Milledgeville-Baldwin County, Ga.
In The News 1880's

January 1, 1880
Augusta Chronicle
  The brick factory in Milledgeville, five stories high, with all the machinery, was burned down Tuesday night. Insurance $21,000.
  Milledgeville, while searching around the ashes of her recent fire stumbled upon the idea of buying a steam fire engine. Many bright ideas can be ciphered from the glowing coals.

January 6, 1880
Union and Recorder
  Mr. (Ambrose) Cormani was married on Friday night, to Miss (Kate) Baxter, Judge Thomas officiating.

January 6, 1880
Union and Recorder
    The City Sexton reports one interment in the City Cemetery for the week ending January 4th, 1879.   One adult-colored-resident-Mariah Fowler.  (note: died Dec. 31 1879 per Sexton's report) 

January 6, 1880
Union and Recorder
  On Wednesday morning last, Miss Viola King, on of our prettiest and most accomplished young ladies, was united in marriage to Mr. Kicklighter, of Atlanta.
Rev. A. J. Beck officiating.  The early morning train carried them to the home of the bridegroom. The best wishes of many warm friends follow the fair young bride
to her home.

January 20 1880
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, In Midway, on Sunday evening, January 18th, 1880, by L. Carrington, N. P.B. C., Mr. Lewis Blizzard and Miss Virginia Durden.

January 27, 1880
Union and Recorder
    The long anticipated marriage came off in Linton on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. T. J. Adams, Mr. J. W. A. Buck of Baldwin was married to Miss Willie daughter of Dr. J. B. Stone, of Linton, Hancock county.

January 27, 1880
Union and Recorder
   MARRIED. In this county on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. N. B. Binion, Mr. W. D. Jones of Hancock county, to Miss Ella V. , daughter of Mr. James J, Simpson of Baldwin county.

February 3, 1880
Union and Recorder
  DIED, in this city, Sunday night, 25th, Alfred Lee, Captain of the Middle Georgia Volunteers, a colored military company of this place. He was buried on Tuesday with military honors.

February 3, 1880
Union and Recorder
     On Tuesday last, at 2 p.m., Mrs. Mary V. Stewart, eldest daughter of the late Dr. Sam G. White, was married in this city to Mr. Baker Stewart, of Stewart county, by Rev. H. H. Parks. The affair was kept so quiet that even near relatives knew nothing of the matter until it was over. Mr. Stewart is a most excellent young man, and the State, if picked over, could not afford a more lovable womana that his good wife. We wish them as much joy as the world can give, and a long live with prosperity. They left on the evening's train for their home in Stewart county.

February 13, 1880
Union and Recorder
Married, February 8th, 1883, at Midway, Ga., by Rev. R. W. Bigham, Mr. Stephen E. Wright and Miss Janie Fairfield.

March 2, 1880
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - At the residence of the brides mother in Baldwin  county, on Thursday evening, 26th inst., by Rev. H. H. Parks, Mr. John Roberson and Miss Mary R. (Pinkie) Vinson.

March 10, 1880
The Post
Milledgeville Union and Recorder: We visited the remains of the old penitentiary last Friday, for the first time in many months. We were surpassed to see the progress of disintegration. The entire outer wall four or five hundred yards in length, by twenty feet in height, has disappeared. Many of the buildings have also vanished from sight, and the work of tearing down and removing the old cell building is progressing. The three upper stories, built of brick, have been leveled, and the three lower stories built of the best granite in Georgia, 100 feet long by 30 feet wide, will soon take the same direction. This is a memorable structure. For full forty years four or five hundred white men slept in its narrow cells, night after night and year after year. If the rough walls could speak what a thrilling history would they unfold! Through every fire, it has stood. Well, do remember the fire that happened while General Nelson of North Georgia was principal keeper. It was a night. A few prisoners had laid the train before going into their cells. In a few hours afterwards, every structure but the cell building was on fire. Such howlings and moanings was filled that building that night, we had never heard before. General Nelson would not unbar the cells and let the convicts out though implored to do so, as the military company of the city and a guard were present to prevent escapes. Said the general: " You set it afire, damn you, an I intend to burn the last one of you to a  crackling." And he kept his word, until Governor Crawford came down from the mansion and ordered him to open the cells and release the prisoners.

March 12, 1880
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  Mr. Fred W. Morse and Miss Mary Drake were married in Milledgeville last week.
  The Baptist of Milledgeville will not build a new church but will repair their present building.

March 23, 1880
Union and Recorder
MARRIED.  On the 18th inst. at the residence of the bride's father, by James F. Gregory, Esq., Mr. William Lester to
Miss Martha E. Osbun, all of Baldwin county.

March 30, 1880
Union and Recorder
  Married at the residence of the bride's father in Baldwin county, on the evening of the 25th inst., by W. J. T. Ray, Esq., Mr.
Thos. Gilman and Miss Anna (Annie), daughter of Mr. Jesse Lee.

March 30, 1880
Union and Recorder
Effie Green, a colored woman over 100 years of age, died in this city last Thursday. She was brough from African when a child, and was formerly the property of Judge D. R. Tucker.

April 6, 1880
Union and Recorder
ACCIDENTAL DROWNING. On yesterday morning about 8 o'clock, six negro children were crossing the Oconee river above Treanor's Mill, in a batteau, in charge of a negro man. The boat had reached the shore on the city side when some of the children seized  a limb, capsizing the boat. All the children were rescued by the man in charge of the boat except Johnnie Ware, who sank so quick that he could not be saved. The children were on their way to school. The boy who was drowned was about six years old, and a son of the man who was killed last year by the falling of the Oconee bridge.   

 May 4, 1880
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. In Clarksville, Tennessee, on Monday, May 3rd, by Rev. William Flinn, D. D., Capt. C. P. CRAWFORD and Miss ANNAH R. ORME, both of this city.

May 4, 1880
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, at the Asylum on Thursday afternoon, 29th ult., REV. J. H. ALLEN and  Mrs. FLORIDA T. HAMMOCK- Rev. A. J. Beck officiating.

May 7, 1880
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  Milledgeville Recorder: Mr. Thos. Turk died at the residence of his son, Mr. T. W. Turk, in this county, on Tuesday, April 27th, 1880. Mr. Turk was eighty-seven years old in November. At the time of his last illness he was one of the oldest citizens of the county. He was highly respected, and in earlier life a very successful farmer. Two years ago Mr. Turk united with the Baptist church in this city, and was baptized in the Oconee river, just opposite this city.

May 18, 1880
Union and Recorder
DEATH - Mrs. Nancy Bayne, relict of the late John Bayne, died in this city, on Wednesday morning last, after an illness of several weeks. She was in the 66th year of her age, and had been feeble health for many years. She became a member of the Methodist church in her youth, and illustrated, througout her long life, the beauties of a christian character. Her funeral took place from the residence of her son-in-law, Capt. J. Caraker, on Thursday afternoon - Rev. C. B. Anderson conducting the services. Children and grand-children rise up to bless her memory.

May 18, 1880
Union and Recorder
Mrs. Mary A. Chandler, widow of the late Sam'l G. Chandler, of this county, died at ther residence of her daughter, whom she was visiting. on Saturday, 15th inst., from brain fever, after suffering five days. Sh was buried Sunday afternoon from the church near her late residence.

May 22, 1880
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, May 20 - Mr. A. M. Edwards, a prosperous grocery merchant of this city, died yesterday and was buried today by the Baldwin Blues, with which corps he went to the war in 1860.
  The Milledgeville manufacturing company's property was put up at auction to-day and bid off by the company's attorney at $8,000.
  The weather is fine for killing grass, and the farmers are very busy.
 Labor is hard to get and commands extravagant wages.

June 8, 1880
Union and Recorder
DEATH, MR. JAMES ROBINSON died at the  Asylum last Wednesday, after a brief illness, of Pneumonia. He had been a faithful employe at the institution for many years. At the time of his death he was employed wrth the machine shop. He leaves a wife and three children.

June 27, 1880 
Daily Constitution
Milledgeville, June 25. Still dry, dusty and hot. Corn presents a sickly appearance; cotton looking well, but needed rain.
     The nomination of Hancock and English is enthusiastically received.
  Colquitt and Brown stock is improving.
    Benevolent lodge No. 3, F. A. . M., whose charter is signed by DeWitt Clinton, grand master of U.S., celebrated St. Johns day, yesterday, with a coalition, and the bill of fare was much more comprehensive than the old saint's daily meat of  "locusts and wild honey." Many of the number spent the day with Daniel lodge No. 85, at Island creek. Colonel Miller Grieve, of this city, made a speech there, which, for historical research, chastens of diction, vindication of the purposes and designs of the order and forcible delivery, is seldom equaled and more rarely surpassed. A bounteous dinner, which none know better how to prepare that the Island creekers, was partaken of by 600 or 800 guests. Baldwin, Hancock, Jones, Putnam and Washington counties were represent. At a late hour the acres of buggies and other vehicles bore their live freight homeward, with "three cheers and one cheer more" for Colonel Grieve, the good matrons and lovely daughters of Island creek, and the worthy brothers of Daniel lodge No. 85.

July 1, 1880
The Macon Weekly Telegraph
DIED. At the residence of her brother, Dr. Charles W. Snead, near Milledgeville, Ga., in the fifthy-fourth year of her age, Miss Mary E. Snead, daughter of the late Rev. Tilman Snead.

July 2, 1880
Georgia Weekly Telegraph, Journal & Messenger.
  "We clip the following beautiful tribute to Madison Lane from the Union and Recorder."
 "Alas! we are of the number so deeply bereaved by the horrible accident on the Columbus road. We feel that we are not alone in this agony of grief, that Madison, the idol of so many hearts, was not the only hero who lost his life on that memorable night.
  Had he lived until the 4th of August, he would have been twenty-six years old. Since early boyhood, his home has been in Baldwin county, near Milledgeville. In 1873, he found the meek and lowly Jesus precious to his soul and united with the Methodist church. Since then he has not been idle in his Master's vineyard, but, notwithstanding his youth, has officiated both as Sabbath-school superintendent an steward of the church. List the universal tribute paid to his memory by the good people of Pleasant Grove church. "

Note: Madison Lane was the baggage master on a freight train that plunged off the track near Columbus in May 1880. Four of the six onboard were killed. He was the son of S. Henry Lane. Buried in Montgomery, Alabama.

July 13, 1880
Union Recorder
  ~excerpt~DIED. In this city, on Wednesday, July 7th, ALMA ETHELYN, infant daughter of J. H. and A. M. Brooks, aged 15 months and 7 days..

July 13, 1880
Union Recorder
   Judge O. H. P. Bonner, an old citizen of this county, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Herty, in this city, on Saturday morning last. Judge Bonner has long been in feeble health, and his death was not unexpected. He has held offices of honor and trust in the county, and was a man much respected in the community.
    The remains were taken to the old country home of deceased, on Sunday, and interred in the family burying ground.

July 16, 1880
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville Recorder: Among other cases of longevity in our healthy city, Col. R. L. Hunter, enumerator of the census, recorded on his mortality schedule the death of Fanny Sanford, aged 106 years. The documentary evidence presented to the enumerator showed that she was born in Berkley county, Virginia, in the year 1774.

August 10, 1880
Union Recorder
Mrs. Sarah Tuttle, widow of Jerome Tuttle, died at her home in this county, on Saturday 7th inst., after a short illness. Her children, with one exception, are all grown and were with her at her death.

August 17, 1880
Union Recorder
   The remains of Jane Marlow, a well known, and highly respected colored woman, were brought to this city on Tuesday, from Cave Springs, Ga., where she was temporarily sojourning. She had many relatives and friends in this city who met the remains at the depot and followed them to the cemetery. Her death was very sudden.  The writer knew her many years; and she was one of the few invaluable servants he had when "freedom" came. 

August 24, 1880
The Union Recorder
   Mrs. John Robinson, formerly Miss Pinky Vinson, died at the residence of Mr. G. T. Whilden, in this city, yesterday morning. She was only married about six months ago. Her disease was inflammation of the bowels. Her funeral took place from the Methodist church at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon - Rev. H. H. Parks officiating.

August 24. 1880 
The Union-Recorder
To All Whom It May Concern. Georgia, Baldwin County. Court of Ordinary, August Term
   Whereas, George T. Chambers,  executor of the estate of Eliza Chambers, late of said county, deceased, has filed his petition in said court for letters of dismission from said trust as such executor.
    Those are therefore to cite and admonish said parties interested, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause on or by the November term, next, of said court, to be held on the first Monday in November, 1880, why letters of dismission from his trust as such executor should not be granted to said petition as prayed for.
    Witness my hand and official signature this August the 20, 1880.
 Daniel B. Sanford, Ordinary

August 24, 1880
The Union Recorder
   Mrs. John Robinson, formerly Miss Pinky Vinson, died at the residence of Mr. G. T. Whilden, in this city, yesterday morning. She was only married about six months ago. Her disease was inflammation of the bowels. Her funeral took place from the Methodist church at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon - Rev. H. H. Parks officiating.

September 14, 1880
The Union Recorder
Adminstratrix' Sale
Agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold in front of the Masonic Hall door in the city of Milledgeville, on the first Tuesday in October, 1880, between the usual hours of sale, the following property to-wit:
  Three hundred and seventy-five acres of land, more or less, known as "Smith's Mount", bounded by lands of of Judge I. L. Harris, Walker Duncan, Wm. Harper, and Mrs. Ann DuBignon. Also, nine acres more or less, bounded by lands of Wm. Harper, Mrs. Ann DuBignon, and Mrs. S. K. Talmadge, lying in the village of Midway. Also, sixty acres of land and improvements - dwelling house of six rooms and necessary outhouses, immediately opposite old Oglethorpe College building. Sold as the property oR. C. Smith, deceased. Terms of sale cash. Julia E. Smith, Adm'ex. Sept. 7th 1880

Baldwin Sheriff's Sale
Georgia, Baldwin County,
Will be sold before the Masonic Hall door in the city of Milledgeville on the first Tuesday in November, next, 1880 between the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit:
  Part of lot of land No. 347, containing 154 acres, more or less, lying in Baldwin County, being part of the share of land of Mrs. Elizabeth Belvin, in the Rose place, adjoining land of Dr. Hall, H. M. Rose,  Jewell and others. Levied on and sold to satisfy one fi fa issued from the county court of Houston county against the said Elizabeth Belvin - since assigned to the county of Putnam. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney, this September 30, 1880.
J.B. Wall, Deputy Sheriff

Baldwin Sheriff's Sale
Georgia, Baldwin County,
Will be sold before the Masonic Hall, in the city of Milledgeville, in said state and county, to the highest bidder, between the usual hours of sheriff's sales, on the first Tuesday in November the following property to-wit:
  All that tract of land lying and being on the South East common of the city of Milledgeville and said state and county, containing four acres, bounded on the South and North East by land of said city, levied as the property of John B. Fair to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in favor of E. G. Lewis, property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney.
John B. Wall, Deputy Sheriff
October 4th, 1880

To All Whom It May Concern
Georgia, Baldwin County, Court of Ordinary, Sept. Term 1880
Whereas W. O. Finney and Mary E. Finney, Administrator and Adminstratrix upon the estate ofT. J. Finney, late of said county, deceased, have filed their petition in said court for letters of dismission from their trust as said administrators.
These are therefore to site and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or or creditors, to show cause on or by the December term of next said court , to be held on the first Monday in December, 1880, why said W. O. Finney and Mary E. Finney, should not be discharged from their trust as aforesaid as prayed for.
  Witness my hand and official signature this September the 6th, 1880.
Daniel H. Sanford, Ordinary.

To All Whom It May Concern
Georgia, Baldwin County
Court of Ordinary
Sept. Term 1880
Whereas J. F. Rogers and R. W. Hall, Administrator and Adminstratrix upon the estate ofHezekaih Rogers, late of said county, deceased, have filed their petition in said court for letters of dismission from their trust as such administrators.
These are therefore to site and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or or creditors, to show cause on or by the December term of next said court , to be held on the first Monday in December, 1880, why letters of dismission from their trust as administrators as aforesaid should not be granted to said petitioners as prayed for.
Witness my hand and official signature this September the 6th, 1880.
Daniel H. Sanford, Ordinary

Notice To Debtors and Creditors
Georgia, Baldwin County
All persons indebted to the estate ofMrs. Mary A. Daniel, late of Baldwin County, deceased, are requested to make payment, to the undersigned, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to render them in terms of the law. S. W. Davis, Adm'r. Sept. 29th, 1880

October 29, 1880
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville Recorder: Mrs. Jane Ferrell, sister of the late Judge Peter Fair, died in this city on Sunday last. She was injured some time ago by an accident, and has been confined to her bed ever since. She was perhaps the oldest female resident of Milledgeville at the time of her death. She was a lady  much esteemed in this community, and leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her departure from life.

November 23, 1880
Union Recorder
MARRIED - On  the 18th instant, by Rev. J. H. Allen, Mr. S. H. LANE and Miss CYNTHIA C., daughter of Mr. E. J. Humphries.

December 8, 1880
The Dublin Post
 We got the following item from the Recorder:  The saddest affair that has lately taken place in this community, occurred last week, about three miles from this place. A little bright eyed boy, about five years of age, the son of our friend Mr. James W. Davis, while playing and running around the yard with a sharp pointed stick in his mouth accidentally stumbled and fell upon his face. The stick pierced his throat and inflicted an ugly and severe wound, from the effect of which tetanus was produced, and death soon came to the relief of the little sufferer. The grief stricken parents have our heartfelt condolence in their sad affliction.
(Note: this would beEdward Davis, son of James and Rachel Davis per 1880 census)

December 14, 1880
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - In Baldwin county, December 2d, 1880, by Rev. C. B. Anderson, Mr. Samuel J. Newton and Miss Susie Adams.

December 14, 1880
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - In Baldwin county on the 23rd inst., by Rev. S. C. Leonard, MR. THOMAS E PUGH and MISS EPSY R. ENNIS, all of this county.

February 1, 1881
Union and Recorder
Louis Slatter, colored, died a few days ago in New York, where he had gone for treatment of a kidney disease. He was born in Milledgeville and lived here till manhood. He was a barber. He recently was a member of the Georgia Minstrels. His age was 46 years.

February 1, 1881
Union and Recorder
    Orange Blossoms. At the residence of the bride's father, in this city, on Tuesday last, at 3 o'clock, P.M., Mr. ARTHUR J. CARR and Miss ALICE, daughter of Mr. E. T. Alling, were united in marriage Rev. A. J. Beck officiating. Immediately after the ceremony the happy pair left on the Central train for a visit to Jacksonville, Fla. In personal worth and business capacity, Mr. Carr is esteemed first among the worthy young men of our city. He recently entered into co-partnership with Capt. W. T. Conn, one of our most substantial merchants, with whom he has been associated as clerk from his boyhood. The bride is one of Milldgeville's most lovely, amiable and accomplished daughters. The many friends of these worthy young people may well congratulate them, and hope that their united lives, so auspiciously begun, may be long, happy and useful, in our midst. The Union and Recorder tenders the best wishes and hopes that the excellent CARR, with it's precious freight, may ever keep on the right track.

February 1, 1881
Union and Recorder
  Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Mr. BENJAMIN F. DENTON was married to Miss SALLIE F. BAGLEY, one of the most lovel and accomplished young ladies of this city. The marriage took place at the residennce of the bride's father, Thos. S. Bagle, Esq., Rev. A. J. Beck, officiating. Mr. Denton is one of the substantial business men of the city. We congratulate him on hisuccess in winning such a charming bride. They left on the Central train and will visit Savannah.

February  1, 1881
Union and Recorder
MRS. ELIZABETH R. FAIR, consort of the late Peter Fair, and one of the oldest and most estimable lady residents of the city, died at her home, on Friday last, after an illness of several weeks. She was born in the year 1809; married to Peter Fair, in 1826; united with the M. E. Church in 1829, and died January 28th, 1881. This might suffice to record the death of any estimable lady, under ordinary circumstances. But Mrs. Fair was an extraordinary woman. For fifty years, or more, she had never been out of her bed. Yet her general health remained good all through these many years, and she bore children to her most excellent housebound, who all live to mourn her loss, save one that fell in the front of the fight between the States. It would take our whole space to tell what this afflicted lady did for herself, her husband, children and friends, all through those weary years, so helpless from kindly aid, tho' freely offered. It is enough to say, that she was a devoted mother, a true wife, a near and dear neighbor, and a good christian woman.
  The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church, in this city, last Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. A large attendance spoke the public respect. Rev. Mr. Patillo, pastor, conducted the services, and though not intimately acquainted with the deceased, spoke in high terms of her, and Rev. Mr. Stoney, of the Episcopal Church, followed in appropriate remarks. Rev. A. J. Beck, of the Baptist Church, followed Mr. Stoney in a brief, but pertinent reference to the dead, and the lessons to be learned therefrom. The services were closed with a beautiful hymn by the choir, and a feeling prayer by the pastor. The remains were then taken to the cemetery.

February 1, 1881
Union and Recorder
  ~excerpt~ It is with peculiar sadness that we record the death of Mr. JAMES A. MAGILL, which occurred at his residence in this city at 5 o'clock last Wednesday afternoon. His illness was of short duration. Pneumonia, which has been unusually prevalent in this community, seized upon him, and, and the vigor of a useful manhood he was laid low. With a loving companion by his side, and little children around his knees....
   Mr. Magill came to this city in 1874 from Augusta, and was engaged at his trade (house-builder) from that time till his last sickness. Some of the best houses in the city were erected by him. The Oconee House, Brake's Opera House, and other buildings are monuments to his memory. We believe his first work in this city was with Mr. E. T. Alling, on the Catholic church. The firm of Fox & Magill, of which Mr. M. was the practical workman, with improved machinery and facilities for executing all kinds of carpenter's work, was doing a great deal towards building up the city. The death of such a man is a public loss.
  Mr. Magill was a gallant Confederate soldier. He entered the army at 17 years of age and served through the war. He was a member, we think, of the Washington Artillery of Augusta.
   His furneral took place from the Catholic church, of which he was a member, on Thursday afternoon - Father McNalty of Augusta, officiating. The attendance of all classes of our citizens was large, testifying their appreciation of the deceased as a man and a citizen. The following gentlemen acted as pall-bearers: G. T. Wiedenman, Adolph Joseph, James Supple, J. M. Moore, Joseph Staley, Fred Hanft, Wm. Rooney and Frank Kelly. His remains were buried in the cemetery of this city.

February 22, 1881
Union and Recorder
MARRIED: In this county, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Medlin, on the 10th inst. by the Rev. Jas. M. Hall, MR. EDWARD A. BUTTS to Miss ELLA CHANDLER, both of this county. Also, at the same time, MR. JOHN W. ACHORD of Pike county, to MISS C. C. MEDLIN, of Baldwin county.

March 11, 1881
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville Recorder: Mr. Luke Robinson, an aged citizen of this county, living near Carr's station, Hancock county, was killed on Thursday last by an accident. The steers he was driving ran away, and the old man was thrown out of the wagon and killed.

April 26, 1881
Union and Recorder
  Mr. Wm. R. Butts, one of, if not the oldest of Baldwin's citizens, died last week. He was 84 years old.

April 26, 1881
Union and Recorder
Mary Jarratt, (col.,) of Harrisburg, died on the 19th of April, aged 68 years. She was a member of the Methodist Church. She and her family were formerly owned by Judge I. L. Harris.

May 10, 1881
Union and Recorder
   Mr. James M. Hall, one of Baldwin county's oldest and best citizens, died on Tuesday last. He was respected by all who ever knew him, and leaves a large number of relatives and friends to mourn his death.

May 24, 1881
Union and Recorder
  The City Sexton reports four interments in the City Cemetery, for the week ending May 22nd, 1881.
One adult-white-resident-Miss Susan Whitehead; One child-white-resident-Wiley Williamson; One child-white-non-resident-Hattie C.Thomson; One child-colored-resident-Angeline Graham. J. B. Fair, City Sexton

June 3, 1881
Daily Constitution
Milledgeville, June 1. - Miss Annie Ennis, of the county, and Mr. Tyler, of Barnesville, were to-day married at the residence of Mr. L. N. Callaway, in this city. Rev. A. J Beck, of the Baptist church officiating. The happy couple left by the afternoon Central train for the groom's home in Barnesville.
  As I write Dr. Shinholster, a good man and rising physician, is dying. A number of relatives, among them Andrew Miller and family, of Wilkinson county, are at his bedside.
   I see C. J. Harris, of Macon, on the street, having been called here by the extreme illness of his mother, Mrs. Iverson L. Harris.
   Dr. Garner Edwards and P.T. Taylor of the city are quite sick.
   We have had fine rains the last few days, and as I write there is a heavy shower in sight.
   The wheat harvest has commenced, a small acreage, but is fine.

June 9, 1881
Macon Telegraph and Messenger
Dr. Shinholser, a prominent physician of Milledgeville, died on Wednesday of last week, of cancer of the stomach.

June 25, 1881
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
We quote as follows from the last issue of the Milledgeville Union and Recorder:
  Mr. A. J. Wilkinson, of the county, residing near Scottsboro, died last week suddenly. He had been working, and while much heated drank freely of cold water. .He was about 75 years of age.

July 14, 1881
Macon Telegraph and Messenger
   The Milledgeville Union notes the very sudden death, near Toomsboro, recently of Mrs. Wheelden and also tells of the following accidnet that happened at JeromeTuttle's barbecue.
  One of our citizens, who fancies fine game chickens, in company with one of our doctors, rode out in a buggy together. The first named carried a splendid game chicken for a friends in the neighborhood. On arriving at Tuttle's, the doctor handed the chicken to an old negro woman, who, supposing it a contribution to the pot, wrung his head off and made him into chicken pie. And nobody knew any better till after dinner.

August 2, 1881
Union Recorder
  ~excerpt~ DEATH OF JOHN T. MALONE.  The death of this young man occurred in Athens, Ga., July 28th, at half past 5 o'clock, p.m., from typhoid fever and dysentery. He was taken down on the 25th of June, a few days after his graduation at the State University, and lingered for more than a month. His mother was with him for several days before his death.......
   We knew Mr. Malone well - he was the son of poor but industrious and good parents, who gave him such an education as the country schools afforded near their home in Baldwin county,....His broken hearted mother returned home last Friday with remains of her noble son, accompanied by Prof. Williams Rutherford and Mr. J. C. Hardie. The latter was solicited by his church and pastor, Dr. Lane, to go with the stricken mother to Milledgeville, and Prof. Rutherford, prompted by his big christian heart, voluntarily tendered his services in the sad mission....
  Mr. Malone, we believe, was about twenty-seven years of age. He was a most exemplary young man,... The remains were buried at his late home in this county on last Saturday.

