 2, 1876
Daily Constitution
-W.R.. Logan, at Milledgeville

May 5, 1876
Atlanta Constitution
THE FUNERAL BELL. This morning announced the arrival of the remains of Maj. Jas. C. Whitaker from his farm on the river. The deceased was an old honored citizen, eminently pious and popular, of a kind genial disposition, of war social nature; he enlivened all around him with his own generous politeness even unto the hour of death. For thirty-five years this was the first time his family, except an absent son, stood at the death bed of its own numbers. This "absent son, " Thos. Whitaker, a young man of fine character and intellect, of LaGrange, for whom his father looked around and of whom he spoke in love, was summoned from the animating scenes of the court room, and had heard the gentle voice and shaken the warm hand of that beloved parent for the last time. A large concourse of friends paid the last rites at the city Baptist church, where he had commingled in prayer for many years.
Col. Thomas Hardeman being in town with Dr. J. Hardeman, son-in-law of Maj. Whitaker, suggests who will be the next governor. The colonel is quiet popular here, this is near his stronghold. Jones county is heavy for him. The  colonel is quite popular here, this is near his stronghold. Jones county is heavy for him. The gubernatorial sentiment here is not crystallized. Gov. Johnson if on the track would win I think. Hardeman would probably be next in speed. Colquitt and James must have friends, but the former reminds one of the Southern Life Insurance. I would be pleased to see Mr. James the nominee of our prosperous state, his ability and unbounded success coupled with his christian virtues highly recommend him.
Now, Messres. Editors, an inquiry: Is Bullock to be the radical nominee? G.

Married In Georgia
G. T. Whilden of Charleston to Miss Lizzie Robson, of Baldwin county.

May 30, 1876
Union and Recorder
Bernard Herty, infant son of Mr. H. E. Hendrix died yesterday.

May 30, 1876
Union and Recorder
DIED. Mrs. Mary A. Palmer, for many years a resident of this county, where she has a large number of relatives and friends, died at the residence of her son, Mr. J. I. Palmer, in Augusta, on the 29th inst. We learn she was buried at or near Island Creek.

June 8, 1876
The Chronicle and Sentinel. Union and Recorder: We met on our streets, Saturday, a colored man by the name of Robert Wright, who says, if he lives until the 27th of next March, he will be 102 years old. He came originally from Virginia, and claims to have seen General Washington twice. He came to Milledgeville when it was in the woods, and recalls some old familiar names, and the name of some persons we never heard before.

June 13, 1876
Union and Recorder
  ~except~ Died at his residence, in this city, on the 9th inst., Mr. Isaac T. Cushing, in the 61st year of his age. Mr. Cushing was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, January 8, 1816. He was brought to Milledgeville while an infant, where he was reared and lived to raise a family of 6 children, two of whom, (Charlie and Walter,)  died in the army during the late war. Two wives and an infant child or two also went before. When his last wife died, he was left with two small daughters, ,whom he has raised with credit. The deceased was well known, in this city and county, as an honest, quiet, inoffensive citizen; but death, being no respecter of persons, has called him hence. He leaves a son and three daughters to mourn his loss.........

June 27, 1876
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ MRS. CAROLINE T. CARR, wife of Dr. W. W. Carr, of this county, died in Midway, Baldwin county, on the 3d inst. Mrs. Carr was a daughter of Judge Daniel Tucker, of Midway. She was born June 15th, 1832.
....united with the Presbyterian church, in Milledgeville, about twenty years ago....After her marriage with Dr. Carr, she with her husband settled in Washington, county which they made there permanent home to the time of her death. ..successful Sunday School at Deep Step, Methodist church. ..she died at the residence of her aged father,...She leaves a heart-stricken husband, three children...

August 1, 1876
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  The Milledgeville Recorder mentions the following sad circumstance: Mr. Franklin Davis, the miller at Treanor's Mill, died a few days ago, after a brief illness. On the day of his burial his wife was taken sick, and four days afterwards she died. They leave seven young children in destitute circumstances.

August 22, 1876
Daily Constitution
The burning of the Oconee bridge at Milledgeville is a serious loss. A correspondent of the Macon Telegraph says the county will not probably erect a new bridge "for some years," and an old-style ferry boat carries passengers across the bridgeless stream.

August 22, 1876
Union and Recorder
DEAD -Mrs. Annie Harris, relict of the late Mr. Henry Harris, and youngest daughter of Judge Daniel R. Tucker of Midway, died at the residence of her father Thursday night. Her death, though not unexpected, fell with crushing weight upon her aged and afflicted father, and a large circle of relatives and friends, who watched with tender solicitude her rapidly declining health, and sought by every means in their power, to bring back the beauty and bloom which, a short while ago, promised long life, so sweetly.
  Her funeral took place from the Presbyterian Church Friday afternoon-Rev. G. T. Goetchins conducting the solemn services.

September 8, 1876
Daily Constitution
William Barnes has been connected with this office, as printer and publisher ever since 1840; and J.N. Moore began his apprenticeship in 1847, and has been in the office almost constantly since that time. - Milledgeville Union & Recorder.

Mrs. B. R. Hertz, of Milledgeville
H. B. Watson, of Milledgeville

September 24, 1876
Daily Constitution
Death of Mr. C.C. Hawley
Telegraph and Messenger.
Mr. Chas C. Hawley, the popular conductor on the Macon and Brunswick railroad, died in this city yesterday morning. His remains were taken to Milledgeville last evening for interment. Universal regret is felt at the death of this most worthy young man. He was respected by all who knew him, for his gentlemanly demeanor and high moral character. Few men win higher esteem than that in which he was held He was 26 years of age.

October 20, 1876
The Chronicle and Sentinel
Ben Park, (colored) aged 82,, died in Baldwin County recently.
Capt. J. W. Wilcox, engineer of the Asylum at Milledgeville, has been granted a furlough and given a free ticket to the Centennial.
Mr. Moses Donelly was coming up from a well in Milledgeville last week when the rope broke, precipitating him 70 feet and breaking his leg, with several ribs. He will probably die.
Mr. Jas. O. Barnes, formerly of Milledgeville is dead.

October 20, 1876
Atlanta Constitution
Ben Park, (colored), aged 82, died in Baldwin county recently. He was porter at the state house in Milledgeville for many years.

October 24, 1876
Union and Recorder
  Mr. Moses Donnelly died on Tuesday last of injuries received by falling in a well he was digging. He was an Irishman, but had resided here several years.

Abe Mott (colored) a well-known ombibus driver in days past, died last Sunday.

  Mr. Mark Johnson of Baldwin county, and Miss Myrick of Putnam, were married on Tuesday last, by Rev. O. P. Fitzsimmons, at the residence of Mrs. Edmondson.

November 7, 1876
Union and Recorder
DIED- Mrs. Lizzie Knight, daughter of Mr. J. H. Ray, died yesterday. She came to this city from Macon about two weeks since, on a visit to the family of Mr. Nathan Keel, and was prostrated with the fever. Her parents and husband were sent for, she was nursed with tender care, attended by Drs. Herty, Hall and Harris. Her remains were taken to Macon for burial.

November 28, 1876
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, On the 26th inst., by the Rev. W. J. Oxford, Mr. Daniel Brookin and Miss Susan Prosser, both of this county.

Died  - In Midway of pneumonia, on Saturday morning, November 25th, Sam'l Irvin, aged 15 months; child of Sam'l A. & Anna M. Cook.

December 22, 1876
The Atlanta Constitution
Messrs. McConnell & Langston having completed the Oconee river bridge near Milledgeville have returned to the city. Hon. W. McKinley, D.S. Sanford, F. C. Finman and the other members of the bridge committee unanimously adopted the following  resolution by acclamation: Resolved, That our thanks are due and are hereby tendered Messrs. McC.

December 26, 1876
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, On Wednesday, the 20th inst., at the residence of Dr. Thos. F. Green, in Midway, by the Rev. Habersham J. Adams, MR. THOS. L. STRICKLAND of Pierce County andMISS DAISY OWEN.

December 26, 1876
Union and Recorder
   Died at his residence in this city on Wednesday morning, 20th inst., of inflamation of the bladder and kidneys. Mr. Joseph Henry Holder, in the 38th year of his age. He was sick many months and suffered intensely. he had been a merchant n this place for the past ten years, and by acquiring a competency when disease brighted his early hopes. He was an honest kind-hearted man, and many friends lament his death. He leaves a wife and three children. C. H. B.

December 28, 1876
Columbus Daily Enquirer
Dr. James W. Herty, of Milledgeville, died on the 20th. He was twice Mayor of Milledgeville. In early life he was in the navy and posted Western Africa.

January 2, 1877
Southern Christian Avocate
Married By Rev. Jos. B. Lanier, December 20, 1876, at Mr. Reuben Chance's, Lawtonville, Burke county, Ga., Dr. M. D. Lanier, of Milledgeville, to Miss Sylvetta Lovett.

January 9, 1877
Union and Recorder
  Mr. Cullen Wood, an old citizen, died at his residence in the eastern part of the county, on the 31st ult. - aged 84. He had been blind about 15 years.

January 9, 1877
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~DIED, Of Diptheria, December 26, 1876, Grace, youngest child of John D. and Grace S. Pope, of St. Louis, Mo. and grand-daughter of William and Anne McKinley, of Milledgeville.....

January 23, 1877
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ MARRIED - At the Baptist church in this city, on the 22d inst., by Rev. D. E. Bulter, Mr. W. J. Brake and Miss Mary Garratt, both of this city.

February 13, 1877
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ ..Died in Baldwin county, December 18th, 1876, MRS. MATILDA P. SMITH, aged 69 years, 7 months and 16 days.
  The deceased was born in Jackson county in 1807. She moved to Baldwin when she was about ten years of age, where she resided till the day of her death.
  She was married in 1825, (Nov. 25th.) Settling down with her husband amid the virgin forests of her adopted county she added her engergies to his developing the material wealth and beauty of her new home....blessed with a large family of sons and daughters many of whom survive her....

February 13, 1877
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - On the 6th inst., by N. B. Brooks, Esq., at the residence of the bride's mother in this city, Mr. Jerry McConley andMrs. Mary Donelly.

February 13, 1877
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - On the 8th inst., at the house of Mr. James Landham, by N. B. Brooks, Esq., Mr. Jonah Boutwell and Mrs. Sallie Clark.

