Milledgeville-Baldwin County, Ga.
In The News - 1900 - 1909

January 2, 1900
        MARRIED -At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Lan. F. Palmer, on the 27th ult., Mr. S. D. Butler and Miss Dora Palmer, Rev. A. S. Avant officiating. Mr. R. L. Renfroe with Miss Alice Palmer, and Mr. Willie Palmer with Miss Laura Bell Ennis were the attendants. Mr. Butler is a prominent young farmer of East Baldwin, and Miss Dora is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Palmer. Many good wishes and congratulations were received by the happy young people. May their pathway be one of happiness.

January 2, 1900 
    John Sinton, colored, died last Tuesday, at his home in Sintonville, after a lingering illness. He was about 70 years of age, and was brought from Virginia to this city in his youth. He was polite in manner and respectful in demeanor and had many friends among both races. His funeral took place from the colored Methodist church last Wednesday and was largely attended. He leaves a wife and several children, among them John Sinton, the barber.

January 9, 1900
A HOME WEDDING. A few relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mathis, at 9:30 o'clock, last Wednesday morning, to witness the marriage of their youngest daughter, Miss Kate, to Col. E. W. Jordan, of Tennille.  The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. A. D. Echols, of Shady Dale. The happy young couple left on the Georgia railroad train for Macon, and from thence to their future home in Tennille.
  Col. Jordan is a rising young lawyer, of Tennille. The bride possesses many lovable traits, which have endeared her to a large circle of friends.

January 9, 1900
  Mr. William B. Stanley died at his home in this county last Tuesday night, after an illness of several weeks.
  His remains were laid to rest Thursday morning in the family burial ground. He leaves a wife and four children, a mother, three sisters, and a brother to mourn his death.
  Mr. Stanley was a prosperous farmer of this county, and has a large circle of friends, who regret his death.
  Mr. Stanley's death was caused by blood poison. In November, 1898, he received a wound from a pistol in the hands of Mr. W. O. Finney, who was killed in the fight in which two men of each family were engaged. The bullet lodged in his body, and all efforts to locate it failed. He recovered from the wound, and with the exception of being ill with typhoid fever during the summer, was in good health, until about four weeks ago, when blood poison set in.

January 9, 1900
  Mr. William Stanley and Miss Rachael Wynn were married at Oak Grove last Sunday, Rev. Z. Speer officiating.

  The remains of Mrs. Eva L. Leonard were brought from Atlanta to this city and buried, on Monday of last week. Aged 52 years.

  Mr. Robert Torrence, an aged citizen of this county, died at his home last Saturday night, after a long illness. He was a useful citizen, and his death caused sorrow among a large circle of friends.

Clippings from Black Spring
Mr. Thomas E. Pugh and Miss Dora Ennis were united in marriage last Wednesday. We tender to him and his bride our congratulations.

January 23, 1900
Mr. Will Mansfield, who is employed at the sawmill near Ivey's Station happened to a painful accident this week, getting his foot caught badly cut by the machinery. We hope to see him out soon.

January 23, 1900
excerpts~ Mr. Charles W. Bowen, of Augusta, and Miss Adah Viola Hollingsworth, of this city, were united in marriage, at six thirty o'clock, last evening, at the Presbyterian church.
...The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hollingsworth,...Mr. Bowen is a hardware merchant of Augusta...
  ..left for a visit to Florida, and will be at home at No. 1207 Ellis St., Augusta, after February 15th.

January 23, 1900
  Mr. William A. Massey and Miss Leila Ostendorff were united in marriage last Tuesday evening, at the Methodist parsonage. The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. J. H. Mashburn, in the presence of a few relatives and friends.
  Mr. Massey is one of Milledgeville's successful merchants. The bride is a pretty and charming young lady, and posses those attributes of character, which make woman queen of the home.
  The Union-Recorder joins their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous life.

January 23, 1900
A FATAL ACCIDENT. Lee Dago Run Over and Killed by The Dummy.
Lee Dago, a well-known negro brick mason, was run over and instantly killed by the Dummy last Wednesday night. The Dummy was returning from the Georgia R. R. depot, where it met the Picayune train at 8:40. When the Dummy had proceeded a short distance down Wayne street the engineer felt a shock and thought the passenger coach had jumped the track. The train was stopped and it was found that a man had been run over by the passenger car and badly mangled. His skull was broken and a foot was crushed. The unfortuante man, who was dead when found, turned out to be Lee Dago, who in an intoxicated condition was hunting his home in the northern suburbs of the city.
  The Dummy came on the city and Coroner Scott was informed of the terrible death, and, summoning a jury proceeded to the scene of the accident.
  After and examination of the body and hearing all the testimony that could be obtained in the case the Coroner's jury rendered a verdict that Lee Dago came to his death by being run over by the Milledgeville Ry. train and the killing was accidental.

February 13, 1900
Union Recorder
   Mr. Robert Brown, of this county, and Miss Pearl Rogers, of Warrenton, will be united in marriage next Tuesday, at noon. These young people have many friends in this city, who will join in wishing them much happiness.

March 2, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
FOUND WITH THROAT CUT.  RESPECTED CITIZEN OF MILLEDGEVILLE MEETS TRAGIC DEATH. Mr. Richard Perry Had Been in Ill Health, and It is Supposed He Killed Himself - The Coroner Will Investigate.
Milledgeville, Ga. March 1. Our city was shocked early this morning when it became know that Mr. Richard Perry had been found dead with his throat cut. Early this morning the body was found near the home of Mr. P. J. Cline, and the news rapidly spread over the city. Coroner Scott was notified and the body was removed to Stewart & Walker's undertaking establishment, where the body was prepared for burial.
  Mr. Perry was not feeling well yesterday and remained at home, but when his mother and sister retired about 9:30 o'clock he seemed better. What time he arose and left the house is not known.
  When found he held in his right hand his knife, and a deep gash in the left side of his throat told the tale. The deed was committed near the front of the old mansion. He walked about half a block, when he fell on his face and expired. The coroner's jury adjourned until this afternoon, but the general opinion is that the wound was self-inflicted.
  Dick Perry was about 37 years old and had many friends who deplore his sad ending. He leaves a mother, sister and two brothers and hosts of friends.

March 6, 1900
The Union-Recorder
  Miss Cleo Traynham and Mr. Walter Taylor of East Baldwin were married on the 23d. It was a runaway match. The ceremony was performed by Judge Grimes of Hancock county at 2 o'clock at night.

March 6, 1900
The Union-Recorder
Married: Mr. John B.(E.) Babb and Miss Adah Layfield were united in marriage last Tuesday afternoon at half-past five o'clock at the Baptist parsonage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. A. Wray in the presence of a few relatives. After the ceremony the happy couple repaired to the home of the groom at Midway where a bounteous feast was enjoyed. Mr. & Mrs. Babb are quite popular with a large circle of friends.

March 6, 1900
The Union-Recorder
  The marriage of Miss Minnie Caraker to Mr. Chas. W. Skinner, of Waynesboro, will occur at the home of her parents, Capt. and Mrs. Jacob M. Caraker, Thursday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Oscar L. Rogers, of Sandersville, will be matron of honor; Judge G. O. Womock, of Waynesboro, best man; Messrs. Klye T. Alfriend and Thos. H. Caraker, ushers. Miss Mary Conn will preside at the piano. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. W. A. Wray assisted by Rev. J. H. Mashburn.

March 6, 1900
~excerpt~ Death of Mrs. William Caraker.
  Mrs. Maggie Caraker, wife of Mr. Wm. Caraker, died at her home in this city last Thursday afternoon, after an illness of several weeks.
  The funeral services were held at  the residence, at 2:30 o'clock, Friday afternoon, Rev. J. H. Mashburn officiating. The pall-bearers were, Messrs. G. T. Whilden, T. S. Bagley, J. J. Wootten, J. T. Burnley, J. B. O'Quinn and Capt. W. T. Conn.

March 13, 1900
  Miss Gertrude West and Mr. Lucius Huff were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, a few days ago. We wish them a long and happy life.

March 27, 1900
  The marriage of Miss Minnie Scott to Mr. W. S. Bennett of Reidsville, S. C., is announced for Tuesday evening, March 27th. Miss Scott is  one of the most popular society young ladies, who by her charming personality and womanly graces had drawn around her many friends who regret that her marriage will take her away from Milledgeville. Mr. Bennett is a popular drummer, well known throughout Georgia and Florida.

April 20, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
Miss Lena Harper and Dr. Charles Barrett United in Marriage
  Washington, Ga. April 13. Today at the residence of Dr. W. W. Hill, Miss Lena Harper was united in marriage to Dr. Charles Barrett of Milledgeville. Only a few intimate friends were invited to be present, besides the relatives of the bride. They left on the train this afternoon for their future home in Milledgeville, carrying with them the best wishes of a host of friends of the beautiful and accomplished bride.
 Miss Harper is a sister of Mrs. Dr. Hill, and is one of the most popular young ladies of our city.
  The groom is a prominent and successful druggist of Milledgeville.

April 24, 1900
Cooperville Tidbits
  Mr. A. V. Bloodworth and Miss Patsie Stanley were united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother. We wish the happy couple a long and prosperous life.
  Miss Nancy Reynolds died at the home of her parents last week. The family have the sympathy of the entire community,
  Mr. Merrit Ethridge died at his home in Washington county. The remains were brought here  and laid to rest in Elmwood cemetery.

May 1,1900
The Union-Recorder
  Mr. Charles H. Babb died at his home in this county last Saturday  morning, after a long illness. His funeral services were
held at Black Spring Sunday morning, conducted by Rev. Mr. Robinson. He was one of Baldwin's prominent farmers, and his
death is regretted by a large circle of friends. He leaves a wife and several children, who have the sympathy of our community.

May 1, 1900
Mrs. J. A. Snipes died at her home in East Baldwin last Saturday morning, after a long illness. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her death. She was a kind and loving wife and mother, and a good neighbor. Her remains were laid to rest Sunday.

May 8, 1900
Benjamin Reynolds, son of William Reynolds, died of typhoid pneumonia, near Stevens Pottery, May 1st. He had just reached manhood's estate when he was called away.

May 29, 1900
  Miss Gussie Lockhart died at the home of her mother, Mrs. Julia Lockhart, at Midway, last Wednesday morning at 4 o'clock. Miss Lockhart had been in ill health for some months. Her death is a source of deep regret to her many friends.
    The funeral services were conducted at the family residence, Thursday morning at nine o'clock by Revs. D. W. Brannen and J. H. Mashburn. The pall bearers were Messrs. W. H. Barnes, T. W. Turk. J. L. Cone, Charlie Smith and Seaton Gilman.
    Her remains were laid to rest in the City Cemetery.
    The family has the sympathy of a large number of friends in their bereavement.

May 29, 1900
  Mrs. Martha Moore, widow of the late Mr. Lueco M. Moore, died at the home of her youngest daughter, Mrs. Hal Brown, last Friday at noon. She was sixty-nine years of age and had been in feeble health for a year or two past.
  Mrs. Moore was the eldest child of the late Dr. Handy Waller, and the first of a family of nine children to pass away. She is survived by five sisters and three brothers: Mrs. Levi Speights of Macon, Mrs. Edna Harper of Baldwin county, Mrs. Elizabeth Mahone of Talbot county, Mrs. Handy Garrard and Mrs. Mary Broadfield of Putnam county, and Messrs. Isaac Waller of Meriwether county, James Waller of Alabama and W. T. Waller of Putnam county.
  Mrs. Moore leaves five daughters and one sn to lament the loss of their loving mothers: Mrs. Fannie Mahone, Mrs. Lizzie Godard, Mrs. Anna Brooks, Mrs. W. A. Cook, Mrs. Hal Brown and Mr. William Moore.
  The funeral services were held at the residence of Mr. Hal Brown last Saturday afternoon at three o'clock, and her remains were laid to rest beside her husband in the family burial grounds at the old home near Pleasant Grove Church.
  Mrs. Moore was a member of the Methodist church for more than fifty years. She was a sweet-spirited christian woman whose gentle, uplifting influence was felt in her family, in the church and in society. A dutiful daughter, a kind sister, a loving wife, a devoted mother and a true friend has accomplished her earthly mission and gone to enjoy her eternal reward. Her loved ones who linger on the shores of Time look forward with fond expectation to a happy reunion.
  "Beyound the sunset's radiant glow."

July 17, 1900
  Mrs. Soloman (Missouri M. Salmon) died at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Charles Combes, Saturday, the 7th inst., and was buried at Snow's Hill the following Sunday. We were very sorry to hear of her death.

August 14, 1900
   Death of Miss Elsie Sherlock: After a long illness of consumption, Miss Elsie Sherlock passed away last Sunday morning. Her burial took place yesterday morning from her late residence, Rev. J. H. Mashburn officiating. She was a native of this city and about forty years of age..

September 4, 1900
Union Recorder

   Mr. John Troup Allen died at the home of his son, Dr. H. D. Allen, last Wednesday morning.
    Mr. Allen had been in ill health for a long time, and his later days were quietly spent at the home of his son. He seldom came to the city.
    His remains were buried in the cemetery, at ten o'clock, Thursday morning, with Masonic honors.
    Mr. Allen was a native of Washington county, and was seventy years of age. He was a brave and true soldier in the Confederate army.
    He leaves two sons, Dr. H. D. and Hon. John T. Allen, who have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement.

September 15, 1900
Columbus Enquirer
Mrs. W. L. Wootten, the wife of Rev. W. Wootten, died in Milledgeville Thursday at about 12 o'clock, noon. She had been in the asylum there for the past fourteen years, when death came as a relief.
    Mrs. Wootten was born in 1852 in Milledgeville and was the daughter of the late Captain and Mrs. John Sneed. Her mother died while she was quite young, and her father was killed while leading his company at the battle of Seven Pines. Mrs. Wooten was then taken by an aunt, who lived in Huntsville, Ala. Here Mrs. Wootten was raised, and received her education in the Huntsville Female Academy. She graduated there with the highest honors.
   In 1876 Rev. and Mrs. Wootten were married at her old home, Milledgeville. She is survived, besides her husband, by four children. Mr. John L. Wootten, Miss Mary S. Wootten, Miss Carrie S. Wootten, and Mr. Alexander A. Wootten.
   Not long after the birth of her youngest child, her mind unfortunately became clouded, and it was thought best to send her to her old home, Milledgeville, where she has remained for the past fourteen years.
   Mrs. Wootten was buried in Milledgeville by the side of her mother and sisters, who have gone to the grave before her. Rev. Mr. Wooten hurried to Milledgeville as soon as he received the telegraph ammounce the death. Dr. J. W. Hinton, of Macon joined Dr. Wootten and conducted the funeral services.
  The family has the sincere sympathy of its many Columbus friends. Since coming to Columbus, where he has been nearly a year, Rev. M. Wootten has thoroughly endeared himself to the people of the community.

October 2, 1900
Union Recorder
  Mr. Jessie T. Leonard died at his home in this city early yesterday morning.
   Mr. Leonard was apparently in his usual health when he retired Sunday night. Yesterday morning, however, he failed to rise at his  accustomed time, and Mrs. Leonard went into his room to arouse him. When she reach his bedside she found he was in an unconcious condition, and that life was very near extinct. She hastily gave an alarm, and several of the neighbors responded, and a doctor was called. In the meantime he had breathed his last. His death was the result of heart failure.
   Mr. Leonard was a native of this city, and was in his forty-eight year., He leaves a wife and four children, and a number of relatives.

October 18, 1900
The Macon Telegraph
THREE WEDDINGS. That Number Were Celebrated in Milledgeville Tuesday.
Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 17 - Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock, at the home of the bride on Wayne street,  occurred the marriage of Miss Julia Folds and Mr. Henry Parker. They left on the 6 o'clock train for a bridal trip to Atlanta.
  Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the First Baptist church, occurred the marriage of Miss Sina Simmons and Mr. Frank Shivers of Columbus, Ga. The happy couple left on the 2:30 train for their future home in Columbus.
  At the home of the bride's mother on South Wayne street, last evening at 7 o'clock, occurred the marriage of Miss Henrietta Brantley and Mr. J. L. Crawford of Dothan, Ala.,  Rev. H. H. Mashburn officiator. The happy couple left on the 8 o'clock train for their future home, admist a shower of rice; old shoes and best wishes from a host of friends. Miss Brantley was one of our brightest and sweetest young ladies and has a host of friends. Mr. Crawford is a prominent young business man of Dothan, and is to be congratulated on winning such a lovely bride.

November 6, 1900
Sidney Cobb, a negro was shot and killed, last Thursday, near Stevens' Pottery, by Sullivan Harris. A crowd of negroes were gambling, and a row started between another negro and Harris, when the latter commenced shooting. The bullet, however, missed its mark, and struck Cobb, inflicting a wound which caused his death.

November 6, 1900
Mrs.Sarah Hutchings died at her home in this county Friday, Oct. 26th. She was in her 80th year, and leaves two daughters, and a number of relatives to mourn her death. Her remains were buried at Camp Creek Church the following Saturday.

November 20, 1900
  Mr. Franklin Skinner died at his home at "Skinner's Spring", in East Baldwin, near this city, last Sunday morning at six o'clock. He had been in ill health for many months, but was confined to his bed only a short time.
  He came to this city in 1846 from Western New York, and was superintendent of the cotton factory for many years. He was an energetic man, and managed this factory successfully until it was destroyed by fire in 1877. For several years past he has been engaged in farming,
  Mr. Skinner was 76 years of age. He leaves two sons, Mr. Arthur F. Skinner of this city and Mr. R. E. Skinner, of Norcross, Ga.
   The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon, at half past three o'clock, Rev. D. W. Brannen officiating.

November 27, 1900
Gardner Adams, a negro died suddenly in this city Wednesday night. Coroner Scott was notified and held an inquest. Heart failure was the cause of his death.

December 11, 1900
  Miss Mittie Wilson of Cooperville, and Mr. Will Bone of Stevens Pottery were quietly married at the Circuit Parsonage in Milledgeville on the 28th.

December 11, 1900
  Mr. Arthur H. Wall, of this city and Miss Mattie Lee Fritwell, of Butts county were united in marriage last Wednesday. The marriage was a quite one. The happy couple arrived in this city Thursday and received a cordial welcome from relatives and friends.

December 8, 1900
Union Recorder
A Quiet Marriage. Miss Sallie D. Richardson, of Scottsboro, was united in marriage to Mr. James R. Norment, at 6 o'clock, p.m., Wednesday. The ceremony was performed at the home of Rev. J. J. Lanier, Rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, only a few friends being present.
   Mr. Norment is a native of Virginia, and we understand he comes of an excellent family. He has been a resident of this county for the past three years and has made many friends here by his manly bearing.
   Miss Richardson is an excellent young lady and is greatly beloved by a large circle of friends.
  The Union Recorder tenders congratulations and best wishes.

January 1, 1901
The Columbus Enquirer-Sun
CHANGE OF POSTMASTERS. Inspector Puts Out the One at Milledgeville
Milledgeville, Ga., Jan 8 - G. W. Wilson and J. Herty Wilson, father and son, were removed from the post office here today and Mr. B. T. Bethune, bank cashier, was put in charge. The change ws made by the authorities on application from the bondsmen. Inspector Perr, of the postoffcie department was in the city and conducted the transfer of the office. What the facts are cannot be stated, as the parties interested refuse to talk.
Note: James Longstreet was named postmaster in March 1901.

January 1, 1901
  Mr. Charles Cormanni and Mrs. Cora Stanley were united in marriage last Wednesday evening at the home of the bride in this county.

January 1, 1901
  The marriage of Mr. Otto M. Conn, of this city, and Miss Janie Boaz, of Tampa, Fla., occurred at the home of the bride's father, Capt. B. G. Boaz, at half past six o'clock, last Wednesday evening. The ceremony uniting these two young lives was performed by Rev. W. G. Robey, and was a sweet and impressive one. It was witnessed by the immediate family and a few intimate friends of the bride.
  Mr. and Mrs. Conn arrived in this city Thusday evening, and were warmly welcomed. They are now at home to their many friends at the residence of Mrs. Otelia M. Case on Jefferson street.
  Mr. Conn is one of Milledgeville's most popular young men, and is connected wth the Milledgeville Banking Co., as a book-keeper. He is a young man of splendid business abiliy, and has the confidence of our entire people. His clever, genial disposition has made him highly esteemed by all who know him.
  The bride, as Miss Boaz, had attended the G. N. & I. College, and by her bright and vivacious manner, won many friends here who are glad to welcome her back.
  The Union Recorder joins in wishing them a life of unalloyed happiness.

January 1, 1901
DEATH OF MRS. W. R. STANLEY. Mrs. Lucy Stanley, widow , of he late Mr. W. R. Stanley died at her home in South Baldwin, at half-past five o'clock Saturday morning, Dec. 22nd. She was buried the following Sunday afternoon. She leaves four children, Mrs. A. R. Bloodworth, Mr. J. R. Stanley, and Mrs. C. B. Ivey, of this county, and Mrs. Ben Dumas, of Macon. The family have the sympathy of many friends.

January 15, 1901
~excerpts~ Mrs. Malinda Fenn, wife of Mr Robert Fenn of Cooperville, died at her home Dec. 12th, 1900, after a long and painful illness. She was in her 66th year, and had spend almost her entire life in this place.....
  She had long been a member of the Primitive Church at Camp Creek and was a consistent and devoted Christian....
  A devoted husband and two children, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Branan, survive her, and two sisters and one Bro., Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Partee and Mr. T. J. Cooper....

January 22, 1901
Union Recorder
  Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hollinshead have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Clara, to Mr. Lester Leon Shivers which takes place at their lovely suburban home, Rose Hill, Wednesday, Jan. 30. Miss Hollinshead is a bright and charming young woman, and is the center of a large circle of warm friends, and it is very much regretted that by her marriage she will make her home in another city. Mr. Shivers is well know in this city, having once resided here, and has many friends. He is a resident of Birmimgham, Ala., and is identified with the Postal Telegraph Co.

January 22, 1901
Mrs. Lucinda Bass, wife of Mr. B. I. Bass, died at her home in this county, last Thursday evening, at seven o'clock. She had been in ill health for many years, and her death was not unexpected, but it was a sad shock to her loved ones. Her remains were buried in the city cemetery Saturday, at noon, Rev. J. A. Wray conducting the services.
   Mrs. Bass is survied by her aged husband, three sons, Messrs. W. A. N., B. A., and L. L. Bass, and one daughter, Mrs. Emma Compton. Before her marriage, she was Miss Lucinda Speights. She was buried on the 69th anniversary of her birth. She was a member of the Island Creek Baptist church and was a true christian.
  The sorrowing loved ones have the sympathy of many friends.

February 4, 1901
Death of Miss Nancy Callaway (Nancy Clemetine)
    The many friends of Miss Nancy Callaway will be pained to hear of her death, which occurred at her home in this city, last Sunday night about 7 O'clock.
   She had been ill for many months and was a great sufferer.  She has been a consistent member of the Baptist church for many years.
   The funeral services were held at the Baptist church at 3:30 yesterday afternoon, Rev. J.A. Wray officiating.
Obit provided by Scott O. Fraser

February 12, 1901
  Last Tuesday, Mr. William Stiles, who lives in the north-western part of this county, near Dovedale, had a difficulty with a negro in his employ by the name ofFrank Odom. Frank failing  to go to his work, Mr. Stiles went to his house to ascertain the cause. A dispute arose and Odom advanced on his employer in a threatening manner. As he came up Mr. Stiles grabbed a piece of fence rail and struck him a blow on the head which, unfortunately, caused his death. His skull was broken and he died about 12 o'clock the same day.
   An inquest was held by Coroner Scott Wednesday morning. After investigating the case the jury returned a verdict of "justifiable homicide."

February 19, 1901
    Last Saturday afternoon, William Milner, a negro found the dead body of a new born infant, in a pine thicket near the house of Sol. Solomon, a negro, who lives on the old McCrary place, about five miles from this city. Coroner Scott was notified and held an inquest Sunday morning. From the evidence gathered the infant was found to be that of Mary Eliza Solomon, and that it had been left in the woods to die by the unnatural mother. The jury found a verdict of infanticide and the woman was arrested and put in jail.
See August 27, 1901

February 27, 1901
Butler, the ten-year old son of Mrs. Rebecca Brown, died in this city last Saturday afternoon, about one o'clock. He had just recovered from an attack of pneumonia, and a few days ago  a rising commenced in his head, and developed rapidly into meningitis. His remains were carried to Hancock for burial. This is the second one of this family to die in a week's time. The grief-stricken mother has the deep sympathy of our entire community.

March 26, 1901
Union Recorder
John H. Martin was cut to death in his sawmill, near Stevens Pottery, last Saturday morning. He was engaged in sawing lumber, when the piece of timber caught and he was thrown against the saw. His right arm and side were terribly cut, and he suffered great pain for an hour, before death relieved him. His remains were buried Sunday.
  Mr. Martin was one of this county's prosperous young farmers, and was an upright and worthy citizen. He leaves a young wife, who has he sympathy of many friends. His untimely death is greatly regretted by all who knew him.

April 9, 1901
Union Recorder
  Mr. John Henry Collins, a well known farmer of this county, died at his home in the western part of the county, last Wednesday morning, after an illness of several days, with pneumonia.
  Mr. Collins was buried at Hopewell cemetery, Thusday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Z. Speer, and attended by a large crowd of neighbors and friends.
    Mr. Collins was about forty years of age, and leaves a wife, and three small children, who have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement.

May 20, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
Miss Snowdrop Gobert and Miss Mabel Kemp, of this city, spent  several days last week in Sparta, Ga.
Miss Corinne Hendrix returned Friday from a visit of some days to relatives and friends in Augusta, Ga., and Columbia S.C.
Miss Ida Richter left this week for a visit to Atlanta, after a visit of some weeks to friends in this city.
Miss Mary Humber is visiting the family of Dr. Joseph B. White, in Washington, D.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lamar and daughter have returned to their home in New York after a visit of some days in this city.
Miss Ethel Chisholm, of Savannah is visiting Miss Martha Robson, in this city
Miss Maud Greene of West Point, is visiting friends in this city.
The Hill Club was entertained by Mrs. Beeson this week in  "a baby party for grown up people." a very unique mode indeed, and one thoroughly enjoyed by every one. The programme was decorated on one side by pen and ink sketches of babies in almost every conceivable position..

June 9, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
YOUNG ROBERTS IS DROWNED. Son of a Prominent Milledgeville Man Loses His Life.
Milledgeville, Ga., May 17 (Special) Edward R. Roberts was drowned this afternoon at Robinson's natatorium. Roberts could not swim, but had been diving from a springboard into the water at a point where the shallow water shelved quickly into a seven-foot depth. A slip of the foot on the board threw him a few feet further to the right that he expected to go and into water beyond his depth. Mr. W. H. Reynolds, who was in the pond, rushed to his assistance, but was unable to rescue him. Roberts was the eldest son of W. H. Roberts, of this city. Mr. E. R. Roberts was about a month ago secretly married to a Miss Griffin, of Eatonton, Ga., and the marriage has as yet never been made public. The young wife at the time of the accident was with her relatives in Atlanta, Ga.
(note: natarorium is a swimming pool)

June 11, 1901
Lavinia Flagg, widow of Rev. Wilkes Flagg, died at her home in this city last Wednesday. The funeral services, held Thursday afternoon at Flagg's Chappel, were largely attended. This church was named in honor of her husband and was very dear to her, and she was greatly beloved by the membership. 'Aunt Lavinia' was a good woman and had many friends in both races. She has gone to her reward after a kind and useful life of nearly a century.

