Milledgeville-Baldwin County, Ga.
In The News 1930's - 1940's

January 3, 1930
Macon Telegraph
  Milledgeville, Ga, Jan. 2, James L. Ivey, 81, pioneer citizen of Milledgeville and Baldwin county, died at his home here this morning after a protracted ilness. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon from the residence.
   Mr. Ivey celebrated his birthday Dec. 24 and the same time celebrated the 57th anniversary of his marriage. He was a young man during reconstruction days and helped in the rebuilding of Baldwin county after Shermans march through. He had been a member of the Primitive Baptist church for 60 yers.
   His widow, one daughter, Miss Mattie L. Ivey, of Atlanta; three sons, Charles A., Leland K., and William H. Ivey and a number of grandchildren survive.

January 3, 1930
Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga. Jan. 2 - James S. McCullar, 76, and a resident of the Union Hill community of southwest Baldwin county died at his home Monday morning after an illness of several weeks. The funeral was held at Camp Creek Primitive Baptist church, where he was a member, Tuesday afternoon, Elder W. J. Green, of Gray, Ga., officiating.
   Mr. McCullar is survived by his wife and one brother, John P. McCullar, of Dexter, Ga.. Also three sons, J. R. McCullar, of Milledgeville; E. C. McCullar, of Macon, and Howard McCullar, of Macon, and one daughter, Mrs. E. L. Flanders, of the Salem community.
   Mr. McCullar had lived in Baldwin county practically all of his life and was a brother of the late Louis McCullar of the Camp Creek community. He had been in failing health for several years.

February 21, 1930
Macon Telegraph
JAMES H, GLADIN. McIntyre, Ga., Feb. 20. Funeral services for James H. Gladin, 50, who was killed here Monday by one of Edgar Brothers' trains, was held at Cooperville Baptist church Tuesday afternoon and interment followed at Camp Creek cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. L. Pittman.
    Mr. Gladin was a native of Baldwin county having moved here several years ago. He has been employed by Edgar Brothers as an electrician for about three years.
    He is survived by his wife, and the following children: Miss Attie Gladin, Camilla, Ga., Mrs. E, T. Thomas, Gainesville, Fla., Preston Gladin, McIntyre, Ga., Mrs. M. E. Beck, McIntyre, Besse Ray and James Lamar Gladin, McIntyre, and three step-sons, Herbert, Etheridge and  Arthur Lavender, McIntyre.

March 29, 1930
The Augusta Chronicle
DR. H.D. ALLEN'S DEATH. Dr. Dawson Allen, the founder of "Allen's Invalid Home" died in Milledgeville Saturday night. No man was more beloved in that town. He was a man of skill and sympathy, and there are people all over Georgia who testify to his kindness and care. He was a lovable man. He married Miss Sallie Whitaker. There are six children, three sons and three daughters. Two of his sons were associated with him in his invalid home. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Merchants and Farmers Bank, and his colleagues presented him with a silver testimonial of his services. He will be missed in Milledgeville and the state generally - Savannah Press.

March 4, 1930
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Ga., March 3. John H. Lee, 60, died here Sunday at noon after an illness of several months. Mr. Lee had been in failing health for years.
   He is survived by his wife and several children. The funeral was held from the Union Hill Methodist church near Stevens Pottery this afternoon, Rev. J. H. Farr officiating.

May 20, 1930
Macon Telegraph
JOHN HEMBREE WILLIAMS. Funeral services for John Hembree Williams, 4-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Williams, of 107 Brookdale avenue, were held yesterday at noon near Milledgeville, in the Hopewell cemteery near there. Rev. Turner Brodgon conducted the services.
    Besides his parents the only close relative of the child is his grandmother, Mrs. M. W. Stinson, of this city.

June 9, 1930
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Ga. June 8. John Bennett, Baldwin county farmer is dead. Henry Moran, Milledgeville clothing store salesman, lies critically injured in a Milledgeville hospital, and Gaston Medlin, also a farmer, is held in the Baldwin county jail here as the result of a shooting affray today. Medlin is charged with the murder of Bennett, which he is said to have admitted, and also is accused of having shot Moran, who is not expected to live Medlin denies having shot Moran.
  The shooting is the result of two fights, say local officers. Meddlin and Bennett are said to have engaged in a fist fight Saturday afternoon. This morning, according to investigating officers, Medlin, Moran and Lewis Carr, local attorney, drove to the home of Bennett. They stopped their car in fromt of Bennett's residence and called him to the car.
  Two Men Fight. An argument is said to have ensued, which was climaxed by a fight between Moran and Bennett. During the fight Medlin started firing at Bennett. He was killed. One of the shots is thought to have struck Moran, although Medlin insists that he did not shoot the salesman.
  According to Mrs. Bennett, the occupants of the Medlin car attacked her husband. He called for a shot gun, she says, and their little daughter carried it to him. Just as the child reached her parent, Mrs. Bennett says Carr seized the gun and threw it into a ditch. Then, the widow states, Medlin started shooting.
  Officers have ben unable to learn from the men involved what was responsible for the fights.

June 14, 1930
Macon Telegraph
BALDWIN FARMER FREED.   Gaston Medlin Exonerated of Killing John Bennett in Gun Duel. Milledgeville June 13. Gaston Medlin, Baldwin farmer, who has been held in jail here since the shooting of John Bennett last Sunday afternoon, was released today following a hearing in justice court before C. L. Moore.
   Medlin's release was ordered when the court ruled that he was justified in shooting Bennett. Evidence showed that Bennett had threatened Medlin several times and had tried to waylay him a few days before the fatal shooting. Bennett was armed when killed, the testimony further developed..

June 15, 1930
Macon Telegraph

   Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Virgil Jordan, of Milledgeville, announce the marriage of their daughter, Marie Antoinette, to Mr. Joseph Harrold Smith, of Hamlet, N. C.

July 15, 1930
Macon Telegraph
FIGHT INJURIES FATAL TO MAN. Moran Dies in Milledgeville Hospital From Wounds. Milledgeville, Ga., July 14. Henry Moran, 31, died yesterday at the city hospital here as the result of injuries he received in a fight about a month ago with Gaston Medlin, who fired two bullets into Moran's body and, in the same difficulty shot and killed B. J. Bennett.
    Complications in Moran's condition developed a few days ago and doctors said these caused death.
   Mrs. Bennett, wife of the man killed by Medlin, is now out under bond charged with beating Moran during the three-cornered fight. The shooting charge against Medlin was heard before a justice of the peace and he was exonerated.
   Funeral services for Moran will be held this afternoon at 5 o'clock from Black Springs church. He will be buried there. He is survived by his father, Dr. O. F. Moran, of this county, a sister, Mrs. Charles Chandler, and two brothers, Newman Moran, Atlanta, and Owen Moran, Charleston, S. C.

August 8, 1930
The Augusta Chronicle
Doctor Name On Sanitarium Board Milledgeville Physician Appointed By Governor
Special to The Chronicle. Milledgeville, Ga. Aug. 7 - Dr. Richard Binion, prominent young Milledgeville physician, has accepted the appointment on the board of trustees at the Georgia State sanitarium tendered officially Wednesday by Governor Hardman. Dr. Binion succeeds Dr. T. M. Hall, of Millledgeville who resigned because of ill health.
     The new trustee has served for a number of years as official physician of the state prison farm, physician of the Georgia Military college, surgeon of the city hospital, member of the staff at the Allen Invalid home, and in addition has a large private practice. He is a native of Sparta, but has practiced in Milledgeville for a number of years. He married Miss Frances Conn, daughter of the late John Conn, wholesale merchant. They have one child, Frances Powell Binion.
     Dr. Binion has served as alderman for the city of Milledgeville, and is said to have refused demands of his friends to run for mayor.

September 6, 1930
Macon Telegraph
CAROLINE BANKS. Sept. 25. Caroline Banks, 10, only child of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Banks , died this afternoon after an illness of several months.
   The child's faher is chashier of the Exchange bank of this city and the family is well known.
     The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Methodist Episcopal church here.


October 29, 1930
Macon Telegraph
Benjamin Brookins, Confederate Army Vet, Dies at 100. Benjamin Brookins, 100-year-old veteran of the Confederate army, died here last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Winnie Purvis, at 1635 Broadway. A farmer of Baldwin county all his life, he had lived here only since August.
   He is survived by the following daughters and sons: Mrs. Jennie Wynn, Mrs. Mollie Miller and John Brookins, all of Milledgeville; Mrs. Purvis and Mrs. Maggie Stanley, of Macon, and Ed Brookins, of Fort Gaines. he also leaves three brothers, John of Cooper Station, and Sam and Zack Brookins of Washington county.
  Mr. Brookins was a member of Mt. Olive Baptist church of Baldwin county. Funeral services will be held in Milledgeville, futher arrangements to be announced later. 

February 27, 1931
Macon Telegraph
   ~excerpt~ Simplicity characterized the wedding of Miss Estelle Stephens and Mr. Harvey Jordan Veal, of Milledgeville which was solemnized Sunday morning, Feb. 15, at 10:30 at the home of the bride's parents, Col. and Mrs. E. L. Stephens, in Dublin. Rev. L. C. Gray, pastor of the First Methodist church...........
  After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Veal will be at home to their friends in Milledgeville where Mr. Veal is owner of the Milledgeville Music Shop.
  Mrs. Veal is the youngest daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Stephens. She attended G. S. C. W. in Milledgeville.
  Mr. Veal is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Veal, of Milledgeville. .............

