Baldwin County Georgia
Photo Album- Brown's Crossing Families
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Submitted by Mary Ann Sanford

The Charles Gilbert Webb Family
Submitted by Mary Ann Sanford

Submitted by Mary Ann Sanford

The Williamson Family c. 1896
Left to right: Fannie Claude Williamson (baby), Black girl unknown
Clifford Williamson Fulbright, Berta Margaret Williamson Digby
(died in childbirth of her son Bert) Aunt Susan Williamson,
(sister of Grandfather Williamson)Claude Bonner Williamson ,
Mary Gertrude Williamson, Willard Fleming Williamson, Peter Washington Williamson

children born after this picture were.....
George Lawrence Williamson
Emmie Pete Williamson Keel
Sara Caroline Williamson Hattaway

This house is the old Williamson homestead located 10 miles west of Milledgeville GA on
Highway 22. It later was the home of Willard Williamson.

Submitted by Mary Ann Sanford

Peter & Claude Bonner Williamson with their pigs on the farm.
Submitted by Mary Ann Sanford

Kate Humphries Webb
Submitted by Mary Ann Sanford

Website copyright Eileen Babb McAdams 2006