August 2, 1881
Union Recorder
Simon Jones, a colored man who worked in Zeke Reynold's blacksmith shop, died on Sunday, and was buried by the Middle Georgia Volunteers, on Monday, of which corps he was a member. Simon was much respected in life by all classes, and by the white as well as colored people.

August 2, 1881
Union Recorder
MARRIED - In 318th District, Baldwin county, at the residence of the bride's father, by L. Carrington, N. P. B. C., and ex officio J. P., on Sunday, 31st, Mr. J. W. Branum, of Putnam county, to Miss Anna B. Davidson, of Baldwin county.  

August 24, 1881
Macon Telegraph and Messenger
Mrs. Michael J. Kenan, the mother of Mrs. Dr. C. H. Hall, died in this city at the residence of her daughter, Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Kenan was in her seventieth year, and had been confined to her bed almost constantly for several years. Her remains were taken to Milledgeville for interment.

September 6, 1881
Union and Recorder
Thomas Jenkins, Sr., known here familiarly as "Daddy" Jenkins, died in Augusta a few days ago. He was over eighty years of age and for a long time a citizen of Milledgeville. His remains were brought here Saturday morning for interment.

September 20, 1881
Union and Recorder
   Silly Ann Roberts, an aged and well-known colored woman, died in this city last week, afer a short illness. She was formerly the property of Col. Rob't. McComb, and lived all her life in this place.

October 4, 1881
Union and Recorder
  Married, in Midway, at the residence of Mr. R. N. Lamar, on Wednesday, September 28th, by Rev. Donald McQueen, Mr. Frank Rogers, of Macon, and Miss Alice Lamar, of Mobile, Ala.
  The groom is well known as the youngest member of the popular firm of G. T. Rogers' Sons, of Macon, and the bride is the youngest daughter of the late Dr. T. B. Lamar. The happy couple left the same day on the afternoon train for Macon. We wish them a happy and prosperous life.

October 28, 1881
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
The Milledgeville Herald reports the death of "Dolly" Payne, one of the best known and most esteemed citizens of that place.

November 1, 1881
Union and Recorder
  We are sorry to record the death of little Johnnie Trippe, son of Mr. Robert Trippe. He was taken sick on Thursday and died Sunday afternoon. He was a bright and good little boy.

November 2, 1881
Augusta Chronicle
Union and Recorder. Milledgeville, November 1. The third annual Conference for the Promotion of Holiness convened in the Methodist Church in this city last Thursday. The conference met last year at Augusta. Rev. Mr. Parks, Messrs. Russell, Miller and Bondarant of Augusta attended. Milledgeville is one of the few cities or towns of Georgia where cows are permitted to perambulate the streets, unmolested, at all hours.  The machinery for making the brick at the Lunatic Asylum passed through the city last Saturday morning. -The "Bridge Gang" on the Georgia Railroad are doing some good work on the Macon and Augusta Road between this city and Macon. -  Rev. Sam Jones accomplished some good in Augusta last week. He wore himself out by his arduous labors and has had to take a rest. -Before the congregation was dismissed Mr. Russell of Augusta arose and delivered an earnest exhortation to the congregation to seek a higher and holier life - complete salvation.

November 8, 1881
Union and Recorder
Mrs. Elizabeth Digby died near Brown's Crossing last Thursday, after a protracted illness. She was in her 77th year, and bore her affliction with christian resignation. She leaves a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn their loss.

  The funeral of Johnnie Trippe, the little boy we spoke of last week as having died on Saturday, Oct. 30th, took place last Tuesday. A large number of friends followed the remains into the city. The procession was joined, opposite the college, by the children of the primary department, to which Johnnie belonged. services wre held at the cemetery, conducted by Rev. Donald McQueen. Several sweet songs were sung in which the children joined. The benediction was pronounced, and then the school children literally buried the casket with flowers and evergreens. Many a warm and heartfelt tear was shed around the grave, of  "the little boy that died." This is the first death that has occurred among the pupils of the College since it was opened, two years ago.

November 8, 1881
Unon and Recorder
Merriwether, Oct. 27th, 1881. Mr. Sam Woodall died at Mt. Vernon, Twiggs county, on Monday. He was a promising young man and was engaged in merchandizing. The only child of his widowed mother. He was a resident of this place and much loved by a large circle of friends. May God sustain and comfort his heart broken mother and bereaved relatives, especially his aged grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hughes.

November 22, 1881
Union and Recorder
  Mr. Elam Johnson, one of the oldest citizens of the county, died at Midway, yesterday morning. His funeral will take place, to-day, at 10 o'clock, and will be buried in the Midway cemetery.

November 23, 1881
Augusta Chronicle
Milledgeville, November 22. -  Our usually quiet city was startled early Tuesday morning by a report that a negro man had been shot at the city bridge, five times, and was dead. The rumor proved to be correct, Warren Owens, a young white farmer, who lives across the Oconee, did the shooting, and Steve Young. a colored man employed by the bridge-keeper, Mr. W. B. Echols, was the man who lost his life. The new Asylum building will now go rapidly up, weather permitting. We learn that the bid of Mr. B.F. McGinty, of Athens, was accepted. There was quite a number of proposals. The number of bushels of cotton seed shipped from Milledgeville up to this time, the present season, has reached such high figures, that it will interest the public to get at even an approximation of the correct amount. - We learn that Rev. C. W. Lane, D.D., of Athens, will be in the city on Thursday next, in attendance upon a meeting of the Trustees of Talmage School, and his many friends here would be pleased to have him preach a Thanksgiving sermon on that occasion.

December 2, 1881
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville Recorder. A RELIC- Our esteemed friend, Col. Arthur I. Butts, showed us a walking cane on Saturday that is worthy of special notice. It was made of hickory wood, and cut out entirely with a pocket knife, in the year 1818, by William Brooks, a citizen of Hancock county, Ga. It is beautifully and artistically carved. Mr. Robert Harper, who was the uncle of Mr. Brooks, gave the cane to Mr. Jesse Simmons, of Hancock, who gave it to the present owner. It is surmounted by a silver head, bearing the initials "J. C." We hope our friend, Arthur I. Butts, will live to carry it many years, and then leave it in as worthy hands.
(submitted by E. Ranny Brewer)

December 6, 1881
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ Married,  On Thusday last, at the residence of her mother, in this city, Mr. William Armstrong and Miss Ida Morris were married by Rev. A. J. Beck.

December 6, 1881
Union and Recorder
   Married, At the residence of the bride's mother at Scottsboro, near this city, on Thursday morning last by the Rev. A. J. Beck, Mr. Wm Hurt, of Jones county,
to Miss Ellen Barnes of Scottsboro.

December 13, 1881
Union and Recorder
  SAD DEATH - Mr.Thomas Lyons was kicked by a horse, in the stomach, last Tuesday, and killed. He was buying cattle for Meesrs. Henrix & Jeffers of this city, and stopped to spend the night with Mr. Jasper Boyer. At 10 o'clock at night he went out to look after hi stock, and while passing a horse owned by Mr. Boyer, the horse kicked him as above stated. Dr. Stone was sent for, and on examination said the unfortunate man must die. He lingered in great pain until Wednesday night, when he expired at 11 o'clock.
  Mr. Lyons was an Englishman and was employed for some time at Treanor's Mill in this city, and afterwards at the Asylum. He leaves a wife and two children; and the very sudden and sad manner of his death, cannot fail to enlist the sympathies of the community in their behalf.

December 20, 1881
Union and Recorder
EDITOR UNION & RECORDER: In the obituary of Thomas Lyons in your last edition, you put the deceased down as an Englishman. It is very rare to see and Englishman in Milledgeville, Ga., and he too a Roman Catholic. Thomas Lyons was born in the county of Cork, Ireland, and therefore could not be an Englishman. B.

December 23, 1881
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
  Mr. Uriah King, of Linton, Ga., widely known in this county and a very worthy man, died at his home on Tuesday last. He had many friends and relatives in this city (Milledgeville) and county.

December 29, 1881
Macon Telegraph
Death of Captain Rice. Gordon, December 28. Captain William Rice, father of our worthy townsman, Mr. Augustus Rice, died at his home near Stevens' Pottery yesterday morning. His remains will be buried at his home to-morrow morning. Captain Rice was a high-toned citizen, a man of sterling character, and his family and the community will miss him much. H.

January 3, 1882
The Union-Recorder
Mr. Jesse Moran & Miss Emma Babb married last Thursday at Linton.

Feburary 2, 1882
Union and Recorder
Milledgeville, January 31 - The "Independants" so called are bidding for aspiring young men. If any are entrapped it will be those of big ambition and little judgment. Young men go slow. -Sheriff Ennis arrested three negroes last week and put them in jail. They stole corn from him and sold it to Mr. Henry Temples. Sol Bell, one of the party, turned State's evidence and gave away his accomplices. - The survivors of the Pulaski Volunteers of Pulaski County, one of the companies that belonging to the famous Eight Georgia Regiment, met in Hawkinsville on Thursday, January 19 and expressed their feelings in regard to the death of their former Captain W.W. Williamson, Esq. of Milledgeville. -Myrick Darnell left for Augusta last Saturday morning  greatly benefited in health by a visit to his home. - Rev. D. McQueen was unable to fill his pulpit last Sunday on account of a well developed case of vaccination.

February 24, 1882
Georgia Weekly Telegraph
   Mr.Wm. R. Bivins, the old and well known agent of the Central railroad, at this city, died at his residence on Sunday afternoon, after an illness of a few days, aged nearly 70 years. He has been the agent of the Central road ever since the road was completed to Milledgeville, more than thirty years ago, which speaks eulogy enough for the departed, so far as integrity and the business qualifications are concerned. He was one of the hardest workers we ever knew.

March 7, 1882
Atlanta Constitution
The Freaks Played by the Electric Fluid in a Midway House.
Milledgeville Herald
MIDWAY, GA. March 2 - On the night of February 28th, at about twelve o'clock, lightning struck the chimney on the east end of my house, knocking the top off, tearing off part of the gable end, and running down the studding next the chimney, tearing up part of the hearth and scattering the brickbats, timber, mortar, etc. over the room, breaking out the glass of the windows and scattering it all over the room. Mr. M.B. McGinty and T. A. Chapman were sitting at the table writing, about six feet from the fireplace, and were both thrown back from the table and badly shocked. Chapman received a slight wound on his face from some of the timbers. Mr. McGinty was also shocked and received a cut on the back of the head, but neither were seriously hurt. Mr. N.S. Eaves was lying  on a bed in the corner of the room with his head within four feet of the scantling that was entirely torn out by the lightning, and was considerably shelled by brick-bats and mortar; but his head being protected by the head-board of the bedstead was hurt very little. J. M. Cook and A.L Eaves were lying on a bed in the room, where  they were covered up by splinters and dust. Splinters were also stuck in the ceiling of the room all about. John Colvin Hillburn was sitting on the bed in the opposite corner from Mr. Eaves, and when he came to himself he was on the floor. R.P. Eaves was on the bed with Hillburn, but received no injury at all. The lamp on the table between McGinty and Chapman was put out and a hole made through the lamp chimney. There were twelve in the other part of the house. I can but feel grateful to a merciful Providence that no one was killed, or severely hurt, which under the circumstances is remarkable.

March 9, 1882
Atlanta Constitution
  A very serious mishap, and one which might have been fatal, befell our fellow townsman, Mr. M.B. McGinty, last Tuesday night. He was at Midway, where he had gone to attend to the construction of the new lunatic asylum. With a friend he was sitting near a fireplace, conversing. His companion was an old arm comrade, and their reunion was so pleasant that they continued talking till near midnight. It will be remember that a heavy rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, fell that night. The lightning struck the chimney near which the gentlemen were sitting and tore it all to pieces. The electric current struck the chair on which Mr. McGinty was sitting, tore it to pieces, knocked him several feet, and stunned him. A physician was summoned, and Mr. M. soon recovered consciousness. His right ear was burned, and the back part of his head was cut so that it bled profusely. Besides this, he only hurt was a bruised feeling about the right side. His escape from death was narrow. Several other persons were in the room, but Mr. McGinty was the only one hurt. A hen was killed on her nest under the house immediately underneath where he was sitting. He had been talking with his old comrade about being wounded by a shell during the war; and when he began to recover, his first thought was that he had been struck by another shell.
  Another account in the Milledgeville Herald says:
  A few hundred yards to the rear of the asylum is the residence of Mr. J.T. Farrell.  During the storm of Tuesday night, the lightning struck the chimney of the rom occupied by Messrs Eaves and McGinty, contractors on the new building. Mr. Eaves had just retied to bed, leaving Mr. McGinty writing at a small table near the middle of the room. Five other persons occupied beds in the room. The bolt struck the chimney, demolishing the top of it, passing down the woodwork next to the chimney, "tearing it to splinters, shattering the glass in the sash, upsetting Mr. McGinty and putting out the lamp. The bolt passed within four feet of Mr. Eaves' head, who was sleeping with his head towards the window. The glass and splinters were showered on him like hail, and his first impression on gaining consciousness was that he had been bombarded and the house certainly presents that appearance now. Mr. McGinty was very severely shocked. The others escaped. It was certainly a narrow escape on the part of Messrs., Eaves and McGinty and they have cause to congratulate themselves that they are still in the land of the living.

March 21, 1882
Union and Recorder
   DIED at the residence of Mr. William Barnes, near Midway, in the afternoon of the 15th inst. Miss Rebecca Hudson, in the 82d year of her age. "Aunt Becca" as she was familiarly known, had lived in this city and community nearly all her life, and was respected and beloved by all who knew her. She was very quite and retiring in her disposition and seldom left her home. She was buried from the Presbyterian church on Thursday afternoon, Rev. D. McQueen conducting the burial service.

Mrs Jincey Moran, widow of the late James Moran, died at her residence in this county on the 10th inst. She was about 76 years old. Another of the landmarks of the county has "gone before." One by one they pass away silently, leaving a record of good deeds behind to keep their memory green.

March 30, 1882
Atlanta Constitution
GEORGIA'S GALE. The Wind's Work in the Past Two Days. From the Macon Telegraph
Gordon, Ga, March 29 - Your correspondent has just returned from the scene of destruction along the line of the cyclone. It passed eight miles north of this place, about 11 o'clock yesterday morning. The first he could learn of its ravages was that done on the plantation of Mr.Levi Kinslow, of Jones county. His place was demolished, there not being a house left. Mr. Kinslow and one of his children sustained some injuries, but Dr. Hardeman thinks they are serious. The storm passed southeast, and struck the premises of Judge Peyton Pitts, blowing down several out-houses there. It next struck the plantation of Thomas Ethridge, unroofing his dwelling, and destroying out-houses generally. It struck a skirt of timber, after passing his house, and destroyed it.
  The plantation of Mr. J. Richard Barfield was next in order, and here it did some of its saddest work. Mr. James W. Barfield had been visiting a neighbor some half mile, and hearing the roar of the storm tried, with his little son, to reach home before it came. But it was too late, and as he was endeavoring to cross the branch a pine tree fell on him and killed him instantly. The boy escaped unhurt. The ravage of the cyclone along here beggars description. A dense forest is left without a whole tree! The width of the cyclone here is about six hundred yards. A house on this place, occupied by Mr. J. R. Roberts, was lifted from the floor and slid down the hill. There was some one in the house at the time, and their escape was almost miraculous. Mrs. Lester's smoke house and corn crib were blown down and timber and fences demolished.
  Mr. Ira Wheeler's  place was almost demolished. Crossing Big Commissioner it passed through the plantation of Mr. Charles Mathis, destroying houses, fences and timber, thence to the plantation of Mr. Robert Adams (Baldwin Co.) wounding him perhaps fatally, and destroying houses and timber. A child of Mr. Berry Stevens (Baldwin Co.) was hurt, and his place made a perfect wreck. The cyclone passed out and across the Gordon and Eatonton road this side of Stevens's pottery, killing a negro and destroying property. It is two terrible to describe.

April 2, 1882
Augusta Chronicle
~excerpt~tDied in Milledgeville (Columbus Enquirer) A telegraph received here yesterday brings the sad intelligence of Mrs. G. C. McKinley, nee Miss Mamie Goetchius, died at Milledgeville at 9 o'clock, a.m. Her death is rendered peculiarly said, as she leaves an infant a few weeks of age.
     Mrs. McKinley was the daughter of the late R. H. Goetchius, and was born and reared in this city. A few years agoe she married Mr. G. C. McKinley and has since then lived on a farm near Milledgeville, at which place her death occurred. She leaves two little children, a disconsolate husband and three brothers - one of whom is Henry R. Goetchius, Esq., of this city; Rev. Geo. Goetchius, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Augusta, is another, and Charles who lives with her family is the third.
   Mrs McKinley was dearly beloved in this city and has many warm personal friends who will feel tat they are bereaved in her death. As a young lady she was universally popular and possessed many acomplishments that rendered her attractive. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian  church....  

May 2, 1882
Union and Recorder
  Mr. James H. Pulley died at his residence in this county last Saturday morning, and was buried at Mount Olive on Sunday. He was near the limit allotted by the Psalmist to man, three score years and ten. He had resided in Baldwin as long as we can remember, and was exemplary in all the walks of life-a good citizen, and a kind neighbor.

May 30, 1882
Union and Recorder
DIED, in Midway at the residence of her son, John Hubbard, on the 4th of May, after long suffering, Mrs. Eliza Hubbard, in the 74th year of her age.

June 6, 1882
Augusta Chronicle
Milledgeville Union and Recorder, Mr. J. B. Pounds acre of prize oats turned out 93 bushels and six pounds. - Frank Bell, colored, made 81 bushes of oats on three fourths of an acre of land. Mr. Chauncey Wright's ten acres of wheat were thrashed on Saturday, and turned out about 200 bushels, 100 below his calculation. Many farmers in the county have already plowed their fields lately sowed in grain. Some are planting corn and peas, and a few putting the land in cotton. -Hon. J.H. Blount, in reply to a letter from a friend in this city, states that he is not candidate for Governor, but desires to represent the Sixth District in Congress.

June 20, 1882
Atlanta Constitution
MILLEDGEVILLE MATTERS.. Special Correspondence of The Constitution
Milledgeville, June 19. Mr. W. H. Barnes, of California, is visiting his father's family at Scottsboro, four and a half miles from our city.

July 4, 1882
Atlanta Constitution
STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Special Correspondence of The Constitution
Milledgeville, July 2 - We have had copious rains throughout the entire county, accompanied by heavy winds, in some instances doing considerable damage, blowing down trees and fences and unroofing occasionally a cabin. In one of these storms, Saturday, lightning struck Captain T. H. Latimer's dwelling at Midway, doing considerable damage but injuring no one of the family, most of whom were absent, attending the Baptist Sunday-school picnic , some miles in the country. On the same day an aged German, a worthy, inoffensive man, Jacob Dutenhofer, died. Yesterday Mrs. Dr. Mark Johnson, was stricken with paralysis. Dr. Hall was called promptly to her relief, and this morning she is reported decidedly better and probably out of danger.

July 7, 1882
Macon Telegraph and Messenger
  Mrs. Margaret Bagley of Milledgeville is dead, aged fifty-three years.
  Milledgeville Recorder: On Saturday afternoon, about half-past 1 o'clock, lightning struck the Lamar residence at Midway. The two chimneys on the east side were struck. The bolt or bolts descending split the roof from the chimney to the eavs of the house. No one in the house was injured.

 August 9, 1882
Augusta Chronicle
Col. Oscar Graves, of Rome, Ga. died at the Lunatic Asylum, last Friday and was buried in the Milledgeville Cemetery on Saturday. He was a brother of General Graves of Rome, Ga. who is now railroading in Mississippi.

August 15, 1882
Union and Recorder
  ~excerpt~ DIED, near the Asylum, in Midway, August 10th, 1882, Eddie A. Brake, eldest son of Mr. J. A. and Mrs. J. V. Brake, aged 8 years, 5 months, and 12 days.

September 5, 1882
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, on the 31st of August, 1882, by Rev. C. B. Anderson, Mr. W. W. Anderson and Miss Missouri McCrary. All of Baldwin County.

September 5, 1882
Union and Recorder
CARL ALBERT MOSELY was born July 25th, 1873, and died August 26, 1882. Carl was a noble boy. Only nine years old, et he exhibitited those traits of character that inspired confidence in his judgment, industry and reliablility. Already he was in charge of home affairs and was implicitity trusted with their safe management and the faith thus reposed was never abused.
  To his invalid mother he was doubtly dear. To him it was no task to watch beside her sick-bed all day long and minister to her wants, but a labor of love. Of course they will miss him. His faithful attentions, his kind and cheerful words nd the smile of love he always wore were benedictions to the entire family and will cause his absence to be felt the more deeply. But they are sustained by the grace of Jesus.
  Emanciated and suffering from long confinment in bed and fatal sickness the weeping mother said as his reamins were carried from the home, "I would not call him back if I could." His broken hearted father said, "He has gone to heaven, and I'll see him there." Yes our souls rejoice and our hearts grow light because among those who shall welcome us to heaven are the loved ones of long ago. G. H. PATTILLO.

September 5, 1882
Union and Recorder
Kitty Bayne, a colored woman, about sixty years of age, living on the premises of Mr. Jacob Caraker, was found dead upon the floor of an out house on Tuesday morning. She was apparently well the evening of Monday. She was an old family servant of the Baynes.  An inquest was held on the body by Coroner Scott, and a verdict, died from an unknown cause, was returned. Her death was no doubt the result of a natural cause.

September 21, 1882
The Telegraph and Messenger
 We give below the remarks of the Union and Recorder on the shooting of Jesse Davis, and the verdict of the coroner's jury: "An unfortunate difficulty occurred in this city on Saturday afternoon, about 3 o'clock, in which Mr. Jesse Davis, of this place, was mortally wounded by pistol shots fired by Mr. Sol Barrett, also of this city. Davis died at 3 o'clock Sunday morning.  The telegrams from this city, published in the Telegraph and Messenger Sunday morning, to the effect that the difficulty was owing to an old grudge, is a mistake. The deceased, Jesse Davis, was a young man, over six feet in height and powerfully built. He was regarded as a dangerous man, especially when drinking. He killed Kelsey Tuttle in this city a few years ago. Mr. Barrett is a small man, and will hardly weigh 120 pounds. Mr. B. is a quiet, peaceable gentleman, and regrets as much as any one could the necessity  that occasioned the unfortunate tragedy." The verdict was as follows: "Georgia, Baldwin county - We, a coroner's jury, summoned and sworn by W. S. Scott, coroner of this county, to hold an inquest over the remains of Jesse Davis, find that he came to his death from a pistol shot wound from the hands of Solomon Barrett, and after a careful investigation we find that the killing was in self defense."

October 3, 1882
Union Recorder
~excertp~ DIED. Mrs. Jane B. McCrary, relict of Mr. Jas. McCrary, deceased, was born 1804, and died September 26th, 1882, in Baldwin county, aged 79 years, nearly...........

October 15, 1882
The Telegraph and Messenger
Evening News: Mr. Robert H. Cornwall, of Savannah, and Miss Lila Fleming and Dr. John H. Calloway, of Milledgeville, and Miss Bessie Fleming were married in Athens on Wedneday at the residence of Mr. Thomas Fleming, of that city. The ceremony of this double wedding was performed by Rev. George T. Goetchius, of Augusta. The marriage was quiet on account of recent affliction in the family, but hosts of friends all over the State offer congratulations and best wishes to the young couple. The bridal party went from Athens to Savannah.

October 18 1882
Augusta Chronicle
Milledgeville, October 17 - On Thursday last, the Trustees of the Asylum elected officers of that institution for the insuing year. Dr. Jones, of Wilkinson County, was elected 4th assistant physician, to begin service when the new building is ready for occupation. Mr. L. J. Lamar was elected assistant steward, (a most excellent appointment- a better man for position could not be found in the state). Mr. J. A. Orme was elected assistant store keeper and supervisory of the culinary department. The other offices remain as before.

October 24, 1882
Union and Recorder
  A telegram was received in this city by Mr. James Supple, a few days ago, from his son John, in Texas, stating the sad fact that Mr. Devereaux Jarratt, formerly of this city, died suddenly at Waco on Sunday, October 15th. The family have no particulars.

November 21, 1882
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED at the family residence, in this county, on October 12th, 1882, Mrs. R. A. Mosely, wife of Warren Mosely, Esq. Mrs. M. was born August 1st, 1858, and was married on 21st November, 1867. She was the mother of ten children, eight of whom survive her. She was a good wife, and a careful, solictious, devoted mother. For the last two years she was a constant sufferer under the slow but sure ravages of consuption.....

December 5, 1882
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - In this county, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 30th of November, by the Rev. A. J. Beck, Miss OLIVE, daughter of Mr. Wm. Farrar, to Mr. EDGAR ODOM, of Putnam county.

January 16, 1883
Union and Recorder
   On Thursday last a little boy about ten or eleven years old, named Jimmie (Willie), who had been living with a colored woman, in the eastern portion of our city, named Louisa Lewis, died in convulsions, from, it is know, the inhuman treatment, for a long time, inflicted by the woman on the poor boy. The circumstances, surrounding the case, were such as to demand an investigation by a Coroner's jury.
  The facts as we learn, are these: The woman lived in Memphis during the yellow fever epidemic some few years ago. She came to Milledgeville with this little boy, who was possibly the offspring of white parents, (on these point there is now doubt and difference of opinion) when he was about two years old. She was approached by
Rev. Sam Jones, and other good men, citizens of this place, and urged to permit the boy to go to the Orphan's Home. All solicitation, though charitable and urgent, were refused. The inhuman treatment to which the child was subjected was known to many of the neighbors. He was often badly beaten by his adopted mother and made to suffer in other harsh and cruel ways. On the day of his death he was sent to the spring for water and was cruelly beaten by the woman, Louisa Lewis. He was seized with convulsions, and soon after died. The inquest held by Coroner Scott, developed the above facts, and the verdict returned was, that the death of the boys was caused by the cruel treatment of the woman, Louisa Lewis. The woman was arrested and is now in jail. The woman is very reticent as to the history of the boy, but it is very probable that his parents, one or both, died during the yellow fever epidemic in Memphis, and confided to the colored woman, perhaps a servant, the little boy whose sad death is here recorded.