June 17, 1931
Macon Telegraph
BENTLEY-HAM. Mrs. J. A. Ham, Milledgeville, Ga., announces the marriage of her daughter, Mary Eudelle, to Mr. Carl L. Bentley of Toomsboro, Ga., on Sunday, June 14.

September 6, 1931
Macon Telegraph
    Youngblood-Sheffield.    Mr. and Mrs. Idus Sheffield, of Fort Deposit, Ala., announce the marriage of their daughter, Johnnie Sheffield, of Milledgeville, to Martin Allen Youngblood, of Milledgeville, the marriage having taking place July 15.

September 26, 1931
Macon Telegraph
MRS. WILLIAMS DIES IN HOSPITAL. Death Comes to Her After Illness in Milledgeville. FUNERAL WILL BE TODAY. Mrs. Fannie Claude Bonner Williamson, widow of P. W. Williamson, died in a Milledgeville hospital  at 10:30 o'clock Thursday night, following an illness of only a few days.
  Mrs. Williamson was born in 1866 and reared in the old Bonner home near Milledgeville, and was the daughter of John Wesley and Fannie Claude Webb Bonner.
She was educated in the schools of Milledgeville, and graduate from the old Georgia Military college. She had been a member of Pleasant Grove Methodist church for
60 years.
  Surviving are two sons, George L. Williamson, Macon, and W. F. Williamson, Milledgeville, five daughters, Mrs. J. W. Fullbright, Augusta; Mrs. M. E. Webb, Milledgeville; Mrs. Grady Keel, of Wrightsville; Mrs Paul Hadaway, Cordele, and Miss Fannie Claude Williamson, Milledgeville; one sister, Mrs. John Stripling, Milledgeville, and one brother, W. F. Bonner, Valdosta, and a number of grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
  Funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the First Methodist church in Milledgeville. Dr. Quillian, pastor of this church and Rev. Henderson, pastor of Pleasant Grove church, will officiate, and interment will be in the family lot in Milledgeville.
  Pallbearers will be: Dr. O. L. Binion, Guy McKinley, J. E. Chandler, Julian Brown, Edgar Long and Noel Pitts.

October 1931
The Union-Recorder
MRS. MARY BABB BURIED AT BLACK SPRINGS FRIDAY Former Resident Died in Macon Thursday Afternoon After Ten Days Illness
     The remains of Mrs. Mary Pierce Babb were brought here Friday afternoon from Macon, and carried to Black Springs Baptist church in East Baldwin, where the funeral services were conducted by Rev. W.W. Williamson, of Macon. Mrs. Babb died at a hospital in Macon Thursday afternoon, after a ten days' illness, following a fall in her bedroom in which she sustained a fractured hip.
    Mrs. Babb, a native of Hancock County, was born February 6th, 1853. She was the daughter of Everett Hamilton Pierce and Mary Francis Mullis Pierce. She made her home here a number of years, and went to Macon twenty years ago. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. H.M. Edwards, Mrs. J.C. Humphries, and Miss Pearl Babb, all of Macon; and two sons C.H. Babb, Macon, and J.F. Babb, Miami, Fla; several grandchildren,great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Babb was a member of the church for over fifty years, and her life a consistent one.

November 11, 1931
Macon Telegraph
NEGRO IS KILLED AT STATE FARM. Murder Warrant Issued For Fulton County Lifer. Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 10. Joe Bird, Clayton county Negro, serving a 12-months sentence at the state farm, was killed last night by Tom Laney, fellow prisoner, who is serving a life sentence from Fulton county, officers said.
    The homicide occurred in the dining roo at the prison during the supper hour. Bird and Laney got into an argument which resulted in Bird's death from a blow across the head with a wooden rake used in the dining room to rake sawdust on the floor.
   Coroner C. I. Newton, of Baldwin county, conducted an investigation and issued a warrant for Laney charaging murder, and he has been brought to the Baldwin county jail.

December 4, 1931
Chronicle Telegram, Elyria, Ohio
Samuel P. Brooks, president of Baylor University for more than 25 years, born in Milledgeville, Ga. Died at Waco, Tex., May 14, 1931.

January 18, 1932
Macon Telegraph
     Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 17. Funeral services for Emmett Moran, World War Veteran who died in Albany yesterday, will be held here at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. Members of the Morris-Little post of the American Legion will have charge of the services.
  Mr. Moran has been in ill health since the war and had been confined to several hospitals. He was married in Albany two weeks ago and is survivd by his widow, his mother, Mrs. P. L. Moran, of Milledgeville; two sisters, Miss Florence Moran, of Milledgeville, and Miss Katherine Moran. Little Rock, Ark.; four brothers, J. W. and William Moran, of Chicago; Edgar Moran, New York, and Allen Moran, Orlando, Fla.

February 7, 1932
Macon Telegraph
    Milledgeville, Ga.,Feb, 6. Mrs. J. R. Twilley, 54, died at her home here Saturday afternoon of a stroke of paralysis. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon in Sparta.
    Besides her husband who is in charge of the Georgia Power sub-station, she is survived by four sons, Frank of Thomaston, W. H., of Vidalia, and T. J. and C. L. Twilley, of Milledgeville, three sisters, Mrs. G. D. Askew, and Mrs. M. A. Johnson, of Sparta, and Mrs. Roy Arnold, of Eatonton; three brothers, Albert, Will and Hugh Smith of Sparta.

July 25, 1932
Macon Telegraph
  Mr. G. W. Barr of Milledgeville, announces the engagment of his daughter, Dorothy Elliott, to Mr. William Robert Ivey, the marriage to be solemnized in the early fall.

November 29, 1932
Macon Telegraph
WOOD-RENFROE. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Wood of Milledgeville announce the marriage of their daughter, Louise, to Mr. Julian Renfroe of San Francisco, Cal., the ceremony having taken place Oct. 30.

June 19, 1932
Macon Telegraph
HOMER THOMPSON. Funeral services for Homer Thompson, brother of Mrs. G. L. Cook of 121 Clisby place, will be held at 4:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon in Moore's mortuary, Milledgeville.
   Mr. Thompson died at 6 o'clock Friday afternoon at Milledgeville, after a short illness. He is survived by his wiow, formerly Miss Marine Pitts, Milledgeville; his sister, Mrs. Cook, and seven children.

December 25, 1932
Cleveland Plain Dealer
  BISHOP PUBLISHES BOOK OF HIS LIFE. Ecclesiastic of Colored M. E. Church Chronicles Career From Slavery.
  Dr. Charles Henry Phillips, 10828 Drexel Avenue N. E. bishop of the northeastern district of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church and author of numerous pamphlets on social questions, has written an autobiography which went on sale yesterday.
  Bishop Phillips for a long time was editor of the Christian Index, official organ of the Colored M. E. Church, in Nashville, Tenn. He moved to  Cleveland twelve years ago and serves churches in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, New York, New Jersey and Maryland.
   Dr. Phillips' book, titled "From the Farm to the Bishopric" is an interesting story of the clergyman's life from 1858, when he was born in Milledgeville, Ga., to the present day.
   "Though born in slavery, I was too young to know anything experimentally of that institution," Bishop Phillips writes.
   The book records his experiences on the farm where he was born, in college where he won numerous degrees and in ecclesiastical life, where he has won for himself many pastorates and many honors. There are interesting notes on his four trips to Europe as a delegate to conferences.
  There are two Colored M. E. churches in Cleveland, one at Cedar Avenue S. E. and E. 46th Street, another at Woodland Avenue S. E. and E. 63rd Street.

Notes: Copyright Plain Dealer Publishing Co. Used with permission,

Acording to passport records, Dr. Phillips was born 17 Jan, 1858 in Milledgeville, the son of George Washington Phillips of Jasper County, Ga. and Nancy Phillips. The family was living in the Scottsboro district in the 1870 census and in the Meriwether district in 1880 censuus where  Dr. Phillips was listed as a school teacher. His book the History of The Colored Methodist Episcopal Church in America, published in 1925 is online at

March 7, 1933
Macon Telegraph
Mrs. Mary Berry Tidwell, formerly of Milledgeville and Macon, died at 6:30 o'clock Sunday night at her home in Atlanta, friends here learned  Monday.
   Mrs. Tidwell moved away from Macon about six months ago soon after her husband Lester E. Tidwell, was sent to Atlanta as manager of meat makets in the Rogers stores there. She had been in poor health for about a year, and was confined to her bed for several months.
  She was born at Hardwick, Ga., near Milledgeville, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Berry. She is survived by her mother, three brothers, Bryan, Calhoun,  and Marshall Berry; and two sisters, Marguerite and Juanita Berry. Her Macon relatives include an aunt, Mrs. C. L. Smith.
 Funeral services will be held at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in Moore's funeral home in Milledgeville. Interment will be in the family lot in the Milledgeville cemetery.