February 27, 1877
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. On the 21st inst., at the residence of the bride's father, in Midway, by Rev. James Stoney, MR. EDWIN K. LUMPKIN, of Athens, Ga., to
MISS MARY BRYAN, daughter of John G. Thomas, Esq.

March 3, 1877
The Chronicle and Sentinel
     Dime parties are fashionable in Milledgeville.
     The State Agricultural Convention meets in Milledgeville next Tuesday.
     The residence of the late William A. Cook was destroyed by fire last Thursday in Milledgeville.
     A Milledgeville trapper has killed on the island near the mill, this year, two beavers, one weighing fifty-two and the other weighing fifty-four pounds.

March 30, 1877
The Chronicle and Sentinel
    Mrs. J. W. Pounds of Milledgeville, accidentally shot herself in the foot with a pistol last week

April 14, 1877
The Chronicle and Sentinel
 Dime parties continue in Milledgeville.
 A fond mother in Milledgeville, last week, received a letter from her son in Texas, who eleven years ago, had run away from his parents.

April 24, 1877
Southern Christian Advocate
Henry Bugg, son of the late Jackson Bugg (a Confederate soldier), and Mrs. Ella Bugg, all of Columbia County, Ga., died at Milledgeville, January 19, 1877, twenty-five years and a few months old.

May 4, 1877
Macon Telegraph and Messenger
HORRIBLE MURDER. Mrs. Shaw, wife of Mr. Shaw, who lives in this county, about eleven miles from this city, near the Jones county line, was murdered in her house yesterday morning by two black fiends in human shape. Mr. Shaw left home after an early breakfast, crossed Turkey creek near by to cut some timber blown down by the wind on Saturday. He heard a gun-shot at the house, and returned home to find his wife lying at the door with her brains beaten out with a lightwood knot - her skull was broken in several places, also her arm and hand, which she doubtless used to ward off the blows. By her side sat their little daughter, four years of age, who said two black men had killed her mother. Mrs. Shaw was a young woman about twenty-four years of age.
  She was also probably shot in the head. Mr. Shaw's pistol was missing from the mantle. The only clue to the murderers was given by the little child.
  The alarm was given, and neighbors assembled. Blood on the fence showed the direction taken by the murderers. An effort was made to track them with dogs but the effort was unsuccessful. News was received that two suspicious negroes had passed down the Macon road leading to this city. They were pursued by Messrs. Crawford and J. H. Stevens, Bloodworth and Ennis. One of them wa captured in this city, the other three miles beyond, who said he was from Macon and on his way to Washington county. They were lodged in jail, and are unable to give a satisfactory account of themselves.

May 4, 1877
Macon Telegraph and Messenger
THE BALDWIN COUNTY MURDER. The Lady's Husband on Trial for the Murder.
  The following communication from our Milledgeville correspondent puts a far more horrible aspect on the late Baldwin county murder that it has yet bad:
Milledgeville May 3, 1877. Editors Telegraph and Messenger. I must give you some account of a horrible murder which was committed near the western border of Baldwin county last Monday. Mrs. Shaw, the wife of Michael Shaw, was the victim. She was killed by a shot that penetrated her brain from the top of her head, after receiving several severe cuts on the left side of her head from,  probably  a blood piece of light-wood found near by on the ground. The only child of the deceased, a little girl about for years old, was present. Two negroes were pursued on suspicion, and captured east of our city, and were imprisoned for a day; but a more terrible phase of the matter soon presented itself. The little child declared that her father had killed her mother; and so many significant circumstances were found to corroborate this statement that the father was arrested and lodged in jail last night, and the preliminary examination is now in progress in our superior court room before two Justices. But one witness has been examined when I write this. Rumors of the most damaging character against the prisoner are plentiful; but I forebear to specify them lest I do the prisoner injustice, and throw obstacles in the way of getting an unbiased jury should he be held to answer the call.
  Mrs. Shaw, the murdered woman, was a Miss Moore, of the neighborhood where she was married and came to this tragic end. Her mother, a venerable widow lady, is the prosecutrix, who appears against her own son in-law; and of course her own conviction of the guilt of the accused must be very strong to impel her to this appeal to the strong arm of judicial might. The examination will scarcely be concluded today, as a number of witnesses are not under the rule and will be examined in turn. The testimony brought out already shows that the person of the deceased woman was uninjured otherwise than by blows from the heavy lightwood bludgeon mentioned and by the pistol or gun-shot which  penetrated the brain from the top downwards. She must have been below her murderer when he shot, and the ball must have killed her instantly. G.

May 6, 1877
Macon Telegraph and Messenger
THE BALDWIN COUNTY MURDER. Shaw Committed for the Murder of His Wife.
Atlanta, May 5 - About a week ago Mrs. Shaw, wife of a reputable citizen of Milledgeville, Ga., was found dead in her house. She had been terribly beaten and then shot through the head. Her little daughter four years old witnessed the deed. Two Negroes were arrested on suspicion and put in jail. The mother of the murdered woman has since caused the arrest of Shaw, on the charge of killing his wife, an the little daughter has declared that he killed her mother. Mrs. Shaw's mother then swore that her daughter told her the night before the murder that her husband was very angry with her, and requested her to rear the child in case he killed her. In the trial to-day the prisoner told a very inconsistent tale and was committee to the Augusta jail to await his trial in August.

May 8, 1877
Union and Recorder
DIED. Near Milledgeville, Georgia, on the 1st inst., of apoplexy, MRS. FANNIE HOGAN RANDALL, (nee Miss Fannie Hogan) a native of the State of New York. She came South before her marriage as a teacher, and was married to Dr. J. B. Randall.

May 15, 1877
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
THE SHAW MURDER. Further Evidence of the Husband's Guilt
  From our Milledgeville correspondent we learn the following with regard to the late shocking murder in Baldwin county:
  Milledgeville, Ga. May 8, 1877. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: Since my letter of last week, Shaw, charged with the murder of his wife, has been committed by the examining court, and for safe keeping he has been sent to jail in Augusta. An erroneous telegram in relation to the affair appeared in your issue last Sunday in a press dispatch from Atlanta. The woman was killed only five days before - not a week; was found outside of her house  - not within; and she was not "the wife of a respectable citizen of Milledgeville," but resided in the extreme western part of the county, eleven miles from this city. She was a very exemplary young woman, but her husband had some reputation for lawless violence of temper, and he had maltreated her previously. The telegram correctly reported the evidence that the poor murdered woman, fearing her husband would kill her, requested her mother, only the evening before her death, to rear her little daughter if she should be so slain.
  I enclose herewith the report of the examination of witnesses, as it appears briefly in the Union and Recorder of today. Butler, one of the witnesses, and his wife, were the nearest neighbors of Shaw; and Butler's testimony was characterized by much contradictory statement and evident fear of the prisoner.
  Another very significant matter comes to light. The witness, Roberts, on the trial, stated that Shaw told him that his (Shaw's) pistol was missing from the house. The pistol (Shaw's) was discovered, a day or two ago, hidden in a hollow log of wood, some distance from the scene of the murder, wrapped in one of the prisoners bloody garments; placed there of course before his arrest and by the murderer himself.  The murderer's theory to be impressed on Roberts was, that the murder had been committed by negroes, who had carried Shaw's pistol off with them, after murdering his wife with with it.
  Mrs. Shaw was a good woman and a faithful wife to her husband, and is related by blood to people of the highest respectability in our city.
  To-morrow our military are to visit your city, which will doubtless be very gratifying to the visited and the visitors. G.
 Below we give the testimony from the Union and Recorder referred to in the above letter. The whole story is a most horrible one, and we lament the necessity of telling it:
   Dr. I. L. Harris was introduced, as the physician who made the post mortem examination. He testified, that he examined the body of Mrs. Shaw and found the left side of her head badly bruised and gashed, and that there was a hole in  top of skull- might have been a pistol shot wound. He examined the prisoner and found scratches on his face. [On motion this testimony went in on protest.]
   Mrs. Julia Freeny - At home as I heard of the murder I went to Mr. Shaw's. Saw his shirt on the bed; saw blood on it, on the sleeve. Don't know positively that it was his short; white shirt.
   Sarah Moore testified: At home Monday morning. Heard a person scream twice. Looked out and saw Mr. Shaw with his child coming toward my home. He said that some one had killed his wife. Said the child said it was a negro. Blood on child's cheek and clothes. Sunday evening Shaw had on a white shirt. Knew of a bad state of feeling between Shaw and his wife.
  Wm. Roberts testified: Went to Mr. Shaw's about 8 ½ o'clock Monday morning. Saw his wife lying in front of the door. Shaw said his pistol was missing from his house - nothing else.
   David Butler testified: Live with Mr. Shaw. I went to plough, and Mike went across the creek to cut logs. After a while a gun fired and he hollowed to me and asked where the firing was. I said toward his house. Shaw told me to run and get my wife, that his wife was dead. He had on a checkered shirt. He hollowed to me about two hours from the firing of the gun. He had on a checkered shirt Sunday.
   Mrs. Butler testified: Live about 300 yards from Shaw's. Heard screaming, then a gun-shot, then heard Mike call to Butler. It was about a minute from the time of screaming to time of Shaw's calling to Butler. Shaw was about twenty yards from the house when he called Butler. Had on a white shirt sunday - a checkered shirt Monday. Mrs. Shaw told me last Tuesday that she lived on better terms with her husband now that for twelve months.
    Fields testified: Saw Shaw Monday at his house. The scratches on his face were old scratches, scabbed.
   After argument by counsel, the prisoner was committed to jail to await his trial by the Superior Court.
   The prisoner was sent to Richmond county jail for safe keeping.
    The two negroes arrested on suspicion of murdering Mrs. Shaw have been released.

May 16, 1877
Macon Telegraph and Messenger
Dr. Samuel G. White, a well known physician of Milledgeville, died Sunday night. Dr. J. E. Blackshear, of this city, will go over to assist in burying him. The deceased was a Past Deputy Grand Master of Masons for this State.

May 22, 1877
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
   We clip the following from the Union and Recorder.
THE SHAW MURDER CASE. Deputy Sheriff Edwards, assisted by an experienced detective, has been engaged for the week past in searching for additional evidence in the Shaw murder case. He is reticent in the matter, but we learn facts of importance have been discovered and will be brought to light at the proper time. Butler, an important witness, has been arrested and lodged in jail.

June 5, 1877
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ Died in Baldwin county, Ga., April 1st, 1877, at the residence of Mrs. Gibson, her sister, MissMARY ELIZABETH STILES,  daughter of Mr. Joseph and Carrie Stiles, aged 18 years and 8 months; her illness though short was marked by the most intensive suffering.