January 23, 1883
Union and Recorder
  The case of the State vs. Louisa Lewis (colored), charged with the murder of the little boy, Willie McDowell, (an account of which was given in our last issue,) was tried in the Superior Court, last Thursday. The woman being without counsel, Judge Lawson appointed, for her defense, Messrs. Sanford & Furman, Capt. C. P. Crawford and Col. J. T. Jordan. The court house was packed all day long with lookers-on, nine-tenths of whom were negroes. There they sat in the galleries throughout the day-the court taking no recess for dinner. The expressions among the colored people were very bitter and emphatic against the prisoner. A large number of colored witnesses were examined, all of whom testified to the diabolical treatment the unfortunate child received at the hands of this heartless woman-such as being locked up in the house all day without food or fire-made to sleep under the house  bitter cold nights-beaten, knocked down and dragged by the heels. In the opinion of Dr. Harris, who examined the body at the Coroner's inquest, his death was caused by the beating, exposure and starvation to which he had been subjected. Col. Jordan of Sparta, made the speech in defense of the accused, at 4 o'clock, P.M. The case was given to the jury Thursday night, after an able and exhaustive argument by the Solicitor General. The jury soon returned a verdict of guilty, with a recommendation to mercy, which sends the woman to the penitentiary for life.
  The prosecution by Solicitor General Whitfield, was very able. His arraignment of the criminal was eloquent and convincing. We heard it said on Friday, by several gentlemen, that the effort of Solicitor Whitfield was the ablest they had ever heard before a jury, on a criminal case, in this county.
  The trial developed nothing as to the race and parentage of the child. It is only known that the woman brought here from Memphis, four or five years ago, and said it was given to her by its parents, who died of yellow fever. She said he belonged to her, and while she took a savage delight in inflicting upon him unheard of cruelties, she steadily and constantly refused to part with him.
   Our reporter called at the jail Sunday afternoon, and was permitted by Sheriff Ennis to visit the cell of Louisa Lewis. He found her sitting on a mattress on the floor. Her daughter sat beside her holding a bible in her hand. Louisa Lewis is a copper-colored woman, medium size, and says she is thirty-six years old, but her appearance seems to indicate that she is older. The object of the reporter being principally to hear what she had to say about the parentage of the child whose death had been caused by her cruel treatment, we give, for what it is worth, the essence of the conversation that ensued:
Reporter - I have heard that the boy Willie was a white child; is that so?
Louisa - No, sir. His mother was a colored woman by the name of Mollie McDowell and is father was a white man by the name of Pat Winters.
Reporter-How came the child in your possession?
Louisa - His mother died with the yellow fever in Memphis. The child was sick with the fever, and his mother, just before her death, asked me to take him. No one else would take the child, so I took care of him and he got well of the fever.
Reporter - WHen did you come to Milledgeville and where did you live before you came here?
Louisa - I came to Milledgeville four years ago last December. I was raised in Memphis and lived there all my life till I came here.
Reporter- Have you children of your own, and where is your husband?
Louisa - I have one child (pointing to the woman alluded to above) and two grandchildren. My husband is in Boston, Mass. He left here for that city last summer. I expected to go to him next Spring. He has been informed of my trouble and will try to help me.
Reporter - How old was Willie McDowell?
Louisa - He was twelve years old.
Reporter - Did anybody ever offer to take Willie off your hands and take care of him?
Louisa - A white lady offered to take him, but when I told her he was a colored child, she said she didn't want him; and a white man offered to take him, but I didn't want that white man to have him.
Reporter -Have you anything to say about the murder?
Louisa - He died with fits. I know I did not whip him to death. I did not whip him at all the day he died. He was a bad boy and I used to whip him like I did my grand-children. Some of the witnesses swore false - there was only two just witnesses. I have no friends here. I reckon I'll have to go to the Penitentiary the balance of my life. I want the prayers of good people.
 Your reporter learned there were ten prisoners in jail, who were under sentence by the Superior Court, just adjoined.

February 4, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
A Talk With a Man Who Escaped from the Flood - Milledgeville of Old.
From the Milledgeville, Ga., Union
   Meeting Mr. Butts, we said, "We have been interviewing old men and asking their recollections of old times. You are probably the oldest man in town?
Mr. Butts - I am eighty-five years old. I know of no older man in the place.
Reporter. - Where were you born and when did you come to Milledgeville?
Mr. B. - I was born in Southampton county Va. My father moved to Hancock county when I was four of five years of age, and I came to Milledgeville in 1840. I was, at that time, in my 43d year.
Reporter - Tell us something of the town and people of that time?
Mr. B. - When I first came here I boarded with Mrs. Godwin at the Washington hall and afterwards at LaFayette hall. At that time there were six or seven good hotels in the city. There was no railroad. All travel was by stage or private conveyance. All the hotels had large stables attached, for they had as many horses to take care of as men. The members of the legislature came here in gigs, and usually engaged board for their horses for the session. In those days I saw many more pleasure vehicles on the streets than I see now. In fact Milledgeville was a much gayer town then than now. A great many changes have taken place since I came here. Fires have swept out of existence the business portion of the city, two or three times - the old Washing hall, Masonic hall and McComb's hotel alone remaining. Dr. Blake occupied the part of the building front on Wayne street with a little vine-clad piazza. Across Wayne street the O'Briens the kept brilliant drinking saloons, in low wooden buildings on the site now occupied by Newt. Callaway and west of him. Those buildings became dilapidated in the course of time, and the fire that swept them away in 1865, was considered a god-send to the town. Dr. Blake was an educated Scotchman, and came to this country, owing, it was said, to domestic infelicity, caused by marrying a rich wife. He was physician, preacher, poet and wit; also a great hunter and fisherman.
Note. Mr. Butts is Arthur  I. Butts

February 13, 1883
Union and Recorder
  ~excerpt~ COLUMBUS WILCOX, in the 81st year of his age, died at the residence of his son, Capt. J. W.  Wilcox, Midway, Feb. 6th. The date and place of his birth are Ballsten, Saratoga county, New York, May 17, 1802. He removed to New Orleans, La., about 1830, and to Georgia in 1868.
  He was a member of the Methodist Church in this grace a Christian, and thirty years residence in New Orleans, whre he was a member of Carondolet St. Church....

February 13, 1883
Union and Recorder
  ~excerpt~ William G. Fowler, of the firm of W. G. Fowler & Bro., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jere. Fowler, of this city, died of pneumonia, at his father's residence on Friday night, Feb. 9th, aged about 26 years. He was sick just one week. His funeral took place from the Methodist Church, Sunday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. E. W. Bigham...............
   Thos. B. Fowler, four years younger than his brother William , was taken sick with pneumonia, on Monday, January 29th, and at the time we write is extremely ill....
  (See Thomas B. Fowler obit. below)

February 15, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
Of a well known resort in Milledgeville, in the old days, a writer in the Union and Recorder gives the following reminiscences: The "Big Indian" bar was so called from the form of a huge Indian chief, carved out of wood, that stood in the vestibule of Gus. Randolph's famous liquor saloon. In one hand he held a scalping knife - a ferocious dagger and tomahawk graced his belt. Upon one arm was suspended a gourd five feet long, and about his neck was wrapped a stuffed skin of a huge rattlesnake. This "bar" was the resort of the "bloods", the "sports", and the honorables of the legislature. Drinks were ten cents, plain or fancy. At every other bar in town only five cents was asked. Gus  Randolph never got rich, while many of his rivals, at the small figures, grow to wealth, and prominence in the county. An anecdote of Captain Randolph will serve to taper off this sketch. His bar was just opposite the Presbyterian church, and directly in the path of many who attended religious services during the week. It was an eyesore to the preachers from abroad, and one of them, Rev. Mr. Talley, was bold enough to attack the "Big Indian", from the sacred desk. It was during a revival, and a fit occasion to attack the vices of the town. He arraigned Mr. Randolph, who was a short, stout, red-faced man, in the following languare-we quote him correctly. 'Speaking of the "Big Indian", Mr. Talley said" "Just a few steps, hardly a stone's throw, from these sacred doors, is hell's palace, with an Indian chief as a god of worship, Look in-what do you see? A painted Indian, decorated with all the devices that ingenuity and the devil could devise-snares to entrap the unsuspecting youth and land him in the remorseless vortex of ruin. Pass on the the rear room, and what do you see? Flashing lights, gorgeous tapestry, brilliant mirrors, lascivious paintings, rosy-colored bottles and decanters filled with the beverage of hell's own, and behind the counter stands a short, pot-bellied, red-faced man, calling out damnation by the glassful." Captain Randolph, to his dying day, could never forgive the minister for this "personal".

February 20, 1883
Union and Recorder
DIED, in this county on the 14th instant, MRS. MARY BARKSDALE , after a few days illness of neuralgia, terminating in meningetis. She was born November 7th, 1806, in Baldwin county, and married Mr. Horatio Barksdale Dec. 31st, 1826, and was left a widow October 16th, 1843, with six children -one son (Mr. T. J. Barksdale,) and five daughters, all of whom survive her, except one daugter, who died after marriage. She joined the Methodist church over fifty years ago, and lived a zealous christian life, feeling prepared to die at any time. Her funeral took place last Friday. Her furneral took place last Friday, Rev. R. W. Bigham officiating, and she was buried in the family burial-ground at the old homestead.

February 27, 1883
Union and Recorder
SAD DEATH. A son, Willie, of Mr. J. W. Vinson of this county, aged about 16 years, died on Tuesday night of hydrophobia. About two months ago a strange cat appeared on the lot of Mr. Vinson. It appeared to be sick or weak, for some cause or other. The chidlren took it in the house to care for it, and while Willie Vinson was handling it the cat bit him on the end of his finger, fastening its teeth so firmly that they could not be loosened from the cat's fangs until the rabid animal was killed. The wound healed, and the occurrence was about forgotten, when, two days before his death, symptoms of hyrophobia appeared, and convulsions continued with increasing violence until the poor boy was relieved by death. In the opinion of Dr. Sims the death occured from hydrophobia caused by the bite of the cat more that two months ago. It is one of the saddest deaths we have ever had to record in this community. The father and relatives have the deep sympathy of our whole people in their great affliction.

February 27, 1883
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ On Sunday afternoon, Feb. 11th W. G. Fowler was laid to rest in our cemetery. At that time his brother, Tommie, was lying extremely ill with pneumonia....on Thursday last a change for the worse appeared, and at about half past one o'clock, Friday morning, the spirit of the young man went to his God.
  These young me., who had grouwn up here from infance, were strong in moral worth, and had entered on a business career that gave promise of prosperity and usefulness, when both were stricken, amost at the same time, and by the same disease, pneumonia......
  The subject of this notice, THOMAS BARTOW FOWLER, was born on the 15th day of July, 1851, and his brother WILLIE, who preceded him to the grave twelve days, was born on the same day of the month in 1857.........
  That excellent physician and noble christian gentleman, Dr. I. L. Harris, spent every moment, day and night, that he could spare from other professional duties, by his bedside....
  His funeral took place from the Methodist church at 11 o'clock, A.M. Saturday - Rev. R. W. Bigham officiating. The same young men who acted as pall-bearers for Willie, performed the same sad service for Tommie, viz: Charles Caraker, Ed. Bell, Dr. H. M. Clarke, Geo. Haug, Chas. Hendrix and Emmet McComb.

March 15, 1883
Columbus Daily Enquirer-Sun
  The Milledgeville Recorder hears of mad dogs in every portion of Baldwin county. Mr. S. E. Whitaker says that three or four were killed in his neighborhood the past week. Mr. Chesley Bloodworth says a mule was bitten on the nose by a dog in his neighborhood. The dog died.
  Milledgeville Recorder: A day or two ago Mr. Robert H. Miller, of this county, brought to this office a pig of a few days old that was a curiosity. It was perfectly black, his head shaped like a dog's, and without any hair on it. The pig had six well-formed legs. It was alive. He also told us that he had a goat to die at his place which had every symptom of being poisoned, and a fine heifer similarly affected. It is possible that they may have been bitten by a mad dog.

March 27, 1883
Union and Recorder
  ~excerpt~ MRS. SARAH SIMMONS, youngest daugther of Mr. James Moran and wife of Mr. James Simmons, died at her residence in Baldwin county, August 20th, 1882, in the thirty-ninth of hr age.

DIED - Near Milledgeville, Ga., July the 15th, 1882, William Augustus, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Simmons, aged 9 months. Sweet little Billy gone home to Heaven.

April 20, 1883
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Augusta Chronicle: Mr. C. Robert Walton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton of this county, died in Milledgeville, Ga., on the 12 inst. He was sent to the military school at the place on the 15th of September last, and was seventeen years of age at the time of his death and was brought home in charge of a detachment of cadets and buried at Hopeful church, in Burke county, with military honors on the 14th inst., the pastor, Rev. W. M. Verdery, officicating. Robert was a most dutiful son at home and was beloved by all his acquaintances, and at the school was exteemed highly by his fellow students, and also by the faculty. His parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.

April 25, 1883
Union and Recorder
Pottery Dots. April 19th, 1883.
Mrs. Betsey Cooper, a most excellent woman died last Monday. We all feel that we have lost a treasure in her death.

March 31, 1883
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
George Perdue, an old citizen of Baldwin county, died on the 19th inst. Mr. Perdue was near eighty years of age.

May 1, 1883
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 24th ult., by Rev. A. J. Beck, Mr. LYMAN CHAPMAN, of Cartersville, and Miss EMMA, daughter of Mr. J. T. Farell. We tender our best wishes for long life, prosperity and happiness.

May 3, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
   Milledgeville Union:George Adolphus, a negro boy about 17 years old, was killed on Tuesday afternoon on Mr. Joe Stiles plantation. He started to the field to plow after dinner, and was found a short time afterward dead. The mule threw him, as is supposed, and dragged him some distance, his foot having caught in the trace, as the print of the chain was on the sole and heal of his shoe. An inquest was held by Coroner Scott, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the above.
    The Milledgeville Union says that in a recent letter to his father, Lieutenant Frank Carringon reports that he is moving with General Crook's command against the Chiricahus Indians, one of the Apache tribes. He is quartermaster and commissary of the command. They have a force of about 250 regular soldiers and 200 friendly Apaches.
    Arthur I. Butts of Milledgeville, who was a citizen of Meriwether in 1828, fifty-four years ago, built the first house that was erected at Rocky Mount, which stood in the northeast corner of the ?? made by the Flat Shoals and Denoia roads. Bears were then found in the creek swamps and smaller game was abundant.

May 29, 1883
Union and Recorder
BROWN-JONES - Married, May 15th, 1883, by Rev. Thos. H. Gibson, at the residence of the bride's mother in Twiggs county,
Mr. D. W. Brown of Brown's Crossing, Baldwin county, Ga., and Miss ELLA JONES.

June 5, 1883
Union and Recorder
Miss Lizzie, youngest daughter of the late I. T. Cushing, died on Sunday last. The funeral services took place at 9 a.m,, yesterday, from the M. E. Church, Rev. R. W. Bigham officiating. She was bout 19 years of age and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She was about 19 years of age, and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She was taken sick about one week previous to her death, her disease terminating in congestion of the bowels. She received devoted nursing from her sister, Miss Plumer, who is almost heart-broken at the loss of her younger and greatly beloved sister-the two having lived and toiled together many years.

June 7, 1883
The Telegraph and Messenger
  Atlanta, June 6 - This morning a child was born to Ben Brookin's unmarried daughter, in Baldwin county. She confessed that York Cooper, a negro, was the father. Brookins thereupon shot and killed Cooper, and the coroner's jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.

June 12, 1883
The Telegraph and Messenger
Milledgeville, June 11 - Mrs. Henry Stevens, of Steven's Pottery, died last night at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Stevens has been in ill health for some time. Hopes of her recovery were entertained by her many friends and relatives, but at the above hour she expired, leaving a large family to mourn her loss. She was about fifty or fifty-five years of age.

June 12, 1883
Union and Recorder
Milley Phelps, wife of Arthur Phelps, colored, died suddenly Sunday morning last at their home, near Midway. She and her husband were bouth the faithful servants of the late Judge Iverson L. Harris, up to the time of the emancipation of the slaves. Few persons have led more blameless lives that the deceased, and to the last she manifested that respect and affection for the family of her old master, which was not an uncommon thing in the days of slavery (and which never could be understood by our Northern brethen) and her welfare was an object of interest to the family whom she had so long served as long as she lived.

June 17, 1883
Telegraph and Messenger
Milledgeville, June 16. Mrs. Sarah Lester, aged sixty years, died yesterday at 10 o'clock. Her remains will be interred to-day at the burial grounds of Mr. Thomas Pugh.

June 22, 1883
Augusta Chronicle
IN MEMORIAM. Departed this life Thursday, June 14, at her residence in Macon, Ga.,Mrs. Martha Low Fort, nee Fannin, after a lingering illness, in the 80th year of her age.
     The subject of this sketch, long a resident of Macon, was a remarkable woman and true type of Southern character and manners, in the olden times and palmy days of the republic.
    From an interesting family record, which might indeed be considered an autobiography of the deceased, the writer has permitted to gather the following incidents to the life and career of this excellent lady.
     Mrs. Fort, was born on the 8th of January, 1804, in Putnam county, Georgia, about fifteen miles from Eatonton, the county site.
     It is a curious fact that her father, Joseph D. Fannin, one of the earliest settlers of Putnam, imported the first mule ever brought to the county, and also introduced the now famous Bermuda grass from a few roots obtained in Augusta and transported in his saddle bags.
     On October 28, 1824, Miss Fannin was united in marriage with Dr. Tomlinsom Fort, at Madison, Ga., and resided forty years with her husband at Milledgeville.
     The house they occupied is still standing and is now used as a parsonage by the Methodists. It is located on the corner of Greene and Liberty streets.
    Dr. Fort was for many years a prominent figure in Georgia politics, and as the energetic editor of the Federal Union newspaper, the received organ of the Democratic party, was a power in the State.
    Two years after their marriage, in 1826, her husband having been elected to the Congress of the United States, Mrs. Fort accompanied him to Washington. They traveled in their own carriage as railroads and steamboats were then fast locked in the womb of time.
     At the national Capital Mrs. Fort at once took rank among the leaders of society, and became the familiar acquaintance and associate of the illustrious personages of the time.
     Among her visiting friends were Edward Everett and wife, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster. Her description of the brilliant eves and the noble bearing of the great Carolina Senator is worthy of mention
     The subject of this sketch graphically describes the inauguration of President Andrew Jackson and his grand appearance on horseback in the long procession which marched up Pennsylvania avenue.
     Returning from Washington to Georgia after the adjournment of Congress, again was the journey accomplished by private conveyance and slow stages, with necessary intervals of rest. Six weeks were used upon the road ere they beheld the turrets of the old capital and were again domiciled in their Milledgeville home.
     When Georgia succeeded and the whole country was ablaze with enthusiasm, true to the memory of her loved husband who had deceased in 1859, and was ever known as the consistent enemy of "nullification" and a staunch friend of the Union, she refused to illuminate her dwelling, forecasting the deluge of blood in the future, and the inevitable catastrophe which had its consummation at Appomattox Court House.
     Like the lamented Stephens, however, and many other patriots, when the die was cast and the State severed by its own act from the Federal union, she threw her whole soul into the Confederate struggle, and diligently wrought with her own hands for the illy provided soldiers of the "Lost cause".
     Mrs. Fort sent three of her sons (all who were able to bear arms) to the Southern camps, and right gallantly did they ever demean themselves in the "thickest of the fray". She, herself was the president of the Baldwin County "Relief Association", one of the first institutions of the kind in the South, and labored with tireless energy for the support and comfort of our suffering braves.
     It is related that no less than 100 pairs of socks were knitted by her own hands for the barefooted warriors of the Confederacy.
    In 1863, by the death of her daughter, Mrs. Julia Huguenin, of Macon, her children, five in number and of tender years, were bequeathed to her, together with the stately mansion on Jefferson Street, then occupied by the deceased. Mrs. Fort cheerfully accepted the trust, and removing immediately to this city, entered at once upon the grave responsibilities devolved upon her. How faithfully she performed her duty to the stricken orphans-in her old age virtually rearing another young family-they can grateful answer for themselves. Never was a woman more honored and beloved by her descendants to the third generation. At the funeral, which was conducted in Milledgeville by her pastor, Rev. Joseph Key, D.D., a goodly number of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were present. Gently and bedewed with tears did they consign the remains of their honored ancestor to its kindred dust, by the side of the husband who had shared with here the largest portion of the joys and vicissitudes of a long and eventful existence. Ever happy and harmonious in life, their union is now eternal.
     Mrs. Fort was the devoted mother of thirteen children, four of who died in infancy.  Three passed away in mature years, viz.: Miss Susan E. Fort, aged twenty-three; George W. Fort, aged forty, and Mrs. Julia E. Huguenin, relict of Colonel E.D. Huguenin, who died at the age of thirty-eight.
     The survivors, six in number, occupy useful positions in society and their names are as follows:
Mrs. Judge R. J. Morgan, of Memphis, Tenn.
Mrs. Julius L. Brown, of Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. H. O. Milton, of Chattanooga, Tenn.
Miss Kate H. Fort, of Macon, Ga.
Tomlinson Fort, Esq., of Chattanooga, Tenn.
Captain John P. Fort of this city.
      The children of Mrs. Julia E. Huguenin, who were reared by their grandmother, are also well known in this community. Their names are Edward D. Huguenin, Esq.. Mrs J. Marsh Johnston, Miss J. Dora Huguenin and Mrs. B.M. Tarver.
     The venerable lady of who we write was possessed of many sterling and salient traits of character. Prominent among these was her unswerving integrity in all the relations of life.
     The open-handed hospitality of Mrs. Fort was proverbial. Of her, too, it has been said that no beggar was ever turned away from her door. Thus did her years pass away to extreme old age in the midst of a numerous family circle, of which she was the central figure, beloved and revered by every member.
     At length the "silver cord" was "loosed, the "pitcher broken at the fountain" and all  that was mortal of this noble woman lay cold in death. But the immortal spirit has winged its flight to that "better land" where the righteous receive their reward and the weary are at rest.
     Mrs. Fort was a consistent member of the Methodist church, and her funeral obsequies were appropriately celebrated in Milledgeville, where she now sleeps the "sleep that knows no waking" by the side of her beloved husband.

June 22, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, June 21. - During the past ten days there has been an unusual number of deaths and burials in our community. Professor Cone, of the college, lost an infant, andMrs. Horton, perhaps the oldest citizen of the place, was buried last week. She has been gradually failing for some time. Her life has been exemplary throughout, and she died a faithful Christian. The remains of Mrs. Dr. Tomlinson Fort, of Macon, were brought here for burial Saturday morning. The Fort family burying ground is in our cemetery, Milledgeville having been the former home of Dr. Fort. Here the doctor, a man who was once famous as a physician and politician, lived the greater part of his busy life. His popularity gained him a seat in congress from this district once. Requiescat in pace.

July 22, 1883
The Telegraph and Messenger
Milledgeville, July 20 - Our Superior Court has adjourned, after being in session only four days, the shortest term we have ever had, and is evidence of the prosperous condition of our county and unanimity of good feeling among our citizens. The grand jury failed to find a true bill against Ben Brookins who killed he negro who for the education of his daughter. Bills of indictment were found against five of the Horne negroes who threatened the life of Lee Sanford. Giving particulars of this case, your type made me say horse when it should have been house. Sanford is still in jail awaiting a commitment trial, which will come off next week. The general impression prevails that he was justifiable in the shooting. The case of McRea for the recovery of money paid for males bought of Colonel Tom Johnson, of Kentucky, and which were proven to be unsound and died on McRea's hands, decided in favor of McRea. The case of T. F. Newell against the Macon and Augusta railroad for the killing of a cow of the former, was a mistrial, eleven being for the road and one against, which shows that there was one very obstinate man on the jury. The case of Louise Lewis applying for a new trail was continued, in what ground I did not learn. She is the negro woman who murdered the white boy last spring, was convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. The case of Wm. Wright and Barley Davis, colored, of whom bills of indictment were found at last court for cattle stealing was continued on account of the absence of Fleming DuBignon, who was employed as counsel for defendants.

July 31, 1883
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, on Thursday, July 26th, by Rev. Mr. Leonard, Mr. Wyatt Ennis and Miss Pinkey Terry.

August 16, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville Union: Mr. E. L. Moran says that the house of his father, the late James Moran, now occupied by his sister, was covered in 1833 or '34 with pine shingles, and has never had a shingle put on since, and the house leaks very little. His sister has a jar that has been in use since 1821, and a coffee canister taken to her home by her mother, when she was a bride, in 1826, and has been in daily use to hold parched coffee ever since. The small pot that old uncle Sam Johnson had in camp in Savannah in 1812, is now in daily use in this county.

Special to The Constitution
Milledgeville, August 15, Excepting one shower, we had no rain from the 18th of June to the 1st of August, during which time the weather was very hot, with a dry, scorching wind from the northwest. you can doubtless imagine how badly our crops suffered Forward corn was ruined and cotton very badly damaged. Since the 1st instant we have had copious rains and all vegetation seems to be greatly revived and improved.
   Mr. H. E. Hendrix, a large grocery and supply merchant of our town, has just returned from his cotton farm of some two or three hundred acres, near town, and says the rust and caterpillars both have appeared in his cotton, and he is very despondent at the outlook. May farms through the county also report the appearance of rust and caterpillars.
   The health of our town and county is very good at present.

August 21, 1883
Union and Recorder
FATAL ACCIDENT. - On Tuesday afternoon,Gabe Sparks, a well known negro man, in the employ of the city, while excavating dirt on one of our streets, and filling  a cart, had a large lump of dirt to fall upon him. He was terribly hurt, having several ribs broken, also shoulderblade, leg and arm, and received internal injuries, from which he died in about two hurs. Gabe was a very faitful laborer, and bore a good character wherever known.

September 19, 1883
Augusta Chronicle
Death of One of Georgia's Most Brilliant and Useful Men Yesterday in Milledgeville.
  Saturday morningFarish C. Furman died at his home near Milledgeville, Ga., of typhoid fever. He had been ill two weeks, and the best of medical attention had been assisted by the presence of his father, Dr. Furman, of South Carolina. His strong constitution and full physical frame had led his friends to believe that he would survive the attack, but on Friday he became much worse, and yesterday morning breather his last. Two months ago Judge Furman was in Augusta, the picture of health and energy. He was beading ever effort of his active life and nervous temperament to work up an agricultural __ of marked excellence, and his future seemed to open up to him with brilliant promise.
  Farish Furman was a remarkable man. He represented Baldwin county in the State Legislature and the 20th District in the Senate. He served as Judge of his county Court, and was a member of the Constitutional Convention. He was much interested in the Old Capitol, and boldly expressed the claims of Milledgeville on the stump throughout the State. He was well versed in the law; was a fearless and convincing speaker, and was possessed of a well ordered mind and powerful imagination. His system of intensive farming, which had attracted so much attention, and in which he took so much interest, seemed to be broadening into a well digested agricultural scheme, for the success of which he had recently been actively working. He aspired to be a useful, practical man of affairs, and the bent of his mind being that of a statesman, he fondly hoped to live to be of service to his State and to his country. And he would haven been. Georgia loses an able and divested son in the death of Farish Furman. His life and efforts had already won much success, and his example is a bright  one for the young men of his native State.