August 1933
The Union-Recorder
Miss Mattie Babb Died in East Baldwin Friday
  Miss Mattie Babb, after a protracted illness, passed away at her home in East Baldwin Friday Aug. 11th.
  The funeral and burial services were held at Black Spring church Saturday morning at eleven o'clock, Rev. J. F. McCluney officiating in the presence of a large gathering of neighbors and friends. The following acted as pallbearers: Messrs E. R. Collins, W. H. Collins, T. C. Collins, Earnest Rowell, Sam Blizzard, Harvey Sullivan, Howard Kennedy and J. N. Kennedy.
   Miss Babb was seventy-five years of age, and was born in East Baldwin, her parents being the late Mr. Brinkly Babb and Mrs Missouri Harris Babb. She was a nurse at the Milledgeville State Hospital for twenty years and for the past eighteen years made her home in the house in which she died. She was of the Baptist faith, joining the Black Spring church during the years of her young womanhood, and her life was consistent with her profession.

The Union-Recorder
BABB-ROSE. Mrs. J.E. Babb, of Saint Augustine, Fla, announces the marriage of her daughter, Lillian to Mr. William T. Rose, Jr., son of Mr and Mrs. W.T. Rose of Rocky Mount, N.C. The ceremony was performed in Palatka, Fla., by Judge Causey Green, of Putnam County, Fla. For a number of years prior to her marriage, Mrs. Rose had made her home in Saint Augustine where she was employed in the office of A.H. Reeder, Auditor of Freight Accounts of the Florida East Coast Railroad. Mr. Rose is district manager of the Collier Publishing Company, working out of Atlanta. The young couple will make their home in Atlanta.

November 12, 1933
Macon Telegraph
Bloodworth-Dent Nuptials Are Held. The marriage of Miss Idella Bloodworth and Mr. Maner Dent of Milledgeville was solemnized a the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bloodworth, at Gray Saturday, Nov. 4.
  The bride wore a dress of blue corded silk with matching accessories. Mr. Dent is a native of Baldwin county, the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dent, Sr. He is employed at the Electric Maid Bakery, Milledgeville, where he and his bride will make their home on Wayne street.

December 9, 1933
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 8. Mrs. Ida Bateman, 72, died here today after an illness of three weeks.
   Funeral services will be held here at Joe Moore's chapel at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Elder Will Green officiating. Interment will be in Camp Creek cemetery.

December 16, 1933
Macon Telegraph
    Milledgeville, Ga. Dec. 15. John E. Granade, 75, died at his home in this city this afternoon folllowing a two weeks' illness with pneumonia.
    Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence. Interment will be in the city cemetery. Rev. Frank Quillian, pastor of the Methodist church at Monroe, assisted by Rev. Horace Smith, of this city, will conduct the funeral services.
   Mr. Granade came to Milledgeville 25 years ago. He was an employe of the Central railroad for half a century and was retired about five years ago. He was a native of Washington county.
   Mr. Granade is survived by his widow and four daughters, Mrs. R. T. Shreve, of Macon; Mrs. P. A. Nelson, of Lake Wales, Fla.; Mrs. W. G. Bloodworth ofMacon, and Mrs. R. E. Long, of this city.

January 14, 1934
Macon Telegraph
Quinn is Killed And Five Injured. Tollison May Die From Milledgeville Auto Crash. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 13.John Daniel Quinn, 55, a farmer in the southern part of Baldwin county, was almost instantly killed here early this evening when the car in which he was driving struck a car driven by "Red" Shaffer inside the Milledgeville city limits.
    Schaffer was slightly injured. Mrs. John Quinn, John Tollison, a friend, James Quinn, a cousin of the dead man and two children of Mrs. Quinn's were all injured seriously. Little hope is held by attending physicians for Tollison to live. All are in a private hospital in Milledgeville.
   Milledgeville police are investigating the accident. The two cars were seriously damaged.

March 1934
Union Recorder
A CONFEDERATE VETERAN PASSES. Mr. J. Wiley Vinson Went to Reward March 1st After a Long life.
   Mr. J. Wiley Vinson, Confederate Veteran, and one of Baldwin county's oldest citizens, passed away at his home in the Southwestern part of the county Thursday morning, March 1st. The death of Mr. Vinson resulted from a fall on the ice at his home Sunday February, 11th, when his hip was broken. During the weeks he lingered, he received the tender care of his loved ones, and everything possible was done to alleviate his suffering. He peacefully and quietly fell on sleep.
  The funeral and burial services were held at Bethlehem church in Jones county Friday afternoon at three o'clock in the presence of a large gathering of relatives, friends and neighbors of Mr. Vinson. Tributes were paid his life and memory by Rev. P. M. Allen and Mr. J. A. Moore.
   Mr. Vinson was born January 18th, 1847, and his long life was spent in the section of the county in which he passed away. He enlisted in the Confederate army, and rendered valiant service during the closing year of the War Between the States. He was a member of Camp Geo. Doles No. 730 U.C.V., and for the past several years has been chaplain of that organization. He was devoutly religious and his faith in God, and His sustaining power and assistance never wavered. Until his eyesight began to fail he read the bible, and was fervent in prayer. A good man has gone to his reward.
   Mr. Vinson is survived by his wife and seven children: James and Ben Vinson, of Gordon, and Tim Vinson, of Baldwin county; Tom and Ebb Vinson, of Meigs, and one daughter, Mrs. E. J. Adams.
   The death of Mr. Vinson leaves only two surviving Confederate Veterans living in this county, Judge B. C. Ward and Mr. Jesse Taylor, and two others of Camp Doles, Mr. J. B. Boatright, of Tennille, and Mr. T. J. Howard, of Haddock.......

Submitted by  Lillian (Lynn) Vinson Martin

March 17, 1934
Macon Telegraph
WILLIAM W. LYSTER.  Funeral services for William W. Lyster, 42, whose death occurred in a local hospital early Thursday night, resulting from injuries received in an automobile accident shortly after noon Thursday, will be held in Salem church, Baldwin county at 2 p.m. (E. S. T.) today. Rev. J. T. Collins will officiate and interment will be in the famly lot there.
   Mr. Lyster was born in Baldwin county, June 4, 1891, the son of John Lyster and Nancy Bloodworth Lyster. He had made his home in Macon for a number of years, being employed while here as blacksmith in Central of Georgia shops. For the past three years he had operated a blacksmith shop in the Big Sandy community in which he lived. He was a member of the New Haven Baptist church and of the W. O. W.

April 15, 1934
Macon Telegraph
Hawkins-Fowler Marriage Held.   Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Sybil Hawkins, of Milledgeville, to Mr. William J. Fowler which too place in Aiken, S. C., Oct. 1, 1933. The Rev. Addock C. Holler, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiated at his home.
   The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hawkins, of Miami, Fla.,  and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hawkins, of Milledgevile, with whom she has been making her home for the past several years.
    Mr. Fowler is the son of Mrs. Mamie Fowler and the late Mr. Sam Fowler.
   Mr. and Mrs. Fowler will make their home in Sandersville.

April 29, 1934
Macon Telegraph
  The marriage  of Miss Beulah McFadden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.S. McFadden, and Mr. J. B. Freeman, Jr., of Toomsboro, was solemnized quietly Sunday evening, April 15, at the Methodist parsonage in Milledgeville.
   The bride wore a navy blue dress with matching accessories.
  The groom is the son of the late Mr. J. B. Freeman, planter of Wilkinson county.
   he couple will be at home with Mr. Freeman's brother, Mr. Thomas Freeman.

June 8, 1934
Augusta Chronicle
CHURCH LEADER DIES AT MILLEDGEVILLE. Milledgeville, Ga., June 7 (AP) Mrs. Julia Powell West, a leader in the Methodist church here, died at her residence today after an illness of several weeks.
  Mrs. West, the daughter of the late Dr. T. O. Powell, for many years superintendent of the state hospital is survived by a niece, Mrs. Richard Binion, of Milledgeville.
  Funeral services will be held from the residence tomorrow with the Rev. Horace E. Smith, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in the city cemetery.

February 24, 1935
Macon Telegraph
Mrs. Prestwood Taken by Death. Sister of Macon Man Expires in Milledgeville. Milledgeville, Feb. 23. Mrs. Mary Prestwood, widow of Dixie Lee Prestwood, died at her residence today of pneumonia. She was born in Washington cuonty Sept. 29, 1852. The duration of her illness wes one week.
   She is survived by one son, W. L. Prestwood, Milledgeville; a daughter, Mrs. George Rogers, Woodruff, S. C.; two brothers, P. L. Jenkins, Macon, and H. Jenkins of Birmingham, Ala.; two sisters, Mrs. T. M. Jones, Mrs. Nancy Clay, Birmingham, Ala.
   Funeral services will be held at Moore's Funeral home at 3 o'clock Sunday, with Rev. L. A. Cunningham officiating.

April 21, 1935
Macon Telegraph
    Mrs. Marrie Moye of Barnesville announces the engagement of her daughter, Annie Joe, to Mr. Claude Elbert Ray of Milledgeville and Blackville, S. C., the marriage to take place in June.

April 30, 1935
Macon Telegraph
   Funeral services for J. Charlton Humphries, 54, who died suddenly of a heart attack, were held in the Burghard-Connally furneral parlors yesterday morning with Rev. A. B. Dorough of the Mikado Baptist church officiating.
   Pallbearers were J. W. Denson, John Dorsey of Americus, Vincent Canipelli, T. L. Wood, A. W. Wright and S. T. Wilkinson. Interment was at Milledgeville where Mr. Humphries was born March 15, 1881, the son of Robert Humphries and Parrie Vaughn Humphries.
  Mr. Humphries moved to Macon 31 years ago and was proprietor of the Humphries Sheet Metal Works at the time of his death.