~excerpt~ Died in this county, on the 31st of May, NAT ARMSTRONG, (colored,) about eighty years old. The deceased, was a good and christian man.

June 12, 1877
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED in this city on the 5th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Underwood, wife of Mr. William H. Underwood, and 2d daughter of the Robt. Micklejohn, Esq. The funeral services too place from the Methodist Church, Wednesday morning-Rev. H. H. Parks, officiating. ...Methodist church...four little children.

July 3, 1877
Southern Christian Advocate
Mrs. Frances R. Leonard nee Darnell, relict of the late Van Leonard, was born in Milledgeville, Ga., January 4, 1804; died near Columbus, Ga., May 29, 1877. J. S. Key

July 7, 1877
The Chronicle and Sentinel
A little colored girl blown from a bridge near Milledgeville, descended 60 feet in perfect safety by means of her parasol acting as a parachute.

July 31, 1877
Union and Recorder
Wesley Smith, the negro who killed a fellow-laborer on Mr. Webb's plantation, about two years ago, was arrested by Sheriff Arnold last Wednesday. He had changed his name and was at work for Mr. Willie Hawkins. In jail he awaits the sitting of the Superior Court.

July 31, 1877
Union and Recorder
  Mrs. Nancy Gentry, wife of Mr. John Gentry, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Henry Walls, in this city, on the 24th inst. Her funeral took place from the Methodist Church Thursday morning. Rev. A. J. Jarrell conducting the services.

August 7, 1877
The Georgia Weekly Telegraph
 Mr.William S. Darnell, a well known citizen of Milledgeville, died last week.
  We clip the following from the Union and Recorder:
  Colonel McAdoo has shipped his furniture to Knoxville, Tenn., and will follow with his family in a few days. He goes back to his old home to become a Professor in the University.
  Wesley Smith, the negro who killed a fellow-laborer on Mr. Webb's plantation about two years ago, was arrested by Sheriff Arnold last Wednesday. He had changed his name and was at work for Mr. Willie Hawkins. In jail he awaits the sitting of the Superior Court.

August 25, 1877
The Macon Telegraph and Messenger
From the Old Capital. Milledgeville, August 25, 1877.
  Editors Telegraph and Messenger. - Our Superior Court has been in session during the entire week, and promises to continue another week. But little of the civil business has been done, most of the time having been occupied in disposing of the criminal docket.
  The most notable case, and the one which has excited the most intense interest, was the State vs. Mike Shaw, charged with murdering his own wife on the 30th of April last. The evidence was mostly circumstantial, and though his case was adroitly managed by Messrs. DuBignon & Whitfield, of our local bar, and Captain Lindsey, of Wilkinson, whose eloquent appeals to the jury were listened to with the most rapt attention by the largest audience perhaps ever assembled in the spacious hall of the House of Representatives, the crowd being variously estimated at from seven hundred to one thousand. Colonel Preston, our able and energetic Solicitor, aided by the popular and fast rising young lawyer of the local bar, and Colonel C. J. Harris, the former efficient Solicitor of your Circuit, conducted the prosecution. We feel proud of Charlie, because he is a Milledgeville raised boy (?) and a worthy descendant of his distinguished father. We are always pleased to welcome him in our midst, and hope he may find his semi-annual visits to our city both agreeable and profitable. The case of Shaw occupied the COurt for two days and extended far into the night of the second, the jury, at 11:30 p.m., on Thursday, returning a verdict of guilty. On Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in the presence of an immense crowd, Judge Bartlett sentenced the unfortunate man to be hanged on the 19th of October next. The prisoner stood, the frontispiece in this solemn scene, the large drops of perspiration covering his brow, otherwise stoically indifferent, while behind him stood his brother and his stepfather, with Shaw's only child, a little girl, 3 or 4 years old, in his arms, seemingly unconscious of the awful fate awaiting her only surviving parent. What an experience for one of tender years  - to have been an eye witness of the brutal murder of her mother, and then to be a spectator when her father is sentenced to death as the perpetrator of the foul deed. As the scene closed and the vast crowd dispersed, proud as  I to say, for the credit of poor human nature, that hundreds of quivering lips were seen, and the sympathetic tear coursed down the cheek of many a manly form.

August 28, 1877
Columbus Daily Enquirer
  After the jury's terrible verdict Thursday night in Milledgeville, Shaw was removed to the jail, where he gave way to the long pent up emotions of his nature and wept copiously. Before entering his cell he wildly threw his arms around his mother's neck and seemed to fully realize the awful fate in store for him.

September 4, 1877
Union and Recorder
  Married on the 27th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by  Rev. J. M. Langford, Mr. W. B. Breedlove, of Baldwin county, to Miss Aurelia J. Bell, daughter of Mr. J. Ross Bell, of Wilkinson county.

September 19, 1877
The Chronicle and Sentinel
Hons. W. A. Little, of Columbus, and Geo. F. Pierce, Jr., of Sparta, are doing good work for Milledgeville, it is said. A finer team seldom works together.

October 2, 1877
Union and Recorder
    AGED CITIZEN IS GONE. Mr. John Gentry died at his home in this city on Sunday night lat, after a very brief illness. - He had passed beyond the "three score and ten" years which the Psalmist allots to man, and has now, a useful and honorable career, been "gathered to his fathers." Mr. Gentry has filled several of the county and corporation offices, with efficiency and fidelity. Peace to his ashes.

   DROWNED - A colored man named Charles Miller was drowned last week int he Oconee, a few miles below this city while engaged in fishing a fish basket.

October 16, 1877
Union and Recorder
DEATH OF MISS ELOISE F. WITHERS. It is with sincere regret we announce the death of Miss Eloise F. Withers, daughter of Gen. Withers of Mobile, which occured at the residence of her brother-in-law, Gen. Bryan M. Thomas, in this vicinity, on Sabbath evening last. Miss Withers had been spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. Thomas, and we learn had gained the warm regard of many of our young people.
  Her illness was of very brief duration, probably less than sixty hors, and her unexpected death was quite a shock to our community.

October 17, 1877
The Macon Telegraph and Messenger
Sad Death. We learned last evening of the said death of Miss Withers, of Mobile, Alabama, daughter of General J. M. Withers, late of the Confederate army, in Midway, Georgia, near Milledgeville.
  Miss Withers was in company and went over with General Hardee's wife to spend some time with friends at Midway. She was on her way to Washington City, where she was to spend the winter. She died of heart disease.
  General Withers passed through the city last evening for Milledgeville and will take the remains back to Mobile for interment.

November 6, 1877
Union and Recorder
Sam Munday, the most polite colored man we ever met, died at his residence near this city on Saturday last, and was buried at the cemetery for the colored people, near this place on Sunday. Sam for years before and up to the time of the liberation of the slaves, belonged to Mr. S. O. Franklin, of Tennille. His master kept him at the railroad depot, where he acted as Express agent. Sam always kept the money safe and not one complaint was ever brought against him for dishonesty or mismanagement. While acting as agent be acquired the name of "Polite Sam", which he bore to the day of his death.

November 6, 1877
Union and Recorder
ACCIDENTAL DEATH. While sitting in a window over the  store of Charles H. Matthews on Thursday night last, Mr. T. R. Christian accidentally fell to the ground from a height of twenty feet and received injuries which cased his death in a few hours.
   Mr. Christian was a skilled printer and had but recently moved to this place.

DEATH - We regret to learn that Mr. John W. Chandler died at his home in this county, on the morning of the 3rd instant, after a lingering illness of slow fever. He was the second son of Mr. Eliphalet Chandler, and was in the 23d year of his age. He was married about a year ago. He was a quiet, good citizen, beloved by all who knew him, and many friends mourn that a life so full of promise should end in early manhood. His funeral took place at Black Spring, of which church he was a member, on Sunday morning. We tender to the aged father, the young wife, and other relatives, our sympathy in their said bereavement.

November 13, 1877
Union and Recorder
DEATH OF A CENTENNARY. Gallitie Foard, col, died on the 1st inst, at the house of Mary Marlor in this place of old age. The dec'd was born in the Island of St. Domingo about 100 years ago. And it is singular that her lifetime should have been spent as a servant in the same family.
  Her first master Mon. LaBourdais, Fa wealthy French planter of that Island, and the great, great, grandfather of Mrs. Carrington and Mrs. Nisbet, during the revolution fled to the United States bringing Gallitie with him. After his death she became the servant of his daughter Mrs. James DeLauney and after her death she fell to the family of F. V. Delauney, Esq., in which she continued until 1855, when she went into the family of Mrs. Carrington, where she remained until her emancipation.
  Since then Mary Marlor and old "fellow servant," has supported her in her old age like a kind daughter. Gallitie died without a relative in the world. Through life she had an unblemished character for truth, honesty and industry, and was possessed of a dignity of deportment and propriety of manner which induced the respect of every one. She lived to see the descendents of her ld master, even to the fifth generation, whose kind attentions around her deathbed and their offerings of flowers at her grave, bore witness of their love for the good and faithful "Mammy Gallitie" as she was called by them.

November 13, 1877
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. On Wednesday, November 7th, 1877, in Baldwin County, at the residence of the bride's father, by W. J. T. Ray, Esq., Mr. LEWIS M. SMITH and Miss MARTHA F. MARTIN, both of said county.

CHAMBERLAIN-BROWN. On the 8th inst., by Rev. G. T. Goetchins, Mr. SAMUEL CHAMBERLAIN, and Miss MATTIE BROWN, all of this county.

MEADOWS - VEAL - On Sunday the 4th inst., at the bride's residence, in Hancock county, by F. Minor, Esq., Mr. F. M. MEADOWS of Baldwin county and
Miss M. M. VEAL.

November 20, 1877
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, PROSSER-LAWSON. On the 11th inst., by J. F. Gregory, Esq., Mr. A. H. PROSSER and Mrs. F. E. LAWSON, all of Baldwin county, Ga.

November 27, 1877
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. On the 22 inst. under the same ceremony performed by T. S. Bagley, Esq., the following couples made the hymenial vows. Mr. Jessie Lee of Baldwin county, andMiss Martha A. F. Butler of Jones county. Mr. John Lee of Baldwin county and Miss Lizzie A. Butler of Jones county.