June 15, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
CAPT. W. A. WILLIAMS DEAD. He Died Yesterday Morning in Knoxville, WAS ON VISIT TO HIS SON
Interment at Milledgeville Today. Was Captain in First Georgia Regiment, Confederate Army.
   CaptainW. A. Williams, an ex-officer in the confederate army and a well known citizen of Atlanta, died yesterday morning in Knoxville, Tenn. at the home of his son, P. J. Williams. Captain Williams's residence in Atlanta is at 406 Spring street.
    Captain Williams left Atlanta a few days ago to visit his son in Knoxville. While there he was taken ill, and yesterday morning, a telegram was received announcing his death.
  Two or three days ago, when the doctors gave up all hope of his recovery, his sons and daughters were summoned and reached his bedside before he died.
  Captain Williams's body was shipped to Milledgeville last night and will pass through Atlanta at 5:30 o'clock this morning. The body will be interred in the family burying grounds at Milledgeville this afternoon.
   Captain Williams was a captain in the First Georgia regiment, confederate army. He was prominent in Georgia and Alabama and had hundreds of friends in both states to whom his death will be a personal loss.

June 18, 1901
MARRIED- Mr. Hugh Gilmore and Miss Minnie Hudson were united in marriage Sunday afternoon, at Midway, Rev. Z. Speer, officiating. They have the best wishes of a large circle of friends.

June 18, 1901
 A NEGRO KILLED. John Bass Killed by Sidney Clark With Base Ball Bat.
  On Saturday afternoon the negro boys, residing in the neighborhood of Hopewell church, gathered on the grounds near Nasariac church for a game of baseball, and as the game was in progress, a fuss occurred between two of the players, Sidney Clark and Johnnie Bass. After the game, Bass was sitting on the church steps talking to several boys, when Clark slipped into the church through one door, came out at another very near, and behind Bass, and knocked him off the steps by hitting him on the head with a bat.
  Bass was carried home and lingered until Saturday morning, when he died, with concussion of the brain.
  Coroner Scott was notified, and held an inquest. A number of negro boys were examined, and three of them gave such testimony as to cause the jury to believe that they knew more about the killing than they were willing to tell, and it was decided to hold them as accessories. The verdict, in substance, was that " Johnnie Bass came to his death from a blow on the head given him by Sidney Clark, with a base ball bat, and that the same was murder, and that Will and Sam Solomon and Mathis Andrews were accessories,"
  The murderer is a young negro, not grown, and is the son of Clay Clark, a well known negro farmer,  while his victim was about twenty three years of age, and a son of Guss Bass. Clark made his escape and has not yet been caught.
(Note: $150 reward was offered by the governor Nov. 1901.)

July 2, 1901
  Dr. B. J. Simmons, the colored physician of this city, was married to Peronia Slater, a daughter of Alonza Slater, the well-known carpenter, last Wednesday night. The marriage was a run away  match, on account of parental objection, as they wanted their daughter to finish her education in a college in Virginia, which she had been attending. The marriage created much interest among the negroes, as both parties are among the most intelligent of their race.

July 25, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
Macon, Ga., July 24 (Special) The remains of Mr. Asa Favors reached Macon tonight from Palatka, Fla., and will be sent to Milledgeville tomorrow for interment. He was an engineer on the Georgia Southern and  Florida railway. Mrs. T. J. Bishop, of Macon, was his sister in law.

July 30, 1901
Union Recorder
   A worthy old negro, Tom Farrow, died suddenly Thursday. His death was supposed to be caused from a ruptured blood vessel. He was in a general low state of health. He was found dead in his house door, and the remnant of a melon, which he had been eating, near him.

July 30, 1901
Union Recorder
In Memorial. Mr. George S. Carpenter died at his home in Cooperville, Ga., June 3d, 1901, in the 73d year of his age, and was laid to rest in Elm Hill Cemetery in that place. Rev. Mr. Spencer of the M. E. Church conducted the services.
  Mr. Carpenter was born in Onedia County, N. Y., but came to Georgia to make his home where he was twice married. First to Miss Cherokee Lily, after her death to Mrs. Branen, nee Miss Cooper, eldest daughter of Mr. T. J. Cooper, of Cooperville, who still survives him. Mrs. Davidson of Macon, the only surviving child of his first marriage, and little George, a seven year old son of his second wife are his only children.
    Mr. Carpenter was an educated man and held responsible positions in Bibb, Hancock and Baldwin counties. He was an unusually well preserved man, and even at 73 was of fine physique.
  He was confined to his bed for ten weeks, tortured with the most excruciating pain but without a murmur against Him who chastens those whom he loves.
  He was constantly in prayer during his long illness and had no fear of death. He was a consistent member of Union Hill Methodist church and was always present at every service when health would permit.
  He was tenderly nursed during his sickness by a devoted wife, daughter and step-daughter, and many were the attentions and kindnesses shown him by his numerous friends during his illness, but He who can relieve every pain, and soothe every sorrow took him to Himself where all is rest and peace. May his God be a husband to the lonely wife and a father to the little orphan boy is the wish and prayer of their friend, C. B. G.

July 30, 1901
NEGRO KILLED. Last Thursday Will Brown and Tom Pace negroes working at the brick yard of Messrs. T. O. Brown & Son, engaged in a fight, which resulted in Brown striking Pace on the head with a plank, fracturing his skull.
  A warrant was sworn out against Brown and he was arrested by Sheriff Prosser and lodged in jail.
  Pace died Saturday morning, and on account of the illness of Coroner Scott, an inquest was held by Justice of the Peace, John Thomas, Saturday afternoon.
   The jury was composed of Messrs. J.  W. Barnes, Millard Barnes, Henry Hurt, Drs. Moore, Smith and Hall. After hearing the evidence in this case, the jury render a verdict that Pace came to his death from a blow delivered by Will Brown, and that the same was murder.
 The facts gathered at the inquest were, that Brown got after Pace about the manner in which he was handling the brick. This angered Pace, and he cursed Brown, who picked up a plank and knocked him in the head, and that the wound caused his death.
(See Jan 21, 1902)

August 13, 1901
Mrs. M. E. Bloodworth, widow of the late Mr. Henry Bloodworth, died at the home of her doughtier, Mrs. J. D. Wilkinson, in the western portion of the county, last Wednesday morning, after a long illness. Her remains were buried at Sand Hill cemetery on Thursday. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. She was fifty years of age, and leaves four children, all grown, and one brother and sister. She was the daughter of the late Robert Trapp. The relatives have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow.

August 27, 1901
  The Grand Jury in the case of Mary Eliza Solomon, who was charged with infanticide, found that she had not given the child proper attention, and hence its death. On recommendation of the  Solicitor the crime was reduced to a misdemeanor, in the County Court yesterday, and was sentenced to the chain gang for nine months.

August 27, 1901
  ~excerpt~ The marriage of Mrs. Ella Caraker Denham and Mr. Coates Ryles took place at the home of Mrs. S. J. Vaughan in this city, Tuesday afternoon, August the twentieth, while the clock pealed out the hour three.
   The marriage was a quiet home affair with only the immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties present.
  Rev. W. D. Brannen of the Presbyterian church of this city officiated.
   There were no attendants except Eda and Ethel, the two pretty five year old daughters of the bride. They acted as flower girls and performed their duties tastefully and becomingly.....
  The groom is the sucessful overseer of the farm lands of the late Col. Humber; having held that position for nearly twelve years.
   After the ceremony was performed the happy pair took the thee forty-six train for their pretty home near Meriwether station.....  

September 3, 1901
Susie Williams, a young negro woman was shot and killed Saturday night by her adopted father, York Smith.
  Smith went home Saturday night, between eleven and twelve o'clock, drunk. Soon after getting into the house, he began waving his pistol and bragging about what a man he was, and it is supposed that in flourishing the weapon it was accidentally discharged. The pistol was of a forty-four calibre, and the ball entered the right breast of the woman, and ranged straight through, penetrating the fifth rib. The wound caused immediate death.
  Coroner Scott was notified soon after the killing, and went to the house, which is in the south-eastern portion of the city. He ordered that everything in the room where the killing occurred be left as it was. The inquest was held Sunday morning. The jury, after hearing all the evidence, which was conflicting, decided that the shooting was accidental, but that a verdict of "manslaughter" should be rendered.
   The jury was composed of Dr. W. A. Moore, Foreman; Dr. J. G. Croley, Messrs. J. C. Whitaker, A. H. Wall, S. F. Hancock and W. J. Scott.
  Smith was arrested Saturday night and lodged in jail.
(Note: Smith was released from custody 2 weeks later due to evidence not warranted.)

Sept. 23, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
Popular Young Lady Died at her Home in West End Yesterday Afternoon
 Miss Juvernia White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver T. White, died yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the residence of her parents, 302 Lee Street, after a protracted illness of several weeks with typhoid fever.  Beloved by all who knew her, possessing a rare grace of manner, intellectual, beautiful, a devoted Christian, she passed away just as she had entered womanhood. Her sweet and cheery disposition shed sunshine into every company into which she was thrown, and many an eye will be dimmed this morning with tears of sincere grief ant the announcement of her death. She was a devout member of the Episcopal church and her works of charity and love will be most gratefully remembered.  Miss White leaves, besides her parents, three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. George Stallings and Miss Rose White, of Detroit, Mich.: Miss Alice White, Dr. Mark J. White, a surgeon in the United States Marine hospital service, now stationed at San Francisco, and Oliver T. White, Jr. She was the niece of Colonel Malcolm Johnston, of Atlanta; Dr. Mark Johnston, of Milledgeville, and Mrs. Howard Crumley, of Atlanta.  The funeral arrangements will be announced later.
(submitted by Paula Girouard )

October 15, 1901
Union Recorder
   Mr. J. Anderson McMullen died in Macon last Monday night at the home of Mr. T. A. Miller. The news of his death reached this city early Tuesday morning, by a telephone message, and was conveyed to his family at Scottsboro, to whom it was quite a shock and surprise.
    Mr. McMullen went to Macon several days before his death, to engage in the contractor's and carpenter's trade, and was stopping at the home of his friend Mr. Miller. He retired in his usual health Monday night, and died during the night. Mr. Charles Miller, who occupied the bed with him, knew nothing of his death, until he arose for breakfast Tuesday morning.
   Mr. McMullen's remains were brought to his home in Scottsboro Tuesday night, by members of his family, who went to Macon as soon as they learned of the sad occurrence. His furneral services were held Wednesday afternoon, and he was buried at Mt. Pleasent cemetery.
  For the past three or four years he has been engaged in the mercantile business, at Scottsboro, which he sold to his son. He is well-known in theis city and county, and has many friens who regret his death.
  Mr. McMullen was born in Echols county, Oct. 21st, 1858, and was in his forty-third year. He came to Wilkinson county, when three years of age and spent his life in that and Baldwin county. In 1877 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Jane Golden, who with four children suvive him.

 Sept. 25, 1901
Atlanta Constitution
 WHITE-The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver T. White,Mr. Malcolm Johnston, Dr. Mark Johnston  and Mrs. Howard Crumley are invited to attend the funeral of Miss Luvenia White, from the  Church of the Incarnation, Lee Street, this Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Pallbearers;   Vestry men of the church. Interment Laurel Hill, Westview Cemetery.
(submitted by Paula Girouard )

October 22, 1901
Mr. James Giles, a young man, about twenty-one years of age, died at his father's home, in East Baldwin, last Thursday, after a short illness.

October 29, 1901
MURDER AT STATE FARM. Jim Springs and Bonnie Respass, two negroes who are in the penitentiary for life, had a fuss at the State farm on the 12th inst., and Springs threw a brick, striking Respass on the head, fracturing his skull. The wounded man lingered until Tuesday, when he died. Coroner Scott went out and held an inquest, and the jury returned a verdict of murder.

November 5, 1901
 ~excerpt~ It has been announced that the marriage of Mr. John Henry Vinson and Miss Mytis West will be solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller S. Bell, at 7:30 o'clock, Wednesday evening, November twentieth.
 ..Mr. Vinson is one of Milledgeville's prominent young men, and holds the position of prescription clerk with Messrs. Culver & Kidd....
  Miss West is quite popular with a large circle of friends here..

November 5, 1901
Mrs. Lizzie Brookins, widow of Mr. Thomas Brookins, died at the home of her step-son, Mr. C. W. Brookins, in Midway, Saturday, the 26th, ult., at 9:30 o'clock, p.m. She was buried in Midway cemetery on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Z. Speer officiating. She was sixty-four years of age, and had been a member of the Baptist church for more than thirty years. She was a good woman, and will be greatly missed by relatives and friends.

November 12, 1901
A DOUBLE TRAGEDY. Two Men Killed In A Desperate Encounter. Mr. C. I. Meadows Kills Cornelius Dallas, After Being Desperately Wounded by a Pistol Shot.
  A double tragedy was enacted in the bar of Messrs. C. I. Meadows & Bro., shortly after five o'clock last Thursday afternoon, in which Mr. Charles I. Meadows, and Cornelius Dallas, a negro barber from Eatonton, lost their lives.
  Dallas came from Eatonton on the eleven thirty Central train Thursday morning to take in the sights of the Street Fair. Soon after reaching here be commenced drinking, and late in the afternoon went to the Meadows' bar and called for a drink. Joe Adams, the porter, waited on him, and for some cause, either in the way he served the drink or in making the change, angered Dallas, who began cursing him. Mr. Meadows, who was standing behind the counter, near by, ordered the negro to stop cursing or to leave the bar, if he did not he would put him out. This angered the negro more, and he began cursing Mr. Meadows, who went around the counter to where the negro was and promptly knocked him down. While Mr. Meadows was in a stooping position over Dallas, the negro pulled a No. 32 Smith & Wesson pistol from his pocket, and placing it near the lower left side of his abdomen, pulled the trigger.  After he was shot Mr. Meadows wrenched the pistol from the negro's hand, and emptied the remaining four chambers into the negro. He, the, in some manner, obtained another pistol, and shot him four more times. By this time Mr. Meadows became exhausted from the effects of his wound, and fell to the floor. There were eight bullet holes in the negro-seven in his head and one in his body, near his heart.
  The shooting was quickly over,  before any one hardly realized it was going on. A large crowd soon gathered in the bar, and doctors were hastily summoned. They found the negro dead, and Mr. Meadows dangerously wounded, shot in the abdomen.
  The physicians went to work to relieve the suffering of Mr. Meadows, and in a short while he revived sufficiently to be carried to his home, on East Hancock street.
  The body of Dallas was taken in charge by Coroner Scott, and carried to his undertaking department, where it remained until Friday morning, when an inquest was held. The Jury was composed of Dr. W. A. Moore, Dr. T. M. Hall, Messrs. E. P. Gibson, J. C. Whitaker, J. J. Barrett and Frank Hancock. After hearing all the evidence it was possible to obtain, the jury rendered a verdict, viz: "That Dallas came to his death from the wounds of a pistol in the hands of Mr. C. I. Meadows, and that it was justifiable homicide."
    Friends of the negro came down from Eatonton on the early morning train, and carried his body home for burial. Dallas followed the barber's trade in Eatontn, and was a very bright mulatto, and was a large, stout man.
  After Mr. Meadows reached his home, the physicians made a thorough examination of his wound and found that he was dangerously wounded, and Friday morning an operation was performed. Medical skill, however, failed to stay the deadly work of the bullet, and the wounded man lingered until Friday night, when he died about eleven o'clock.
  Mr. Meadows is the eldest son of Mr. F. M. Meadow, of Hancock county, and has been engaged in business in the city for several years past.
  Of Mr. Meadows were held at the residence, at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, Rev. J. H. Masburn officating. His remains were laid to rest in the city cemetery. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. B. I. Fraley, W. L Bethune, B. F. Binon, J. A. Horne, R. B. Moore and J. E. Kidd.
   Mr. Meadows is survived by his wife and one child, father, two sisters and one brother.

November 19, 1901
~excerpt~ In Memorium. Mrs. Emma Marrilla McCrary fell asleep to the sorrows of this life Oct. 21st, 1901. She had been afflicted for several years with liver complain, and heart trouble.
  She left her home, Lake City, Fla., to visit her parents hoping a change might be beneficial, but no relief came to the suffer, for in three short weeks death claimed its victim.....she was the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Ivey. At her old home she loved so well, she wanted to spend her last days. She was twenty-eight years old, and leaves a husband and little son, her parents amd many relatives and friends to mourn her death.
  Her body was interred in Camp Creek cemetery.....

December 10, 1901
  Mr. J. B. McCook, of this city, and Miss Lula Bloodworth, of Wilkinson county, were united in marriage, Sunday, Dec. 1st, at the home of the bride, Rev. M. M. Wheeler, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. McCook are making their home at the residence of Mr. Wm. Coleman. They have many friends, who wish them much happiness.

December 10, 1901
  Mr. Joseph R. Collins, a well-known citizen of Baldwin county, died at his home in the North-eastern portion of the county, about five o'clock in the afternoon of Monday, the 3rd inst.
   Some time the past summer, Mr. Collins fell and injured his side by striking it against a stump. He suffered great pain at the time, and was compelled to take his bed. He, however, had apparently recovered from the effects of the injury, until about two weeks ago, he contracted a cold and it settled in his injured side. He was again confined to his bed, but on the day of his death, he was able to get about the house and yard. A few minutes before his death, he went out on the back porch to get a drink of water, and as he was returning into the house he fell in the doorway. He was carried to his room by members of his family, and died in about five minutes.
  His remains were laid to rest, in the family burial ground, Tuesday afternoon.
  Mr. Collins was born in Baldwin county, Nov. 16th, 1836, and had just entered upon his sixty-sixth year. He was an ex-Confederate soldier, having served with an artillery company during the war between the states. He is survived by his wife and seven children.
  Mr. Collins was a successful farmer, a kind husband and father, and a good neighbor. His death is regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.


January 12, 1902
Atlanta Constitution
   Mrs. M.A. Barnett is Dead. Widow of Former Secretary of State N. C. Barnett Passes Away -Interment in Milledgeville.
Mrs. M. A. Barnett, widow of the late Colonel Nathan C. Barnett at one time secretary of state of Georgia, died yesterday afternoon at 3:40 o'clock at her residence, 78 Pullman Street, after an illness of about two weeks. Mrs. Barnett was 81 years of age and her death was due to a general breaking down, occasioned by old age.
   The deceased is survived by three children--Stewart M. Barnett, of Atlanta; A. F. Barnett of New Orleans, and Mrs. E. W. Anderson of Monroe, LA. Mrs. Barnett is well known throughout the city and has scores of friends and acquaintances by whom she was much loved and who will feel great sorrow at her death. She was a woman possessed of Christian character and always delighted in doing works of charity. By her lovable disposition she made friends wherever she was known.
    The home of Mrs. Barnett was formerly in Milledgeville, and the body will be interred there in the family burying ground. The funeral services will be held at her home, No. 78 Pullman street at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon and the body will be taken to Milledgeville tomorrow morning.
    Mrs Anderson and her son Stewart Anderson were here at the time of her death and Addison F. Barnett will arrive from New Orleans today.

January 21, 1902
SUPERIOR COURT. In the case of Will Brown, who was charged with the murder of Tom Pace, another negro, he plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter, and was sentenced to the penitentiary 3 years.

January 28, 1902
Union Recorder
May, the two-year-old daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hardy, died at their home in East Baldwin, Saturday night, the 18th inst., abuot eleven o'clock. The burial took place Sunday morning. The child was a sweet and bright little girl, and was the idol of the young parents, who have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement.

February 15, 1902
Augusta Chronicle
REWARD OFFERED Of $150 for Baldwin County Barn Burners. (By Special Service to The Chronicle) Atlanta, Ga, Feb. 14. Gov. Candler today offered a reward of $150 for the capture, with proof to convict, of the unknown part or parties who burned the barn and stables of C. L Moran in Baldwin county on the 28th of January last.

March 2, 1902
The Macon Telegraph
  An out-of-town wedding of interest to many friends in Macon and elsewhere was that of Mr. Logan Griswold and Miss Mamie Bethune, the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bethune, which occurred at the First Presbyterian church in Milledgeville on Wednesday morning at 11:30 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. W. Brannen, pastor of the church, and was witnessed by a large number of friends and relatives.

March 4, 1902
Union Recorder
  The death of Miss Amarintha Cormanni, the mother of one of our former pupils, Mamie Cormanni, brought sadness to many of our hearts. She was a good neighbor, a devoted mother and a devout christian. She was buried at her home Sunday afternoon the 23d.

March 4, 1902
A Negro Killed. Dink Calhoun, a young negro man, was shot and killed by Adolphus Waller, last Wednesday night, about seven o'clock.
  The shooting occurred on Jefferson street, out near the Georgia railroad depot.
  At the coroner's inquest, which was held, the stories of the different witnesses were so conflicting that it is almost impossible to get at the true facts of the killing. But it seems that the fuss originated about a woman. After hearing and summing up all the evidence, the Coroner's Jury rendered a verdict, which has not yet been given out.
  Immediately after the killing, Waller made his escape and has not yet been captured.
(See July 16, 1907)

March 25, 1902 
Union Recorder

  The infant of Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard died at their home in Mosleyville, and was buried in the cemetery in this city Friday. The child was a grand-child of Mr. W. H. Hubbard. The sorrowing family have the sympathy of many friends.

April 22, 1902
Union Recorder
   The death of Mr.Thomas Prosser ,which occurred at his home in this city last Wednesday night at half-past eleven o'clock, was a shock and surprise to his many friends and our citizens generally.
    Mr. Prosser spent Tuesday at his plantation in the Eastern portion of the county, and returned home in the afternoon in his ususal health. During the night he became ill, but no special uneasiness was felt about his condition. Wednesday morning, he grew worse, and a physician was summoned, and it was found that he had been stricken with apoplexy. He lingered in an unconscious condition until 11:30 that night, when he died.
    The funeral services were conducted from the residence, at  eleven o'clock Friday morning, by Rev. Mr. Quillian, and the remains laid to rest in the city cemetery. The pall-bearers were, Messrs. Walter Paine, W. H. Stembridge, Walter Stembridge, John Conn, J. H. Lawrence and R. B. Moore.
   Mr. Prosser was born in Baldwin county sixty-five years ago, and his long life has been spent in this community. When the civil war broke out he responded to the call of his country, and no braver soldier than he went to the front. He was a kind-hearted man and numbered his friends by the score. He is survived by his wife, a son, Mr. C. T. Prosser, and a brother, Mr. J. A. Prosser, and a number of other relatives, who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends.

June 3, 1902
Union Recorder
A HAPPY MARRIAGE. Last Wednesday evening, at half past six o'clock, at the Methodist church, at Devereaux, Mr. William Edward Robinson, of this city, and Miss Marion Coleman Cunningham were united in marriage, Rev. Mr. Wood, of Sparta, officiating.
  Mr. W. E. Watson, of this city, was best man, and Miss May Cunningham, maid of honor. The attendants were Mr. Chas. Coleman and Miss Tommie Coleman;
Mr. M. B. Brown and Miss Louise Moates; Mr. Luther Moates and Miss Annie Lee Bass. Ushers, Messrs. W. H. Stanton and Ira Coleman.
  The church was crowed with relatives and friends, and prsented a scene of rare loveliness in its decorations. The bridesmaids were attired in exquiste gowns of white and French lawns. The wedding march was played by Miss Julia Moates.
  Mr. and Mrs. Robinson came to this city on the evening train, and are residing at the Stinson hotel. The bride is a young lady of charming personality, and has many friends in this city, having been a student in the G. N. & I. College. Mr. Robinson holds a position with Mr. E. E. Bass, and has the esteem and confidence of his fellow citizens.

April 29, 1902
Mrs. Wesley Freeman died at her home near Stevens Pottery, last Friday. She was a daughter of Mr. Eli Champion, and her remains were carried to Black Springs for burial Saturday afternoon.

August 5, 1902
The Constitution
CAME TOO LATE.   Macon, Ga., Aug. 4 - A United States marshal went to Milledgeville today to serve on Dr. H. D. Allen writ of habeas corpus requiring him to produce in court Saturday at Mount Airy, Mrs. S. P. Shorter, a member of a prominent family in Savannah and explain why he has restrained her liberty at his sanitarium for the past five years. Mrs. Shorter is now in Savannah.

August 12, 1902
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Departed this life in Baldwin county, Ga., July 24th, 1902, Mrs. J, A. (Jane) Beck, aged fifty years. She was a member of the Methodist church at Long (Laurel Branch, Wilkinson county, for a number of years. She was the mother of eleven children. She leaves one sister and two brothers yet living....

September 9, 1902
   Mrs. J. T. Martin died at her home in this county last Sunday, after an illness of several days with typhoid fever. Before her death she was Miss Naomi Carr, of Wilkinson county. The family have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement.

September 9, 1902
A NEGRO KILLED. Jim Brown Shot by W. D. Pounds Near Turner's Warehouse.
  Jim Brown, a negro living in this city, was shot and instantly killed, Saturday night by Mr. W. D. Pounds, a young white man from Carr's Station.
  Early Saturday night, Mr. Wm. Turner, while returning to his office, noticed a man lying near his warehouse. He endeavored to ascertain, who he was, but as the wind blew out the match he struck, he went on to the warehouse and sat on the steps. A few minutes later two negro boys came by, and Mr. Turner called attention to the man, and they went to him, and found that he was dead. A telephone message was sent for the police, and Policemen Terry and Seals went to the scene of the killing. Near by, on the platform at the south-eastern part of the warehouse, a young man, Mr. D. W. Pounds, was found asleep. Near his person were two bottles of whiskey and a No. 38 Smith & Wesson pistol. Three empty shells were found in the weapon and Mr. Pounds stated  that he had fired three shots from his pistol at two negroes, who were trying to rob him, but he did not know whether any of the bullets had struck them.
  Pounds was under the influence of whiskey and left the business portion of the city to go to the Georgia railroad depot, to take the night freight for his home. When seen he was accompanied by two negroes. It is presumed that instead of going on to the depot, they carried him back of the warehouse to rob him.
  Brown had been shot twice-one bullet striking him in the left thigh, and the other behind the right ear.
  Coroner Scott was notified of the killing and summoned the following jury: Dr. T. M. Hall, Dr. G. D. Compton, Messrs. R. L. Day, S. W. Thornton, John Malpass and Wm. Smith. After taking a portion of the evidence the jury adjourned until yesterday afternoon.
  The jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
  Brown was a butcher for Messrs Ellison and Schooler. His reputation was bad, as he had been in previous trouble.

October 14, 1902
  Lillian Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. J. T. Martin, died in this county last Tuesday. The child was a little over a year old, having been born, Aug. 25th, 1901. About a month ago her mother died, and the little one has gone to join her mother in a brighter and happier world. The father has the sympathy of many friends in his bereavement.