May 12, 1935
Macon Telegraph
    Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I. Butts of Milledgeville announce the engagement of their daughter Julia LeGay, to Mr. Raymond Burkett of Atlanta and Glenville, the marriage to be solemnized on June 11.

May 12, 1935
Macon Telegraph

   Mrs. Pate G. Carr of McIntyre announces the marriage of her daughter, Nina Sue, to Mr. Homer Lee Watson, both of Milledgeville, the marriage having taken place May 4, 1934. Mr. and Mrs. Watson will make their home in Milledgeville.

May 12, 1935
Macon Telegraph
   Mrs. Lillian Meeks of Ocilla announces the engagement of her daughter, Beulah, to Mr. John Davis Carr of Milledgeville, the marriage to be solemnized June 23.

August 25, 1935
Macon Telegraph
  The wedding of Miss Ora Taylor of Milledgeville and Mr. Marvin Simmons of Carrs Station was solemnized at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, Aug. 14, at the home of Miss Bertie Stembridge who officiated.
    Mrs. Simmons is a registered nurse, a graduate of the State hospital at Milledgeville and has been in active nursing service since her graduation.
   Mr. Simmons is a resident of Hancock county but has been a contractor in Milledgeville for some time. 

October 1935
Linton B. Babb Dies After Long Illness. Mr. Linton B. Babb, aged fifty-four years, died at his residence on Oconee Heights Saturday October 12th, after an illness of eighteen months.
    The funeral services were held at the Hardwick Baptist church at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Revs. J. F. McCluney and W.C. Budd officiating.
    The interment was in the Milledgeville cemetery, the following acting as pall-bearers: Messrs. Ralph Simmerson, J. R. Davis, Rob Robinson, Will Cook, W. A. Peeler and Ellis Tyler.
     Mr. Babb was for a number of years an employee of the Milledgeville State Hospital and was well known throughout the city and county. He was a member of the Black Spring Baptist church. Surviving Mr. Babb are his wife, formerly Miss Eva Palmer of Louisville, Ga,; two brothers, W.C. Babb, of Jacksonville, Fla., and W. R. Babb, of this city; one sister, Mrs. Julia Flury of this city.

December 19, 1935
Macon Telegraph
    Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 18. Mrs. Frances McCullough Weaver, 65, wife of W. T. Weaver, prominent Baldwin county planter, died at her home today after a short illness.
   Funeral services will be held at the family residence and interment will be at the Camp Creek cemetery, Rev. J. L. Pittman and Elder Green officiating.
   Mrs. Weaver was a native of Wilkinson county and had a wide circle of friends in this section.
   She is survived by her husband, W. T. Weaver, six sons, W. L., J. E., M. W., T. B., M. S., and H. J. Weaver, all of this county, five daughters, Mrs. R. M. Furchee (Foshee) Cooperville, Mrs. J. C. Combes, Gordon, Mrs. C. I. Martin, Macon, Mrs. A. L. Strickland and Mrs. J. A. Glenn, of this county. Five brothers, Jessie McCullough, of this county, H. W. and H. C. McCullough of Bartow, Ed and Smith McCullough, of Macon, and one sister, Mrs. J. E. Hall, of Miami.

January 21, 1936
Macon Telegraph
Marshall Bland Dies in Hospital. Funeral Services Tomorrow for Milledgeville Man
    Milledgeville, Ga., Jan 20. Marshall H. Bland for almost half a century agent for the New York Life Insurance Company in this city, died at a local hospital last night and funeral services will be held at St. Stephens Episcopal Church Tuesday at 11 o'clock, Rev. F. H. Harding officiating.
  Mr. Bland was a native of Washington county. He came to Milledgeville when a young man to make his home and has been identified with the social business and political life of the community. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Ruby Taylor of Knoxville, Tenn., three daughters, Miss Bessie Bland, of this city, Mrs. Harold Moore of Lyman, S. C., Mrs. Robert Roddenberry of Montgomery, Ala., and one son, Marshall H. Bland, Jr. , of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Bland was a member of the Episcopal church and was 73 years of age.
  He also is survived by an aunt, Mrs. S. M. Gilmore of this city and two uncles, Lee N. Jordan, of Milledgeville and E. W. Jordan of Sandersville.

January 31, 1936
Macon Telegraph

Rites Scheduled For Mrs. Vinson. Funeral Will Be Held at 11 A.M. in Milledgeville.
    Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Caraker Vinson, 71, who died in Macon yesterday morning, will be held at the Joseph A. Moore funeral home in Milledgeville at 11 a.m. today, it was said last night.
    Mrs. Vinson, widow of Walter D. Vinson, died at 7 a.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. F. Crawford, 1211 Vineville avenue.
     Mrs. Vinson was born in Milledgeville, July 20, 1854, and spent most of her life there. She came to Macon 15 years ago, Mr. Vinson died nearly 40 years ago. He was a business man in Milledgeville.
   For the last year and a half Mrs. Vinson had been in failing health, but had been confined to her bed only two months.
    She is survived by three children, John H. Vinson, Mrs. H. F. Crawford and Miss Mamie Vinson, all of this city; two grandchildren, Mrs. T. Evans Gates and Miss Margaret Vinson also of this city, and several nieces and nephews.

March 1936
The Union-Recorder
Mr. L. B. Babb Passes Away Suddenly Tuesday Morning At His Home in East Baldwin. Mr. L. B. Babb, one of Baldwin County’s outstanding farmers and beloved citizens for more that three score years, passed away suddenly Tuesday morning at his home in East Baldwin.
Mr. Babb had been enjoying fair health despite his age and his sudden death was a great shock to a great number of friends and relatives. Funeral services will be held at the Black Springs Church Thursday at 11 a.m. and interment will be in the Black Springs cemetery. Rev. W.C. Budd and Rev. Jessie Gilmore will conduct the services.
      Mr. Babb is survived by his wife, who was Miss Josephine Franklin; six sons, Jerome and H.H. Babb of Milledgeville, Avery Babb, of Granite Pass, Oregon, L.L. and Preston Babb of Baldwin County, Clifton Babb of McIntyre; two daughters, Mrs. John Bell Jackson, Hillside, PA; Mrs. Ernest Jackson, Milledgeville.
       Lawrence B. Babb was born in Baldwin County June 18, 1852. Sixty five years ago last June he was married to Miss Josephine Franklin, of Aiken, S.C. He began farming when a young man and has followed this profession throughout his life. He was a man trusted and beloved by a wide circle of friends and was known for his benevolent nature and devotion to the principal of honest toil. Mr. Babb was a successful farmer and was active until his death. He visited Milledgeville frequently and established himself in the confidence of the people of our community. For more than fifty years he was a member of Montpelier Methodist Church and adhered to its teaching in his relationships with his fellowman. He was loyal in the support of the church and in recent years when the church was reorganized, he had an active part in this work, serving as an officer in the church. Mr. Babb spent a long and useful life in this community and his death brings sorrow to his many friends and relatives,

April 28, 1936
Macon Telegraph
Smith Services Set in Baldwin. Famous World War Veteran Expires in Atlanta.
  Milledgeville, Ga. April 27. Harry D. Smith, Jr., World War veteran, died in the veteran's hospital in Atlanta today.
    Funeral services will be held at the Cooperville Baptist church near here Tuesday at 4 p.m., with Rev. J. M.  Teresi, of the Milledgeville Baptist church, and Rev. F. H. Harding, of the Milledgeville Episcopalian church, officiate.
    Mr. Smith was a member of the  Sparta post of the American legion.
    He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Lula Wheeler, father, Harry D. Smith, and brother, Thornley Smith, both of Buffalo, Wyo.

The Union-Recorder
Permanent Beauty Machine Thermostatic and Automatic Controlled. Just received and ready to give you the newest type Coiffure. Our operators Mrs. Rubye Holland and Miss Lyda __ have just returned from the Beauty Show and course in Atlanta where they saw demonstrated and studied the changes and improvements in beauty culture. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT. Babb’s Beauty Shoppe.  Milledgeville’s Oldest and Most Modern Beauty Shop.

November 22, 1936
Macon Telegraph
   Miss Huff Married To Robert Stroud. Miss Jewell Huff of Milledgeville and Mr. Robert Stroud of Bolingbroke were united in marriage on Saturday, Nov. 7, at the Methodist parsonage in Milledgeville, Rev. Ralph Shea officiating in the presence of relatives and a few close friends.
   The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Huff of Milledgeville and attended G. S. C. W.
     Mr. Stroud is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stroud of Bolingbroke, formerly of McDonough. He attended Lanier High school in Macon, and is now connected with the Industrial Life and Health Insurance Company here.

December 24, 1936
Macon Telegraph
Mrs. Maude Stanley Davis, 501 Carling avenue, died at a local hospital last night after an illness of several days with pneumonia.
   Mrs. Davis was born in Milledgeville Oct. 10, 1873. For the past 15 years, she had been connected with the Union Dry Goods  Company. She was a member of the Second Baptist church.
   Mrs. Davis is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Felton Rice, Milledgeville; one granddaughter, Joyce Baskerville, Milledgeville; two sisters, Mrs. Mattie Reagle,  Macon, and Mrs. J. J. Perminter, Macon; one brother, O. L. Stanley, Macon.
   Funeral services will be held at 4 p.,. today in the chapel of Hart's mortuary. Dr. J. E. Sammons will officiate, and interment will be in Riverside cemetery.