November 29, 1877
The Macon Telegraph and Messenger
  Yesterday at twelve o'clock, at the residence of Hon. J. T. Nisbet, Rev. George T. Goetchins, of Milledgeville, and MissPauline A. Wingfield, of Macon, were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock, by Rev. A. W. Clisby, Pastor of the Presbyterian church, of Macon.
  The bride is one of the most lovely and highly esteemed ladies of our city, and her large circle of friends regretted to give her up. She is the daughter of the late Hon. James Wingfield, of Eatonton.
  The groom is the talented and beloved pastor of the Presbyterian church of Milledgeville. But a few friends were present at the ceremony. The couple were the recipients of quite a number of handsome presents. Among them was a very pretty silver spoon-holder and a bell presented by the young ladies of the high school. The happy couple left on the fast train yesterday afternoon for Milledgeville. A large number of the former pupils of the bride were at the depot to bid her good bye. We wish the greatest happiness to the newly wedded couple. May the future always be as bright as the present.

December 18, 1877
Union and Recorder
  Married on the 18th inst; at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Geo. T. Goetchins, Mr.Herbert Tatum to MissMattie Malone, daughter of Mr. Jno. Malone, all of this county.

December 18, 1877
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, In this city, on Wednesday afternoon, at the residence of the bride's father, Capt. Howard Tinsley, by the Rev. J. M. Stoney, MISS MARY TINSLEY, AND MR. LYMAN H. COMPTON, of this city.

December 18, 1877
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, On Thursday morning the 11th inst., at the residence of Gen. S. P. Myrick, in Midway, near this city, by Rev. H. H. Parks, Mr. J. G. Beazly, of Russell county, Alabama, to MissGoodwin Myrick, a daughter of the late Dr. J. W. Myrick, of this county.

December 18, 1877
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, On Sunday afternoon last at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Geo. T. Goetchius, MR. EDWARD B. BROWN, of Sparta, Ga. to Miss FANNY H. HUNTER, daughter of Mr. R. L. Hunter of this city.

December 18, 1877
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, By Jas. F. Gregory Esq., at the residence of the bride on the 15th inst. Mr. J. T. Allen to Mrs. Lousiana J. Rogers, all of Baldwin County.

December 24, 1877
The Atlanta Constitution
From the Macon Telegraph we clip the following account of a brilliant wedding in that city. Both the groom and his accomplished bride have many friends in Atlanta:
  Last night, at St Paul's, one of the most brilliant social occurrences of the season took place, in the marriage of Mr. Robert Whitfield of Milledgeville, to Miss Effie Harris, of this city.
  The Episcopal service, was read with the usual emotion by the gifted rector, Rev. R. F. Jackson, Jr., and the two were linked together, for life for weal or woe.
  The attendants were four of the bride's former classmates, and were Miss Lillian Roberts and Miss Fannie Reese, Miss Lelia Gordon and Miss Katie Tinsley, and Mr. Wylie Harris, brother of the bride.
  The bride was handsomely attired in white organdy trimmed with lace, with a flowing bridal veil of delicate texture and looked very lovely. The bridesmaids were dressed in while and looked beautiful and very sweet.  After the ceremony the bridal pair and the attendants had a handsome collation at the residence of the bride's father. They left on the Atlanta train last evening for a short tour to Atlanta and from thence to Milledgeville, their future home.
   Miss Harris is a daughter of our townsman, Colonel J. C. Harris, lately chosen by his fellow citizens to a seat in the lower branch of the legislature, and granddaughter of Judge Iverson L. Harris, whose name in known by every lover of the past of our state.
  Mr. Whitfield is a rising young attorney in Milledgeville.
   We wish for them clear skies and soft breezes as they float down the stream of time.

  On Tuesday morning there was another of those sociable events which are becoming of daily occurrence in this city. Miss Mary M. Martin, of Norcross, on the the most popular and accomplished young ladies of North Georgia, was married to Capt.  H.V. Sanford, of Milledgeville. The ceremony took place at the residence of Col. F. J. Calhoun on Whitehall street, the Rev. H. H. Parks, of the Methodist church officiating, at 9 o'clock a.m., in the presence of a few friends, and the couple left for Milledgeville, on the Georgia railroad at 9:30.
  Captain Sanford is one of the leading merchants of Milledgeville, and though doughtless a friend of his own city, nevertheless, is a hearty admirer of our section of Georgia, at this event demonstrates.
  Life-long happiness attend them. We can safely say this is one Milledgeville man who will be satisfied with Atlanta hereafter.


January 1, 1878
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. In this county, on the 26th ult., by W. H. H. Barnes, Esq., Mr. G.  F. ROBERSON and Miss ELLA A. STEMBRIDGE.
      In this county, on the 28th ult., by W. H. H. Barnes, Esq., Mr. SAMUEL J. MORAN and Miss MARTHA F. BONNER.

January 8, 1878
Southern Christian Avocate
Married By Rev. H. H. Parks, December 18, 1877, at the residence of Mr. Calhoun, Atlanta, Ga., Mr. H. V. Sanford, of Milledgeville, Ga. (firm of Mapp & Sanford) to MissMary Martin, formerly of Norcross, Ga.

January 8, 1878
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. On the 3rd inst., by Peter Fair, Esq., Mr. Henry Westbrook, and Miss Gertrude Millirons.

January 10, 1878
Columbus Sun-Enquirer
DIED - While sitting at his dinner table on Sunday last, Mr. Martin E. Edwards, of Milledgeville was taken very ill, and on being removed to his bed, died in a few minutes. Age 78 years.

January 15, 1878
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. On the 8th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. N. B. Binion, Mr. CHARLES E. BROWN to Miss MOLLIE J. BASS, daughter of Benj. I. Bass, Esq,. all of Baldwin county.
   In this city on Thursday evening last, by Rev. J. H. Allen, Mr. CHARLES E. WALL and Miss NARCISSA A. daughter of Mr. Jas. B. Leonard, all af this place.
   In this city on the 5th inst., at the Methodist Parsonage by the Rev. Geo. G. Smith, Mr. Geo. G. T. Swan of Savannah and Mrs. Lilla Foard of Midway.

January 15, 1878
Union and Recorder
~ecerp~DIED - On the 5th inst., Miss Carrie Elizabeth Chandler, youngest daughter of Eliphalet and Elizabeth Chandler, of this county, aged 14 years, 2 months and 23 days.
  Only a week or two since, we announced the death of a brother of the subject of this notice, a young man in the prime of life and usefulness, and the strong support on which his aged parents might hope to lean in the decline of life. Now the young and beloved daughter is taken away, the light and joy of the household, the helpful companion of her mother and the comfort and hope of her father.

February 5, 1878
Union and Recorder
HATTIE CAMPBELL, infant daughter of Mr. William A. Jarratt, Jr., died on the 1st instant.

MRS. SCOGIN died at the residence of her son, Mr. Joseph S. Scogin, on Sunday, 27th ult. She was over eighty years of age.

February 18, 1878
Union and Recorder
  Five prisoners are confined in the county jail awaiting trial. Among them, Rufus Veal, who figured somewhat in the investigation of the shaw murder cases, who is charged with being accessory in the murder committed upon one Bostwick, colored.
See July 16 1878

March 12, 1878
Southern Christian Avocate
Mrs. Nellie Candler Longino died in Palmetto, Ga., January 24, 1878, aged twenty six years, three months, and thirteen days. She was born at Villa Rica, Carroll county, Ga., but while she was quiet young her parents removed to Milledgeville. After the war her parents removed to Atlanta, but soon after her father died. She lived with her brothers in law, most of the time with Mr. Young Garrett in Atlanta. She was married February 13, 1873, to Dr. T. S. Longino of Palmetto, Ga.

April 23, 1878
Daily Constitution
-Milledgeville wants a library
-Col. William McKinley of Milledgeville, is again ill.
-There were seventeen car loads of corn sold in Milledgeville in one day last week.
-Thomas F. Houston is memorial day orator in Milledgeville, and Col. Miller Grieve, marshal

May 7, 1878
Union and Recorder
DEATH OF COL. MCKINLEY.   Another honored name has been added to the death roll of this community.
  Col. McKinley died at his residence near this city on Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock. His health has been failing for two or three years but until recently no one supposed he had nearly reached the term of his earthly existence. He will be greatly missed in this community. His large law practice, his untiring application to business, his promptness to come to the front in an emergency involving the interest of our people, his geniality and courtesy in social intercourse, his extensive knowledge of men and things, all tended to make him a man of note and a leader in the county in which he has lived so many years.
Col. WILLIAM MCKINLEY, was born in Abbeville District, S. C., in 1809. He was a son of Dr. Archibald C. McKinley and grand-son of Rev. Frances Cummings, D.D. He moved to Green county, Ga., in 1814, and to Oglethorpe county in 1824; graduated at Franklin College in 1830 or '31; studied law under Judge Lumpkin, and began it's practice at once, in Oglethorpe county; represented that county in the legislature in 1835 and '36; and was first lieutenant in a company from Oglethorpe in the Indian war of 1836. He moved to Baldwin county in 1849, following the occupation of a planter till 1852, when he again resumed the practice of law, in this place. At that time the Milledgeville bar included some of the ablest lawyers in the State. Harris, Kenan, and Rockwell were in the meridian of their power. Col. McKinley soon took rank along with the leading lawyers of this section, and the ability and diligence with which he labored for his clients secured him a large practice. He represented this county in the general assembly in 1874-5. In politics he was a life-long States Rights democrat; but he was devoted to his profession and never sought office.
   He was a member of the Presbyterian Church for fifty-five years, and an elder more than thirty years.
   His funeral took place from the Presbyterian Church  in this city at 10 1/2 o'clock Sunday morning. The burial services were conducted by Rev. G. T. Goetchius and Rev. G. G. Smith, The pallbearers were Messrs. D. B. Sanford, C. P. Crawford, F. C. Furman, W. W. Williamson, F. G. Dubignon, Robt. Whitfield, O. Arnold and Walter Paine.
    His loss to his family, to whose interest and happiness he was so ardently devoted is one that they alone can properly appreciate. May they find comfort and consolation from Him who said: "Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."

May 7, 1878
Union and Recorder
DIED - At his residence in this county on the 5th inst., Dr. Austin Neel, aged 56 years and 2 months.

