Milledgeville-Baldwin County, Ga.
In The News 1940's

July 31, 1941
The Union-Recorder
Mrs. L.B. Babb Passed Away Thursday Night
           Mrs. Josephine Franklin Babb, widow of the late Mr. L.B. Babb, passed away Thursday afternoon July 24, at her home in East Baldwin after several months of ill health. The funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Black Springs Baptist Church, with Rev. J. M. Gilmore officiating in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends of the deceased. The interment was in the Black Springs cemetery, the following acting as pallbearers: Messrs. Ed Jackson, Grady Possey, A.C. Simpson, George Gilmore, Ralph Simmerson, Howard Underwood  and J.B.Moran.
    Mrs. Babb was 87 years of age, and her long life had been a useful one, as she was a devoted wife and mother. She was a member of the Montpelier Methodist Church for over 60 years and served on the Board of Stewards for a number of years, and was faithful and loyal in the performance of her Christian duties.
       Mrs. Babb is survived by her six sons, Messers. Jerome, Preston and Lonnie Babb of Milledgeville; Clifford Babb of McIntyre; Avery Babb of Lake Port, Calif.; Homer Babb of Charlotte, N.C.; and two daughters, Mrs. J.B. Jackson of Hillside, Pa.; and Mrs. E.W. Jackson of Milledgeville.

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004