January 3, 1937
Macon Telegraph
   Services Planned For James Renfoe. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan 2. Funeral services will be held Sunday for James W. Renfroe, 41, who died at the home of his sister in Hampton, Va., Thursday. The services will be at Friendship church in Baldwin county at 10:30 a.m. and interment will be in the church cemetery.
     Mr. Renfroe made his home in Hardwick until about six years ago when he went to Virginia to live with his sister. He is survived by his wife who was Miss Myrtice Brown, a daughter Miss Dorothy Renfroe, sisters, Mrs. J. R. Lanahan, of New Port News, Va., Mrs. D. T. Rankin, Alto, Ga., Mrs. Cora R. Hodges, Mrs. Ray Wilson, and Miss Hilda Renfroe, of St. Augustine, Fla. 

April 14, 1937
Macon Telegraph
Allen Child Dies of Wreck Injuries. Milledgeville, Ga. April 13. Funeral services for Lucius Bailey Allen, 6, who died here Saturday from injuries sustained when struck by an automobile were held Monday from Mt. Pleasant church, with Rev. J. M. Allen officiating.
  Sheriff W. L. Harrison, who was asked to make an investigation of the accident Monday, said no charges were preferred. He said the accident occurred near Brown's store in Hardwick Saturday night, and  that according to his information the child ran in front of the  automobile suddenly from the side of the road.
   Survivors include: Mrs. Luicus Allen, mother; a sister, Opal Allen; and two brothers, Richard and Roy Allen, all of Hardwick.

June 28, 1937
Macon Telegraph
Baldwin Farmer Dies of Illness. J. Tim Ivey to Be Buried This Afternoon at Salem. Milledgeville, Ga., June 17. Funeral services for J. Tim Ivey, 55, prominent Baldwin county farmer who died Sunday morning following an illness of two weeks, will be held at 3 p.m. Monday at Salem Baptist church, with Rev. James. M. Terisi officiating. Interment will be in Salem cemetery.
    Mr. Ivey has been engaged in farming in Baldwin county for many years, taking an active part in farm organizations.He was a resident of Meriwether for years.
   Survying are his widow, Mrs. Mamie Pettigrew Ivey; a son, Alton; two daughters, Mrs. Thelma  Abbot, Athens; Mrs. Gladys Webster, Milledgeville; three brothers, J. A., of DeLand, Fla.; C. B., of Elkton, Fla., and Roland W. Ivey of Coopers; three sisters, Mrs. J. E. Chandler, Brown's Crossing; Mrs. Annie Eubanks, Birmingham, Ala., and Miss Mary Lizzie Ivey, Columbus.

August 15, 1937
Macon Telegraph
Patterson-Layfield.  Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Patterson of Coopers announce the marriage of their daughter, Dora Irene, to Lewis Watson Layfield of Coopers the ceremony having been solemnized on April 22, 1936.

December 20, 1937
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 19. Funeral services for Benjamin Jackson, Jr., Milledgeville, 77, who died Saturday afternoon after an illness of three or four days, will be held Monday at 3 p.m. from Moore's chapel. Interment will be in the Black Springs cemetery.
   Surviving are his wife who was Miss Elizabeth Burt, five sons: W. L., M. J.,  Frank and O. P. Jackson of Milledgeville; Louis Jackson of East Juliette; three daughters, Miss Margaret Ballard of York, Penn; Mrs. R. M. Brown, Zephyr Hills, Fla., Miss Mary Jackson, of Milledgeville.

March 17, 1938
Macon Telegraph
Baptist Minister Dies in  Baldwin. John T. Pettigrew Had Served 50 Years in Georgia.
    Milledgeville, Ga. March 16. Rev. John T. Pettigrew, 89, who served Baptist churches in Baldwin, Jones and Wilkinson counties for 50 years, died at his home near here today. He was a former chaplain at the state prison farm. He had been in poor health for four years.
   The funeral is to be held at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the Salem Baptist church in Baldwin county, with the Rev. Carl Minor, chaplain at the state farm and Joe Moore of Milledgeville, officiating.
   Mr. Pettigrew is survived by his wife, four sons, two daughters, and 17 grandchildren. The sons are A. T., W. A., and B. F. Pettigrew of Milledgeville, and L. G. Pettigrew of Ocilla; the daughters, Mrs. J. T. Ivey, and Mrs. Annie Jones of Milledgeville.

May 15, 1938
Macon Telegraph
  Mrs. Albert C. Lugand, of Milledgeville, announce the engagement of her daughter, Beulah Lavania, to Dr. Ashley Knight Carr, of Warrenton, the marriage to be solemnized in July.

October 9, 1938
Macon Telegraph
    Dublin, Oct. 8. A wedding of cordial interest is that of Miss Lillie Ruth Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Smith of Montrose, to Lonnie Tollison, of Stevens Pottery, which was solemnized Saturday, September 17.
   Mr. and Mrs. Tollison are making their home at Stevens Pottery.

November 8, 1938
Macon Telegraph

   Friends of Miss Pearl Bonner regret to learn of her death at 6:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon.  Miss Bonner is survived by a son, Leon McCormick of Macon; mother, Mrs. Sara Bonner of Milledgeville; four sisters, Mrs. Alice Godard of this city; Mrs. Panola Lamar of Clinton, Ga., Mrs. Fannie G. Holt, of Milledgeville; Mrs. Leila Reeves Waller of Milledgeville: four brothers, Griffin Bonner of Cleveland, Ohio; Iverson B. Bonner, Sr., Milledgeville, Rev. Obie Norman, Haddock; Rev. Lewis Bonner of Meriwether, Ga., several nieces and nephens; one aunt, Mrs. Emma Peters of Milledgeville; several other relataves.
   Funeral and interment will be held Tuesday at Oak Grove Baptist church, Baldwin county at 3 o'clock. Friends are invited.

December 11, 1938
Macon Telegraph
 HATCHER FUNERAL SET FOR TUESDAY. Outstanding Milledgeville Business Man Dies in Hospital at Age of 66.
    Milledgeville, Dec. 10. Funeral services for R. W. Hatcher, 66, outstanding business man, will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday in  the Sacred Heart Catholic church in Milledgeville  and burial will be in a Milledgeville cemetery.
     Mr. Hatcher died early yesterday in a local hospital after and illness of many months.
   Bishop Gerald P. O'Hara of Atlanta-Savannah diocese, the Rev. T. J. McNamara, the Rev. Peter McDonnell and the Rev. D. J. McCarthy will officate.
     In Auto Accident. Mr. Hatcher suffered serious injuries in an automobile accident last spring and never fully recovered. He was discharged from the hospital several days ago but was returned yesterday when his condition became worse.
      He was owner of R. W. Hatcher Hardware Company here and for years had been a leading figure in the business life of Milledgeville. Mr. Hatcher was a native of Crawford county but had made his home here during the last 40 years.
   Prominent  in Church. He was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic church and was prominently identified with affairs of the institution.
   Mr. Hatcher had also been prominently identified with affairs of the Catholic faith in this state for many years. He was co-founder of the Catholic Laymen's Association of Gorgia, and att his death was chairman of the Catholic laymen's retreat movement in Georgia.
   Mr. Hatcher was a past president of the National Retail Hardware Dealers' Association. He had been in the hardware business all his life.
    Mr. Hatcher is survived by his wife, three daughters, Lois Hatcher, New York City; Weathersby Hatcher, Milledgeville, and Mrs Furman Smith, Atlanta, and one son, Reginald Hatcher, Milledgeville; three brothers, A. S. Hatcher, Macon; Sidney H. Hatcher, Macon, and Cecil Hatcher, Knoxville, Ga. and two sisters, Miss Martha Louise Hatcher, Macon, and Mrs. John Stewart Shaw of Wilmington, Delaware.

 January 30, 1939
Macon Telegraph
Mrs. A, J. Wood Dies in Baldwin. Illness Is Fatal to Resident of Milledgeville.
 Milledgeville, Jan. 29. Mrs. A. J. Wood, 72, died at her home here tonight after an illness of three days.
   The former Miss Nancy Byington. she had spent most of her life in Baldwin county.
   Suvivors include four daughters, Mrs. E. B. Lavender of Irwinton; Mrs. H. A. Fountain of Gordon; Mrs. Pearl Hall of Miami, Fla. and Mrs. W. W. Broome of Milledgeville; three sons: L. E. Wood of Gordon; B. F. Wood of Milledgeville and state highway patrolman, R. E. Wood, stationed at Perry; two daughters-in-law, Mrs. D. M. Wood of Macon and Mrs. Elmer Wood of Allentown.
   Funeral services are indefinite pending arrival of relatives.
(Note: Buried Snow Hill Cemetery, Wilkinson County.)

March 19, 1939
Macon Telegraph
   Veteran Teacher Dies in Baldwin. Miss Mary Bonner's Funeral to Be in Perry Today.
    Miss Mary Bonner, for 20 years teacher of the children at the state sanitarium at Milledgeville, died at her residence there at 2 p.m. yesterday after a long illness.
     She was born at Xenia, Ohio, and had made her home in Georgia most of her life. She was a member of the Methodist church.
   Surviving are four nephews and a niece.
   Funeral services will be held at the graveside at Perry at 4:30 p.m. today.