May 7, 1878
Daily Constitution
-Jule Cummings, who was shot in Milledgeville is recovering.
-Rust reported on the wheat in Baldwin county.
-A great swimming match is to come off near Milledgeville
-A foot race is to come off at Milledgeville next Wednesday.
-A library association has been organized in Milledgeville, C. P.. Crawford, president.
-B.R. Herty has been elected captain of the Baldwin Blues, of Milledgeville.
-Mr. W. H. Scott, aged sixty years, a resident of Milledgeville, has never played a game of chance, never drank a dram, never smoked, and never took a chew of tobacco.
-Captain C. W. Ennis, writes a card to the Milledgeville Old Capital, concerning the charge that his brother, P.T. Ennis, fired the shot, at the proper time will prove he was 12 miles distant when the shooting occurred.

May 10, 1878
Daily Constitution
Roundabout in Georgia
Milledgeville Recorder: A boat race is announced for Wednesday afternoon next, at 4 o'clock. Mayor Sam Walker will enter the Alice, oar boat, Mr. Bazemore, the May Flower, Mr. John Edwards the Betsy, Mr. Tom White, the Mollie, and last but not least the little Emma, side wheeler will be entered by her owner. The race will be exciting, and those who wish to witness it had best congregate on the common near the mouth of Fishing creek.

May 16, 1878
Daily Constitution
Roundabout in Georgia
-Work on the park at Milledgeville is progressing finely.
-A few days ago the residence of P.T. Ennis, of Baldwin, of Baldwin county, was destroyed by fire.
-The Baldwin Blues and the Early County Guards will contest, with others, for the prize at the Albany fair.
-Milledgeville has a library dramatic club, E. P. Speer, president; R. Whitfield, vice-president, T. F. Houston, secretary, and M. Grieve, stage manager.
-Milledgeville Recorder: The population of Milledgeville in 1870 was 2,750. It is now about 4,000. There are 500 houses in the city. At the last census the females had the majority of something less than 300, the colored females outnumbering the white males about 100.
-The Milledgeville Union and Recorder says: The meeting of farmers and gardeners of Baldwin county on the first Saturday in June, will be at the state house in the representative hall. The object is to originate a series of social gatherings among the families of farmers, and excite a pleasant rivalry in the production of those things which sustain and beautify the country.

June 11, 1878
Union and Recorder
DIED in this county, at the residence of her grandfather, Mr. J. J. Buck,GUSSIE, daughter of Mrs. Susan T. Laimer, in the tenth year of her age. Little Gussie was a smart and lovely child-had wond the affections of all the family and friends. She had been afflicted with a scrofulous tumor on her neck, for six years, which grew to be lare and affected her whole system causing much suffering until death came to her relief. She was conscious that she could not live long and told her mother and sisters, she was anxious to die. Her remains were carried to Linton and placed in the Chapel of the Washington Institute, where many of the citizens and scholars assembled and looked at her lovely face for the last time. The Rev. T. J. Adams made some very appropriate remareks, and read a portion of Scripture about David grieving for his child-refused to eat, until told it was dead-then washed and ate. The remains of poor little GUSSIE was then placed in the Linton Cemetery, by the side of her father, J. W. Latimer, to await the resurrection. A FRIEND. June 5th, 1878.

June 20, 1878
Daily Constitution
Roundabout in Georgia
Mr. N. B. Brooks, of Milledgeville, is dead.
Milledgeville Union and Recorder: Mr. J. M. Martin says that without an accident he will make corn enough to do him for two years.
Milledgeville Union and Recorder: A farmer of experience says Baldwin county is in better condition to-day that it has been since "freedom" bloomed.
Milledgeville Recorder: Occurred last Friday afternoon by which four of the trustees of the lunatic asylum, Colonel L. N. Whittle, Colonel J. S.. Pinckard, General S. P. Myrick and Captain T.F. Newell, received painful injuries. They had met at the asylum to look after the affairs of the institution, and visiting the water works about one mile distant, they occupied together a spring wagon. In passing over a rough, rocky road near Thomas's mill, a wheel of the vehicle broke and the gentlemen were thrown with considerable violence upon the rocks. Colonel Whittle struck on his head, and was insensible for some moments. Colonel Pinckard was considerably bruised, receiving injuries in a shoulder and side. Captain Newell received several ugly gashes in the face and bled profusely. General Myrick was more fortunate, and escaped with a slight injury to one of his knees. The doctors at the asylum were unable to find any broken bones, and we trust these gentlemen will soon recover entirely from their injury. Colonels Whittle and Pinckard left for their homes on Saturday afternoon. Captain Newell has been confined to his room since the accident.

June 25, 1878
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ In Memoriam. Death has visited our community and removed a most esteemed lady, Mrs. S. J. E. Moran. She died Thursday night, June 13th, at her father's residence, after a protracted illness of six years.
  Mrs. Moran was born in Baldwin county November 12th  1836, and was the eldest daughter of S. G. and Mary Chandler. She embraced, in early life, the religion she carried with her to the grave, at Black Springs Baptist Church......
  In her 21st year, she married J. W. Moran, and an incense of pure and holy love surrounded his family..l;;aged parents..bowed with grief....She leaves a devoted husband, and three children....

July 2, 1878
Union and Recorder
DEATH - James Prosser, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prosser, died in this county, on the 22d ult., after an illness of three weeks. His disease was the "slow fever" which has been so fatal in that neighborhood. He was sixteen years of age, and gave bright promise of usefulness. He was beloved by all who knew him. His death is a sad blow to his parents and a devoted brother.

July 9, 1878
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  The Milledgeville Old Capital reports Shaw, the wife murderer, in good health, having fully recovered from the effects of the poison he took some time since. He had his coat burned up one night last week, and has written home for another which he will wear just two weeks from last Friday.

July 16, 1878
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
The Last Moments of the Doomed Man - The Fatal Leap.
  Yesterday, at Milledgeville, Mike Shaw paid the extreme penalty of the law, and on him was executed the sentence which the laws of our country, framed in justice, wisdom and moderation, imposed.
  The event was one which will never be forgotten by those who were in any way connected with the fearful legal tragedy while the pauseless years roll on,
  The amount of public attention which has always centered around the case was quite remarkable. The murder of a woman always has more interest about it than that of one of the sterner sex, and the murder of Mrs. Shaw was so brutal, and around it has always hung, in the popular mood, the cloak of mystery, and as nearly all of the evidence in the case was circumstantial, the interest had never faded away.
  The various stages of the case were closely watched, and there was the culmination of popular interest in the immense crowd which came into the city of Milledgeville, on yesterday.
  Since the trail and sentence, Mike Shaw has been confined for safe keeping, in the jails of Richmond and Fulton counties. More recently, he has been an inmate of the latter prison.
   A few weeks since, he was carried to Milledgeville from Atlanta, and re-sentenced after the adverse decision of the Supreme Court, on his case.
  He was then carried back to Atlanta.
  On the 11t instant, Sheriff Arnold, of Baldwin county, brought him down to Milledgeville, for the last time, for him to pay the fearful penalty of the law.
   Within the doomed man, the hopes of life were very strong.
  One the way down, Sheriff Arnold observed that he retained over his hands two handkerchiefs which he constantly moved about. A search revealed a small steel instrument  - a saw on one side and a knife on the other- and with this he was attempting to saw his irons. About Social Circle a key was found on his person. He was then tied to the seat. Four more keys were found on him by the time he reached Milledgeville.
  The last night he was placed in a cell in the second story of the jail of Baldwin county and chained to the floor.
  At a little after dark he partook heartily of supper. The  night was spent in sleeplessness.
  There were strong reason to apprehend some demonstration by his friends, and a rescue was feared. To meet these demostrations, if made, or to prevent them, if contemplated, a detachment of the Baldwin Blues guarded the jail with ceaseless tread.
  Through the still watches of the e night a flickering hope seemed to play over the soul of the fated criminal, and while is feeble beams lasted, sleep was banished. As morning dawned he fell into a trouble slumber for a short while.
  At 7 o'clock he
eating with some relish. At half-past seven divine service was held and mass said by Rev. Father Bazin, of Macon, and the holy communion of the Catholic Church was administered.
  In the cell with him were Rev. Louis Baxin, of Macon; Rev. William Quinlaw of Atlanta, his spiritual adviser at that place, and Rev. Thomas O'Hara, of Milledgeville. These three divines remained with him until the last sad scene of all, doing all in their power to administer the comforts and consolation of the Catholic religion. They advise and urged him to make a public confession, if he had committed the crime.
  He talked with remarkable calmness of the approaching event. About nine o'clock he lost his self-command and wept. A little later his counsel visited him, and to them he expressed himself entirely satisfied with their efforts in his behalf.
  His mother did not come to see him but sent him a letter. He read it and burst into tears.
 Several of the relatives of Shaw came to see him about 11 o'clock. The meeting between him and Henry Miller, his
was affecting in the extreme. The two men locked each other in an embrace and then sinking down on his knees at his feet Miller clasped his brother about the waist and remained, both weeping, in the position for some time.
  His step-father, a gray-haired old man, and another brother, were also deeply affected.
  There, in a cell about ten by twelve, sat the doomed man, waiting for a few more ticks of the clock to mark the hour when his life would be a forfeit to the law. He sat with his coat off, pale and haggard, with a prayer-book in his hand. His eyes were very piercing, and burning with a brilliancy engendered by the terrible importance of the occasion, they looked almost demon-like.
    At eleven he was asked if he would have something to eat, but declined.
  At 11½ o'clock the priests returned and he entrusted to their care his little daughter. He requested a private interview with Father Quinlan, which was granted.
  The hour of twelve drew near. Friends took their leave.
  At 12 his shackles were broken and handcuffed. He was marched to a carriage and under a strong guard of infantry and cavalry he was carried to the gallows, erected a half miles from the centre of the city, by the banks of the Oconee river. Here an enclosure eighteen feet high by eighteen feet square had been erected. In it was the gibbet, itself eighteen feet in height.
  Around it the troops deployed, the Baldwin Blues in command of Captain B. R. Herty, the cavalry commanded by Mr. Ennis and the whole force commanded by Colonel Miller Grieve.
  Before entering the enclosure, Shaw was allowed an opportunity to address the crowd.
  A confession or something of that kind was expected. He said, "I stand my friends here to-day, charged with a crime I never committed. Hoped the people would pass over his sins. That he was heartily sorry for them all, and hoped God would forgive him." The Creed and Lord's prayer were then recited.
  He was then taken inside, and the religious rites of the Catholic church were impressively read. The last words of farewell were spoken.
were adjusted, the feet and arms pinioned, and the trap put in readiness. Leaning against one of the posts of the gallows the unfortunate man, with his eyes blinded to the outer worlds by the black cap began to pray. He sent up a petition which was touching in its simplicity and peculiarly comprehensive. He spoke in a very low voice scarcely audible. He prayed first for himself, for his
for his father, his brothers, counsel, little daughter and those who had engaged to take care of her. He then offered a general petition for everyone.
  The sheriff here interrupted him and said, "Mike, stand further to the right in the middle of the plant." He did so, intimating that he was ready. Hen then said: "Good bye Mr. Arnold; tell your wife good bye for me. One thing I want to ask, don't let me hang any longer than I am dead."
  The doomed man then standing n the centre of the trap resumed his prayer and with the words "this is the last time, oh God-" on his lips the timbers were sprung and with
Mike Shaw fell to the full length of the rope, and was suspended between heaven and earth. The fatal fall occurred precisely at one o'clock. The body was terribly convulsed. The hands twitched nervously, and the whole frame trembled like an aspen leaf.
  The nevrous twitching ceased at four minutes, and a crucifix which was firmly clasped in his hand until then fell to the ground.
  At five minutes his pulse beat 120 to the minute, at six minutes 96, and gradually decreased until it became to indistinct to be counted. At ten minutes the pulse was gone, and at thirty-seven minutes he was pronounced dead, and the soul of Michael Shaw was in the presence of his Maker
  The fall was
   The neck was not broken and death resulted from strangulation.
  The remains were turned over to the friends of the deceased and were carried on the Central road train to Stevens' Pottery, and thence to his late home for burial.
  The physicians examining the body were Drs.  Whitaker and Talbird, assisted by Drs. Harper Smith and Lockhart.
  Just before the fatal fall the crowd made a rush for the enclosure. The infantry promptly repelled the advance, and one colored man was slightly wounded with a bayonet.
  To the last Shaw refused to be interviewed, and made an affidavit the night before the execution that he had authorized no life of himself to be published.
in the city was composed principally of colored people. Nearly five thousand were on the grounds. The streets along the line of march to the gibbet were crowded.
  Representatives of the New York Hearld, Atlanta Constitution and the Macon Telegraph and Messenger were present and witnessed the execution.
for which Mike Shaw suffered is still fresh in the minds of our readers. Mrs. Shaw was killed on the 30th of April, 1877, by a blow on the head with a heavy light-wood bludgeon, and a gun-shot wound in the head.
  He was arrested on the testimony of his little girl, about four years of age, and by his manner betrayed himself.
   The case was tried at the August term of the Superior Court of Baldwin county and the defendant convicted of murder. It was carried to the Supreme Court on a motion for a new trial, which was refused, and nothing remained but to await the coming of the day of execution/
   Shaw was but twenty-six years of age at the time of his execution. He was born and raised in Baldwin county. He bore a bad character throughout the county, and is supposed to have been connected with a score of murders.
  He was what is known as a dangerous man.
  Many incidents and rumors of desperate deeds are told of the executed man which are enough to make the stoutest heart quake. This is the firs white person hung in Baldwin county in more that forty years, and it was the earnestly expressed wish of many that twice forty years may pass before another hanging shall again occur.