October 30, 1902
The Constitution
HE TOOK LIFE OF HIS BROTHER. Peter Lingold Kills J.P. Lingold in Fight Near Scottsboro.
Milledgeville, Ga., October 29 (Special) "I killed my brother last night and want to surrender." said Peter Lingold, a farmer residing near Scottsboro, this county, today as he walked into the sheriff's office.
   The two brothers were here yesterday and witnessed the circus performance,  after which they drank a great deal and started home, and it was on the way that J.P. Lingold was shot to death by his brother.
  Peter Lingold refused to make any statement; further than that they had quarreled and began shooting at each other, when his shot took effect, killing his brother instantly.

November 2, 1902
The Constitution
"JUST FROM GEORGIA" One of the Faithful
    The Press has already mentioned the fact that Hon. F. G. duBignon is having a small memorial stone prepared for the grave of his old nurse, who died on the duBignon homestead two years ago. The  stone, a plain granite block, contains the name of the old woman, Hester Ann Buffington, the dates of her birth and death, and the words. "Our Mammy." and "Faithful to the End."
    Mr duBignon, in speaking of the old negro this morning, said that she died two years ago in the 92nd year of her age, and that she had not only nursed his mother in infancy, but has also nursed him and his oldest child. She was, he said, one of the most faithful characters he ever knew, and the fact  that a suitable granite block was to mark the last resting place of the devoted salve and servant met with the approval of not only the entire members of his family; but also all those who had known the faithful old "Mammy,". The stone will be forwarded to Milledgeville in the course of the next day or two. Savannah Press.
(See cemetery.)

November 4, 1902
A FRATRICIDE. Pete Lingold Kills His Brother, John Wesley.
  John Wesley Lingold, was shot and killed by his brother, Pete Lingold, last Tuesday  night, in the Southern portion of the county, below Scottsboro.
  After the shooting, Pete Lingold, came to this city, and informed Sheriff Prosser of what he had done and surrendered himself. Coroner Scott went to the scene of the killing Wednesday morning and held and inquest. The following jury was summoned, Dr. T. M. Hall, Messrs. W. H. H. Barnes, S. Wheeler, C. Combes, P. C. Cormanni and I. W. McMullen. After hearing the evidence the jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide, and Lingold was released from jail.
 The facts as gathered at the inquest are as follows: The two brothers came to this city Tuesday and spent the day. After the afternoon performance of Robinon's circus, they left for their home, in a buggy, accompanied by a son of Pete. Both were under the influence of liquor. Just before reaching their destination John got out of the buggy, and Pete after waiting several minutes for him to get back in the vehicle, went on to his home. Later John came to the house, and went into the dining room, where his brother was, and told him to be sure and send his buggy home in the morning. He then began cursing him for leaving him in the road. The fuss continued until John advance on Pete with a  knife and attempted to cut him. The latter pulled his pistol and shot twice - one of the bullets struck John in the mouth and caused his death.

November 11, 1902
A Negro Killed.   The negroes living on and near Dr. H. D. Allen's plantation in the 115th dist. of this county, gathered last Saturday night for the purpose of holding  a fair and dance. As is usual the case on such occasions, knives, pistols, razors, and shot guns were in evidence. Among the negroes present were Miles Butts and Charlie Harris. Butts had with him a single-barrel shot gun. Harris seeing him asked what he was doing with the gun? Butts replied he was just hold it. When this reply was given Harris pulled an old rusty pistol from his pocket, but before he could use it Butts brought the gun into play and shot Harris, killing him.
  Coroner Scott was notified and held an inquest Sunday afternoon. The following jury was summoned: Dr. O. F. Moran, J. T. Cook, C. B. Scott, F. I. Wilkinson,
H. E. Hardie and B. L. Medlin.
  The Jury after hearing the evidence returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.

November 18, 1902
Union Recorder
Mrs. C. C. Stiles, widow of the late Mr. Joseph Stiles, died at her home, near Dovedale, in the north-western portion of this county, Monday afternoon, the 11th ins. About the firs of last June Mrs. Stile had a storke of Paralysis, and since that time she has beem lingering in a helpless condition. She receive the tender nursing of physicians and loved ones, but the hand of death refused to yeld, and her spirit quietly passed away on the above day.
  The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the home, and her remains were laid to rest in the family burial ground, by the side of her bsuabnd who preceded her to the grave several years ago. The services were conducted by Rev. J. A. Quillian.
   Mrs. Stiles was seventy-two years of age, and was born and reared in Baldwin county. She is survived by four children, Mrs. E. P. Gibson, Messrs. J. B., J. E. and Wm.Stiles. She was a  member of the Methodist church and served her master faithfully. She was a good wife and mother, and devoted her life to the interest and welfare of her children, and lived to see them reach manhood and womanhood. After a long and useful life sha has been called to her reward, and has entered into eternal happiness and peace.

November 25, 1902
  Mr. Millard Barnes and Mr. Iverson McMullen were married to Misses Inez and Analiza Brewer, Sunday morning the 16th inst. This marriage was quite a surprise to their relatives and friends.

December 7, 1902
The Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga. December 6 - (Special Correspondence) The home of Mr. A.N. Bass, on East Hancock street, was the scene of a very pretty wedding last Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when Mr. L. C. Wall and Miss Emmie Bass were united in marriage. The home was a scene of beauty, decorated with handsome ferns, palms, smilax, and cut flowers. The bride never looked lovelier than on this occasion. She is one of the most popular young ladies in Milledgeville, and has a host of friends. The groom is also very popular, and has been connected with the Milledgeville Telephone Company for several years. The ceremony was performed most impressively by Rev. J. A. Wray, of the First Baptist church.

December 18, 1902
The Atlanta Constitution

Milledgeville, Ga. December 17. (Special)Judge Rufus W. Roberts died today at his home here after a six weeks' illness with typhoid fever. He was one of Milledgeville's most useful citizens.
  Colonel Roberts was judge of the city court of Milledgeville and a practicing attorney in the various cities of Georgia. He was appointed city judge by Governor Atkinson and reappointed by Governor
Candler. He was senator from the twentieth district in 1894 and at the time of death was chairman of the democratic executive committee of the sixth congressional district.
  He was only in his early forties, just beginning to reap bountifully the successes of a well ordered life. Coming to Milledgeville from North Carolina when quite a young lawyer, he here married Miss Marwood Herty, daughter of Captain Charles Herty, of the famous Baldwin Blues. He leaves her and five children.
  He was not only a gentle and devoted husband and father, but also a citizen beloved by every man, woman and child in the whole community. Quiet, unostentatious, yet possessed of wonderful common sense and great reserve force, he made and held friends; was always on the side of right, strictly virtuous and amiable in conduct, with piety to God and fidelity to every trust.
   Judge Roberts was a leading member of the Episcopal church and of nearly every order of Masons in the United States. His funeral was conducted by Rector Lanier, and the Masons, and was attended by nearly the whole of Milledgeville. He goes to the bar of divine and unbiased justice with no suspicion of his blemish on his robe.

January 13, 1903
Cooperville Dots. Mr. Lawrence Patterson who is on a visit to his parents in this community, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Patterson, was married Thursday to Miss Lucy Minter. Our best wishes to both them.

February 3, 1903
Union Recorder
~excerpt~A HAPPY MARRIAGE. The marriage of Miss Bettie Chandler and Mr. James W. Moran took place Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Chandler, in East Baldwin.....
    Promptly at 3:30 o'clock the bride and groom entered the parlor preceded by Miss Laura Chandler, sister of the bride, and Misses Pearl Palmer and Ida Vaughan with Messrs James and Sam Chandler, Rev. D. W. Brannen in a very impressive manner performed the ceremony.
  The bride and groom left immediaely for the home of the latter's brother, Mr. W. W. Moran, where an elegant reception was given in their honor........

February 3, 1903
Union Recorder
Death of Mrs. T. H. Latimer. Mrs.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Latimer, wife of Capt.  T. H. Latimer, died at her home in Baldwin County, early last Saturday morning, after an illness of about then days.
   Mrs. Latimer's remains were brought to this city Sunday afternoon, and the funeral services held at the Baptist Church at three o'clock. The pastor, Rev. J. A. Wray, made a most inpressive talk, and paid a high tribute to the life and character of the deceased in the presence of a large crowd, who had gathered to pay a last sad tribute to her memory. The interment took place in the city cemetery. The pallbearers were Prof. O. M. Cone, Capt. C. W. Ennis, Messrs Sol Barrett, A. J. Carr, J. B. O'Quinn and L. H. Thomas.
    Mrs, Latimer was born in Hancock Counyy nearly eighty-four years ago, and grew to womanhood in that community. Sixty-four years ago last December she married Capt. Latimer, whom she had known all her life. They were children together, and attended the same school, and when they married they had an insight into each others character, which prepared them for the long happpy married life which followed. For sixty-four years they have shared each others sorrows and joys, and have grown old together. One child was born of their union. She was,married to Mr. R. N. Lamar, and preceded her mother to the grave several years.
     Mrs. Latimer was  a consistent member of the Baptist church, and herlong life had been made up of good and charitable deeds. She has gone to her reward, after a long and useful life.
   Capt. Latimer has the sympathy of our people in this the saddest hour of his life. May he be sustained by the hope of a happy reunion in that brighter world beyond the grave.

February 4, 1903

Atlanta Constitution
HIS NINETY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY. Arthur Butts, of Milledgeville, Born in 1808, Celebrates
Milledgeville, Ga., February 3 (Special) Arthur I. Butts, the oldest and one of the most highly respected citizens of this city, celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday today.
  Mr. Butts was born in South Hampton county, Virginia, on February 3, 1808. His parents soon afterwards moved to Hancock county, and when a youth of only 9 years of age, he came to this city on horseback twice a week to secure copies of The Georgia, a paper then published here, to distribute through portions of Hancock and Baldwin  counties.
  He paid one visit to his old home in Virginia in 1827. He went on horseback and he was fifteen days getting there.
  Mr Butts moved to this city in 1847 and has never left the state of Georgia since. He has lived under all the administrations since Jefferson, and he talks interestingly of those days.
  While feeble and somewhat infirm, he has a bright, clear mind, cheerful and happy disposition and is enjoying good health.
 His life has been a blessing to all who know him, and he can spent his latter days in the assurance that he has made the world better
for having lived in it.

February 10, 1903
Mrs. Lizzie Fraley, widow of the late Mr. Henry F. Fraley, died at her home in this city last Sunday morning, at ten o'clock.
  Mrs. Fraley had been in ill health for several months, and her decline was watched with great solicitude by her relatives and friends. She met death with a christian resignation, and the end came peacefully.
  Mrs. Fraley was carried to Sparta yesterday morning, and her remains interred by the side of her husband.
  She was a member of the Methodist church, and her life was an exemplary one. She was a regular attendant upon services, and felt great interest in all church work. Her death has saddened the hearts of many friends.

June 16, 1903
Union Recorder

   Dr. E. M. Green and Miss Ann Craig were united in marriage, at Louisville, Ky., Tuesday June 2, 1903. Dr. and Mrs. Green arrived at home Monday evening last. Dr. Green is a member of the Medical Staff at the Georgia State Sanitarium, and stands high in his profession. His ability is recognized, and he is held in great esteem by the authorities and his associates at the Sanitarium. The lady he has won for his bride resided at Versailles, Ky., and is one of that State's most charming women. They received a cordial welcome from Dr. Green's friends.   

July 19, 1903
The Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga, July 18 - Messrs. E. E. Bass and Julius A. Horne have purchased of Mr. C. H. Bonner the vacant space on Hancock street, east of J. A. Horne's store, and the stores now occupied by J. H. Ennis' market and ice rooms, and will begin at once the erection of three modern stores, which will be quite an improvement to that part of the city, and will greatly enhance the value of the other property adjoining. Old Milledgeville is on a business boom that will be felt all around.
  The merchants of the city met the first week to discuss the forming of a board of trade, and yesterday the organization was completed with nearly every business man in the city a member. This is what Milledgeville has needed for some time, and with such men ast Messrs. P. J. Cline and Miller S. Bell, C. H. Troutman, Dixon Williams and J. E. Kipp (sic)  at the head of it, will mean much for Milledgeville.

September 8, 1903
Tucker Morris, a little negro boy was drowned in the Oconee River, near the mill, last Wednesday afternoon. The body remained in the water several hours befor it was recovered. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict of accidental drowning.

September 15, 1903
A Quiet Marriage. Mr. Samuel C. Patterson, of Madisonville, Ky., and MissEssie Eveline Edwards were united in marriage last Wednesday morning, at the home of the bride's parents.
  The ceremony was witnessed by a few of the immediate relatives of the bride, and was performed by Rev. D. W. Brannen. The marriage was quite a surprise to the many friens of the bride in this city, as she had guarded the secret well.
  The brides is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwards, and possesses many womanly traits, which have won for her the love of a large circle of friends.
  Mr. Patterson is a traveling representative of the Page Wire Fence Company, and is quite popular wherever he is known.
  Mr. and Mrs. Patterson left this city for a visit to North and South Carolina.

September 15, 1903
Guss Steel,  a well-known negro, died at this home in the city Thursday night. He was a tinner by trade, having served his apprenticeship under Mr. Joseph Staley, and worked for him a long number of years. Guss was a violin player of local reputation, and played and called at dances through many years, in this city. His remains were buried Friday afternoon.

September 28, 1903
Augusta Chronicle
The Fact That White Doctors Asked Him in Milledgeville to Do So is Creating Mild Sensation.
Milledgeville, Ga. Sept. 27 (Special) The new schedule of prices promulgated by the physicians of Milledgeville shows the name of B. J. Simmons, the local colored physician, who has practiced here since 1897.
  The action of the milledgeville physicians in asking Simmons to sign the new schedule with them has occasioned no little talk here. It is regarded as an admission of his ability and a high tribute to him.
The new schedule means a practice of doubling of all prices, but this has almost been lost sight of in the sensation that was sprung when Simmons' name was seen on the schedule. Simmons was born in Laurens county in 1870. He educated himself attending various schools in Georgia and being graduated from Mehany Medical college in Nashville.
  When asked concerning the matter Dr. Simmons said"
   "The card as published in the paper was prepared during my absence in Macon. It was presented to me on my return and the ethics of the profession made it necessary that I should sign it. There is no other negro physician in this community and I often have to call on the white physicians to help me in attending cases, particularly when operations are necessary. It would not be to my interest to go contrary to the wishes of the white physicians, and besides, I an in favor of higher fees."
 While this explains Dr. Simmons' position, it does not make clear why he was asked to sign the fee bill, as he practices entirely among his own people. he is not regarded as a "quack", but as being well up in his profession and could doubtless make a good living with his present knowledge if he was a white man and had to compete with white physicians. As it is, be, of course, has a strong claim on his own people and is doing well.

September 29, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
    Gang of Men Complete Work Over Injunction
Putnam and Baldwin Counties Now Joined by Bridge Over Little River
- Building of Bridge Was Fought by Ferry Owners
Milledgeville, Ga, September 26 (Special) The bridge over Little river between Baldwin and Putnam counties has been built and a party crossed on it late this evening despite opposition and the orders of the courts.
  For weeks the interest of this city has  been centered on the building of this bridge across the river at a point know as Gage's Ford.
  Two grand juries recommended the building of this bridge, Milledgeville merchants have been anxious for it and a large number of people in that section of Putnam have desired it for years, as Milledgeville is their natural market.
  But the condition of the river often makes it impossible to cross and Milledgeville can only then be reached by going many miles out of the way.
  The county commissioners tired to build the bridge some weeks ago, but the Humber heirs, who own a ferry some 2 miles above this point, filed a bill of injunction  and the commissioners were prevented from completing the work of order of Judge Lewis, who sustained the point that as the bridge was not being erected on one of the public roads of the county, the commissioners could not build it until the road was first made a public road.
  The citizens of Milledgeville were not to be disappointed, so the board of trade took the matter up and put the building of the bridge, or its completion, in the hands of two private citizens.
  Men Who Did Work Unknown
  A squad of hands was again put to work and when the bridge was in a day of completion the parties in charge were again enjoined by the Humber heirs. Judge Lewis setting the hearing at Monticello next Thursday.
  The last bill of injunction was against P. J. Cline, chairman of the board of trade; J. C. Whitaker, Ed Barnes and the county commissioners.
  These gentlemen had agreed to purchase the timber that had been cut by the county commissioners and proceed with the bridge, but when they were enjoined they abandoned the work.
  Now news reaches this city tonight that forty men have been at work on that bridge since daylight and that it was completed this evening.
  No one seems to know who was in charge, but all are delighted that it was completed.

October 1, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
Young Ladies Destroy County River Bridge
Milledgeville, Ga. September 30 (Special) The joy of the business men of Milledgeville over the completion of the bridge across Little River by a mysterious gang of bridge builders was today turned into consternation by the report that Messrs. Hines and Vinson, attorneys of this place (Mr. Hines also being ordinary of the county), had with their own hands and with the assistance of the Misses Humber, two young ladies of this city, and, after they had commenced the work, by the help of a hired man, cut the bridge into, letting one of the middle spans fall into the river.
  The rumor was verified by your correspondent who immediately drove to the ford, about 8 miles north of Milledgeville. He met Messrs. Hines and Vinson and tried to get their pictures, but was prevented by the gentlemen putting their hat in front of their faces and whipping up the team.
  They were asked if they were under arrest, but said no, but they would be as soon as they returned to the city.
    It was supposed the sheriff had already served them with a warrant, but he met them at the city limits. They were immediately released on a $50 bond.
  The warrant is against E. R. Hines, Carl Vinson, Miss Lula (Leila) Humber and Miss Mary Humber, and they are charged with a felony in breaking down and destroying a bridge. The warrant is signed by R. L. Watt.
  An Injunction Was Ignored
  An injunction had been taken out by the Humber heirs against the county commissioners to prevent their building the bridge.
  The injunction was granted on the 25th and was ignored and it is claimed that the bridge was built by force and that the same had to be taken down by force.
  It is stated that tomorrow over twenty five of the leading business men of Milledgeville, members of the board of trade and also the county commissioners, men who, it is claimed, directly or indirectly were instrumental in the construction of the bridge, will be served with papers to show cause why they are not in contempt.
  No one tried to protect the bridge, because this is a bridge without an owner.  As fast as one set of men were enjoined an entirely different act took the work up. The bridge will no doubt be rebuilt tonight.
  The Misses Humber are the daughters of Colonel Robert Humber, who for many years was steward at the state sanitarium and who represented his county (at that time Putnam) in the house and senate. They are people of determination and it is thought the young attorneys were spurred on by gallantry to cut the bridge when they saw the young ladies attempting the work as the hired help refused.
  The Humbers base their claim of a deed for water rights given in 1860 by William Sanford, which at that time owned the land on both sides of the river and for which $300 (?) was paid.
  It is claimed that they will fight the case to the bitter end. One of their attorneys. Mr. Vinson, expects to leave for Mt. Airy tomorrow with a bill of injunction to be presented to the chancellor in the court of equity for this district, praying that an injunction be granted, as Dr. Joe White, on the of parties interested, lives in the state of New York.

October 2, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
The bridge over Little river, near Milledgeville, that was cut by the Misses Humber, has been repaired and all warrants against the parties withdrawn.

October 3, 1903
Atlanta Constitution
Action of Judge Lewis, at Monticello, Highly Commended by Citizens of Baldwin County - As to the Charge of Contempt in the Case
Milledgeville, Ga., October 2 - (Special) The action of Judge Lewis last night in chambers at Monticello in allowing that the bridge could be restored as it was prior to the cutting, and in setting the final hearing for January and at Milledgeville, rather than in some adjoining county, came as balm on an irritated sore, and is heartily commended by our citizens.
  It would have been a great hardship to have caused a large number of our leading business men to attend court in some adjoining county in a feeble claim that they were in contempt. It is not believed here that any one is in contempt, as the county commissioners stopped work when they were enjoined and disposed of the timber.
  The gentlemen who were next enjoined had disposed of their interest prior to the time that any injunction had been served.
  It is stated that Judge Lewis said that he had already expressed the opinion that the Humbers had no claims that had been infringed upon. The very best solution of the question at this time was to let the bridge be used (it was already rebuilt) and give all parties time to cool down.
  The dispatches in this morning's papers made me say the warrants had been withdrawn. That is a mistake. The sentence was written as follows"
  "Yet it is safe to say the vast majority of our people would be delighted to have the bridge stand, the warrants against all parties withdrawn, and the matter settle."
    The defendants were anxious for the hearing, but the case was postponed on presentation of physician's certificates as to the health of Attorneys Hines and Allen. who were to represent the plaintiffs.
 Discussed in Putnam County
Eatonton, Ga. October 2 - (Special) Putnam county is watching with considerable interest the legal fight that is now on in her sister county, Baldwin, touching the bridge that certain parties are making such strenuous efforts to project across Little river, thus joining this county with Baldwin, and which the Misses Humber, with their attorneys, are determined, if possible, to prevent as evidenced by their forcibly cutting the bridge in twain after it had been clandestinely completed in the face of an injunction sworn out by them.
  On this subject hangs a tale that somewhat concerns Putnam. The bridge is the result of a scheme on the part of Baldwin county to induce trade from the lower part of this county to go to Milledgeville. For some time Milledgeville has been bidding for cotton from this and adjoining counties by offering cash premiums for every bale carried there from other counties. No one, of course, has censured her for this; on the contrary, her enterprising spirit has been admired.
  So determined has she been to build up her business interest in this direction that through its attorney some time since the board of commissioners of that county petitioned the commissioners of this county to join with them in the building of this bridge. The proposition on its face meant nothing more nor nothing less than a a request to Putnam to help open up a way for Putnam people living in that part of the county to carry their cotton to market. This petition the commissioners of this county turned down, because they deemed it of no general public utility.
  Another trouble then confronted this county. There seems to be a law by which one county in constructing a bridge across a dividing stream to a second county without help from the second can force the second to pay half the expense. To avoid this dilemma, the commissioners of this county secured in writing a statement from the commissioners of Baldwin, in which that county's right under this law is waived; and that waiver stands today recorded on the minutes of our commissioners.
  The suits, arrests, and other entanglements that have grown out of this bridge business are the result of legal steps taken by the Humber heirs to protect their purchased right of several years standing, and not of any action taken by this county, officially or otherwise, to prevent the construction of said bridge.

Oct 3, 1903
The Augusta Chronicle
Mrs. Fannie (Babb) Sibert has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Macon and Milledgeville.

October 6, 1903
Union Recorder
Dies From a Rattle Snake Bite. Mr. Joseph F. Avery, an old and respected citizen of Jones county, was bitten by a rattle snake Thursday morning, Sept. 24th, and after suggering great pain died the next day.
   Mr. Avery, on the morning he was bitten went out into the field for the purpose of gatering hay, when he was bitten by the snake, on the right hand. He secured a stick, and killed the reptile. Before being carried home by those who came to his assistance he fainted. He suffered excruciating pain until Friday. The snake was a very large one, and had sixteen rattles.
   Mr. Avery was sixty-five years of age, and was a native of Baldwin county. He was a brave Confederate soldier, and a good citizen, and had the respect of his neighbors, and all who knew him.

October 6, 1903
Union Recorder
  Miss Lillie Wilkinson and Mr. Burnette, of Jones county, were married last Sunday. We wish them much happiness.

December 1, 1903
Union Recorder
  Mr. R. W. Hatcher of this city and Miss Lucy Murchison Wright, of Pourtsmouth, Va., were united in marriage Wednesday evening, November 25th, at Saint Paul's church at Pourtsmouth. The ceremony was witnessed by a large number of friends. Immediately afterwards a reception was tendered the bridal party, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Wright.
  Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher arrived in the city Thursday evening, and ae temporarily residing at the home of Mrs. R. W. Roberts.
  Mr. Hatcher is one of Milledgeville's most prominent mrchants, and is held in high esteem by his fellow citizens. The bride is a charming and talented young lady, and will be quite an acquisition in Milledgeville's society.

    The marriage of Mr. Henry Goodman to Mrs. Olla McCravy, will be solemnized Wednesday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bell, Rev. M. L. Underwood officiating, and will be witnessed by only a few relatives. Mr. Goodman is a member of the firm of Goodman & Wootten, and one of Milledgeville's most respected citizens. Mrs. McCravey is the daughter of the late Capt. Hamilton Doles, and is a native of this city, and has been residing in Atlanta since her girlhood until a few years ago.

   The marriage of Mr. L. L. Griner, of Dublin, to Miss Otelia Conn of this city, will occur tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Conn, in the presence of relatives and a few friends. THe wedding will be a typical evening affair. They will leave immediately after the ceremony for their future home, accompanied as far as Macon by the attendants, where an elegant supper will be given them at the Hotel Lanier. The will be given a reception on the evening of the 2nd at the palatial home of the groom's parents in Dublin.

   Miss Kittie Myrick and Mr. W. H. Barron, of Jones county, will be united in marriage this evening at 7:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Myrick. Immediately after the ceremony they will leave for their future home in Jones county.

December 4, 1903
The Macon Telegraph
    Milledgeville, Ga. Dec 3 - One of the prettiest home weddings that has occurred in Milledgeville recently was that of Mr. Linneas Ragan of Hawkinsville to Miss Margie Wall of this city at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Laura Wall. The hall in which the marriage ceremony was performed so impressively and beautifully by Rev. Lamar Sims, was most beautiful in its decorations of Southern smilax, palms and ferns and handsome vases of white chrysanthemums, under the light of innumerable candles. The bridal party stood within an altar of palms and ferns under a large white tulle canopy suspended from above by ropes of chrysanthemums and smilax. The loveliest of all wedding marches, Mendelssohn's, was faultlessly rendered by Miss Claudia Wall, who also played Hearts and Flowers so softly during the ceremony.
  The matron of honor, Mrs. W. B. Wall, handsomely attired in dark coat suit and carrying beautiful bridesmaid roses, entered with her husband, followed by Miss Vena Ragan, whose costume of rich brown, with cream trimmings, harmonized so well with her brown eyes and lovely auburn hair. She also carried bridesmaid roses and entered with Mr. E. K. Jelks of Hawkinsville.
  Then came the groom with his best man, Mr. E. C. McDonald. After, a moment, then came the bride, wearing an exquisite champagne crepe de chine with a wealth of dainty finger-work upon it, carrying a beautiful bouquet of bride's roses, leaning on the arm of her sister, Miss Mattie Wall, who looked lovely and dainty in a white organdy gown and carrying bridesmaid roses, tied with pink tulle. After the ceremony the bridal party left for Macon, where a delightful supper was given them at the Brown house. They leave this morning for their future home in Hawkinsville.
  The many handsome presents attest the popularity of the young couple.
  The out of town guests were: Mrs. E. H. Gillom of Macon, Miss Annie Leonard and Master Elam Leonard of Dublin, Mr. E. C. McDonald of McRae, Mr. E. K. Jelks of Hawkinsville, Miss Vena Ragan of Hawkinsville and Mr. J. O. Wall of Eatonton.