August 3, 1939
The Union-Recorder
MISS BABB BRIDE OF MR. BROOKINS. Miss Edith Anita Babb daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Babb became the bride of Mr. Roger Julian Brookins on Monday afternoon July 31st at a quiet ceremony performed by Judge Bertie B. Stembridge in her office at the courthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Brookins are well known throughout the county. They are both employed at Allen’s Invalid Home and have a host of friends who wish them much happiness as they begin their life together.

September 17, 1939
Macon Telegraph
Miss Weaver Weds Doyle C. Dennard. Milledgeville, Sept. 16. The marriage of Miss Doris Ellen Weaver of Cooperville, to Doyle Chandler Dennard of Gordon, was solemnized Friday afternoon, Sept. 8, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Weaver.
  The vows were spoken in the living room before and improvised altar of ferns and cut flowers.
  The bride wore an early fall model of blue crepe with black accessories. She has as her maid of honor, Miss Ruth West.
    Marshall Weaver, cousin of the bride, acted as best man.
    The bride is the third daughter of her parents and was graduated last June from Cooperville Junior High school. She is a granddaughter of W. T. Weaver of Cooperville.
   Mr. Dennard is the son of Chandler Dennard of Gordon. He was graduated from Gordon High school and is now associated in business with his father.

December 28, 1939
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Dec. 27. Funeral services for Mrs. Darden Asbury, well-known Milledgeville citizen, who died at her home here Tuesday after an extended illness, were held at 3 p.m. today at Moore's Funeral Home. The Rev. Rufus W. Oakey, pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiated.
    Following the final rites here, Mrs. Asbury's body was carried to Macon for cremation.
   A native of Milledgeville, Mrs. Asbury was the former Miss Louise Wright. After her marriage to A. J. McKnight, she made her home in Augusta, returning to Milledgeville after Mr. McKnight's death. She made her home here until her marriage to Darden Asbury, when she moved to Atlanta. She came back to make her home about two years ago, after the death of Mr. Asbury.
  She is survived by two sons, Wright McKnight, Milledgeville, with whom she made her home, and Robert McKnight, N. C., and one brother, Edmund Wright, Lake City, Fla..

January 14, 1940
Macon Telegraph
   Mrs. C. C. Smith of Milledgeville announce the marriage of her daughter, Ethel Connelle, to John M. Nolan, the ceremony have take place Sept. 25, in Jeffersonville.

April 7, 1940
Macon Telegraph
Miss Hatfield Wed to Cooperville Man. Milledgeville. The marriage of Miss Edna Hatfield of McIntyre to Jonah Clance of Cooperville was solemnized Jan. 21.
   Mrs. Clance is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hatfield of McIntyre. At the time of her marriage she was connected with the beauty parlor in the Center building at the state hospital.
  The couple will make their home in Cooperville.

June 28, 1940
Macon Telegraph
     Milledgeville- Funeral services for Mrs. Sallie Grimes Key. well-known Baldwin county citizen, who died at her home Tuesday  night after an illness of several months, were held at 5 p.m. Thursday at Moore's Funeral Home chapel.
   The Rev. James M. Teresi, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiated at the final rites, and burial was in the city cemetery.
  Mrs. Key was 82 years of age. She was a life-long resident of Baldwin county and had made her home in Milledgeville for the past 20 years. she was a member of Island Creek Baptist church over 50 years.
   She is survived by two sons, L. L. Grimes, Milledgeville, and E. G. Grimes, Orlando, Fla. Ten grandchildren and six great-grandchildren also survive.
   Active pallbearers were Charles Grimes, Loderick Grimes, Marvin Grimes, Leo Grimes, John Grimes, Jr. and Oscar Grimes. 

July 26, 1940
Macon Telegraph
   Funeral services were held at Snow Hill church yesterday afternoon for James Marion Ryle, 70, father of two Macon persons.
  Mr. Ryle, who was a resident of Milledgeville, died in a Savannah hospital Tuesday night. The Rev. F. E. Singleton of Macon was the officiating minister.
  Six grandsons acted as pallbearers.
   Besides Mrs. C. E. Baker, J. T. Ryle, daughter and son of Macon, Mr. Ryle is survived ny his wife, Mrs. Minnie Manderson Ryle; four other daughters, Mrs. W. J. Adams, Reidsville; Mrs. Fred C. Wright,  Terre Haute, Ind.; Mrs. D. W. Harry, Brentwood, Md.; Mrs. B. Richardson, Milledgeville; one other son, W. A. Ryle, Savannah; a Macon brother, W. Ryle, and a sister, Mrs. Nan Bloodworth, Milledgeville.

August 23, 1940
Macon Telegraph
    MISS MINNIE DOLLY WARD. Milledgeville, Aug. 22. Funeral services for Miss Minnie Dolly Ward, member of a large and prominent Baldwin county family, who died late Tuesday night after an illness of one month were held at Black Springs Baptist church yesterday. The Rev. J. F. McCluney officiated. Burial was in Black Springs cemetery.
   Miss Ward was 54 years of age. She was a life-long resident of Baldwin county and a  member of Black Springs church.

    She is survived by seven sisters, Mrs. L. L. Grimes, Milledgeville; Mrs. H. M. Marchman, Hardwick; Mrs. Alice Brabb, Macon; Mrs. Mary Middlebrooks, Macon; Mrs. Kate Radney Simmons, Macon; Mrs. Lucy Jordan, Monticello, and Mrs. Belle Hornsby, Brunswick, and one brother, Edd Ward, Texas

October 29, 1940
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Oct. 28. Funeral services for L. S. Holsey, veteran employe of the Milledgeville state hospital, who died late Sunday night after a long illness, will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday at the Hardwick Methodist church.
   Mr. Holsey was 73 years old. He had been associated with the State hospital for the past 45 years. He was a member of the Hardwick Methodist church.
    He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Nellie Wall of Milledgeville; one son, Royce Holsey, Portsmouth, Va.; two nephews, J. H. Dickerson, Panama Canal Zone, and Roland Dickerson, Milledgeville, and one niece, Mrs. Laevada Ursery, Milledgeville.


April 16, 1941

Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, April 15. Mrs. Lizzie B. Jackson, died at her home Tuesday afternoon.
   Funeral services will be held in the chapel of Moore's Funeral home at a time to be announced later and burial will be in Black Springs cemetery at 3 p.m.
    Survivors are five sons, W. L. and M. L. Jackson of Milledgeville, and Frank, O. P. and Lewis Jackson of Macon; and two daughers, Mrs. W. M. Brown, Zephlyn Hills, Fla., and Miss Mary Jackson, Milledgeville..

August 23, 1941
The Bulletin
Mrs. Y. A. Little Dies in Milledgeville. Milledgeville, Ga. Mrs. Roberta Horne Little, died on July 28 at Baldwin Memorial Hospital after an illness of several days. Funeral services were held from the Sacred Heart Church, the Right Rev. Monsignor T. James McNamara, of Savannah, officiating, with the Rev. Fred V. Gilbert, O. M. I., of Douglas assisting.
     Mrs. Little was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Julius A. Horne, and was  a life long resident of Milledgville. She was the widow of Dr. Y. A. Little, a prominent physician whom she married in early womanhood. She was a devoted member of the Sacred Heart parish and always deeply interested in its affairs. She was actively identified with the civic, social and religious life of the city for many years.
   Surviving are a sisster, Mrs. Mary Frederick and a brother, Louis Horne,  both of Milledgeville, and a number of nieces and nephews.      

October 29, 1941
Macon Telegraph
Last Rites Held For Fire Victims. Milledgeville. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning for Mrs. Dorothy Fox Gladin, 28, and her two and one-half year old son (Richard J. Gladin) , both of whom were burned to death early Monday morning when their house was destroyed by fire,
   Final rite for Mrs. Gladin and her young son were held in the Camp Creek cemetery, with the Rev. J. L. Pittman officiating.
    Mrs. Gladin is survived by her husband, P. B. Gladin of McIntyre; one son, P. B. Gladin Jr., four sisters, Mrs. Pete Pappas and Mrs. Arthur McCall, both of Macon; and Mrs. M. F. Ellis, Houston, Texas.

December 21, 1941
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Dec. 20. Mrs. Zora Turner Cook, died at her home here Satuday and funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. in Moore's funeral home chapel, the Rev. J. F. McCluney officiating.
    Surviving are her husband; three sons, A. R. Cook of Sparta; and D. O. and Woodrow Cook, of Milledgeville; six daughters, Mrs. D. C. Califf, Mrs. Lamar Roberts, Mrs. Walter Dixon and Mrs. Ralph Ivester of Milledgeville; Mrs. L. S. Smith of Devereaux; and Mrs. Dunbar Martin of Sparta, and a brother, Ivey Turner of Sandersville.

December 28, 1941
Macon Telegraph
    Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rozier of Cochran announce the marriage of their daughter, Frances, of Milledgeville to Sgt. Paul Chastain of Camp Wheeler, the marriage having taken place Aug. 27.