July 16, 1878
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ At the same term of the court the Grand Jury found a true bill against him for the murder of a negro whose bones were found in an old well near his residence.

July 16, 1878
Atlanta Constitution
The Man Who Saved the Treasury.
Milledgeville Old Captial.
   We had a pleasant call from Mr. A. I. Butts, of this county, on Monday, the honest old yeoman in whose care Treasurer Jack Jones left the books, money and accounts of the state when the federals seized the government in '65. Mr. Butts is a resident of this county and lives nine miles from the city, east. Treasurer Jones' clerk, Capt. Williams, and an assistant drove out of the city in the dark, in a two horse wagon laden with these important state papers and money, and on consultation it was determined to leave them with Arthur I. Butts, a man noted for his Spartan firmness and sterling honesty. The part arrived at Mr. Butts' farm house just before the dawn, awoke him and stated their mission. He accepted the charge, and with the help of his good wife and the refugees, these valuable state papers were soon locked in a dairy, where they remained until Treasurer Angier was installed in office. Mr. Butts is a hale, hearty man, seventy years of age, and is proud yet of the part he acted in flanking Ruger's march on the state treasury.

July 30, 1878
Union and Recorder
Death of Mr. Samuel G. Chandler. We regret to learn that Mr. S. G. Chandler died at his residence, at Black Spring, yesterday morning, at 4 o'clock. He had been in feeble health for more than a year past, and had been confined to his bed for three weeks. He was in the sixty-third year of his age. He came to this county in 1843, from Goshen, N. H. He was a member of the Baptist Church at Black Spring. H was buried there yesterday afternoon. He leaves a wife and three daughters. He was a quiet, inoffensive man, and good citizen -kind-hearted, industrious and accommodating, he was beloved by all who knew him, and will be sadly missed by family and friends. Conscious of his approaching dissolution he gave directions about his affairs and committed his family to the care of our Heavenly Father.

August 17, 1878
Daily Constitution
Mr. J. W. Wesley Hall, of Baldwin county, who was thrown from his mule about a month since, receiving injuries in the head, has been sent to the Asylum.

August 18, 1878
Daily Constitution
The Milledgeville Old Capitol has entered upon its second year. It is one of the best and most industriously editored papers in the state. Mr. Eugene Speer, the editor, is a born paragrapher, and with the exception perhaps of young Pleasant Stovall, of the Augusta Chronicle, has no rival in that line in Georgia. The Old Capitol is a prime favorite of ours.

September 8, 1878
Daily Constitution
   Miss Mary Bethune, of Milledgeville, Georgia as tender her services as a nurse to the plaque-stricken city of Memphis. Unacclimated as she must know herself to be, it is an act of moral heroism to go into the presence of the dread monster to wait upon and serve the sick. She bears with her the remonstrance's as well as sympathies of loving and admiring friends.

September 10, 1878
Union and Recorder
  At a camp meeting (colored) across the river, 3 miles from town, on Sunday last, a negro named Jack Simmons, was killed by Mr. E. A. Ennis. The facts below, are furnished us by one of the jury of inquest.
   Two negroes named Pearson and another negro, name not now known, agreed to have a fistcuff. After fighting sometime, Jack Simmons came to the spot, tried to stop them, brandishing his pistol threatening to shot. Another negro, Jack Trawick, uncle of
Gus Pearson, seeing Simmons about to shoot, got a pole and tried to run Jack off. Mr. Ben Ennis hearing of the fuss (and being officer of the Peace) told Jack Simmons to put his pistol up. Jack refused to do so. Ennis told him if he didn't he'd get a stick and make him do so. While he stepped aside to get a stick, Mr. E. A. Ennis went up, and said "Jack put that pistol up sir, if you don't I'll make you." Jack put his pistol under his coat, not taking his hand off, and stepped back a few paces, and drew the pistol again, in an attitude of shooting Mr. E. A. Ennis, who seeing this, commenced firing, and shot three times. Jack fell, and while falling shot three times.
  It was a disgraceful affair-the negroes all being drunk.
  The verdict of the Corner's Jury was that the killing was justifiable.

September 10, 1878
Columbus Daily Enquirer-Sun
Judge Thomas W. White died in Milledgeville last Thursday.

September 24, 1878
Union and Recorder
 Last Saturday night, shortly after dark, Sidney Harris was shot and killed by Mr A. Dunn, city policeman. The circumstances as related to us are these:
  Mr. Dunn was at home eating supper, when he was called upon to arrest a man who was passing along Hancock street firing his pistol.  Mr. D. went in pursuit. After crossing the Central railroad, the man making the disturbance, who proved to be Sidney Harris, colored, halted, took to a gully for a breastwork, and fired upon his pursuer. The night was dark, and Mr. Dunn, guided by the flash of Harris' pistol, fired in that direction. The ball from his pistol found a lodgment in the brain of the desperado.
  An inquest was held before the man was removed from the spot. Two witnesses were examined, whose testimony substantiated the facts above stated. the jury returned a verdict of "justifiable homicide." The man who lost his life was employed on the plantation of Capt. Newell near this city.
  Too much whiskey and a pistol was the cause of the blood tragedy. The law against carrying concealed weapons cries loudly for enforcement.
  An investigation before the City Council yesterday failed to bring out anything materially differing from the above statement.

September 26, 1878
Columbus Daily Enquirer-Sun
Jonathan Miller, and old citizen of Baldwin county, died Monday. Aged 90 years.

October 1, 1878
Georgia Weekly Telegraph and Georgia Journal & Messenger
ANOTHER MURDER, ALL FOR FUN. Under this head, the Sandersville Herald has the following.
  We learn that a sad tragedy has occurred in Baldwin county, resulting in the death of a negro boy, which like the shooting of the colored boy, Will Wilson, a few weeks ago, was all for fun.  A party of colored boys met together and held a mock court, all duly organized with judge, jury, lawyers, witnesses, etc. One of their number was tried for some offense, witnesses examined, speeches from the lawyers, charge of the judge delivered, and a verdict rendered by the jury of guilty. The sentence of death was pronounced by the judge, and a rope was immediately placed around the neck of the criminal, and thrown over some place to secure it, and the culprit made to stand upon a chair. The chair was then removed and the victim left dangling in the air until life was extinct. The youthful members of the court affirm they would have taken him down, but he did not tell them to do so, and they supposed he was kicking his feet about for sport. He, however, was doubtless so strangled as to be unable to speak.

October 10, 1878
Daily Constitution
Death of Captain B.R. Herty.
   Tuesday Captain Bernard R. Herty, of Milledgeville, died suddenly in that city. The news will be heard with regret by many in Atlanta, where Captain Herty lived soon after the war. He was a druggist of rare experience and a gentleman whose genial qualities made him friends wherever he went. At the time of his death he was captain of the Baldwin Blues.

October 15, 1878
Union and Recorder
Mrs. Sarah Barnes, wife of Mr. Frank Barnes of this county, died on the 9th inst. Her remains were buried at the homestead, near Montpelier church.