September 25, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
Sumter Republican:General Geo. W. Bivins died at his residence near this city, at 6 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, in the seventy-fourth year of his age. He was born in Baldwin county, Georgia, and served in the Seminole and Creek wars, with distinction. He was a good, peaceable citizen, a member of the Methodist church, and an honest, upright man. For the last few years of his life he has been afflicted with blindness; but now his eyes so long useless to him here, are gazing upon glories never to this world given, where sorrow nor affliction are never known. May his joy be endless, and triumph in the kingdom he has entered. His remains were buried in Oak grove cemetery at 4 o'clock.

September 25, 1883
Union and Recorder
Milledgeville, September 20. Henry Reid shot and killed Abraham Greene at Scottsboro last night. Reid thought Greene was after his hogs, having missed some. They were neighbros and both white.

September 30, 1883
Macon Telegraph and Messenger
Milledgeville, September 29 - I will give you as much as I can learn them the particulars of the killing of Mr. James Aids, of this county, a well-to-do and respectable farmer. On the 26th of the present month Mr. Aids, Mr. Mansfield Hubbard, Jr., 19 years old, and Mr. George Whitaker met at Cooper's grocery, near Stevens's Pottery. Mr. Aids, from an old grudge existing between him and Mr. Hubbard, received some abuse from Mr. Hubbard, who was his brother-in-law, urged on by George Whitaker. Aids, thinking of avoiding a difficulty, left for home in an ox-cart. He had not gone far when overtaken by Hubbard and Whitaker, when Hubbard begin cursing him, and as Aids turned around, was shot by Hubbard in the abdomen, the ball penetrating two inches above the navel on the right side. He was shot with a derringer. As soon as shot Hubbard and Whitaker ran off. Aids managed to get to Mr. Newt Allen's house, one-quarter of a mile distant, where he was attended by Dr. E. T. Gilmore, who did all in his power to save him, but to no avail. He died the the 27th at 9:30 p.m. The coroner's inquest decided it to be willful murder on the part of Hubbard and Whitaker accessory. Hubbard was quite a boy, only nineteen years. Up to this date the sheriff has been unable to get on track of them. Aids leaves a wife and two children. M.

October 5, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga. October 3. William Barnes, aged 78 years, a prominent citizen and one of the publishers of the Recorder, committed sucicide this morning by taking strychnine. The act was brought about by intense physical suffering.

October 16, 1883
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, in this city on Thursday last, by Rev. A. J. Beck, Miss Emma Denton of this city, and Mr. James Dumas of Jones county,
  Married, on the 9th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. C. J. Ethredge to Miss N. A. Martin, both of Baldwin county.
   The remains of MissMollie Edwards daughter of the late David M. Edwards and Mrs. Kate Edwards, reached the city on Saturday from Griswoldville, where she had been sick for some time of malarial fever. Her mother was with her in her sickness. The remains were interred in the city cemetery,
   Coroner Scott held an Inquest, on the 11th day of October, over the remains of Ramsay Rice, (colored) 4 years of age, who died from a pistol shot, accidentally. The Cornner's jury found this verdict:
  "We, a Coroner's Jury, having been summoned in the matter of Ramsay Rice, infant child of Louisa Rice, about 4 years old, find that deceased came to his death from an accidental shot from the falling of a pistol n the door-step."
   The City Sexton reports 3 interments in the City cemetery, for the week ending October 14th, 1883.
  One adult, white, non-resident, Miss Mollie Edwards.
  One adult, colored, resident, Lucy Sams.
  One child, colored, resident, William Hickland.

October 24, 1883
The Telegraph and Messenger
  The sad news reached this city Saturday of the death of Rev. John A. Shivers, formerly editor of the Warrenton Clipper, and his estimable wife (Mary Pamela Smith Shivers), both on the same day. Mr. Shivers and his wife had for a long time been suffering with consumption, and he had but recently sold out his paper to other parties. Some days ago they were both removed to the residence of Mrs. Shivers' mother in Baldwin county, where on Thursday at 11 o'clock Mr. Shivers died, and at 1 o'clock, two hours later, his wife breathed her last. This is indeed, a sad announcement. Mr. Shivers was well and favorably known in Warren and adjacent counties where, in addition to his editorial labors, he had charge of several Baptist churches. He also had many friends in Augusta who will lament his death. Four little children are left to the cold charities of the world.
(Note: buried in Leonidas Smith/Smith-Mead Cemetery, Baldwin County)

October 30, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
October 29 - A very singular and as unaccountable death occurred at Mr. Fenn's, in this county, last Saturday, the circumstances, as I learn them, below as follows. At Camp Creek Church, on the same day, Mr. andMrs. Dave Bateman after service went to Mr. Fenn's to dine about 2 or 3 o'clock. Before dinner, while dinner was going on, Mrs. Bateman complained greatly of the numbness of her limbs,  suffering so terribly that she laid on a bed, and immediately fell into a sound sleep, from which she never awoke.
  Some of her physicians attribute it to apoplexy. She was buried at the church on Sunday following. M.

November 14, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
     The Macon Telegraph gives the following account of the Baldwin county homicide: On Saturday afternoon last John Tollison, a quiet, peaceful and temperate citizen, was killed at Double Branches, on the southern suburbs of the city, by Alexander McMillen and his two sons, John and Dan, John West Lingold and Aus Wilson in such a manner as to make all good citizens fear that a foul murder was perpetrated in our midst. The deceased is a young man with a wife and five children, without means, and lived in Scottsboro district. Alexander McMillen and sons are white tenants on the land of the late Farish C. Furman. They had been drinking at Kreutz's bar, where the difficulty first started, but were on their way home when the killing occurred. The body of the deceased was fearfully cut - one large wound made with a knife in his back, one in his abdomen, and the one that killed him in the neck severed the carotid artery and jugular vein, killing him instantly. All parties, except John West Lingold, who is still at large, were arrested on the spot. Coronor Scott immediately summoned a jury, with Oscar Cone as foreman, but in consequence of the lateness of the hour, adjourned over until 9 o'clock next morning, and had the body conveyed to the court room. William Tollison, brother of the deceased, when sworn said he, with the deceased, was in Kreutz's bar late Saturday afternoon, and played a game for a drink with Alex McMillen. After winning twice he remarked to McMillen,  "I have won." when McMillen called him a d--n lie. Brother John then said,  "Stop, boys; I'll give 50 cents rather than have a fuss, " and asked me to go home. As we were leaving Alex McMillen said" "We will settle this on the road," Brother John and I then left for home and got to Chancy Wright's house, when I asked them to go back and get a drink, but, as he never drank, he refused. We then started home, and got to Fishing creek bridge, when John McMillen caught up with us.Harrison Barnes sworn, said:  "When I got to the north end of the Fishing creek bridge on my way home Saturday evening, I noticed a difficulty at the other end of the bridge. I saw John McMillen jump from his mule and strike William Tollison and did something, from the distance I couldn't hear nor tell what, and instantly heard a pistol shot and saw John McMillen advancing on John Tollison, when the latter shot again, running behind his mule trying to get out of his way. McMillen first had his hand in his pocket; then his knife in his hand. I could not hear a word. There were with Tollison the old man Tollison, John and William, and I think Mr. Allen was not far off. After the shots, the Tollisons ran, and I saw coming down the road Alex McMillen, Dan McMillen, John West Lingold, and ten steps behind Aus. Wilson, well  - a-well - his hat in his hand hollering, "Where are they?" In passing me John West Lingold dropped his bundle and I picked it up. The Tollisons ran, shooting from the pursing party going on all the time - some twelve or fifteen shots. Finally they caught him about 150 yards in the brach. I heard Alex McMillen, say "By God, we have him; kill him!" The other evidence was substantially the same. After all was quiet, it was found that Josh Dubois was cut in the shoulder, now nobody knows yet. The verdict of the jury has not been made public, as one of the parties has not yet been arrested.
(see trial below)

November 23, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
Special to The Constitution. Stone Mountain, November 22. - Night before last Mr. Warren Mosely, of Milledgeville and Miss Fannie Summey, of Stone Mountain, were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. J.F. McClelland.

November 27, 1883
Union and Recorder
  An infant, Devereaux, of the late James A. Jarratt Jr., aged 1 year, 2 months, and 2 days, died on Thursday morning last. The father died only a few days before.

December 4, 1883
Union and Recorder
Ferry Kenan, an old family servant of Col. A. H. Kenan, dec'd, died last week from the effects of a fall. He was highly thought of. His wife Nancy, an old family servant of the late Mrs. Martha Fort, has many white friends who sympathize with her in her trouble, and who were attentive to her and Ferry while he was sick.

December 11, 1883
Union and Recorder
Dr. Garner Edwards, the oldest physician in the city, and one of the oldest of our citizens, died last week. He was an amiable man, and had that charming virtue of attention strictly to his own business and leaving other people's affairs severely alone. He was a good man, and his charitable deeds in life will prove a fitting monument to his memory. He was about 80 years old.

December 18, 1883
Union and Recorder
~excerpts~ At the Methodist church in this city on Tuesday evening last, at 8½ o'clock, Rev. Thomas H. Gibson and Miss
Alma Bayne were united in marriage-Rev. R. W. Bigham officiating.
  Rev. Thos. H. Gibson is the preacher in charge of Baldwin circuit, and during the past year has won many friends by his able and devoted services as a minister. Miss Bayne is a daughter, and youngest child, of the late John Bayne. She is greatly beloved in this community for her amiable dispostion and sweet, christian character.

~excerpts~ Hymeneal. At the residence of the bride's mother, about three and a half miles from Brown's Crossing in Jones county, on Wednesday, 12 inst, at 7 o'clock in the evening,..
  The contracting parties were Mr. J. T. Speights, of Baldwin county, andMiss M. A. Whaley. Arlie is a pretty and industrious woman, and her good dispostion cannot be excelled by any. Mr. Speights cannot appreciate her worth too highly.

December 19, 1883
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, December 18. - Dr. Mark Johnson is up and about again, after a sudden attack of sickness. Henry Fraley, who has been at death's door for many days, is better.
  The college will give a week's vacation, allowing many of the students who are not residents of this place to go home for Christmas.
  St. Stephens Episcopal church is undergoing repairs and renovation. Mrs. Farish C. Furman donated the necessary amount and soon the church will look pretty and attractive.
  Christmas will be celebrated at the asylum as usual. It is the custom to feed the patients high, to provide concerts, dancing and other amusements, and at night to give a display of fire-works during Christmas.
  it is thought that Fannie Freeman, whose leg was broken in the smash-up on the Central railroad last week will lose the leg.
     Sheriff Ennis, of Baldwin county, arrested Tom Ennis, colored, charged with assault and attempt to murder the person of Frank Dezern.

December 4, 1883
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - At Montpelier Church on Sunday, 25th inst., at 10 o'clock, A.M., by Rev. T. W. Gibson, Mr. S. E. Bothwell to Miss
Lula, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Ennis, all of the county.

December 18, 1883
Union and Recorder
Editors Union & Recorder. Meriwether. December 14, 1883. Mr Thos. Speights and Miss Whaley were married on the 12th inst. So Tom Speights has married the girl he likes, at last. We send him our good wishes.  


January 8, 1884
Union and  Recorder
~excerpt~ DIED - In this city on the 29th day of December, 1883, Mrs. Annie E. Palmer, daughter of Mr. I. H. Brannan, and widow of Samuel Palmer, died, after an illness of nie weeks of typhoid fever.....

January 19, 1884
The Telegraph and Messenger
Married. In Milledgeville on January 17th, by Rev. A. J. Beck, at the residence of J. A. Jarrett. Mr. W. H. Cornell, of Macon, to Miss Hattie W. Jarrett.

January 26, 1884
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, January 25 - The juries in the cases ofAlex McMillan and his son, John McMillan, indicted for murder, brought in verdicts of guilty, recommending that the prisoners be sent to the penitentiary for life. Another son, Daniel, is undergoing trial now, being indicated for murder in second degree, and in all probability will be found guilty. The cases of J. W. Lingold and Austin Wilson will follow for the same offense.
  The circumstances of this case briefly, are as follows: On November 10th, last, William Tollison and his brother John, became involved in a difficulty in H. E. Kreutz bar-room, with the above named parties, in which John Tollison became peacemaker and tried to settle the trouble. The Tollisons departed for home in a short while followed by the McMillans. The latter overtook the former at the Fishing creek bridge, and began the difficulty by one of the McMillans attacking one of the Tollisons. From that the fight ended in the murder of John Tollison. All through the trouble it appears that the Tollisons were trying to escape and the McMillans were on the aggressive. The cases have been ably prosecuted by Solicitor General Whitfield and Judge F. G. DuBignon and likewise stubbornly defended by Messrs. Sanford, Crawford, Grieve and Mathews. There are quiet a number of distinguished lawyers attending court. Among them are J. W. Preston, W. A. Lofton, Colonel Jordon, of Sparta, a and others.
  Colonel W. A. Lofton will be counsel in the case of Aus. Wilson who, it seems is as much guilty of being in bad company as anything else. He was in the McMillian crowd, but did not actually take a hand in the murder. Court will hardly more that get through with these murder cases this week.

In the McMillan murder case, Dan McMillian, J. W. Lingould and Aust Wilson plead guilty to manslaughter, by consent, of counsel, and were sentenced to one year in the penitentiary.
(note:  Alexander McMillan  was pardoned by the governor in 1890)

January 31, 1884
Columbus Daily Enquirer-Sun
   The Milledgeville Recorder says: It was a singular coincidence, that Mrs. Tollison, widow of the man killed by the McMillians, should have died on the day the trial began in the superior court of this county. Her death leaves six orphaned children to the cold charity of the world, the eldest 13 years old, the youngest an infant only a few hours old.  William Tollison was guardian of the children, in 1892 they were James H., Ginnett, Corine and Samuel per Union Recorder 2/2/1892.

February 12, 1884
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - On the 9th inst., at the parsonage in this city, by Rev. R. W. Bigham, Mr. Harry Erwin, of Baldwin county, to Miss Sallie M. Hall, of Howard, Taylor county, Ga. We extend congraulations and wish the young couple a long life of happiness and prosperity. The bride is a daughter of Dr. J. W. Hall, of Taylor Co.

February 12, 1884
Union and Recorder
Mrs. Oscar Brown, widow of the late Oscar V. Brown, died at Brown's Crossing, Sunday, Feb. 4th.

March 11, 1884
Union and Recorder

   Wm. Batson, Jr. was married on last Sunday, to Miss Sarah Ann Hubbard, by Mr. Berry Stevens, Justice of the Peace.

March 18, 1884
Union and Recorder
  Mr. Henry Ferrell was married on the 10th inst. to Mrs. M. I. Smith. We congratulate the Veterinary surgeon on his luck, and wish the pair a long life of happiness.

March 23, 1884
Union and Recorder
  Merriwether Station, March 21st, 1884. 
   Mr. Samuel Hughes, and old and highly esteemed citizen of Baldwin county, died on Wednesday last. He was universally beloved, and had not an enemy. For a number of years she was a great sufferer and the end of this life was but the beginning of a brighter one above. Two of his daughters and a devoted son were with him during his last hours. Mrs. Woodall and Mrs. Jarratt came over to the funeral.

April 1, 1884
Atlanta Constitution
One of the negroes who was shot by Captain Ennis, of Baldwin county, in an attempt to arrest the colored incendiary Clark, has since died.

The Executive Mansion
From the Milledgeville Chronicle
   We strolled up the street and called in at the governor's mansion upon the hill, snugly resting against the beautiful green grass, just now taking on its spring dress.  The plat with its surrounding, though somewhat dilapidated, presents a pleasant view to the eye, but upon entering the old mansion, built over 45 years ago, we notice the hinges of doors and windows are growing rust; the dust has heavily settled upon all the facings and walls, and the cob webs spin out their lengths across the different rooms, filth and trash have accumulated in the cellars and closets, and everything within present sights "unsightly," taking hold of that human nature which will almost irresistibly imagine hobgoblins and ghosts, ready to jump from every corner and jam. We all alone sauntered around into every room, peeping here and there with thoughts of the stories read in younger years of the dismal halls of nunneries and monasteries, with feelings apprehending the spirits of the great and just men made perfect who helped to make the good state of Georgia illustrious, but who have long gone to that "bourne from whence no traveller returns".  Passing we discovered a small door, and ejaculated to ourself, what's this, another closet" We opened it and saw a little stairway with short windings, beginning almost at the open door. We glanced upward, the eye, and saw the passage was narrow and that the head must stoop to clim the winding, but upon a reflection we thought notwithstanding our corporceity, if such men as Cobb and Jenkins, with their corporeal existence could get through we could too. We went up and up to the observatory and looked for a moment over the old capital, and the red hills surrounding it. But enough of all this. The executive mansion is located upon a pleasant spot, and desirable portion of the city, but it is now exposed to abuse and depredations. We made our entrance through a back door which was not fastened. The home should be better protected, and the state could do nothing which would preserve the property as well as to have it repaired and fitted up for a school of technology.

    Had A Good Effect
From the Milledgeville, Ga., Chronicle.
    There is a good story told of the Stevens pottery neighborhood When the cyclone passed through there in 1875 there was no church in the neigborhood. Some of the people thought it was sent as a judgment for their evil deeds. They immediately started a subscription and built one, and now there are none more pious than the people of that vicinity.

March 31 1884
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, March 20 - The continued services at the Presbyterian church, which the pastor, Rev. Donald McQueen, assisted by Rev. Kaff  Smith and Dr. Adams with others, have been conducting for the past two or three weeks, were ended last night. More than a dozen have joined the Presbyterian and other churches as a result of this meeting.
  We have a Clay Pigeon club, which has among its members several first-rate bird hunters, but who can not make anything like a clear record, shooting at clay pigeons. It is much more difficult to hit them than to kill a bird.
  Milledgeville seems to have a painting boom. The spring many whose houses show the need of two coats of paint are making arrangements to paint and whitewash their premises.
  Candidates for the next legislature are beginning to make themselves know. Dr. Mark Johnson has not decided yet where to make the race. The friends of Hon. Samuel Walker want him to take the field.

April 1, 1884
Macon Daily Telegraph
Death of Little Maggie Stevens. Stevens Pottery, March 31 (Correspondence) Little Maggie Nell, daughter of Mr. John H. and Mrs. Julia A. Stevens, died athis morning at 6:05 o'clock, aged about three years.

April 22, 1884
Union and Recorder
  An old colored man, named Jim Roberts fell dead on the sidewalk near Joseph's, one night last week. Death, supposed, from heart disease.

April 22, 1884
Union and Recorder
  MARRIED: At the residence of the bride, on Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, by Rev. R. W. Bigham, Mr. FRED HANFT and Miss PLUMMER CUSHING,  all of this city. We extend our hearty congratulations to the parties.

April 29, 1884
Union and Recorder
Mrs. Ruthie Harper, mother of Mr. B. I. Harper, died at the residence of her son in this county on Sunday the 13th inst. Mrs. Harper was an estimable old lady, and we deeply sympathize with her relatives and friends in their bereavement.

May 30 1884
Atlanta Constitution
Death of R. H. Harper. Milledgeville, May 29 (Special)
R. H. Harper, a prominent citizen of our county, about sixty years old, died last night at nine o'clock.
  Dr. W. H. Hall and Mrs. G. T. Whilden are very sick.
  Mrs. H. Treanor is also very ill.

May 31, 1884
Macon Weekly Telegraph
May 30 - Mr. Robert Harper, one of our oldest and respected citizens and progressive farmers, died on the 28th inst., at his home, eight miles in the country. Baldwin county can illy afford to loose (sic) such a worthy man, as Mr. Harper. I am called upon to also announce the death of Mrs. Hugh Treanor. She died at an advanced age last night and was a most excellent lady and a member of the Catholic church. Dr. Hansel Hall is still very low and his relatives and friends are very much alarmed at his feeble condition. Dr. Charles Hall, of Macon, has been over attending him.

June 3, 1884 
Union and Recorder
MARRIED. - At the residence of Mr. J. B. O'Quinn, o the 21st ult., by Rev. Jas. M. Hall, Mr. J. T. Cook to Miss Ida Ezell, both of Baldwin county.

June 3, 1884
Union and Recorder
    Miss Annie Robinson was married to Mr. W. P. Nicholls, on Thursday, the 22nd ult., at the residence of Mr. William Anderson, in Scottsboro. Both of Midway.

June 10, 1884
Union and Recorder
MURDER. Coroner Scott was notified yesterday that a murder was committed in this county on Sunday last, near Mr. Burwell Jenkins' place. Henry Etheredge killed Tom Clements, both colored. It seems both men loved the same dusky damsel. Tom Clements, was the favored suitor and was on his way to church with his girl to be married, when Henry Etheredge followed and shot him in the back of the head, be was killed instantly, didn't speak after being shot but fell on his face dead. The murderer has not been arrested.
See June 23, 1885

June 19, 1884
Macon Weekly Telegraph.
Milledgeville, The Record of A Sad Death.
June 17. I am called upon to record one of the saddest deaths that has occurred in our community for some time. It was that of Mrs. Dr. Duggan, of Toombsboro, formerly of Milledgeville, which occurred at the Oconee House, at 10 o'clock last night. There has not been an occasion in which more genuine grief and sorrow has been shown than on this. Mrs. Duggan was a daughter of Mr. Robert Trippe, deceased, of Eatonton, Ga. At the age of 20 she was married to Mr. E. D. Brown, in which there never pulsated a warmer and more generous heart. Mr. Brown for a number of years discharged the duties of steward and treasurer of the State Lunatic Asylum. Immediately after the war he took an active part in developing the railroad interests of Georgia and was a big contractor. It was after his railroad career that, his health becoming impaired, that he was appointed steward of the asylum. Soon after his death, which occurred while he was in the State service, Mrs. Duggan, then Mrs. Brown, became matron and served in that capacity for four or five years, and so well and faithfully did she discharge the responsible duties devolved upon her that the trustees were loth to accept her resignation. To known her was to love her. After her official duties as matron had ended, she was married to Dr. Duggan, of Toombsboro. At the time of her marriage, scarcely one year ago, she was the perfect picture of health, and now we are called upon to chronicle one of the saddest deaths that has occurred in Milledgeville for many years. Mrs. Duggan was about forty-six years old, and leaves a husband and two sons, Dr. Rush Brown, of Macon, and Mr. Trippe Brown of Alabama. Her remains will be buried from the Methodist Church this afternoon at 4 o'clock. She leaves a host of friends to mourn her death. To the bereaved family the community extend their heartfelt commiseration.
Note:Sallie C. Brown was married to James B. Duggan Jan. 3, 1883 in Milledgeville. She is buried in Memory Hill Cemetery, Milledgeville, GA. next to her husband E. D. Brown.

August 6, 1884
Atlanta Constitution
The Baldwin county grand jury has recommended that the old executive mansion be turned into a courthouse.
The colored people of Milledgeville have three churches.

Says the Baldwin county grand jury:
It having come to the knowledge of the grand jury that in the surburb, known as Harrisburg, there is, and has been for months, a degree of turbulent and riotous conduct in which the colored school children have been engaged; we recommend to the county school commissioner withdraw the fund to the colored school in that community unless these disturbances be promptly stopped.

Milledgeville Chronicle: There is an old colored woman in this city who is very old, and a few days ago took up a collection among her grandchildren to raise money to visit her sister in Sparta, and only having money enough to carry her to Sparta, she took the train and was soon there, and upon inquiry she found that her sister had been dead ever since before the war. She took a dirt route and walked back to Milledgeville. She said she felt much improved in health after taking her trip.

Scared to Death
Milledgeville, August 5 (Special) Last night Miss Sarah Rockwell, being frightened at the wind storm which passed over this place about eight o'clock, died suddenly. She was a very stout lady and her death was caused by her endeavoring to quickly reach the house of a neighbor during the storm

August 7, 1884
Atlanta Constitution
Friday morning Mrs. Cline, wife of Mr. Peter J. Cline, died in Milledgeville.

August 13, 1884
Atlanta Constitution
Burned to Death. From the Milledgeville, Ga., Record. Penny Clay, a colored woman living on what is known as the Nathan Hawkins place in this county, went to church Wednesday night last, leaving five of her children in her house; one of whom was studying her lesson. The house caught fire during her absence and the result was, three of the children made their escape and two were burned. They doubtless all fell asleep, for it is stated that as the elder children got to the door dragging one of the younger ones with them, the roof fell in, knocking it back in the house and it, with one other, perished in the flames.

September 9, 1884
Union and Recorder
   Mr.Charles Sewell, who has been  very ill for several weeks at the home of his father-in-law, Capt. Howard Tinsley, died on Sunday afternoon. He married Miss Mary Tinsley about two years ago. He died of malarial fever, contracted while traveling in Southern Georgia. The family have our sincere sympathies in their affliction.
  His remains were consigned to the grave yesterday afternoon. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. D. McQueen. The following gentlemen were pall-bearers: G. T. Whilden, C. M. Wright, E. E. Bell, Geo. D. Case, Emmet McComb, E. P. Lane, T. B. Perry, R. E. Stallings.

September 9, 1884
Union and Recorder
Mrs. Elam Johnson, mother of Mr. J. L. Johnson, of Savannah, and an old citizen of Milledgeville, died on Friday last. She was a quiet, pleasant, good woman. She lived to a good old age, and dies lamented by her children and all who knew her. The funeral services were held at the famil residence at Midway, conducted by Rev. R. W. Bigham, and were attended by many of her old friends and acquaintances. She had been a consistent member of the Methodist church from her ealy life to her death. She was buried at the College cemtery at Midway on Saturday afternoon.

September 16, 1884
Union and Recorder
ACCIDENTAL KILLING. On Saturday afternoon, last, two colored youths were out hunting, near the plantation of Mr. W. T. Ray. On returning along the public road they had some play, and during the sport, the gun in the hands of Henry Miles was discharged and its contents entered the side ofSilas Miller causing his death. Miles was 19 years old and Miller 16. Coroner Scott held an inquest over the body of deceased, and the jury after hearing the evidence, returned a verdict of "death by accident."