December 14, 1903
The Macon Telegraph
MR. GRISWOLD'S FUNERAL. Buried in Milledgeville Yesterday With Pythias Honors.
  The remains of Mr.Logan A. Griswold, who died in Tuczon, Arizona, last Sunday of tuberculosis, were interred in the cemetery at Milledgeville yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, Milledgeville Lodge Knights of Pyhias conducted the services for Syracuse Lodge of Macon, of which he was a member. An honorary escort of ten Pythians accompanied the remains from Macon to their final resting place. The funeral was largely attended, evidencing the esteem in which he was held by all who knew him.
  Mr. Griswold, who was 26 years of age, was reared in Macon, where he resided until last April, when he went resided until last April, when he went to Arizona, hoping to find relief from his dread affliction. His sterling work as a man, his devotion as a friend, the sunshine of his nature made friends for him, who learned with sorrow of the necessity for his removal to another climate, and when he had gone they waited hopefully for encouraging news.
  But none came. Day by day the hold he had on life grew more feeble and yesterday one week, attended by his young wife, he passed away.
  In February of last year, at which time Mr. Griswold had no symptons of the trouble, he was wedded to Miss Bethune of Milledgeville, who survives him, together with his mother and younger brother, Mr. Sam Griswold, of Atlanta. He was a grandson of Mr. "Lish" Griswold, at one time mayor of Macon. His father, Mr. Charles Griswold, was a brother of Mr. Sam H. Griswold of this city and Mr. Pratt Griswold of Birmingham.

December 29, 1903
  Phillip Thomas killed Jno. Butts in the north-western part of this county last week. Sunday night, the 20th inst., Thomas returned to his home after a short absence, and found Butts in the house with his wife. He shot at Butts five times with a pistol, and finally struck him on the back of the head with a poker. Butts died Monday night, the blow from the poker causing his death. Coroner Scott held an inquest, and the jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.

January 5, 1904
MARRIED - Mr. Jasper D. Callaway and Miss Ollie Batchelor were united in marriage at Midway, Tuesday, Dec. 29, Rev. W. R. Stillwell, officiating. They have many friends, who wish for them much happiness.

January 5, 1904
Viney Lucas, an old negro woman living near the Georgia railroad, was burned to death, last Wednesday night. Her clothing caught fire from an open fireplace.

January 5, 1904
    MARRIED - Mr.  J. W. Pounds and Miss Dixie Lane were united in marriage, December 27th, at the home of the bride near Auburn, Ga. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. M. Rainey in the presence of a few relatives and friends. The bride has many friends in this city, who wish her much happiness.

January 8, 1904
Macon Weekly Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Ga. Jan. 7.    Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Martin, who live in the southwestern portion of the county happened to the sad misfortune of losing their bright little 5-year-old daughter  (Beatrice) last Wednesday. The child was playing before an open fireplace when her clothing was ignited. She was so terribly burned that she died before the flames could be extinguished.

January 9, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Four-Year Old Milledgeville Girl Dies from Injuries
Milledgeville, Ga., January 8 (Special) Little Alice Hall Andrews, the little 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Andrews, was buried this morning at 10:30 o'clock.
 The little girl's death was the result of burns received day before yesterday. This city is carpeted with bermuda grass, which burns rapidly when dry.
  It is the custom each winter and spring to burn the lawns and street borders.
  She and her little companions thought they could do what they saw older people doing. When the blaze sprang up it frightened the child, and she attempted to stamp out the fire, but her clothes ignited and in spite of the efforts of Leo Joseph and others, who heard her cries and rushed to her, she was so badly burned that death resulted in eight hours.
  Another Child Seriously Burned.
Julia Derkel Barnes, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Barnes, was seriously but not fatally burned yesterday. The child's clothing caught from the grate, but for the heroic efforts of her aunt, Miss Ethel Deskill, who is a young woman attending school in this city, the results would have been most serious. Miss Deskill's hands were badly burned and she is now the greatest sufferer by the accident.
AFTER AND ILLNESS OF OVER four months, Mrs. Eliza White Kenan died at her residence, No. 4 Williams Street, this city, at 11:20 o'clock yesterday morning. Mrs. Kenan's health has been failing for more that two years, but not until September last did anything serious develop. Mrs. Kenan leaves a husband and three children, all of whom were with her at the time of her death. Her remains will be taken to Milledgeville, Ga., where she was born, and where her girlhood days were spent, and will be laid to rest beside those of her father and mother, the late Samuel Gore and Mrs. Caroline Bullock White, and other members of her family.

January 12, 1904
MARRIED - Mr. Alexander H. Stewart and Miss Della McCullough were married at Midway church, on last Sunday, Rev. W. R. Stillwell officiating.

  Mr. W. T. Lester died at his home in East Baldwin, Monday afternoon the fourth inst. His death was unexpected as he was attacked with something like appendicitis the Saturday before his death. The funeral services were held Tuesday, Rev. W. R. Stillwell, officiating. The remains were buried at Blackspring cemetery.
  Mr. Lester was about fifty-three years of age, and was a member of Montpelier church. He was an industrious, hard working man, and possessed many noble qualities. He is survived by his wife and one son. He had many friends who sympathize with the family at their loss.

January 30, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
LEG CUT OFF BY CAR WHEELS. Pink Bloodworth Falls Beneath Central Train at Steven's Pottery
Milledgeville, Ga. January 29 (Special) The northbound passenger train on the Central of Georgia railway from Machine to Eatonton ran over Pink Bloodworth, of this county, last night, cutting off one of his legs.
  The train left Gordon without a conductor and ran by Ivies Station, the place where Mr. Blood worth was to get off.
  On reaching Steven's Pottery the train crew discovered there was no conductor on board and started back to Gorton.
Mr. Bloodworth states he got off the train to find out the reason they ran by Ivies and as the train started back he went to get on and slipped under the train, the wheels passing over him.

February 2, 1904
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Mrs. Della Simpson Stembridge, wife of Mr. J. E. Stembridge, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Simpson, in East Baldwin, Sunday afternoon.
   A few days before her death it was realized that she was desperately ill, and eveything possible wad done to save her life, but all efforts failed and she passed quietly away, surrounded by loved ones.
   The funeral services were held at the residence yesterday afternoon, and the remains interred in the family burial ground, Rev. Joel T. Daves officiating.
....she leaves a husband and five small children, the youngest of whom is only a week old..She was a member of the Baptist church...

February 14, 1904
Augusta Chronicle
Mrs. F. L. Sibert of Milledgeville, Ga.  is visiting friends in the city.

March 8, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. E. B. Collier died Yesterday at Her Home, 247 Oakland Avenue
   Two weeks ago her son Thomas Collier, 17 years old was taken ill with pneumonia. Knowing the serious nature of the disease which afflicted her son, the mother prayed that if any or the family must die, that she should be the one chosen instead of her son.
  Monday morning Mrs. Collier was taken ill, and she stated that her death would occur in six days. Saturday afternoon, the sixth day of her illness, she died at 3:40 o'clock.
  The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Woodwind Avenue Baptist church, the Rev. Mr. Advise, the pastor of the church, officiating. The body was taken to Milledgeville yesterday for interment.
  Mrs. Collier leaves a husband and six children. Thomas Collier, the young boy, for whose recovery the mother had offered her life, is still in a serious condition, and only the most careful nursing will save his life.

March 19, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
Dr. W. R. Robinson. (Robison)
Milledgeville, Ga. March 18 - Dr. W. R. Robinson died suddenly this evening at 7 o'clock from apoplexy. He was one of the most prominent and popular physicians in this section and his death has cast a gloom over the whole community. He is survived by a widow, who has the sympathy of hosts of relatives and friends.

March 24, 1904
Union Hill. Our neighborhood is in great ecstasy over the romantic marriage of Miss Doxia Manderson to Mr. John Kitchens, on Thursday, the 24th. While Mrs. Manderson was at the bedside of her afflicted mother, Miss Doxia thought it best to escape. Mr. Kitchens came down, accompanied by two other gentlemen, who awaited near the house for him to return with his "better half."  Mr. Manderson was ploughing near the house and saw  his daughter leave with Mr. Kitchens, and it was soon circulated that they had gone to Jones county to be married. We wish them a long life of unalloyed happiness.

April 4, 1904
Macon Telegraph
AN AGED NEWSBOY, Frank Darnell Killed in Railroad Yard. A Dwarf Who Showed Pluck.
  Atlanta, March 31.Frank Darnell, a white man, a dwarf in stature, was killed today in the Georgia railroad yard by a switch engine of that company. Darnell was 71 years of age and was less than four feet in height. He was a well known character in this city for the reason that for some yeas he has tramped the streets early and late following the life of a newsboy, selling papers. Darnell and his family, consisting of a wife, three sons and a daughter, came here some years ago from Baldwin county.  He was an industrious little man and by his energy and determination to earn an honest living for himself and family made many friends. His sons are also dwarfs, while his wife and daughter are comparatively large women. The Darnells came to Atlanta from Baldwin county.

April 12, 1904
Union Recorder
  ~excerpt~ Mrs. Emmie Tucker Bothwell, wife of Mr. Roger Bothwell, died at her home in East Baldwin, last Tuesday afternoon.
  During her illness, which extended through weeks, she received the tender care of physicians and loved ones. At times she would appear better, and the hope that she would again be restored to health was entertained by those watching at her bedside. She, however, continued to grow weaker, until death came.
  The remains were brought to this city Wednesday afternoon and intered in the cemetery, Rev. D. W> Brannen conducting the burial services.
  Mrs. Bothwell was a daughter of Mrs. Joseph Tucker, and was born and reared in this county. She is survived by a husband and two bright sweet children, mother, brother and other relatives.

April 19, 1904
A Happy Marriage
  Mr. Edward Etheridge and Miss Lillie Wood were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wood, in the southern part of the county. The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. D. W. Brannen.
  The home was artistically decorated with ferns, smilax and cut flowers. The attendants were Miss Cormanni, with Mr. Farish Wood. The presents were beautiful and useful.
   The bride is a sweet young lady, and is loved by a host of friends. Mr. Etheridge is a young man of character, and holds  a position at Dr. Allen's Invalid Home.
  Before the marriage an elegant barbecue dinner was served to a number of invited guests.
  The Union Recorder joins in wishing them a long and happy life.

April 28, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
John Wesley Price, Jr., of Milledgeville died this morning in the city hospital after a short illness, aged 53 years. He had been ill at his home in Milledgeville and a few days ago it was decided to bring him to the hospital. There the surgeons decided an operation was necessary, and it was performed. He never regained consciousness. Mr. Price was an engineer on the Central road and was well known in railroad circles. He is survived by his wife and one son and his mother and father. The remains were shipped to Milledgeville this afternoon where the funeral and interment will take place.

May 10, 1904
A ROMANTIC MARRIAGE. Mr. Terrell Whitten (Whitton), of Baldwin county, and Miss Pearl Tanner, of Hancock, were married Sunday, the 1st inst.
  The marriage was a run-away affair, on account of the objection of Miss Tanner's parents.
   During the past year Miss Tanner has been teaching at Pleasant Grove. Mr. Whitten, who resides in that neighborhood, won her love, and they agreed to marry a few days prior to the closing of her school, but their plans were interfered with by the bride's mother.
  Miss Tanner returned to er home in Hancock county Saturday, April 30th, and on Sunday Mr. Whitten went to church in that neighborhood. The young lady was also present. The couple left church together, coming to this city, where they expected to be married. They, however, continued their way to South Baldwin, where the ceremony was performed.
  They then went to their future home in this county.

May 10, 1904
A NEGRO MURDER. Albert Young in Jail Charged With Killing Gus King.
Gus King, a negro man, was found dead in the road near McComb's mount last Friday morning with his body riddled with shot.
  Coroner Scott was notified, and went out to the scene of the crime and held an inquest. At the examination of witnesses the following facts were gathered:
  That early Thursday night the report of a shot-gun had been heard by those residing in the neighborhood, but that no one had seen who fired the shot. A few minutes, however, before the report was heard, Albert Young had left his home carrying a shot-gun, and that he had previously threatened the life of King.
  After the examination of several witnesses the jury returned a verdict that King had come to his death from the effect of wounds inflicted by a shot gun, and recommended the arrest of Young as the perpetrator of the murder.
  Sheriff Prosser immediately placed Young under arrest and brought him to this city, and placed him in jail.
  We learn that other evidence has been found, which points more strongly to the guilt of Young.
See Dec. 13, 1904

May 10, 1904
~excerpt~ Mrs. Georgia Anne Golden Bloodworth was born Feb 3, 1831, and died April 38 (28), 1904. She was happily married to Mr. Thomas Bloodworth, April 16, 1848, and for 56 long years they fought life's battles together. It was a pathetic scene to see the snow-haired companion bowed in grief over his irreparable loss. 10 children bless their union. All of them stil survive her. She joined the Primitive Baptist church in 1870, and was a consistent member until her death. She had been afflicted for 20 years, but always bore her suffering without a murmur. SHe spent the greater part of her life in Wilkinson county, but has resided in Baldwin for the past several years. She was a sister of Rasmos Golden, D. D.
  Her remains were laid to rest Saturday at Mt. Carmel Cemetery. L.E.I.

May 10, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Governor Offers Reward. A reward of $100 for the unknown person who set fire to and burned the barn and contents belonging to Peter Williamson, in Baldwin county. Several horses and other animals were destroyed in this fire.

May 31, 1904
  Margaret Berry, an aged negro woman died at her home in this city last Wednesday. She was a good, old antebellum negro and had been a servant in the family of Capt. W. T. Conn for many years. She was loved by the children of that household, for she was always kind and gentle.

June 12, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
  Mrs. L. C. Manley spent last week at here old home at Stevens Pottery, where she was called by the sad news of the death of her young sister, Miss Pearl Stevens, last Monday.

June 14, 1904
Union Recorder
    Mr. George Wilkinson and Miss Mattie Bloodworth were united in marriage, Sunday morning, the 4th inst. at the Ennis school house, in the southern portion of the county, Judge Ira C. West officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr. T. J. Bloodworth, and is an attractive young lady. Mr. Wilkinson is a prosperous young farmer. Their friends extend congratulations.

June 14, 1904
Union Recorder
  Mr. James Shepherd and Miss (Lizzie) Winters of Stevens Pottery were united in marriage Sunday, the 4th inst., Judge Ira C. West officiating.

June 14, 1904
Union Recorder
Miss Pearl Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stevens, died at the home of her parents, at Stevens Pottery, about 4 o'clock Wednesday morning, after a long illness.
   Miss Stevens was fifteen years of age, and was greatly loved by all who knew her, for her plesant and sweet disposition, and charming personality. She was the idol of the hearts of her parents, and during her illness which extended through many months, she received the tenderest ministration from them, and the attention of the best medical skill. Her life was a beneiction to all who knew her as she was always cheerful and happy.
     The funeral services were held at the church Thursday morning, Rev. J. A. Quillian and Rev. F. P. Spencer officiating. The interment took place at the family burial ground.
  The bereaved ones have the sympathy of many friends in this city in their great sorrow.

June 26, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, June 25 (Special)Dr. R. T. Dozier, a very prominent physician and Mason, died last night after a short illness. Dr. Dozier came here some years ago to accept the position of physician at the state prison farm. He resigned later and entered the practice of medicine in Milledgeville. He leaves a wife and several children. He was greatly esteemed and loved by all our people.
  The funeral will be held Sunday morning at nine o'clock. He was a Mason of high standing and will buried with Masonic honors.

August 11, 1904
Augusta Chronicle
Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Stinebeck entertained last Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. F. L. Sibert of Milledgeville. During the evening delicious refreshments were served and the guests passed a delightful evening which will long be remembered. Mr. F. L. Sibert, Miss Ida Jones, Miss Kate Jones, Miss Carrie Belle Taliaferro; Mr. George Babb, Mr. Paul Pritchard, Mr. Edward Bryson and Mr. Ernest Walker.

August 23, 1904
Union Recorder
  Mr. Joseph S. Scogin, one of Baldwin County's oldest and most substantial citizens, died at his home in the northwestern portion of the county, last Friday night, after along illness.
  The funeral services were conducted at the residence ny Rev. J. A. Quillian, Sunday afternoon. Large numbers of neighbors and friends gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of one who had spent his long life among them. The interment took place in the old family burial ground.
  Mr. Scogin was a native of Baldwin county, and was in his seventy-eighth year., His long life had been spent in the neighborhood where he was born. He is survived ny his wife, who was a Miss Sarah Jane Robinson, and several other relatives. In spite of the fact that he was in ill health, the greater part of his life, he was a successful farmer, and accumulated considerable property. In the words of a citizen of Milledgeville, who was his neighbor for many years, he was a good neighbor, and was always kind and considerate to those who needed assistance.

August 24, 1904
The Ledger
SAMUEL EVANS OF MILLEDGEVILLE. Death of Prominent Banker of Baldwin County - Was Body Guard of President Davis.
  Macon, Ga. Aug. 24 - Mr. Samuel Evans of Milledgeville died yesterday afternoon in a hospital in Atlanta, where he had gone for treatment.
  The news will cause profound regret throughout middle Georgia especially. He was born in Pearson county, North Carolina, sixty-three years ago. He was a soldier in the Confederate army and was one of the body guard of President Davis in Richmond. He went to Milledgeville in 1871 and engaged in the manufacture of tobacco.  He subsequently engaged in banking and warehousing and his business grew very large.
  He had a multitude of clients for whom he provided, and to them his death will be as if a personal friends had passed away.
  No one stood higher in the esteem of the people of Baldwin County. Of his immediate family he is survived by his devoted wire and several sons and daughters.
  The remains will be conveyed to his home in Milledgeville today. Last night Mrs. C. W. Robson, Mr. Samuel Evans, Jr. and others reached the city on their way to meet the train. The funeral will be conducted under Masonic auspices.
  Mr. Evans was well known in Macon and he was most highly respected. He leaves a very large estate.

August 30, 1904
A Negro Boy Shot
Henry Youngblood, a negro boy about 18 years of age was shot and killed by Julius Rice, last Saturday afternoon, on W. A. Cook's place in West Baldwin. The two boys were out hunting, and Rice shot at a partridge, the shot striking Youngblood, tearing away the right side of head. The boy lived about an hour and a half after being wounded. Coroner Scott held an inquest and the jury returned a verdict of accidental homicide.

September 20, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
NEGRO PREACHERS SCORE LAWLESSNESS. They Investigate the Rumors Afloat in Regard to Day Clubs
Milledgeville, Ga., September 19 [Special] The negro preachers of this community have investigated as far as possible the rumors that there was a Before Day Club in this county. The Milledgeville News in an article last week stated that a negro said he knew of the existence of such a club, but that he was afraid to tell anything about it; also that a farmer stated that he had noticed suspicious Negroes going to a certain church in this county and a merchant reported an unusual sale of firearms to the country people.
  The negro preachers held a meeting today and the following card, signed by two of the leading preachers, is the result:
"Our attention has been called to a piece published in The Milledgeville News, dated September 17, relating to an organization known as the Before Day Club in Baldwin county. After reading the piece we at once called the ministers of the city and county together and made a thorough investigation. We found no such order existing, but did find that one of the pastors near Stevens pottery had had some trouble with one of his members and no doubt the report published in The news started from that point. It is our intention to give the white people our cooperation in running all such lawlessness down and uphold the law at all times. Yours very truly,
P.E. Milledgeville District;
P.C. of A.M.E. Church"

October 25, 1904
The Coroner's Jury Charges Mr. S. D. Butler With Murder
  In a shooting affray last Thursday afternoon in east Baldwin between Mr. J. S. Lundy and Mr. S. D. Butler, Gus Dudley, a negro, was shot and killed by Mr. Butler.
   From what can be gathered by the evidence given at the coroner's inquest, which was held Friday morning, it would seem that Mr. J. S. Lundy, with three of his negro hands, was engaged in fighting fire, which was burning in the woods near his place. Messrs. Hugh Butler and his son, Mr, S. D. Butler, were also present, when the shooting affray commenced between the latter and Mr. Lundy.
  There had been some feeling between the two men for some time, and in some way the feeling was again aroused. They exchanged several shots, Mr. Lundy using a Winchester rifle and Mr. Butler a shot-gun. During the shooting Mr. Butler shot at Gus Dudley, whom he claimed was taking part in the affray.
  During the shooting Mr. Butler was shot in the shoulder, receiving a flesh wound, either from a pistol or rifle ball. Neither Mr. Lundy or the negro were injured.
  Mr. Butler claims that later as he was going home he ran up on Dudley stooping behind a bush reloading his pistol, and that he shot the negro as he was about to shoot at him.
  A 38-calibre pistol was found on the ground near the negro, and was produced at the inquest.
   On the other hand it was stated by witnesses at the inquest that the negro was badly frightened, and was not engaged in the shooting.
  The coroner's jury, which was composed of W. H. Hall, foreman; W. D. Sears, F. I. Wilkinson, H. E. Hardie, O. C. Heringdine and R. L. Holloway, after hearing all the evidence, returned the following verdict, which was not made known until Saturday morning:
 "We, a coroner's jury, having been summoned by W. S, Scott, coroner, to hold an inquest over the body of Gus Dudley, colored,
Dr. O. F. Moran examining the body in our presence, and after hearing the evidence, find that deceased came to his death from said bullet wound, the weapon being in the hands of S. D. Butler, and find the same to be murder."
  Saturday morning a warrant was sworn out against Mr. Butler, and he was arrested and lodged in jail. His commitment trial will be held today, when it is possible that more evidence will be produced.

October 28, 1904
Atlanta Constitution
   The marriage of Miss Edith Carr and Dr. Ed Tigner, which took place Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock in Milledgeville, was an occasion of interest to a large circle of friends throughout the state.
   The ceremony took place at the Baptist church and was witnessed by a large assemblage of friends of the young couple.
  Miss Elizabeth Jones was maid of honor and Mr. J. H. Tigner, of Atlanta, best man, while the ushers were Mr. Sidney Jones, Mr. Steve Thornton, Mr. Conn Carr and Mr. Cuyler Alfriend.
   The evening before the ceremony the bridal party and a number of guests were entertained at an elegant reception.
   After the ceremony Dr. Tigner and his bride left for an extended trip east.

November 12, 1904
The Macon Telegraph
Death of Mr. J. H. Bateman
Gordon, Ga. Nov. 11 - Mr. J. H. Bateman, a prominent farmer and for four years tax collector for this county, died at Ivey, Ga. yesterday. Mr. Bateman leaves a wife and son and daughter with five brothers. He was a member of Gordon Lodge of Masons, and will be buried at Camp Creek, in Baldwin county.

December 6, 1904
Engagement of Mr. Alfriend and Miss Cone Announced.
    Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Cone announce the engagement of their daughter, Katie, to Mr. Kyle Terry Alfriend, the marriage to occur Thursday afernoon, December twenty-second, First Baptist church, Milledgeville, Georgia.
   The above announcement will create great interest in this and other cities throughout the state, for both Miss Cone and Mr. Alfriend have hosts of friends wherever they are known.
   Miss Cone is the eldest daughter of Mr. O. M. Cone, and possesses a sweet and modest dispostion.  She is a  talented musician, and was for several years at the head of the musical department of the G. M. College.
  Mr. Alfriend is a member of the faculty of the Georgia Military College, and is a young man of fine character. he has established himself in the confidence and esteem of our people.

December 6, 1904
MARRIED - Miss Patience Williams and Mr. Charles B. Lavender were united in marriage, Sunday, Nov. 27th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Williams, Elder J. F. Lord officiating.  

December 13, 1904
Young Granted a New Trial
  The Supreme Court on last Friday granted a new trial in the case of The State vs Albert Young.
  Young was tried and convicted on the charge of murder at the last term of court, and was given a life sentence in the penitentiary.
  It will be remembered that Young was accused of murdering Gus King, near McComb's mountain, last June. Messrs. Hines & Vinson, of this city, and Jno. R. Cooper of Macon, were Young's lawyers, and they made a motion for a new trial, on the ground that the evidence did not warrant a conviction.
See Jan 17, 1905

December 20, 1904
    Mr. Robert Patterson and Miss Sarah Allen, were married Thursday December, 1st.

December 20, 1904
A Negro Boy Killed.   Two little negro boys, Henry Banfield and Jake Patterson, had a fight yesterday afternoon. Banfield struck Patterson on the back of the head with an iron tap, breaking the skull. Just before we go to press, we learn that Patterson has died. Banfield was arrested by the police.

December 20, 1904
  Mr. W. H. Leonard shot and seriously wounded Mirabeau Hitchcock, last Saturday night, about half-past six o'clock. The shooting occurred in front of Mr. Leonard's store on West Hancock street.
  Hitchcock and his brother, Pack, had been loafing around Mr. Leonard's store all the afternoon. Both of them were drinking, and they are always ready for a fuss when intoxicated. Mr. Leonard says that he was informed by a friend that the negroes were going  to attack him, and advised to arm himself. He, a short time afterwards, went up the streets to the post office, and on his return passed the Hitchcock negroes, who followed him back to the store. The negroes on entering the store, pretended that they wished to purchase a sack of flour. Both of them attacked him,  one of them  catching him in front and the other in the rear. A scuffle followed, and when they reached the sidewalk in front of the store, he succeeded in getting his pistol from his pocket, and shot Mirabeau, who had hold of him in front. The ball entered the negroe's abdomen and ranged upwards, inflicting a painful but not necessarily a serious wound. Mr. Leonard says that both the negroes were armed. Pack Hitchcock was arrested, and will be tried by Recorder Gibson this morning.

December 27, 1904
  Jake Patterson, the little negro, who had his skull crushed by a blow with a piece of iron in the hands of another little negro, Henry Banfield, died Tuesday morning, and not Monday night, as was stated in last week's Union Recorder. Coroner Scott held an inquest Tuesday afternoon, and the jury returned a verdict of voluntary manslaughter. The commitment trial was held Wednesday before Capt. A. J. Miller, N. P. and Banfield was released.  

December 27, 1904
JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE Is The Verdict of Coroner's Jury In Case of Shooting of Mirabeau Hitchcock
  Mirabeau Hitchcock, the negro who was shot by Mr.  W. H. Leonard, Saturday, the 17th inst., died Saturday, the 24th.
  Coroner Scott summoned the following jury. Messrs J. C. Whitaker, E. P. Gibson, J. H. Lawrence, Chas. Brown, J. E. Myrick and E. L. Barnes, and held an inquest Sunday morning.
  The evidence showed that at the time of the shooting Mirabeau and Pack Hitchcock had attacked Mr. Leonard and that Mirabeau was seen to draw a pistol from his pocket, before he was shot. The weapon was picked up near the scene of the scuffle where it had been dropped. The jury, after hearing the evidence returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.


January 3, 1905
A Romantic Marriage. Rev. R. H. Dudley and Miss Annie Louise Harper were united in marriage last Wednesday, at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. H. T. West, at Tennille, Georgia, Rev. J. T. Beck officiating.
   The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harper, of Midway, and is quite a pretty and attractive young lady. Mr. Dudley is from Agricola, Ga., and is a minister of the Baptist Church. He, although blind, is quite intelligent, being a college graduate.
  The circumstances which culminated in this marriage have a tinge of romance surrounding them. Mr. Dudley was a delegate to the Baptist Association, which convened in this city last summer. During his stay in the city, be became acquainted with Miss Harper. The acquaintance ripened into love, and Mr. Dudley returned to visit the young lady. He came again last week, and sought the consent of the father. He refused and the young couple, after Mr. Dudley had secure the license, left this city Wednesday morning and went to Tennille, where they were married. They have the best wishes of many friends.

January 3, 1905
Miss Maud Lester and Mr. Harvie E. Broxton, of Millen, were united in marriage, last Thursday afternoon, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lester, in East Baldwin, Rev. Joel T. Davis officiating. After the ceremony a splendid dinner was served.
  The bride is a sweet and attrative young lad, and has a host of friends and admirers wherever she is know. Mr. Broxton is engaged in business in Millen, and is held in high esteem among the people where he lives.

