Will of William Sims 1810, Baldwin County

In the name of God-Amen-
     I, William Sims of the county of Baldwin & State of Georgia being in a low state of health-but retaining perfect senses & memory for which I thank God-Do make this my last Will and Testament-Item 1st After paying all my just debts, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Judeth Sims (during here life or widowhood), all Estate both real & personal with the Crop that is now growing on my Plantation and Stock of every kind for her maintenance-and to raise my two Youngest Children (towit)
William & Benjamin, as also to pay their schooling and at her death my will and desire is that my whole Estate shall be equally divided Between my two sons above mentioned William Sims & Benjamin Sims, -and if my Estate shall be sufficient my will and desire is that my said Sons, William & Benjamin, shall pay to my grand Children hereafter named the several sums of money hereafter mentioned  (towit-) To Patsey Sims daughter of Frederick Sims One hundred & fifty dollars-To Myles Sims son of Greene Sims One hundred & fifty dollars-To Fanny Tamplin daughter of John Tamplin Fifty dollars-To Epps Warren son of Robert Warren Fifty Dollars-also to my son George Sims I give One dollar-also to Jacob Jackson my Son in Law One Dollar also to Robert Warren my Son In Law One Dollar-also to Green Sims my Son One Dollar-also-Frederick Sims my Son One Dollar-also John Tamplin my son in Law one dollar also I give Benjamin Sims son of Frederick Sims One Bed & Furniture and One Mare and Colt & their Increase which is now in the hands of Frederick Sims-I also appoint my wife Judeth Sims, Myles Greene, George Sims & Alexander Greene, Executors of this my last will & Testatment-as Witness my hand & Seal this 5th day of July 1810.-

Wm. Sims (Seal)

Signed, Sealed & acknowledged
in presence of
Frederick Sims
Robert Samuel
Malichi Joiner

Baldwin Court of Ordinary 3rd Dec-1810
    The within Will was duly proven in open Court by the subscribing Witnesses.-

Baldwin County, Georgia Record of Wills, 1806-1832, pages 35, 36, 37

Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2004