September 17, 1884
New York Times
    Milledgeville, Ga,  September 16. An attempt has been made by Ellen Maybe to poison the families of Mr. J. F. Calloway, Mr. J.A. Ray, and Mr. Mills, all living close together on the line of Hancock and Baldwin Counties. It was by the disappearance of rat poison that Mrs. Ray's suspicions were aroused. An investigation showed that the girl had been putting it in the food of these families in small doses, hoping thereby to kill them without suspicion. Several persons are now dangerously sick.

October 21, 1884
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, at the residence of Mr. Leonard at Midway, on Thursday evening, by Rev. A. J. Beck, Mr. Wm. Floyd of this city and MissMollie Hudson of Midway.

October 21, 1884
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - In this county on the 16th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Thos. H. Gibson, Mr. Wm. A. Webb and Miss Kate, daughter of Mr. E. J. Humphries. The UNION & RECORDER extends to the happy pair its best wishes for a long life of happiness.

November 4, 1884
Union and Recorder
  Mrs.Lina Summers died at Midway last Friday after a long illness of consumption. Her funeral took place from the Methodist Church in this city last Saturday, Rev. R. W. Bigham officiating.

November 11, 1884
Union and Recorder
Married, at the residence of J. W. Glenn, Stevens Pottery, Mr. W. P. Stevens to Miss G. E. Stephens, Rev. Cosby Smith, officiating. The Union & Recorder tenders congrulations and good wishes.

November 27, 1884
The Telegraph and Messenger
Union and Recorder: "Our sheriff, Captain C. W. Ennis, returned from Texas last Wednesday night. Having received information of the whereabouts ofWarren Owens, who killed a negro in this county a few years ago and fled, a requisition was obtained and he proceeded to Palesinte, Texas. It was thought best that Captain Ennis should not be seen, and the local sheriff went to the residence of Owens, some distance in the country, and arrested him. When about to leave the house the prisoner, with the assistance of his family, effected his escape and getting his gun resisted re-arrest. The sheriff went off to get help and when he returned Owens could not be found; hence Captain Ennis had to return home without him.

November 30, 1884
Atlanta Constitution
A Former Resident of Milledgeville, Himself the Slayer of His Father, Killed
Shreveport, La.  November 29 (Special) Charles A Devereaux was shot and killed last night by John O'Neal at Boughten Bossier Parish. The cause of the tragedy is not known. Devereaux was a man of extraordinary courage, and had served many years as deputy sheriff. He came from near Milledgeville, Ga, where he killed his step-father and had to leave the state.

December 17, 1884
The Dublin Post
The Irwinton Southern and Appeal has changed hands - Mr. C. M. Brannan retiring and Mr. C.H. Morris of Baldwin County, assuming the responsibilities of editor and proprietor. Here's luck to the outgoing and incoming editor.

December 25, 1884
The Telegraph and Messenger
  December 24 - Bishop Beckwith preached quite an interesting sermon to the young men of our town last Sunday. The day was and the rain at intervals through the day came down in torrents, but nevertheless a goodly number were out. There were three confirmations, Misses Belle and Rose White and Mr. Jas. N. Tinsley, of Savannah, Ga., he being at the time on a visit to his mother.
  The Presbyterian Church at 7 o'clock last night present a scene of quite a large wedding, the contracting parties being Mr. George E. Watson and Miss Sallie W. Tatum, niece of Mayor Sam Walker, a citizen of our town, and from my acquaintance and intercourse with him I find him to be a gentleman in every sense of the word and the short time he has been amongst us he has won the esteem and respect of all those with whom he has been thrown in contact. I have no acquaintance with the young lady whom he has chosen to be his partner through life, but from what I can learn she is refined, cultivated and intellectual and withal a lovable disposition. I congratulate Mr. Watson in the choice of such a woman, as it is not always we find the four traits combined and centered in one being. I congratulate her also for being accepted the hand of such a worthy gentleman. May their path trough life be strewn with roses and not thistles. The attendants were Mr. George Haug and Miss Florrie Caraker, Dr. J. H. Hall and Miss Jennie Moore, Mr. Hatch Turner and Miss Ida Treanor, Mr. C. B. Hendrix and Miss Alice Wright. Ushers - Mr. L. H. Compton and Mr. J. C. Bell. From some cause, providential or otherwise, Miss Minnie Dobbs was to have waited with Mr. Turner, but Miss Ida Treanor very kindly consented to act in her stead, and thus witnessed one of the largest weddings that hs occurred in Milledgeville for a long time. The Rev. Mr. McQueen performed the ceremony, and the bridal party left on the 9½  o'clock train for Marion, S.C., the home of the groom's parents. Before their return they will extend their tour as far as New Orleans and take in the sights of that grand and populous city

January 5, 1885
Atlanta Constitution
   The Milledgeville Chronicle says that there was a negro who stole a mule from Mr. Babb on the east side of the river and rode him over to the western part of Baldwin county, swapped with Mr. Goddard, and then rode the horse back to the city the next night. The next morning he rode out to the country again to repeat the swapping game. In the meantime his criminal acts became known, and on his return to the city in the evening he was arrested by Mr. Posey and turned over to sheriff Ennis.
  The following were the officers elected by the Milledgeville council No. 375, Royal Arcanum for the coming term: H. Adler, regent; A. J. Ellison, vice-regent; C. N. Haygood, orator; G. W. Caraker, secretary; T. J. Fairfield, collector; Y. Joel, treasurer; M. Hines, chaplain; A.J. Wall, guide; W. A. Massey, warden; J. B. Fair, sentry.
  At the residence of Mrs. General Doles in Milledgeville, her great aunt, Mrs. Tomlinson, who has been an invalid and the object of the kindly care and attention of Mrs. Doles, for a number of years past, died on the 20th of December.

February 17, 1885
Telegraph and Messenger
 Milledgeville. Feb. 15-  A fire occurred this morning in Midway, consuming the house of Dr. Lockhart, originally known as the Dow Brown place, opposite the Daniel Tucker residence. Was supposed to have been set on fire. Insured for $1,000, with the Continental Insurance Company of Atlanta.

March 3, 1885
Union and Recorder
    Merriwether Station. February 28th, 1885. Mr. Stewart Cowan and Miss Fanny Webb were married last week by Justice Ray.

March 17, 1885
Union and Recorder
Robert Spencer, colored, died suddenly last Friday night, of cramp colic.

March 17, 1885
Union and Recorder
   Rev. Frank Foard (colored) and his wife Augusta, have brought up a large family of unblemished character in this city. They have a neat home in the western suburbs of Milledgeville. As a family they are noted for industry, politeness, intelligence, and religious consecration. Their daughter, Kizzie Lee Foard, about 16 years of age, died of consumption, March 11th, in the peace and joyful hope of the Gospel of Christ. She had been taught in the Academy for the colored people, and was prepared to enter Paine's Institute at Augusta, Ga., when she was stricken with the fatal malady. She loved music and was organist for the large Sunday School of the colored Methodist Church. Many attended her funeral. Indeed it is that that the occasion of her burial called together the largest congregation that ever assembled in the beautiful church of the colored Methodist of this city, on any similar occasion. Young and old, white and black, mingled their sympathies with the stricken family. In the absence of their pastor, the pastor of the Methodist church South, preached the funeral sermon and conducted the service at the grave, he having ministered to her the consolations of religion in her last days on earth. Kizzie Lee Foard sleeps in Christ-a holy life, a peaceful death. May many of our colored people seek to live by the rules that made her life so useful and pure, her death full of peace, her character so worthy of praise. R. W. B.

April 1, 1885
Augusta Chronicle
Efforts are being made to induce Miss Lula Hurst and Mrs. Dixie Haygood to give a joint exhibition of their curious powers in Macon.

April 14, 1885
Atlanta Constitution
Some Old Coins. from the Milledgeville, Ga., Recorder. Mr. E. H. W. Hall, farming on the Samuel Johnson place, in this county, showed us some Spanish coin one of his hands plowed up in the field. There were two dollars and five cents They bore date 1799, and were in a tin cup.

April 15, 1885
TheDublin Post
Nickelsville Items. The Misses Neil of Baldwin County brightened our village Saturday and Sunday last with their presence, the guest of the Misses Cannon.

April 14, 1885
Chronicle and Constitutionalist (Milledgeville Union and Recorder)
  It is no infrequent occurrence to see a party of ladies and gentlemen meandering towards the placid "Oconee" to tackle the nimble cat. - Mr. Henry Newton from the neighborhood of Stevens' Pottery brought us on Saturday a cotton stalk a foot high, that had several forms on it.- There has never been seen, since Georgia was a Sate, so many fine agricultural implements for harvesting grain, sold to out people. Baldwin county certainly never had so many, or so fine ones, and, judging by the reports of county papers, the same, is true of all the other counties.

April 17, 1885
The Atlanta Constitution
 excerpt from the trial of Doc Jackson
Alexander McMillan, a white convict, apparently fifty-five years old, said that soon after Faulkner entered the Lockett camp he proposed to him to make an escape. Witness told Faulkner he didn't want anything to with such projects. On his cross examination witness said he was  sentenced for life for murder alleged to have been committed in Baldwin county. He was made a trusty nine months after he went into the camp, as he thought, for his good behavior. Will Lockett knocked his shackles off. It was not done after the killing of Faulkner, or because he had promised Lockett to testity favorable to Jackson. When he came to the penitentiary he brought a recommendation to Lockett signed by some of the best people of Baldwin county, asking that he be treated kindly. He believes Lockett knew he was an innocent man, and therefore treated him well.

April 28, 1885
Union and Recorder
Mrs. Sallie Hubbard, wife of Mr. Martin Hubbard, died sudenly last Friday, at her home in this county. She leaves a husband and nine children to mouirn her loss. She was buried at Mt. Pleasant church last Saturday.

May 15, 1885
Weekly Telegraph and Messenger
Two Sad Deaths. Milledgeville, May 12. Mr.Jesse K. Bearden and his sister Miss Lizzie Bearden were buried here yesterday. Mr. Bearden was ill with pneumonia, when his sister who lives in Putnam county came to see him, and was stricken down with the same disease. Both lay a corpse at the same time. Miss Bearden dying 12 a.m. Sunday and her brohter at 10 p.m. Mr. B. was an unassuming and highly respected citizen 60 years of age, and leaves several children to mourn his loss.

May 19, 1885
Union and Recorder
MARRIED on the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Lundy, in Baldwin county, by Francis Minor, Esq.,
Mr. John F. Butler, aged sixty years, to Mrs. Elizabeth Roberson, aged fifty-five years. Mr. Butler served in the late ward with that old and honored Company, the Baldwin Blues, of the old bloody 4th Georgia Regiment. Mrs. Roberson was the widow of the late William Roberson.

May 28, 1885
The Atlanta Constitution
Henry Lane, of Baldwin County, Fires Twenty-two Buckshot at William Whiddon for the Latter's Outrageous Conduct Towards His Wife- Personal and General Notes
Macon, GA, May 27. - (Special) - This morning near Brown's crossing, Baldwin county, occurred a tragedy tht will result in the death of William Whiddon, a well to do farmer. Henry lane shot him with twenty two buckshot for an attempted rape on his wife. Lane went to Haddock's station yesterday morning to make some purchases, and in passing Whiddon's house he hailed the latter, and asked if there was anything he could do for him at Haddocks, thus giving Whiddon the information that Lane would be away from home.
  Whiddon then went to Lane's house and hailed Mrs. Lane, who, not being out of bed, came to the window, and asked what was wanted. Whiddon, seeing his opportunity, went into Mrs Lane's room and attacked her. Mrs. Lane screamed for help, which soon came from some negroes in the yard. Whiddon then took to his heels and early this morning Mr. Lane, having returned home, took a shot gun loaded with twenty-two buckshot, and finding Whiddon at his home, fired into him and wounded him seriously. Whiddon is not dead at last accounts. Whiddon fired at Lane with a pistol but failed to hit him. Lane surrendered to the sheriff immediately but was not held in custody.

May 29, 1885
The Atlanta Constitution
Whitten Probably Fatally Wounded
Macon, May 28 (Special) W. M. Whitten was shot by S. H. Lane yesterday, near Haddock station for insulting the latter's wife, was not expected to live late this afternoon. Lane's bullets entered Whitten's body just below the heart, inflicting wounds all the way down to his feet. The wounded man's two brothers and his sister went to his bedside to-day.
  It is report here that, while Lane is in the custody of the sheriff of Baldwin county, he is not in close confinement.

May 31, 1885
The Telegraph and Messenger
  Verdict of the Coroner's Jury
Milledgeville, May 30. Coroner Scott held an inquest over the remains of Wm. M. Whitten yesterday. The evidence given showed Mr. Whitten in a more favorable light than was first thought. There is some strong feeling aginst Mr. Lane since both sides have been presented. The jury rendered a verdict to the effect that Mr. Whitten died from gunshot wounds inflicted by L. H. Lane, and that the same was murder.

May 31, 1885
The Telegraph and Messenger
Death of Mrs. Morris
Milledgeville, May 30 - Mrs. Fannie B. Morris, formerly Mrs. Dr. Herty, died at her residence yesterday evening. Her funeral ceremonies were conducted by Rev. D. McQueen at the Methodist church. Messrs. G. T. Whilden, W. A. Harrett, H. Turner, Dr. T. O. Powell, I. L. Harris and T. L. McComb acted as pall-bearers.

June 2 1885
The Atlanta Constitution
The Milledgeville Chronicle gives the following version the the Lane-Whitten homicide.
  A shocking occurrence, bringing sore troubles between two families, besides a number of their friends, living in the western part of this city near Brown's crossing on Wednesday morning last. It was the shooting of Mr. William M. Whidden with a double barrel shotgun, loaded with buckshot, by Mr. S. H. Lane. Mr. Lane came to Milledgeville and surrender to an officer, and while here made the following statement. On Monday last he told Whitten he was going to Macon the next day by the morning train and at Whitten's request took charge of five dollars to pay a bill for him in Macon. He went to Macon, and on his return home Wednesday his wife told him he had left home but a short time when Whitten came to her door before she got up from her bed and said he wanted to borrow a saw. She told him she would let him have it as soon as she could get up and dress herself. Accordingly, having clothed herself and left her room, she got the saw and handed it to him, when he declined to take it, and in some conversation which occurred he grossly insulted her. She ordered him off and he returned and tried to apologize, but she refused to accept his apology and ordered him off again. He returned a second and a third time, and each time she refused to hear his apology and ordered him to leave. The two parties live within a quarter mile of each other, and the next morning (Wednesday) Lane took his double barreled gun, loaded with buckshot, went to a field near where Whitten was plowing and calling to him to stop, shot both loads into him at a distance probably of twenty steps. Whitten fell, but when Lane started to walk off, he partially rose up and shot at Lane three times with a revolver, without hitting him. Lane then sent for Sheriff Ennis for the purpose of surrendering himself, but before Ennis arrived, he came on to Milledgeville by the cars and surrendered to Mr. Charlie Caraker, deputy sheriff. Such in brief are the particulars of this said tragedy as related by one of the parties. We say tragedy, for we learn that the charge of shot took effect in Whitten's side and abdomen and it would seem in the highest degree improbably that the would should fail to prove mortal. It is perhaps proper to state that Whitten denies that he used any insulting language to Mrs. Lane. Since the above was put in type we learn that Whitten died duirng Thursday night.

June 3, 1885
The Dublin Post
Fatally Shot Near Milledgeville
Milledgeville, Ga. May 27. A shooting affray occurred about seven miles from this place between Henry Lane and WilliamWhitney (Whitten/Whitton/Whiddon), resulting in the latter being mortally wounded.  The parties are white. Lane is under arrest.

June 15, 1885
The Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville Union and Recorder: G. T. Dismukes showed us yesterday a tin cup he captured at the battle of Sharpsburg. It bears the inscription "G.T.D. , Twelfth Georgia regiment." He presented it to his wife as a bridal present  twenty years ago, and she has been using it ever since for a flour cup. He brought it to town to have a new bottom put in, and says he would not give it for a horse.

June 23, 1885
Union Recorder
  Henry Etheridge was hanged in Clinton last Friday for the murder of Tom Clements, another negro, some time last June.

July 7, 1885
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Death of a Milledgeville Lady.
Milledgeville, July 6 - Mrs. A. F. Pound, of Atlanta, nee Miss Skinner, of this city, died in Atlanta Saturday night and was buried in the cemetery here this morning.

July 8, 1885
The Telegraph and Messenger
FREE JOE'S MURDER. Arrest of the Man Charged with Killing Him.
  Milledgeville, July 7 - Bill Todd, who is supposed to have killed Joe Edwards, was arrested by Capt. Ennis and lodged in jail this morning.
  The following additional particulars of the crime were received last night:
  Saturday night about dark Joe Edwards, an old negro of about sixty-five years of age, was stabbed to death on the streets by another negro know as Bill Todd. Old Joe lived in Putnam county and was better know as "Free Joe." He was emancipated before the war, and thus obtained the latter name He bore a good reputation of being an inoffensive old negro, though he was somewhat under the influence of ardent spirits all the time. Todd ran as soon as he committed the deed and made his escape. He is a negro of notorious bad character, and was in the employ of Mr John B, Wall, and was working out a fine paid by Mr. Wall to keep him out of the chain-gang. Coroner Scott held an inquet over the body of Edwards Sunday morning. The jury rendered a verdict that be came to his death by a stab with a knife in the hands of Bill Todd, and in their minds it was a murder, and that one Martha Green was accessory.
See July 23, 1885

July 24, 1885
The Telegraph and Messenger
Gen. Myrick's  Death
Milledgeville, Ga, June 23 - Gen. S. P. Myrick died at his residence in Midway last Saturday night, and was buried from the Methodist church in this city on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Gen. Myrick was 70 years of age and looked, a few weeks before his death, as strong and hearty as many men of 40 or 50. He has been a large and sucessful planter in this county for many years-particularly before the war.

July 7, 1885
The Union-Recorder
Married on July 3, by W.H. Stembridge, Esq. N.P., at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. John Ethridge, Mr. Charles Babb to Miss Jane Phillips, all of this county.

July 23, 1885
The Telegraph and Messenger
Milledgeville Matters.   Milledgeville, Ga., July 22. In the case of the State vs. Bill Todd, charged with the murder of Joe Edwards, the jury returned a verdict of guilty, and recommended the prisoner to be sent to the penitentiary for life.
  Prof. D. H. Hill, Jr., was married to Miss Pauline White, at the residence of her brother Mr. S. G. White, this evening. Rev. D. M. Quinn  officiated. They leave on the 9 o'clock train for Tennessee.

July 28, 1885
Union and Recorder
  Lieut. Frank deL. Carrington, of the 1st Infantry Regt., U. S. A., eldest son of our fellow-citizen Mr. L. Carrington, was married in San Francisco, Cal., on the 10th of June last, to Miss Lula Nina Adamson,Rev. Dr. Beers officiating. Lieut. Carrington has the good wishes of many friends in this city.

August 18, 1885
Union and Recorder
Mrs. Missouri Babb, widow of Mr. Brinkley Babb died at her home in this county, last Friday. She was about 65 years of age. She was laid to rest in the family burial ground last Saturday afternoon.

August 25, 1885
Union and Recorder
  MARRIED, at the residence of Mr. W. F. Floyd, in this city, on Tuesday evening last, by Rev. A. J. Beck, Mr. John Sauls and Miss Anna Mitchum.

November 3, 1885
Union and Recorder
  Mr. William Wood, an old citizen, died last Thursday. He had been ill for many months. He was an Englishman, and was over 70 years of age. He was buried in the city cemetery last Friday, Rev. R. W. Bigham, officiating.

November 8, 1885
The Macon Daily Telegraph
THE BALDWIN MURDER. Fatal Result of a Pig's Raid on a Neighbor's Potato Patch.
  Abraham Putnam killed Tom Roberson on Mrs. H. M. Morris's  plantation, Wednesday morning about sunrise. The cause difficulty was, that on the evening before the killing, Roberson's pig got out of the pen and his children in trying to catch it ran it into Putnam's potato patch. No damage was done to the patch, but Putnam's wife had a great deal to say to Roberson, and many words passed between them. Putnam was not at home - came rather late and sent his siser to Roberson's house asking him to come out as he wished to see him. Roberson declined to come out. It is thought Putnam intended killing him then. On the next morning Roberson in going to his cotton patch had to pass by Putnam's house. Putnam stopped him, and a few words passed. Putnam reached in the door for his double-barrelled shotgun, and shot him down in the path. Deceased staggered and fell at the end of the cabin, and as he tried to rise, Putnam hit him with a large rock. Deceased got up and staggered in front of the cabin and died in a few minutes. Deceased's son ran up and said, "You have killed my papa."   Putnam knocked him senseless with his gun, from the effits of which he has not recovered yet. He then threatened the deceased's sister, pointing his gun at her. After the killing, Putnam fed his horse and hogs, remaining on the premises about an hour. Then he saddled his horse and taking his gun went up the road to Alex Walker's. From there he sent the horse back by a small boy, and took through the field afoot.
  Verdict of the coroner's inquest - murder in the first degree. - Milledgeville Chronicle.

December 14, 1885
The Macon Daily Telegraph
An Old Spinning Wheel.
  There is a spinning wheel in Midway that Mrs. Martha Thomas spun upon 125 year ago, and it is in good order, all but the spindle, which has been lost. Mrs. Thomas was the mother of Col. John S. Thomas, who lived to a great age himself, and died a few years ago. - Milledgeville Chronicle.

December 22, 1885
Union and Recorder
  ~excerpt~ Married on Thursday night last, as the residence of the bride's father, near this city, by Rev. Donald McQueen, Mr. Guy C. McKinley of this county, to Miss Forrest Lee Carrington, daughter of L. Carrington, Esq.

December 22, 1885
Union and Recorder
   Mr. Wm Brookins and Miss Mollie Higgins were married, at the Asylum, last Wednesday night. Rev. A. J. Beck performed the ceremony. May they be prosperous and happy.

December 22, 1885
Union and Recorder
   At Scottsboro', on Tuesday last, Mr. W. B. Richardson and Miss Della Barnes, daughter of Mr. M. A. Barnes, were united in marriage, Rev. A J. Beck officiating. We tender our best wishes.

December 22, 1885
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - On the 16th instant by W. R. Fenn, J. P., at the residence of the bride's father in this county, Mr. James B. Finney  to Miss Mattie Bloodworth, daughter of Mr. Chesley Bloodworth.
  The Union & Recorder extends its hearty congratulations to the happy pair, and the writer of this, who knew the young bride so well in the past, wishes her all possible happiness and prosperity, being persuaded from his knowledge of her that she will, by a faithful discharge of the duties of this life, deserve a full measure of both.

January 12, 1886
Union and Recorder
   Mr. J. R. Irby and Miss Emma Ennis were married at the residence of Mr. _. N. Ennis, in this county, on the 7th inst., Rev. T. H. Gibson offficiating.
  MARRIED, at the residence of the grandmother of the bride in Hancock County, on the 5th inst., Mr. John Terry of Baldwin and Miss Sallie Veal of Hancock, Rev. S. C. Leonard officiating.
  Died - Emma Ogbern Goodloe, infant of C. R. and E. A. Harper, aged four months and twenty four days; a sweet interesting babe the idol of the household. 'Tis heartrending to give her up, though our loss is her eteranl gain.

January 16, 1886
Macon Weekly Telegraph
THROUGH THE HEART. The Sad Suicide of James A. Beall at Albany Yesterday.
  Albany, Ga., January 15. James A. Beall, son of Jere Beall, (formerly of Milledgeville, Ga., and member of the cotton firm of J. &. W. A. Beall & Co., New York, suicided at 12 m., to-day by shooting himself through the heart with a 15-calibre Smith & Wesson pistol while in bed in his room here. The ball went through the heart and buried itself in the lower mattress. He had been indisposed for two weeks, and just before he committed the rash act he took two doses of morphine. There was no one with him when he fired the fatal shot, but in a moment thereafter his friend, Mr. A. C. Westbrook, who roomed next door, was by his side, but too late to get even a response to his call from the deceased. His friends have been alarmed about him for several days. He and his friend, Westbrook, discussed religion in their rooms until 3:15 this morning, when the decesed spoke of the future and said he was prepared for it, and that his father had died as all true men should. The decased was a noble, high-toned gentleman, and his untimely end is deeply deplored by all who knew him. An inquest was held and a verdict in confirmit with the above facts rendered.
  Mr. Beall had large farming interests in this section and  was on a visit her. The exact causes which brought about his tragical end is not known, but it is supposed to be financial embarrassment. He leaves a wife and two boys who are now in New York. He will be buried in Milledgeville.

January 19, 1886
Union and Recorder
~excerpt~ Married, in this city, on the 14th instant, at the residence of Mr. Wm. A. Jarratt, Jr., the brother of the bride, Mr. Wm. C. Sandeford of Burke county, Georgia, to Miss Minnie Jarratt, daughter of Dr. Wm. A. Jarratt of this place, Rev. A. J. Beck officiating. The attendants were Miss Mollie Hunter, of Milledgeville, and Mr. Cave, of Barnwell, S. C.; and Miss Lula Jones, of Burke county and Mr. George Haug of this city....
  The newly married couple took the 10 o'clock P.M. train for Augusta, on their way to their home near Waynesboro.....

January 19, 1886
Union and Recorder
Rachel Malone, an aged colored woman, died at the home of her daughter, Mason Odom, last Monday night.

January 19, 1886
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - In Baldwin County on Jan. 10th 1886, by Rev. C. B. Anderson, Mr. Wm Curry and Miss Mattie Martin.

January 19, 1886
The Daily Constitution
The Ancient Hostelrie of Hon. N. C. Barnett Visited by the Flames
Milledgeville, January 18 - [Special] Old Washington hall, a building that is to some extent famous in Georgia, being formerly a hotel, kept by Hon. N. C. Barnett, present secretary of state when Milledgeville was the capital, was found to be on fire this morning about half-past 1 o'clock. For a while it looked as if a terrible conflagration was in store, on account of adjacent valuable property, but by the heroic efforts of both white and colored citizens, the burning was confined to the Washington hall. West of this building is the store and residence of H. E. Hendrix and east the buildings of Brake, Mrs. A.A. Orme, Hendrix, Joseph and others. Messrs. Massey & Ennis, J. Staley & Stewart moved a large part of their goods into the street, and lost some property by breakage.
  This fire is supposed to have been incendiary, as no one lived in the part of the building where the fire originated. The lot occupied by this old wooden building will not remain long unoccupied. It is a good property and will probably be soon built up with better buildings.

January 26, 1886
Union and Recorder
  Miss Annie Butts was married at the residence of her father, Mr. F. W. Butts, in the city, on Wednesday last, to Mr. Jerome Pattisall, Rev. A. J. Beck officiating. After the ceremony the happy pair left for their future home in Houston county, with the blessing of parents, and the good wishes of many friends.