January 17, 1905
Again Found Guilty.   Albert Young was again found guilty in Baldwin Superior court, last week, for the murder of Guss King, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the penitentiary. Young was convicted at the July term of court, but was granted a new trial on the ground that the evidence, which was entirely circumstantial, was not strong enough to warrant the conviction. At the trial last week the wadding from the gun, and the testimony of a shoe-maker, who had half-soled Young
s shoes were introduced. THis testimony it is claimed materially strengthens the State's case. The prosecution was conducted by Solicitor Pottle and the defence by Col. Jno. R. Cooper, of Macon, and Messrs. Hines & Vinson. The case will again be carried to the Supreme court.
(note: a new trial was granted Young by the Supreme Court per Union Recorder, May 6, 1905. The trial was postponed from July 1905 to January 1906 because of the absence of two attornies who represented him. Union Recorder Jul 18, 1905. Found guilty in January 1906, appealed again. Retried July 1906, found guilty, appealed again. He is shown living at home in the 1910 census )

Feb 18, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Veterans Going Fast. Macon, Ga., February 17 (Special) D. H. Wilkinson, a confederate veteran died suddenly in the crib of his barn in Baldwin county late yesterday afternoon. His death was unexpected, as he was in the best of health.
  Hardly a dozen of the hundred who followed the flag of company G, Forty fifth Georgia, through the civl war live to tell the story of that sad-starred company. Mr. Wilkinson was one of the last of these. Out of nineteen of his children seventeen still survive him.

February 21, 1905
Union Recorder
  Mr. Ambrose Cormanni died at his home near Scottsboro, last Wednesday evening, after an illness of several months with dropsy. His remains were interred at the burial ground at his home Thursday.
  Mr. Cormanni was a native of Italy, and came to this county soon after the civil war, located in South Baldwin, where he and his brother engaged in the saw mill business several years. He was a splendid machinist, and did a great deal of repair work in years past. In his young manhood he was connected both with the armies of Italy and England. He had visited nearly all of the European countries and the recital of his experiences were very interesting.
  Mr. Cormanni survived by his wife and four children.

March 8, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Funeral of Powell West. Milledgeville, Ga., March 7 (Special) The body of Powell West, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. West, and grandson of Dr. J. O. (T.O.) Powell, reached this city yesterday and was interred here today at 11 o'clock. The funeral exercises were conducted by J. H. Mashburn, of Atlanta, at the state sanitarium, the home of Dr. Powell. Mr. West died quiet suddenly at El Paso, Tex., Tuesday.

March 14, 1905
   ~excerpt~ Mrs. Mattie A. Bivins has announced the engagment of her daughter, Elizabeth, to Mr. Steven William Brown, of Hawkinsville, the marriage to occur in April.
....Mr. Brown is a son of Hon. Pope Brown......  

March 14, 1905
  The remains of Mr. P. W. Martin were brought to this city last Thursday morning from Macon and interred in the city cemetery. Mr. Martin died at his home in Macon Tuesday, after an illness of a year. He was one of the most popular conductors of the Southwestern division of the Central of Georgia railroad. He was married a few years ago to a sister of the late Mr. Jesse Leonard.His remains were accompanied to this city by a number or relatives and a delegation of the Railway Order of Conductors.

March 21, 1905
A Romantic Marriage. Miss Adeline Ennis, of East Baldwin, and Mr. Ivy Wood, of Hancock county, were secretly married on January 22 last.
  On the above date Mr. Wood called at the home of Miss Ennis to accompany her to Sunday school. All arrangements had been made for them to be married, and they were united in the holy bonds in Gumm Bottom, by Judge R. L. Renfroe.
   The young couple agreed to keep their marriage secret until August, and both returned to their homes. A few days ago, however, the secret became known. On Saturday, March 11th, Mr. Wood called at the residence of Mr. Ennis, and when he arrived he was received with the cry from a number of young people who were there: "You are married!" He then went into the sitting room, which had been decorated with smilax and ferns, where he met his fair young bride. When Mr. Ennis entered the room and asked them if they were married  and on receiving the answer "yes," he gave them a few words of wholesome advice, in an earnest and impressive talk.
  The bride is the daughter of Mr. Chas. W. Ennis, and possesses many lovely trait of character. She has many friends in her neighborhood, who love her on account of her sweet disposition.
  Mr. Wood is the son of Rev. I. M. Wood, of Hancock county, and is a prosperous farmer. He is a young man of splendid character.
  The young couple commence life with the best wishes of many friends.

March 28, 1905
DEATH OF MRS. L. A. GIBSON. Was the Daughter of William Anderson, a Revolutionary Soldier.
Mrs. L. A. Gibson, died at the home of her son, Mr. E. P. Gibson, last Sunday morning, about 6 o'clock.
  Several months ago Mrs. Gibson had a stroke of paralysis, which, combined with her age, has made her quite feeble of late. Saturday she walked about the house some, and when she retired at night her condition did not cause any feeling of uneasiness to the family of Mr. Gibson. Mrs. E. P. Gibson arose early Sunday morning and went to the room of the elderly lady and found her in an unconscious condition. Mr. Gibson was called, but before medical assistance could be secured, the spirit had lefts its tenement of clay.
   The funeral services were held at the residence Monday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Joel T. Daves officiating. The remains were interred in the city cemetery, the following acting as pall-bearers: Messrs. A. J. Carr, Jno. Conn, G. T. Whilden, Henry Goodman, M. S. Bell and J. L. Sibley.
  Mrs. Gibson was born and spent her long life in this county, being in her seventy-seventh year at the time of her death. She was the youngest of twenty children of William Anderson, who was a revolutionary solder. She was recently made a member of the Joseph Hambersham Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She was a member of the Methodist church, having joined at Bethel in 1861, the church in the neighborhood in which she spent the greater part of her live.
  She was devoted to her only son, Mr. E. P. Gibson, and in turn was loved ny him. Besides her son, a sister, Mrs. Redding, survives her. She has gone to her reward, after a long and useful life.
  The bereaved ones have the sympathy of our people.

  Mr. Charlie Lane died at his home near this city Monday afternoon at three o'clock, after a long illness. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Lane, and was a native of this county. For several years past he had been an employee of the State Sanitarium. He was a kind hearted man, and his death is regretted by a large number of friends. He is survived by a brother, Mr. E. P. Lane, and a sister, Miss Mary Lane. The funeral services will take place from the residence this afternoon at three o'clock.

May 9, 1905
   Mr. Wesley Bloodworth and Miss Fannie Chambers, of this place, were married the 23d of April, Mr. Tim Bloodworth officiating. We wish them much success through life..

July 9, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, GA
Mr. J. C. Sheffield, of Fitzgerald is visiting his daughter, Mrs. John Day.
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Beeson are at Powder Springs, the guests of Mrs. Beeson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Selman.
Misses Mary Clara and Roberta Hunter are visiting Scarboro and Statesboro.
Miss Jennie Reynolds is in Athens.
Mrs. Edward R. Hines and little sons, Emmett, Womack and Madison, are the guests of Mrs. L. C. Wright on Capitol avenue, Atlanta
Miss Mary Brooks is the guest of a houseparty in Gainesville.
Misses Roberta Jarrett and Clara Lamar are visiting Devereaux.
Mrs. J. D. Howard is at Indian Spring.
Misses O'Nora Ennis and Maybelle Moore are at Columbia college, New York
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Turk have returned from Wilkinson county.
Mrs. J. A Ansley and little daughter, of Americus, are visiting Mrs. Ansley's father, Dr. J. M. Whitaker.
Mrs. Carl Deadwyler and Miss Willie Armstrong are in Atlanta, and will visit Indian Spring
Miss Pauline McKinley is attending the summer school in Athens.
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Herty and children were here several days last week. From here they went to Atlanta.
Mrs. Dr. Crawford and daughter, of Atlanta, are visiting Mrs. Jacob Caraker.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall, Mr. W. H. Hunter and Mrs. L.C. Hall, of Darnelle, Ark, have returned from a trip to New York, Saratoga and other places of interest north.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Whitaker have returned to Atlanta after a visit to Dr. J.M. Whitaker at the sanitarium.
Mr. Frank Miller, visited his parents, Captain and Mrs. A. T. Miller last week.
Miss Mae Myrick is in Macon.
Miss Fletcher Stinson , of Birmingham, Ala., is the guest of Miss Claire Green.
Miss Maggie O'Quinn  has returned from Sandersville accompanied by Miss Carrie Bell Watkins.
Misses Elizabeth and Mary Robson have returned from Sandersville and Tennille.
Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Kidd have returned from their trip north.
Mrs. L.C. Rogers has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs Will Ray, at Dayton, Ky.
Miss Nana May and Master Woodruff Richter are at Madison.
Mrs. Laura B. Outler of Bartow, Fla., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ennis, in East Baldwin.
Misses Vena Hopkins and Snowdrop Gobert have been visiting Miss Florina Morris at Haddock.
Mrs. S. S. Sweet, of Macon, is here.
Miss Anne Myrick, of Atlanta, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Myrick.
Mrs.  E. A. Cook and Miss Annie Cook have returned from Twiggs county.
Mrs. J. T. Burnley is visiting her daughter in Mayfield, Mrs. L. G. Aldred
Mrs. L. E. Hudson, of LaGrange, has returned  to her home after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Green
Mr. John Wagnon, of Fort Screven, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Lucy P. Wagnon.
Mr. Sam Caraker is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. D. Echols at Lincolnton.
Miss Clyde Buck is in Athens attending the summer school.
Mrs.  W. H. Barron has returned to Round Oak after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Myrick.
Rev. and Mrs. Leroy A. Brown, of Lanett, Ala., are visiting Mr. and Mrs Warren Edwards, Mrs Brown's parents.
Mrs. George Edwards has returned from a visit north.

July 15, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Miss Mattie Brooks, Macon, Ga.
Macon, Ga., July 14 (Special)  The death of Miss Mattie Brooks occurred at the family home at the Log Cabin there this afternoon.
  She was 15 years old. The remains will be taken to Milledgeville for interment tomorrow. There will be no funeral at the home on account of the serious illness of a younger sister, who is at death's door suffering from typhoid fever contracted almost at the same time.

July 26, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Miss Effie Sauls, Macon
Macon, Ga. July 25 (Special) Miss Effie Sauls, the 17 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. D. Sauls, died at home on Hawthorne street this morning  after a short illness. Besides her parents, three sisters, one brother and a large circle of young friends mourn her death. The remains will be taken to Milledgeville and the funeral and interment will occur at that place tomorrow morning.

August 19, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
  The funeral of Mr.J. P. Herrington, whose death occurred on Aug. 17th at the residence of his brother in Baldwin county, took place yesterday and the interment was in Hopewell cemetery. Large numbers of friends and relatives were present at the last sad rites.  Mr. Herrington is survived by two sisters and two brothres, Mrs. W. L. Ashmore of Macon, Mrs. Maggie Grahame, of Allentown, Mr. M. C. Herrington, of Baldwin county, and Mr. E. J. Herrington, of Atlanta.

August 29, 1905
A Little Negro Killed.
Willie Ware, a little negro boy, was accidentally shot and  killed last Tuesday, near Harrisburg, in this county, by his brother, Fleming Ware. The two boys were engaged in picking cotton, and had stopped to eat breakfast. While playing with an old pistol the weapon  was accidentally discharged. The ball struck the younger boy in the head, from which wound he died later. The boy that was shot was 12 years of age, and the boy in whose hands the weapon was discharged being 17 years.

September 10, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville. Mr. J. E. Stembridge, of our city, and MissSarah Walker, of Bonaire, Ga. were united in marriage Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of the bride.
   The marriage of Miss Rosalie Atwood of our city, to Mr. Schmidt, of Darien, which occurred on Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock, was one of the prettiest home weddings in this town.

September 12, 1905
Union Recorder
~excerpt~Mr. Eben N. Reynolds, of this city and Miss Jeanette Burney, weree united in marriage last Wednesday morning at the home of the grandmother of the bride, near Irwinton...
  The bride is well known and greatly admired in this city, having graduate at the G. M. College, at the recent commencement.....
  Mr. Reynolds is the eldest son of Prof. and Mrs. Wm. E. Reynolds, now assistant commandant of the cadet battalion and a teacher in the Georgia Military College....

September 12, 1905
Union Recorder
  Mr. Oscar O'Quinn and Miss Mae Ennis were united in marriage last Sunday morning, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ennis, in East Baldwin, Rev. A. S. Avant officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by a large crowd of relatives and friends of the contracting parties.
  The bride is quite a pretty and attractive young lady, and has a large circle of friends where she is known. She is bright and attractive, and has those qualities that make a happy home. Mr. O'Quinn is one of Baldwin county's prosperous young farmers, and assist his father, Mr. W. J. O'Quinn, at his store and mill. He is a young man who is held in high esteem by his neighbors.
  These young people commence life together with the best wishes of many friends.

September 12, 1905
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Prof. J.W. Dennington, of Richland, Ga and Miss Martha Edonard Grey, of Milledgeville were married at the Arcadia hotel last evening at eight o'clock...Prof. Dennington is superintendant of the public schools at Richland, and Miss Grey has been teaching music in Robert...
   Mrs. Dennington is in the city, visiting her aunt, Miss Cora Gumm and other relatives.

September 17, 1905
Atlanta Constitution
    Mrs. Mary Chandler has returned to her home in east Baldwin, after visiting her son in Dublin.
    Mrs. W. H. Beck has returned to her home near Covington. She has been the guest of the family of Mr. H. T Beck.
   Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bloodworth, of Ivey, are the guests of Mrs. H. T. Beck.

October 17, 1905
Union Recorder
  Mr. Hugh Gilmore and Miss Bessie Lawrence were united in marriage last Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Babb in this city, Rev. Joel T. Daves officiating.
   Mr. Gilmore is an employee of the State Sanitarium, and is a man of fine character. He is held in high esteem by the officers of the institution.
  The bride is quite an attractive young lady, and on account of her sweet disposition has host of friends, among her acquantiances.
   The Union Recorder joins in best wishes for the happiness of the young couple.

October 20, 1905
The Macon Telegraph
Chesley Coumbers and B. Pink Dubose, who live in Baldwin county about seven miles from Milledgeville, were tried yesterday before Commissioner Erwin on the charge of illicit distilling, but as the testimony was not sufficiently strong to justify their binding over in the opinion of Commissioner Erwin, they were both released.
  The circumstance leading to the arrest of the two men were very suspicious. A furnace such as is used in connection with a still, a quantity of beer and other suspicious signs were found in a piece of swamp land on the property of Coumbers. It seems from later developments, however, that the old man had no knowledge whatever that illicit distilling was being carried on upon his property.
   There were two paths leading from the place at which the still had been located, one going through the woods until it came to the high road in the vicinity of the house of Coumbers. The other path and a wagon track went in the opposite direction and joined the road in the neighborhood of Duboses's home. On account of the location of the still and the paths and wagon tracks it was deemed proper to arrest both Coumbers and Dubose, but the testimony which was taken went to show their innocence rather than their guilt, and the cases against them were dismissed.

October 24, 1905
DEATH OF MRS M. J. MINOR.  Mrs. Mary J. Minor, widow of the late Mr. Frank Minor, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Simpson, in East Baldwin, last Saturday night. Mrs. Minor had been in feeble health for some time on account of old age, but her death came as a sad blow to her loved ones.
    The funeral services were held at Black Spring church yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Martin officiating.
    She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. J. T. Simpson, Mrs. M. V. Tanner, Mrs. E. E. Smith, and Mrs. Emma Owens; and six sons, Messrs. W. E., Charles, Thomas, C. W., Frank and Walter Minor, and a number of grandchildren. All of her children, with the exception of Mrs. Owens, were present at the funeral.
   Mrs. Minor was a member of the Baptist church, and her long life had been well spent in good works. She was a devoted and loving wife and mother, and gave her time in making her loved ones happy.
   She has fallen on sleep, after a long and useful life.
   The bereaved family have the sympathy of a host of friends.

November 7, 1905
A MURDER IN EAST BALDWIN. Mimms Devereaux Shot and Killed Jack Rushens Last Friday Morning.
  Jack Rushens was shot and killed by Mimms Deveraux, on Mr. J. A. Buck's place in East Baldwin, last Friday morning.
  The two negroes had been gambling at Rushens' home, when a fuss started. Devereaux demanded the return of seven or eight dollars Rushens had won, and threatened to shoot him if he did not give up the money. Rushens agreed to return the money, and started from the yard into the house. As he entered the door Devereaux shot him with a shot gun, Rushens went on into the house and got a gun and fell discharging it. He, however went to the door, and was again shot by Devereaux. Devereaux then left the seen (sic) of the shooting, and has not been seen since. Rushens died Friday night.
   Coroner Scott held an inquest Sunday morning and a verdict of murder was returned against Devereaux.
See March 6, 1906.

November 14, 1905
  Zed Butler, a negro preacher shot and killed his son-in-law, Jim King, last Monday morning. King was beating his wife. He choked her, cuffed her about, and pulling his knife from his pocket threatened to cut her throat. Butler hearing the woman's screams went to her assistance. He had his gun with him, having been rabbit hunting. He ordered King to stop beating the woman, King  started to the house remarking that he would get his rifle and kill all of them. Before he had gone many steps, Butler shot him, the wounds causing his death. Coroner Scott held an inquest and the jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.

November 14, 1905
A NEGRO KILLED. Mr. C. C. Boyer Kills a Negro in This City.
Adam Wesley, a negro was shot and killed in this city last Saturday night, by Mr. Clinton Boyer, of Hancock county.
   The shooting was done near the front of Samuel Evans Sons & Co's.' warehouse, a few minutes after 12 o'clock and was witnessed by Messrs. Ben Schooler, B. B. Adams, Jr., E. L. Foster, who were with Mr. Boyer at the time.
  Early in the evening Mr. B. B. Adams had a row with a negro by the name of Jack Liggens and knocked him down. This angered some of the negroes' friends, and they threatened Mr. Adams, who was informed of the fact by several friends. Later in the night Mr. Boyer was told of this by Mr. Adans, and offered him any assistance he might need if attacked by the negroes. Just prior to the shooting, Messrs. Schooler, Adams, Foster and Boyer went to Evans' warehouse to get out a set of harness which had been left there by Mr. Schooler. They returned to the sidewalk, and laid the harness on the ground, and were talking. The negro passed by and stepped on the harness. He was spoken to about it, and returned stepping on it again. He was seen to pull his pistol from his pocket, and Boyer exclaimed look out Adams he is going to shoot you, and jerked out his pistol and began shooting at the negro. He shot five times, two of the bullets striking the negro, who ran to the corner of the Merchants & Farmers bank before he fell.
  A good pistol was found in the negroe's pocket, which witnesses testify he replaced there as he ran.
  The negroe's remains were carried to the guard house by night watchman Seals and others, and left there until Sunday morning when Coroner Scott held an inquest. The verdict of the jury was that the killing was justifiable.
  Wesley was known as a bad negro, and a few weeks ago was badly cut by another negro.

November 19, 1905
The Augusta Chronicle
Engineer Turner at Home. Special to The Chronicle
Covington Ga, Nov. 18 - Engineer W. Gurley Turner, the Covington young man who was one of the victims of the Central of Georgia Railroad wreck in Stephens Pottery on the 5th inst. returned last night to his home in this city from the Macon city hospital where he was operated on for his injuries, the most serious of which was the amputation of his left foot.

November 21, 1905
MARRIED, Mr. Geo. C. Trapp and Mrs. Lula Collins were united in marriage last Wednesday morning at the home of Rev. J. T. Pettigrew, who performed the ceremony. Both the groom and bride resided in West Baldwin, and have a large circle of friends, who wish them much happiness.
   Mr. Trapp is one of Baldwins best farmers, and is a clever, genial man, and a good citizen.
   The lady he has won for his bride is industrious and painstaking, and possesses those qualities which make a happy home.

December 12, 1905
Horace Hubbard Shot By Frank Pierce Near Cooperville.
  News reachd this city yesterday morning that Mr.Frank Pierce had shot and seriously wounded Mr. Horace Hubbard, near Cooperville, last Saturday night.
  It is stated that the fuss which culminated in the shooting commenced in this city, and wa about a debt between the two men. Both men later left for their homes, which are in the southern part of the county. It is stated that Pierce reached his home first and secured a shot gun, and was waiting for Hubbard on the road, near the old Stanley mill. When the latter came by the shot him. The gun was loaded with number five shot, and Hubbard was wounded in the right side, the shot entering his leg, arm and side. It is not known whether the wound will prove fatal or not.
  We have given the particulars as we learned them from parties residing in that section.

December 26, 1905
   Mr. J. A. Ivey and Miss Maxie Brown were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon at four o'clock, at Salem church, in the south-western part of the county.
   The marriage of these young people was of interest to the people residing in that section, as both of them are quite popular with a large circle of friends.
   Mr. Ivey is a son of Mr. C. A. Ivey, and is a sucessful young farmer, and a good citizen. The young lasdy he has won for his bride is charming and attractive.
  The Union Recorder joins in wishing them a life of happiness.

December 26, 1905
A NEGRO KILLED.Harris Graham was shot and killed by Dudley Singleton, Monday afternoon. The shooting occurred in the northern part of the city. Graham and Henry Johnson were going from the business portion of the city, and when north of the Georgia railroad, near the store of Dick Smith, they were met by Singleton and Emanuel King. King asked Graham what he meant by shooting a pistol Saturday, while standing in front of him, causing the police to get after him. Graham replied that he did not see him Saturday. Singleton then spoke up and said some one had imposed upon his family while he was a Haddock station, and that he would protect his family. Graham asked Singleton if he meant him. Singleton replied that he need not "bore up," and pulled his pistol. King shoved Singleton away, and Graham pulled his pistol and jumped behind King, who slung him loose from him. Singleton the shot Graham, who ran. Singleton continued shooting. Grahan, when a short distance off, turned and shot at Singleton, and continued running. Singleton followed him and shot at him four times. Graham again shot. One of the balls from Graham's pistol struck Singleton in the leg. Two of the shots from Singleton's pistol took effect, and Graham died in a few minutes.
  Graham married a daughter of Singleton, but had separated from her, and it is supposed that this was the cause of the shooting.
  Coroner Scott was notified of the shooting and held an inquest. After hearing the evidence, the jury, who was composed of S. B. Fowler, Staley Brake, W. M. Smith, Reid Mathis, Dr. W. A. Ellison, C. E. Bazemore, returned a verdict of murder against Singleton.

January 2, 1906
Union Recorder
Death of A Child. Claude, the seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Davis, whom reside at Stevens Pottery, died last Wednesday morning, after an illness of ten days with pneumonia. The furneral and burial services were conducted Thursday afternoon by Rev. E. H. Wood. The parents have the sympathy of many friends in the death of their child, who was a bright boy.

January 2, 1906
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Miss Sallie Scogin died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scogin in Baldwin county, last Sunday morning, after a long illness.
   The funeral services were conducted at the home Monday afternoon, Rev. E. H. Wood officiating.
   Miss Scogin was the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Scogin..was a student in the Georgia Military college in 1904, and a portion of last year, but was compelled to give up her studies in early spring on account of ill health......

January 6, 1906
Atlanta  Constitution
O. W. Meadows Shot and Tied in Vehicle
Ras. Sanders, White, and Charles Jones, Colored, Have Been Arrested in Connection with the Tragedy in Baldwin County
Milledgeville, Ga., January 5 - (Special) O. W. Meadows, who was formerly in the liquor business in this city, has been found dead, tied in his buggy, within half a mile of his home. The buggy had caught in a tree, but the tracks indicated that the horse had grazed around in a cotton patch. Mr. Meadows' coat was on hind part before and upside down. The wound that caused his death was near the heart.
  Warrants were sworn out for Ras Sanders, a white man of 18 or 19 years, and Charles Jones, colored.  They have been arrested and are in jail. It is reported that Meadows and Sanders had been driving around the country and became involved in a difficulty near the house of a negro, Charles Jones. In the difficulty Meadows was shot. It is believed he was placed in his buggy and the horse started for his home.
  The shooting took place some 3 miles from where the horse and buggy were found, at about 12 o'clock last night. Sanders, it is said, claims that Meadows was trying to take his pistol and that he was shot accidentally.
   Meadows' watch was missing. He leaves a wife and family.

(Note: O. W. Meadows, Ollie Walker Meadows was the son of Peter and Martha Meadows per census records. Ras Sanders went on trial  and was found not guilty.)

January 11, 1906
Atlanta  Constitution
Death Was Result of Wound Received at the Battle of San Juan
    Milledgeville, Ga. January 10 (Special) Major A. B. Scott, retired, captain of Thirteenth infantry, United States army, died at his residence, in Milledgeville, Ga., this morning at 9 o'clock. The funeral took place from the episcopal church; interment in the Milledgeville cemetery.,
    Major Scott leaves a wife, one child by his first wife - A.N. Scott of Pittsburgh Pa. and two daughters, Agnes and Katherine, by his present wife. Major Scott was born at the arsenal at San Antonio, Texas, October 19, 1858., His grandfather, R.H.K. Whity, was a brigadier general in the United States army, and Major Scott lived with and was brought up in the army.
    In 1876, President U.S. Grant appointed him to West Point Military Academy and he graduated in 1880. He was signed to the Thirteenth infantry, U.S.A., and he served with distinction through several Indian wars and was wounded in the final chase after Geronimo, in Arizona. His service led him through all the southwestern states. He was commandant of cadets at the Maryland Agricultural College for a number of years. He was commandant of cadets of the Georgia Military College when the Spanish-American war broke out He joined his regiment and accompanied them to Cuba.
    At the San Juan fight, Major Scott was desperately wounded and was left upon the field an entire day for dead. For weeks his family did not know whether he was dead or alive. For an entire year he lay in his home in Buffalo, N.Y., unable to speak and barely able to move. The wound had entirely paralyzed his right side, and his death today was the direct result of this wound, as the result of this fight the 13th, left on the filed, or have died since, one colonel, one major, three captains, one lieutenant.
    Major Scott was brevetted major for his gallantry in this fight.
    No man ever made a more gallant effort to be useful than did Major Scott. Though terribly maimed to the extent of not using one arm at all and walking with such uncertain step as to often require the presence of a body servant, at arms' length to prevent his falling, still, as long as it was possible, tried to fulfill his position as commandant of Georgia's Military College in this city. Ever since the late war with Spain, he has lived bravely a life, if anything, worse than death. He gave his all to his county and deserved all that it could do for  him and his.

January 6, 1906
Atlanta  Constitution
Coombs Accidentally Shot.
Milledgeville, Ga. January 10 (Special) James Coombs, son of A. B. Coombs, superintendent of the state prison farm, accidentally shot himself through the foot while out hunting this morning. He was a mile and a half from home, but his cries soon brought assistance. It is reported that he is doing well.

January 9, 1906
Union Recorder
Mrs. Floyd Minter died, at her home near Union Hill church in South Baldwin last Wednesday night.
  Mrs. Minter had reached a ripe old age, after having served her generation faithfully. She was a member of the Methodist church, and a true consecrated woman. She is survived by four sons and a number of other relatives, who have the sympathy of a host of friends.

January 24, 1906
Atlanta  Constitution
Mrs. K. R. Foster, Milledgeville, Ga.  April 23 - Mrs. K. R. Foster,wife of Captain K. R. Foster, of this city, died this morning and will be buried tomorrow at 10:45 o'clock a.m. Mrs. Foster was formerly Miss Sallie West, of this city.