November 19, 1878
Union and Recorder
The death of this old colored citizen and estimable man deserves more than a passing notice. He died at his residence in this city on Wednesday last. He was seventy eight years old.
   Our first acquaintance with Wilkes Flagg began in 1838, when he was a slave, the property of Dr. Tomlinson Fort. He was a blacksmith by trade at that time, and was noted far and wide for his skill and industry. By hard work, at night, and other odd times, he accumulated about two thousand dollars, with which he purchased his freedom. He continued in the blacksmith business, up to the day of his death, although for several years past he merely supervised his shop, devoting most of his time to the cultivation of his farm about six miles from the city. He was prosperous in his business at both places and leaves an estate that will provide comfortably for his family.
   The most striking characteristic, or peculiarity rather, of the man, was his fondness for the company of white men. He was respected by all of our best citizens, who would sit and talk with him about politics, or anything else, as freely as they would with a white man. He was a democrat in politics, long before he could vote, and for this reason he was not been very popular with his own color. We have seen negroes who were better scholars (Wilkes was too hard a worker to devote much time to education) but we have never seen one whose knowledge of men and things was more extensive, and whose judgment was so unerring. He was long the Pastor of the colored Baptist Church near the cemetery, of which he was the founder and where his remains are now deposited. He was a man of the strictest integrity, and his word was good as his bond. He lived respected and died lamented. His example is a bright and shining light to the colored men of this city. The funeral services on Friday inst were held at the church of which he was pastor, and were attended by many white people, and, but for the inclemency of the weather, the number would have been greatly increased. Among the white people present, in the church, was Mr. John P. Fort, of Macon, who came over to witness the burial of an old family servant. All classes of our white citizens were represented -- the clergy, merchants, lawyers, physicians, editors, mechanics and citizens generally -- attesting the high respect in which this good old man was held by his neighbors. It will be a long time before his like is seen again in the old town he loved so well.
   It is due to the colored people to say, that all the arrangements were well conducted, and the great number present at the funeral services, was evidence that they have sustained a great loss in the death of this worthy exemplar of their race.

December 17, 1878
Union and Recorder
  A short time after the close of the Circus performance on Tuesday night, last, a shooting affair came off at or near the McComb Hotel. The principal parties engaged were Mr. E. P. Gibson and Mr.Chas. Stiles, both of this  county, who were brothers-in-law. Gibson fired four shots, two of which took effect on the person of Charles Stiles, one a very serious wound in the bowels, the other a flesh wound. A negro named, was also slightly wounded in the affray. Gibson was arrested and lodged in jail to await a preliminary trial. At the time we write, Saturday, young Stiles lies in a very precarious condition.
  Yesterday, Stiles was reported better.

December 24, 1878
Union and Recorder
  Mr. Charles Stiles who was shot by Mr. E. P. Gibson in a difficulty in this city, on Tuesday night the 10th inst., died on Thursday morning last. Mr. Gibson was released on bail, but will probably be re-arrested.

See Feb 25, 1879

January 21, 1879
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. By Rev. E. A. Gray, January 15th, 1879, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. JAMES E. BIVINS, of Americus, to Miss MATTIE A., daughter of
Mr. S. E. Whitaker of Baldwin county.

January 21, 1879
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, at 2 o'clock, P.M., on the 16th inst., by the Rev. A, J. Beck, Mr. CHAS. E. BAZEMORE and Miss MALLIE, daughter of
Mr. J. T. Farell, all of this county.
    May their journey throug life be long, prosperous and happy.

January 28, 1879
Union and Recorder
MRS. ELIZA TRAIL died in Milledgeville, Ga., January 7th, 1879. She was the widow of Abraham Trail who had been a Methodist preacher ordained by Bishop Asburry. He left her to widowhood nearly forty  years ago. She was poor and had a family of five little children all dependent upon her unaided labors. She ws a brave Christian woman who believed the promises of God and she went bravely to work. She was a woman of great energy and of fine sense and with her busy fingers she earned an honest living. Moving to Atlanta in its settlement she purchased a lot and with her daughters had built upon it a small board shanty. In after time she secured for herself a very comfortable, though humble home. When Sherman issued his infamous order banishing the women and children from the city the old widow and her daughters were driven to exile. She came to Milledgeville. She soon secured work and led an honest and independent life from that day till she died.
  She was a woman of great faith and of great charity. One of the last acts of her life was to adopt a motherless child. She was never so poor that she could not relieve poverty and up to the time she died was always ready to relieve the suffering sick who were near her. She passed beyound her fourscore years and then quietly without a word sank to sleep ceasing to work only with her life.
   History has told the story of many heroes less heroic that Eliza Trail and of many saints less saintly.
  She had been a Methodist for nearly seventy years and had borne an untarnished name all the time.
  I have known her for over thirty years and never knew anything but good of her. Her life was a sermon, preaching the blessedness of truth, devotion and industry. GEO. G. SMITH.
(Note: according to the 1880 Census the adopted child was Betty Ellison.)

February 6, 1879
Daily Constitution
Mrs. Ann King, of Milledgeville is dead.
Judge F. G. DuBignon has resigned the position of judge of the county court in Baldwin.

February 12, 1879
The Dublin Post
Miss Mary Ramsey of Milledgeville is visiting the family of her brother Rev. W. S. Ramsey of Dublin.

February 18, 1879
Union and Recorder
  Our young friend and popular Tax Receiver, Mr. J. Hunter McComb, was married in Hancock last week to Miss Lula Sykes. The happy couple have arrived in the city. They have the best wishes for happiness and prosperity.

February 18, 1879
Union and Recorder
  Our young mercantile friend, Mr. W. L. Bethune was married in Sandersville on Monday, 10th, inst., at 2:30 p.m., in the Baptist Church, to Mrs. F. G. Grantland,
Rev. Geo. T. Goetchius of this city performed the ceremony.

February 25, 1879
Union and Recorder
  The addresses before the jury in the case of the State vs. E. P. Gibson, were very generally admired. Our new solicitor, Col. Whitfield, made a capital argument in closing the case for the State. The jury after being out a day and a half, could not agree, and a mistrial was the consequence. Judge Lawson fixed Gibson's bond at $5,000.

February 25, 1879
Union and Recorder
   Miss Patsy Smith died near Merriwether station in this county, February 1st. She was 91 years old, and had lived all her life at that place. No white person had lived with her for 15 or 20 years prior to her death.

March 18, 1879
Union and Recorder
   FRANK GESNER, second son of William and Annie Gesner, died in this city on Saturday night last, aged 22 years. Frank may be set to have been an invalid from his birth. He suffered much for years past with a kidney affection, and was recently attacked with measles. His constitution already enfeebled by disease, was not strong enough to battle with an acute attack of measles, and he sank under it. He was a nephew of the late lamented Capt. Bern Herty, and his death makes the fourth in that family, within a few years, all having passed the age of maturity. The family have th sincere sympathy of the whole community in their afflictions.-Frank was a quiet, unobtrusive young man, and bore his sufferings without complaint and with manly fortitude. His funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, and his remains were consigned to the grace in the presence of relatives and many friends.
   "There is rest for the weary."  

March 23, 1879
The Constitution
STORM-TOSSED Milledgeville Upset by a Giant Tornado
Special dispatch to The Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga., March 22. A terrible tornado of wind and rain struck this city, the old capital of the state, at 2 o'clock p.m. to-day. It was violent and lasted some minutes, causing a great panic among the people. The bridge across the Oconee river was blown from its piers and totally demolished, the loss being $9,000, for which amount it can hardly be replaced. A negro man with his team of mules were upon the bridge at the moment of its destruction , and
Several stores were unroofed and damaged to a considerable extent. The flying debris filled the air and occasioned alarm and terror throughout the business potion of the town. Several of the small houses on the outskirts were blown down as if made of play-cars. The scene is of great confusion and was the work of a few awful moments.
    The general damage about the city will not fall short of $80,000 and is a serious blow to the community. Further particulars are not now obtainable.

March 26, 1879
The Dublin Post
Colonel Ramsay just received a postal from his brother Maj. E. C. Ramsey conveying the melancholy intelligence that their fathers old homestead was reduced to ashes on the 19th inst. the fire breaking out accidentally from the kitchen. The insurance policy on the property had expired only a few days previously.

April 1, 1879
Union and Recorder
SUDDEN DEATH. Amy, wife of Frank DeLaunay, colored, died suddenly at the home of Dilsey Russell, on Monday evening, March 24th. "Old Aunt Amy," as she was familiarly known, was a remarkable negro in many respects. She had walked to the city and back, six miles, the day she died, and was assisting her husband planting corn a few minutes before she dropped dead. She was over 80 years of age. She was once the property of Dr. Chas. J. Paine, and, subsequently, of Judge Tucker and Mr. Frank DeLaunay, all deceased.
  To the credit of Dilsey Russell, who was no kin to her, be ti said, that Old Amy was kindley cared for for many years prior to her death.
  A coroner's jury gave a verdict of death from old age, and natural causes.

April 2, 1879
The Dublin Post. Storm-Stricken
We learn from the Union & Recorder the particulars in reference to the storm that passed over Milledgeville on last Saturday afternoon:
    The wind came from the Northwest, and created a perfect panic as it swept furiously across the centre of the city. Several houses were unroofed, many chimneys prostrated, large trees uprooted, fences blown down and signs scattered around promiscuously. The fine bridge across the Oconee river was totally destroyed, and in its fall one negro was killed, two wagons and teams, with their drivers, were precipitated into the river, and two other negroes barley escaped by running out of that bridge. The negroes had driven their teams into the bridge for protection from the storm.
    This is the third time the bridge has been destroyed since 1864, and was built last in 1867, at a cost of about $5,500.
    The damage to the city was rather severe, but has not been estimated. The negro killed in the bridge,Sol Ware, was the only person killed. Several others were hurt.

April 29, 1879
Union and Recorder
  Mr. John Nixon who has lived at the Pottery 18 years died recently. He was one of the oldest Potters at the Pottery.

June 10, 1879
Macon Telegraph
Death of a County Judge.  On Sunday night, in Milledgeville, Hon. Peter Fair, county Judge of Baldwin county, died after a few days' illness. He was one of the old and substantial citizens of the county. He was about sixty years of age and had been a resident of Baldwin county for many years. He succeeded Captain F. G. DuBignon in the Judgeship, when he held at the time of his demise.