~excerpt~MARRIED, At the Catholic Church in this city on Tuesday last at 2 o'clock P.M., Mr. P. J. Cline of Macon and
Miss Ida Treanor of the city, daughter of the late Hugh Treanor, for a number of  years a prominent business man of Milledgeville. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. Father McConville, assisted by Rev. Father Bazine of Pio Nono College. Mr. F. B. Mapp, a partner of the groom, and one other gentleman were the only persons present, outside of the immediate family of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Cline left here by the Georgia Railroad and will make a bridal tour to Florida.
  Mr. Cline has been a prominent merchant of this city for years past, and two or three years ago removed to Macon and became a partner in a firm which established one of the largest and most flourishing dry goods stores in that city. His bride is a charming young lady and has many friends here who will regret her loss from the best social circles of our city....

January 26, 1886
Union and Recorder
  Warren Bell, the colored porter of the store of A. Joseph, Esq., was married in Eatonton, on Wednesday, 20th inst., to Miss Mollie Reid, of that town, ther ceremony being performed by Rev. G. W. Fears. Warren was born and raised here and has the esteem of many whites as well as colored friends. We hope he and his bride will have a happy and prosperous voyage on the somewhat uncertain sea of matrimony.

January 27, 1886
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  In Baldin Superior Court last week, the following persons -plaintiffs in divorce suits - obtained verdicts: Margaret Gum, Mollie E. Lingould, Dr. W. A. Thomas, Fannie M. Read, James McMillian and Laura B. Anderson.

February 2, 1886
Union and Recorder
Merriwether Station, Jan. 30, 1886
   Mr. Myrick Daniel, formerly of Milledgeville, was married a few weeks since, to a Miss Mollie Short.

February 3, 1886
The Dublin Post
Nickelsville Items. Miss Belle Neal, a charming young lady of Baldwin County, is in our midst, the guest of Mr. G. W. Cannonand sisters.

February 16, 1886
Union and Recorder
MARRIED - Near the Asylum, by Rev. C. B. Anderson, Mr. L. W. Layfield, of Hancock and Miss Emma Lewis, of Midway.
   MARRIED, on the afternoon of the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. W. D. Dewel, Dr. W. A. Thomas,
and Miss Florence E. Neal, all of this county.

February 23, 1886
Union and Recorder
MARRIED, on Wednesday last, at 8 o'clock, P.M., at the residence of Mr. O. L. Brown, brother of the bride, Miss Mattie F. Brown and Mr. Mead Smith, all of this county. Rev. James Hall, of Macon officiated. The attendants were Miss Sallie Moore of Jones county and Mr. Wm. Rice; and Miss Nettie Moore and Mr. Hal Brown. Many relatives and friends were preent to witness the marriage. The bridal presents were numerous and handsome.
  Mr. Augustus Brown of this county and Miss Anna Bozeman of Putnam, were married on the morning of the same day, at Dennis Station. After the ceremony Mr. Brown and his fair bride proceeded to the residence of his brother and witnessed the marriage of his siser, Miss Mattie, which occured as above stated. We tender to both couples our best wishes for long, prosperous and happy lives.

February 24, 1886
Atlanta Constitution
GOING TO BE MARRIED - Mr. E.B. Collier will leave Atlanta tomorrow for Milledgeville, where he will marry one of the old capital's most charming daughters. On Thursday night he will wed MissAddie Wall, and will reach Atlanta Friday. That evening he and his bride will be given a reception at this father, Dr. T.C. Collier's residence, 29 Moore street. Mr. Collier is well known and highly esteemed in Atlanta. He is one of the most trusted employees at Draper, Moore & Co's,. the shoe men.

March 4 1886
The Augusta Chronicle
Stevens Pottery, near Macon, is to have an artesian well.

March 4, 1886
The Augusta Chronicle
Baldwin County will vote on the prohibition question on Monday the 22 inst.

March 4, 1886
The Augusta Chronicle
The Memphis papers announce the death of Mrs. Martha F. Morgan. This lady Richmond knew well. She was a native Georgia, a daughter of Doctor Tomlinson Fort of Milledgeville, and a sister of Mrs. Julius S. Brown of Atlanta. She was a noble specimen of womanhood, a dutiful daughter, a good wife, a devoted Mother, and a genuine Christian.

March 4, 1886
The Daily Constitution
The Alleged Effect of the Speech of Rev. Sam Jones in Milledgeville-Further Street Speaking Prohibited-The Election of Haygood's Successor-Fleming DuBignon to Speak
Milledgeville, Ga., March 3. [Special.] The verdict of the coroner's jury in the case of Sam Ennis for killing Deputy MarshalC.M. Haygood, was murder.
Yesterday the commitment trial took place before County Judge Ramsey and occupied almost the entire day. Hon. Seab Reese, of Sparta, Judge D.B. Sanford and John Allen of this place, defended Ennis. Colonel W. A. Lofton and Sam Jemison of Macon, were engaged to prosecute. Solicitor-General Robert Whitfieldis absent attending court in another county. Judge Ramsey delivered his decision this morning. He bound the prisoner over for trial at the next session of the superior court, and fixed his bond at $2,500.
   The substance of popular opinion in this unfortunate affair seems to be about this" that Ennis felt much aggrieved at the criticism of his brother's speech by Haygood and that Haygood, in attempting to explain to Ennis afterwards, perhaps made the matter worse, one word after another leading to the sad catastrophe.
   Much has been said about the address of Rev. Sam Jones, delivered in Amusement hall here about ten days ago. It has been laid at his door that his utterances gave ? to much of the high feeling existing here over the prohibition campaign. There is no doubt that he made a telling address. The prohibitionists were thoroughly aroused. Some of his words may have been, under the circumstances, considered bu some of the audience as more reckless than prudent-but if Mr. Jones were to come back here he would probably say as much again, as he is know to use plain words and to go at his adversary tooth and toe-nail.
  The killing of Haygood cannot be fairly regarded as the result of the prohibition agitation. It was a personal difficulty, such as may have occurred under any other circumstances.
  Haygood left a wife and three children and was insured for three thousand dollars.
  Last night the city council elected Augustus Dunn to be deputy marshal in Haygood's place. They also passed an ordinance forbidding any more street speaking.
  Hon. F. G. duBignon, of Savannah will deliver and address for prohibition in Amusement hall next Saturday.
See August 18, 1886

March 6, 1886
The Macon Telegraph
 Milledgeville, March 5 - About nine miles from here on the land of George Vinson, and about two miles equidistant from the homes of Frank Humphries and his half brother E. J. Humphries, was committed as terrible a murder yesterday afternoon as has shocked humanity in many years. Late yesterday afternoon Frank Humphries went to the house of E. J. Humphries, and asked Miss Carrie Raines, his sister-in-law to go over to his house with him as his wife was not well. He started out accompanied by Miss Raines and her niece, Miss Ella Humphries.
  He stated this afternoon, before the coroner, that when near a pine thicket in the road, about two miles from his brother's four men with mask on suddenly attacked him, that two of them had double-barrel breech-loading shot guns in their hands, and hat two were armed with knives and pistols. He says he was struck on the head with a sand bag, and as he was falling he fired both barrels of his gun, which Miss Raines was carrying for him, at his assailants; he says that the ladies screamed, that he fell over and became unconscious and knows nothing that happened after that until he recovered, which was near morning. He states that he lay on the ground where he fell all night. At the coroner's incept, several parties were examined, but their evidence only amounted to having heard two gunshot about sundown over in the woods. Mrs. Georgia Raines testified that Frank Humphires was not at his home last night, and that he only came home about breakfast time this morning; that when he came into his house he was wet and muddy, had blood on his clothes and told her of his having been attacked, as stated above, last night and hat he did not know what had become of the two ladies. He wrote a note to his brother relating the same story. His brother, E. J. Humphries, on going to the place, found the dead bodies of the two ladies lying in the woods, and at once sought persons to come there. Upon examination both ladies were found to have been shot in the right side of the neck, the shot going through, and the shoulder of Miss Raines being badly torn. After being murdered, their bodies were dragged a few yards into the woods.
  Suspicion rested so strongly on Frank Humphries as the murder that he was arrested this afternoon by Sheriff Ennis while the inquest was going on, and brought to the city and jailed. The sheriff thought best to quietly take him off for feat that an outraged neighborhood might not wait for the law to take its course. The clothes he had on yesterday have not been found yet. It was reported on the ground this afternoon that there was a negro on Frank Humphries' plantation who knows where Frank Humphries was after the deed was done yesterday afternoon.
  The news of the murder was brought to town about one o'clock to-day by a negro named Turner Benford. Sheriff Ennis and Coroner Scott, accompanied by about twenty citizens, left immediately for the scene of the murder. It is said that Frank Humphries spent the night at the house of the negro, Turner Benford; but there is no positive evidence.
  It was stated at the coroner's inquest that Frank Humphries asked Miss Raines to accompany him home, she refused. She said she was afraid to go, as Frank seemed to be drinking. She finally consented to go, accompanied by Miss Humphries. The bodies of both ladies, when found, were about twenty yards from the road, in a thicket, and seemed to have been dragged from the road after they were murdered. Miss Humphries's arms where found were stretched above her head and her body bore strong evidence of having been outraged.
  The bodies of the murdered ladies presented a ghastly appearance. Their clothes were torn and rumpled. Miss Raines, the elder of the two was about forty years old and rather homely.
  Miss Humphries was much younger, and is said to have been quite handsome.
  The accused was interviewed by a Telegraph reporter in his cell about 9 o'clock to-night. He made about the same statement to the reporter that he made at the coroner's inquest. He protested his innocence strongly and seemed frightened. He is a man about 35 years old, about six feet high and weights 110 pounds; not very pre-possessing. He is considered to be one of the best farmers in his neighborhood, and has heretofore borne the reputation of being a peaceful, law abiding citizen. He is married and has three children.
  Public feeling is running high, and trouble is expected.
  Later - The coroner's jury brought in a verdict of murder against Frank Humphries. Everything quiet up to this time - midnight.

Notes: March 9 - Humphries was taken to jail in Macon to avoid possible lynching before March 9.
March 20 -  officially charged with murder.
March 23 - by direction of Sheriff Ennis,  is allowed 2 moderate drinks of whiskey and extra food in jail (paid for by his friends.)  April 4 - suffered from violent attack of neuralgia of the heart. He requested his wife and brother J. P. Humphries come visit him.  April 6 - his brother visited him. According to some Humphries told his brother if his wife didn't visit him in jail he would will all his property to him and not even leave her $5.00.
April 7 - he wife visited him. She requested of the jailer to spend several days in the cell with her husband which was granted.   She was described as " a small, thin, rather good looking woman. She has expressed no opinion as to Humphries's guilt, but it can be plainly seen that she suspects him. She appears not to have much affection for him, a thing under the circumstances not at all unnatural."
July 10 - Mrs. Humphries visits her husband in jail. Meeting - affectionate
August 5 & 6 - The trial begins in Milledgeville, witnesses examined. Evidence against him included his clothes, gun-wads and other things,  Witnesses: Elisha Humphries, brother; John Lane, brother-in-law; Mrs. John Raines, wife of Miss Raines's brother; Mrs. Stiles; Mrs. Katie Webb, sister of Ella Humphries; Dr. Hardeman; Shep Walker.
Plea of insanity is all that can save him. Prosecution - Col. Robert Whitfield, Hon. Seaborn Reese. Defense - Judge D. B. Sanford, Col. A. M. Grieve. Trial concluded at 3:30 o'clock, verdict of guilty of murder in first degree, without recommendation to mercy was  returned at 4 o'clock
August 7 - sentenced to be hanged on the September 24 at a private hanging.
August 23 - admits that drinking whiskey , from a quart to half a gallon a day for months was the cause of him going crazy and committing the crime.
September 7 - religious conversion  by Rev, J. D. Hammond of Methodist church in Milledgeville. Wants to be buried in the yard at home.
September 21 - Confessed to his wife in jail in Milledgeville of the killing of the two women. Said he was crazy at the time.
September 22 - Confessed to his uncle John R. Lee, of Albany Ga, in a letter.
September 23 - Governor asked to commute his sentence to imprisonment for life, on ground that Humphries was demented when he committed the crime. Governor telegraph refusal. Over 100 names from citizens of Baldwin & Jones counties signed on the petition for commutation.
September 24 - Humphries hanged at noon, no immediate relatives there. Only kinsman was Andrew J. Banks, who came to carry the body to Humphries home, 7 miles away, for burial in the gin house lot. He did not want to be buried in the family burial ground beside those he had disgrace. The gallows were erected on a hill in the suburbs of Lintonville, 3/4 miles from the jail. The rope was the same as was used to hang Mike Shaw in 1872. Nineteen were present including Drs. Whitaker, O'Daniel, Allen and Callaway, Mr. Hammond, the press, and a few others permitted by Sheriff Ennis or the prisoner.  It took Humphries 13½ minutes to die.

March 9, 1886
Union and Recorder
  Married, at the residence of the bride's father, in this county, on Sunday last, Mr. Augustus Dunn and Miss Julia Dunn, daughter of Mr. Greenberry Dunn, E. K. Champion J. P. officiating.

April 18, 1886
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, April 17 - Mr.  I. W. Hoover and Miss Rebecca E. Youngblood of Wilkinson county were married in the Ordianary's office to-day by County Judge E. C. Ramsey.

April 21, 1886
The Dublin Post
Mrs. DuBignon, a wealthy lady of Baldwin county, served the cause of prohibition and her country, most effectively by ordered all her tenants who favored the whiskey traffic to leave her premises without delay.

May 4, 1886
Union Recorder
   ~excerpt~ Death..Mr. Archibald W. Martin was born in Hancock county on the 12th of March, 1810, an departed this life, in this city, on the 27th of April, 1886-his pilgrimage on earth being seventy-six years, one month and fifteen days. His parents moved to this city when he was about ten years of age, and his youth and early manhood was passed here. His mother, who, after the death of his father, married Capt. Wm. F. Scott, kept the LaFayette Hall for a number of years, and had charge of this noted hostelry in 1825, when General LaFayette visited this city. Mr. Martin was a soldier in the Florida Indian war, and afterwards settled in Macon. He spent portions of his life in Forsyth, Americus and Gwinnett county; and after the late war, lived for some years with a son in Texas, finally returning to the home of his youth, to close his long and somewhat eventful life. He not only lost his ample fortune by the results of the war, but lost three noble sons, killed in battle. His youngest daughter married Mr. H. V. Sanford, of this city, and for the past few yers his home has been with them. His son, Mr. Robt. Martin of Eatonton, was with him in his last brief illness. His funeral took place from the Methodist church (of which he was a member) on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. J. D.  Hammond officiating. The pall-bearers were Dr. T. O. Powell, Col. R. L. Hunter, Messrs. W. T> Conn, B. F. Denton, M. Hines, and J. N. Moore.

May 6, 1886
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  Milledgeville, May 5. MissMinnie Doles, daughter of the late General George P. Doles, died here yesterday, of consumption. The funeral services were held at the Methodist Church this afternoon. Her remains were followed to their last resting place, beside her noble father, by quite a concourse of friends and relatives.
  Yesterday a negro girl, living on Mr. Joe Tucker's place, twelve miles below here, was drowned in the Oconee river. She was hauling water across the river in a batteau, and in getting out lost her balance and fell overboard.
  The remains of theRev. J H. Brooks, of Colorado, formerly a citizen of this place, were interred here this afternoon at 6 o'clock.

May 25, 1886
Union Recorder
THE CYCLONE.   Which visited this county last Tuesday afternoon, crossed the Oconee river near the mouth of Camp creek, and passed on to old Salem, where it struck Mr.  Lawrence Babb's place, destroying his dwelling and damaging his fencing; the next place it struck was Mr. J. J. Simpson's, whose house was also damaged and his fencing blown down. At Harrison Barnes old place, now owned by Perry and Denton and occupied by a negro named Watts, the houses were all swept away. Mr. Ed Vinson was perhaps the greatest sufferer; all the houses on his place were blown down except his residence and that was unroofed. Three colored families living on his place lot, everything. Mr. Lowe Russell, living on Mr. M. A. Barnes place also lost everything. Mr. Cute Jenkins' house was demolished and he was struck by a piece of falling timber and badly hurt. The house occupied by Mr. Benj. Cook was destroyed but the family all escaped unhurt. Mr. Chandler's gin-house was blown down.
  The whole neighborhood turned out Wednesday and assisted the sufferers in putting up fences and repairing dwellings. Rev. T. H. Gibson, Capt. P. T. Ennis and Mr. King Champion, who were appointed a committee for the purpose, called on our citizens last Friday for contributions for the sufferers. The families, whose homes were ruined by the storm, have the sympathy of our citizens, and prompt assistance should be rendered to place them on their feet again.

May 25, 1886
Union Recorder
DROWNED. Last Sunday morning, two little girls Viola and Pearl Hutto, aged about six and eight yers, daughters of Mr. Mack Hutto, who lives on South Wayne street in this city, went to the creek to get mulberries. They crossed the bridge and went down the stream to Mr. Bagley's field where they found a mulberry tree near the water. While engaged in gathering the fruit, Pearl, the smallest child, fell into the water, when her sister in reaching after her also fell in. Their cries attracted attention and two colored boys, Williamson and Tyson, who were the first to reach them, rescued Viola who was holding to a root and screaming for papa, but little Pearl had sank out of sight. Robert Caraker on reaching the place jumped in and diving down brough her to the surface, when, with the assistance of young Mr. Jake Caraker, she was gotten out of the water, placed in a buggy, and carried immediately to the residence of Dr. Sims. Every effort was made to revive the child, but in vain. She was dead. Her remains were carried to Augusta for burial. The parents have the sympathy of our community in their bereavement.

June 1, 1886
Union Recorder
Married, at the residence of the bride's father in this county on Wednesday, 26th ult., Dr. H. D. Allen and Miss Sallie C., youngest daughter of Mr. Sam'l E. Whitaker. The ceremony took place at 4 o'clock p.m. and was performed in an impressive manner by Rev. W. R. Foote, Jr. The happy occasion brought together many friends of the bride and groom. Among those from a  distance were Dr. and Mrs. Hardeman, Mr. and Mrs. Finney, Mr. Coleman, Mrs. Woolfork, Miss Sallie Fannie Woolfork, all of Jones county, Dr. Jim Whitaker and family of Midway, Mr. Adams and family of Washington county, Col. O. H. Rogers, of Sandersville, Miss Lura Caraker, Miss Hattie Hendrix, Col. J. T. Allen, Dr. John Callaway, Mr. G. D. Case from Milledgeville and Mr. J. J. Moore and Miss Latimer, Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Gibson from Baldwin county.
  The bride received many handsome presents, among them a beautiful gold watch. The Union-Recorder joins the many friends of the happy pair in extending congratulations and good wishes.

June 15, 1886
KILLED BY LIGHTNING. During a heavy thunder storm on the afternoon of the 7th instant, Henry Bates a colored man, who worked on Ed Vinson's farm, in this county, was struck by lightning and killed instantly. He was in a house leaning against the chimney, along with several other negroes, when the bolt descended and struck him dead. No one else was hurt.

July 20, 1886
Union Recorder
  Mr. John Lyons died last Saturday in Midway and was buried in our city cemetery on Sunday.

July 27, 1886
Union Recorder
  We regret to hear of the death of Mr.Wiley Etheridge which occurred last Saturday morning at the residence of his father in this county.

July 27, 1886
Union Recorder
Died, on the 15th instant, of dysentery, Mollie, aged 7 years, and 4 months, and on the 16th inst., George Pierce, aged 1 year and 2 months, children of Mr. Wm. H. Stembridge of this county.
  On the 18th instant Mr. Thos. T. Smith, living in the same neighborhood, lost his son, George Howard, by the same disease.
  Dysentery, always a serious complaint, seems to have become an epidemic of a most fatal character in the neighborhood where the above deaths occurred.

August 3, 1886
Union Recorder
  We made mention in our last issue of the serious illness of Mr. Zack Brookins of this county. We regret to state that, after a long illness he died on Monday, 26th of last month.
  He was an old and well known citizen of this county and was probably  60 or 65 years old at his death. His remains were buried at Mount Olive church on Tuesday last.

August 10, 1886
Union Recorder
MARRIED, In the 321st district, on the 6th day of August, 1886, by T. J. Lingould, Esq., Mr. W. A. Durden and Miss Margaret E. McMillan.

August 18, 1886
Macon Telegraph
Sam Ennis Acquitted. Milledgeville Recorder.   The trial of Sam Ennis for the killing of Deputy Marshal C. N. Haygood in this city on the 27th of last February took place in the Superior Court last Thursday. The State was represented by Solicitor General Whitfield, and the defense by Hons. Seaborn Reese, D. B. Sanford and J. F. Little.
  The following gentlemen were selected and qualified as jurors: W. R. Fenn, Thos. Smith, E. H. Thomas, John Sengro, A. F. Wynne, U. M. Erwin, J. W. Gholson, W. M. Tucker, Davison Wilkinson, Warren Edwards, C. M. Gibson, Joel Goddard. The day was consumed in the trial, After the hearing of he evidence, the Solictor-General made a strong argument in behalf of the State, following by Hon. Seaborn Reese in an eloquent and effective speech to the prisoner. The jury retired later receiving the charge from the Judge, and after a short absence brought in a verdict of "not guilty."

September 2, 1886
Macon Telegraph
A Sad Night for Milledgeville. Milledgeville, September 1. Last night at 9 o'clock Milledgeville was visited by one of the most terrific earthquake shocks. Six distinct shocks were felt, the first occurring about 9 o'clock. The sound seemed to come from south and southwest. It caused houses to sway and rock like a cradle and chimneys to topple and fall. Among the buildings that were damaged was the old Darien Bank. Cracks were made in the wall as wide as a foot. The old McComb Hotel was almost the same. Chimneys fell and everybody was panic stricken. In every part of the town screams of women and children were heard. All abandoned their houses and took resort to the public squares and streets. At the McComb Hotel Miss Thomas, who was sick almost unto death, was moved.
  At the asylum considerable damage was done, but no estimation as yet has been obtained. The large, heavy building rocked so that the "wing became slightly detached from the main building. The plastering fell and all who could get out fled in terror and some of the physicians slept in the front yard all night. Miss Hattie Powell fainted. It was a sad night in the city to see ladies in the street crying and praying.

September 2, 1886
Atlanta Constitution
THE PEOPLE GO TO PRAYING. MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga., September 1. (Special)- The "quake" last night stirred the old capital, both men and beast, from center to circumference. Altogether this is the most remarkable phenomenon ever experienced here. The oldest inhabitant can't recollect anything like it in the way of a quake. The damage done consists mostly of broken chimneys in different parts of town and fallen plastering. The Oconee house, which is now undergoing thorough repairs, had plastering shaken down in several rooms. Some pictures and bric-a-brac were demolished in almost every house. The people were greatly alarmed, and as many had retired when the shake occurred, and lost no time in getting out of their houses, some ludicrous scenes happened all over the city. As well as can be agreed on, the rumbling motion came from a northwesterly direction. In the northwest suburbs of this place is a large negro settlement. This morning it is reported that consternation reigned supreme among them and that shrieks, prayers, etc., were heard on all sides. They thought Gabriel was riding in a chariot toward Milledgeville and that the next thing they would hear, would be the toot of his trumpet. (Note: this is the Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886)

September 10, 1886
The Daily Constitution
The Progress of Milledgeville
Milledgeville, GA, September 9 {Special.}- At least forty houses have been built since Christmas and a dozen are now being constructed. New families are moving into the city constantly, and new enterprises are rapidly organized. The territory of the place is expanding, and the wholesale merchants send drummers more than 100 miles from home.
    There is not a good house in town for rent. Six stores have opened here lately, and a marble yard and several stores will be opened within a month.

September 21, 1886
Union Recorder
    MARRIED on the 2d inst, by W. R. Fenn, J. P. , Mr. C. O. Batson and Miss F. P. Allen, all of this county. 

October 12, 1886
Union Recorder
DEATH OF MISS REBECCA BLOODWORTH- It is with sincere regret that we have heard of the untimely death of Miss Rebecca Bloodworth, aged about seventeen years, a notice of which is contained in our correspondence from Stevens' Pottery. The writer knew her well in her childhood, and can well understand that the winsome and affectionate ways which caused the tendrils of love to bind her close and fast to the hearts of parents and kindred, when a child, have strengthened as she advanced to you womanhood. The ways of Providence are dark and mysterious to our view, but they are found on infinite wisdom and goodness.
  The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chesley Bloodworth, who have lost the child, the brothers and sisters of the deceased, all have our sincere sympathy. R. L. H.

October 26, 1886
Union Recorder
Mrs. Sallie Ennis, wife of Mr. Sam Ennis, died on Monday Oct. 19th.

November 2, 1886
Union Recorder
~excerpts~ On Tuesday evening last at half past 8 o'clock, Mr. Joseph W. Smith of Burke county was married to Miss Ida Dowsing of this city. The marriage ceremony was performed at the Episcopal church, the rector Rev. R. W. Anderson officiating...organist, Miss Fannie Stembridge...ushers, Mr. George Haug and Mr. Charlie Mr. Louis Dowsing and Miss Jennie Moore and then by Mr. Samuel Bell and Miss Mollie D. man, Mr. Charlie Dowsing..bride and her cousin, Miss Lizzie Macauley of Madison, Georgia.

November 2, 1886
Union Recorder
DIED, At his home in this city on Thursday last, Mr. Thos. Johnson, who was not only a very aged man, but with one exception had probably been a citizen of this place longer than any other of its inhabitants. He was in the 86th year of his age and was noted here for having been the husband of six wives, his last wife having survived him. He married several of his wives late in life and it seemed the general impression of our citizens, whenever he lost a wife that he would soon get another, an expectation which he never disappointed. He was we think a kind husband and seemed to have no trouble in supplying the place of a lost helpmeet. No doubt very nearly all of his friends, who knew him in his prime, had preceded him to his grave, but such of  them as remain, remember him as a jovial, stirring man, fond of a joke, attending with due diligence to whatsoever he had on hand he continued to be able to do so. At the time of his death he had a number of years been a member in good standing of the Methodist church in the place. His funeral services and his burial took place in our city cemetery on Friday, last.

November 2, 1886
Union Recorder
MARRIED - On Wednesday evening, at the residence of the bride's brother, (Dr. John  Hall) by Rev. D. McQueen,Miss Julia Hall to Mr. R. L. Holloway, all of this city. Mr. Holloway is one of our energetic and prosperous young merchants, and wins for himself a chrming and amiable bride. The U-R joins their many friends in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous life. The happy couple left on the evening train for Macon, to attend the fair.  