January 30, 1906
 Monday morning, the 21st inst., Ben Dawson and Abe Wise, became engaged in a difficulty, on the old Whitaker place in East Baldwin. Dawson shot at Wise twice, but the bullets failed to harm him. Wise then shot at Dawson, the bullet entering the right side, and near the backbone., Dawson died Tuesday, but on account of the high water, Coroner Scott did not hold inquest until Thursday, when the jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.

February 5, 1906
The Macon Telegraph
  Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 4 - Miss May Allen and Mr. Charles Leighton Moore, of this city, were married Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Methodist church in the presence of hundreds of friends. Rev. Joel T. Daves officiating.
  The church was beautifully decorated with airy garlands of smilax, which were carried from the chandeliers to the gallery posts. The bridal party stood before the altar railing which was hidden beneath smilax entwined with white flowers, around the rail were myriad of candles which shed a soft silvery radiance over the entire party, hanged on either side of the organ were palms and jars of white narcissus and hyacinths. A delightful musical programme was rendered by Mrs. Marshall Bland, who also played the wedding march from Lohengrin. The groomsmen, Messrs. Sidney Jones, Steve Thornton, Benjamin Fowler and Fred Newell, came in first, followed by Misses Floride Allen, Marie Whitaker, Maybelle Moore and Lilly Gilmore, the bridge came in with her matron of honor, Mrs. James Harvey Smith, and were met at the altar by the groom and his brother, Mr. James H. Moore.
  Misses Allen and Moore wore lovely gowns of pink crepe de chines and carried bouquets of pink carnations. Misses Whitaker and Gilmore's dresses were of white crepe de chine, they wore pink girdles and carried pink carnations. Mrs. Hovey Smith also wore an elegant pink costume. The bride, always a beautiful woman, never looked more stately than in her princess gown of liberty messaline. The skirt was elaborately embroidered in seed pearls and was cut en train and finished from the underneath with flounces of chiffon. Some rare old lace was used on the corsage with the pearls. The tulle veil was fastened with lilies of the valley and she carried a superb bouquet of brides roses.
  After the ceremony a lovely reception was held at the home of Mrs. C. E. Prosser, a relative of the bride. At 9 o'clock they went to Macon where at midnight they left for Florida for a trip to the popular resorts.
  The bride's going-away gown was of gray cloth made with a stylish hat of gray with a touch of green corresponding with the little green on the coat completed the costume.

Miss Cone complimented Mrs. Elmore Garrison Goodhart with a lovely little Friday afternoon at her home on the hill. Trail was played a four tables after which a dainty luncheon was served. A souvenir was cut for, a bouquet of violet tied with a lavender ribbon was won by Mrs. J. A. Lawrence who presented it to Mrs. Goodhart, who as the honoree, also received a pretty hand made handkerchief. Miss Cone wore a lovely lavender tissue over taffeta. Mrs. Goodhart was very attractive in a princess gown of white Philippina tissue, she wore an exquisite bouquet of English violets. Mrs. Joseph also complimented Mrs. Goodhart with a six hand euchre party Friday morning. Miss Scott Whitaker won the prize, a cut glass bon bon dish.
  Miss Nan Barksdale entertained a few friends Thursday evening complimentary to Miss Alayne Ware, of Marshallville, Ga., the guest of Mrs. Dave Howard.

February 13, 1906
  Mrs. Anna  Vinson has announced the engagement of her daughter, Julia Belle, to Mr. W. P. Broach, the marriage to occur Tuesday evening, March sixth, at half-past seven o'clock, at home. The marriage of these young people is of interest to a large circle of friends. Miss Vinson is a pretty and attractive young lady, has has a host of friends. Mr. Broach is agent in this city for the Southern Express Company, and is a young man of splendid character and business ability.

February 13, 1906
Union Recorder
Death of a Little Grace Bell. Grace, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miller S. Bell, died Saturday morning at 11:45 o'clock, from am acute attack of double pneumonia. She became ill Friday afternoon and the disease developed rapidly. All night physicians and parents watched by the bedside  of the suffering child, and medical skill was exhausted to save her life. She continued to grow worse, and at the above hour her short life ended.
The funeral services were held at the residence Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, Rev. Joel T. Daves, assisted by Revs. Lamar Sims and D. W. Brannen, officiating. A large crowd of friends were present to show their sympathy to the heart-broken parents.
  The floral offerings were abundant and beautiful.
  Grave was a few months past her second year, and was a bright, sweet, attractive child. She was idolized by her parents, and their home is darkened and their hearts grieved by the first visit of the death angel. They have the deepest sympathy of our entire people.

February 20, 1906
Mr. John Davis died at his home in the south-western portion of Baldwin county Sunday night. He has been a sufferer for a long time with cancer on the face, and his death was due to this cause. He leaves a wife and several children. He was an honest man and a good neighbor, and his death is sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends.

February 20, 1906
~excerpt~ On Febrary 13, 1906, the soul of Mrs. James Bloodworth entered into the life of the world to come..
  Mrs. Bloodworth was the eldest daughter of Mrs. Green Willis and was born and reared in Jones county. In early life she joined the Baptist church and remained a consistent member until the time of her death.
  She leaves a husband and ten children....Miss Elizabeth Ivey

March 6, 1906
  Col. C. T. Crawford and Jere M. Moore will go to Madison to-morrow to argue a motion for a new trail in the case of the State vs Mims Devereaux. Devereaux was convicted at the last term of superior Court for the murder of Jack Rushins, and sentenced to be hung on the 23rd of February. The execution was stayed on account of the motion for the new trial. This case will be carried to the supreme court.
See November 20, 1906

May 15, 1906
DEATH OF MRS. M. E. ROBINSON. The remains of Mrs. M. E. Robinson were buried in this city last Tuesday afternoon, being brought here from Hancock county.
   Mrs. Robinson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Kennedy, at Devereaux, at half-past eight o'clock Monday night, the 7th inst., as the result of a stroke of apoplexy.
  Mrs. Robinson before her marriage was Miss Mary Elizabeth Anderson, and was a native of this county. Mr. Robinson died about twenty-five years ago, and left a widow with three little children. Mrs. Anderson was an employee at the State Sanitarium, and left there only a few years ago to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Kennedy.
  she ws a member of the Methodist church in this city, and was a good christian woman, and the fifty-eight years of her life was spent in good works. She was a cousin of Judge E. P. Gibson and Mr. W. H. Roberts of this city.

April 3, 1906
Union Recorder
Mrs. Annie Bateman died at her home in Wilkinson county, Saturday the 24th ult., after a lingering illness. Her remains were laid to rest in Camp Creek cemetery, Sunday, the 25th. We sympathize with the bereaved ones.

July 3, 1906
A SURPRISE MARRIAGE. Mr. Ernest Evans and Miss Mattie Chambers were united in marriage last Sunday morning by and at the home of Rev. Joel T. Daves. The marriage of the popular young couple comes as quiet a surprise to their many friends, ast they did not confide their intention to anyone. The bride lives in the western part of Baldwin, she is a charming and pretty young lady, and is loved by her many friends. Mr. Evans is a native of this county and holds a position at the Sanitarium. Their friends wish them a long and happy life.

July 3, 1906
A NEGRO KILLED.   Adam Hitchcock, Jr., shot and killedWill West, another negro, last Tuesday morning, on the plantation of Mr. J. R. Stanley, in the Southern part of the county. Coroner Scott was notified and held an inquest.
   The row between the negroes was about a woman, and West had threatened Hitchcock, and at the time he was shot was advancing upon the latter.
  The coroner's jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.

June 12, 1906
Miss Pearl Smith and Mr. Adolphus Berry united in marriage Sunday night at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Smith at Midway. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Golden in the presence of relat5ives and friends.
   The bride was beautifully gowned in white silk, and carried a shower boquet of sweet pears tied with tulle.
  The bride has a large circle of friends won by a sweet disposition and charming manner.
   The groom is an employee of the State Sanitarium and is a young man of splendid character.

July 24, 1906
  Mr. Thomas Bloodworth, an old citizen of Baldwin county, died suddenly at home in the southern part of the county, last Thursday morning, at eleven o'clock. He was sitting in a chair on the front porch, and suddenly fell to the floor and expired immediately. His remains were interred in Wilkinson county, Friday. Mr. Bloodworth was about eighty years of age, and is survived by six sons and four daughters.

July 24, 1906
Union Recorder
   Mr. M. N. Bowdoin and Miss Ella Lois Bloodworth both of Midway were united in marriage Sunday afternoon July 15, at the Methodist parsonage, the Rev. Mr. Golden officiating.
  The bride is a pretty and attractive young lady, and by her sweet and amiable disposition, has won the love and confidence of a host of friends.
  Mr. Bowdoin is a young man of rare business intelligence.
   Their man friends wish them a long and happy life. A Friend.

July 31, 1906
Atlanta  Constitution
THEY WERE SHOT WHILE AT SUPPER. Attempt of Negro to Kill George Bloodworth
The Negro Made His Escape From Prison, and Going to the Home of His Prosecutor, Fired, Wounding Bloodworth and His Wife.
Constitution Bureau, 467 Second Street, Macon, Ga., July 30 - (Special) Bent upon getting even with George E. Bloodworth for the part this citizen took in sending George Morris, a negro, about twenty years of age, to the Baldwin county chain gang, the later secured a shotgun last night, after he had escaped from prison, and after slipping up to the house where Mr. and Mrs. Bloodworth were seated at their supper table, near Stevens' Pottery, he took deliberate aim through an opening and fired, the   shot taking effect in the faces of both Mr. and Mrs. Bloodworth. A small son sitting between them at the table was uninjured.
   The lives of the two people were saved only through the fact that the shot were small and scattered. Only a few shots took effect, but both were dangerously wounded.
   In the midst of the excitement the negro threw down his gun and fled. Mr. Bloodworth soon regained himself and gave the alarm. Mrs. Bloodworth and here son were left to the care of neighbors and a searching party started out.
  The woods in the vicinity of Brown's crossing, and all the way to Macon, were scoured with diligence and every effort was made to locate the negro, but thus farm he is out of reach. Fifteen or twenty armed citizens have visited Macon during the day hoping to trace the fugitive here. Officers have been notified and all precautionary steps taken.
  Early this morning, Deputy Tom Jones was said to have seem a negro skulking in the shadows who filled the description, and as all searching parties believe he came here, a thorough search is being made in Macon.
  George Bloodworth, bother of the injured man, was among the searchers, his brother having been too badly injured to make the hunt.
  The wounds of the injured Bloodworths have been attended and are thought to be not necessarily fatal. Mr. Bloodworth may lose an eye, but he and his wife will recover. They realize that they had a very close call and neighbors who learned of the negro's deed, have become greatly wrought up. He would have been lynched without ceremony if he had been captured last night.

August 1, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Little Boy Dies At Anthony Place. James Abner Braswell, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Braswell, died at the residence of his parents at Anthony Place, yesterday morning at 6 o'clock. His body will be taken to Steven's Pottery, Ga., this morning at 11:35 o'clock. The funeral and burial will be held at Union Hill Church there.

August 3, 1906
Atlanta  Constitution
POSSE IS HOT AFTER NEGRO. Lynching of Negro Who Tried to Kill Milledgeville Family Expected
Milledgeville, Ga., August 2. - Joe Morris, the negro youth who recently attempted to assassinate the family of George Bloodworth, a farmer, living a few miles from Macon, is hiding in a swamp near Milledgeville. A posse of men in buggies, on horses and afoot, all armed, surround the swamp. A report of a lynching has reached Milledgeville but is unconfirmed. Bloodworth is in a critical condition from his wounds.

August 10, 1906
MORRIS LODGED IN MACON JAIL. Negro Accused of Shooting Bloodworths Captured After Long Chase.
Constitution Bureau, 467 Second Street, Macon, Ga., August 9 - (Special) After more than a week of wild pursuit of what seemed to more than a dozen officers as direct clues regarding the negro, Joe Morris, who shot George E. Bloodworth and his wife at the supper table at their home at Brown's crossing nearly a month ago, Sheriff Wimberly and Deputy William Everett, of Twiggs county, landed him late last night and came to Macon with him the morning, after both officers and negro had been pursed for several miles by angry people bent on vengeance. Morris is now in a cell in Bibb county awaiting a hearing before the courts of Twiggs.
  Morris denies the heinous crime with which he is charged. He stood, dazed in his dark cell when faced by a newspaper man this morning and was seized with wonder at the specimen of white civilization. He was wild and half-crazed.
  As soon as the report reached the ears of the people that Morris had been captured, large crowds started toward Jeffersonville to get a chance at him. Sheriff Wimberly, fearing the angered people, placed his prisoner on a train and brought him to Macon. Here no trouble is feared.

August 14, 1906
DEATH OF MR. JESSE MORAN. Mr. Jesse W. Moran died at his home in East Baldwin Sunday afternoon.
   Mr. Moran became ill Friday, but it was not thought that his condition was serious. Sunday afternoon he was sitting on the edge of the bed talking, when death came suddenly.
   The funeral services were held at Black Spring church Monday afternoon, and were attended by a large number of neighbors and friends.
    Mr. Moran was a good citizen, honest, and industrious, and was fourty-four years of age. He is survived by his wife and a large family of children. He was a member of the Black Spring church, and was respected by his neighbors.
    The family have the sympathy of a large numbr of friends.

August 21, 1906
 A NEGRO SHOT. Pack Hitchcock Dangerously Shot by Thomas Richardson.
Pack Hitchock was shot and dangerously wounded Sunday afternoon, at Fishing creek church, in the western portion of Baldwin county, by Thomas Richardson.
  It is reported that the negroes disagreed about changing money. Richardson claiming that he did not get the full amount of his money. After exchanging a few words, Richardson pulled his pistol, a 38 Smith and Wesson, and shot Hitchcock. The ball passed through the left side of chest and lung, and was cut out near left side of spine by Dr. J. G. Croley.
  Hitchcock is seriously wounded and it is probable that he will died.
See August 28, 1906

August 28, 1906
Pack Hitchcock Dead.   Pack Hitchcock, the negro who was shot by Thomas Richardson, Sunday, 19th inst., died last Friday.
 An inquest was held by Coroner Scott, and the jury found that Richardson was guilty of murder.

September 7, 1906
Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., Sept. 6 - Phillip Cormani, one of the most popular young farmers of Baldwin County, died this morning. He was manager of a large ginnery at Brown's Crossing. His right arm was cut to pieces in one of the gins yesterday.

September 11, 1906
MARRIED - Mr. Will Augustus Hodges, of Tennille, Ga., and Miss Josie Underwood were united in marriage Sunday afternoon, at the church, in Midway. Rev. J. C. Adams, officiating. The church was decorated in palms, and the ceremony was witnessed ny a large crowd of friends and acquaintances.

September 11, 1906
  Mr. Clark Case and Miss Mattie Sibley, of this city, were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon, at Marietta, Ga.
  Miss Sibley is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.  Sibley, and is an attractive and charming young lady. She is quite popular in this city with a large circle of friends.
  Mr. Case is the only son of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Case, and has recently accepted the position of manager of a drug store in Atlanta. He has a thorough knowledge of the drug business, having devoted several years of study in equipping himself, under his father.
   Miss Sibley and Mr. Case have been sweethearts for several years, but there was paternal objection to their marriage. Miss Sibley went on a visit to friends in Marietta several weeks ago, and Mr. Case left Wednesday morning for that city. In the afternoon, they repair to the Presbyterian Manse, and were quietly married. Mr. and Mrs. Case have the best wishes of many friends for their future happiness.

September 19, 1906
Atlanta  Constitution
Turk-Thornton. A marriage of interest in Atlanta was that ofMiss Florence Turk and Mr. Stephen Thornton, both of Milledgeville, which took place Monday night.
   The news of the marriage was received here with surprise by the large acquaintance of the bride and bridegroom, who had not announced their plans beforehand.
  The bride is a notably handsome young woman, who has always been the recipient of marked admiration and attention during her visits here, when she has usually been the guest of Miss Katherine Wooten, and she is a belle in Milledgeville. Mr Thornton, who is originally from LaGrange, is a brother of Mrs. Ernest Knox and a relative to Mr. Albert Thornton, of Atlanta. He is a man of pronounced personal attraction, and is well known in business as manager of the Milledgeville oil mill.

September 25, 1906
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., Sept. 24 - Mr. Sol Barrett, one of the most popular and prominent citizens, died suddenly of apoplexy in Cases' drug store at 11 o'clock today. Mr. Barrett, seemed in his usual health this morning and had taken an early drive into the country. He leaves a wife, three sons and four daughters.
  Mr. Barrett was originally from Charleston, S.C., where he has several relatives. He was well known in the cotton business throughout the South.

October 2, 1906
A NEGRO KILLED BY ANOTHER. Fraley Thomas Shoots Wm. McAlister Through the Heart.
Wm. McAlister was shot and killed by Fraley Thomas last Wednesday night in the western part of the city.
  The shooting occurred at the home of Hattie Duval and was witnessed by two or three other negroes.
  McAlister and two other negroes were at the Duval woman's house, when Thomas came in. It was evident that he had blood in his eyes, and one of the negroes told him that he looked like he was mad about something. Thomas replied that he was mad, as he was getting tired of some of the "n___s" taklking about him, and applied an epithet to the negro referred to. McAlister asked Thomas if he meant him, and the latter replied, you heard what I said McAlister and I won't take that and stepped towards Thomas, who was sitting on a trunk. Thomas jumped up, jerked a pistol from his poker, and placing it close to McAlister fired. The ball passed through his heart, and as he exclaimed "you have killed me," fell dead.
  Thomas then left, coolly stepping over McAlister's body. After getting out on the sidewalk, he fired his pistol twice at Berry Brown, both shots going wild, and made his escape.
  These are practically the facts as they were brought out at an inquest held by Coroner Scott Thursday morning. The jury found that the killing was murder.
  The Coroner's jury was composed of Judge E. P. Gibson, foreman; Drs. J. G. Croley and O. F. Moran, Messrs. J. H. Lawrnce, E. L. Barnes and W. A. Mathis.
  McAlister has been porter at Mr. E. L. Barnes's grocery store for several years, and was faithful in the discharge of his duties. When he was killed he did not have a weapon.
See October 28, 1906

October 28, 1906
FRALEY THOMAS CAPTURED. Caught in Tampa, Fla., This Morning.
  Fraley Thomas, the negro who shot and killed Wm. McAlister in this city several weeks ago, has been captured at Tampa, Fla.
  A telegram was received by Chief of Police Lawrence to this effect shortly after nooon to-day. Thomas will be brought back here within the next few days. Policeman Lawrence will go to Tampa for him Wednesday morning.

October 23, 1906
Mrs. Ellen Woodall, mother of Mrs. W. R. Cook and sister of Mrs. P. W. Brown, died at her home in Macon last Tuesday. Preparations were made to bring her remains to this city for burial, but it was later decided to inter them in Macon. The grief stricken ones have the sympathy of many friends in this city.

November 6, 1906
  Mr. Thomas A. J. Moran died at his home in East Baldwin last Friday night, afer a long illness.
  The funeral services were conducted Sunday morning by Rev. Lamar Sims and the remains were interred in the family burying grounds.
  Mr. Moran was a native of this county, and was reared near the place where he died. He was a Confederate soldier, and his comrades say of him that he never shirked a duty or dodged a danger. He always attended Memorial exercises in this city, and would bring with him the canteen he carried through the war.
  One by one the old veterans are dying, and soon they will have all passed away, and their going will removed from the world brave men, who fought for a just cause.
  The family and relatives of the deceased have the sympathy of many friends.

November 20, 1906
DEVEREAUX FIGHTS OFFICERS. Delayed His Execution For Two Hours by Defying Sheriff With Bottles and Locks.
  Mims Devereaux was hanged at the County jail last Friday afternoon under the most stirring and exciting circumstances.
  For two hours he prevented the carrying out of the death sentence by fighting desperately and with the fury of a wild animal, keeping at bay sheriff Prosser and his assistants.
  The attorneys appointed by the Court to defend Devereaux had exhausted every legal effort to save him, and on last Friday morning the news reached the city that the Prison Commission had again refused to interfere, and the law must take its course.
  A few minutes after one o'clock Sheriff Prosser entered the jail, accompanied by Drs. O. F. Moran and Wm. Ellison, and others. He unlocked the door leading into the corridor dividing the steel cages, and going to the center cage on the left he called to Devereaux to come out. As he stood in the door for a second, a bucket of water was dashed back into his face. He stepped back just in time to prevent being struck by the bucket and a bottle, which followed in rapid succession. Sheriff Prosser was surprised at the turn affairs had taken, as Devereaux had been, especially for a few days previous, unusually quiet and apparently indifferent to the fate that awaited him.,
 The negro followed his first attack by throwing another bottle at the sheriff which forced him either to leave the corridor or to shoot the negro, and he chose the former. Devereaux made no effort to follow, but remained near the door of the cage. He was in possession of the cage and corridor, and was enabled to get hold of two large locks, on taken from the door of the cage in which he was confined, and the other from the door of a cage which was unoccupied. With these two instruments to augment the soda water bottles he had, he was indeed a dangerous man to handle.
  Sheriff Prosser and the men with him realized that they had a most difficult proposition to handle, and began to devise ways and means to capture the negro. In the meantime the negro had cut his throat with a piece of glass, and continuously struck his head with great force against the steel bars of his cage. Whenever anyone stood for a moment in the corridor door he would let fly a bottle with terrific force. he shattering glass would make it dangerous for those standing near.
  Finally it was decided to use the city water works, and see if he could not be subdued in this way. The hose and nozzle of the city fire department was secured and the water turned on. The cell was dark and it was almost impossible to locate the man, and a lantern was lighted and held over the cage for a moment, then a bottle thrown with force broke it. The water proved useless, as it could not be thrown so as to strike. Devereaux with force, as he would move out of its reach.
  The method was finally abandoned, and other methods determined upon, one of which was to secure grapling hooks and use them, but before they could be brought to the jail, the negro was captured.
  Mr.  John A. Burton, who is a trained and experienced athlete, stood in the doorway of the corridor, and would make a feint as if he was going to leap towards the negro, Devereaux let fly a bottle and lost, which Mr. Burton dodged. The two men stood watching each other with a determined eye, one waiting for the least opportunity, the other determined that the opportunity should not be given. In the meantime some one from the top of the cage let down a rope, which dangled near Devereaux. He raised his left hand to brush it aside. In a moment, Mr. Burton with a leap was at him. The lock was thrown with force, but with an experienced eye, Mr. Burton saw it, ducked his head, and was upon the negro. Messrs. Jim Ennis and Brad Echols followed closely after Mr. Burton, and the three men soon had him overpowered. His feet and hands were tied and he was placed upon the trap door. He asked to pray, and when the request was granted, asked the Lord to have mercy upon him. A few seconds afterwards the trap door was sprung. Devereaux's neck was broken, and in two minutes he was pronounced to be dead.
    There were none of Devereaux's relatives present to claim his remains, so they were turned over to Mr. W. S. Scott, who had them placed in a coffin and buried them in the cemetery.
  While the struggle was going on in the jail, a large crowd gathered on the outside, and awaited with intense interest the final outcome. There was, however, no great amount of excitement.

November 21, 1906
The Macon Daily Telegraph
J. M. Edwards, who died at the Piedmont Sanitarium in Atlanta Monday, passed through Macon yesterday en route to Milledgeville, where the funeral will take place this morning. The deceased was taken to Atlanta some days ago to undergo a trying operation and it is understood died before the operation was performed.
  Mr. Edwards was 67 years of age, and leaves two sons, Messrs. Hines and William, and  a daughter, Miss Bessie Edwards.
  He was for many years Sheriff of Baldwin County, and was one of the best known men in Middle Georgia. The funeral this morning will be under the auspices of the Knights Templar, of which order the deceased was a prominent member.


January 8, 1907
A Little Negro Shot
    On the Whitaker place, in East Baldwin last Thursday Oscar Dolphus, Paralee Dolphus and Crawford Trawick were playing, when the Dolphus children climbed up into two small trees. Trawick had a gun, and called to them to come down or he would shoot them. The girl got out of the tree and ran off, but the boy failed to obey the command. The Trawick boy pulled the trigger, and the shot hit Dolphus killing him. The boy was buried without the matter being reported to the officials. Coroner Scott heard of the affair, however, and went out Sunday and held an inquest. He decided to bring the Trawick boy to jail. All of them were nothing but children, the boy that did the killing being about ten or eleven years of age.

January 13, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga.    One of the prettiest of home weddings was that of MissAlma Echols to Mr. Cleveland Cooper, which occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs F. A. Echols, of Steven's Pottery, on Tuesday morning, of last week. The bride wore a traveling suit of blue cloth, and the couple left for Atlanta immediately after the ceremony, for a stay of a few days. After a week they will be at home at Coopers, Ga.

January 13, 1907
Macon Daily Telegraph
DEATH OF MRS. BRIDGES OF MILLEDGEVILLE. Milledgeville Ga. Jan. 12 - Mrs.Maggie O'Quinn Bridges, wife of Mr. M. C. Bridges, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. O'Quinn in this city yesterday afternoon after an illness of several weeks. The funeral services will be held at the Baptist Church this morning at 11:30 o'clock by Rev. Lamar Smith, her pastor.

  Mrs. Bridges was a lovely Christian character, and a young woman with a host of friends, who will miss her from their midst.

January 15, 1907
  Capt. K. R. Foster, of Milledgeville, and Mrs. Laura A. Earnest, were united in marriage last Thursday afternoon at the home of the bride, in Macon, Rev. Ford McRee officiating.
  Capt. Foster, is one of the city's leading business men and is a gentleman of intergrity and character.
  The lady he has won for his bride is attractive, and is endowed with those traits of character, which adorn the home.
  Capt. and Mrs. Foster arrived in the city Thursday afternoon, and are at home on South Jefferson street.

March 5, 1907
DEATH OF MR. W. R. IVEY. He Passed Away at His Home in West Baldwin Saturday Morning.
     Mr. William R. Ivey died at his home in West Baldwin last Saturday morning, after an illness of seventeen days with typhoid fever.
    Mr. Ivey's death caused profound sorrow throughout the section of the county in which he was reared and the news of his death was heard with deep regret by his many friends in Milledgeville.
     The funeral services were held Sunday morning at Salem church. Rev. M T. Rice officiating. Mr. Ivey was a member of the Lodge of Odd Fellows in this city, and a large number of his brethen went out to pay the last tribute of respect and inter his remains with the services of their order. The people who attended the services numbered about five hundred, and ws probably one of the largest crowds that ever attended a funeral service in the county.
     Mr. Ivey was a son of Mr. C. A. Ivey, and would have been  twenty-nine years of age nxt June. He was a young man of exemplary habits, and was held in the  highest esteem by all who knew him. He was a deacon in the Salem  church, and Superintendent of the Sunday School, and his life was consistent with his profession.  He was industrious and honest, and had  entered upon the new year, with the brightest prospects for success, having made all preparations for his farm. He was faithful in the discharge of every duty as a husban,d, as a father, as a son and as a citizen. He is survived by his wife and three children, father and mother and several brothers and  sisters, and a number of relatives, who have the deepest sympathy of their friends.