June 19, 1879
The Augusta Chronicle
   We find the following in the Milledgeville Union and Recorder in reference to the death of Mr. John Treanor, at one time a citizen of Augusta:  "It is with feelings of poignant sorrow that we record the death of this old citizen and exemplary man. Mr. Treanor was attacked suddenly last week with choleric diarrhoea. This attack was successfully combated, and the danger was supposed to be over. But his kidneys became involved, and all remedies and skillful medical attention proved unavailing to give  relief. He died on Thursday night, at 12 o'clock.
     Mr. Treanor came to Milledgeville over forty years ago, and with his brother Hugh, deceased, engaged in the mercantile business, the firm was dissolved. Subsequently Mr. John Treanor was engaged in a similar business in New York and Savannah, and more recently he became associated with the large dry goods establishment of Jas. A. Gray & Co., of Augusta, Ga. On the death of his brother Hugh, Mr. Treanor came to Milledgeville to look after his deceased brother's affairs. He associated himself with Mr. A. J. Cline in the dry goods business, but in a short time he retired, to devote his whole attention to his milling interest. He was thus engaged when the fatal summons called him from earth forever. Mr. Treanor was once married-his wife preceded him to the grave. He was a man of remarkable fine physique, and enjoyed unusual good health for all of his years. He was nearly seventy-five years of age and as active as a man of fifty. He was a straight-forward, plain, unaffected, generous, public-spirited, kind-hearted, benevolent honest man. We have lost a most excellent citizen, and one which we do not believe had an enemy in all our community. He was blessed with abundant income, and could have lived without care or labor. But he was not happy unless he was employed, and up to the day he was stricken he was a hard working laborer with his hands. He was a Catholic in religion
    At 3 o'clock p.m., Friday, his remains were conveyed from the family residence to the Central depot, followed by a large number of  our best citizens. The following were pall-bearers: Sam Walker, A. Joseph, Capt. Tinsley, J. M. Clark, T. T. Windsor, C. M. Wright, H. H.Hendrix, S. P. Myrick, H. L. Waltsfelder, H. Terry. The remains were taken to Savannah for interment beside those of his kindred who had preceded him to the grave."

July 1, 1879
Union and  Recorder
DIED-On. Saturday 28th inst., BEULAH, infant daughter of Mr. E. J. Hogue. This is the second child Mr. Hogue has lost within a month. He has our sincere sympathy in his affliction.

July 2, 1869
The Chronicle and Constitutionalist

The Milledgeville Recorder says " Miss Amy Bagley who graduated from the Lucy Cobb Institute, two weeks since, opened a school in the country yesterday. She passed a fine examination before our County School Commission, and enters upon the work of teaching with enthusiasm."

July 8, 1879
Union and Recorder
DIED - Near Black Springs, April the 30th, 1879, JAMES WILLIAM, infant son of Joel B. and Nancy C. Russell, aged one month and one day. The little babe has gone to rest, To live with God forever blessed, No bitter tears had he to weep, No sins to be forgiven, He closed his little eyes in Sleep To open them in Heaven.

July 15, 1879
Georgia Weekly Telegraph and Georgia Journal & Messenger
  HOMICIDE - Union and Recorder: On Saturday night about ten  o'clock, at a house of ill fame in this city, Jesse Davis cutKelsey Tuttle across the abdomen literally disemboweling him. Tuttle died yesterday morning at two o'clock. Davis is a young man unmarried. Tuttle leaves a wife and three children. Davis surrendered to the authorities and is now in jail. We understand Davis claims to have acted in self defense.
  The verdict of the coroner's jury in the case was that Tuttle came to his death from wounds by Jesse Davis, and that the killing was done in self defense.

July 29, 1879
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. At Westover, the residence of Dr. Goodloe Harper, on Thursday, July 24th, 1879, by the Rev. E. A. Gray, MR. SAMUEL E. WHITAKER and MRS. MARY E. BOOKER, both of Baldwin county.

August 12, 1879
Union and Recorder
Mrs. Caro, wife of Rev. J. B. Allen, and youngest daughter of the late Col. David C. Campbell, died in this city, after a long illness, on Wednesday last. Mrs. Allen was a highly estimable lady, and leaves a husband, a large family of children and many friends to lament her death. She was buried on Thursday afternoon.

August 21, 1879
Atlanta Constitution
Mr Thomas Prosser's mill, situated on Spring creek, in the eastern portion of Baldwin county, was burnt between 12 and 1 o'clock on the night of the 11th. The mill had been running up to 11 o'clock the same night. The fireman had carefully put out all the fire about the engine before leaving for home. The fire when first discovered, was at the northwest corner of the building, near the water-house, some ten or fifteen feet below the main foundation of the mill. The building was completely destroyed, together with  some 1,200 pounds of flour, which was ready for shipment to market, with other lots of wheat and corn waiting to be ground. The engine was slightly damaged-some parts being injured by the excessive heat. Mr. Prosser's loss is estimated at about $5,000.

September 30, 1879
Union and Recorder
    ~excerpt~ DIED, in Baldwin county, on the 22d of September, 1879, in the 74th year of his ge, Mr. JOHN J. BUCK, after a lingering illness of over two years. Suffering at times with rheumatism and partial paralysis, he was nover known to murmur, but bore his affliction with patient resignation. He was born and lived about half his life in Washington, the balance in Baldwin county. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss...buried him in the Linton cemetery....

October 2, 1879
The Atlanta Constitution
Mr. Columbus H. Webb, formerly of Covington, but who has been teaching school at Steven's pottery, near Milledgeville, died recently of gastric fever.

October 7, 1879
Union and Recorder
  Cicero Gilmore, a negro man who lived on Dr. Robson's place, was coming to the city on Saturday morning, in company with another negro. They were shot at by parties in ambuscade. Gilmore was killed, receiving five wounds in his person. The negro accompanying him came to the city. An inquest was held by the Coroner, and a verdict rendered of death from gun-shot wounds inflicted by unknown parties. Sheriff Ennis and Dep. Sheriff Walls went over the the scene of the murder soon after the news reached the city, and spent the day in the vicinity, but were not successful in making an arrests or in getting any clue as to the authors of the murder.

October 21, 1879
The Atlanta Constitution
Augusta, Ga. Oct. 19.-A special from Sparta states that accounts of outlaws in the eastern portion of Baldwin county are greatly exaggerated. The trouble is political. The outlaws burned the gin and cotton houses and fodder stock of Mr. Robinson for the purpose of drawing him out of his house to shoot him, killed a negro man for reporting them to the grand-jury, burned the tannery and barns of Luke Robinson, and whipped a colored woman and her daughter in Hancock county. The gang have taken refuge in the swamps of Oconee and Ogechee. The grand-jury of Hancock, now in session, have investigated the outrages and are determined to bring the perpetrators to justice. People of Hancock county are indignant at the outrages and determined to protect white and black from further outrage and inflict summary justice on the perpetrators. Judge Pottle, presiding judge, will vindicate the majesty of the law through his circuit.

November 4, 1879
Union and Recorder
  HYMENEAL - Mr. W. E. Haygood brought home his bride on Thursday last. He was married to Miss Laura Kent, in Macon, on the 4th of September, and the marriage was kept a profound secret by those who witnessed the ceremony, until he visited the Fair last week and returned with his fair bride. He stole the march on the Blues, of which company he is a member, and his comrades in arms determined to shoot him, as he deserved, and proceeded to his residence on Friday evening for that purpose. He, however, ,was not surprised, but was prepared to give them a warm reception. After the firing of three volleys the whole company was captured by Sergt. Haygood, and taken in and made to acknowledge that they did not blame him for the step he had taken. In fact, they had 'a-good time and went home happy. We had the pleasure of being present on this joyous occasion, and add our congratulations and good wishes to those of the many friends of the happy pair.

November 4, 1879
Union and Recorder
City Sexton's Report. The City Sexton reports four interments in the City Cemetery for the week ending November 2nd, 1879.
   One adult -white-non-resident-Mrs. S. B. Troutman, aged 77.
   One child - colored - resident - James Hughes, age 8 years.
   One child -  colored - resident - Lucy Davis, age 9 months.
   One child - colored - resident - Jennie Freeman, age 11 months.
J. B. Fair, City Sexton.

November 12, 1879
Daily Constitution
Mr. Nicholas Perkins, an old citizen of Baldwin county, is dead.

November 11, 1879
Union and Recorder
  We were surprised and pained on Thursday morning to heat that Mr.W. H. Reese had died the evening previous, for we did not even know that he was sick. Mr. Reese has been the watchman at the bridge of the Macon & Augusta railroad near this city for many years. He was a faithful officer and was well though of by the company he served. He was a gallant and good soldier all through the late war, and left an arm on some one of its battle-fields. He was a warm-hearted, generous man, and though poor and humble he knew very well what were the requisites of a gentleman. He was a Mason. He left a large family who will sadly miss him. The have our warmest sympathies in their great trouble.
  Mr. Reese's remains were interred at Black Springs Church, with Masonic honors, on Friday last. A deputation from the Lodge in this city attended.

November 15, 1879
Daily Constitution
    In Milledgeville Thursday occurred one of those rare, but exceedingly interesting social events, a double wedding. At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the  parlors of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Wiedinman, Miss Lula O. Callaway and Mr. T. L. McComb, of Milledgeville and Miss Ida C. Callaway and Mr. E. J. Flemister, of Griffin, were married. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. J. Beck, pastor of the Methodist church at Milledgeville, in a manner which was impressive and graceful. The first couple were attended by Mr. Frank Rogers, of Macon, and Miss Ione Mccombs of Milledgeville' Mr. Emmett McComb, of Milledgeville, and Miss Callie Grieve, of Milledgeville; Mr. King Champion and Miss Annie Ennis, both of Milledgeville; Mr. Frank Foster, of Augusta, and Miss Lucy Tinsly, of Milledgeville; Mr. A. Bisbet, of Milledgeville, and Miss Ella Richardson, of Milledgeville. Miss Ida O. Callaway and Mr. Flemister were attended by Mr. J. C. Brooks and Miss Lelia Lawton, of Griffin; Mr. C. L. Case, of Milledgeville, and Miss Jennie Flemister, of Griffin; Mr. A. J. Carr and Miss Ola King, of Milledgeville; Mr. E. E. Bell and Miss Otella Miller, of Milledgeville.

December 16, 1879
Union and Recorder
  DIED - Mr. Henry J. Bloodworth died at his residence in this county on Friday, Dec. 5th, in the 38th year of his age. He died of typhoid fever, contracted while nursing his neighbor, Mr. Wm. Forshea, who died of the same disease. He leaves a wife (daughter of Mr. Robt. W. Trapp) and four children. He was beloved by all who knew him. He was good, honest, kind man and his neighbors and friends mourn their loss, and the memory of their neighbor called away in the prime of life and in the midst of his usefulness will long live green in their memory.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004