November 16, 1886
Atlanta Constitution
Macon, Ga., November 13 (Special) Mercer university closed its doors for the day out of respect to one of its ministerial students,Rev. J. H. Hall, who died Saturday night and was sent to Black Springs, near Milledgeville, to be buried today. Mr. Hall leaves a wife and two children to mourn the loss of a good husband and father.

December 23, 1886
Atlanta Constitution
The Burial of the Late Colonel Samuel H. Jemison in Milledgeville
Milledgeville, Ga., December 23. (Special) This morning the remains ofColonel  Sam H. Jemison arrived in the city, accompanied by Mrs. Jemison, R. W. Jemison and other relatives. An escort from the Macon bar, consisting of Hon. J.L. Hardeman, M.G. Bayne, C.L. Bartlett, J.G. Blount, R. W. Patterson and S.A. Reid, his late partner, acted as pallbearers. Quite a long procession followed the hearse to the cemetery, where Rev. Donald McQueen read the Presbyterian burial service, and the body was laid to rest beside his father and two elder brothers. Mrs. Jemison appeared deeply affected during the services. Colonel Jemison spent part of his school days here, and there were many old friends of the family present.

December 23, 1886
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Sudden Death of Mr. John Clark, the Well-Known Druggist
  Milledgeville, December 22. Last night about 9 o'clock Mr. John M. Clark, of this place, died after a sudden illness of several hours. Mr. Clark was a druggist of high standing and chaacter, and long identified with the interests of pharmacy in Georgia. He was so well known throughout the State that this notice will occasion surprise and sorry to many friends. Mr. Clark was born in Philadelphia on the 15th of November 1820 and at about five years of age moved to New York, where he lived until twenty years old. He then came to Savannah, and after living there about six years moved to this place and has followed his business in the same store since 1856. His loss is a sad one to his family and this community.

December 27, 1886
Atlanta Constitution
A Stroll Among the Tombs-The Ancient Cemetery and Some of Its Landmarks-Pictures of AnteBellum Days-Its Noble Modern Institutions-Other News Briefly Told
Milledgeville, Ga., December 25 - (Special Correspondence) Today I enjoyed a rare good time. Among the hills of Middle Georgia, and along the broad streets of quaint old Milledgeville, I wandered around in a delicious dallying, gazing on the ancient landmarks of forgotten days.
    The weather was perfect. It was the balminess of June spending its golden glamour over mid-winter scenes. The bare branches of the elms, and the velvety green of the cedars and pines, were brought out in vivid contrast, clothing the rolling hills, glowing with the crimson blush of sunset. I think they are the reddest hills I ever saw.
  With a party of friends I rode down one of the principal streets, and many were the historic mansions pointed out by our genial guide. One of the most noticeable of these is the old Jarett home, a lordly structure, built in the old southern style, with a wonderful grove of cedars and evergreens in the ample grounds in front. Clumps of shrubbery, grass plots and cozy nooks abound, and a long avenue used to lead down to the street toward the old executive mansion. It is somewhat changed now. The modern idea of progress and improvement was usurped, the place of the old-time dignity, and a smart new dwelling is going up in the front portion of the grounds, hiding from view the hoarty homestead, old and gray, that sits back like some typical aristocrat of the old regime, preferring the solace of secluding to the undignified rush of the modern sort.
      Many are the mansions of the same sort, observable at every turning. Each old dwelling has a history of its own. The very spirit of legendary lore hovers about those lichen-covered pillars that are ranged along the broad piazzas, and the worn doorsteps that have echoed to the manly tread of Georgia's noblest men, and the vaulted halls that have rung with the silver-toned voices of her fairest women. The old chimneys rear their tall heads high above the buildings, and the grary plastering reminds one of the solidity of a stone wall. Looked at from the outside they also suggest huge fireplaces where oaken logs smoldered and crackled while these fine old gentlemen and their queenly dames gathered around the hearth at evening, and the starry light of tall candles were reflected in the bright andirons and the brass handled shovel and tongs that stood in the corner.
   Brickbats, rubbish and debris of a miscellaneous character mark the line of the old penitentiary walls, and the breeze that creeps through the one remaining building still echoes the moans of remorseful souls, and the groans of those whom passion, folly, vice and wickedness consigned to a hopeless doom. Here the poor wretch who won his lease of life from the stern demands of justice, only to delve out his worthless days within those frowning walls. The subject is too painful to contemplate.
   Down by the bridge across the Central railroad, and across, and our guide, with a flourish of his hand, pointed out to us the northern limit of Milledgeville. It extends far beyound the city and kisses the horizon line that rests upon the undulating hills to the north, and away down to the dashing Oconee river. Its land is partly settled, partly tilled and partly desolate. The city owns this magnificent domain of several thousand acres, and to those who agree to settle on it, land are sold to the amount of twenty acres in a body. The grounds of the old penitentiary and the state house are rented out, and the revenue goes the the support of that grand institution of learning, the Milledgeville branch of the State university, located in the old state house. This school has been a magnificent thing for the city. There are over four hundred pupils, male and female, in attendance, and settlers are constantly being added to the city's population, and wealth is rolling steadily in on account of the advantages this school offers.


January 22, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
HAULED IN A WAGON. The Railroad Refuses to Carry Miss Booth's Body.
Macon, Ga, January 21 (Special) The body of Miss Booth, the sixteen year old daughter of the afflicted Booth family, was sent to Milledgeville for burial today by Wood & Bond, undertakers. On  account of the complication of infectious diseases of which she died, the railroad authorities refused to carry her remains, and the coffin was placed in a wagon and carried through the country to the old burying ground. The balance of the family are getting along better since the charitable people have found out their sad plight.
(Note: She died of measles;  checking the 1880 census records the is probably Jensey Booth who was living in Baldwin County in 1880)

February 8, 1887
Union Recorder
Stevens' Pottery, Feb. 7th, 1887. Johnnie, aged 12 years, youngest child of Mr. C. L. Ivey, died of pneumonia on 30th January last.

February 22,1887
Union Recorder
West Lurry, colored, died last Wednesday of pneumonia, and was buried on Thursday by the Fire Department, of which he was a member. West had charge of one of Captain Bell's drays for a long time, and was well known to our business men. He was a faithful and industrious man, and his death is regretted by many persons of both races.

March 1, 1887
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  The death of Col. John Rutherford, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed lawyers of Macon, occurred at his home three miles from Macon at half past eight o'clock last night of typhoid pneumonia. The remains will be taken to Milledgeville for burial and the funeral will take place to-morrow.
  Col. Rutherford was well known in Macon, having lived here many years. About two weeks ago he was taken by the disease and prostrate on his bed. His death last night was peaceful and without a struggle. A sketch of his life will appear later.

March 12, 1887
The Atlanta Constitution
C. J. Robinson Kills Abe Youngblood, In Coopersville
Milledgeville, Ga, March 11 - (Special) The following note was received at 12 o'clock today by Coroner Scott:
  Dear Sir: I have shot and killed Abe Youngblood, of Washington county. come down and hold an inquest. Tell Sheriff Ennisto come. I am here subject to the order of the law. Yours, etc.
C. J. Robinson
  The cause of the tragedy is about as follows:
  One year ago Robinson loaned Youngblood five dollars. A few days ago Robinson reminded Youngblood of the debt and asked for a remittance. Youngblood at once board the car at his home (Davisboro,) and came up to Cooperville, where Robinson clerked. Robinson was absent and Youngblood notified Cooper, Robinson's father-in-law, that he intended killing Robinson.
  Robinson was made acquainted with Youngblood's threat and when he went to the store this morning carried his pistol with him. About 9 o'clock, Youngblood came up and began cursing Robinson, and with his hand in his pistol pocket applied to Robinson a foul epithet and threatened his life. Robinson saw that he was in a dangerous position and drawing his pistol shot Youngblood in his breast, near his heart and blew his brains out, killing him instantly. Robinson is a quiet, peaceable man while Youngblood has a reputation of an overbearing bully. The coroner's jury justified Robinson in protecting himself. Both parties are married . When the coroner reached the  scene he found Youngblood with his hands in his pocket on his pistol.

March 22, 1887
Union Recorder
     MARRIED, on Wednesday evening last, 16th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Rev. C. B. Anderson officiating, Mr. Joseph C. Harris of Washington county and Miss Annie Guase, daughter of Mr. J. R. Guase of this city. The Union-Recorder joins the many friends of the happy pair in wishing them a long and happy life.

April 5, 1887
Macon Weekly Telegraph
John Harris, head of the family of negroes poisoned in Baldwin county two or three weeks ago, and whose health and mind were wrecked by his terrible experience, has died in the asylum, making the sixth victim. The Milledgeville Recorder says that suspicions are gathering around the voo-doo doctor, Jim Bonner. It is said that when he lived in Putnam county he was consulted by a woman whose husband had left her and he prepaed a love powder to be given to the husband. The wife not being able to see him and administer the dose, the powders were entrusted to another woman who mixed one in a glass of wine and offered it to Griffin, the man who was suing for divorce, who was suspicous, and not only refused to drink the wine but procured from the woman the remaining powdrs and had them analyzed, and they were found to contain strychinine enough to kill an elephant. It is also said that he doctored a woman some years ago, at or near Dennis Station. She continued to grow worse and a doctor was sent for when the woman was dying. The physician said she must have been poisoned. The woman died and was buried without an investigatin, no susption being cast on Bonner at the time. Since his name has been mentioned in connection with the recent poisoning, this circumstance is recalled.

April 15, 1887
The Augusta Chronicle
Tuesday last Miss Sallie Babb daughter of Ranse (Ransom) Babb, who lives in Baldwin County, near Morris Mill, sustained very serious accidental (s) injuries. She is about 18 years old, and was engaged burning trash in a field when her dress caught fire. Finding she could not extinguish it, she, like most women in like circumstances, ran off. Her sister, Julia, who was a year or two younger, ran after her, and having caught up with her, threw her into a branch and put out the fire, after her clothing had burned up to her waist. Though her injuries are of a fearful character, it is hoped she may recover.

April  23, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
Roundabout in Georgia
-Milledgeville wants a library
-Milledgeville is earning the title of the city of glens.
-Col. William McKinley of Milledgeville, is again ill.
-There were seventeen car loads of corn sold in Milledgeville in one day last week.
-Thomas F. Houston is memorial day orator in Milledgeville, and Col. Miller Grieve, marshal.

April 27, 1887
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Grew up With the Hogs.   Officer Bonner has just returned from a visit to his brother-in-law, Mr. B. W. Williamson, who lives in Baldwin county. He reports rather a curious case. Several months algo Mr. Williamson found a little puppy and carried it home in his pocket. Not caring anything about it, he put the puppy among a lot of pigs and they grew up together. Now the dog and hogs are inseparable companions and they roam the woods together, eat and sleep together. In fact he is as much of a hog as any of his companions, and no amount of coaxing can induce him to leave them.

May 10, 1887
Union Recorder
   Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Booker of this county, had the misfortune to lose their daughter, Sadie, about six years of ag, by death, on Saturday last. The remains of their loved one wre interred in our cemetery on yesterday morning, Rev. J. R. King, officiating at the burial. We tender the bereaved parents our sympathy.

May 28, 1887
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, May 27, - Mr. E. K. Champion, a worth citizen of our county, died last night after an illness of three weeks. Sorely does the hand of affliction lay heavily on his family. His little child, two years old, died only two days before. He leaves a wife to mourn his loss.

June 30, 1887
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, June 29 - This morning at 10 o'clock Rev. Mr. King united in marriage Mrs. Rebecca Hutchings, aged 61, to Mr. A. I. Butts, aged 79. The wedding was very quiet, only a few friends to witness the happy reunon.

July 19, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
The Coopersville Tragedy. Milledgeville, Ga. July 19 (Special) The grand jury here today found a true bill againstChas. O. Robinson for the murder of Abe Youngblood, at Coopersville, in this county, on March 11, of this year. A full report of the tragedy then appeared in The Constitution. The coroner's jury investigation resulted in a verdict of justifiable homicide. It is claimed that some additional evidence has been obtained and the case will be watcher with interest. Robinson was placed under a fifteen hundred dollar bond and will be tried during this term of court.

July 31, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
  Charles J. Robinson has been acquitted by Baldwin superior court. On the 9th of march, 1887, Abe Youngblood, received an insulting letter from Charles J. Robinson about a debt he owed that party. The following day he left his home in Washington county, on the branch of the Central road, to have, as he said, a settlement with Robinson. Robinson appeared soon after Youngblood's arrival, when the latter approached him and said he would like to see Robinson, who replied he would see him in the presence of those present, adding that he was too much of a gentleman to associate with a Youngblood. Youngblood cursed Robinson and asked him to repeat the language used in his letter, whereupon he said he did repeat it. Youngblood repeated his curses following Robinson (who continued to retreat) and threw open his short, pointed to his heart and said: "Here it is; shoot, G_d d-n you." Robinson said he was unarmed, but soon turned on his enemy and fired, the first shot taking effect in the left arm, the second attempt missed fire and the third effort sent a ball through the back of Youngblood's head, he having begun to retreat from the shots. The wounded man walked a feet feet and fell face forward, with his right hand under him and the left extended. Some time after, the body was turned over and a pistol found under it.

August 1, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
     Milledgeville, February 22.Mrs Ringland,  long a resident of this place, mother of Mrs. Howell Rose, was buried yesterday morning. Several weeks ago she had a fall and dislocated a hip joint, and has been an sufferer from the injury until death came to her relief.
   In the afternoon the body ofJune Bell was laid away in the cemetery, followed by a large concourse of friends, who turned out, notwithstanding a heavy rain. The short illness of Mr. Bell made his death all the more distressing to his family and friends. He was a bright, popular young man, but recently having entered the legal profession.
  Sol Barret's new houses are nearly completed and will in a few days be ready for occupancy, who have already engaged them.
  Alderman G. T. Whilden is hard at work, pushing his residence to completion. His good taste will find development in the plan and decoration of his house, which will front on Jefferson street.
  Henry Fraley has bought the old Nisbet homestead and will this summer put it in thorough repair for occupancy.

 August 2, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
SUFFERING FOR PROVISIONS. A Feature of the Isolation of Milledgeville
Milledgeville, Ga., August 1. An easier feeling prevailed here today. There have been no hard rains, although the clouds have been sleeting across the sky. The river has fallen five feet since Saturday, but is is still above any previous high water mark on record. The backed water was five feet deep on North Wayne street yesterday, and families were compelled to abandon their homes. If the Ocmulgee  bridge at Macon succumbed to the waters, this city will be entirely cut off by railroad from all points and a deplorable state of affairs will exist.
  It is stated that provisions at the asylum are scarce, and the Milledgeville has not enough to supply the tremendous scope of  country dependent on her. The Central railway bridge at Oconee, on the mail line is gone. Today is the first day since Saturday that telegraph wires would work at all, and then only to Savannah.
  The loss in this county is estimated at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, but it is impossible to give the losses, as so many people have fallen victims to the floods.
  Reports from Hancock, Wilkinson and Putnam counties report tremendous losses of bridges, mills, crops, etc.

August 11, 1887
The  Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, August 10.  Mr. Louis Downing, a young man, died here last night after a painful illness.

August 16, 1887
Union Recorder
  Sam Jackson, a boy 19 years old, in the employ of Mr. Guy McKinley, was drowned at the first pier of the Oconee bridge on this side, last Saturday night, while trying to cross the river, above the bridge, going home, in a batteau. Two other negroes were in the boat, which was mashed against the pier and upset. Jackson could not swim. His companions swam out, as the capsized boat was only a few feet from the bank. It was near where the accident happened, and nothing was see of Jackson, after he got in the water. They made the mistake of trying to cross above the bridge, when they could have safely crossd the stream below it.

August 23, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
    Died, at her home near Milledgeville last Thursday, after several weeks' illness,Mrs. Will R. Tyler, formerly of Barnesville. She leaves a bright little boy four years old. Her husband, Captain Tyler, is a prominent citizen of Baldwin County. The loss of such an estimable lady is felt throughout the community.

August 23, 1887
Union Recorder
Found But Lost Again. On Friday last the body of the negroSam Jackson, who was drowned near Oconee bridge on Saturday night August 13th, was found in the river near McMillan's brick-yard by a anegro man, who drew th body on the bank, leaving the feet in the water, and went for assistance. Although there were numbers of negroes working at the brick-yard ner by, one of them would lend any ssistance in getting the body to a safe place. The man who found the body then went off to get help and while he was gone a very heavy rain fell, causing a rapid rise in the river, which washed the body away.
  On Saturday evening the body was again recovered, and buried.

August 30, 1887
Union Recorder
   Married at Midway. About 7 o'clock Wednesday evening a company of young people began to gather at the residence of Mr. A. Hawkins, in Midway, to be present at the marriage of their young friends, Mr. Louis Hubbard and Miss Fannie Wilson, both of Baldwin county.
    At about 8 o'clock the young couple marched out into the parlor where an anxious crowd of friends waited to see them united in marriage. In a few mintues Rev. J. R. King pronounced Mr. Louis M. Hubbard and Miss Fannie Wilson man and wife. They then received the hearty congratulations of every one present. Your reporter learned that they will locate in Scottsboro. Mr. Hubbard is a thriving young business man, of as fine character as can be found in the State, and his young bride one of Georgia's fiarest daughters, and a lady of noble qualities of mind and heart.
  Miss Wilson is a sister of Mr. Frank Wilson, of the firm of Whilden & Wilson, of Milledgeville, "May they live lon and bin happy." Big Bill

October 18, 1887
Union Recorder
  An old colored woman, named Jane Mitchell, died in this city last week, who had attained the remarkable age of 116 years. Those who have known her for many years, say that the above figures giver her age correctly. She was the mother of 13 children, and had 11 grand children, 44 great-grand children and one great-great grand child.

November 3, 1887
The Augusta Chronicle
     The Rev. J. D. Chapman, the deservedly popular and successful pastor of the Baptist Church, will return tomorrow from Albany with his bride neeAnnie Weston.
     The newly organized candy manufactory of W.T Conn & Co. will be in full blast in a few days. It is intended to supply the trade of W. T. Conn & Co. and it will have a capacity of from 500 to 1,000 pounds daily.
      A quiet wedding took place yesterday morning at the residence of the bride -  Miss Janie M. only daughter of Capt. S.R. Weston of Albany, to Rev. J.D. Chapman, a talented young Baptist minister of Milledgeville. Rev. J.W. Weston performed the ceremony.
Death at Milledgeville
Milledgeville, Ga. Nov. 2Mr. M.C. Butts, one of the oldest citizens of Baldwin County, died on yesterday and was buried with Masonic honors today. Had he lived to April he would have reached the ripe old age of 90 years.

November 22, 1887
Union Recorder
~excerpt~Annie May, daughter of John and Mary Siles, died October the 18th, 1887; aged 11 months and 10 days.....

December 2, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
A Notable Wedding Takes Place in Jeffersonville.
Jeffersonville, Ga. December 1 (Special) The most brilliant social event that was ever witnessed in this section was the marriage this morning at 10 o'clock of Dr. Mark H. O'Daniel, of Milledgeville, to Miss Pearl Napier, near this place, at the home of Mrs. W. T. Carswell, grandmother of the bride.Dr. E. W. Warren, of Macon, officiated. The attendants were C. O. Smith, of Hawkinsville with Miss Bessie Napier, of this place; Mr. E. T. Napier, of Macon, with Miss Mattie O'Daniel of Bullards; Mr. J. H. Napier, of this place  with Miss Helen Prescot, of Atlanta;  Dr. W. A. O'Daniel, of Bullards, with Miss Maud Napier, of Forsyth; W. D. Carswell, of Montezuma, with Miss Hallie Wimberly, of Twiggs county; Hon. Tom. M. Hunt, of Sparta with Miss Minnie Carswell, of this place; Dr. Harris Hall, of Milledgeville, with Miss Laura Carswell.
  The attendants were entertained in a most elegant manner last night at the home of the bride. The occasion was a most enjoyable one. This morning at ten o'clock the bridal party filed into the spacious parlors of the elegant home, while Mendelssohn's Wedding March was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Captain W. E. Carswell, when Dr. Warren, in a most impressive manner, pronounced the marriage ceremony, after which a sumptuous breakfast was served, and at 2 o'clock, accompanied by a few friends, the bridal party left for their new home in Milledgeville.
  Dr. O'Daniel, the bridegroom, is a physician of high attainments in his profession, and is one of the physicians at the insane asylum there. The bride is a charming and accomplished young lady, and is noted for her beauty and loveliness, and is the daughter of Mrs. E. C. Napier, who was the hostess on the occasion, and with queenly elegance rendered the occasion one of the most pleasant and enjoyable ones that was ever witnessed in this section. Many were the expressions of her kind entertainment by all present. There were no cards, and only a few of the immediate friends of the two families were present, except the attendants.
  The presents were numerous and elegant, and evinced the popularity of the happy couple. An amusing incident of the evening was cutting an elegant cake for the ring and dime. Mr. Tris Napier, amid cheering applause, got the former, and Hon. Tom Hunt the latter.

December 6, 1887
Union Recorder
  Josephine Bowers, a well known colored woman was found dead in her bed yesterday morning. She had been suffering with cancer in the throat for some time. She was about 70 years old.

December 19, 1887
Atlanta Constitution
ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. A Lad Near Steven's Pottery Badly Hurt Saturday
Macon, Ga, December 18 (Special) On Saturday last Ben Finney, aged about nineteen, who lives near Steven's pottery, accidentally shot himself. It appears that he had a shotgun, which he was handling in a wagon in which he was riding. In some manner the hammer of the gun struck the railing as the boy was in the act of leaping out, and the gun fired, lodging the charge in his left thigh. The limb will probably have to be amputated.

December 27, 1887
Union Recorder
  Miss Addie Collins, daughter of Mr. Sam'l Collins of this county, and Mr. John Carr, of Hancock county, were married on  Thursday last. The bride and groom are both popular young people, and have our best wishes for a happy life.


January 1, 1888
The Constitution
An Old and Esteemed Negro Man Passes Away. John Ross, and old and highly esteemed negro man, died at his home on Wheat street, yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. he was born and raised in Milledgeville. He came to Atlanta about fourteen years ago. He was a faithful member of Wheat Street Baptist church. His funeral will take place Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. W H. Tilman will preach the sermon and Professor L. H. Cargile will act as funeral director..

January 3, 1888
Union Recorder
    Miss Mary  J. Blizzard, an estimable young lady died at her home near Montpelier in this county on Christmas day.

January 10, 1888
Union Recorder
  Mr. J. P. Sweaney, of this county, was married on Thursday last to Miss Anna Watson of S. C.

January 20, 1888
The Macon Telegraph
Carried to Milledgeville.
  The remains of Mr. Gus Couse, who died on Oglethorpe street Saturday of typhoid pneumonia, were taken to Milledgeville yesterday for burial. Mr. Dave Howard accompanied the remains. Mr. Couse was seventeen years old.

January 31, 1888
The Augusta Chronicle
W. R. Morris and Company, Milledgeville have failed.
Milledgeville has her Lula Hurst. Mrs. Dixie Haygood has developed into a medium of great force.

February 3, 1888
The Macon Telegraph
Fell From a Bridge.   The remains of Mr. Jack Stokesberry, a young man, was brought to Macon last night from Milledgeville. At ten o'clock yesterdy morning he fell from the bridge over the Oconee river, near Milledgeville, to a distance of forty feet, and fell upon a bed of rocks. He died in ten minutes after the fall. Her was an exemplary young man, faithful, and had many friends. He had been at work for Mr. G. L. Reeves, the well known bridge builder for nearly two years, and was a great favorite with the brige crew. The remains were accompanied by a brother and Mr. Louis Billingslea.

Febuary 22, 1888
The New York Times
DEATH FROM HYDROPHOBIA. Milledgeville, Ga, Feb. 21. -Last Friday nigh at a sociable in this placeBethune Jones, a popular young man, was seized by hydrophobia. He had been bitten by a mad dog four months ago, but as no ill effects followed, had forgotten all about it.  Last night he died in horrible convulsions.

April 3, 1888
Union Recorder
  DIED in Baldwin county, on 21st of February, 1888, MR. E. L. MORAN, one of Baldwin's best citizens. He was born and lived all his life in this county, and was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Moran of this county. He was born December 10th, 1826, and was married to Miss Yates in 1847. He was a member of the Baptist Church, having joined at Mt. Olive in 1846. He did not make any pretentions, but was a good old-fashioned christian, a true friend, a good neighbor, and kind and loving husband and a devoted father. He leaves a widow and seven children, all grown and married, to mourn his sad death. Grieve not loved ones, but strive to meet him on the other shore, where no angry waters roll and parting is no more. His remains were interred in the family burial ground, March 22, 1888. L.B.M.

April 13, 1888
The Constitution
  No man in Baldwin county has more valuable and interesting stories that Dr. C. W. Snead. He has a beautiful gourd, perfect in preservation and polished as beautifully as any mahogany, that his grandfather used when a boy, eighty years ago, to carry his power in. Among other rare relics was a roster most elegantly executed in penmanship and perfect in its every part, of an infantry company, U.S.A., commanded by Captain W. R. Boote, of Colonel Thomas Butler's regiment, stationed at Fort Wilkinson, on the banks of the Oconee, January 31, 1805. This company was on duty when the famous Aaron Burr was arrested and a political prisoner, and spent the night at Fort Wilkinson on his way to the national capital to his trial for the crime of treason; also a well preserved old book on Anatomy, printed in quaint old English type, at Edinburg, Scotland, in the year 1747; also a passport given to his great grandfather to pass from North Carolina into South Carolina during the revolutionary war, clearly written and well preserved, also a letter from Jesse Benton, father of the famous United States Senator Hon. Thomas H. Benton, written from Hartford, Conn., October 14th, 1785. Mr. Snead's grandfather and Jesse Benton married sisters.