March 15, 1907
Macon Daily Telegraph
J. M. Huff Died At City Hospital. J. M. Huff, aged 43 years, died at 7 o'clock last night at the hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis several days ago.
  He was a prosperous farmer of Baldwin County and leaves a wife and several children who reside at Brown's Crossing.
  The remains will be taken to his home this morning at 8:40 o'clock over the Georgia Railroad, for funeral and interment.

April 14, 1907
Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga, April 13 -Robert Ivey, one of Baldwin's most popular young men, died last night after a long illness of typhoid fever. He was a member of the firm of Chandler & Ivey, of Brown's Crossing, Ga. and a son of Hon. Cleopus Ivey, who is one of the most substantial citizens of our county. Every one who knew Bob loved him. All our people regret his death.

April 30, 1907
Meeting of Camp Doles. Committee on Memorial - reported the following as having died since last Memorial Day, and ask that they be placed on the minutes, viz:
  John Martin Edwards, Company H, 56th Georgia regiment, died in Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 20, 1906. Buried in the city cemetery, Milledgeville, Ga.
  Wm. L. Bethune, 15th Lousiana Regiment, died in Milledgeville, Ga., January 4, 1907. Buried in Milledgeville cemetery.
  Seaborn B. Hutchins, Company A, 25th Georgia Regiment, died in Macon, Ga., January 18th, 1907. Buried in the cemetery at Cooperville, Ga.
  Samuel Russell, Company H., 57th Georgia Regiment, died February 24, 1907, in Baldwin county Georgia. Buried at Black Springs church.
  John Champion, Company F, 9th Georgia Regiment, died in Baldwin county, Georgia, and buried at Black Springs church in said county.
  P. W. Hemphill, Company H, First Georgia Regulars, died ______ and was buried at Milledgeville, Ga.
  John G. Thomas, 1st Florida Regiment, died November 9, 1906 and was buried in Milledgeville, Ga., cemetry.
  Oliver T. White, Company A., Phillips, Ga. Legion, died October 26, 1906 and buried in Milledgeville cemetery.
  J. E. Jackson, Company I, 59th Georgia Regiment, died in Baldwin County.

May 9, 1907
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Alford - Little.   Milledgeville, Ga., May 8 - A wedding of unusual interest and beauty was that of Miss Louise Marie Little to Mr. Roy Stephens Alford, which was solemnized last evening at seven o'clock at the Methodist Church in this city.
  The church was beautiful with its decorations of smilax, palms and Easter lilies. The choir loft was banked with palms and at each entrance into the chancel rail, were banks of Easter lilies lighted by tall chandelbrae holding five white tapers on each. In the center  of the pulpit was a beautiful arch of smilax and lilies and the chancel rail was entwined with smilax an on it was placed a hundred candles.
  Miss Lillian Ryder and Mr. Isham W. Richardson sang "O Moment that I Bless," by Denee, after which the bridal party entered while the choir accompanied by Mrs. I. W. Richardson, softly sang the wedding son, "I for You and You for Me," set to Mendelsshon's  "Spring Song."  The ushers, Messrs. John Conn and Steve Thornton, came first followed by Misses Maybelle Moore and Callie Cook. Messrs. Thomas Callaway and Charlie Conn, Misses Elizabeth Graves and Agnes Orgain, Messrs. Carl Vinson and Brittain Edwards, Misses Rebecca Little and May Alford and Messrs. Archie McKinley and James Moore. The bride and her maid of honor, Miss Emily Graves, were met at the chancel by Mr. Roy Alford and his brother, Mr. Paul Alford. The bride wore an exquisite gown of French duchess satin .......princess, entrained, and trimmed in rose point lace. She carried a beautiful shower bouquet of white sweet peas and fern. Miss Emily Graves gown was of pink alga crepe and her bouquet was of pink sweet peas. The bride maids wore lovely white lingerie dresses and carried bouquets of rose pink sweet peas. The ceremony was performed in an impressive manner in the soft candle light by Rev. Ford McRee. The bride and groom kneeling under the arch of lilies with their attendants grouped about them made a beautiful picture long to be remember by their many friends. After the wedding a reception was given them at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Featherstone Little, only the bridal party and a few intimate friends being present.
  The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Alford and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Alford, Miss May Alford and Miss Louise Turner, of Eatonton; Mr. Paul Alford, of Atlanta; Master R. Graves, Miss Marion Graves, Master Douglas Graves, Mr. and Mrs. H. I Orgain, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomas, Mrs. Lizzie Buckner Little, Miss Frances Little, Mr. Frank Orgain, Hon. John D. Little, Mr. E. B. Culver, Mrs. Thomas Reese, of Eatonton, Mrs. Porter W. Carswell, of Waynesboro.

June 2, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
   Invitations have been received to a reception to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Lu Manley on next Tuesday evening to meet Mrs. B. B. Brown. Miss Webb's marriage to Mr. Brown occurs Tuesday morning at Stevens Pottery and Mr. and Mrs. Brown will reach Griffin that afternoon.

June 15, 1907
The Macon Daily Telegraph
  Milledgeville, Ga., June 15. A heavy wind storm happened in Baldwin County yesterday afternoon. No very serious damage was done. Several negro cabins were blown down, but no one was hurt seriously. On the plantation of B. B. Adams, Sr., two negroes were making for home, when both of  them were blown clear off of their mules and one of them fell in a big gulley and was badly bunged up enough so to send for a doctor.

July 9, 1907
Union Recorder
  MissChester Lugan and Mr. H. D. Johnson were united in marriage Monday evening, at eight o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Lugan, in this city. The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. Lamar Sims in the presence of a few invited guests.
  The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Lugan, and has many friends in this city. Mr. Johnson came to this city a year or more ago from Live Oak, Fla., to attend the American Commercial and Telegraph College. He now holds a splendid position with the A. B. & A. Railroad at Coolidge, Ga.
  The Union Recorder joins in wishing the young couple a life of happiness.

July 16, 1907
  Sheriff Terry received a letter a few days since from the chief of police of Montgomery, Ala., which stated that he had under arrest in that city Adolphus Waller, a negro, who was wanted in this city for the murder of a negro by the name of Dink Calhoun, in 1902. Sheriff Terry in reply to a letter, he wrote, has been informed that Waller was held in Montgomery on a charge of assault with intent to murder, and has decided to let the authorities there deal with him first.

August 13, 1907
Union  Recorder
~ecerpt~ In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Buford Richardson.     The subject of this sketch was born near Sumter, South Carolina, March 27, 1837. Her parents were Rev. John S. and Sophia H. Richardson. Her mother dying before she was three years old, she was reared in the home of her grandmother, for whom she was named.
   December 21, 1859, she became the wife of Dr. John T. Gaddy, who died May 20, 1862. They had one child, Sophia Elizabeth, who survived her father only a few months. So the young wife and mother was doubly bereaved.
   From this time, until 1893 she resided  alternately in South Carolia and Georgia. November 8, 1893, she married a cousin, Maj. John M. Richardson, of Daingerfield, Texas. Texas then becamer her home until the death of Maj. Richardson, which occured February 4, 1898. After his death she returned to Georgia and her home was in Milledgeville until she went to her heavenly home.
............she prepared  a history of her family from the material she had been collecting all these years. This she had published in 1906......Although she had been in ill health for about a year, the end came rather suddenly, June 10, 1907...
   Her body was laid to rest, by the side of her first husband and their child in the cemetery at Sumter, South Carolina. S.

August 20, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
Well Known Georgia Dies at Tate Springs From Pneumonia
Tate Spring, Tenn., August 19 - (Special) - Dr. T. O. Powell, superintendent of the Georgia sanitarium, died here last night from pneumonia. His wife, his daughter, Mrs. Julia Webb; his brother-in-law, John Conn, and Dr. H. M. Lamar were at his bedside when the end came.
     The remains were removed to Milledgeville today, where the funeral will occur.
     Dr. Powell had been in poor health for about a year, and when attacked with pneumonia shortly after his arrival at Tate Spring-had not the strength to combat the disease.
  Story of His Live.
    Dr. Theophilus O. Powell was born in Brunswick county, Virginia, in 1837. He was not more than 6 or 7 years of age when his parents removed to Georgia, settling in Hancock county. In this historic county young Powell received his education under that capable and distinguished educator, Richard Malcom Johnson. After studying medicine privately, young Powell attended lectures at the Georgia Medical college, Augusta, from which he was graduated in 1859.
    Soon after graduation, he located in Sparta, where he at once won recognition by his skill and ability. At the commencement of the civil war Dr. Powell at once enlisted as a private in the Forty-ninth Georgia regiment, in which he rendered faithful and devoted service until August, 1862, when he accepted an appointment as first assistant physician of what was then known as the Georgia State Insane asylum, now known as the state sanitarium.
  Record in Civil War.
    While in the Confederate army Dr. Powell was in all the battles around Richmond, besides many skirmishes.
    Having rendered most successful served as assistant physician, after the death of Dr. Thomas F. Green, superintendent, in 1879, Dr. Powell was elected as his successor, a position he has held ever since with increasing efficiency and honor to himself and for the best interest of the treat number of the state's unfortunates. His singular fidelity, his executive ability, his love for the patients under his charge, his innate nobility and piety are beyond all praise.
   In 1886, in compliance with a joint resolution of the house and senate, Dr. Powell rendered an exhaustive report on his investigations into the increase in insanity in this state and the most important factors in its causations. The report reflected distinct credit on his erudition, his profound study and his wide and patient research. This report at once added to his wide reputation as an allenist of note, and he was quoted the authority in all the great councils of physicians on diseases of the mind.
  President of Medical Society
   Dr. Powell has been a member of the State Medical Society for many years, and served as its president in 1887. He was also a member of the American Medico-Psychological Association and the National Medico-Legal Society, the former of which he had served as president. He was also a Free and Accepted Mason, being a member of Benevolent lodge No. 3, Milledgeville, Ga. He was a Knight Templar, a sir knight of Plantagenet commandery, Milledgeville. For years he had been a most faithful member and steward  of the Methodist church of Milledgeville. In the Methodist circles thought out the state he is known and honored as a humble Christian and a sagacious counselor. he has ever held the esteem and love of the officers and physicians of the  state sanitarium, who realized that he was not only a superintendent in name, but in fact. Dr. Powell was married in 1850 to Miss Frances, daughter of Edward Birdsong, of Hancock county, a union blessed with two children-wife of P.A. West, of  Hancock county, a union blessed with two children-wife of P.A. West, of Baldwin county, and Harriet, deceased wife of John Conn, of Milledgeville.

September 17, 1907
Union Recorder
A Surprise Marriage. Mr. Watt Evans and Miss Bertha Chambers were united in marriage Aug. 17th. The marriage of the attractive young couple comes as quiet a surprise to their many friends as they didn't tell any one until September 15th. The bride lives in the western part of Baldwin. She is a sweet and popular young lady. Mr. Evans is a honest and upright young man.
   Their many friends wish them a happy and successful life.

November 3, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
Head of the Oldest Business House in Milledgeville
Milledgeville, Ga, November 2 (Special) Captain Jacob Caraker died this evening of acute indigestion. Captain Caraker, with his brother, William, under the firm name of W. and J. Caraker, constituted the oldest business house in this city for about fifty years.
  Captain Caraker was captain of the Baldwin Blues when that company entered the confederate army.

November 26, 1907
   Miss Julia Osborne died at the home of her nephew, Mr. S. L. Osborne, Tuesday night, Nov. 12th, of what was thought to be paralysis. She was laid to rest in Camp Creek cemetery.

November 26, 1907
   The funeral services of Mrs. E. P. Lugand, who died Tuesday afternoon, were held at the Baptist church Thursday afternoon, Rev. D. W. Brannen, in the absence of Rev. Lamar Sims, officiating. The remains were interred in the city cemetery. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. M. S. Bell, C. E. Greene, Louis Flemister, J. J. Wooten, Jr., and T. H. Caraker.
  Mrs Lugand was born in Rockhill, S. C., and was fifty-three years age, a few days before her death. She was a member of the Baptist church, and was a true christian. She is survived by her husband and three children. The have the sympathy of many friends.

November 30, 1907
Atlanta Constitution
ESCAPED FROM SANITARIUM. He Left Milledgeville Three Days Ago and Walked to Macon - Indications Point to Belief That He Died From Exposure. Brown House, Macon, Ga., November 29 (Special)George C. Evans, member of a prominent Milledgeville family, was found dead this morning in the rear of the Atlantic Compress buildings. His body was lying in a pool of water, and it is not known whether the young man drowned while he was groping around in the darkness or whether he died several hours before the water settled around him from the recent rains. The indications were that death had ensued 24 hours before the body was discovered.
    The body was some distance from a coat and vest which Evans had apparently pulled off and laid aside. There were signs of his having clambered about the sides of an embankment as if he had made efforts to reach the top. Considerable signs around the place seemed to reveal that he groped around until he finally became exhausted and expired where he lay, when he was no longer able to move. While the weather was not severe, the appearances would led one to believe the man died from exposure.
   Three days ago he escaped from a private sanitarium in Milledgeville and had walked to Macon. He was well dressed and there were no masks of violence. The remains were taken up and an inquest held. He was a son of the late Samuel Evans, a prominent banker, and is survived by one brother and his mother. The remains will be sent back home for the funeral and interment.

December 1, 1907
The Augusta Chronicle
MR. GEO. C. EVANS. VERY SAD DEATH. Funeral Will Occur This Morning - One of the Finest and Best Young Men In Georgia. Special To The Chronicle
Milledgeville, Ga. Nov. 30 Mr. Geo. C. Evans, youngest son of the late Sam Evans, who was one of the wealthiest and most prominent bankers in Middle Georgia, was found dead in Macon yesterday morning in a small lagoon near the Atlantic compress. Employees of the compress found his body about 8 o'clock in the morning and notified Coroner Young. The verdict of the jury was that he died of exposure.
   He had gone to Macon to witness the Thanksgiving football game. The last seen of him by his friends was at the Hotel Lanier about nine o'clock the night before. How he came to be where he was is a mystery to his people and friends.
   Mr. Evans was about 20 years old and was probably the best known and popular young man in our city.
   His remains were brought to the city yesterday afternoon and the funeral will be from the residence Sunday morning. The following gentleman will act as pall-bearers: Hon. Jno Conn, R. C. Robson, G.C. McKinley, Lieut. Milliard Little, L.C. Hall and John T. Day.
   This is an unusually sad death and cast a gloom over our whole city.
   Mr. Evans leaves considerable property, estimated at about one hundred thousand dollars. His immediate relatives are his mother Mrs. Sam Evans, Sr., his three sisters Mrs. Alice McGraw, Mrs. Ada Austin, Mrs. Bessie Hirsch and one brother Sam Evans, Jr.
   One of the saddest features of his death is his engagement to one of the most beautiful girls in Georgia. They were waiting till he reached his majority to be married.
   Young, handsome, kind, and generous, his loss will long be felt by this community.

December 7, 1907
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Miss Annie Louise Hall and Mr. Robert H. McComb were united in marriage last Wednesday evening, at eight o'clock, at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wooten....The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. D. W. Brannen in the presence of relatives and a few invited guests. ...Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. McComb left for a visit to Chattanooga and Atlanta.
   The brides is the only daughter of the late Col. and Mrs. Wm. Hall... Mr. McComb is the only som of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McComb..they will make their home at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McComb.

January 12, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga. Jan. 11. The said death of Mrs. Andrew Edwards, which occurred in Atlanta at Elkins and Goldsmith's private Sanitarium Thursday, cast a deep gloom over the many relatives and friends here.
  Mrs. Edwards was before her marriage nearly two years ago, a Miss Nelle West, an attractive young woman of Cedartown, daughter of Col. and Mrs. W. J. West. Mrs Edwards leaves a husband, Mr. Andrew Edwards, one of Milledgeville's most foremost young business men, her parents, several sisters and brothers, a sister Mrs. George Edwards, resides here. Mrs. Edwards remains were interred in Cedartown on Friday.
   Miss Sallie Whitaker of this city, died Thursday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Hardeman, at Haddock, Ga. Her remains were brought to this city yesterday morning and interred in the city cemetery.
  Mr. Charles T. Whelan, age 53 years, died suddenly on Thursday evening at 7 p.m. of heart failure. He had been ill for several days, but remarked a few minutes before death came that he was feeling better. Mr. Wheelan leaves one child, Miss Maggie Whelan. The funeral services were held at the Catholic Church. Rev. Father Hamilton conducting them.
    Mr. C. A. Jones died here this week after a illness of many months with locomotor ataxia. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his death. His remains were interred in the city cemetery.

January 12, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga. Jan. 18 - Mrs. Annie Chambers Farmer, wife of Mr. J. I. Farmer, died Tuesday morning at her home in this city at 2 o'clock after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Farmer is survived by her parents Mr. and Mrs. William Chambers, of this city, four sisters, Misses Frances, Mattie, Emma and Bertha Chambers, and her brothers, Messrs. Jim, William, Thomas and Rembeaut. Her remains will be interred today at 11 o'clock in the Hopewell cemetery.
   Mr. W. H. Mathis died at his home here at three o'clock Monday afternoon after an illness of several months. Mr. Mathis was quiete an elderly man and served his country well in the Confederate army. Mr. Mathis left a wife and five chilldren to mourn his death. His remains were interred in the city cemetery.

February 2, 1908
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga. Feb. 22  -Ford, the nineteen-months-old son of Rev. and Mrs. Ford McRee, who died Monday night after and illness of three weeks, was buried this morning in the city cemetery at 10 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Walton, of Augusta, performed the services in a very sweet and beautiful way. The pallbearers were the stewards of the church, and the choir sang several beautiful songs. Mrs. McRee's father and sister, Mr. Latimer, and Miss Latimer of Woodstock, and Mr. McRee's mother, Mrs. Hutchings, were called here by the death of Ford.
   Mr. William R. Ennis, one of Baldwin's oldest and most highly respected citizens, was buried here yesterday. Mr. Ennis' wife and only daughter preceded him to the grave a number of years ago and he leaves one grandson, Mr. Charlie Tyler, of Texas.
    Mr. J. S. Laramoreand MissRosebud Armstrong were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Armstrong. Rev. Lamar Sims performed the ceremony. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Laramore left for Thomson, where they will visit relatives before returning to the city.

February 16, 1908
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Death of Miss Alta King
Milledgeville, Feb. 16. Miss Alta King, daughter of Mr. J. B. King, of the Black Springs district, died suddenly yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Willie Moore. Miss King was talking to several persons and she coughed, and immediately she had a hemorrhage from a broken blood vessel, from which she died before a doctor could be gotten. Miss King lived in Milledgeville with her sister, Mrs. Culpepper, who was prostrated with grief when she found her sister dead. Miss King leaves two brothers and four sisters, her mother died about nine years ago. One of her brothers is very ill in Milledgeville with pleurisy and the family is apprehensive of his condition.
(Note. Alta and Lonnie Babb had applied for a marriage license; she died before they married.)

February 28, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 27 - Mr. Theodore M. Conn died at five o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the home of his parents Capt. and Mrs. W. S. Conn, after a lingering illness. He was a prominent young man and his untimely death has cast a gloom over the entire community. He was a member of the Methodist Church and the Knights of Pythias. He was buried this afternoon at four o'clock in the city cemetery. The large concourse of friends attending showed his popularity.

March 11, 1908
The Augusta Chronicle
Extensive mines of pure kaolin. The Stevens Pottery, up the Georgia, near Milledgeville is the finest deposit of clay in the world.

March 13, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., March 12 - Mrs. Wallace Butts died at her home in this city yesterday afternoon after an illness of a year. Recently she was operated on at Dr. Rawlins' sanitarium at Sandersville, but her condition grew worse until her death. Mrs. Butts was a Miss Annie Lou Hutchin(g)s of this county, she leaves a devoted husband, one son of three years, her parents and two brothers. Her remains will be interred at the Black Springs cemetery, six miles from the city. (Note - she is buried at Butts-Thomas Cemetery.)
  Miss Mary E. Hopkins died this morning after an illness of several weeks with la grippe, which developed into pneumonia. Miss Hopkins came to Milledgeville years ago from the North, and was one of the eldest women in the city. Miss Hopkins had many friends who regret her death and will hold her in loving memory for her many kind and Christian acts.

March 24, 1908
Mrs. Catherine Gilman, 81 years old, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Alonzo Simpson in Midway, Wednesday night at ten o'clock. The funeral services were conducted by Father Hamilton at Sacred Heart Church Thursday morning at ten o'clock. The interment was at the Milledgeville Cemetery.

April 8, 1908
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga. April 7.
  The remains of Mr.Samuel S. Tennent, who died yesterday morning at his home in this city, after an illness of two weeks, were interred this morning in the City cemetery with Masonic honors. Rev. J. J. Lanier, of Washington, Ga., officiating. Mr. Tennent was 57 years of age, and was born in Charleston, S.C., but spent the great part of his life in Asheville, N.C. He has been a prominent secret order man, a leading Mason, for years a member of these different lodges: Mount Hermon Lodge, No. 118, Asheville, N.C.; Cyrene Lodge No. 5, Ashville; Pisgah Lodge, K. of P., No. 32, Asheville; Royal Arcanum, Asheville; Oasis Temple, Mystic, Shriners, Charlotte; Woodmen of the World, Ashville; Milledgeville Lodge Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, 774, Milledgeville. Mr. Tennent was for 25 years traveling agent for the Lucas Paint Company of Philadelphia, and had hundreds of friends who will learn of his death with sadness. He leaves a wife and three children, Miss Anne Tennent of Tifton and Master Gilbert and little MissEmma Tracey Tennent. His sister, Mrs Stewart Leech, of Minnesota, and Mr. Edward Tennent, of South Carolina, have been with the family for ten days.

May 5, 1908
WOMAN KILLS HUSBAND, After Being Severely Beaten She Uses Shot Gun.
Jimmie Myrick, a negro residing on Mr. John Stiles place, in the northern part of the county, was shot and killed by his wife Essie, Sunday morning at eleven o'clock.
  The man beat the woman with sticks and bricks. She finally secured a gun and shot him, killing him instantly. Coroner Scott was notified and held an inquest. The jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.

May 17, 1908
Atlanta Constitution
FATHER AND SON IN BLOODY DUEL. Williard Brewer, Near Milledgeville, Killed by Father. Father Was Also Wounded. Dan Brewer and His Son Had Quarrel Over Family Matters, Which Resulted in a Tragic Encounter- Son Was Shot From Horseback.
Milledgeville, Ga., May 16 (Special) Williard Brewer, a young man about 21, was shot and killed this morning about six miles below this city, in Baldwin county, by his father, Dan Brewer, a man of about 68. The shooting was the result of a quarrel between father and son over some family matters.
   The son, it seems, protested against his father's treatment of the family and used some harsh language to his father last night. The quarrel was renewed this morning, the father, it is said, waiting for his son in a lane near the house, armed with a double-barreled shotgun. Young Brewer came that way going to the field to plow, riding his horse. The father renewed the quarrel, threatening the young man, it is alleged, for the language he had used to him the night before, finally leveling his gun and firing striking young Brewer from his waist to chin.
    About the same time the young man commenced firing with his pistol as he fell, shooting four times, one shot making a flesh wound in his father's ? which was not serious enough to prevent his being lodged in jail.  The young man did not speak after the shot, and died in a few moments after falling from his horse. The father was prevented from again firing by the only eye-witness, his son-in-law. The verdict of the coroner's jury was murder.

Note: Williard Brewer is buried in Matilda Chapel Cemetery in Stevens Pottery.  Dan Brewer, received 5 years for manslaughter and was released Dec. 14, 1912.
Dan Brewer, a native of Wilkinson County, was in the 3rd Georgia Infantry. His  pension is filed in Baldwin County.  He died in Dublin, at his daughter's Cora Carmanni.  in 1920 and is buried at New Bethel Baptist Church.

March 15, 1908
Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., March 14. Mr. William Vaughn died at his home near the sanitarium after a few days illness of pneumonia.
He leaves a wife and two children, Miss Alice Vaughn, of Atlanta, and Mr. Fred Vaughn, of this city. Mr. Vaughn was an
honest man, a good friend and much respected by a large number of people. His remains were interred in the cemetery at
Gordon, Ga., Thursday afternoon.

May 31, 1908
Union Recorder
  Mr. C. A. Ivey, of this county and Miss Henrietta Joiner, of Butler,  were united in marriage Tuesday, the 17th of March. The marriage was a surprise to the relatives of the bride. Mr. Ivey is one of the most substantial citizens and farmers of Baldwin. The young lady he has won for his bride is pretty and attractive. The Union Recorder joins his friends in wishing them much happiness.

June 6, 1908
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ In Memory of Mr. Wm. Vinson. The angel of death entered the home of Mr. C. B. Scott, Monday evening, May the twenty-fifth, and bore away the spirit of our loved grandfather. Mr. William Vinson.
  He was born the 28th day of April, 1836, in Hancock county. WHen a young man he was married to Miss Julia Beall, a beautiful and an acomplished young lady, of Talbotton, Ga. They lived together for twelve happy years when Gods saw fit to call her home...he ever carried her memory with him, remaining true to her for thirty-six years.
  After the marriage of his eldest daughter, Mrs. Scott, he made his home with her...
  He leaves two daughters, Mrs. C. B. Scott and Mrs. Dr. King both of this place, Mr. Thomas Vinson, of Cochran, the only son, nine grand children, two brothers, two sisters, relatives and a ost of friends to strive to meet him in heaven. A GRANDDAUGHTER. May 27, 1908.

June 16, 1908
Union Recorder
  Mr. Charles H. Whitfield andMiss Marie Whitaker were united in marriage last Thursday evening, in Atlanta, where Miss Whitaker was visiting her sister,
Mrs. A. H. Marchant.
  The ceremony was performed in the study of Dr. J. W. Lee, pastor of Trinity church and was a surprise to their many friends and acquaintances in this city.
   Mr. Whitfield is manager of the Whitfield Grocery Co., and is one of Milledgeville's most prominent young business men. He is the second son of the late Hon. Robert Whitfield, and is an industrious and capable young man. He is held in the highest confidence and esteem by his fellow citizens.
   The bride is the youngest daughter of Dr. James M. Whitaker, first assistant physician at the State Sanitarium, and is an accomplished and attractive young lady. She is quite popular with a large circle of friends, who love and admire her on account of her charming personality.
   Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield arrived in the city Saturday afternoon, and are home to their many friends at the residence of Mrs. A. B. Scott, No. 201 North Jefferson street.

June 16, 1908
Union Recorder
Mr. Luther Medlin died at his home in Midway last Wednesday night, after an illness of several weeks. He was an employee of the State Sanitarium and was an industrious and worthy young man. He had a large circle of acquaintances, and many friends. His remains were buried at Black Spring cemetery. He is survived by his wife, parents and a number of relatives.