February 17, 1942
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Feb. 16. Funeral services for Mrs. Ella Bartow Lavender, 82, who died at the home of her son, J. L. Lavender, after an illness of several weeks were conducted yesterday at Bethlehem Baptist church.
   The Rev. J. L. Pittman officiated, and burial was in Bethlehem cemetey.
    Mrs. Lavender was the wife of the late A. J. Lavender. She was a member of Bethelhem Baptist church. She is survived by six sons, A. B. Lavender, Z. C. Lavender and R. V. Lavender, all of Gordon, L. J. Lavender and R.B. Lavender, Macon, and J. L. Lavender, Milledgeville, one daughter, Mrs. B. J. Massengale, Gordon; one brother, J. H. Hardie, Milledgeville; one sister, Mrs. O. L. McDaniel, Fort Valley, 26 grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren.

July 25, 1942

The Bulletine
COVEY-WILLIAMS. Milledgeville, Ga. Miss Margaret Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. W. Williams, and R. W. J. Covey were married on June 17 at the Sacred Heart Church, the Very Rev. Msgr. Joseph G. Cassidy officiating.
August 20, 1942
Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, Aug. 19. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Irene Martin to J. Harold Beck of Stevens Pottery was solemnized Tuesday, Aug. 11, at the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. P.M. Allen.
   The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin. Mr. Beck is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck.

November 11, 1942
Macon Telegraph
  Funeral services for James Roland Woodall, retired M. D. and S. car inspector, who died at his residence, 177 North avenue Sunday evening, were held in the chapel of Hart's mortuary at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. Mr. O. B. Belmont and the Rev. Swoll Sawyer officated and burial was in the Macon Memorial park.
   Active pallbearers wre J. W. Baxley, P. W. Newton, D. B. Dorsey, M.  P. Philmon, A. R. Wellons and W. P. Lindler. Honorary pallbearers were S.  L. Dyer, T. F. Waller, J. E. Driskell, H. H. DuPriest, N. T. Church and H. W. Robertson.
  Mr. Woodall had made his home in Macon since 1900, coming from Baldwin county. He was a member of the Hopewell Methodist church in Baldwin county, the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen and the Business Men's Evangelistic club.

November 18, 1942
Macon Telegraph
Mrs. Ada Babb, 64, died last night at a local hospital. She was a resident of 118 Crisp street.  A native of Baldwin county, she had lived in Macon for 31 years. She was the widow of J. T. Babb. She was a member of the Cherokee Heights Baptist church.
    She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. John W. Fowler, Duquesne, Pa., and Mrs. Maggie Harvey, Macon; a son, W. C. Ivey, Jacksonville, Fla.; two sisters, Mrs. R. H. Bloodworth and Mrs. Susan Ivey, Macon; and the following grandchildren, Peggy and John Fowler, Anita and Guyton Harvey, Billy and Marian Ivey, and Mrs. J. A. Taylor and Peggy Joyce Chance of Macon.
    Funeral services will be conducted at 3 p.m. Thursday at the chapel of Hart's mortuary with the Rev. Seaborn Winn officiating. Burial will be i Evergreen cemetery.

December 22, 1942
Macon Telegraph
Last Rites Held For John G. Bloodworth. Milledgeville, Dec. 21. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Monday for John G. Bloodworth, 72, who died Sunday morning after a long illness. Rites were held in the chapel of Moore's funeral home with the Rev. Mr. Orahood of the Sandersville Christian church and the Rev. Mr. McEver, pastor of the Hardwick Christian church, officiating. Burial was in City cemetery.
   Mr. Bloodworth was an employee of the Milledgeville State hospital for many years and was a member of a well-known Baldwin county family.
   He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Dennis Ivey of Milledgeville; a son, Julian Ivey of Gainesville; two brothers Henry M. Bloodworth and Jim L. Bloodworth of Wilkinson county; two sisters, Mrs. W. O. Fountain of Wilkinson county and Mrs. M. N. Bowdoin of Milledgeville.

December 27, 1942
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~Milledeville, Dec. 26. The marriage of Miss Ellen Nash, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Myles T. Nash of Milledgeville and Lt. Dennis Trippe Turner, Jr., of Camp Leonard Wood, Mo., son of Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Trippe Turner, Sr.  of Milledgeville was solemnized Saturday, Dec. 19, in Rolla, Mo......The bride is the elder daughter of her parents, her sister being Miss Lena Nash of Milledgeville. She was gradauted from Peabody High school and completed her freshman year at Georgia State College for Women last June.
   Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles William Gee of Crawfordville and on heroaternal side her grandparents are the late Dr. and Mrs. Reuben Dearing Nash of Norwood.
   Lieutenant Turner is the second son of his parents. His brothers are Capt. William L. Turner of Fort Benning and Lt. Rozier Turner, who is on foreign duty. Mrs. John Pope Thornton of Blackstone, Va., is his only sister.
  He is the grandson of Mrs. Lou Rozier and the late E. A. Rozier of Sparta. His paternal grandparents were the late Mr. and Mrs. William L. Turner of Eatonton.
   Lieutenant Turner is a graduate of Georgia Military College and attended Georgia Tech. For the last year he has been in the infantry of the United States Army.  

December 29, 1942
Macon Telegraph
   Funeral services for Mrs. G. W. Woodall, 76, who died at her residence, 1204 Edgewood avenue, at 4:30 a.m. Sunday, after an illness of a week, will be held at the Hopewell Methodist church in Baldwin county at 11 a.m. Tuesday.
  The Rev. Mr. Silvey will officiate and burial will be in the Sand Hill cemetery. Pallbearers are to be James Reeves, Furney Woodall, C. I. Woodall, Jr., Paul Melton, Paul Brack and Dawson Melton.
   Mrs. Woodall, the former Miss Dovillia Herndon, was born in Jones county and had made her home in Macon for six years coming here from Wilkinson county. She was a member of the Hopewell Methodist church.

January 17, 1943
Macon Telegraph
Raley-Balkcom. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Raley of Milledgeville announce the marriage of their daughter, Sibyl Ellyn, to Carl Bryant Balkcom, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Balkcom of Stevens Pottery, the marriage having taken place on Dec. 23 in Milledgeville.

January 28, 1943
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Jan. 27. John Thomas Ray, 70, an employee of the Milledgeville State hospital for the last 37 years, died Tuesday following a heart attack. He had been in ill health for the last year.
   Funeral services were held at 5 p.m. Wednesday at Oxford Memorial Christian church in Hardwick with the Rev. L. A. Cunningham and the Rev. E. G. Orahood officiating. Burial was in the Milledgeville city cemetery.
    Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Addie Peacock, and one brother Bob Ray of Eatonton.

March 14, 1943
Macon Telegraph
      Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Benford of Gordon announce the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Ralph Roberson of Milledgeville the marriage having taken place on Jan.29.

August 22, 1943
Macon Telegraph
   FOWLER-MOORE. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Fowler of Milledgeville announce the engagement of their daughter, Jewell, to the Rev. Raymond C. Moore of Atlanta, the marriage to take place at the First Baptist church in Milledgeville on Sept. 9.

November 28, 1943
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~ Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 27. Three marriages were performed recently at the Baptist parsonage, according to the Rev. James M. Teresi, pastor.....................
  Dwight Wilson Cone of Jacksonville, Fla., and Miss Annie Mary Watkins of Milledgeville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Watkins of this city, were married on Nov. 13...

March 12, 1944
Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville Pair Is Married. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Watson of Milledgeville, formerly of Dublin, announce the marriage of their daughter, Rebecca, to Hilton H. McCullough former resident of Dexter. The wedding was performed Feb. 10 at the home of the Rev. J. F. McCluney.
   After a short wedding trip, the couple has returned to Milledgeville, where the groom is employed at the A. and P. store.
  The bride is the second daughter of her parents, the groom being the son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. McCullough of Dexter. 

March April 16, 1944

Macon Telegraph
Pair Is Married At Sparta Rites.  Milledgeville, Ga - Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Simpson announce the marrice of their daughter, Annie Lillian, to Frank McComb Chandler of Milledgeville and Sparta. The wedding took place April 1 in the home of the Rev. W. H. Barnett of Sparta, who officiated.
   The bride is a teacher of home economics in the Sparta High school. Mr. Chandler, a member of Baldwin county families, is Hancock couny's soil conservationist.

May 12, 1944
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Ga. May 11. Final rites for Miss Lois Wright of Norfolk, Va., who died in a Milledgeville hospital Tuesday were held in the Sacred Heart Catholic church Wednesday morning with the Rev. John Toomey officating. Burial will be in Wilmington, N. C. Friday.
  Miss Wright, sister of Mrs. R. W. Hatcher, of Milledgeville, had made her home here for the past year.
  She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Hatcher, Mrs. Beverly C. Cobb of Norfolk, Va., and one brother, James F. Wright of Portsmouth.

July 6, 1944
Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga. July 15. Announcement is made today by Mr. and Mrs. Fermor Robinson Hargrove Sr., of Milledgeville of the engagement of their only daughter, Marie, to Jefferson Nathaniel Morgan Jr., also of Milledgeville. The marriage will take place Aug. 15 at the First Baptist chuch in Milledgeville.
    The bride-elect's mother is the former Miss Marie Moran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Walker Moran of Milledgeville. On her paternal side the future bride is the grandaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis Hargrove of Baldwin county. Her two brothers are Lt. Fermor Robinson Hargrove Jr., serving with the United States Army in England, and Aviation Cadet Billy Moran Hargrove who is statoned at Shaw Field, Sumter, S. C.
   Mr. Morgan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Morgan of Milledgeville, his mother being the former Grace Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Augustus Wilson of Miami, Fla, formerly of LaGrange. His paternal grandparents are the late Mr. and Mrs.  James Andrew Morgan, and his only brother is James Wilson Morgan, all of Milledgeville.
   Miss Hargrove was graduated from Peabody High school and received the bachelor of science degree from Georgia State College for Women. Since her graduation last June she has been employed by Reynolds Corporation at the Naval Ordnance Plant in Milledgeville.
    Mr. Morgan was gradauted from Georgia Military College where he srved as a cadet officer and battalion adjutant of the cadet corps. He entered the U. S. Army Field Artillery in June, 1943, and was stationed at Camp Roberts, Calif., until he later received a medical discharge. He is now with the Reynolds Corporation at the Naval Ordnance Plant..