April 24, 1888
Atlanta Constitution
Local Talent in Milledgeville.Milledgeville, Ga., April 23, (Special) The beautiful little comedy, entitled "Everybody's Friend," was presented to a splendid house by the Milledgeville Amateur Dramatic club at Amusement Hall last night. The house was crowded to its fullest capacity and the galleries were comfortably filled. The play was presented for the benefit of the Milledgeville Light Infantry who gave a splendid exhibition of drilling just before the curtain rose. In the drill Captain Mathewson, who led the college cadets to the state championship last year, commanded and the drill was certainly creditable to both the young soldiers and their instructor. After the drill the curtain rose and the play commenced. The cast was as follows: Mr. G. C. Smith as Felix Featherly; Mr. Ed Wynne as Frank Icebrook; Colonel Mat Greene as Major Wellington de Beots; Mr. H. W. Compton as Trap; Mr. T. Treanor as Gardner; Miss Fannie Price as Mrs. Featherly; Miss Annie Treanor as Mrs. de Boots; Miss Laura Paine as Mrs. Swandown; Miss Vivin Taylor as cook. Each actor handled the part given them in a creditable manner and the Amateur club presented one of the best performances seen in the city this season. It would be difficult to say whose part was the better personated and but just to the club to say that their state performance is superior to that of a majority of professional troupes. They begin to rehearse another immediately, and with additional members will show what splendid dramatic talent this city possesses.

April 29, 1888
Atlanta Constitution
A very happy marriage occurred in Milledgeville, Ga. on Tuesday the 24th. The contracting parties are well known in Atlanta. They were MissCarrie Hall, of Milledgeville and Mr. C. H. Andrews, of Waycross. Both the young people are great favorites with their friends and the wedding was the society event of the season in the quiet old capital. An elegant cotillion was given by Mrs. Davidson after the wedding, to which all the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Andrews were invited.
  The groom is connected with the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia road. he is highly esteemed by the officers of the road for his integrity and upright character. The bride belongs to one of the most illustrious families in Georgia being the granddaughter of Dr. Kenan Hall, during his time a shining star in his profession. Mrs. Andrews is a sweet and amiable lady, and is loved by all who know her. Many friends in Atlanta send regards to the happy party.

May 2, 1888
The Constitution
  A marriage which will prove of interest to many Atlantians, took place in Milledgeville last evening. The contracting couple was MissMarwood Herty and Mr. R. W. Roberts. The ceremony was performed in the Episcopal church by Rev. Dr. Broadwell. A large concourse of friends were present. The attendants were Miss Olive Herty and Captain Matherson; Miss Ellen Fox and Mr. J. R. Pottle; Miss Ada Wright, of Brunswick, and Mr. John Holmes, of Macon; Miss Minnie Wilcox, of Macon, and Mr. Louis Hall. The bride was beautifully and tastefully dressed in white China silk, en train.
  After the ceremony, the wedding part repaired to the residence of the bride, and partook of a sumptuous repast. mr. and Mrs. Roberts left on the half past eight o'clock train for Jacksonville, where they will stay for a few days, and then return to Milledgeville which will be there future home.
  The bride as Miss Herty, has visited Atlanta frequently, and has many friends in the city. She is charming and amiable, and is quite popular in society.
  Mr. Roberts is one of the brilliant young lawyers of the state. His many good traits of character, have won him hosts of friends. Many congratulations are extended the happy young couple.

May 7, 1888
The Constitution
Joe Tucker, of Baldwin county, unearthed a lot of Indian bones in a field of his that has been in cultivation over fifty years. They had been placed in a pot which was broken to pieces. The bones were much wasted, owing to the long time they had been buried. Among them was a jaw bone, with several teeth in it. There was also in the lot a stone pipe, which was much worn.

May 15, 1888
Union Recorder
From the Asylum. Married, on Tuesday last at 3:30 o'clock at the residence of the groom's mother, Mrs. Cathelene Gilman, Mr. Henry E. Gilman to Mrs. Gillie Patterson, Rev. D. McQueen officiating. After the marriage the happy couple left for the residence of Mr. Silas Patterson in Wilkinson county, who tendered them a big banquet. We extend to them our heartfelt congratulations.

June 19, 1888
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ MARRIED, On Tuesday afternoon last, by Rev. J. R. King, at the M. E. Church in this city, Mr. P. L. Walker, of Gasden, Ala., and Miss Mattie Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Williams, of this city.

July 3, 1888
The Weekly Telegraph
MILLEDGEVILLE, The Dummy Line - County Fair Grounds  - Waterworks, Local Events,
Milledgeville, June 26 - The citizens of Milledgeville are trying to keep pace with citizens of their towns. Our dummy line survey has been completed and soon the grading will begin. Mr. S. Barrett, president of the line, is doing good work and he citizens of Milledgeville feel assured that the line will be built by September 5th. This line of road is what Milledgeville has long needed, and now since it has been started under such auspices, everyone in the town will lend a hand to the much-needed enterprise. In connection with this the good people of the country have been aroused in the interest of another enterprise which, no doubt, will be a success, that is a county fair ground. This will prove of vast importance to every farmer in the county as well as to the citizens of Milledgeville. With such a man as P. J. Cline as president, we feel confident that by fall we shall be able to show our sister counties that Baldwin still lives, and that she will reap some of the honors in the way of farm exhibits at the several fairs to be held in Georgia this fall. Hancock has one of the best county fair associations in the State, and why should Baldwin be procrastinating so long. Our lands are as fine as Hancock's, our farms are as good as Hancock's, but one thing is needed and that is energy.
  Milledgeville is in need of another enterprise and that is water works. There was a desire on the part of several citizens a few weeks ago to build the works and we hope soon to see Milledgeville come to the front with this very useful and much needed enterprise.
  On Saturday evening last Misses Annie andFannie Stembridge, at their home in Milledgevile, gave a tea party complimentary to Miss Sallie Woolfolk, of Jone's couty. The evening was spent pleasantly by all who attended and when the hour arrived for departure all left reluctantly, but the hour of of 12 was near and we had to depart. We all wished for an evening of twenty-four hours in length instead of four.
  On Monday evening at the elegant home of Mr. H. Adler, Miss Lillie gave an entertainment complimentary to Miss Rayfield of Macon. This was a very enjoyable affair indeed. Never did the young ladies of Milledgeville look sweeter, and they seemed to enjoy the refreshments far more than the young men's company. The evening will be remembered by those  who attended those.

July 31, 1888
Union Recorder
The Burglar Died. The negro boy, Virge Wright who got shot in the side on Monday night, while trying to rob the store of Mr. Wm. Harper, in Midway, died on the next night. In his dying statement he said his name was Virge Wright and he lived at number 14, C.R.R. There was a man with him, negro, at the time he was shot by the spring gun, named Tony Wright, but no kin to him, who ran away as soon as the gun fired. Tony did not go behind the county where the gun was set. Mr. Harper was robbed of money and good some years ago, and this burglar trap has been set in his store ever since. An effort was made to send the body of Virge Wright to Atlanta to a Medical College, but for some reason the railroad would not transport the remains, and the body was buried in this city.

August 9, 1888
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, August 8 - Mrs. W. H. Lane, who has been long a sufferer from consumption died about 2 o'clock today. Her funeral will take place at the Methodist Church to-morrow morning at 10 a.m. The sympathy of the community goes out for her only son, Johnnie.

August 14, 1888
Union Recorder
  We learn from Mr. Warren Edwards who came in on the Augusta train yesterday morning that two young me, white, had a difficulty on Mr. Dave Hill's plantation, yesterday, and one was killed. Their names were Walker Mixon and Bill Roberts. Roberts was killed. We have no particulars beyond the killing.

August 21, 1888
Union Recorder
  We made brief mention in our last issue of the killing of Wm. Roberts by Walker Mixon, on Mr. Dave Hill's plantation, without knowing the particulars. It appears that the difficulty arose from some insulting remarks made by Mixon about Mrs. Roberts. Roberts asked Mixon about it, and he denied it. They met again, (Mixon having declared that what he had said about Mrs. R. was true, and he meant to kill Roberts.) The lie passed between the two men. Both men drew kives, and Mixon also drew a pistol. Mixon fired twice at Roberts, one ball taking effect in his shoulder, the other in his brain. Roberts died in a few mintues. Mixon left and has not been heard of since. Both men are married. Roberts leaves a young wife who is reported to be very ill.

September 5, 1888
The Augusta Chronicle
A correspondent from Stephens' Pottery, Ga. says: A large crowd was at Camp Creek church on Sunday to witness the ordinance of "foot washing". It may seem incredulous to people even in Baldwin county, that there are churches in this the 19th century that observe that custom.

September 19, 1888
The Constitution
Fire Near Milledgeville
Milledgeville, Ga., September 18 (Special) The residence of Mr. Mack Tucker, in Midway, with nearly all of his household furniture, was consumed by fire last night. The large blaze was seen plainly from this city, but the building was so far distant that the fire department did not go out. Mr. Tucker's loss is very large and his insurance policies had expired only a day or so ago. It was an elegant country home, built in ante bellum days, and was a typical home of the farmer of the old south. The loss is about $5,000 or $6,000, which is supplemented by the loss of relics of by-gone days that Mr. Tucker held above valuation.

November 22, 1888
The Dallas Morning News
~excerpt~ TWO SHOOTING AFFAIRS. One Man is Murdered and Another Is Wounded.
New Orleans, La. Nov. 21 - The Picayune's Arcadia, La., special says: John Strother, who lives twenty-three miles north of this place, was waylaid and shot dead yesterday by unknown persons while going home from his farm. Three shots were fired, and when Strother had gone 300 yards three more were fired. He was dead when his body was found, the head being almost riddled with buckshot. He leave two children in Georgia.....

December 11, 1888
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Mrs. Nancy Trapp, wife of Mr. Robert W. Trapp of Baldwin county, was born October 29th, 1816, and died November 14, 1888.
  Mrs. Trapp being so quiet, peaceable and courteous to all, did not fail to win the love and respect of those who knew her. An obliging neighbor, a devoted wife, a kind-hearted, affectionate and sympathising mother.....C. B. Anderson.

December 11, 1888
Union Recorder
   Mr. George W. Underwood died in this city last Thursday morning. He came here from Wilkinson county, eight or ten years ago. He was a carpenter and worked at his trade up to about a year ago, when his health failed, and it was soon evident that he was a victim of consumption. He was an industrious man, and while lamenting his failing health, he looked forward to an early recovery of strength sufficent to resume work. He, however, grew more feeble, day and day, and for the past seven or eight months was scarcely ever able to leave his bed. Through all these weary months of suffering, he received tender nursing from a devoted wife and loving mother; but mothing could stay the progress of the disease which pulled him steadily forward to the grave. He was a good man-industrious, hones, intelligent, kind and gentle-a modest, unassuming christian. His funeral too place Friday afternoon from the Baptist church, of which he was a member. In the absence of the pastor the services were conducted by Rev. D. McQueen. At the church his remains were taken in charge by the Masons and escorted to the cemetery where the burial service of the fraternity was read in an impresssive manner by W, W,  Lumpkin, W.M., of Benevolent Lodge.

December 13, 1888
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, Dec. 12 (Special) A double wedding was solemnized at the Methodist church at 3 p.m. today, Rev. J. R. King
officiating. Mr. G. R. Butler of Irwinton was married to Miss Nannie E. Vinson of Milledgeville and Col. Will R. Cochran
of Cochran, Ga. to Miss L. Crawford Vinson, sister of the former. An unusually large crowd of the friends of all parties were
present. Many good wishes were sent after them, if not the traditional handful of rice and old shoes.

January 10, 1889
Atlanta Constitution
The Losses and Insurance Ascertained- Incidents of the Fire.
Milledgeville, Ga.., January 9 (Special) In the conflagration last night, the loses, as near as could be obtained from the losers, are:
Haygood & Caraker, $18,000; insured, $8,000
W. H. Armstrong, $3,000; insured, $1,000
Hauft & Whelan, $1,500. Their insurance was transferred on last Saturday to the Waitsfelder building, to which they were moving, and the question will arise whether or not it will cover the loss in the fire last night, part of their goods being in one store and the remainder in the other
J. M. Bayne, W.A. Walker, C.L. Morris, C.W.. Evans, Y. Joel, L. H. Thomas, E. A. Bayne and T. C. McComb & Company sustained considerable loss from moving, but all is covered by insurance. too much praise cannot be given the heroism with which the negroes worked at the fire. They fought it with the flames beating in their faces and worked zealously for three hours, thereby saving nearly a half block of buildings at least. The burnt district will be rebuilt with better and more modern structures. A strange thing about the fire is, it had spread all over the building that first caught, before any alarm was given, and was first discovered by a party of whist players at the Marshall house.
 The insurance, as far as could be ascertained, is Haygood & Caraker, stock, $1,500, in the Macon Fire Insurance company; $2,000 in the Hartford company, and $5,000 through a Macon agency that could not be ascertained, as they were in Macon today. The store occupied by them, belonging to the estate of J. Temples, loss $2,000; insured in Phoenix Assurance company, of London, for $1,000. The stocks of W. H. Armstrong and L.H.. Thomas were insured in the Royal for $1,000 each. The stores of Fred Hauft and W. H. Armstrong, owned by G.T. Wiedman, loss $4,000; insured in the Royal for $2,000. The store and stock of J. M. Bayne, damaged by water and removal, insured for $1,000 in the Southern Mutual. The other merchants who have slight losses from removal were fully insured, but the companies could not be ascertained. The origin of the fire is yet a mystery.

January 13, 1889
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville's New Start
Milledgeville, Ga., January 12 (Special) Considerable improvement is going on in this city at present. Among the buildings under course of construction is a handsome residence on Wayne street by Mr. W. D. Caraker; in the same locality Mr. Henry Wooten is erecting a beautiful home; Mr. G. T. Whilden is investing $6,000 in three handsome cottages to rent on Jefferson street and is looking for good sites to erect other houses for the same purpose. He said today that it was very difficult to get building lots and that they were held for high prices. W. H. Broughton is building a handsome cottage on Clark street. Mr. W. B. Brooks has purchased a beautiful lot on Wayne street and will erect an elegant home as early as possible. Messrs. F. M. Gobert and C. T. Caraker are putting the finishing touches on their homes, which have just been completed. A cottonseed oil mill company has just been organized here head by Messrs. Howe and Brooks. The amount that will be invested in the mill will be $30,000. Of this amount about $20,000 has been subscribed and the balance will be made up at once. The mill will certainly be built, but the Farmer's alliance have signified a desire to take stock in the enterprise, and the company want to give them an opportunity to do so, as they want the farmers interested. An ice factory will be erected at once and the work on it will begin in about ten days. About $12,000 will be invested in the factory and it will be owned by Mr. J.N. Bell. The stores that were burned on Tuesday night will be rebuilt at once. Gas works have been spoken of, and it is probable that a company will be organized to furnish the city with gas in a short while. A new bank and warehouse are said to be two enterprises of the near future. Milledgeville has certainly taken a new start and is keeping square up with the march of progress.

Milledgeville's New Dummy
Milledgeville, Ga., January 12 (Special) The new dummy engine, "Peter J. Cline" arrived yesterday and made its first trip today. It is the same size and make of the old one and cost the company  $5,500. SInce the dummy line was built, the business has been a great deal more than was expected, and it was impossible for one engine to do near all the work that was given the road. Often during the fall, they were compelled to work well into the night to get through with the hauling. SInce the asylum contract went into effect, and some of the largest merchants, who did their own hauling heretofore, have sold their teams and given their draying to the dummy. The passenger traffic has averaged about thirty dollars per day for the last month, besides the freight. The new passenger coach is expected in about ten days. Dummy stock is regarded the best investment in the city, and is current with any moneyed man here.

January 31, 1889
Atlanta Constitution
The Rails Spread and the Train Rushes Down Into Disaster-The Number of Casualties Noted.
Milledgeville, Ga. January 30 )Special) The Central railroad train due here at 2:2 0 this afternoon, happened to an accident about five miles below this city, in which several cars, were badly wrecked and several people severely injured. The train was a combination of freight and passenger cars, and was made up of six freight cars, a mail and express, baggage, and smoking car, and a firs-class passenger coach.
  The train had left Stevens Pottery and was speeding with the wind toward this city. When near the trestle over Camp creek the tracks spread, and three of the freight cars, together with the mail, baggage and passenger coaches, were precipitated down the embankment, the baggage car falling in the creek and the other cars thrown into a confused mass.
  Work was begun at once in rescuing the passengers.
    It was found that the mail agent, Mr. ADAMS, was bruised up considerably and his head badly cut.
    Express Messenger REESE CARAKER was bruised up badly.
    O.E. PACE, a traveling salesman for W. T. Conn & Co. of the city was badly hurt. but not thought dangerous.
    Waggonmaster JACK SHARP, foot mashed.
   Mrs. T. L. AVANT, bruised up, but not serious.
   The passengers were brought to this city, where medical attention was given the wounded. The scene of the wreck is described as pitiful, indeed. It is a miracle that the entire crew was not killed.

February 16, 1889
The Macon Telegraph
  Dr. T. H. Kenan, of Atlanta has returned from Milledgeville, where he buried his mother,Mrs. Henrietta Kenan, a venerable lady of 82 years. Mrs. Kenan was the mother of Hon. A. H. Kenan, a noted man in Georgia politics, and was of the Alston family, famous in the annuals of Georgia and South Carolina history. She has been quite feeble for several years, and her condition has required the constant attention of Dr. Kenan, her devoted son.

March 29, 1889
Union Recorder
Death of Mrs. TRICE  (Lucinda Amanda Callaway)
Mrs. Trice was one of our eldest and best beloved citizens. Her life was unselfish, kind and gently, exemplifying in a remarkable degree practical christian excellence - she was as sweet in disposition as she was quiet and unpretending. She was the eldest daughter of the late John Callaway, and after her mother's death she was a mother, friend and counselor to a large family of younger brothers and sisters, and reared several of her nephews and nieces. She was devoted to her relatives and friends, and hundreds of persons who received kindness at her hands rise up and bless her memory.
  She was buried at 11 0'clock Sunday morning. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church, the pastor, Rev. J.D. Chapman, officiating. The services were largely attended. The following gentlemen acted as pall-bearers: Messr. Joseph Staley, R.N. Lamar, B.T. Bethune, W.H. Jewell, Adolph Joseph and S. Barrett  (Union Recorder, March 19, 1889)
Obit provided by Scott O. Fraser

April 2, 1889
Union Frecorder
April 26, 1889

Macon Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville, April 25. Today Mr. Geo. E. Hamilton of Savannah, accompanied by his gentlemen attendats, passed through the city en route to Merriwether station in the country, where he will wed to-hight Miss Julia Minor.
  The groom is a relative of Mr. G. A. Whitehead, general passenger agent of the Central railroad, and is now in the employed of that company. The bride is one of the loveliest and popular ladies in Baldwin county.

May 14, 1889
Union Recorder
Married in Milledgeville
  Yesterday morning Mr. A. G. Reddy, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Collins,  Miss Stella Reddy and Messrs. Henry Wood and R. W. Reddy, boarded the Georgia train for Milledgeville, where he was united in marriage to Miss Mamie E. Brown of that place. Rev. J. D. Chapman performed the ceremony in a beautiful and impressive manner. The party returned to the city at 6 o'clock in the evening and repair to the residence of Mr. R. J. Reddy, in East Macon, where an eleant reception was tendered from 8 until 11 o'clock. The happy couple were recipients of many beautiful and handsome presents, attesting the appreciation of their many friends.
  Mr. Reddy is connected with the firm of A. A. Cullen and is one of the most popular, energetic and reliable young men of the city. His bride is one of Milledgeville's fairest daughters and is a young lady of rare beauty-lovely in person and character. May their walk through life be one of uninterrupted pleasure, love and enjoyment. Macon Telegraph, 9th.

June 12, 1889
Macon Telegraph
Colored Odd Fellows at Milledgeville.
    Milledgeville, June 11. (Special), On last Saturday the members of Wadley Colored Lodge No. 2,846, G.W.O. of Odd Fellows assembled in this town. At 3:30 o'clock they formed a line and paraded the streets. J. P. Wilder (colored) acting as marshal of the day. They paraded about an hour, and after paying their respects to the mayor assembled in the old J. J. Watkins store house. There they confronted a large audience. The opening address was delivered by Rev. L. L. Reynolds, who was followed by J. A. Stone, J. T. Raiford and Andrew Coleman. Then came essays by L. M. Kennedy, H. H. Hall and C. F. Harris.
  The music was considered good and was conducted by Charley Stone, Jack Roberson and others. Everything went smoothly.

July 9, 1889
Union Recorder
Blakeville Picnic at the Park
  That portion of our city lying north of the Tan-Yard branch, commonly so called, but on the map marked "Rocky Creek." and known by the unpoetical title of "Blakeville," was well represented at a picnic of the white citizens on the 2nd inst., at Powell Park. The Dummy took out a loaded car at 9:30 a.m., and quite a number at 12:30.
  Blakeville was named after a man of singular habits, tastes and mode of life. He was a man of education, a scholar, and a minister of the Gospel, but of what denomination we disremember, most probably, the English church. He lived in the first plank framed house built north of the Tan Yard branch, about forty years ago, where now is one of the busiest parts of the city. Doctor Blake loved cats, dogs, and other animals of the tame species, and birds; they were his sole companions, except when a friend or visitor called to see him, when he was the soul of hospitality and sociability. He loved to be alone. He built him a rude house of one room on an island, in the Oconee river two miles above the city, where he would go every few days, and pass the time hunting and trapping the finny tribe.
  We remember a picnic out there at Carter's "old mill" one day, many years ago. The boys and girls went out in wagons. On arriving at the west bank of the river it was proposed that a party visit the hermit of the island, and two batteaux were got ready, and a party crossed over to the island. The Doctor was "not at home," at least there was no response to our frequent and vigorous knocks. After awhile one of our boys described a white object in the shoals close by. It was the Doctor fishing, up to his arms, in the rapids, with nothing on him but his shirt. We hailed him and begged him to "come home" and see us. At first he would notice us, but in answer to our urgent appeals, he said. "will see you later." or words to that effect. We left the  Doctor to make up his toilet, which he did some hours after, and then chatted pleasantly with us all.
  With this digression, we proceed with the picnic. The people who got up the pleasure excursion are among the best citizens-most of them poor but hones, industrious, hospitable and intelligent people, who know how to get up a good thing, and how to enjoy it. The day was a pretty one. The company was home-like, free and easy, sociable.
  When the tables were in readiness for dinner, the company surrounded them, and a most appropriate blessing was pronounced ny Mr. D. A. Jewell. Then there was business, like until no other business in all this world-filling a long felt want. It was a bountiful spread and of the very best. After dinner, the young folks got together and danced, the old folks (men) smoked and took a chew, the married ladies swapped domestic notes, and the little ones slept, swung and played. At nearly 4 p. m., the Dummy swung around the curve, and took us all home happy-hearted, and thankful that it was our good fortune to have been there.

July 31, 1889
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Atlanta, July 25.Mrs. Sarah Doles, widow of Gen. George Doles, died at her sister's residence, in this city, at 2 o'clock this morning. The body will be buried by the side of Gen. Doles, in Milledgeville, and was carried from here at 7 o'clock this evening on the Central. The deceased was much beloved here, especially by the comrades of her husband, and there were many tender tributes of respect and affection offered during the day.
  From the residenece to the depot this evening the pall-bearers were: Col. H. Franklin Stark, Capt. W. W. Hurlbert, Mr. E. P. Black, Capt. H. H. Colquitt, Dr. K. C. Divine, Rev. T. P. Cleveland, Maj. John Dunwoody, Capt. John Milledge and Capt. T.  C. Furlow.
  The Governor's Horse Guard formed an escort of honor.
  Senator Sharp, Representative Campbell of Jason, Capt. W. W. Hulbert and Capt. E. P. Black accompanied the remains to Milledgeville as an escort of honor. A detail of survivors of the old Fourth Georgia was expected to meet the cortege in Macon.

August 10, 1889
Augusta Chronicle
BLOOD DYES HOLY GROUND. A Bloody Religious Riot Occurs in Baldwin County.
Milledgeville, GA, Aug. 8 - News of a sort of church riot has reached the city. It seems that a crowd of negro toughs were making things unpleasantly lively at a church service over the river in this county. The preacher went out to quiet the disturbance and made matters worse.
  One or two of them were wounded in a general club and gun fight and one of the deacons of the church was terribly shot with a gun loaded with buckshots. At the last report he was nearly dead.
  Sheriff Ennis went out today to look after the parties, but I have been unable to learn the result of his effort. The negro who is killed was namedReeves. All the parties to the little  war were colored brethren. From all accounts it seems to have been an ordianry fight amongst negroes.

August 13, 1889
Union Recorder
Gus Reaves Kills Henry Samples.
  The negroes at a gathering over the river at a church, last week, had a two nights fuss. What it was about is hard to tell. Anyhow it ended in the killing on last Wednesday night of Henry Samples, by Gus Reaves, both colored. Coroner Scott held and inquest over the deceased and the jury returned a verdict of voluntary manslaughter. Reaves was put in jail, but releaed on bond.

September 20, 1889
The Atlanta Constitution
  Milledgeville, Ga., September 19 (Special)Mrs. Myrick, widow of the late General S. H. Myrick, died suddenly at the house of her son, G. D. Myrick, in the county, yesterday evening. Mrs. Myrick was an aged Christian lady, whose acts of kindness have been a balm to many a sufferer, and her death is deeply deplored here. During the war she furnished clothing to the Junior Blues of this city, and in other charitable acts done, won the hearts of the soldiers and people.

October 1, 1889
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ In Memoriam. Died, in Midway, Ga., Sept. 5th, 1889, BRYSON AUGUSTINE COOK, youngest son of Samuel A. and Annie M. Cook. He was in the fourth year of his age.....

October 15, 1889
Union Recorder
A Notable Colored Woman Dies. Aunt Judy Huson died on Sunday Oct. 6th, aged 79 years. Who that ever broke bread in the dining room of the "Old Huson Hotel" does not remember Aunt Judy? Governors, U. S. Senators, Congressmen, Legislators, and other distinquished men have been kindly waited on by this faithful servant, so long at the head of the principal hotel in this city. Old men now alive, will feel sad when they hear of Aunt Judy' death. She worked well, filled her mission faithfully, and has gone up highter to enjor the reward of good deeds done in the body.

December 10, 1889
Union Recorder
  Married, on Thursday, Nov. 28th, at the residence of the bride's father by S. J. Brown, J. P., Mr. W. T. Weaver and Miss Frances A. McCullough, daughter of Mr. Louis McCullough.

December 10, 1889
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ December 4th, 1889....Two weddings at Merriwether this week.
  Mr. Scarborough, of Arlington, and Miss Mary Brown, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Brown, were married Wednesday afternoon, last. Rev. G. W. Griner performed the ceremony in his peculiar graceful manner.....
  At an early twilight hour last Thursday evening a large concourse of friends and relatives gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Harper to solemnize the marriage of their lovely daughter, Miss Fannie, to Rev. W. R. Griner. The ceremony was performed by our beloved presiding elder, Rev. Mr. march played by Miss Aurie Brantley, ..

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