July 21, 1908
A NEGRO KILLED. Cleveland Traywick Shot Lewis Moss Saturday.
  Cleveland Traywick shot and killed Lewis Moss on the Latimer place, now owned by Mr. E. M. Ennis, in East Baldwin, last Saturday afternoon.
  The negroes had gathered at a barbecue dinner, and Traywick bought 40 cts. worth of the meat. He, however, refused to pay the amount, and was made to go out of the house. He was flourishing his pistol. He met Moss in the yard and the latter said something to him about the amount he owed. Traywick immediately shot him. Coroner Scott was notified and held an inquest Sunday. The jury, after hearing the evidence, returned a verdict of murder.
  Traywick made his escape and has not yet been arrested.
See September 8, 1908

August 11, 1908
A NEGRO KILLED. Jeff Humphries Shot and Killed by Chauncey Trawick.
Jeff Humphries was shot and killed byChauncey Trawick Sunday afternoon in the eastern part of the county. Humphries died soon after being shot.
   Monday morning Coroner Scott went out to the scene of the killing to hold the inquest. He secured the following jurors: Chas. S. Brown, J. H. McComb, W. W. Moran, R. H. Gentry, F. D. Posey and J. W. Moran.
  The shooting occurred on the public highway, and a number of witnesses were present.
  From the evidence gathered it was the result of a fight which occurred in the morning between Morgan Humphries, a son of Jeff Humphries, and Jim Trawick, a brother of Chauncey Trawick, in which the latter was whipped. In the afternoon several of the Trawicks and Humphries met in the road. The fuss was renewed by Chauncey Trawick, and he shot and killed Jeff Humphries. From the evidence before the coroner's jury there were several pistols in the crowd, although the negro who was killed did not have one.
  Humphries worked on Mr. W. W. Moran's place, and was said to be an industrious, honest and polite negro.
See September 8, 1908

August 15, 1908
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Mrs. Z. S. Hunter, wife of Mr. Z. S. Hunter, of Milledgeville, died at the City Hospital last night after an illness of four weeks. She was a victim of lung trouble.
  The deceased is survived by a husband, a son, Francis Hunter, and a brother, R. L. Moore, of Scarborough, Ga. The latter two arrived in the city last night and will accompany the remains to Milledgeville, where they will be taken today for funeral and interment.
  Mrs. Hunter was 48 years of age.

August 18, 1908
Union Recorder
~excerpt~  Mr. Grover Bloodworth of this county and Miss Willie Joe Wright of Sharon were united in marriage at the Methodist church in Sharon last Wednesday....
   Mr. Bloodworth was accompanied from this city by Messrs. Oscar Bloodworth, S. D. Stembridge,  J. W. Ivey and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bloodworth.
     The bridal party reached the home of Mr. A. R. Bloodworth in this county Thursday, where a reception was held.....  
   Mr Bloodworth is a young man of splendid character and is held in the highest esteem by all who kown him. He is principal of the Sharon schools and is recognized as a splendid teacher and disciplinarian..

August 25, 1908
Union Recorder
Mr. Daniel Lockhart died at his home in Fivay, Fla., last Thursday morning, after an illness of several days with typhoid fever. His remains reached this city Friday morning, and were carried to the home of Mrs. Julia Lockhart in Midway. The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, Rev. Lamar Sims officiating. The interment took place in the city cemetery.
   Mr. Lockhart was born and reared in Midway. he was a machinist, and was a employee of the State Sanitarium for a number of years. A few years ago he gave up his position a the Sanitarium and moved to South Georgia. A few months ago he went to Fivay, Fla., to make his home. He is survived by his wife, who before her marriage was Miss Leila Tennille, and one son; his mother, two sisters and a brother also survive him.

September 8, 1908
  Governor Smith has offered a reward of one hundred dollars for the apprehension and deliver to Sheriff Terry of Cleveland and Chauncey Trawick, two negroes who are want for murder in this county. Cleveland Trawick shot and killed Lewis Moss. Chauncey Trawick killed Ben Humphries. Both of the negroes made their escape immediately after the killing and have not been captured. Sheriff Terry has made persistent efforts to capture the murderers, but his vigilance has gone unawarded.

October 25, 1908
The Augusta Chronicle
MISSES HUMBER AND THE BRIDGE. Statement made to Public by Sister As To Their Position In  Widely Discussed Matter Eatonton, Ga. Oct. 9 (Special) The Eatonton Messenger tomorrow will print the following:
     My Dear Sir: Believing you to be an advocate of fairness, truth and justice, I wish you to know exactly the position of Misses Humber (my sisters) in this Baldwin County bridge affair. We are not asking sympathy but our rights. The deeds to all of the Little River water rights on the Sanford place were purchased by our grandfather about 1860, and we still hold them, and have held the property in undisputed possession these forty years and more. What other and better claims to property? And yet we are said to have no rights on this river. The erectors of this bridge at Gage's Ford, (a part of the aforesaid water rights) knew of our ownership, as the deeds are recorded here, and moreover my husband, when here in the summer had a talk with the chairman of the county commissioners of Baldwin, telling them of the illegality of their proposed  step, and saying if they persisted, we would be forced to resort to the law. To this they have paid no attention, nor have they made any proposition to purchase our right. Hence our only step was to sue for injunction. After the first injunction these bridge builders waited until they knew we had not a male protector in the state, then proceeded to overrun two women by erecting this structure. A monument to covetedness and lawlessness.   These men or others hired by them, continued to work after the second injunction. There was not enough time to comply with the technicalities of the law and so urgent was the need of this bridge that, it is stated work went on even through the Sabbath; Thus ignoring the laws of God and man. Verily their zeal will consume us.
      We expected the law to protect us; when it failed what else was left but to defend our rights? It is a boast that the  bridge was built in defiance of the law; no one dared claim it; had we not a right to thrust it from our territory? Our work was not done in a corner. The negroes had been so intimidated that no one could be induced to lend a hand to the wrecking. Who can tell what moral effect this lawless conduct, on the part of the president of the board of trade and a few so-called leading citizens like him, will have upon the less intelligent in the surrounding country? What an example! There are plenty of good men here not party to this mob act, but few dare sound a voice in defense of the whole truth. Perhaps they are ashamed for the outside world to hear of the cowardly and disgraceful conduct of some of their fellow-citizens.
    This the place where a terrible howl arose recently over the whipping of a woman, a convicted thief, and now is it not strange that in this same place two good gentlewomen struggling to make themselves an honest living are arrested for attempting to protect their property. Some thought that the arrest a smart act, one or two men going so far as to wish them thrust in jail, and even threatening the young lawyers who are defending their cause. Has the voice of condemnation been strong enough to be heard of of town? Let every nook and corner of this state sound the death knell to these deeds; and lovers of justice help us get our rights! There is no coloring to this. It is all true, and as you, our father's friend state these facts, as I give them, in your paper and to any other papers whose columns you have access?
Very Respectfully
Milledgeville, Ga. Oct. 7, 1908
(Note: 1908 Baldwin County map shows the bridge at Gage's Ford. It is called Cline's Bridge.)

October 27, 1908
Union Recorder
  Mrs. Bettie Wilkinson died at her home in this city last Thursday night, after an illness of a week. The funeral services were conducted Saturday by Rev. Lamar Sims, and the remains interred in the cemetery at Salem church. Mrs. Wilkinson was the widow of the late Mr. James Wilkinson, and was 86 years of age. She is survived by an adopted daughter, Mrs. W. G. Goddard, of Atlanta. She was a consistent member of the Baptist church.

November 19, 1908
Atlanta Constitution
Forsyth, Ga., November 28 - (Special) The wedding of MissFlorence Cater and Mr. William Lanford Myrick, of Milledgeville, was a brilliant event which took place at the Baptist church at 5:30 Thursday afternoon.
   The wedding chorus from Lohengrin was sung by fourteen young ladies from Bessie Tift college, under the direction of Miss Mary Duggan, as the bridal party entered. Miss Ruby Askew presided at the organ.
  Misses Juliet Rutherford and Cornelia Ensign and Masters Hugh Jackson and Charlie Collier were the ribbon bearers. The ushers, preceding the bridal party, were Dr. W. T. Jones, of Atlanta; Mr. Lewis Flemister, of Milledgeville, Mr. Cleveland Campbell, of Milledgeville, and Mr. John Cater, of Forsyth. They were followed by Miss Ruth Whatley of Newnan and Miss Wilhemina Drummond, of Atlanta, coming down opposite aisles; Mr. Andrew Edwards of Milledgeville, and Mr. Frank Bone, of Stevens' Pottery; Miss Annie Kate Fletcher and Miss Lucile Cater and Mr. Oliver Echols, of Stevens' Pottery, and Mr. E. Brittain Edwards, of Macon.
  Next came Miss Hattie Bloodworth, first bridesmaid, and Mr. J. M. Walker, of North Carolina.
  Little Louise Bloodworth followed, bearing an immense yellow rose, among the petals of which was the wedding ring, and Mary Birdsey preceded the bridge, scattering rose petals from a golden basket. The bride entered with her sister, Miss Daisy Cater, and Mr. Myrick with his best man, Rev. Lamar Sims, of Milledgeville, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. E. W. Brannen, of Milledgeville.
  Mr. and Mrs. Myrick, accompanied by the entire bridal party left at once for Macon in a special car, where a box party at the Grand, with supper at the Lanier, were planned.
  At midnight the wedding journey was continued to interesting points in Florida.
  Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Myrick, Mrs. Yancy, Dr. and Mrs. John P. Atkinson, of Milledgeville; Mrs. Barron, of Round Oak; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cater and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cater, of Macon, and Mrs. Sam Rogers, of Perry.

November 24, 1908
  The marriage of Miss May Brooks to Mr. Albert Lugand was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brooks, on North Wayne street, last Wednesday evening at eight o'clock.
  The ceremony was performed in an impressive manner by Rev. Lamar Sims, in the presence of relatives and a few invited guests. The home was tastily decorated with palms and ferns.
  The bride is a pretty and attractive young lady, with which is combined a most pleasing personality that has won her a host of friends in the city.
   Mr. Lugand is a clever, genial young man, who, on account of his manly conduct and up-rightness of character, is held in high esteem. He is traveling salesman of Messrs. John Conn & co.
  Mr. and Mrs. Lugand left for a short trip to Athens, and when they return to the city will be at home at the residence of Mr. R. H. Wootten, on the Hill.

December 8, 1908
  Mr. J. E. Sherrer was the victim of a sad accident last Thursday afternoon which cost him his life. At the time of the accident he, with Mr. E. N. Stevens, was hunting on the east side of Oconee river, about four miles south of the city. The men attempted to go through a barbed wire fence, when both guns were simultaneously discharged, and it is thought that the shot from the  gun of Mr. Stevens struck Sherrer. Stevens as he learned that Sherrer had been shot went for aid, and on his return found that the wounded man was dead. The remains were brought to the home of a relative near the Sanitarium, and Coroner Scott notified. An inquest was held Friday morning, and the jury declared that the death of Mr. Sherrer was due to an accident. The deceased had many relatives and friends who sincerely regret his untimely and tragic death.

December 15, 1908
  Mr. J. T. McCrary and Miss Burnie Snipes were united in marriage the 18th of November, 1908, at the residence of Mr. J. T. Pettigrew.
  The ceremony was performed by Mr. Pettigrew,  in the presence of only a few witnesses.
  Mr. McCrary is one of West Baldwin's successful farmers, and is held in high confidence by all who know him. The young lady he has won as his bride is sweet and attractive, and has many friends in the county.
  The Union Recorder joins friends in wishing them happiness.


January 9, 1909
Milledgeville News
Alex Griggs, a negro about 20 years old fell from the railroad trestle over Fishing creek, within the city limits Wednesday and was instantly killed. It is supposed that he had an epileptic fit. He was an employe at one of the local brick concerns.

January 9, 1909
One Occurred In City Limits of Milledgeville and The Other Near Brown's Crossing-The Story
   Saturday afternoon last Hattie Brown, generally known around town as Hattie Jackson, was shot near the Georgia railroad depot by Charlie Reeves. The trouble was of domestic nature and during a quarrel Reeves became enraged and fired on the woman, using a 44 calibre pistol. She died almost instantly and Reeves fled. Both were, of course, negroes.
   Bloodhounds were used around the state farm, but no trail could be developed when they reached the scene due probably to the fact that so many people had been around.
  Monday morning the second shooting occurred on the Wilson place about 8 miles out. Drury Watson was shot by Lee Bonner and while his death was not sudden, yet the wound was pronounced fatal. Sheriff Terry went at once in pursuit of Bonner. They were also negroes.
See May 25, 1909

February 9, 1909
The Atlanta Constitution
Widely Known Confederate Officer Dead at Milledgeville.
Milledgeville, Ga., February 8 - (Special) Captain Will Caraker, one of the best know citizens of Milledgeville, died Sunday after an illness covering a period of many months. He was an officer in the confederate army and a well-known business man here. He is survived by a large number of relatives.

February 9, 1909
Columbus Daily Enquirer
Mrs. J. C. Whitaker and Captain William Caraker Both Succumb to Death
  Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 8 - Death claimed heavy toll here Sunday in the person of two of the best known people in this section of the stat. Mrs. J. C. Whitaker, wife of a leading business man here, died as the result of a paralytic stroke which occurred last Wednesday. She was about sixty years of age and prominent in local circles.
  Captain William Caraker, aged 76 years, who was an officer in the Confederate army and for many years one of the leading business men of this city, died from a complication of troubles.

May 20, 1909
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., May 19 - As a result of a high dive in shallow water Monday afternoon while in bathing, Samuel T. Tant, one of the best known young men of this city, age 30, died this morning early. He struck the bottom, causing injury to the spine and peneumonia developed. He was the oldest son of Mrs. Emmie Jackson, proprietress of the Baldwin Hotel, and was assistant chief electrician of the local light company. He leaves mother, young wife, several brothers and three sisters. The funeral will be held at the old home in Columbia county on Thursday morning.

May 25, 1909
  REEVES ARRESTED IN JACKSONVILLE. He Murdered Hattie Brown in This City the 2nd of Last January
  Charlie Reeves, who shot and killed Hattie Brown, in this city, Jan. 2nd, 1909, was arrested in Jacksonville, Fla., last Saturday morning by Sheriff Terry.
  The murder was a brutal one, and immediately after committing the crime Reeves made his escape. Sheriff Terry recently located him in Jacksonville, and left this city Friday night for the purpose of arresting him. Mr. Terry reached that city Saturday morning, and with an officer, went to the house, where Reeves was living. He entered the room, where he found the negro sitting on the side of the bed. He was arrested without any trouble.
  Sheriff Terry returned to the city Sunday with Reeves and placed him in jail, where he will remain until the July term of court, when he will be tried for murder.
  Sheriff Terry has a way of catching violators of the law that will convince them that they have a slim chance to escape punishment.
(Note: Charlie Reeves was found guilty of murder in November 1909.)

July 13, 1909
RABURN REEVES ARRESTED FOR MURDER. Killed His Wife Two Weeks Ago With an Iron Rod. Raburn Reeves, a negro residing on Mr. C. M. Wright's place, in the western part of the county, was arrested Monday on the charge of killing his wife.
  The murder of which Reeves is accused occurred two weeks ago. He and his wife had a row about one of their sons leaving home, the mother taking the part of the son. It is said that the man bought shells and announced his intention to kill the boy. The mother announced that she was going to the home of another son and warn the other not to return home. This angered Reese he struck her on the back of the head with an iron bar. The woman ran to the home of her son and fell dead. For some cause the fact that the woman had been killed was not made known until two weeks after the killing. Coroner Scott, however, heard of it, and went out to where the woman was buried Monday. The body was exhumed, and an autopsy held by Dr. G. D. Compton, who announced that the fund the skull at the base of the brain fractured, and that the same would produce death. The jury, after hearing the evidence, about as outlined above, found that the woman's death was the result of the blow, and that the same was murder.
  Reeves was arrested by Mr. Walter Childress and brought to this city and is now in jail.

July 17, 1909
The Atlanta Constitution
Henry Kidd, Milledgeville, Ga.
Milledgeville, Ga., July 16 (Special) Henry Kidd, 13 years old, son of Dr. J. E. Kidd, died here today from blood poisoning. A few days ago while playing he struck a nail in his foot. His right leg was amputated in hopes of preventing death.

July 20, 1909
Mr. J. A. Aldred Killed and Policeman Roberts Shot by Mr. W. F. Croley.
  An awful tragedy was  enacted on the streets of this city last Saturday night, shortly after ten o'clock.
  Mr. J. A. Aldred was killed and Policeman J. W. Roberts was wounded with bullets fired from a thirty-eight Smith & Wesson pistol, in the hands of Mr. W,. F. Croley.
  At the time Mr. Aldred was shot, he was standing in front of the Elks barber shop, leaning against a post of the entrance. The bullet passed through his right forearm and entered his abdomen. He fell upon the sidewalk and died in less than an hour.
  The bullet that struck Policeman Roberts entered his right arm and passed through the shoulder breaking his collar bone. He was assisting in arresting Mr. Croley.
  At the time of the shooting there was a large crowd in the immediate neighborhood of where the tragedy occurred, and a great excitement prevailed. When arrested Mr. Croley was immediately locked in the city guard house, and later carried to the county jail. Physicians were hastily summoned to attend the wounded men. It was realized that Mr. Aldred was desperately wounded, and there was no chance for his recovery. He died without uttering a word, except and exclamation immediately after he had been shot. The remains were viewed by Coroner Scott, and later carried to the undertaking department of the Milledgeville Buggy & Furniture Company where they were prepared for burial. They were then borne to the family residence on North Wilkinson street.
  The arm of Mr. Roberts was dressed by Dr. G. D. Compton, and he was sent to his home. The wound is not a dangerous one, and the officer will rapidly recover.
  Mr. Croley, when he did the shooting, was under the influence of whisky and was resisting arrest. Earlier in the night he went to the stables of Mr. J. R. Roberts and became involved in a difficulty with Mr. Roberts concerning the settlement of an account for stall rent for his mule. Chief of Police Lawrence and night watchman Butts place him under arrest, and after reaching the city hall, released him on his promise to  go home, and stand trial when he returned to the city.
  Instead of carrying out his promise, he secured his pistol and walking up and down the center of Hancock stret, defied the police. The officers realized that he was desperate, and that there would be blood shed if they attempted to arrest him, and hesitated as to the best manner to proceed. The excitement caused a large crowd to gather in the neighborhood. Some of Mr. Croley's friends approached him and tried to reason with him. He would not hear them, and continued to walk up and down the street with his hand on his pistol, which was in his right hand coat pocket.
  Chief  of Police Lawrence telephoned Mayor Bell the condition of affairs, and the Mayor came from his home, Upon reaching the scene he went to where he thought Mr. Croley was standing near some cotton in from of the Walker warehouse. He called to him two or three times, but received  no answer. He then learned that Mr. Croley had gone down the street, and came back to Culver & Kidd's corner, and found Mr. Croley standing near the crossing about midway between the drug store and Exchange bank. He advanced towards Mr. Croley with the three policemen by his side, and told him that he wanted to speak to him. Mr. Croley warned him not to come a step farther. Mr. Bell then said "I am your friend and wish to have a word with you!" As he was talking Mr. Jessie Roberts approached Mr. Croley from the rear and caught him around the waist. Unfortunately he missed his right arm and Mr. Croley immediately jerked his pistol from his pocket and began shooting. The evidence was that he endeavored to shoot over his left shoulder at the man who had caught him, but as he was turned the bullet went wild and struck Mr. J. A. Aldred. The second shot followed in quick succession, and struck Policeman Roberts. The policemen, with Mr. J. W. Seal, rushed forward and caught him. In the scramble all of them fell to the ground. Mr. Croley's pistol was knocked from his hand and later picked up by Policeman Lawrence.
  The coroner's inquest was held Sunday morning at the city hall. The jury was composed of Dr. G. D. Compton, Foreman; Dr. T. B. Perry, Messrs. J. W. Seal, Thomas Hughes, J. M. Bayne and C. I Newton. Several witnesses were examined, and after hearing the evidence a verdict that Mr. Aldred had come to his death from a pistol shot fired by W. F. Croley, and that same was murder, was rendered.
  The verdict was not a unanimous one.
  Mr. Croley is one of Baldwin county's most successful farmers, and resides about eight miles east of the city.
   This sad tragedy is deeply regretted by all our people.
(Found not guilty Jan. 1911)

August 1 1909
The Atlanta Constitution
School Commissioner of Baldwin County---Well -Known Throughout State.
Milledgeville, Ga, July 31 (Special) Richard N. Lamar, aged 62 years, one of the most prominent citizens of Georgia, county school commissioner of Baldwin county, died here this morning at 4 o'clock, after an illness covering a period of several months.
   Mr. Lamar is survived by a wife, three children , a daughter and son living in New York, and one son in California. All are married. he is also survived by a brother, L.J. Lamar, steward of the Georgia state sanitarium.
  The funeral will be held here today.

August 2, 1909
The Atlanta Constitution
He Was Formerly Sheriff, of Baldwin County.
Sparta, Ga., August 21 (Special- Charles M. Prosser, of Milledgeville, died here this morning at the home of his son-in-law, T. H. Little. He was 65 years old, and left a wife and one daughter.
  He was for a long while sheriff of Baldwin county, and was well known throughout middle Georgia. The funeral will be held at Milledgeville tomorrow.

August 13, 1909
Augusta Chronicle
Mr. Val Moseley Died In Milledgeville
News has been received in Augusta of the death of Mr. Val Moseley, who died Wednesday afternoon in Milledgeville, Ga.
 The funeral services will be held this afternoon in Milledgeville.
Mr. Moseley was well known in this section, having been a former resident of Richmond county. His death will be learned with much regret.

August 24, 1909
Union Recorder
Mrs. Mary Ann Moran, widow of the late Mr. E. L. Moran, died at her home in the eastern part of the county early Monday morning.
   Mrs. Moran retired in her usual health Sunday night. Early Monday morning her son, Mr. A. W. Moran, of Augusta, who was visiting her, awoke and called her, buy received no answer. He later called her again, and receiving no reply, went to her bedside. He found that she was dead, having passed away some time earlier in the morning.
   The funeral services were held at the home this morning, and the remains laid to rest in the old family burial ground. The services were conducted by Rev. Ford McRee.
   Mrs. Moran was Miss Yates before her marriage, and was born in Upson county on March 14th, 1828. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist church, and her long life had been full of faithful service to Him whom she loved and served, and to her family and loved ones. She is survived by four children and a number of grand-children and great-grand children.

“The Herald & Advertiser”
Newnan, Coweta Co., Georgia
NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, August 27, 1909
LOCAL News Mr. T.A. Brown received a telegram yesterday from the superintendent of the State Sanitarium announcing the death of Mr. John Bird, an inmate of that institution, on Wednesday last. The deceased formerly resided in the Fourth district and was committed to the State Sanitarium about four years ago. He was 68 years of age and is survived by several children. (Transcribed by Candace [Teal] Gravelle –  August 17, 2006)

September 14, 1909
Union Recorder
Mrs. Harriett Johnson died at her home in the Southern part of the city last Saturday, after a long illness. Her funeral services were conducted Sunday morning by Rev. Ford McRee. Mrs. Johnson was a widow lady.

September 17, 1909
Milledgeville News
  Mr. Cornelius Youngblood Died at Ripe Age Last Week
   Last week at his home in West Baldwin county Mr.Cornelius Youngblood, aged 85 years, died after a long illness, which assumed seriousness just a week before his death. Mr. Youngblood served four years in the army of Northern Virginia doing splendid work for the Confederacy. His burial was at Hopewell M. E. church.
   He leaves seven children, five of whom reside in this county and two in Wilkinson. they are: Joseph, Maurice, James, C. A., C. R.,  and Mrs. Elizabeth Bentley and Mrs. Rebecca Hootten. In the death of Mr. Youngblood the community suffers a loss of one of its most respected citizens.

September 19, 1909
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  The marriage of Miss Agnes King to Mr. Oscar Bloodworth was solemnized at the home of the bride on Wednesday evening, in the presence of relatives and friends. Rev. Ford McRee officiating.

  Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wade Binford announce the engagement of their daugher,Lucy Gladys Binford, to Mr. Thedore Turk Barnes, the marriage to occur on Wednesday, November 24.

October 22, 1909
Milledgeville News
  At the residence of Dr. Allen, last Saturday morning, Miss Gertrude Youngblood and Mr. Wm. Hood were united in marriage, Rev. Lamar Sims officating. The affair was quiet, only a few near relatives and special friends of the couple being present.
   Mr. Hood is from Tennille and has an enviable reputation there. Miss Youngblood is well known here and the future home of the couple will be in Tennille. Good wishes are extended by a host of friends.

October 29, 1909
Union Recorder
  A pretty home wedding of the week was that of Miss Jones Gibson and Mr. Homer Bivins, both of this city, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. E. P. Gibson, yesterday evening at 8:30 o'clock, Rev. Lamar Sims officiating.
  Quite a crowd of friends and relatives were present at the wedding and best wishes are extended to the popular young couple. Mr. & Mrs. Bivins will make their home in Milledgeville, corner of Clarke and Montgomery streets.

October 29, 1909
Union Recorder
  At the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Skelton Napier, a happy marriage was consummated Wednesday evening, Oct. 20, the contracting parties being Miss Isabel Napier and Mr. John W. Hawkins, Rev. E. A. Ernest officiating.
  After the ceremony a splendid supper was served and a reception tendered all the guests of the happy occasion. Best wishes are extended the happy young couple for a long and prosperous life, and of course for a happy one.

October 29, 1909
Union Recorder
  Entertainment Next Wednesday. In Honor of Miss Mamie Bateman Hawkins and Mr. Timothy Crowley Collins  who are to be married next Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Collins, of this ounty, will tender a reception to the bridal couple at their country home Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Quite a number of friends, including three young married couples have been invited to be present nd the affair will no doubt be a very enjoyable one.

November 16, 1909
Annie Ward, a negro girl was accidentally shot and killed last Sunday, by her half-brother, Charley Ward. The boy was playing with a single-barrel shot gun, when the weapon was discharged. The shot entered the left eye of the girl, killing her at once. The accident happened on Mr. J. H. Lawrence's place in the north-western part of the county.

November 26, 1909
Milledgeville News.
  Smith-Flury Wedding. Monday morning Rev. Lamar Sims officated at the wedding of Miss Leslie Smith and Mr. Harry Flury, of Midway. The marriage occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beck where the couple will reside.
  Miss Smith is quite well known in Milledgeville and Midway and Mr. Flury is connected with the state sanitarium. Best wishes and congratulations were extended the young couple by a host of friends.

November 29, 1909
Macon Weekly Telegraph
  The marriage of Miss Lucie Gladys Binford to Mr. Theodore Turk Barnes was a lovely one occurring at the home of the bride's parents on North Wayne street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Ford McRee. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Barnes left for Dublin, making the trip cross country in an automobile. Man and handsome presents were received  attesting the popularity of the young couple.
  The announcement of the engagement of MissMable Bowen and Capt. James Milliard Little of this city, has caused no little interest among their friends all over the state. The marriage will occur Wednesday, December 15th, at the Baptist Church in Jewells, Ga., the home of the bride.  

December 7, 1909
Charles Warren was shot in a fight at a negro gathering at Hopewell Saturday night, the 27th of last month. He died the next night. An inquest by the coroner failed to identify the person doing the shooting.
Edmund Sykes, a negro, was shot and killed in the 115th district Saturday night. The shooting occurred at a negro gathering. Will Jones has been arrested and is now in jail charged with the crime.

December 14, 1909
  Lee Wurnum, a negro is in the county jail, having been arrested on a warrant sworn out by Coroner Scott, charging him with the murder of Charles Warren, Saturday night, the 27th of November, near Hopewell. Two other negroes were arrested on the same charge, but at the commitment trial held last Wednesday, they were given their freedom.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2002