September 5, 1944
Macon Telegraph
    Mrs. Lula Ganns  of Milledgeville, Ga., died at the home of her daughter in Gainesville, Fla., Sept. 1. Surviving are two sons, Robert Ganns of Macon, Ga; Joseph Ganns, Milledgevlle, Ga.; seven daughters, Mrs. Etta Bell, Mrs. Faye Hooper, Mrs. Margie Rouse, Mrs. Elizabeth Warren, all of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Mayme Ross, Gainesville, Fla,; Mrs. Annie Burnett, Bartow, Fla.,: Mrs. Cleo Shepherd, Jacksonville, Fla.; two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Ida Ganns, Macon, Ga.; Mrs. Ushel Ganns, Milledgeville, Ga.; nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren.  The body will pass through Macon, Ga., today (Tuesday) morning enroute to Milledgeville, Ga.,  for funeral services and interment. Funeral services will be held Wednesday Sept. 6., at 4 o'clock p.m. fron Union Baptist church. Burial in family lot. Slaters Funeral Home.

December 10, 1944
Macon Telegraph
Lawton Home is Scene Of Wedding. Milledgeville, Dec. 9. The Waveland, Miss., beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Lawton of New Orleans, La., was the scene of the wedding of Miss Lilla Burt of Jackson, Miss., and James Elbert Bivins of Milledgeville and Jackson, which took place Thursday, Nov. 23, with the Rev. R. N. Brown, Presbyterian minister of Gulfport and close friend of the groom officiating.
    The bride, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burt of Hopewell, Miss.
    Mr Bivins is the son of the late Mattie Whitaker Bivins and the late James Elbert Bivins of Milledgeville and Americus. He is descended from Georgia families.
    The couple is at home in Jackson, Miss.

December 27, 1944
Macon Telegraph
  Funeral services for Ben Hill Huff, resident of 359 Shaw, sho died Saturday at a local hospital, were held at 4 o'clock yesterday in the chapel of Hart's Mortuary. The Rev. Dick Horne officiated and burial was in Evergreen cemetery.
   Pallbearers were Dr. J. C. Anderson, John M. Hancock, D. Oscar McCook, Thomas W. Stokes, Lester Grady and George Morris.
  Mr. Huff was born in Baldwin county, August 10, 1882, the son of the late William Huff and Mrs. Ann Collins Huff. He was a member of the Memorial Baptist church.


January 7, 1945
Macon Telegraph
VEAL -TURNER. Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Veal of Milledgeville announce the marriage of their daughter, Catherine, to Seaman First Class Wilbur T. Turner of Gordon, the marriage having taken place on Thursday, Dec. 21.

January 20, 1945
Macon Telegraph
      Funeral services for Mr. John Hartry will be held at Second Street Holiness church today at noon. Burial will be in County Line cemetery near Milledgeville. Hutching's Service.

April 6, 1945
Macon Telegraph
    Mrs. Ola Torrance Dies in Baldwin. Milledgeville, Ga., April 5. Mrs. Ola Torrance, widow of the late A. N. Torrance of Milledgeville died Thursday afternoon at the home of her daughtr, Mrs. W. B. Peeler, following an illness of several months. Mrs. Torrance was a life long resident of Baldwin county. She was the daughter of the late W. C. and Elizabeth Cooper Patterson. She was a member of Camp Creek Primitive Baptist church where funeral services will be held on arrival of relatives.
   She is survived by eight sons, Elmo, W. R. and J. T. Torrance of Milledgeville; A. D. Torrance of East Point, Ga., J. A. Torrance of Macon; Otto Torrance of Charleston, S. C., C. B. and W. L. Torrance, U. S. Navy; three daughters, Mrs. W. J. Carswell of Savannah. Twenty-three grandchildren and two great grandchild also survive. Nephews will serve as pallbearers.

June 28, 1945
Macon Telegraph
    Milledgeville, June 27. Final rites for Mrs. John L. Beckum, 78, who died in Charleston, S. C., Thursday, were held Saturday morning at Moore's chapel with the Rev. J. F. McClungy officiating. Interment was in the city cemetery. Mrs. Beckum was a native of Milledgeville. She is survived by four sons, M. N. Beckum, of Milledgeville, George C. Beckum, Macon; Carlos T. and John T. Beckum of Charleston; six daughters, Mrs. Maude Kemp, Mrs. Roy McKinley, and Mrs. Bessie Gorley of Milledgeville; Mrs. M. L. Hall, Savannah; Mrs. T. R. Stokes, and Mrs. Fred Hokeberg, Charleston. Also surviving are 25 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren..

March 7. 1945
Macon Telegraph
JAMES DENSLEY.  Funeral services of James Densley of 231 Telfair street will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at Scottsboro Oak Grove Baptist church, Rev. Rayford officiating. Burial in Bland cemetery. Central City Funeral Home.

August 9, 1945
Macon Telegraph
  Milledgeville, Aug. 8. Funeral services for Andrew R. Miller, for many years general manager of the P & O Steamship Lines, were held here today in the chapel of Moore's Funeral Home.
   Mr. Miller, 69, died Sunday in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., after a long illness. He retired as general manager of the steamship line about 10 years ago. Son of the late Capt. A. J. Miller and Evelyn Shinholser Miller, pioneer settlers of this section, he was a native of Wilkinson County..
  He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Eva Perry, Milledgeville; a daughter Mrs. Edwin Trevor, Key West, Fla., a son Perry Miller, St. Louis, Mo.; two sisters, Mrs. S. J. Stubbs, Douglas and Mrs. J. M. Holland, of Lakeland, Fla.; brother, J. F. Miller of Sarasota, Fla.; two nieces, Mrs. Sam Patterson and Mrs. Baker Smith and a nephew, Jack Edwards , all  of Milledgeville. Three grandchildren also survive.    

August 12, 1945
Macon Telegraph
SESSIONS-COLLINS. Mr. and Mrs. William Franklin Sessions of McRae, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ida Emily, to William Alfonso Collins of Milledgeville the marriage to take place in September.

September 5, 1945
Macon Telegraph
   Funeral services for Mrs. Leila Batson Nolan of 1930 Napier Avenue, who died in a local hospital Monday afternoon after an illness of several months, will be held in the chapel of Hart's mortuary today at 11:30 a.m. The Rev. J. Seaborn Winn, pastor of the Cherokee Heights Baptist Church, of which she was a member, will officiate and burial will be in the Mount Pleasant cemetery, Baldwin county.
   Pallbearers are to be Clarence Nolan, J. W. L. Batson, Homer Batson, Hansel Allen, George Patterson and Will Allen.
   Mrs. Nolan was born in Baldwin county and had lived in Macon for 26 years.

November 6, 1945 
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Nov. 5. Funeral services for Mrs. Robert Thompson Pattillo, 70, who died her today will be held tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock in the Joseph A. Moore Chapel. The Rev. James M. Teresi, pastor of the First Baptist Church will officiate.
   Interment will be in Rose Hill Cemetery, Macon.
   A native of Albany, Mrs. Pattillo was the former Miss Mamie Randall. She is survived by her husband and one son, R. T. Pattillo Jr., Athens, two daughters, Mrs. Thomas H. Clark, Douglas and Mrs. George Morris, Milledgeville, an a sister, Mrs. E. M. Adams, Sr, Macon and four grandchildren.

November 16, 1945
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville, Nov. 13 - Mrs. W.C. Sims, one of Milledgeville's best known women, died tonight after an illness of several weeks.
   Funeral services will be held Friday at 4 p.m. in the First Baptist Church and interment will be in the cemetery here.
   She is survived by the following children, W. R. Sims, Montgomery, Ala.; Mrs. V. H. McRitchie, Hobard, Indiana; Mrs. Jon Hutchinson, Milledgeville; Sgt. Lamar Sims, Army Air Corps; WAC Alma Sims and Mrs Ewell Weathers, Knoxville, Tenn.; two brothers T. C., and T. J. Whatley, of Barnesville; and two sisters Mrs. C. L. Golden and Mrs. Hiram Hartley, Atlanta

December 30, 1945
Macon Telegraph
   Milledgeville Girl Weds Atlantan. Miss Rebcca Hitchcock of Milledgeville and M.Wallace Sipple of Atlanta were married Christmas Day at the home of Mr. Sipple's sister, Miss Louise Sipple, on Vineville Avenue.
   Dr. W. B. Burke performed the ceremony.
   The bride, a daughter of John Hitchcock of Milledgeville, wore a grey wool suit with tiny veiled black hat and black accessories. She wore a lavender orchid corsage.
   After a brief wedding trip, they will be at home at the Robert Fulton Hotel in Atlanta.



Eileen Babb McAdams website copyright 2004