Revolutionary Soldier Pension Applications

William Anderson
From the papers in the Revolutinary War Pension clain, W.512, it appears that William Anderson was born January 8, 1763, in Buckingham County, Virgina.
   While residing in Wilkes County, Georgia, he enlisted sometime in 1777, exact date not shown, served as a private in Captain Burrell Smith's Georgia Compnay, and was stationed at Gourd Vine Station at the Cherokee Corner in Georgia, for two and one-half years.
 After the termination of the service, he volunteered, date not given, served six weeks as a rifleman under General Elijah Clarke in the Georgia Troops, and was at the seige of Augusta. He was afterward stationed at Philip's Fort in Wilkes County, Georgia, and at the Broad River Station under Captain Antry (could not identify), length of these two services, six weeks, no dateds are given.
   He again enlisted, date not given, served as a private under General Elijah Clarke, went on an expedition against the lower towns of the Cherokee Indians,  and consisting of destroying seven of these towns, length of service, one month.
   After the Revolution, he continued to reside in Georgia, principally in Wilkes County, that state.
   He was allowed pension on his application executed February 27, 1833, at which time he was a resident of Baldwin County, Georgia.
   He died May 6, 1844, and was a resident of Baldwin County, Georgia.
   The soldier married March 5, 1805, Mary, her maiden name not given.
   She was allowed pension on her application executed May 2, 1853, at which time she was aged sixty-seven years old and resided in Baldwin County, Georgia. In 1857, she was still residing in said Baldwin County, and then stated that she was aged sixty-seven, no explanation given for this discrepancy in age.
    The following children survived the soldier: Louisa Anderson, Sarah Anderson, Allen G. Anderson, Thomas J. Anderson, Lazarus B. Anderson, Henry F. Anderson, David H. Anderson, Gilbert H. Anderson, Mary Ann Anderson, Martha S. Anderson, Ann Mariah Anderson, George W. Anderson and Lucy Ann Anderson.

Uriah Brown
Born April 10, 1760, Salem Co. (Sumpter Distr., S.C.)
Enlisted in Salem County (later Sumpter Co.), S.C. Served 18 months as a private under Captain John Armstrong, Col. Richard Richardson and Arch McDonald  in the South Carolina militia; 18 months under Captain Arch. Huett, Col. Keaton Simmons; 8 months under Captain John Armstrong, Col. Richard Richardson. Battles engaged in were Stono, Eutaw Springs, Fort Scott, Sand Pit Bridge, Georgetown. Discharged Dec. 25, 1784.
Applied for pension application June 3 1833, while living in Hansel's district, Baldwin County GA
No family mentioned in the application.

Tolliver Davis (filed in Monroe County, Ga.)
Enlisted in the state of Virgina in 1779, and served eighteen months in Captain Lamb's Compnay, Colonel  Fehiger's Virginia Regiment.
He was allowed pension  executed March 10, 1827, at which time he was living in Monroe County, aged between sixty-five and seventy. In 1827 he referred to the following children:
Penelope aged between 25 and 30
Polly aged 24
Patsey 20
Charly 18
Emaly 14
Grandson Charles F. Gallaher (?) age 10.
Wife's name not mentioned.

James Duncan
Pension claim, S.37201, James Duncan was born in February 1752, place not stated.
    He enlisted at "Pittsburg on the Ohio" in 1773(?) as a private in Captain Andrew Waggener's Company, Colonel James Wood's Virginia Regiment, served two years and was in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown.
  He enlisted again, date not stated, and no officer's name given, was at the Siege of Ninety Six and battle of Eutaw Springs and served to the close of the Revolution.
    He was allowed pension on his application executed November 19, 1827 while a resident of Milledgeville, Baldwin County, Georgia.
   At the date of application he referred to his family, but gave no names. He died February 17, 1834.

Wiley Goodwin
The record of Wiley Goodwin follows as found in the papers of pension claim, S.37952, based upon his service in the Revolutinary War.
Wiley Goodwin enlisted in 1782 and served as a private in Captain Benjamin Carter's company, Colonial Archibald Lytles, North Carolina regiment, length of tour eighteen months.
    The soldier was allowed pension on his application executed january 16, 1822, at which tjme he was aged fifty-seven yrs and a resident of Anson County, North Carolina. He moved from Anson County, North Carolina, to Baldwin County, Georgia where he was residing in August, 1827.
 It is not stated whether Wiley Goodwin ever married.

Philip Logan
Enlisted in May 1775 served as fife major in Captain Temple Cole's Company, Colonel Thomas Polk's 4th North Carolina Regiment. He was in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and was discharged April 4 1779 by Lt. James Thackston 4th North Carolina Regiment.
He was allowed pension on his application  executed May 30, 1818 at which time he weas 58 yrs old. and was a resident of Baldwin County. No family mentioned in the application.

Thomas Miles
Applied for 1833 - not allowed. He was born November 10, 1780 in Spotsylvania County, VA, died Nov. 23, 1844, in Russell County, Alabama
        While  a resident of Caswell County, North Carolina he enlisted  Sept. 20, 1779/1780, year not precisly known. as a private with the North Carolina Troops and served at various times until sometime in 1781. Term of service amounted to six months, 21 days in all. He was under  Col. William Moore,  Capt. John Faulkner, Capt. Harrison, Capt Dudley Reynolds, Capt Spillsby and  Col. Paisley. He was in the battles of Shallow Ford, Rugley's Mills, Whitsall's Mill, Guilford Court House and an engagement at Baldwin's Plantation.
         He applied for pension on May 27, 1828, while a resident of Baldwin County but his claim was not allowed as he did not have proof of service.
    He died Nov. 23, 1844, in Russell County, Alabama and his wife did not survive him.
  Application was made for the heirs of Thomas Miles in 1854 in Russell County, Alabama by his daughter and  only child, Louisa P. Crowell, who was the wife of John Crowell, and had children but no names were stated. In 1854 Abram Miles of Pike County, Alabama stated that he was the brother of Thomas Miles and his brother was in the war.

James G. Russell
Pension claim S. 31943. James G. Russel was born in 1763 in Fauquier County, Virginia.
   While residing in said county, he enlisted in August 1781 and served eighteen months as a private in Captain Warman's Company, Colonels Febiger's and James Jackson's Virginia Regiments, andwas at the surrender of Cornwallis, battle at Ebenzer, Georgia and one between Ebenezer and Savannah.
    He was allowed pension on his aplication executed February 27, 1833, while a resident of the 105th District of Baldwin County, Georgia.
  He died May 4, 1844 and his widow Marsippa died  November 28, 1844.
  Five children survived her  - Martin; Sarah Gority or Gordy; Rachel Cubage; Mary, wife of John Simpson; and James G.

William Scurlock
In 1833 living in Baldwin County  Ga in Scurlock district aged 71 yrs old.  He was born in Prince William County Va in the year 1762. Enlisted in 1779 at Wilkes County Courth house in North Carolina, and served a total of 12 months.  Some of the officers he served under were  Captain McDonald, Gen. Greene, Gen. Stevens, Gen Pickens
Moved to Georgia in 1783
 Pivate, $40.00 (annual allowance), Sums received $100.00, N. Carolina militia, placed on pension roll  Oct. 26, 1833, commencement of pension March 4, 1831, age 72

Source: Abstracted from Revolutionary War Pension Files, Series: M805  Roll: 116

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2006